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Taisho Police Report

Chapter 2: Codename: Mountain


We begin with the first elite, the strongest.

Chapter Text


Name: Unknown
Nickname: Mountain
Height: 7’2 (218cm)
Gender: Male
Age: 25 – 30
Hair: Black, shaved at the bottom
Eyes: White, possibly blind
Facial features: Scar across the forehead
Build: Extremely muscular
Clothing: Military grade uniform seen on all members, gold buttons, green haori with seals
Weapon: Flail and Axe
Notes: Often seen crying, all other members (including other elites) look up to him, often seen alone.


He has been active for 8 YEARS. Police officers should keep an eye on him from afar to make sure no harm comes to anyone however they should not continue pursuit if he becomes aware of your presence.


Once the trainees opened to the first page Haguchi began to talk once more in a stern voice, “Please make yourself familiar with each member of the organisation. We will start with ‘The Mountain’ who has been active the longest out of all the current elites. A short description of each member is in the folder as they have very distinct appearances which will make it far more difficult to blend in, especially ones like ‘Mountain’. He is also much older than other members, therefore is more experienced as seen when multiple of them team up. Witnesses have described him as tearing up very easily and a soft but gravelly voice. They have also spoken of his distrust for smaller children though no mention of him harming them has been made of yet. He is seen the most often in smaller, countryside villages, mostly because his stature makes it hard to blend in.” Haguchi turned to the recruits to survey their reactions.

One of the recruits, Timachi Fogu, raises his hand, “Sir not to be rude but it says he is ‘possibly blind’, how can he fight if he is blind? Sir!”, Fogu says with confusion underlying his voice.

Haguchi’s eyes shined at the question as he liked it when officers questioned what they see to gather more information. Replying to it with hidden enthusiasm, “That, is because he had no pupils or irises, no-one who can see are without them. He is also found touching things, as if mapping them, as well as asking what merchants sell. Officers have noted that when paying he feels the money instead of looking at them to see how much they are worth. As for how he can fight, we still don’t know”, Haguchi answered honestly. “He is as much of a mystery as all the other, from where they come from, to who they were and why they joined. Witnesses who have seen him fight a too shaken up to answer properly, or refuse to answer at all, though they did say he wields a flail and axe. We believe that the weapon is hidden under his haori, which is why he is not to be approached by any means. Now any more questions”, looking around, seeing no hands raised he continued, “ Very we will turn to the next elite”.