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Twisted Love

Chapter 5: Meeting Them

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Third person POV 

After some consideration, Billy chose that it would be him that approached her, seeing as he would be the less one to scare her. Seeing as he looked the most human, except for Stu that is, but Stu also agreed that it would have to be him to approach her, Stu wasn't exactly one to be serious in a situation like this. Billy, who still had his knife in hand, walked closer to her, but slowly, so he wouldn't scare her away. Even though it looked as if she couldn't get up anyways, to be honest she really did look like shit. She looked like she hasn't eaten in days, her skin was black and blue, there was blood caked on her face and hands, he didn't know if it all belonged to her or the guard. He gripped his knife in hand, just in case she actually did try and do something to defend herself. he wouldn't blame her if she did try and defend herself, after what happened with that guard. 



He slowly bent down to the ground, hand slowly reaching out to grab the discarded white pants, he didn't know how or why she was pantless, but he knew it wasn't her choice in the matter, her legs and feet were covered in bruises, dirt and blood. Damn, this girl has definitely been through some shit. It's a miracle that she was able to run without the possibility of falling, she shouldn't have been able to run so far, but he honestly didn't even know where she came from. Where did she come from? Why? Well, the guard kinda explains why, well it kinda did. It told him that she was on the run, she must have escaped, but from the looks of it, it was a good thing that she did, with the way she looked, she didn't have many days left. She was too skinny, her skin was too pale, even her hands and fingers were bony like a skeleton. He honestly felt bad for the girl. It kinda surprised him that he felt genuine sympathy for her. He didn't even know who she was and he felt bad for her. He got up slowly, and made his way over to her, maybe if he helped her, she would tell him who she was and where she came from. But he didn't see the branch laying on the ground until he heard the sound of it snapping under his shoe. He grimaced, he would have to be stupid to think she didn't hear that. 



Billy watched as the girl's head turned towards him and the sound that the branch made. He could see her face more clearly, he almost gasped at the sight, she was beautiful, despite the blood, and the sunken in eyes and cheeks, she was beautiful to him. Her brown almost black hair, and her eyes, were like a sea blue, they were beautiful. She was beautiful. But then once their eyes met each other, he saw her get scared and reach for the stick the was laying right beside her. He could see her hands shaking, she was scared, and probably felt so weak after finishing off that guard. For some reason, he didn't want to hurt her, to him, she's been through enough hell already. So he didn't care if he saw her point the sharp stick at him. "Get back, get back. I won't hesitate to hurt you", her voice was soft and mumbled, but he was able to hear her just fine. He stepped back a few steps, his eyes never leaving hers, he wanted her to know he wouldn't hurt her. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you", he was soft and gentle with his words, any louder he was afraid that he would spook her like a scared deer. But he knew saying that was just stupid, when her eyes went straight to the knife in his hand. 'Dumbass' he thought to himself. He hesitated, but he dropped the knife, he heard it make contact with the ground, it was a soft 'thud' sound, laying flat on the grass. 



Billy was honestly waiting for her to grab it as soon as it dropped to the ground, but he only scrunched his eyebrows when he saw that she didn't, so maybe she was just scared that he would hurt her. She sat there still as a statue, but he could see that she was still shaking, he couldn't tell if it was from the cold or from being scared. Or maybe it was both. "Please, please don't take me back, I'll do anything you want me to, just don't take me back", Amelia knew it was stupid to tell a complete stranger that she would do anything he wanted, just so he wouldn't take her back to that hell hole. She could hear it in her own voice, she was scared and she was begging, she hasn't begged anyone in a long time, because she knew begging was useless. Those people, they showed her no mercy with what they've done to her. She watched as he bent to his knees a few feet in front of her, just not close enough to where she got scared again. "To where, sweetheart?", he didn't want to scare her more then she already was, so he didn't try to make physical contact with her, she might not like human contact after what she's been through, he might not know what she's been through, but he knows she's been through hell. Billy watched as she hesitated and gulped harshly, her hands pulling down her shirt so he wouldn't be able to see the lower half that was showing a lot of skin. But he wasn't paying attention to that, he was more focused on what she had to say. Where did she come from? 



"The Haddonfield Nut House", Billy tensed up as soon as he heard the name of the place, but he didn't show her that he knew of the place, he didn't want her to suddenly grow enough strength to run. He knew exactly where that was, but that couldn't be right, that was miles and miles away, she couldn't have ran all this way, right? She should have collapsed as soon as she escaped, she couldn't have made it all the way over here. It just didn't seem right. But here she was. But wait a second 'Isn't that where Michael escaped from?' He thought to himself. Did they both come from the same place, were they from the same nut house? Of course Michael never said anything, he didn't talk at all, so he didn't know what it was like back there, but he knew it had to be bad if Michael escaped from the place. He could only wonder how bad it was for her to escape from there, it must have been bad, with the way she was, the way she looked, she looked like she was seconds away from becoming a damn skeleton. Billy then looked back at the girl in front of him, he didn't even know her name, maybe it was time he fixed that. He couldn't keep calling her 'Sweetheart' even thought it looked like she liked that name. He saw the way she blushed after he called her that the first time. "I'm not gonna hurt you, and I'm not gonna send you back there, okay? But how about I tell you my name, and then you tell me yours, so I can know a little bit about you", it would be easy to call her by her name, instead of 'Sweetheart' or 'The girl'. She looked hesitant, as if she was thinking over her options, or decisions. And then she nodded her head, silently giving him the go ahead. 



Billy nodded softly to himself, okay, this was going slowly, but it wasn't going wrongly, so it meant she wasn't going to attack him, and he wasn't going to attack her. It was like they were having a genuine conversation, despite the fear she was in, and despite what she had just been through minutes ago. And despite the fact that he and his friends were killers. "My name is Billy Loomis, it's nice to meet you sweetheart", he gave her a soft and sweet smile. Showing that he was trying to be friendly with her, he smirked to himself when he saw the blush on her cheeks again, she really liked being called 'Sweetheart'. Good to know. But then he watched as she tensed up seconds later, he scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, what happened? What caused her to tense up? Was everything okay, was it her injuries? Was it the cold? Was it him? "No..............relations to Samuel Loomis?", she was afraid that he would be related to the man that caused her hell through half her life, he was a nightmare, always calling her a abomination every time they saw one another. She hated the man and was glad that he was dead. Billy was still confused for like a second, before realizing what she meant. The doctor that had the same last name as him, the one that Michael had for 'comfort' as a child, Billy was pretty sure the guy was a piece of shit, and from what Michael 'said' the guy was dead. He was actually glad that he was, good for nothing piece of shit. (Michael talks through sign language, but you'll find out soon that he doesn't always talk through sign language). It took Billy a long time to understand sign language, he never got to that part when he was in high school. It took awhile for Hannibal to teach him. He was thankful the man was patient enough with him. 




He slowly tried reaching over to her, but then realized it probably wouldn't do it him any good to. So he took his hand back to his side. "No relations, I promise, a lot of people have the same last name Loomis, so your good", he gave her another smile to show that he was again friendly, that he wasn't going to hurt her anytime soon. For some reason he didn't want her to fear him like he wanted others to. He watched as she slowly nodded her head, going over his words, going through her decisions and what she thought would go right, and what would go wrong. She looked back up at him, giving him a small smile, so small that he had to look closer to see the curve of her lips rising. "I'm Amelia White", her voice was again soft and mumbled, and she didn't know if he was able to hear her (He did), she looked away as soon as she said her name, not knowing how he would react, she wasn't sure if he would react, no one knew her, she wasn't famous like the others. She was just Amelia. 



 It's been a long time since anyone cared to know her name, none of the other patients at the nut house really cared for what her name was, most of the time they were way too gone from the medication that the hospital gave them, or they were just too crazy in the head to realize she was there. Or some of them got a bit handsy, she actually had quite a bit of scars from the other patients from the hospital. She could still remember the blood that came from the shallow wounds. She always knew that they would scar over, to always have a reminder of what it was like there. 




As soon as those words escaped her lips, Billy could feel the markings on his arm start to burn. The name, the name, the name! He didn't hesitate to roll up his sleeve and look at the markings on his arm. The name. His skin felt like it was burning, but there was no smoke or injury to show that it was burning, but it was. The name, the name that's always been there since the beginning, that name, it was burning. And he knew what it meant when it burned. It means that you've met your soulmate. His eyes widened in shock, he never thought he would meet her, after everything he's been through, after everything, the killing, getting caught, the getting shot, coming back, and then disappearing, he never thought he would meet her. But he did, right now, he was in front of her, right now. This beautiful girl was his soulmate. He looked up at her, to only see her looking back at him in confusion, wondering what was going on, and what was happening to him. Was he okay? Did he need help? What was wrong? But then she watched as he moved closer to her, moving his arm to show her something. But what did he need to show her? Was it important? She leaned over but grimaced when she felt her back protest, fuck that hurt. Everything else seemed to hurt too, but she was used to everything hurting. But it didn't mean that it didn't hurt like a bitch all the time. Because it did. She breathed in a few breaths of air and slowly let it out. She opened her eyes and looked down at the arm she was presented with. It took her a few moments to figure out what she was actually looking at. But then her eyes widened once she saw that she was looking at her own name written in her own writing, tattooed on his skin. She slowly moved her hands, which were still shaking, closer to his arm, wanting to touch the tattooed skin that was her name. She almost flinched when she touched his skin, it's been awhile since the last time she's touched someone that wasn't trying to hurt her or touch her. This was all new to her. 




But then she realized that he wasn't going to hurt her or touch her, she moved her fingers around the tattooed skin, it felt weird and interesting underneath her fingertips, she was usually only used to touching her own markings on her own skin. But this was new. And she didn't know if she liked it or not. It wasn't a bad feeling, but she didn't know if it was a good feeling. As soon as she touched his skin, Billy could feel the skin stop burning, but it was slow, it went from burning, to slowly stop burning, to tingling. And then nothing, but the way it felt when her fingers touched his skin, he didn't know what it felt like, he's never felt like this before, it never happened before, never with any of the girls he was with, not even with Sidney. But he already knew she wasn't his soulmate, and when she did touch him, he never felt right about it. It always felt wrong. But with Her, with Amelia, it felt...............good, it felt right, it only made him want her to touch him more. He wanted more of her touch, but he knew he would have to wait for that. She was still scared out of her wits, he didn't know what they did to her back there, and when he does find out, he's gonna go back there and kill every single one of them for touching her. No one touched his soulmate and got to tell the tale. But he didn't show Amelia that he was angry, he didn't want to scare her anymore then she already was, she was probably used to everyone yelling back there. And he just wanted to wrap his arms around her and hold her, but he didn't know if that's what she wanted. So he would have to wait for that too. 




Amelia looked back up at him with her beautiful sea blue eyes, she had thought that she was going crazy the second he said his name, the second she felt the markings on her skin began to burn. But then she realized that the burning on her left wrist was due to the fact that the man in front of her was her soulmate. Billy. Her soulmate Billy. The one she knew about. It was her Billy. She tried sitting up more to get closer to him, but then she groaned when she felt the burning sensation in her stomach, she honestly forgot about that, when that guard punched her and kicked her in the stomach. She knew that there was going to be bruises all over her body. She wrapped a arm around her stomach, trying to breathe through the pain that she felt. Billy grew concerned when he saw her almost fall over with pain, even more when he saw her wrap a arm around her stomach, did that asshole Stab her? He didn't hesitate this time, he wrapped his arms around her. He placed one hand on the side of her head, and rocked her gently. "Are you okay?", he whispered softly to her, he didn't feel any wounds bleeding into his skin or clothes. There was no bleeding, but she was in pain, and he didn't want to see her in pain. He wanted to take the pain away from her, but he knew he couldn't. He was no doctor, he wasn't like Hannibal, he needed to get her inside, now. He clenched his eyes closed when he heard her whimper into his chest. She was hurt, she was hurt, she was hurt, his soulmate, his Amelia. He didn't want her to hurt anymore, he wanted to take her pain from her. "It's okay, everything is going to be okay, it's okay", he whispered to her softly, he wanted to comfort her, wanted her to be okay. 




Amelia looked up at him, her blue eyes meeting his dark brown eyes, they were almost black in color. To her, they were the most beautiful eyes she's ever seen. She brought her shaky hand up, closer to his face, so he could see what she wanted him to see. Billy gently took her arm in his, gently touching her skin with his hand. It caused goosebumps to appear on her skin, but in a good way. Billy's eyes went to the markings on her wrist, his eyes moving to the two names that were tattooed on her skin. His thumb ran over his name, it caused her to shiver at the touch, but in a good way, his touch made her feel good, his touch made her want more, his touch made her feel different then the ones she didn't like, his touch made her feel safe, despite the fact that she knew he wasn't safe at all. Billy gently rubbed her thumb over the names, gently bringing her wrist to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the skin. She was so small, she was small in his arms, he cradled her in his arms, held her in his arms like she was delicate, like she would break if he held her any tighter. 



She was his soulmate, she was his and he was hers. He never felt like this with anyone else, no one, not even Sidney. That's because it was her, it was her, it was his soulmate. He might not be a good man, he might not be safe to be around, but he was going to protect her, he might not be like the others, he might not be supernatural, but he did come back from being shot. So that had to mean something, right? For Pete's sake, Stu came back from having a tv smash his face in. He wasn't used to being gentle, he didn't know how to be gentle, he was a killer, a killer that stabbed people for a living. But with her, he couldn't hurt her like those people he hurt. Never her. She's already been through enough as it is, he wanted to show her that he could be gentle with her. He could learn to be gentle with her, his hands were meant for killing, his hands were meant to kill others, he's never been gentle in his life. But he could learn, with her. He never wanted her to feel pain when she was with him. He wanted to protect her, to protect her from the pain that she was put through, protect her from those who wanted to hurt her. He would fight and kill for her until they were all gone and dead. He may have just met her, but she was his. And no one was going to take what was his. 




He gently laid a hand on where her hand was, which was laying on her stomach, trying to protect herself from hurting herself even more. He moved her hand out of the way and gently rubbed his hand over her stomach. He didn't want to push hard on her stomach, but if she was holding onto her stomach right here, that would have to mean she was hurting there. "It hurts, right there?", he hated the fact that the douche bag was already dead, if he was still alive, he would have made his death slow and painful. He hurt her, he hurt his soulmate and he was lucky that he had a fast death. He could feel the anger raising in his veins, but he didn't want to show her that he was angry. He didn't want her to think he was angry with her at any moment. He didn't want her to fear him, he wanted her to feel safe with him, even though he wasn't the safest person in the world. He was the opposite of that. He let out a sigh when he felt her nod against his chest, he really needed Hannibal to check her over, who knows what could be wrong with her. He just wanted to know if she'll be okay. 



He knew it was time to bring her inside, it was cold outside, even for him, so it must have been worse for her. He grabbed the white pants that he saw laying on the ground. "Okay Sweetheart, I think it's time to put these back on and then we can get someone to help you, would that be alright?", Amelia couldn't help the blush that appeared on her cheeks yet again, she liked when he called her sweetheart, it felt nice when he called her that. She wanted him to keep calling her that, but she didn't want to embarrass herself with asking him that. So she kept quiet. But then she went over his words, her eyes went back to her white pants that were thrown off of her when the guard tried, she didn't want to think about that. She didn't want to think about any of it. So she thought about something else, he said there was someone that could help her? He was her soulmate, right? He wouldn't let anyone hurt her, right? She didn't know if she could trust him. But he hasn't shown that he wasn't worth trusting. And he was her soulmate, so maybe it was worth a try. She slowly nodded her head, she looked away and she could feel her cheeks burning with blush when she felt him helping her put the pants back on. She knew if she tried to put them on by herself, that it would hurt her even more. So even though it felt weird to have someone help her put on pants, it felt nice that someone was actually helping her without hurting her. She wasn't used to that, to someone being genuinely nice to her and helping her.




Billy wrapped his arms around her, gently lifting her In his arms, one arm wrapped around her back and the other wrapped under her legs, the bridal hold. Amelia wrapped her arms around him, her arms holding onto him tightly, she could now see that they weren't alone, there were others. Who were they? Were they here to help her? Were they here to hurt her? She buried her face into Billy's neck to hide her face from them. "It's okay, it's okay, they won't hurt you. I promise", she heard Billy whisper into her ear. She nodded her head but kept her face hidden away from the other people that were most likely staring at them. Once Billy got to the others, he gave them a look not to be loud, he was pretty sure if they were, she would freak out. And he didn't want that. He grabbed one of the arms that were wrapped around his neck, which she didn't fight him on, surprisingly. He turned her arm over, so they could see the names that were tattooed on her skin. They were close enough to where the others could see the markings that were on her skin. Every single one of them could see the black markings on her skin, they weren't exactly small, so it was clear to see who's names were on her skin. Most of them were shocked at the sight in from of them, which was pretty surprising, since they were killers and nothing much surprised them anymore. But this, this definitely did. 



Stu got a bit closer to see, he could already tell that it was his name tattooed on the girls wrist, his name, it was his name, his eyes were wide in shock. He didn't know if he could really believe that his soulmate was right here, right there in his best friends hold. But she was. And he didn't know how to really feel, was he breathing? He had to be breathing, right? Yeah, he just felt a little light headed is all. But at that moment, he wasn't in disbelief anymore, not when his own markings were burning. Her name, on his skin, was burning. It was burning. It has to be true, her name that was on his skin, was burning. And that only meant one thing. His soulmate, was right there. He looked back at Billy, who was already looking at him. "Amelia?", he already knew that it was her, but he wanted, no needed to know if it was truly her, he wasn't exactly the smartest tool in the tool box, so if anyone he trusted more then anyone, it would be Billy. And when Billy nodded his head, Stu just stood there, shocked and surprised, he was feeling a whole bunch of things at the moment. He never really dreamt of the moment he would meet his soulmate, and yet, she was here, right here. 




Billy and Stu always knew they would share a soulmate, they've known each other for a long time, and they knew they shared a soulmate, due to the fact that they both had the same name tattooed on their skin. Their markings tattooed themselves the moment they were born, it was always there, from the beginning, which meant that she was always there. Billy then remembered what he had seen on her other wrist, so he gently grabbed the other arm that was wrapped around his neck. "I'm sorry", he whispered to her when he heard her whine against the skin of his neck. He felt her wrap the other arm around his neck, since they weren't focusing on that arm anymore. He didn't mind her wrapping her arms around him, just meant that she was willing to trust him. He flipped the arm over, and gently ran his thumb over the other two names that were tattooed on her skin. To him, it was a shock, he's never heard of someone having more then one or two soulmates, two soulmates were already rare to have, but to have four? He didn't even know if that was possible, or maybe she was just unique like that, she wasn't like everyone else. He gently ran his thumb over the markings again, still a little shocked to see Michael's and Freddy's names on her skin. 




But he soon got over the shock and showed the two the markings on her skin. Michael didn't exactly seem shocked at the fact that his soulmate was right in front of him, he didn't seem shocked that his soulmate was even real or alive. But everyone present could tell by his stance that he was tense. That was pretty much all they were going to get out of him for a reaction. But Freddy? Well, let's just say he was shocked, his eyes were wide, his lips were parted a bit, he didn't know what to say, what could he say? He didn't exactly know what he was gonna say. He didn't exactly think he was ever going to meet her. He was a killer, he killed people, he may have had her name tattooed on his skin, but he never thought he would ever meet her. He always thought it was fate that was trying to fuck him over, giving him something nice as a soulmate, and then never letting him meet her, but he guessed that he only had to wait for her. Which he had, for a long time actually. But she was here, now. She was here, and he didn't know what to say, not a single word escaped his lips. But he knew then and there, that he wanted to touch, he wanted to feel his skin against hers. But when he tried to move, to touch her skin, Billy moved away, Freddy, thinking that Billy was denying him his soulmate, grew angry. How dare he?! She was his soulmate, damn it! But then he looked down at his hand, oh. That's why. Oops. 



He threw off the sharp glove that was on his hand, and it hit the ground with a heavy 'Thud'. He then moved closer to Billy, who was holding his said soulmate. Billy hesitated, but he knew he couldn't deny the man his soulmate. So he didn't move back when Freddy moved closer. Freddy didn't hesitate to touch the skin of her cheek that was peeking out, he gently caressed her cheek with his fingertips. He suddenly moved back when she flinched at his touch. He didn't feel hurt, he didn't feel bad that she flinched away from him, he felt angry, not with her of course, but with the people that thought it was okay to harm her. If he ever came across those people, dream or no dream, he was gonna kill them all. He then looked back at Billy, who was keeping a close eye on Freddy. Freddy didn't focus on that, but there was definitely something else he was wondering about. "Does she have anymore we don't know about?", at first Billy only raised a confused eyebrow, but then a second later he knew what Freddy was talking about. Billy turned his head slightly, he could feel her nuzzling her nose into his neck, he didn't mind it. He knew she was comfortable in his arms, if she wasn't, she wouldn't be staying this calm in his arms. "Amelia, sweetheart, do you have any other marks on you?", he didn't want to bother her anymore, he was pretty sure that she was gonna fall asleep any second now. But he knew this was important, she could go to sleep after they find out if she had anymore markings. They already knew she had four, which seemed impossible, yet she has them, there was a chance that she could have more that they just couldn't see. 



Amelia, who had her face buried deep into Billy's neck, who was also falling asleep, just hmm'd softly in reply. She just wanted to go to sleep. But she knew that they wouldn't leave her alone until she told them where they were. "Shoulders. Back. Hip. Rib cage", she didn't really think much of it, I mean there were many markings on her skin, but she didn't think it was all that bad. (She hasn't been out of the nut house since she was a kid. So she didn't know that it was impossible to have these many soul marks). Billy looked back at Freddy, who's eyes were also widened in shock. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Was there a freaking prophecy on this shit? Or did they have a soulmate that had more then four fucking soulmates? It was a lot to take in, but it only made Billy more curious on what they looked like. He slowly raised his hand up to pull her shirt down a little, just so her shoulders were showing. He knew that she had more markings, but the names that were tattooed on her skin were a shock to him. Because those two soulmates, were standing right in front of him. Charles Lee Ray, who's name was on her right shoulder, and the other one, was Thomas Hewitt, on her left shoulder. He didn't bother to tell the two just yet, he needed to know, and he had a inking of a feeling, if most of her soulmates were standing here, there was also a chance that all ten of them could be her soulmates, as shocking as it was. A person, with ten soulmates. All of them. But he wasn't completely sure. But there were six soulmarks, and those six were here, only four left and there were four guys left. 



He carefully adjusted Amelia in his arms, trying not to disturb her as much as he could. He took one hand from where he was holding her from under her legs and pulled her pants down just a little, so he could see the name on her hip. He was surprised she didn't start freaking out when he pulled her pants down a little. But no, she was calmly breathing against his neck. As if she wasn't being presented to a group of killers. But as soon as his eyes met the tattooed skin on her skin, he wasn't too surprised to see who's name it was. Lester Sinclair. The youngest of the Sinclair brothers. His eyes looked up to catch a glimpse of the man, who was standing in the back with his brothers, who seemed even more confused. Yeah, this was going to be a lot to take in. Especially to the brothers, somehow he had a feeling, that if Lester was one of her soulmates, then the two other brothers had a chance at being her soulmates too. Billy then realized something, his soulmate, had a whole god damn house hold of soulmates. And they were all killers. Great.





He slowly lifted up her shirt, not high enough to where her breasts were on display, just high enough to where he could see the names that were tattooed above her rib cages. Shit. Bo Sinclair, and Vincent Sinclair. He sighed and closed his eyes, shaking his head back and forth. Sometimes he hated being right about things. His soulmate had ten soulmates, something that shouldn't be possible, it just shouldn't be possible. And yet the markings do not lie, his soulmate was one of a kind. And maybe they knew that, back at the nut house. Maybe they knew she was different from the others there, maybe that's why the sent the guard after her. Because they knew she was different from everyone else on the damn planet. Who knows what they had planned for her, and he didn't want to think about it. He looked back at the others, he sighed again, how the hell was he going to tell these idiots that they all share one soulmate? He guessed it was probably better to just blurt it out then keep it from them. Because they weren't the best at keeping their anger controlled and he rather not be on the receiving end of their anger, if he kept the knowledge of her being their soulmate. Yeah, he doesn't have a death wish.




He opened his eyes again. "Alright, I'm gonna say this once, and only once. And let's all be complete adults about this. Oh who am I kidding, just don't stab anyone, okay? Most importantly don't stab me. Count you guys all lucky, you lucky son of a bitches, we all share a soulmate", he watched in curiosity as every single one of them froze and stiffened up, well you don't see that everyday. He didn't know why he wasn't like that, maybe it had to do with the fact that he was actually holding his said soulmate? He didn't know. But it didn't take long for one of them to speak, and of course it had to be freaking Bo. "Holy shit", yeah, holy shit was right, ten serial killers, mated to one girl, and that girl was in his arms right now. The poor girl, seeing as most of them are freaking dumbasses on a good day. Well, if you don't count Michael. Michael just scares the fuck out of everyone. "So we really share a soulmate?", it was Chucky that spoke this time, Billy rolled his eyes at the man. "Yes Chucky, we do, the poor girl has to deal with having you all as soulmates", he already felt bad for her, he honestly didn't know how this was going to go. But one thing he did know, was that he had to keep her safe, she needed to be kept safe. Who knows what people will do if they find out she has ten soulmates. It was new, and people didn't exactly deal with new very well. So he would have to keep her by his side. If anyone thinks they can take her from him or treat her wrong, oh he'll make sure it's the last thing they do. 



"Oh come on Billy, it won't be that bad, she'll warm up to us, just like she is with you right now, she'll come around", Stu chuckled as he elbowed Billy in the ribs, but he only got a glare from Billy. "Shut up Stu, she's trying to sleep", he hissed at Stu to shut up. Billy could feel and hear her breathing slowing, she was falling asleep, a few seconds away from sleep actually and he didn't want the dumbass that was his best friend to ruin that, who knows when the last time she had a good nights sleep. Stu raised his hands in the air, showing that he came in peace. "Sorry, sorry", he mumbled softly, but he didn't back away, he just wanted to get closer to her, wanted to get a closer look at her, even though she was hiding her face in Billy's neck. Stu's smile disappeared as soon as he saw her figure, she looked too skinny, she shouldn't look this skinny, but she was. She was all skin and bones, and she was only wearing what looked like clothes that came from a hospital, just not the gown ones. He didn't like seeing her like this, he didn't like knowing that they probably starved her and beat her or did weird scary experiments on her, probably due to that fact that she has more soulmates then anyone else in the world. He wanted to wrap her in blankets. Lay her down in a soft and comfy bed, and help her get better. He may not seem like the type, but this was his soulmate. And someone has hurt her, deeply. He didn't like that one bit. 




But then Billy felt her shiver against him, it wasn't due to fear, but from the cold, she must be freezing out here. It'll probably do her some good if he took her inside. "Let's take her inside, she's probably freezing out here", he adjusted her in his arms, so she would be comfortable in his arms, he smiled softly when he felt her wrap her arms around his neck. Stu was right about one thing. She was comfortable with him, she clung to him like a damn panda, he found himself holding her closer to him, so she could feel his warmth. Just until they got back to the house. But as he was making his way towards the house, he stopped and turned around, he looked at Thomas. No expression on his face, but everyone could see the hatred and the anger in his eyes. "You can have the meat", he said between gritted teeth, he glared at the body that was laying on the ground, piece of shit got lucky, if it was up to him, he wouldn't have killed him so quickly, he would have waited days and days, would've listened to the piece of shit cry and beg for mercy, but he wouldn't have given it to him. Until he got bored with him and would've ended his life. 




Thomas looked back at the dead guard on the ground and then back at the girl in Billy's arms. The guard had hurt his soulmate, she was his, and that man hurt her, he was lucky he was already dead. Or else he would've done far worse to him, some things are worse then death. He then turned back and started making his way over to the dead body, he picked up the body and threw it over his shoulder. He then started walking behind everyone else, who were probably still in shock that they all shared one soulmate together. But Billy and Stu were more focused on getting her help, maybe Hannibal would be able to help her. He was a doctor after all.