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RWBY Volume 10 Light Souls

Chapter 14: Unholy Manifestation


Thanks to Tenma, the resistance were able to find the Summer maiden, unfortunately the shadow who helped Salem was about to counter them with something unbelievable.


Sorry for the late, especially that i have no excuse since i was playing Fate Grand Order but what can i say. So here it is, a short chapter focus on vad guys. Also a surprising new happen.

Sailor Moon = 46 points
Fire emblem = 44 points
Yugioh = 7 points

Yep Sailor Moon took the lead but it's far from over the final result will be on Chapter 26.

So without further ado. Enjoy !

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After her defeat of the last month, Salem was endured a really painful power up, her whole body didn't felt that kind of pain since a long time but compared to the humilation she dealt against Tenma she really wanted to destroy him for good and was ready to do anything to gain victory. After her daily body reinforcement she asked the shadow something.


Salem: So how my evolution is going ?

???: Pretty well to say the least but still not enough.

Salem: You do realize that we let them a whole month of rest.

???: Don't forget that i always watch their every moves.

Salem: They still didn't found the Summer maiden ?

???: They have some clues but no, not yet.


As they go throught Salem's palace they continue their discussion.


Salem: So, what about the other ? How their evolution is going ?

???: Cinder is doing fine thanks to the Fall maiden's power. Mercury and Tyrian are quite tough but still have some difficulties left. Jax and Gillian are still weaken but their recovery is going well.

Salem: What about Grimmified team RWBY ?

???: Same as the Asturias brother, weak but since they're Grimm it won't be long before they go back to the battlefield.

Salem: And the project ?

???: See for yourself.


They arrived at a hidden section of the palace.


???: More than a 1000 Grimm who can equal Tenma Incolore. The 1st born with be activate in some days.

Salem: But magic is still not enough ?

???: Creating an artificial life even with magic is a real challenge even me i have my limits....for now.

Salem: Hmph in any case this month have proven to be quite produccing.





???: Well seems he became even more powerful than expected.

Mercury: How the fuck this damn Incolore even acquire so much power in so little time ?

Cinder: That's Something I Would Like To Know As Well !!

???: The thing is....he didn't became stronger. The true is that he regain his original power.


Everyone: What !!?

Salem: What’s that suppose to mean ?

???: Archetype: Planet !!!

Cinder: What’s that ?

???: The Incolore's true name and origin.


???: An being create and powered by the by reality itself.

Everyone: !!!!!

???: Normally because of the curse he should only be able to access to a fraction of that immense power, but now that Tenma is redeemed thanks to Ruby's love, he is now capable of unleashed the true might of his family.


Cinder: Could you elaborate. What do you mean a fraction ? Even with their sealed power they were far more stronger than Salem but now....

???: If i should place percentage it would be: Sealed Potential = 5-10 % of his real power.

Everyone: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


???: You can scream all you want, facts are here. You can't even access to the KEY'S power anymore.

Mercury: Then what ? We already lost !?

???: Not quite ! I know a way for you to gain power. Buuuutt.

Salem: But what ?

???: Well it won't be a problem for Salem and Cinder since they possess magic but for the rest of you it will be quite painful.

Tyrian: I don't care as long as i can deal with this children i don't fucking care about pain. For our goddess !

Mercury: Me too !

???: Well then let's get going !




???: So Cinder how are you feeling ?

Cinder: More stronger !

???: Don't think this is over yet, when you'll get the Summer maiden power it will be more stronger.

Cinder: Can't wait to feel the power !

???: Tyrian, Mercury you thought on those implant ?

Tyrian: Well this kinda rock !

Mercury: It's quite alright.

???: Now then i have 3 informations to communicate !


???: 1st is this one. You can come out !

Salem: Well well well....

Cinder: Adam Taurus in Grimm form !

???: He is just a brainless soldier but that's what you need and since we're at it. The 2nd info is this one.

Cinder: What’s inside this coffin ?

???: The body of Samael Incolore !

Salem: What !?

Cinder: Who is this ?

???: The 1st fallen of the Incolore.

Mercury: Wait, how did you obtain this ?

???: No matter !

Salem: What are you intend to do ?

???: This body has the ability to block every weapon of the gate and are immune to his magic, you know where this is going.

Salem: You wanted to counter him in every possible way.

???: Yes, even the powered up weapon of the resistance won't do a single thing against him.

Salem: Very fascinating. Now what about the 3rd info ?

???: It's been quite some time now but i already face Tenma Incolore myself although it was when he didn't have his original power. When i face him i gave him a wrong identity.

Salem: And !?

???: Right now he have some doubt since i fake being sealed so he will probably ask you all about me.

Cinder: Oh interesting.

Salem: And what was the name you gave him ?

???: Cerberus Incolore !
But it's just a fake identity, my real self is much more deeper than you, much more older than you, much more darker than you Salem.

Salem: Well as long as you're against Tenma Incolore i don't care what you are.

???: You may continue to refer to me as Shadow and if Tenma ask you about my fake identity you already know what to do ?

Everyone: Of course !

???: Good....Mmhmm.

Salem: What ?

???: Seems they have found the Summer maiden.

Cinder: Then...

???: Yes Cinder it's your turn ! Adam and Samael will go with you.

Cinder: Hahahahaha !! Now time to take my revenge.


End of Chapter 14


Updates of power.

Maria's semblance has gained new abilities that combine with the actual power of her semblance. She can now enhance her power, defence and speed ( something like Shulk's Monado from Xenoblade.)
Her weapon, Crystal Life can create a Crystal version of Her death weapon, only in CrystalicLink mod, she can throw it like a giant projectile that can be command with thoughts.