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Pooping Stories

Chapter 8: Bob's Outhouse Dump


Bob is taking a hike while on a camping trip when he suddenly needs to empty his bowels.


Requested by: No one

Contains: Poop, farts, and minor mentions of desperation

Chapter Text

Bob was out on a camping trip in the woods. It was a perfect day to be outside, so he decided to take a hike on one of the nearby trails. After gathering his essential gear, he set off for one of the forest paths.

Sometime during the hike, Bob suddenly felt a stirring in his gut and some familiar pressure in his rectum. He needed to get to a toilet and fast. He knew he wouldn't be able to make it back to the campsite bathrooms, so he prepared to find a secluded place to do his business. Just as he was heading for a large tree a ways away, he saw an old fashioned outhouse conveniently placed up the trail and next to the path. Preferring to use an outhouse rather than the outdoors, he quickly walked up to it and knocked on the door. It wasn't occupied, so he went inside and locked the door.

Despite being old, the outhouse seemed to be maintained relatively well. Bob put his stuff down, dropped his pants, and sat on the seat. He made sure to align himself up properly with the hole to prevent any messes and he started pushing.

A loud fart erupted from Bob's ass as soon as he pushed and he stopped for a moment, being caught off guard by the volume of the noise. He pushed again and a second, very loud fart escaped his bowels. These two farts were already stinking up the outhouse and he hadn't even started pooping yet. He pushed again and a thick, long log opened up his anus, sliding through his cheeks before tapering off and dropping into the outhouse's pit with a distant plop. A second log, equal in size, began its descent out of Bob's body. It glided through his asshole for a few seconds before dropping into the pit next to the first one.

Bob grunted in relief, but he knew he wasn't done yet. He continued pushing, feeling another turd breach his hole and inch out of him. The amount of times his anus was being stretched was wearing him out and as he wondered how big this dump was going to be, the third log finally finished and plopped into the pit. He was breathing heavily now and he could feel a fourth log approaching its exit. Bearing down, he pushed hard to get this one out. It slowly pumped itself out of him, crackling and sticking out of him for several inches, before it dropped into the pit on top of the pile of other thick logs.

Panting, Bob leaned back on the seat of the outhouse as he wiped the sweat off his brow. He was just about to start wiping before he felt his belly rumble and a final, soft turd shot out of him and landed in the pit with a splat. His dump ended with a long, airy fart and he wiped himself, cleaned his hands with the sanitizer dispenser, pulled his pants up, grabbed his stuff, and left the now stinky outhouse to continue his hike.


Stay tuned for more! Currently I'm a bit busy with stuff in real life, so I won't be able to start writing requests, but I probably will get to them eventually. For now, I have chapters I've already written lined up that I will post every Friday (approximately, that is. I have them set to automatically post on Wattpad but I don't always get a chance to copy+paste them here right away). I'd rather do that than post all of them at once because it gives this work more exposure. Your patience is appreciated.