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An Extremely Goofy Romance


What happened to Bradley and Max after the College X-Games?

Chapter Text

Bradley sat with an angered look on his face. He had just started his 5th year of his 10-year PhD it helps to be on a sports scholarship. While he was technically a 5-time winner of though collage X-games he didn't fully enroll until the year after his first win. Still Badley sat in his small school dorm still furious at the world and most importantly

Max Goof

Why would anyone be jealous of a boy with the last name Goof? Was it his goofy face, or his little teeth that stick so perfectly out of his face? Was it his hair that spiked right out of his head?

Whatever it was, Bradley hated it, anytime he thought about Max his stomach churned and his face heated up. Out of anger obviously, as Bradley had always told himself. Bradley had entered his Criminal justice class that day hoping to just sit peacefully but as Bradley scanned the room for a good spot, he spotted the only thing that could dampen his day.

Max, sitting in the back row

How is he even in Criminal justice 3?? He’s a sophomore he should be in 1!! As Bradley thought eyes frantically scanning the room he had made eye contact with Brad, Brad held his breath while tightly gripping the strap of his backpack.

Max’s eyes widened then he turned to the front of the room and scoffed. Brad huffed in anger as he sat in the 3rd row. Bradley took out his notebook and prepared for the first day notes. Max focused on Bradley for a second, Max realized he never knew Brad’s major. Max focused more on Brad himself and how he seemingly changed, Brad had more of a Mullet-like back to his hair, he wore a silver chain now, Brad still wore that same outfit with the same bright blue shirt and that beautiful shade of purple.

Max usually hates the colour purple.

Brad’s face heated as he felt eyes on the back of his head, Brad quickly turned around to see Max staring at him with his head resting on his hand. Max quickly shifted his position to look at his lap acting like he wasn't just caught staring at his supposed enemy.

Brad turned his head just as their professor walked in.

-Morning Students, I am Professor Ford I will be your Criminal justice 3 teacher, most of you are in year 3-5, from the roster we seem to have some Sophomores and Freshmen. My Class is not easy, and I teach with groups and partners, you will all be assigned a Year- round partner and you will be separated into Groups from time to time. I will not be allowing you all to pick as that could lead to work never being finished.

Brads leg began to shake

-Oh My God! This better not be a fucking cliche where I get paired up with Max ill absolute drop out!

Max began to smile a bit and let out a small chortle

-Imagine I get paired up with Brad! That would be so fucking funny, please God please let this happen, ill drop out if it doesn’t.

Max began to think of all the ways he could annoy Brad.

-You are all dismissed check the pin board outside of my classroom this afternoon for your partners names.

Brad had never left a classroom faster than when Mr. Ford released them. Brad had rushed back to his dorm and slumped down to the floor.

-oh, fuck no dude.

Brad sat for a minute or two then prepared to head to the ramp park for some skateboarding practice.


Max sat on top of the ramp watching bobby glide on his skates.

-Max my dude has been like what 3 years since you and Roxanne broke up and you haven't even had one full date yet??

PJ threw his hands in the air emphasizing his point.

-You need to get out their man!

Max turned his head to the side

-Well PJ it's just not easy for me as it was for you. You said like a line of poetry to “little miss java bean” and y'all were practically getting married.

Bobby had climbed up the ramp to sit beside PJ.

-Uppercrust on your left Maximillion

Max lifted his head up and sure enough Brad was practicing his half-pipe into a handstand. Max noticed Brad was just wearing very short shorts and a simple purple tank top. Max seemingly couldn't take his eyes off Brad. The way his little mullet blew in the wind, the way Brads chain bounced against his chest. Max was shaken from his staring by Bobby.

-Yo max let's bounce before Brad starts giving us shit.

Max while still watching brad stood.

-Yeah, let's go.



Max took a wrong step and fell forward off the ramp. Bradley had heard a yell before running to catch the falling person. Bradley didn't even register who was falling. Max closed his eyes in fear but instead of hitting the ground he felt a pair of fuzzy arms.

The arms put him onto the ground softly, Max didn’t open his eyes, but he heard footsteps running away.


Max opened his eyes. Bradley?? There's no way. Is there?


Chapter 2


I forgot to mention but I HC max to be a Mexican American with his mother being from Mexico and goofy obvi being a little American white boy.

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Bradley ran out of the skatepark before he even gave himself a chance to process what just happened.

Out of anyone on campus he had to play hero to Max.

Max was wearing protective gear. The fall wouldn't have been too bad, it was only 10 feet. So why did Bradley save him?


-Max are you alright? you fell pretty hard.

-Yeah, peej I'm okay. Did you see who caught me though?

-Yes, but uh.... you aren't going to like the answer.

-who was it bobby?


Max took a step back. Bradley? Why?

-Well, whatever. I didn't need his help. He’s probably just trying to pull a fast one on me.

Max noticed a lone Skateboard on one of the ramps.

-Hey, the Girls Volleyball team is playing on the court right now! Want to go watch lucky number 7?

Max laughed eyes still focused on the skateboard.

-You guys go on ahead I'm going to go drop my board off at the dorm.

-Alright see you there

-See ya Peej

Max slowly walked toward the lone board. Picking it up he looked at the bottom to try and see any identifying stickers or words. The only sicker being a beach ball.


Max thought for a second. Bradley was just here this is most likely his. Max wanted to do the right thing and return it, but it was just the wrong person.


Bradly slammed his dorm room door so hard he was sure the RA was going to come and give him an earful. But he didn't care, sure Bradley was an egotistical dick but has genuinely started changing for his future, he wouldn't sit and watch an innocent person hurt themselves. But why did it have to be Max mother fucking Goof?

Bradley started pacing around his dorm. It took about a minute for Brad to realize.


There was a sharp bang on the door


- sorry!

-In my 21 almost 22 years of living I've never felt this fucking stupid. I'm going the fuck to sleep.


Max stood outside Brads dorm for another 2 minutes.

-This is the 3rd fucking time I've knocked. Whatever, I'll leave a note.


-Hey Maxie, you missed number 10’s sick ass spike.

-Was it number 9’s set?

-No actually number 2.


-So, did Mr. Uppercrust get his board of skating back?

-I never said what I was doing how did you know?

Max suddenly got nervous like he was being interrogated by police.

So, max what were you doing? Huh Huh? Being awfully suspicious right now Maximillion. Do I need to call your father?

I don't know you just were staring at the lone skateboard, so I assumed.

Max let out a sigh of relief. He didn't want to be questioned any further just because he didn't know what Bobby was going to say.

-By the way where is Peej?

- Oh, him and miss. Beats went to the bean scene; she's got a pretty big poetry jam going on right now.

- Well, what-


Max laughed at his friend idiocrasy. Number 10 gave Bobby a weird look while from the side lines number 9 looked ready to kill bobby.

-Hey man let's go before 9 bites your damn head off.

-that's no very tubular of you, my man.

- Si no te levantas de este maldito asiento te voy a matar.

(If you don't get out of this damn seat I'm going to kill you.)

Max’s eyes darkened and he had a scowl on his face. Bobby physically shook with fear.

-Alright geez! You get scary when you speak Spanish.

-Thank Uncle Donald and Uncle Panchito

-Curse you and your uncles too.

Max smiled, he learned from his uncle Donald that when his mother died when he was 1 made his father struggle really bad with his mental health. For a man who was so full of joy, he was nonchalant and quite for about a year. Donald and his friends Jose and Panchito had always hung around max when he was little, and they taught him his mother's language-Spanish specifically Mexican- Max had loved to connect with his mother's heritage and Goofy had done everything he could to help max learn more about himself. Goofy did everything he could to help max and max will be forever grateful for what his father has done for him.


Bradley woke up around 8pm. He had the biggest headache known to man.

-Never sleep while tensing your muscles together.

Bradley had opened his door to head to the bathroom only to see his skateboard left outside his door. As he picked it up, he noticed a small note.

-left this at ramp. Thanks for helping btw. - Max

Bradly sighed sweetly and laughed a bit. He placed the skateboard and not near his desk then headed to the bathroom. Brad stopped dead in his tracks in the hallway.

Why am I smiling and laughing while thinking about max? He’s a jerk who got me kicked out of the Gammas and took the X-Games king name away from me!

-Let's get a move on Bradley!

Brad quickly ran into the bathroom

-Some need to give the RA a fucking swirly.

Brad leaned on the sink and just stared into the mirror. He couldn't like max. Max wasn't his friend, max is the enemy. Was that even friendship feelings? Does he even want max as a friend or is he craving more? What does he want?

Brad splashed water onto his face and looked in the mirror again.

-Just ignore him.

Brad decided since he slept earlier to check the pin board outside of professor Fords classroom.

Dean & Sam.......Group 1

Wade & Logan ...Group 2

Max & Sora.........Group 3


Bradley sighed with relief oh thank the lord. I would drop out if I got paired with max.


Brad & Chris.......Group 4

-Great I won but at what cost? Chris is the one student who never shows up! What and I going to do? These are our partners for the full year. And this kid just never shows up! How did he even pass the final last year?

Chapter 3


So basically, the triplets are born in 2002 in my hc and this story takes place in 2001. Max grew up with his 3 uncles (The three callberos), Uncle Mickey, Auntie Minnie, Aunt Daisy and Aunt Delta. Max didn't know about Uncle scrooge until 2006 when he went to visit the triplets for the first time in Duckburg. and since its 2001 Max was one of the first people got get a mobile phone.
Also, Bobby is somewhat out of character, but I promise it's for the plot guys.

Chapter Text


Max picked up his phone, and waved bobby to head to the bean scene without him.

-Oh, hey dad what’s going on?

-Hiya Maxie. I'm here with your Uncle Donald and he has some news to share. It's not the happiest but it has somewhat happy parts.

-Hey Max.

-Hey Uncle Donald! What's up? Is everything alright?

-Well, you know how my sister went on a space trip?

-Yeah, Is she alright?

-Well, we lost connection with her, but she has enough oxygen and food to survive about 10 years. But before she left, she showed me something important. She left 3 eggs. You are going to have cousins.

-Oh my...I hope Auntie is okay... Well, I'm glad the eggs will be in great care. Are you going to stay with my dad?

-No, I'm headed to a different city to give these eggs a better life as much as I love it here, I think being close to where me and my sister grew up will be better for them.

-You do what you need to do Uncle Donald. Will Tio Jose and Tio Panchito be helping?

-No, they are busy in their respective countries. I'm going to head on out Max. I love you and congratulations on winning the X-Games.

-I love you too Uncle Donald.

-Love you Maxie

-Love you, Dad.

Max hung up the phone and just sat to process everything. He was going to get cousins and that's amazing but where is his Tia? He couldn't remember much about his Tia, only that she had the best games. He knew he wouldn't be able to talk about this with anyone because Donald told him he couldn't mention it to anyone, not even his Uncle Mickey knew.


Bradley hid around the corner leaning against a wall. Max had and uncle? 3 of them? And an aunt? Bradley was an only child and so was his father, Bradley never had siblings or cousins only his father's friends who were a lot older than him and had no interest talking to him, and when they did it was only to get on the good side of the Uppercrust family.


-Hey Brad, you good?


Bradley's eyes shot open. Max stood there with a confused look on his face. Brad stood up straight but began to studder over his words. He got caught eavesdropping.

-Y-yeah, I uhm- I was just taking a uh a walk. Wh-what uh. Wait why are you being uhm nice to me?

Max looked down then looked Bradley in the eyes. Max shrugged his shoulders.

-Too much of a hassle to be a jerk today. And you looked like you were stressed.

-Oh-oh right. I'll be on my way. See you around Max.

-Later Brad.

As Max began to walk in the opposite direction Brad swiftly walked down the sidewalk

Bradley hates it when anyone calls him Brad. He even hated it when his ex-called him Brad. So why did he just let Max call him Brad? Twice??

Max smiled as he walked away from Bradley. Max knew this encounter was simply a coincidence but a nice one. All Max wanted to do was sit and think about what happened, but he didn't want anyone to ask questions. Max stopped and his eyes shot open. Did Bradley overhear his conversation? Is that why Bradley looked stressed?

Max quickly turned around and ran to find Bradley. As Max ran, he only hoped Bradley wouldn't gossip about Max’s missing Tia.


Max jumped and twisted through the college students walking through the town. Some whispered at Max jumping and others laughed at his antics, knowing Max to be a laid back and chill guy.


Bradley turned only to see Max running full speed towards him. Bradley jumped backwards in shock as Max stopped right in front of him, leaning over and panting.

-B-brad. Did- did you... hold on.

Bradley looked around as some students had stopped to see what Max had to say to Bradley.

-Max hold there people are staring come this way.

Bradley led Max to the south entrance to the park where not many people came through.

-Alright Max, what do you need?

-Brad this is weird question, but did you overhear my conversation on the phone?

Bradley's mouth turned into a straight line as he pursed his lips together.


-Bradley please.

Bradley looked Max in the eyes and saw a mix of fear and hope. Bradley sighed.

-Yes, Max I did, I didn't mean to I was just trying to avoid walking by you and I thought standing behind the corner while you were on the phone was my best bet.

Max sighed and rubbed his forehead.

-But I didn't hear anything the other person was saying, only you. Whatever happened to your aunt you have my condolences. I admit I'm rude but never when it's something like that.

-It’s alright, I'm sure you had your fun torturing me last year and almost killing Tank.

Bradley flinched at the memory he had his father pay tank and the school so he could still attend. The school forced him to attend weekly counseling and his father threatened financial cut off if Bradley's behavior continued to mess with his future.

-Yeah yeah. Trust me Tank gave me the message.

Max made his small Chortle laugh just like his father and Bradley couldn't help but laugh too.

-But in all seriousness please don't mention it at all.

-Of course. I'm a man of my wor-

Before Bradley could finish his sentence, Bobby had sprayed Bradley with a can of cheese whiz.


-Hey Braaadd why can't you just leave Max alone and stop being a sore loser!

Bradley whipped some of the cheese off his face. Bradley looked like some other students were laughing at Bradley

-Bobby! I came to talk to him what-

-No Max please. It's alright I understand why he would think I was being a jerk. I'm going to go back to my dorm and change I'll see you around. And don't worry, this doesn't change anything we said before.


Bobby gave Bradley a glare as he walked away. Max sighed and just left with Bobby as much as he felt sorry for Bradley, he didn't want to have to explain why he was talking with Bradley. Max decided that he would visit Bradley's dorm to apologize later.

Chapter 4


short chapter sorry!

Chapter Text

-Bobby, I get that you don't like the guy but there was no need to be that rude!

-Maxxxxie please! He is more trouble than he's worth, just don't bother with him.

-Bobby come on, I don't hold grudges forever. That was completely uncalled for.

-Fine man, whateverrr floats ya boat.


Max sighed. He knew bobby meant well but the hurt face Bradley had replayed over and over again in his mind. Then he thought of Bradley's eyes, that deep shade of blue that made him smile, he could drown in that blue.


-Brad? Brad? Brad!

Bradley shot up with a shocked glance. Tank sat on the opposite end of the table with an annoyed look on his face. Bradley was still thinking about his talk with max, even after coming home to change he still thought about max.

-Come on Bradley we are tryin to play a game and you’re slackin’ off!

-Don't you get smart with me Slouch I'm thinking!


Tank rolled his eyes; he could sense bullshit from a mile away.

-Don't pull my leg brad your thinking about Baby goof aren't you.

-What!? I would never waste my time thinking about that little arrogant egotistical shit with his stupid frosted tips and his stupid little teeth and his stupid little cute laug-

Tank leaned back in his chair and smirked. Slouch gave Bradley the biggest side glance in the history of the Gamma Mu Mu Fraternity. While Bradley didn't live their full time anymore since his father decided to switch him to his own dorm, Bradley still had main control over the Gammas.


Bradley slammed his hands on the table and stomped to his room. Tank flinched when he heard the door slam.

-Geezum. Someone's Myspace pic didn't blow up.

-Nah he's in private but he's just thinking about that Baby Goof. Let him cool down.

Tank stood up just where there was a knock on the door. As Tank opened the door there stood the one and only Max Goof.

-Baby Goof! How can we help you?

-Speak of the devil!

Tank shot Slouch a look before returning to Max’s gaze.

-Hey Tank. Is uh- Is Brad home? I went to his dorm, and he wasn't home. His RA was giving me shit though.

Tank smiled slightly while gesturing Max inside.

-Yeah, He’s just upstairs to your right.

-Thanks man I appreciate it.


Bradley paced back and forth angry- no – fuming! How dare that stupid goof invades his own thoughts! Bradey couldn't have a moment's peace.


Bradley swung open the door.

-Tank you bett-

-Not Tank.

Bradley stood eyes wide and mouth agape. The sleeve of Bradley’s oversized shirt slid off Max quickly glanced and noticed what seemed to be a tattoo.

-Hey Brad, I just came to apologize for Bobby, he was being a total dick.

Bradley sighed and leaned against the door frame. More of Bradley’s shoulder and tattoo seemed to be visible.

-No, I understand where he came from, this doesn't change anything I said of course.

Bradley took notice of Max fidgeting with his gloves. Bradley took a mental note to ask about the gloves later.

-Well come on, let's talk.

Max seemed to get more nervous as he entered, and Bradley shut the door. What could Bradley want to talk about?