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Asking For It

Chapter 2: Careless

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Celine had tracked him down here.  It hadn't taken long with all the information she'd overheard.  There weren't that many cougar families in Piddleton, and she had his name and his sister's name.


Why had she come here?  She'd seen his tweet to his buddies that he was going to practice swimming at the school pool.  She just needed to see him once - the voice behind the foggy pictures in her head.  She knew what he did to Lilly.  Did she want him to do the same to her?  No.  Of course not.  Besides, what he'd done to the young sheep was probably a one-time thing - opportunity and desire colliding.


The doe paused to catch her breath.  This wasn’t her school, but no one looked twice at her walking in on a weekend to visit the pool.  It was active, but not too active, with a girl's synchronized swimming event roped off in half the pool.  It was still getting set up, but Celine only had eyes for the cougar casually walking down the hallway as if he hadn't raped a little girl three days earlier.  She followed a distance away, ducking behind a big sign when the cat glanced around.


He kicked open the door to the men's locker room, probably the only person in there at this time on the weekend.  The door swung closed behind him and Celine just stood there, staring at the door.  This was as far as she could go.  She didn't dare follow him, alone, into the men's locker room...


"Oh, God," she told herself.  A fifteen-year-old doe with a crush on a sixteen-year-old predator?  It was a cliché from the movies.  But he was worse than any predator on TV.   She closed her eyes and reached for the doorknob...


"Hello, miss...?" she heard from behind.


It was an otter.  In a one-piece swimsuit.  Celine could only guess her age, but she stood only about three and three-quarters feet tall.  Her powerful tail reached all the way to the ground, though adult otters’ legs eventually outgrow their tail.  Her brown fur stood out except where it is restrained by the purple suit with white tulips on the shoulder and again down by her left leg.  "Miss, is this the girl's locker room?"


Celine froze.  She'd been just about to open it.  The girl must have gotten lost.  "Is your mom here?"


"Yeah!" the girl said, brightening up.  "We're in the symphronized swimming class."


Celine took a deep breath.  He wouldn't really, would he?  Such a cute girl happening into the wrong bathroom?  No one could be that cruel.  But Celine had to know, and there was only one way to find out.  Taking a deep breath, the doe said, "Yeah, go on through..."


James had walked through the lockers, past the changing rooms and around to the row of open floor showers and pressed the button on one of them, letting the cool water douse his fur.  He wasn’t afraid to show off his muscular body, so he was sporting a tight, red speedo. He was facing the wall when his ears perked up at the click of the door, but it was the soft, high-pitched voice filtering through the air that piqued his interest.  Maybe a dad with his son or daughter?  He ran his paws over his body, but his eyes were locked on the edge of the showers where the newcomers would appear.


But all his sensitive ears picked up were the light taps of feet moving ponderously over the locker room floor, along with a swishing sound he could barely hear over the water.


"Mom?" the voice asked.


A girl's voice.  It was still in the locker room area, before the changing rooms, before the showers.


"Mom...?" the voice asked again, now just past the lockers.


Izzy saw a row of porcelain urinals and raised an eyebrow.  Someone was in the shower, but wasn't answering, and she didn't see her mom, or the other moms, or the other girls.  She almost ran back the way she came, her short, curved ears flat.  But that pretty doe had told her this was the right place...


She tiptoed past the changing rooms, turning the corner before gasping when she saw someone in there.  But it wasn't a girl or a mom.  It was an older boy!


He had to force himself not to freeze for too long at his absurd luck when he saw the insanely cute little otter girl peeking around the corner.  The cougar didn't even know what hit him - why was his mind immediately contemplating all the different ways he might get this girl alone?  Yes, he’d had plenty of fun punishing the sheep for interrupting his video game, but this little otter?  She’d done nothing wrong.  A low growl was building in his throat, but he quieted it as best he could.


She knew now that she’d wandered into the boy's locker room by mistake.  How embarrassing!  And now she'd seen a cougar showering when she wasn't supposed to.  Worse, he'd seen her, his eyes looking her over.  "S-sorry, sorry, sorry!" the girl gasped, ducking back around the corner.


When he didn’t hear her feet on the tile, he managed to resist his urge to dive to the corner and just chase her like a feral cougar might, his fur on end and tail twitching.  Instead, he stopped the shower and walked in her direction.  "Hi, can I help you?"


"I think I got lost," she said, turning to face the cougar but keeping her eyes down.  Her large otter whiskers trembled, remembering the tiny little speedo that hid nothing of his predatory muscles bulging through his damp fur.  She wasn't supposed to look there, but she couldn't help seeing the large lump straining at the spandex cloth, even with the shortest glimpse.  "I-I'll just go," she chirped.


He looked down at the top of her head.  "Oh, did you?  It's alright."  A tiny chuckle escaped him as he continued as politely as he could, "The girl's locker room is right there."  He pointed at the doorway to the changing rooms - lockable, sound protected rooms that would serve him quite well.  The powerful cougar just couldn't help ogling  the young otter, running scenarios and imagining if the otter was gonna be slicker or tighter than the sheep he raped just a few days ago…


Izzy glanced that way.  "Oh...thanks," she said, and took a step that way.  "Mom'll be wondering where I am."  Something odd rang in her voice.


Perhaps the girl was a bit more knowledgeable than she'd first appeared.  She was the same size as James' sister when the girl was 10, but otters are often smaller than mountain lions.  She was clearly trying to make it seem like her mom would come looking for her if she didn’t show up right away.  That meant she knew what James was capable of.  He appraised her wide rump with a new look of appreciation, the tight swimsuit bunching up between her legs to emphasize her own little lumps.  What a little minx - not as innocent as she’d seemed.


He wasn’t ready for it - the girl was more aware than he expected.  Without warning, she changed direction, running instead for the front door to the locker room.  She knew the cougar was misleading her, and she knew why he might, and her only hope is  to get out of there as fast as possible.


He pursued quickly, her lead falling away.  While he was clearly faster than her, just as he was about to grab the terrified pre-teen, she jumped and slid across the tile floor, narrowly avoiding him.  Just long enough to reach the locker room door -


Which was locked.  She tugged and tugged, realizing the lock was turned far too late.  "Doe?  Ma'am!  Help!" she cried, fumbling at the lock, but -


She could already feel his paw snaking around her belly and the other one clamping her tiny jaw shut.  He simply picked her up like a doll and strode past the lockers, the otter kicking and wailing.  If she was too loud, they might get interrupted, so he squeezed the girl hard around the middle and said, "Shut up, girl, you don't want to get in trouble sneaking around the boy’s locker room do you?" in a dramatic whisper.


"Help!  Stop it!" she struggled, wiggling out of his vice grip.  "I didn't mean to see was an accident!" she gasped, tears in her eyes.


"Shut up!  What didn't you understand!?"  She’d been calling for someone - a doe, so there must have been someone in the hallway before.  If she heard…  Frustrated, James dug a few claws into the otter’s rump - not enough to draw blood, but sharp enough to get his point across.


The row of thick-walled dressing rooms was completely vacant.  Most guys didn't use them in the first place, leaving them threadbare and dilapidated.  But they still had locks.  This time, his grip on her muzzle held and she couldn't object other than to cry, her tail thumping against him like the dying throes of overcome prey.  He threw her into the first open stall, closing the door behind them and twisting the lock.  He plopped her down in the middle of the room and stared sternly down at her, channeling his best angry teacher voice.  "What are you doing in the boy’s locker room?  Trying to sneak a peek?  Think you’re so cute you can get away with it?”  Even if she screamed now, the walls of the changing room, the vastness of the locker room, and the thickness of the tile walls would prevent any sound from reaching the raucous pool.


"Th-the doe told me this was the girl's room.  I s-swear!  Please...believe me...!"


"Didn’t your mother teach you not to lie?  There ain't no doe.  You just wanted to look at some cocks and hide behind your cute whiskers to get away with it.  Did you think I wouldn’t want a peek back?  Or were you counting on it?"  He looked down at her crotch, amazed at just how much of her little pussy poked out through the tight cloth.  She had definitely outgrown this suit.


"N-n-no!" she gasped, whiskers trembling.  But still, his comments made her glance back down at his tight speedo.  She hadn’t meant to see anything, but the young girl couldn’t pretend she wasn’t curious.  The fear, embarrassment, and his predatory eyes made her uncomfortable, and she crossed her arms in front of her.  "I'm just trying to find my mommy," she whimpered, tears in her eyes.


"Is that right?" he asked, his paws lowering to his speedo.  Her eyes followed, widening, and James winked.  “Seems like you do want a look.  I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours…”  Without waiting for a response, he grabbed his speedo and pulled it down his hips, stepping out the discarded cloth. Out of a field of lighter tan fur, his white sheath exposed his angry, red, hard cock glistening with precum, tiny barbs already visible.


She froze up, jaw dropped at her first look.  She was barely more than eye-level with his dick, just a foot or two away, standing speechless, her little paws moving to her face as she gasped.  She’d never seen a boy’s penis before, except a drawing in a “Where Do Babies Come From?” book.  But that one had been chubby and pointed downward.  Nothing like the cougar’s.


He grinned, flexing his muscles, showing off to the pre-teen otter, drooling at her tiny body. "You like it, little slut?"


"N-no," she said, ears flat.  She’d heard that bad word before, but never meant to be called a slut herself.  Shivering, she glanced to the door behind him.  But he was in the way.  "Just let me go," she whined, now finally averting her gaze from his swelling dick.


"Don't be shy.  You can even touch it!" he said, drool beginning to well up behind his lips.


"I-if I do that, will you let me go?" she asked hopefully.


"Hmm.  If you want out, you’ll have to suck on it.”


"What!?" she gasped.  "No."  Private parts weren't supposed to be seen, or touched, and they certainly weren't supposed to be tasted.


"I shoulda figured you didn’t really want to go.  I don't mind at all, you little tease.  There’s so much more fun we can have together."  James winked and grabbed her paw, sliding around her to sit on the bench before pulling her up with him too, side by side.


Izzy tried to pull away, but he was too strong.  "Don't -" she started, opening her mouth again.


A hand on the back of her thick neck, he pushed her head down toward his crotch.  "Open up!”


"Don't do -" she tried again, pushing with both paws on his left thigh.


She stopped talking when his slimy cock started prying her lips apart, his hand firmly on her scruff. "Open up!" he growled, sneaking his free hand down the side of her muzzle.  Pushing painfully against her lips, she couldn’t stop him from prying her muzzle open.  Without further warning, he poked his hot, feline organ onto her tongue, dripping salty precum down her chin.


The young girl had sharp teeth but dared not try to use them.  She struggled uselessly, her muffled gasps and sputters only audible in the nearby changing rooms - even if a throng of guys were getting ready to swim they'd hear nothing from the dark, closed room.  But someone was listening in.


Unable to pull back, the little otter gave in - he did promise to let her go after this.  Tears streaking her face, she felt him rock his hips, shoving his barbed cock deep into her warm, wet muzzle, clearly enjoying her debasement.  She gripped the wooden bench on which the cougar sat, her claws scratching long streaks in the surface.


Neither of them could know that Celine was in the next stall over.  Someone had to have locked the door from the inside, and she’d hid in one of the toilets until she realized he was really planning to rape the young otter.  But when she took to the changing room beside them and found a curious horizontal slice in the side of the wall just beneath the mirror, she realized she could literally watch the whole thing.  She could see and hear the results of her actions, a pit in her stomach as she could hardly believe what she was doing.  Before, with the sheep, she'd been miles away, but now she knew she could stop him, or at least catch him - call the police, get the moms swimming in the pool to come charging in, make a lot of noise until he thought wiser about going through with it.  She could stop this at any moment, and she was just listening, one eye peeking through the peephole.  The only thing that assuaged Celine's guilt was pretending that she didn't know he'd really try to rape the young girl.  But now she knew, and now she saw.  Her face burned, watching.


"Aaah, good girl, just like that…" he said, enjoying the little otter muzzle on his cock, finally starting to hump upward.  Smiling softly, the cougar wiped her tears away and stroked her head.  Her breath was fast and hot over his abdomen as her drool slicked up and down his entire length, coating and dulling the growing barbs.  She was cute before, but she was even cuter pressed down on the end of his cock.  With one arm, he slid her off the bench until she was kneeling pathetically between his legs, lips wrapped around his dick.  She stared up into his eyes, the hurt and horror palpable, but falling on blind eyes.  He only thrilled at the helplessness in her tear-stained expression, which was arguably even more arousing than the slick pleasure running through the nerves on his throbbing cock.


Those sad eyes staring up at him brought him right over the edge.  Felines weren’t known for stamina, and he was more than ready - he roughly grabbed her ear and scruff and pushed her all the way down, his tip tickling her throat.  Without breaking eye contact, he mewled, his barbs flaring and scratching her mouth as he came down her throat.  "Nnnngrrrrah!” he growled, satisfied, before panting, “There you go, just like you wanted, you dirty swamp rat."


She tried to gag and pull away but his claws just tore at her fur as he kept her stuck on his cock until the last drop of his load spilled down her throat.  When he finally stopped cumming his paw left her scruff and he leaned down to growl-whisper, "Now that I gave you what you wanted, it’s time for you to pay me back."


The abused girl was  still coughing, her violated tongue still stained with something she knew she wasn't old enough for, the salty taste alone made her gag.  James laughed when her effort to speak was interrupted by a cute little burp.  She still didn’t realize she had no say in the matter, because instead of replying, she leapt for the door.  This time, James was ready and grabbed her large tail.  She scratched at the knob, but couldn’t quite reach the lock mechanism before the cougar dragged her backwards.  She tried to push and squirm away but gasped, "Ow!" when James pulled her tail.  "Y-you said you'd let me go...!"


This time, James lifted the girl up by the neck of her swimsuit, pulling the otter into the air to face his sneering expression.  The suit tightened even more noticeably around her underage loins, cupping her mons pubis so that he could even see evidence of her untried slit.  With his other paw, he groped her between the legs, tracing the shape of her pussy.


No, no, don't you dare, Celine thought, her fingers down her pants, glancing sideways through the little slit in the wall.  She both wanted him to go further and didn't want that, the terrified moans of the little girl making the doe light-headed.  She'd done this.  She'd caused this.  The otter was completely blameless...


"You didn't take the deal, did you girl?  What's your name, tadpole?"  Casually rubbing her cunt, he tucked a thumb under the cloth and pulled it to the side until it snapped on her inner thigh.  He purred as his big cougar paw finally touched her bare cunny, massaging her where they both knew he shouldn’t.


"I-Izzy," she groaned, squirming, her swimsuit’s little flowers stretched and warped, her pussy so casually revealed to the open air, the scent of her fear and...something else tickling the cougar's nose.  “Pl-please let me go," she begged, staring straight into his predatory gaze.


He leaned in, closer, spreading her virgin cunny open with his paw and pushing a finger inside her.  At the same time, he gave her a proper sloppy French kiss, stealing her first kiss after her first blowjob, what a rare treat!  "No, Izzy. You are going to be a good girl and return the favor," he pants, taking a sharp breath of fresh, musky air.  She was older than she looked.  She was in heat, a little woman pretending to be a little girl who couldn’t read signs on doors or pronounce ‘synchronized’.  She was ready and able to give him what he needed.


She didn't know what he wanted and couldn't guess how far he'd go.  Shivering, she had held herself still for the very one-sided kiss, her otter lips easily overpowered by the large cat.  She had to resist the urge to push his invasive paw away, knowing that she'd anger him.  Instead, she reflexively squeezed her underage pussy together, pressuring his digit.


Licking his lips, he let her squeeze his finger away, the wet pressure leaving dew across his furry pad, before diving his head between her legs.  He pushed his cold wet nose on her cunny lips and sniffed like taking a hit of hard drugs. "Such a swampslut, no wonder you are so eager, good girl - coming to find me in heat."  He winked at her and let her go, his eyes running up and down her thick body.


She took a stumbling step back, leaning on her tail as she stood over the large cougar for once, though he was crouched in a predatory pose.  She put her palms up like she was under arrest, saying, "I didn't.  I wasn't!" trying to figure out what and why this was happening to her.  Despite his insistence that she knew more than she let on, the otter girl didn’t even know what ‘heat’ was.


Celine knew exactly why this was happening, breathing short and ragged so as not to be discovered.  Through the slit she could see a perfect image of the otter girl, standing just as pretty as when the doe had met her, only her swimsuit was tugged to the side, her fur was ruffled, and her face was devastated.  The girl should really wipe her brown chin, but she had other things to worry about sniffing between her legs, that large, muscular tail no use from this angle.


"Don't be shy, mudweasel, I’ll take good care of you," he comforted her, reaching up to pet her head with his huge paw.  He hopped off the bench and dropped to all fours, pushing her with his muzzle into a corner until her large rudder was stuck up against the wall.  She yelped and flattened against the two walls as the cougar started lapping at her cunt, long, tasty, messy licks, his rough tongue pushing up and into the little otter, sandpaper surface slurping up the very beginnings of the young girl’s unwelcome arousal.  At least the gentle juices protected her petals at least a little bit from his scratchy tongue.  Not that he cared.


"What are you -" Izzy began to ask, before her little paws were on the top of James' head, pushing him away futilely as the mix of sensations overwhelmed the young girl.  The soft one-piece suit was no protection, tugged to the side, her mustelid mound helpless against the large, raspy tongue violating her still somewhat pure pussy.  "Ohhhh..." she groaned, mostly in pain, unaware that she was starting to punch and scratch the predator, despite her fear.


He only chuckled at her weak resistance, his ears more than up to the little girl’s challenge.  Like a child petting a cat too hard, Izzy was helpless to stop James diving up and deeper, his tongue curling wide and coating every inch of her untried pussy.  He couldn’t help but guzzle the sweet scent and flavor of her heat, her claws digging into his head, her feet stretching and clenching against the floor.  "Stop," the young girl winced, her body fertile but definitely virginal - despite her swimming, the young otter's inner barrier was still intact, squeezing up against James' rasping tongue.


He grew even more enthusiastic as he hit her firm hymen, backing off a little bit to let his feline tongue eagerly but randomly take sloppy and rough licks of her fertile passage, driving himself crazy with his nose pressed up on her clit.  The scent, so clean and enticing just flowed straight into his adolescent brain, making the cat drip precum on the floor already.  He made sure to thoroughly clean her cavern, until her juices were running down his chin.


He couldn't help but notice her protests had faded from her mouth, her only resistance those insistent paws sliding down and digging into his shoulders as she vainly tried to push him away.  She was huffing, her eyes wide as she stared down at the big cat, whimpering especially when his sharp tongue nudged her little clit, something she'd never known the purpose of before.  Now she knew - it was designed to hurt, to make it clear just how wrong this was.  "St-stop!" she managed again, after what seemed like minutes of wordless grunts and moans.


James obeyed his little toy otter, pulling his tongue out by dragging its whole length across her quivering clit and taking a step back, looking up into her eyes. "Can’t wait any longer, huh Izzy?  Fine, I’ll give you what you really need.  Go on, turn around, paws on that bench, slut," he spat, no longer keeping up any pretense.


Celine shivered and the barely restrained, predatory growl from the powerful cougar, imagining it was herself who had to bend over the bench and offer her little rump to the beast.  But no, she was safe and sound one room over, her jaw trembling as she stared through the peep hole at what she both desperately wanted to stop and desperately wanted to happen.


"No, no, no..." Izzy chanted, recognizing, as if for the first time, that James was always going to do this.  He was always going to rape her.  She didn't know everything, but she knew enough, and bending over for him was not a good idea.  "D-don't rape me," she begged, the word unfamiliar on her lips - something she'd never had to think about, until now.  She jumped to the left and grabbed at the door handle nearby, but it was locked, and her hands fumbled with the mechanism.


Laughing, he grabbed her thick tail and pulled her away from the door, her claws skidding on the smooth floor.  "I don't have to rape you, Izzy, if you just let me fuck you," he giggled softly, smacking her ass with a free paw.


Izzy froze, her jaw clenched.  She was doomed - just about to give up and give the mountain lion what he wanted when a new sound filtered into the room.  It wasn’t Celine - she kept her breathing slow and steady.  But she left her door open, and voices wafted in from the locker rooms, the low pitch of men arriving for the pool.  They were laughing and talking, and more than enough sound passed through the little hole in the wall.  There was a precious half-second before Izzy figured it out - and screamed.


James' pupils stretched out to crescent slits, freezing up for the barest moment before the bitch managed to fill her lungs and let out some sound before a big paw firmly squeezed her small snout shut, his other around her neck, the cat squeezing her back against his chest while she kicked uselessly against the air.  "Shut up, bitch, shut up!" he desperately whispered into her ear, listening intently.  As powerful as he’d been when they were alone, if they were discovered he was in deep, deep shit.


But despite the shriek, nothing changed.  The voices continued as normal, just a few dozen feet away, perhaps assuming the little girl's scream was filtering in from the main pool area.  Izzy was still trying through James' grip, kicking and struggling - if she had yelled "help" or "rape" it might have gotten through to them.  James and Izzy heard more laughing and one of the showers turning on, muffling the sounds even more.


The panic fading away, he looked angrily down at the otter, squeezing her muzzle with a death grip.  His hackles began to fall as he grabbed her left ear and viciously yanked on it, bringing his face down next to her and whispering "That was a mistake, cutie - one you’re going to regret."  He let go of her ear and grabbed his school-issued rubber armband, wrapping it once, twice, tightening it around Izzy’s broad muzzle and pinning her large whiskers down around her chin.  Muzzle secure, he let go and grabbed her paws, wrenching them behind her back.  "I am going to rape your fertile little cunt, girl, and I am putting kittens into that flat, little tummy of yours.  That was gonna happen anyway.  But I was gonna play nice.  Little sluts that can’t keep their muzzles shut?  I don’t care what happens to them.”


Izzy whimpered as her last hope faded away, her muzzle painfully snapped shut.  Worse, the sounds of the men faded away after Celine rushed over to her door and closed it as gently as possible, blocking all but the loudest sounds from outside.  Four or five guys outside were cheerfully showering, getting ready for a relaxing afternoon swim, completely unaware of what was happening just fifty feet away, in the dark, locked changing room.


James, still holding her wrists with just one paw in the small of her beck, pushed her down, kicking her feet out so that Izzy fell forward, dangling by her arms painfully.  The big cougar rested his abdomen on her raised rump, his knees together between her spread legs, her virgin cunny peaking at him from below her tail.  He leaned back over her, whispering again in her ear, "I bet you always wanted a kitten - but probably not like this," he chuckled darkly, letting go of her hands.


Frantic, she tried to scramble away from him, only managing to climb halfway onto the bench along the back of the room, claws tearing through the cloth that served as wallpaper as though she could scale the wall like a squirrel.  Instead, she just put gashes in the wall, her rump and tail neatly presented for the mountain lion to consume.


Celine was dripping wet, her hand working so hard in her snatch that she was having trouble watching through the crack, her long ears flat.  He wasn’t lying - she could smell Izzy's heat, even though she seemed too young for that.  But where there's a heat, there's a way, and James was more than willing to travel down that path.  Even though cougar and otter were different species, there was still a good chance he’d make good on his threat and leave the roly-poly otter even rounder in a few months…whether they’d be otters or cougars up to a roll of the dice.  New life, from the darkest moment of the poor girl’s short experiences…that never would have happened without Celine’s intervention.  She panted, her teardrop squeezing and humping around her damp fingers.


The door to first James' room and then Celine's jingled as one of the men tried to enter a changing room.  He settled for the third one down after just a second, unable to hear Izzy's frantic, muffled screams.


The horny cougar put his paws on Izzy’s shoulders, once again grabbing and pinning her claws behind her back so that her scratches couldn’t be heard on the other side.  He lifted himself up, mounting her, her dripping cunny exposed as he leaned over and pushed her tail aside, touching her quivering, ragged pussy with his firm, barbed cocktip.  Licking the back of her neck, he nibbled on her right ear.  "You come in here to sneak a peek, I give you all you want and more, and you have the gall to try to get me in trouble!?" he whispered ominously into her bothered ear.  Izzy whined uncontrollably, begging him wordlessly to stop, but the cat has already decided she needs to be punished.  His rough cock tip once again touches a warm pair of lips, and this time he pushed forward, penetrating her underage cunny all the way to her firm, flexible barrier.  The cougar held the frantic, whining girl down on his dick - such a delicious, young pussy wrapped around his tip.


Feeling him invade her again, this time with his penis, she struggled hard, unable to stop the powerful teenager from spreading her virginity wide around his sharp dick.  Her wide, powerful tail was useless, pinned to the side.  She shrieked in pain, but the sounds were cut off by the tight, improvised muzzle.  She tugged and pulled until her shoulders were aching from the effort, but James casually lifted her up and smashed her down onto the bench, knocking the wind out of her.


Celine was crouched now, rubbing herself with both eyes peeking through the slit in the wall, transfixed on the very moment he claimed the otter's heat-swollen pussy, biting her lower lip as she awaited the inevitable cherry popping - something the fifteen-year-old doe had yet to lose on her own, though she had her fingers teasing at the thin barrier as she watched.


The big cat took a tiny step to give himself the leverage he needed, his barbed cock putting more and more pressure on the delicate cherry.  "Mine," he growled and bit her scruff, his teeth and his barbs penetrating her skin in two places at the same moment, his powerful hips humping forward and driving his sharp, teenage dick into the tiny otter.  Stretching and popping her virginity, drops of blood ran down his balls as he sinks deeper and deeper, trying to get it all inside - to taste that tight, molding cunny in its entirety.


Her body went rigid from her whiskers to the tip of her tail, trembling so slightly as to be unnoticeable, as searing pain ripped through the young girl - claimed far too young.  She didn't even know this cougar's name, yet here she was, her swimsuit wrapped to the side of her bulging pussy as she was deflowered by the crude, violent mountain lion, who's only interest in her was whether she'd get unlucky enough to have his cubs.  He held her down like a tool to be used, and now he was using her, her wide hips squished up against the bench with each fervent thrust.


And she wasn't the only girl drooling, Celine's heart pounding, breaking, trapped between the lurid joy of watching the trauma unfold and the deep pit of guilt that she'd caused it.


James growled and tugged on her scruff, the young and supple body trembling in his paws driving the cat wild.  He started humping the otter frantically, driving deep inside her, stretching her cunny until he managed to ram his cock balls deep and grinding right up against her cervix, his pointed tip poking through.  Already his barbs were flaring, causing more pain and discomfort to his victim with each thrust.  He pulled out only to hammer back inside again, hitting her cervix every time, fucking the otter like a little fleshlight, his orgasm not far away.  "Your virgin cunt is so tight, Izzy, what do you think?  How many cute kittens can I slip into that bulging belly of yours?"  He grabbed one of her paws and pressed it against her tummy, her hot womb pulsating against her soft pad.


Only now does it connect for her that he really could fill her womb, leave her a swollen little girl full of cougar cubs.  She murmured and mumbled, but she couldn’t reply, tears streaming down her face as her insides burn and bleed, no amount of heat enough to prep her underage body for his feline onslaught.  That possessive paw on her stomach made her tremble and weep, knowing that any moment, he would claim the womb he was rubbing.  Muffled cries of "No" barely made it to James' ears.


Celine was panting, imagining the sheep that had come before Izzy.  Celine had only heard the rape that time, but now she could put the pieces together in her mind.  Seeing Izzy squealing beneath James, the doe could finally imagine what had captured her dreams for three full days.  She could see every thrust and tail twitch, the naked cougar's muscular body and his taut, hefty balls, readying himself to change the otter's life forever.  Celine groaned, her fingers soaked as she neared her peak, comfortable in the safety of her locked dressing room.


James didn't wait around.  The devious cougar kept humping his tiny trophy, fucking the young girl savagely, his barbed dick a streak of red as he pounded her hips.  He can hear her tiny voice begging and replied, "Yes, bitch, take my litter…" as he squeezed his dark, red swollen organ, his tip buried just inside her womb, barbs hooking into the inside of her cervix.  He wasn’t going to stop, he didn’t care how much the little girl didn’t want it - he pushed inside and let himself go, releasing hard inside Izzy's tiny womb.  Spurt by spurt filled the girl up mercilessly as she lay pressed up against the bench, sharp pokes holding him deep in her burning pussy so that every last drop pushed outward.  Her palm, pressed to her belly, felt as she rounded out just a bit more, belly bloating with cougar cum.


At the same time, he reached forward and unlooped the rubber band from around the little girl's muzzle, with a whisper-growl of warning, "You scream, you die."  The threat dripped off his nearby fangs.  Immediately, the otter was forced to muffled herself, biting down to keep from wailing as his thick, throbbing cock delivered fresh load after load of warm, bubbling cum straight into her fertile, otter uterus.  Would death be worse than returning, bruised and battered, pregnant, to her mother's disappointed gaze, who'd warned her on no uncertain terms not to lift her tail for anyone?  Perhaps she could hide it, but not if she was knocked up.  She sobbed, but she was all out of tears.  "W-why...?" she begged, albeit softly.


"Because I want to and you were asking for it anyway," he panted, balls twitching.  He instinctively and brutally yanked his raspy, still-spurting cock out of her womb, dragging it back through the entire length of her otter hole, tearing at her ragged vulva.  He bit down on her scruff and held her in place, his feline dick dripping cum on the ground as the little girl bit down on her hand to keep from screaming out in pain.


Suddenly empty, her aching pussy burned, dripping its own unbidden juices on the floor of the changing room - an appropriate name considering just how much being dragged into this room and raped had changed the young otter.  She could barely hold in her pained bellow, terrified that she didn't keep it quiet enough to satisfy the predator whose teeth were still around her neck.  She held her breath, tail flopping over - too weak to stay upright, her toes clenching and unclenching.


With a loud sigh, the big cat finally let go of her scruff, leaving noticeable marks on her neck and a sizable bump in her belly.  Rubbing her tummy gently, he growled "I am sure I scored some kittens in there swamprat - you’re gonna look super cute pregnant."  He nuzzled her with real affection, trying to force her snout into a kiss.  Her efforts to keep quiet required so much concentration that she wasn't ready for his tongue, but that didn’t stop James from grabbing her muzzle, turning her head, and stuffing his scratchy tongue down her throat, easily overpowering the young otter's tongue.


Celine shuddered at the faux tenderness of his kiss and came, her free hand bunched up in her own muzzle to keep quiet as she started to climax, her whole body trembling at what she just witnessed.  The exhilaration was not at all diminished by her guilty tears that fell down her cheeks even as she humped frantically.  The sheer confidence, power, and dismissiveness of the teenage cougar made her melt, now having left two young girls torn and battered.  But how would he stop this little girl from telling on him?