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Part 14 of JatP Whumptober 2020 , Part 1 of Nick Evans-Danforth is A Thing That Exsists, Part 39 of All Things JatP By Random_Nerd3

Even If We're Miles Apart

Chapter 3


Julie and The Wildcats unite and try and figure out what's behind Nick's erratic behavior.

Ryan meets Caleb Covington while on vacation visiting his sister.

Nick breaks through Caleb's hold just long enough to hear Luke play a song.



Mama Mia

Here I Go Again,

Having No Self Control

My My, This Fic Has No End In Sight.



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Nick had been acting off for a week before Julie started to get really concerned about it. He kept pressuring her in ways the Nick she knew wouldn’t dare to try. She used to like him a lot, and did want to stay friends with him after she brought her boys back to life with her magic hug… but Luke was right. Something was just… off about Nick lately, and they were all concerned about it. When Julie tried to talk to Carrie about it, to see if she was missing any information. Julie couldn’t help but think the constand Danforth - Evans familial drama was finally getting to Nick and he was just dealing with it in his own way. To her surprise though, when Julie asked Carrie snapped back with a, “ mind your own business Molina ,” and twisted back around in her desk to avoid any more questions. Julie exchanged a look with Flynn before leaning forward whispering,


“Carrie, if something’s going on with Nick you know you can trust us, right?” Julie watched as Carrie’s shoulderblades tensed. She didn’t turn around to face them though, trying to stay focused on their lecture for the day. During their last practice Julie and Luke had agreed to try to figure out what was going on with Nick. Their teacher cleared her throat and Julie ducked her head as he walked past them, trying to act like she was doing the readings.


“Stay in your lane Molina,” Carrie whispered, tilting her head back slightly. “It’s a family matter, we’re dealing with it.” Julie rolled her eyes, knowing the cop out answer when she saw it.


“Care -” Julie tried again, but the bell cut her off signaling the end of class. Carrie managed to weave between the students faster than Julie could keep up with and disappeared in the crowd near Coach Danforth’s office. Flynn sighed,


“Let’s face it, if Carrie doesn’t want us to know she’s not telling us. Maybe we’re just overreacting Jules, its not like Caleb possessed him or anything.” A sudden realization dawned on Julie and she widened her eyes as she whipped out her phone and pulled up her search engine.


“I’m such an idiot Flynn!” Julie exclaimed as she scrolled through articles about Ryan Evans. “Nick’s dad, Ryan Evans, look at this!” She said, turning the phone around so Flynn could read the articles.


“He’s a rich famous person, so what?” Flynn asked, not understanding where Julie was going with her newfound information. Julie rolled her eyes and took her phone back.


“Flynn, the guys said Caleb’s targets are usually famous rich people who have money to burn. What if Caleb offered Mr. Evans a membership?” Julie asked, and finally Flynn seemed to follow along with her. Shaking her head Flynn said,


“He would have a stamp, wouldn’t he? Besides, it’s not like he would have a reason to accept if Caleb offered him a membership in the first place.” The two lapsed into silence as the rest of the struggling students went to their classes, leaving Flynn and Julie alone in the hallway. Julie sighed,


“I’m telling you, something has just felt off about Nick this week Flynn,” Julie insisted. Flynn was about to respond, but Coach Danforth’s office door banged open and both he and Carrie ran out of it looking more distraught than ever. Julie exchanged a look with Flynn then asked, “cover me in class? There’s no way this is just family drama. Especially not when he started acting like this the literal day after the Orpheum.” Flynn nodded and they exchanged a complicated handshake.


“I’ve got you girl, go see if you can help them,” Flynn said. Julie hesitated, but Flynn shoved her in the direction Coach Danforth and Carrie ran. “Go!” Flynn exclaimed, waving her arms. Not needing any more encouragement, Julie rushed after Carrie and her uncle and managed to catch up with them in the parking lot.


“Coach Danforth!” Julie yelled as she approached their SUV. Luke appeared leaning against the door and Julie held back an eyeroll.


“What are you doing?” Luke asked as Julie climbed into the back seat of the car. She ignored him, focusing on the task at hand. Carrie screeched when she saw Julie in the backseat.


“What are you doing here?” Carrie demanded before Chad could say anything. “I told you, this is family business. And you Molina, aren’t family.” Chad glared at her,


“Carrie, be nice.” Chad said with an exasperated sigh. Now that she was close to him, Julie could see he looked tired. Like, going all week without sleep exhausted. Whatever was happening with Nick was definitely taking a toll on his family, and the whole situation suddenly felt more real. Nick would never intentionally hurt anyone he cared about, something was going on.


“Chad, I’m not stupid. Something’s going on with Nick, right?” Julie asked, Carrie’s eyes looked down and Chad’s face dropped. “I know things between  Nick and I are iffy right now, but I want to help,” Julie said. Carrie’s phone dinged and she said,


“Uncle Chad, everyone’s at the house. We need to get started as soon as possible.” Chad glanced at Julie, who was already buckled into her seat, not about to leave them.


“I’m not going anywhere,” Julie said, determined to help Nick’s family like they helped her when her mom passed away. Chad must’ve figured it wasn’t worth the fight, because he shifted the car into drive and pulled out of the parking lot.


“At least text your dad so he doesn’t think you got kidnapped,” Chad said as they turned up the street to the Danforth-Evans mansion. Julie nodded and did as he asked, trying to ignore the painfully awkward tension between her and Carrie. Things between them were getting better, but their relationship was still strained.


“So… uh,” Julie said as they parked in the street, the driveway was packed with enough cars to convince her a party was going on instead of an intervention. “What’s exactly been going on with Nick?” They walked through the front doors and Julie followed Carrie down the familiar path to the family room, where a large group of people had congregated. She only recognized about maybe half of them from Carrie’s birthday parties back when they were little.


“That’s what everyone’s here for,” Carrie said walking over by her mom, who was sitting on the couch.


“Wow,” Julie said, and everyone looked up with her. “I didn’t realize how big Nick’s family was before…” Mr. Evans approached them from the kitchen, he exchanged a kiss with Chad before turning to Julie.


“We all care about Nick, and love him. We aren’t going to let whatever’s happening to him keep happening,” Ryan said, watching as his family all nodded in agreement. Julie glanced to Carrie, who was surprisingly engaging in a conversation with her mom, instead of being on her phone.


“You noticed the change in his behavior too?” She asked as she accepted the spare chair Nick’s Uncle Troy pulled out from somewhere. Ryan nodded,


“Yes we have.” A look of guilt crossed Chad’s face,


“I should have noticed it sooner. I knew something was off during school, but I barely get to see him and -” Julie cut him off with a slight headshake,


“It’s not your fault Coach. Luke and I didn’t realize things were different until a few days ago.” When Willie popped into the studio the other day saying Caleb had been spending less time performing, and more time in his office, Julie started to theorize how Caleb could use Nick against her. Ryan shook his head,


“It’s no one’s fault except the person who did this to him… I have to make a quick call, Chad can you run introductions?” Chad nodded and started to introduce Julie to Nick’s ridiculously large family.




Ryan had only been a professional choreographer for five years, but he was the youngest Broadway choreographer to date. Today was the first time he finally had the weekend free, and he had flown to LA to spend it with Sharpay. He hadn’t seen his sister in over a year. Call him crazy but he missed her eccentric personality. Sharpay was supposed to meet him on the strip and treat him to a night on the town, but she was running late. She called to apologize, her film shoot had gone on longer than originally scheduled. So, he was walking the strip alone until she was able to meet up with him.


He passed by the same hotel six different times before realizing something seemed… off about it. Some of the people literally walked through the doors, instead of opening them first. It seemed to be a hot-spot for people who had money to burn. “Excuse me sir,” a man said, suddenly appearing on the other side of the bench he was sitting on. “But you look like you’ve got a dream inside of you.” Something about the man made Ryan’s skin crawl, but he didn’t want to seem rude. Ryan turned to him and nodded,


“Ryan Evans, nice to meet you.” A spark of electric energy shocked his hand and Ryan winced. The man smiled kindly, acting like he didn’t feel the shock.


“Caleb Covington Mr. Evans, at your service,” he said, introducing himself. If Ryan wasn’t already dating Chad he’d consider hitting on Caleb. “Tell me your dreams Mr. Evans, your passions, and I’ll make them come true.” His words were woven like honey, wrapping around Ryan’s mind like a trap. Ryan’s thoughts quickly became muddled, like all he could focus on what Caleb was saying… like Caleb was the most important thing in the world to him.


“I’m a choreographer, Broadway,” Ryan said, not recognising the sound of his own voice. Caleb’s smile grew wider,


“You don’t say? See that club?” Caleb asked, nodding at the club they were sitting in front of. Ryan nodded, suddenly forgetting the whole reason why he was in LA in the first place. “I own that, and I need a new choreographer. Come work for me Mr. Evans, I’m sure we have a place for your talented mind.” Ryan hesitated, his clouded thoughts becoming clearer.


Chad’s wide smile as he slid into home base.


Finding out he got into Julliard. His and Chad’s first kiss during Senior prom. Ryan blinked, grasping through the fog at the kindness of the Wildcats, Chad’s smile and his strong comforting arms. Sharpay’s support when he first came out as gay to her. “What’s going on?” Ryan asked drowsily, pulling himself out of Caleb’s spell. Caleb frowned slightly, then snapped his fingers and his honey-like voice was back inside Ryan’s mind.


“I’ll tell you what Mr. Evans. Let’s start with a trial run, have you choreo a few of our numbers on Wednesday. Crowd numbers are lowest then, so I like introducing new talent then.” Caleb said, standing up and walking across the street. Ryan stood up and followed after him, pushing through the pedestrians on the street. Caleb held the club’s door open for him, and Ryan could see the logo in the center of it. The letters H G C hanging off the doors.


“Ryan!” A voice called out from the crowd, cutting through Caleb’s spell. Ryan snapped his head in their direction and saw Sharpay wearing one of her signature pink outfits. Caleb grabbed Ryan’s chin and turned his head back to the hotel.


“Greatness Ryan, Broadway fame and fortune for eternity if you step through these doors,” Caleb hissed, suddenly sounding like a villain from one of Chad’s superhero movies. Sharpay pushed through the crowd and appeared at Ryan’s side, pulling him away from Ryan.


“There you are!” Sharpay exclaimed, kissing both of Ryan’s cheeks. Ryan returned the gesture and gave his twin a hug. “What do you want?” She demanded, turning her attention to Caleb. Ryan wanted to shrink behind Sharpay and disappear when he saw how upset Caleb looked. Caleb glanced between the two of them,


“Perhaps another time Mr. Evans. Have a good time in Las Vegas.” Ryan watched as Caleb disappeared into the club, walking through the crowd in the audience. The second the club’s doors swung shut Caleb’s spell was broken and Ryan was able to focus on his sister.


“Who was that?” Sharpay wondered as they walked arm in arm down the strip. Ryan shrugged, not wanting to admit how weak he’d been.


“No idea,” Ryan said, keeping Caleb’s name in mind so he could research the man more when he flew back home to New York.


Nick had managed to break free of Caleb’s control. He didn’t know how, he didn’t care, but he knew he had to find Julie. The last thing he remembered was Caleb saying the whole reason he went after him was because of Julie. He was in the practice room at school, which meant it was probably after school. God he hoped Caleb didn’t make his parents worry. He hoped Caleb didn’t ruin his relationship with Julie or Luke. He could feel Caleb locked up like Nick was, a headache banging at the back of his head. Nick thought he was alone in the music room, which is why he was surprised to hear a soft guitar melody playing from behind him. Turning around he saw Luke on an acoustic, softly playing a song he’d never heard of before. “Luke?” Nick asked, Luke looked.


“Nick?” He asked, sounding surprised. “What - Is this you ?” Nick nodded then crossed the room and wrapped his arms around Luke, soaking in the physical touch. “How are you touching me?” Luke wondered, confused. He still returned the hug, running a hand through Nick’s hair.


“Caleb, Luke It was Caleb. It is Caleb, all of it.” Nick said, his body shaking. Luke squeezed his arms around Nick tighter, like he was surprised they could still touch each other. “I know you’re a ghost… half a ghost… whatever. I’m so sorry, for everything,” Nick said, tears staining Luke’s sleeveless shirt.


“Julie knew it wasn’t you. She’s at your house right now, with your family.” Nick sobbed at the mention of his dads. Luke reached up to cup his face, “hey, this isn’t your fault Nick alright? Just know that. It wasn’t your fault.”


“Thanks,” Nick said as Luke held onto him tightly. “If I know my family, they’re working on a way to stop Caleb and get me out of it.” Luke frowned slightly,


“Are they ghost hunters or something?” He asked, and Nick laughed, the sound crystal and clear in the air. He didn’t know how much more freedom Caleb would give him. All Nick wanted to do was stay wrapped in Luke’s arms, the first feeling of warmth he had in a month.


“No, they’re better. My family are Wildcats Luke, there’s no stopping them once they get their minds on something.” Just as Luke was going to hug him again when something in his mind snapped like an elastic band that got stretched too far. He was thrown to the back of his mind, locked up again against a wall, chains holding him in place.


“Let me go!” Nick roared, fighting harder against Caleb’s hold. The chains tightened around him the more he struggled. The only thing that answered him was Caleb’s cackle, seared into the darkest parts of his soul.


Yell at me on Tumblr: @Random-Nerd-3