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The Potter-Malfoy Cottage

Chapter 3: "Rise and Shine Princess"


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Why does Teddy think I smell sweet?”

Harry was quiet for a bit after Draco’s question. He wasn’t worried about Draco being racist towards him or Teddy but it still kinda made him nervous. The thought of Draco rejecting him had his wolf screaming inside his head.

“He’s a werewolf,” Harry whispered. “Technically, both of us are.” Harry waited for Draco to say something but nothing came so he continued. “Teddy bit me on a full moon a few months ago. Turns out his dominant nature is able to be passed on quite easily. That’s one of the main reasons we’re moving out here. Apparently there are some forest areas with friendly wolves who help new ones settle in or something. I haven't heard too much about it, just a rumour. And Canadians don’t have any laws discriminating against werewolves and other creatures to begin with. They’re actually quite common over there,” he finished.

Draco was clearly taking everything in with his eyebrows raised and lips slightly parted as if wanting to say something but not know how to find the words.

“Harry,” he finally said, “You know that Veelas and werewolves have a history, right? And not a very pleasant one at that. Veelas and werewolves often stayed far away from the other creatures due to their competitive nature. They both are predators in the forest's food chain. Always fighting for land and animals. That’s why some people believe the Veela mingled with wizards and witches, to get away from the wolves.”


“So Potter, our intinics are going to make us hate each other, more than we already do.”

“I don't hate you. At least not anymore”

“... That doesn't matter. Being near each other could be very harmful in the future. We’re lucky nothing has happened so far. What is your wolf telling you right now?”

Without hesitation, Harry answers, “It wants to fuck you until there’s nothing else you can think of but my name.”

“Excuse me? Would you like to order anything?” Draco’s head whips so fast to look out the window Harry thought he may have hurt his neck. The flight attendant's face shows she didn’t hear what he said but Harry didn’t want to keep her there much longer so he orders fruit and juice for the three of them to share.

Harry looks at Teddy who had completely passed out the minute he sat down. His blond hair and green eyes make Harry overflow with emotions of what it would be like if he and Draco had more children. “My wolf- no I think you’re my mate. I haven’t read up on it too much but I know Remus told me before he passed what It was like being around Sirius… I think it’s the same. The pull in the chest, the sudden need to care for you, your fucking smell. Everything is so overwhelming it hurts.”

Draco made eye contact with him through the window and kept it. The silver pools stared into his eyes and Harry could smell the shift in Draco’s emotions. The nervous excitement was quickly replaced with a deep lust, it was sweet and intoxicating and Harry wanted to do nothing more than to eat him alive.

Teddy stirred in his sleep breaking the two from their trance. Harry leaned back and took deep breaths trying to calm the growing erection in his pants.

This was going to be a long flight.


When they landed it was just after 12pm Teddy had long since woken up and was basically vibrating with excitement along with Harry. They were talking loud and always bouncing a leg or shaking an arm about. Harry had gotten their bags from the compartment above and started to walk off the plane with Teddy in his arms talking his ear off.

“Do you think we could see the beavers today?” Teddy asked. His loud squeaky voice was full with so much joy Draco couldn’t help but smile either.

“Not today Bear but hopefully sometime next week. We gotta settle into our home first.”

“Okay! Draco, can you hold my hand?” Teddy asked as Harry gently placed him back on the floor. Draco nodded silently and gripped Teddys hand firmly but gently to ensure the little werewolf didn't run off.

The three walked outside and collectively gasped as they saw the CN tower in the distance.

“So tall!” Teddy laughs.

Harry calls over another ugly yellow taxi and opens it to see an old man this time, and hands over an address written on paper.

“Oh, that lovely cottage by the lake. Quite the beautiful thing. I know there used to be some sweet fellows that would visit.”

“It belonged to my family, they’ve passed it onto me,” Harry said as he buckled Teddy in.

“Yes, the Potters? Very nice. Always had those lively kids over playing in the yard. How come I haven’t seen them in a bit? They used to give us neighbours their baked goodies.” The man drove slowly as he tried to exit the busy airport. Draco glances out the window fascinated at how different the buildings and streets were to muggle london.

“I’m sorry but they, James and Lily, passed away in a car accident 17 years ago.”

“Oh, I’m sorry for your loss. They really were great people. At such a young age too..” The old man trailed off, clearly lost in thought. The car stayed silent for a bit other than Teddy's soft humming to himself.

The Potters Cottage was about an hour drive from the city. The city highway eventually switched to a bumpy side road where there seemed to be endless farms for miles. Draco and Teddy called out every farm animal they saw and Harry had promised they would go horseback riding at some point. They eventually turned on a small rocky street and watched as a barred gate stopped them from entering. The driver pulled to a stop and Harry quickly exited the car. He unlocked three different locks on the gate and pushed the doors open with his bare hands. The driver gasped at Harry’s strength before muttering something about being young and fit.

Harry climbed back in and the driver took them up and highway and watched as the cottage— no mansion, came into view. The building looked bigger than the Manor. All stone and soft grey bricks with wood exterior, it was stunning to day the least.

“Well here you boys are. It’s nice to see some representation around town, you know?” the old man, Charlie, smiled at them as he pulled into one of 4 driveways.

“What do you mean?” Draco whispered, he was always worried his posh British accent would make the man laugh.

“Oh my, aren’t you two together? With the little boy I assumed you two were dating,” he unlocked the car and Harry gently removed a wiggling Teddys seatbelt.

“Nah,” Harry started, “Me and Draco aren’t together yet. Just testing the waters but Teddy is ours, he’s my godson and Draco’s cousin. His parents passed recently so I'm taking him in,” he finished.

“Well I'm glad he has people like you two to look after him. I hope to see you boys later, alright? Make sure to stop by and see the old fellows, they’re going to be thrilled knowing Lily and James had a baby. You too young man, the more the merrier!” He waved to Teddy and drove back down the highway.

Teddy ran up the rest of the way with Draco following close behind. Harry unlocked the door and they were welcomed with a large hardwood floor foyer with mirrored stairs leading to the upper floors.

“And I thought my parents were extra. This is bloody fantastic,” Draco muttered. While the manor was all white with very little dark greens and blues for accent colours, the Potter Cottage was warm browns and greys with yellows and green decorations.

“Ya, I honestly didn’t think it was gonna be this big either”

“All this is ours Da?”

“Yep,” Harry replied. A loud crack was heard and a house elf appeared in front of them.

“Hello Master Potter, Master Malfoy, Young Master Potter, welcome to the Potter Cottage! Mikki is so pleased with your arrival!” The house elf was dressed in almost a plaid dress with a matching top hat as well. She bowed slightly, waiting for Harry to give further instructions.

“Hi Mikki, I hope you don’t mind giving us a tour would you?”

“Of course! Mikki would love it too!” She quickly showed the boys the main parts of the house. The kitchen where there used to be cooks, the eating area, the library (which Draco almost cried at seeing the sheer size of it), the Master bedroom which Mikki had set up for only Harry but he requested to make it for two which Draco blushed at. The tour seemed to go on forever, quidditch pitch, old cars and motorcycles in the garage, the spa room, pool and hot tub, the potions and duelling rooms, it seemed never ending. By the time they finished it was almost 6 and Teddy had long retired to being held instead of walking the grounds. Mikki had left to go start making dinner when Harry requested they shower first and get settled.

Teddy had also asked for his own room right across from Draco and Harry’s. It was way too much space for one kid but Teddy enjoyed having large windows and a bed that could hold almost 10 people. Harry had packed Teddy's belongings in his draws and closet and helped the boy in this private bathroom. By the time he sent Teddy downstairs to find Mikki, Draco was coming out of the bathroom in only his towel wrapped around his waist.

His wings were on full display and hair was so bright it was blinding. Harry couldn’t help but smile at how refreshing he looked. “Your wings are huge,” Harry finally said. Draco was changing and seemed to have no problem getting naked in front of him. Harry watched closely as Draco pulled on soft shorts that belonged to Harry. His legs on full display making Harry blush and look back at his wings.

“Yes Potter.”

“They’re gorgeous,” Harry took slow steps towards him, “Magnificent really,” his fingers gently pressed against the soft feathers and Draco let out a soft noise. Harry felt himself shaking with excitement, he wanted to hold Draco down and claim him as his own, to mark him up head to toe so everyone could tell who he belonged to. Harry quickly let those thoughts disappear before pressing their foreheads together.

“You’re getting taller.” Draco stated. He was still taller than Harry but only by a sliver.

“I think it’s the wolf, it's been making me have all sorts of changes,” Harry gave him a smile and chuckled before glancing at his arm. Harry rubbed his thumb gently across the Dark mark, his skin pasty, scarred and burnt. “Why?, "he whispered.

“It hurt so bad to get it. The pain of the mark was like no other. I didn’t care how much it hurt, I wanted it gone. I tried everything, every spell I could find in the Manor books, even the Hogwarts library while we were still there but nothing could get rid of it. I simply got frustrated and tried to burn and cut it off. Luna was the one who saved me from bleeding out.”

“Luna truly is a lifesaver, huh? I’m glad she was able to find you in time. She helped me too with my wolf issue. Told me about not taking wolfsbane, that it affects the wolf, hurting it and making it more feral. She’s also keeping us updated in the Wizarding world, sending monthly letters. Her and Andy are the only two who know the location of this place right now.”

“She helped me when my mother passed. Would spend the harder nights at the Manor even though she had those awful memories of being locked up…”

“She told me you helped her. Would go down when no one is looking and give her food and water and blankets. She expressed how grateful she was when I testified for you and your mother.”

Harry wrapped his arms around Draco’s body and held him close for a hug, his wings circling around the two of them in a cocoon. Draco smelt sad but relaxed when he hugged back. Harry held his arm again, staring deeply into the mark. “May I?” he asked.

“Go ahead. Will it hurt?”

“Maybe. I read about it back at Grimmauld… I think Regulus, Sirius’ brother, was trying to get rid of it before he passed. His old bedroom had a few books about removing marked curses.”

“You studied black magic? For fun?”

“My mother would have been considered a Dark Witch if going by today's standards. The reason I didn’t die back then was because of a Dark Magic spell she casted. Plus, I don’t think there is Dark vs Light magic to say. It honestly depends on how you use it.”

Draco didn’t say anything as Harry gripped his arm tighter and started to whisper something in parseltongue. Draco’s stomach tightened as his arm started blaring in pain. He felt the snake hissing back and moving as if trying to fight Harry through his skin. Draco watched in teary eyes as the mark began to glow a bright light and Harry shoved his hand into his arm. Harry grabbed the mark off of Draco’s skin and chucked it on the floor. The mark stayed there oozing with black goo and Harry simply vanished it with a wave of his hand. Draco looked back at his forearm and for the first time the Dark Mark wasn’t there. His porcelain skin was clear and his arm felt lighter than ever. Draco could help but gripping his arm and crying. His choked sobs seemed never ending even as Mikki and Teddy came up to see why the two men hadn’t come down for dinner yet.

Draco had tried for months to get rid of the marks and Harry simply just vanished it. Like it was garbage. Oh, Draco was sure he would give anything to this man if he asked.


“Are you feeling better?”

Draco had put Teddy to bed after the three had dinner and Harry was showering. They were lying in the dark green silk bed sheets Draco had requested and were facing each other.

“I feel like I owe you everything. You literally removed the mark that has cursed my family's life.”

“I’m glad it actually worked. I was worried I would put you through all that pain for it to backfire.”

“I am able to sit through anything if it means getting rid of that thing. I’m so happy I don’t even know what to say… You also have to be extremely powerful to pull off a stunt like that, wandless as well.”

“I’ve been practising but it seems wandless and wordless magic is almost easier for me than using my wand. It feels free and endless. It's like, when I use my wand I'm trapped in a bubble but when I use my hand it’s like it popped and I’m free to cast whatever I want without hesitation.”

“It’s similar to Veelas as well. Our origin magic is rooted in nature, the closer we are to mother nature like forests, our magic is enhanced. Our wands will hinder the level of magic that could be reached. Like how you and Teddy might grow stronger during the full moon.”

“You’re incredible,” Harry whispered. He brought his hand to caress his cheek and Draco melted into the touch. “I hope we can stay like this.”

“Me too.”


Harry woke up stiff and uncomfortable. Even though it was the first time in months since he managed to get a full night's rest without nightmares -waking up to Draco cuddling him does nothing to ease his morning wood- his body seemed to have fully relaxed and all his pain is now catching up to him. He gently ran his fingers through Draco’s soft hair, long and sparkling through the morning sun. A knock on his door was heard and Teddy gently pushed his way through.

“Hi Da!” Teddy said, coming up to Harry’s side of the bed.

“Hey little man. Is Mikki making breakfast?”

“Yep. She told me to get dressed and brush my teeth and wake you sleepy heads up!” he beamed.

“Alright. Me and Draco will be down in 10 minutes. We can go shopping later today if you're up to it?”

“Yes!” Teddy quickly ran back down the stairs yelling for Mikki to get the juice ready for him.

Harry removed Draco’s arm from around him and walked into their shared washroom. He felt his bones crack with every step he took. When he made it to the sink and looked at himself he saw his hair grew a few inches, his curly hair now just reaching below his shoulders. He also seemed to have grown a few inches overnight, which could explain the sudden bone cracking and stiff body. He finished washing up and woke Draco up by shaking his shoulder.

“Rise and shine princess. We have some work to do today.” Draco grumbled and his wings whacked Harry in the face, making Draco giggle. He giggled. Draco flipped around and was now taking in Harry’s morning transformation.

“Did… Did you grow?” Draco’s voice was husky with sleep.

“Ya and apparently these growth spurts make me really hungry so let’s go get breakfast quickly.” Draco stood up and Harry had to take how only yesterday he was a few centimetres shorter than Draco but now almost a head taller. Draco seemed so much smaller now, his tall, lean body making Harry’s wolf jump with knowing this man is his mate. Draco raised his head while Harry bent his, their nose touching. Draco giggled again— it might be Harry’s new favourite sound— and wrapped his arms around Harry’s shoulders.

“You’re so big, you must be at least 6’5, or even taller.” Draco purred against him and Harry felt his dick grow impossible harder. “Looks like this big guy wants some attention too.” Draco palmed Harry’s cock through his boxers and Harry thought he might cum on spot.

As quick as it started, it ended as Draco left towards the washroom. “Maybe later, Potter. Right now, I’m starving.” And Harry thought he might die.


Mikki had made an English breakfast with bacon, sausages, eggs and fruit. Draco watched as both Harry and Teddy scarfed down the food like it was about to run away. By the time they were done eating Mikki was thrilled at the fact the werewolves loved her food so much. “So today, the plan is to head out to look around the city and buy some stuff. We’re in need of some clothes and muggle appliances. I also want to set up Teddy for elementary school. I know there are some wizarding schools here but I haven’t decided what to do.” Draco could help but almost whine at Harry’s new voice, deep and warm. It changed along with the rest of him. He currently had his hair in a low bun and his glasses were nowhere to be seen. His bright chunk of white hair from his scar was brighter than normal as well. And his fucking height.

Draco had always been one of if not the tallest person in the room if not for the Weasley family at 6'1. He was always proud of his height and never wished to be shorter but had always wanted someone taller to be his partner. He always knew he was gay and always fancied Harry since meeting him but now he literally grew into his ideal man over night and Draco doesn’t know long his Veela can hold on until ravishing him.

“If a wizarding elementary school is here and they are creature friendly it would be probably best to send him there first instead of a muggle one. In case of any accidental magic,” Draco suggested, “Plus, he could learn some new information on being a wolf from our limited knowledge.” Harry hummed in agreement. It didn’t take long for them to get ready and hop into one of the cars in the garage. Harry decided on a truck for extra space. Harry had told them they were headed out to the “Yorkdale” and Draco couldn’t help but laugh at the name.

They pulled into one of the empty spots in the parking lot and Harry helped Teddy out his seat and Draco took in the amount of cars stuffed into one place. He looked at a family walking through a door and was glad Harry helped him get dressed. Although the way we’re getting proper clothes today, Draco was tired of wearing other people’s things to fit in. Although he does enjoy muggle clothing a lot. Pansy had bought many magazines before showing off their styles and Draco loved all of them equally.

They entered the mall and Draco was shocked with the amount of people that were here. Shops were getting ready for labour day sales and were advertising new improvements with technology.

“Woah,” Teddy says, “This is huge,” his arms spreading to make a dramatic effect. Harry laughed and picked him up.

“Ya Bear, this place is cool. I heard it’s the rich people mall. Let’s take our time shopping. Draco anytime you see anything just tell me and we can go.”


It wasn’t even 3 minutes before Teddy and Draco were telling Harry to go into a children’s clothing store and buying tops for $60 and pants for $100. And don’t get him started on the shoes. Draco was even worse, by the time they made it to the more expensive retail stores Harry had to go back to the truck twice to drop off bags.

“Its incredible Harry! Despite the clothing being for women they actually fit me quite nicely, the nice muggle lady who helped us at the last store said so!” Draco beamed. Harry was honestly surprised at how much money Draco could spend, on not just himself either. Once he had gotten into the groove of shopping here, he began picking out clothing for both Teddy and Harry. He was thriving.

Harry had also picked up the newest television for the living room, a phone for himself and Draco, and some CDs of new movies that were released. When they were getting ready to leave the mall someone quickly ran up in front of the door to stop them from leaving.

“Wait!” The lady said. She was out of breath and Draco remembered her from the last store, the one who complimented him, her name was Stella. She was average height with her brown hair pulled back into a tight bun. “I am SO sorry but do you have like 1 minute to spare?” She directed the question at Draco. He looked up at Harry and he gave a thumbs up. “I'll be sitting over there with Teddy until you're ready,” he said and walked over to a nearby bench.

Stella levelled out her breathing before continuing, “It took me a while to find it but I have some contact information for a modelling agency here. They are doing auditions soon and I was tasked with handing out business cards to customers who looked attractive but I lost the pile somewhere on my desk but I found them!”

“Oh, I'm flattered. A modelling agency?”

“Northernland models. They're always looking for new unique faces and Draco, you're like really blonde, like really really blonde. Is it dyed?”

“No natural, its from my fathers side.”

“Perfect! Anyway, I better get back to work but I hope you give them a call. I better see you come back with good news soon.”

“Of course. Have a good day Ms. Stella.”

“Stella is fine you British man. Bye Draco,” she said as she waved goodbye and ran back towards the store. Draco turned to see Teddy and Harry watching the entire interaction with smiles on their faces. “What's the smile for,” Draco questioned.
“Da, Draco is so pretty, he's gonna be famous!” Teddy said.

“That's right. Our Draco is super pretty.”

Harry smiled and took Teddys hand in his so Draco could hold his other. “I was actually gonna request you try modelling. I was going to mention it on the plane but completely forgot about it.”
“Why? I mean, what's so good about modelling muggle-style?”

“They love to obsess over celebrities, especially pointy blonde ones like you. You could probably go into acting as well, you were pretty good at it.”

“Ah yes, way to bring up that time. I worked very hard on those dementor costumes, you know.”


“I wanted to impress Britain's Saviour, how else was I supposed to get his attention?”

“For what it's worth, you always had my attention, especially sixth year. I basically stalked you.”

“Excuse me?”

“I thought you were up to something. But I also just found everything you did so interesting. Like how you only eat your strawberries if the stem has been cut off and they are sliced in half.”

“Alright, that's enough talking.”

The rest of the day was spent unpacking the tens of bags and shoes they all had. Harry had set up the television and promised to watch Mulan, a new Disney movie. Draco was surprised with the amount of new words he's learned since entering the muggle world but Disney is by far his favourite.


Yes, phones do exist at this time but i'm trying to keep movies and stuff to date.
Thanks for reading!!