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Part 1 of Challenges
The Forest

Challenging Destiny


Nomura, Nari, Strickler, Toby... All gone. All dead if Jim doesn't do something.
That something? Travel back in time all the way to the beginning and do better. Get Strickler and his mom together, save his long dead friends and make Toby the Trollhunter.

Only nothing is as straight forward as that.
Because the amulet is now split between him and Toby, the original and the new Trollhunter, which is really not what he had in mind. And it seems as if he might be able to unlock some of his friends memories with daylight...

This is going to be a fix it with a focus on Jim, keeping characters IN character and giving changelings their rights. Because they were done dirty in the movie.


This is the result of spite and the hope that things can be better with the ending we got in Rise of the titans and that destiny is indeed inescapable to a certain degree.

Jim says goodbye to his friends and uses the krohnosfere to travel back to the beginning, only things don't exactly go to plan in regards to making Toby the Trollhunter.

(See the end of the work for other works inspired by this one.)

Chapter 1: A new beginning

Chapter Text

They had lost so much, lost so many...

And for what? The world was well and truly screwed, everyone knew about trolls, magic and aliens, they’d lost Archie and Charlemagne to the dragontrolls kingdom and Nomura, Nari... Strickler, they were all gone. They had died, pointlessly.

Nomura would still be alive if he hadn’t allowed her to recklessly go out to fight the earth titan in Brazil while the sun was still out. And Nari, immediately after coming out of the mind control, had sacrificed herself to stop Skrael. Skrael —the reason Strickler had died. And after they had finally accepted each other as family. But no, he couldn’t have anything good in his life. Strickler had sacrificed himself in the hope of bringing the ice titan down. Only it hadn’t worked.

And now?

Now his best friend, the one who had had his back from the beginning, was dead. He stumbled away from Toby’s lifeless body, his eyes stinging with bitter tears. “No.” He rasped, “This—isn’t —I won’t let it end like this. There has to be something I can do, anything. We can’t let this happen!”

His friends exchanged helpless looks.

Aaarrrgghh moaned unhappily, tears in his eyes, he had calmed down considerably from his raging fit at his wingman’s death, but only after Blinky had managed to settle the massive troll with soothing words, he was now silent, his six eyes down turned.

Krel and Aja swapped stricken looks, the loss of Toby had hit everyone extremely hard.

And then the Krohnisfere knocked into his feet. He started, staring down at the green orb. Nari’s words echoed in his head, Trollhunter make ninth configuration. Krohnisfere make right. A shiver ran up his spine as looked to his family. He set his jaw. He knew what he had to do.

With a sharp cry he stabbed Excalibur into the Krohnisfere. Immediately a green gem floated out of the wreaked orb, hovering in front of his face. Blinky exclaimed in surprise, “Great gronka morka! A time stone!”

Steve blinked numbly, “Like in Avengers endgame? That kind of time Stone?” his voice rose several octaves and Blinky and Krel stared at him.

“What are you talking about now? Do you know?” Krel asked Blinky.

The four-armed troll shook his head, “Haven’t the foggiest idea.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Jim snapped impatiently, “I know what to do now. Nari said time unfolds like a flower, it can be changed.”

Douxie shook his head, finally speaking, “Jim, we barely saved the world this time. If you go back and change things, it might turn out even worse!”

Jim sighed, “It’s the only way. This is all my fault, we were reckless, in a blind panic, we didn’t plan anything, our friends’ sacrifices were for nothing if we don’t reverse this. It’s the only way.” He repeated firmly.

“If that is true, Master Jim, I know with certainty we will meet again. Somehow, somewhere, we will be united. Nothing could prevent our bonds forming once more. It has happened once, so it can happen again.” Blinky declared, smiling toothily through his tears as he stepped forward and embraced Jim. He sniffed, burrowing his face in his surrogate father’s shoulder, “You will always be my marvellous son.” Blinky muttered.

Jim backed away from the embrace, committing his friends faces to memory, because when he saw them next, they wouldn’t remember all they’d been through.

Claire hadn’t said a single word.

She looked afraid.

He confidently came to her and wrapped his arms around her tightly. Claire choked on a sob, “Whatever happens. Don’t give up on me. Don’t stop trying until I love you.” She whispered hoarsely into his chest.

He struggled to smile, “If we’re meant to be, I will always be here... And here.” Jim said, caressing her face and lightly brushing his fingers over her heart. They kissed deeply. And then Jim reluctantly pulled away, finally allowing the armour to envelop him.

Instantly he felt a insistent tugging at his very being, the amulet pulsing wildly over his chest, the gem whirling round and round, faster and faster. He met Claire’s eyes, “This isn’t goodbye. I’ll find you. All of you.”

And then the light overtook him and he was flying backwards through time, he couldn’t breathe, everything was on fire, he opened his mouth to scream and...


...Jerked up in his bed, gasping at the beeping of his alarm clock. He blinked, looking about him in awe. His room—untouched —clean —he was home. “I—it worked!” he whooped, elation warring with the bittersweet knowledge no one would remember the original timeline. It was a master reset.

He thought briefly of the vision Merlin had sent him and shuddered, he would not fail like that this time. Taking a back seat on events was the worst thing he could possibly do; this was his last chance. Third time’s the charm. He thought wryly.

And Strickler was not dying a third time. No way. Twice was traumatising enough. He chucked without humour, he was burdened with all the trauma now, since no one else would even remember. At least his mom wouldn’t remember her heartbreak at losing Strickler.

His mom!

He tried to run, almost fell, and then skidded into Barbara’s room. She wasn’t there. Disappointment swelled briefly; she must have left for work already. He shook himself and bounded down the stairs, going through the garage. The bin had been toppled over already.

He frowned, “Tobes was here when the raccoons knocked the trash over.” His heart sunk. Had he been wrong? He hadn’t actually had any sort of instruction manual on how to use the Krohnisfere.

Before he could proceed to panic, Toby appeared, huffing and panting on his bike, “Jimbo! Where the heck—” Jim tackled Toby to the ground before he could finish his sentence.

“TOBES! You’re alive!” he shouted in unbridled joy.

Toby frowned at him curiously, “Um yeah? Jim, is everything alright?”

He sighed, flopping to the floor and just... Breathing. “Yep. Everything’s perfect.”


He was only around thirty minutes late to his first lesson.

Mainly because his feet decided to take him to a familiar office first.

It was time to confirm if the time travel had fixed the other major family member sacrifice. He paused just outside Strickler’s office, trying to get himself under control. He had managed Toby’s revival pretty well, this was no different. He hesitated, wondering if he should knock and then forgot about it and burst inside, the door slamming loudly.

Strickler was there alright. And human. He had completely forgotten the changeling wasn’t stuck permanently in his troll form anymore. He paused, eyes wide, unable to say anything at all, his mind had just blanked. Strickler’s startled expression probably mirrored his own. “Jim?” the changeling began cautiously, glancing at the clock in befuddlement, “I believe your lesson started a while ago, you should be in class.” He said sternly.

Hearing Strickler scold him, using his teacher voice and being human and alive, that was what broke him. He sobbed. At first it was merely a trickle and then it was a raging torrent of tears as all he’d gone through finally caught up to him. He was so, so relieved that the Krohnisfere had worked.

He didn’t realise Strickler was talking to him until the man rested a hesitant hand on his shoulder, “Jim? What’s—” his alarmed inquiry was interrupted by Jim flinging his arms impulsively around Strickler’s chest in a tight hug.

The changeling tensed, his heart beating rapidly as Jim squeezed even tighter. “Please. Don’t go.” He muttered.

Strickler cleared his throat awkwardly, “Mr Lake, I must insist for you to let go of me, this is hardly appropriate.” He said it gently and Jim sniffed, the words helped clear his head, this wasn’t his Strickler. He was absolutely mortified at what he was doing suddenly, and the fact there was snot and tears on Strickler’s blue turtleneck sweater. He leapt back, almost crashing into the glamour masks starkly on display in the changelings office. “I—I am really sorry about that. I’m just having a bit of a tough day.”

Strickler cautiously backed away, moving to sit back down behind his desk. He gestured at the spinning stool in front of his desk. “Do—do you want to talk about it?”

Jim sighed, rubbing at where his scar used to be, “Not really.”

How could he possibly explain he had been the Trollhunter for almost two years, got turned into a half-troll, then a beast, back to a human again, fought the Arcane order, mostly failed, had managed to get the changeling in front of him killed along with Nomura, Nari and Toby and now he’d travelled back in time to fix everything, only no one remembers except for him?

Strickler didn’t seem pleased with his answer, “Perhaps school is becoming too much for you—”

“No! It’s not that! I mean I’m on top of everything, I’m even going to audition for the school play, everything is absolutely fine.” He lied through his teeth. Strickler’s eyes shone briefly yellow at the edges, the changeling knew he was lying.

“Romeo and Juliet? That doesn’t sound like something you would be interested in, Young Atlas. I think I’m long overdue for a chat with your mother...”

Jim’s eyes lit up, “Yeah! That’s a great idea! You-You should come over to my house for dinner...”

Strickler’s eyebrows shot up, “Dinner?” he repeated, utterly dumbfounded.

Jim nodded, “I’d like to introduce you to my mom. You’d like her, she loves puns.” He added. 

Strickler’s face went from shock, to confusion, to... Recognition. His whole face brightened, “I would like that Jim.” He said with a soft smile. Jim really began to wonder if maybe it wasn’t just him who might remember the original timeline. He shook those hopeful thoughts away, he would never be that lucky. Strickler clearly didn’t recognise him as the Trollhunter after all. “I have to go.” He said quickly, “Lessons, you know?”

Before he could say anything else he was out of there, running away from the potential mess he’d just created, yet hoping Strickler would come home for dinner anyway.


He intercepted Toby just before the auditions for the school play, advising him to take the canals on the route back home.

He regretted it almost immediately. He was the Trollhunter, it was incredibly selfish trying to shove the burden on someone else.

But it was done now.

And his friend deserved to be recognised as a hero.


Seeing Claire at the auditions had felt surreal.

But after he’d recited the ‘hero speech’ as Krel had dubbed it, he’d seen Claire’s eyes go wide, glimmering with the same recognition he’d glimpsed in Strickler’s.

He wouldn’t have to try and make her fall in love with him. She already was.

He vowed then and there he would not force anything when it came to relationships. He didn’t want to scare Claire away. It had to be natural, otherwise it wouldn’t carry any weight. Same applied to Strickler and Barbara. He needed them to develop their relationship organically. Especially when the time came to confront the changeling and get him to swap sides. His ‘unbecoming’ adventure was proof that Strickler could defect from Bular and Gunmar with only a little skirmish.

What can be done once can be done again. He thought, echoing Blinky’s words.


He walked home slowly, taking his time to admire his town, whole and unmarred by any sort of apocalypse. Now that he knew Arcadia was the centre of the earth it made sense as to why it had been destroyed four times. He shook his head inwardly. No apocalypses would take place on his watch.

With his knowledge of events all the death and destruction could be avoided.

When he finally arrived home Strickler had already left.

He immediately ran up to Barbara and hugged her tightly. She laughed, the sound light and full of warmth, something that had been absent in the few days after Strickler’s death. He grinned at her, “So mom. How was your date with Strickler?”

Barbara blushed, “It wasn’t a date Jim. But it was rather lovely, I felt like I almost knew him...But we mainly talked about you. Jim you know you can tell me anything, right?”

Jim did know. Lying to the people he cared about was one of the biggest mistakes he’d ever made. But he needed a little more time to plan his strategy for fixing everything. Then he’d tell his mom.

“I was thinking about my dad. And that everyone—everyone will leave me.” It wasn’t even far from the truth.

Barbara’s face softened. “Oh kiddo... I’ll never leave you. Its been me and you together from the start and it will be like that always. Nothing can take that away.” And she kissed him on the forehead. Jim shivered. It was almost exactly what she’d said to him after Strickler’s death in Greenland.

“Thanks mom.” He said, fighting tears.

“No problem Jim. Just please don’t keep anything from me. Mr Strickler said you tend to want to ‘Bear your burden alone’ but you’re not alone. Remember that.”

Jim smiled shakily, “He’s right. I’ll try and remember that.”


He flopped into his bed with a gusty sigh. It had been a long day and yet he was already planning how he would help Toby.

He’d probably be needing a lot of help being the Trollhunter, his enthusiasm was well and good but he lacked the experience of his prior self.

A soft ding interrupted his train of thoughts.

He looked over at his dresser table and froze in alarm.

The amulet winked back at him. “This is your destiny too, Trollhunter.”

Chapter 2: Unexpected complications


Jim and Toby panic over the amulet being split between them. Blinky and Aaarrrgghh arrive and Jim knows he'll have to tell someone the truth soon.


So I should be able to get the next five chapters out reasonably quickly as I have them planned out, but as I have other fics I'm working on at the same time I'm not really going to have a regular update schedule. But as everyone seems to be enjoying this so far, I'll try and focus on this fic. Like Seriously thank you so much to everyone who was left kudos and comments, I'm absolutely stunned at the support this story has gathered after just one chapter. So thank you and hope you all enjoy this!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Jim turned his head away from the dresser table and closed his eyes.

He was imaging it.

The amulet was not merrily staring at his face, the amulet could not be here when it was meant to have chosen Toby, this was not happening, nope, no, no way.

He fully turned his back on the amulet and it promptly materialised in front of his face. He groaned, lying flat on his back and trying to stop himself from utterly losing it. “I can’t believe you would do this! Why? I thought you’d chosen Toby... You tricked him and you tricked me!”

He knew he was being unreasonable, what had he expected? That the amulet would just follow his instructions obediently? He couldn’t escape his destiny, some things were meant to be and apparently this was one of those things.

He groaned and stumbled out of his bed, glaring at the amulet heatedly. There was only one way to check for certain whether or not the amulet was bonded to him.

“For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!”

The amulet eagerly responded to the incantation, dashing Jim’s tentative hope that this wasn’t happening all over again.

The armour formed around his body, lifting him off his feet and sending power thrumming through every nerve in his body. It was nothing like the new amulet Krel had made for him, this felt right. Like how it was meant to be. He landed with a faint clank of metal, inspecting his gauntlets, he’d really missed this. He couldn’t kid himself into believing that he wasn’t born to harness Daylight. However much he would have liked to have Toby get to be the hero this was his destiny.

He summoned Daylight in a burst of blue tinged light, sighing at his reflection. “My burden to bear.” He muttered.

Maybe it was for the best that the amulet was bonded to him, it would certainly make everything easier for him to try and fix.

And then with no warning the amulet whizzed off his chest with a ping and knocked into his window.

Jim stared at it in confusion and the amulet insistently tapped into the glass again.

“Alright, alright. I’ll open it.” Jim said irritably, he cautiously came to the window and opened it a crack.

The amulet immediately zoomed out of the window and right across the street, tapping into Toby’s window. Jim’s mouth fell open as a frantic Toby slammed his window open, a look of relief on his face at the presence of the amulet. Which jumped into Toby’s expectant hands.

Jim couldn’t hear what his beat friend was saying from where he was but it looked as if the amulet was being scolded.

At least I’m not the only one who talks to it. Jim thought wryly.

He shook his head with a soft moan. Why was that even a concern? He must be going mad. The amulet couldn’t be bonded to two people at the same time.

Unbidden his own voice came back to him; It’s me and you Tobes, always has been, always will be.

Or maybe this was the amulets way of telling him he couldn’t do this alone. And that he should probably tell Toby everything.

Not yet. Jim thought stubbornly, I’m going to at least wait until Toby has some experience.

But by then it would be too late.

Bular might kill Toby, Strickler, as hard as it was to even think about it, could find out Toby was the Trollhunter and probably kill him or use him to open the bridge and then Gunmar would be free. Again.

He had a month and a half, tops, to kill Bular to avoid anyone dying, Draal losing his arm and Nomura being sucked into the Darklands.

It was while he was lost in his frenzied thoughts his phone began to ring, he blinked at it numbly.

Bzz, Bzz, this is Gun Robot, pick up your phone. Bzz, Bzz, this is—

Jim brought his mind back to the present and snatched his phone up, answering the call.

It was Toby.

Er Jim? Could you please stop staring out of your window like some sorta zombie?"

Jim’s eyes darted to the window. Toby waved at him, sweat glinting off his forehead, he could actually see it from his window. He looked like he was under tremendous pressure and Jim thought he knew why.

“Tobes. Is there anything you’d like to tell me?” he said levelly into his phone.

Toby grinned widly, “Nope!

Jim waited expectantly; arms crossed.

Toby caved in. “Okay, okay! There’s a whole bunch of stuff I’ve been dying to tell you about, but they swore me to secrecy! Although I suppose you don’t count as a civilian what with being my best friend and all!”

Jim felt unexpectedly warm all over at Toby’s words. He was wrong. Toby was perfect for this role, he was loyal, brave and always looked on the bright side, even when he was dying... He refused to go down that line of thought. Toby was fine. He was alive, that’s all that mattered.

“Riiiight.” Jim said slowly, feigning his dubiousness.

He’d learnt a few things from Nomura on their journey to New Jersey.

Most notably how to lie convincingly.

Back when his greatest worry was adapting to being a half-troll, back when things were much simpler. Anyway it wasn’t like he would be lying to Toby for very long, only a few weeks at the most, in order to get used to some things. Like the amulet apparently being slit between him and Toby.

Jim.” Toby said seriously, “I promise you I’m not making this up. Look, I can show you, if you come over here. Is your mom home yet?

“Nope. Just left for a late-night shift recently. I suppose I could come over.” He faked a yawn, attempting to hide his curiosity and excitement. He really wanted to see how the Daylight armour looked like on his best friend.

Great! Get over here then!” Toby exclaimed.

Jim nodded, giving Toby a thumbs up, before disconnecting the call and jogging down the stairs, jumping the last five steps and landing in an easy crouch...

... And winced in pain, collapsing to his knees. “Ow.” He bit out, his legs protesting fiercely.

His heart sunk.

So his memory was intact but his body was back to a fifteen year old, who hadn’t had any training, definitely hadn’t killed Bular, Angor Rot or Gunmar and had never even been a half-troll.

Shit. Jim swore inwardly. Nothing in his life could go right for one damn minute.

He limped to the front door, letting himself out and walked, slowly and painfully, to Toby’s house, saying a weak, “Hey Nana!” to Nancy Domzalski, who didn’t even hear him over the blaring of the TV.

He took the stairs two at a time and was relieved when his legs didn’t protest. He knocked on Toby’s door and it was flung open, Toby grabbing him by the jumper and yanking him inside.

It was still a relief seeing his best friend alive and well again, and Jim was determined to keep it like that.

“So.” Toby began. “Do you want the long story or the short story?”

“Um, long one?” Jim asked.

Toby stared at him hard, “You’re meant to say the short story Jimbo. Never mind, short story it is!”

He held aloft the amulet for Jim to see. “This thing, I found it in the canals, is able to summon magical armour and I’m meant to be this awesome protector of this insane civilisation that exists below our very feet! And they’re made of stone Jim! Actual, freaking stone! Jim it's the coolest thing imaginable!” Toby enthused.

Jim forced himself to look highly sceptical, despite wanting to share his friend’s delight. “Tobes, you’re not making any sense. You need to remember that Mace’s and Talons is just a game. It’s not real.”

Toby shook his head, throwing his hands in the air, “Gah! Why do you have to be the naysayer?” He sighed melodramatically, puffing his chest out, “Watch and be in awe! For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!”

There was no hesitation as he spoke the incantation, no doubt that he wasn’t worthy. Confidence oozed from him. And the amulet reacted instantly.

It was really strange seeing someone else don Daylight, stranger than witnessing Deya summon the armour as it was Toby. The guy who had been his closest friend since childhood.

Jim had been imagining his own armour but on Toby, yet it was definitely Toby’s armour while his best friend wore it, not his.

It was fitted to his body perfectly, enhancing his relatively short stature and reminding Jim of Toby’s old armour, the armour Merlin had made for him out of his beloved Vespa. Only the silver and blue of Daylight rather than a russet brown and lacking a helmet.

It was also patterned differently. Less fluid and more jagged, with complicated swirls and circles. But the biggest surprise was when Toby eagerly held out a hand to summon the Daylight sword. But it wasn’t the usual broad sword that appeared.

Instead a Warhammer, similar to Toby’s old one in the original timeline, but a polished silver wreathed in blue flames instead of a bright orange, appeared in Toby’s hands, he swung the heavy weapon onto his shoulders and almost toppled over.

He let the Warhammer fall to the ground, still gripping its hilt. “Pretty cool, right?” Toby grinned proudly.

Jim didn’t need to fake his amazement. He whistled softly, “Tobes... This is insane!” He touched Toby’s chest plate reverently.

It was a big mistake.

The amulet hummed and Jim’s eyes widened as it began pulsing wildly, before transferring to him in a burst of greenish-blue light.

His armour fitted to his body like a glove, easily forming around him. He groaned, so much for keeping that little secret.

Toby gasped, “That—whaaaaaatttttt? That shouldn’t be possible! Blinky said only one person can wield Daylight!”

“Blinky?” Jim said faintly, still stubbornly pretending to be completely ignorant of trolls.

Toby ignored him in favour of panicking.

“No, no, no! This is a disaster! What if the more people touch the amulet or armour the more Trollhunters we get! The whole town could be split between one amulet! And now Bular is going to be after me and you! He’s going to want to kill both of us! Trollmarket is going to kill us! Oh my gosh Jimbo, this is bad! This is really, really bad!”

“Tobes! Calm down! I-I don’t think anything bad will happen, yet. The best thing to do right now is just pretend that the amulet is only bonded to you. Besides, I’m hardly hero material. And these troll things you’re going to be hunting sound terrifying! Give me time to think about this!”

Toby opened his mouth, about to respond, but two voices from outside stopped him. Two familiar voices.

Toby rushed to the window and peered out. “Crap, crap, crap! They’re back! They’re back! They said I’ll be going with them down to Troll Market tonight! They can’t see you in the armour Jim! Take it off!”

Jim’s panic was only half forced, “I don’t know how!”

There was the sound of stone footsteps and Jim heard the unmistakable baritone of Blinky’s voice whispering to Aaarrrgghh to be very, very quiet.

Clearly the two trolls had decided to sneak past Nancy, who was still captivated by the TV or asleep.

Toby and Jim froze.

His best friend quickly touched his arm and like before the amulet transferred itself, this time back to Toby.

They were just in time, as Blinky exploded into the room, his eyes bright and smile brighter. “Master Tobias! Are you prepared to go below the earth and discover your destiny in Trollmarket?”

Toby beamed, “Hell yeah!” He stepped forward, chin lifted and hands on his hips, the armour practically glowing.

And then Blinky noticed Jim, just as Aaarrrgghh squeezed himself into Toby’s room.

The massive Krubera hummed, “Another human.” He noted.

Jim couldn’t help but beam at the mossy giant and Aaarrrgghh’s brows rose in surprise. “Not scared.” He commented.

Blinky focused all six of his warm amber eyes on Jim and it took all his effort to stop himself hugging his old mentor. He reminded himself firmly that this wasn’t his original Blinky, his original Blinky had ceased to exist. Just like his original Strickler. And his original Claire.

He frowned. None of his family were the same. He was alone.

“Master Tobias! You told someone about us! After all I told you about how paramount it is to keep our existence a secret—oh dear, I am very sorry my boy, am I scaring you? My name is Blinky and this is my companion Aaarrrgghh.”

“Three ‘R’s.” Aaarrrgghh rumbled, holding up two fingers.

Jim chuckled nervously; this was the worst Déjà Vu he had ever experienced. Only everything was happening all wrong, to Toby instead of him.

Jealousy, something utterly unexpected, settled in a tight knot in his stomach. Toby would be trained by Blinky and Aaarrrgghh, Toby would befriend Draal, Toby would get Blinky.

Jim sighed shakily, “You’re not scaring me. Maybe you should just take Toby and go.” He muttered, refusing to meet any of their eyes.

“Dude, you can come with us you know! He can come with us, right?” Toby asked Blinky, resting a hand on Jim’s shoulder.

Blinky nodded, worry creasing his stony brows, “Of course he may! But your friend seems to be harbouring doubts.”

Jim flinched away and Blinky resolutely stepped closer to him. “Lad. You are scared. Not of us, which I must say is most peculiar, but you are scared nonetheless and I assure you, you are just as important as Master Tobias. I will not accept you feeling so miserable. You are welcome to join us. You are not alone.”

Jim started, even when Blinky had no idea who he was the scholarly troll knew just what to say to him. He rubbed his eyes furiously, he wasn’t going to cry. “Thank you... Blinky. My name is Jim Lake Jr.” He introduced himself quickly.

Blinky and Aaarrrgghh exchanged looks.

Aaarrrgghh narrowed his eyes at him, “Sound familiar.”

Blinky nodded absently, “Indeed, my old friend, I too feel as though I’ve heard the name before... Well Jim, do you care to join us in Trollmarket?” The six eyed troll gazed at him expectantly.

Jim squirmed under the stares of the two trolls and his best friend.

He thought of Trollmarket, the heroes forge, the Heartstone, Vendel, Draal, the past Trollhunters... He wasn’t ready to see them and the troll city they called home again.

Not right now.

He wouldn’t be able to deal with it.

Seeing Toby and Strickler alive again had been hard enough.

“No. It’s fine.” He declined politely.

At Toby’s stunned look he explained; “I’m just not ready for this.”

And yet time was ticking ever onwards and the fate of the world was resting heavily upon his shoulders.

And he was all alone.

My burden to bear.


Next chapter some Jlaire bonding that's a little one sided and Jim realises he can't do this alone anymore.

Chapter 3: The truth comes to light


Jim realises he can’t do this alone, after a Romeo and Juliet rehearsal brings back some painful memories and decides it’s time to tell his best friend the truth. About everything.


Back with another chapter! Chapter four is already in the works!
Getting closer to the part where Jim is going to confront Strickler and I cannot wait to write it and for all you readers to read it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Lady, by yonder blessed moon I vow, That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops—” Jim knew these lines off by heart, they were stamped forever in his mind.

Yet speaking them to Claire, with her gently smiling at him, he found it hard to concentrate.

Claire responded to him passionately, she too knew all the lines off by heart and it showed, since she wasn’t using the script and seemed to be pouring her heart and soul into every single word; “O’ swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circle orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable.”

The stage seemed to shrink, until it was just Jim and Claire, alone. He stared into her warm brown eyes and stepped closer to her with a gentle smile, “What shall I swear by?”

Claire was suddenly serious, she knew he was no longer acting. “Do not swear at all. Or if thou wilt swear by thy gracious self, which is the God of my idolatry. And I’ll believe thee.”

Jim found himself growing sombre, there was so much truth in these old words, that spoke of an ancient love, a love that prevailed in the face of destruction. “If my heart’s dear love—”

The serious, almost magical, moment was broken by Miss Janeth trilling suddenly; “Cut scene!”

Jim yelped, almost colliding with Claire, he hadn’t realised how close they were to each other. He regained his balance, not giving in to the urge to glare at the drama and mathematics teacher. Miss Janeth really knew how to kill a mood.

He glanced at Claire, she was looking at him shyly, their eyes met and she quickly looked away, tucking her bangs behind her ears. He knew the gesture intimately, Claire did that whenever she was embarrassed or nervous.

He felt his smile slip.

He knew almost everything about Claire, they had been dating for three years after all. But this version of Claire didn’t remember a thing about their relationship, right now it was purely one sided. Claire had no idea just how important he would be to her in the future.

The future which no longer existed.

The future in which he and Claire had barely a day together before some new threat popped up.

The future which had resulted in so much pain for Claire, with Enrique being taken to the Darklands, which had probably already happened anyway, Claire being possessed by Morgana, dealing with Beast Jim and then fighting the Arcane Order. The list was long. At least now Jim had a chance to avoid all that mess. Somehow. He still had absolutely no idea what he was even doing.

He was so lost in his gloom that Claire had to repeat his name a few times before he realised she was gently shaking his shoulders, concern written all across her face.

Damn it. That’s the second time that’s happened. Jim thought in annoyance, he couldn’t keep drifting off like that!

“Jim, are you alright?” Claire asked.

Jim blinked, “I—yeah. I’m fine.”

Even Miss Janeth looked concerned, “Mr Lake, do you need to go to the nurse’s office? You looked as if you were about to faint dead away at our fair Juliet’s feet!”

Jim nervously laughed, “Haha, that’s ridiculous! I’m perfectly fine!”

Miss Janeth harrumphed, adjusting her purple glasses, “If you say so. You two may go. Excellent job with the acting, I don’t believe I’ve seen such passion for a school play in all my years as a teacher!”

Claire and Jim exchanged delighted grins. He bowed theatrically to Miss Janeth, “Delighted as ever to perform for you Miss Janeth.”

She blushed, giggling girlishly, “Oh! Thank you Jim! You truly are Romeo!”

Jim saluted her and then marched offstage, Claire following after him with a laugh. He turned to her, slowing down with a wide grin.

“You know, I never put you down for the thespian type, or the sort of guy who’d memorise a whole Shakespearian play in record timing. You’ve surprised me, especially since all the other boys are a total bore. Or Steve, he’s on a completely different level.” Claire said with an exaggerated shudder.

Jim felt the need to defend Steve. He might be a bully and jerk right now, but like Draal, Strickler and Nomura, there was a lot more to him than what everyone else saw. “He’s not that bad!” he protested.

Claire scoffed, “Have you seen what he’s like? He shoved Eli into the lockers just two weeks ago! And he’s horrible! He’s loud, obnoxious and crude!”

Jim chucked at her obvious distain. Even once Steve was on their side Claire still didn’t like him. He doubted that would change.

“Okay fine. He’s pretty much a stereotypical bully. But trust me, he’s got hidden depths.”

Claire was the very picture of dubiousness, but she didn’t try and contradict him. “If you say so. Next you’ll be telling me that Eli’s crazy monster theories are all true!”

He shrugged casually, “I wouldn’t go that far.”

Claire shook her head, “You’re a very strange guy, you know that, right?”

Her tone was teasing and Jim smirked, “Oh you have no idea.”

Claire’s inherent curiosity sparked to life, “Care to enlighten me?”

“Nope. Ruins the fun of watching you try and figure it out for yourself.”

Claire pointed a finger at him playfully, “Challenge accepted.”

They both automatically stopped and Jim was surprised to see that they were just outside the school gates, the sun was already on its inevitable decent downwards, the sky blushing a vibrant orange that darkened to a purple and blue.

Claire sighed wishfully, “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“I guess. I’m definitely looking forward to it. I like spending time with you.” Jim admitted.

Claire smiled at him and impulsively he took one of Claire’s hands in his own and lightly brushed his lips over her knuckles.

Claire went bright red.

“Same here. See you later, Jim Lake Jr.” And she speed walked away, leaving him staring after her forlornly. Although she did glance back once. Briefly.

After she was gone Jim groaned loudly and hit his head gently against a nearby wall, “You idiot!” He muttered. He had absolutely no idea why he had kissed Claire’s hand like that, they weren’t even friends yet and he was already shamelessly flirting with her.

Okay, maybe that was an overstatement. They were friends, but not close friends and definitely not girlfriend and boyfriend.

So much for promising himself not to think about Claire as being his girlfriend already.

But It looked as if Strickler’s stupid romanticism had rubbed off on him more than he liked to admit.

He shook his head in disgust, why did he keep messing up like this?

Just yesterday he had vented to Draal about everything, namely the whole time-travelling deal. And now he was really worried that Draal would tell some troll about his outburst, when he had been trying extremely hard to be as boring as possible, to escape the trolls notice.

Ever since finding out that the amulet was bonded to him and Toby, Jim had made sure to keep a low profile when he did decide to go down into Trollmarket. Which was mostly in order to have access to the heroes forge.

Over the past couple of weeks Jim had been subtly working out to re-build his wasted muscles, or non-existent muscles, as technically he had never trained in this body before.

Also he kept his distance from Toby. He didn’t want to overshadow him, his best friend really needed all of Blinky’s no-nonsense training if he was to be any good in a fight, even though it meant Jim couldn’t spend so much time with his old mentor. Which hurt but he understood that Blinky’s primary job was to train the Trollhunter.

Training had another purpose; it got rid of all his frustration.

Which was how Draal had found him.

Jim began walking home slowly, recalling his confrontation with Draal the day before:


Jim had been training using an old, rusted sword, panting with every sword thrust.

He was gradually getting fitter, thanks to keeping to Draal’s strict training regime, but that meant he had to put his body through a lot of pain, which meant he ended each day absolutely exhausted. Which was annoying, as before the time-travel this training would have just about got his adrenaline pumping.

He had been interrupted by a booming voice demanding; “Fleshbag! Where did you learn my father’s training techniques!?”

Jim started in surprise, losing his balance and falling forward, he easily turned his fall into a roll and landed crouched on the balls of his feet, before straightening up.

It was none other than Draal. In all his spikey, blue skinned glory.

“Draal.” He whispered.

The heavyset troll snorted, recognition briefly shining in his eyes, “You seem familiar human. How do you know my father’s way of the blade?” he repeated, albeit a lot more politely.

“You taught me.” Jim blurted out.

Draal burst out laughing, “Ha! Why would I do that? The Trollhunter’s son doesn’t train fleshbags. Definitely not puny, skinny ones or weak, flabby ones. Even if one of them is the new Trollhunter. His lips curled back to reveal his tusks and Jim cringed inwardly.

Draal hadn’t taken Toby being the Trollhunter very well, but luckily, other than the initial pummelling, Toby hadn’t challenged the spikey troll to a death dual like he had.

A small mercy.

“It’s true!” Jim protested, “And Toby wasn’t the Trollhunter originally, I was. Me and you had a dual, I won and instead of killing you I spared your life and you then saved me at my house from Nomura. Your lover, until you found out she was a changeling.”

Draal’s eyes widened in alarm, he took a step back, “How do you know of such things? Are you a Wizard? Or a seer?”

Jim shook his head tiredly, falling to the ground in sudden exhaustion. “Neither. I’m from the future.”

He told Draal everything.

Right from the beginning.

The spikey troll listened to him gravely as Jim told him of his part in the battle of Killahead, losing his arm and his final sacrifice to save Jim’s life. At the end of it Draal had a pensive look on his face, while Jim just felt tremendous relief. It felt good finally telling someone about all he’d been through.

“Was—was it a glorious death?” Draal whispered.

Jim shot the teal troll a surprised look, he hadn’t expected Draal to believe him that quickly. He had thought he would have to possibly fight Draal. “Wait—you don’t think I’m insane or making this up?”

Draal snorted, “No. This all feels vaguely familiar, like I’ve lived this before, I have never felt this way in my life, that assures me there is truth in what you say. Even if some of it is very hard to believe.”

“Yeah, I find some of the things I’ve went through hard to believe myself. Your death was glorious. You faced it with honour and courage, befitting of a Trollhunter. And you were my friend. And—I failed you.”

Draal huffed gently in his face, “Trollhunter, all I have desired is for a death worthy of one of Merlin’s champions, worthy of a warrior to be sung of for centuries. Do not carry any guilt on my behalf, I know now my destiny lies in training you.”

Jim sniffed, wanting to hug Draal more than anything. But he didn’t, he knew Draal hated mushy stuff like that.

“Not me. Toby. He needs help Draal. I made a horrible mistake trying to shove the amulet on him and I need you to train him.”

Draal spat on the floor in disgust, “Fine.” He grunted, “I suppose I could train the flabby flesh bag if you insist. I am guessing I should keep this to myself that you’re from the future.”

Jim nodded firmly, “Yes. I didn’t even mean to tell you.”

“It’s a heavy burden to bear alone, you should inform your fellow Trollhunter.”

Jim nodded, “Yeah. I know.”


Jim sighed, shaking the memory away. He had arrived in front of Toby’s house and his talk with Draal was vivid in his mind. The spikey troll was right, he had to tell Toby the truth.

He couldn’t do this alone like he had initially thought.

He headed towards Toby’s front door and knocked.

Toby opened it, his eyes lighting up at the sight of him, “Jimbo! How’re you doing?”

Jim’s shoulders slumped. If he told Toby everything that had happened to him the brightness in Toby’s eyes would fade, as would his happy-go-lucky nature. But he had to tell him, there was no getting out of it. Besides, with Jim’s knowledge of events he and Toby could change the course of History. But that meant he had to be willing to rely on others and lessen the weight on his shoulders.

I can do this. One step at a time. He thought.

“Jim? What’s wrong?” Toby asked in concern.

“I need to tell you something Tobes...”


To his credit Toby was a very attentive listener when Jim slowly unfolded his story, that he was a time-traveller from a future, alternate timeline, that he was the original Trollhunter and he had travelled back in time because the losses were too heavy and the destruction too severe.

And then he had carefully broached the subject of changelings.

Which was the point where Toby couldn’t help but interrupt. “Whoa, whoa, whoa there, Jimbo. You’re telling me there’s a bunch of shapeshifters out there who are pretending to be human but are actually evil trolls? Evil trolls who are rebuilding Killahead Bridge to free Gunmar?!”

“Yes. But changelings aren’t evil Tobes. They just have no other options available.” He defended almost automatically.

Toby gasped and pointed an accusing finger at him, “Omigod. You know someone who’s a changeling, don’t you?”

“Several someone’s.” Jim said uncomfortably.

“Spill! I want to know who they are!” Toby demanded.

Jim sighed, “The museum curator, Nomura, your dentists assistant, Claire’s brother—”

“What?! Dude, you have got to tell her!”

“I will. But for the moment Enrique is perfectly safe.” Jim reassured Toby.

His best friend relaxed, “Okay. I believe you Jim. And I totally called it on dentists being evil! Is Senor Muelas a changeling?”


“Steve?” Toby asked hopefully.

“Nope.” Jim smirked.

“Senor Uhl?”

“Still no.” Jim sighed.


Jim guiltily looked away from Toby’s inquiring gaze, revealing Strickler and Nomura to Toby felt wrong, especially since his best friend didn’t actually know them like he knew them. It honestly felt a little like a betrayal of trust.

“Holy heck! You’re joking, right?” Toby exclaimed.

Jim shook his head.

He was being ridiculous, Toby had to know everything in advance. It would be a little too late if Nomura managed to sneak up on Toby somehow and kill him. Jim was almost certain the magenta changeling would try something soon, once she figured out who the Trollhunter was.

Toby gaped at him, horrified, “But—but you set him up with your mom!”

“Trust me Toby, I would not have done that if he was actually evil. Even though he’s currently plotting to open up Killahead Bridge, he’s nowhere near as bad as Bular or Gunmar. He’s just—completed. But I know he’s got a good heart buried under all his prickly changeling exterior. He—he proved himself to be a hero at the end, when he saved my life.” His throat closed up and he blinked away his tears. Strickler was alive, he didn’t understand why he was getting so upset.

But that doesn’t change the fact you watched him die. Jim reminded himself.

Toby bit his lip, “He died, didn’t he?”

Jim shakily nodded his head. “I know Blinky has been telling you how strong and powerful Bular is, but he was the easiest foe we faced. Even defeating Gunmar wasn’t so difficult, now that I’m thinking back on our fight. Even the aliens were no big deal, according to Steve, and the time-travel—”

“Whoa! Aliens? Steve was involved? More time-travel? Can you please slow down and start at the beginning?”

Jim chuckled with a sheepish grin, “Sorry. I was also a half-troll for a while.”

Toby’s jaw dropped and Jim proceeded to tell Toby how he had killed Bular, then Angor Rot, gone into the Darklands, kissed Claire, Toby hadn’t managed to contain his squeals of delight when he learnt that Claire and Jim had been together for three years, found Merlin, became a half-troll, killed Gunmar and trapped Morgana in the shadow realm, the Akiridions crash landing on earth, Steve and Eli’s friendship with the aliens and then the adventure in Camelot.

Jim making sure to brush over the whole temporary death and corruption thing and talking in more detail about Douxie, the Arcane Order and Merlin’s death instead.

“So the guy who works part time at the café is a Wizard and his cat is a dragon?” Toby said.

“Yep.” Jim grinned.

“Okay. Anything else you want to tell me?”

Jim frowned, but reluctantly told Toby about the final showdown with the Arcane Order and their powerful titans. He also recounted Nomura, Strickler and Nari’s deaths.

Toby shook his head numbly, “No wonder you reversed time.”

“That’s not all. The last straw was when...” he sobbed, tears falling down his face, “You died.”

Toby’s face went white, his eyes downcast, “Oh.”

Jim couldn’t stop the tears and sobs. He cried uncontrollably and Toby gently hugged him, “Jim, its alright now. I’m alive. I’m not dead.”

“But you were! Tobes, you gave your life for me. I-I can’t deal with you or anyone else dying again!”

Toby hugged him even tighter and he rested his head against Toby’s shoulder, “And you won’t. Jim, we can do this, we can save everyone. Together.”

Jim breathed in Toby’s scent, squeezing his eyes shut, “Together.” He agreed.


Jim is literally going to speed run through events as quickly as possible, like his determination to see things through is actually going to be enough to get a certain council of ghosts interested pretty soon.

Chapter 4: Setting things into motion


Toby begins to be trained by Draal, which is frustrating for the both of them and the ghost council of past Trollhunters call Jim and Toby to the void. Jim decides to steal a piece of Killahead bridge with Toby to buy himself some time.


Whew! Another chapter already! My quickest update yet!
As always comments and kudos are much appreciated and I hope you all enjoy this update, there is a lot more action already.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“I said harder, Trollhunter!” Draal roared, sending a fist slamming into Toby’s chest plate with a resounding thunk that sent Toby flying straight into the floor.

Jim winced.

The last few nights had been pretty painful for Toby, but Jim had instructed Draal to be as merciless as possible in his training, the quicker Toby learnt this so called ‘destiny’ was no joke, the better.

He remembered how carefree he had been in these early days, when Bular had been the worst foe to be faced, followed by Strickler and Nomura.

He had longed on several occasions to be back in simpler times.

He had gotten his wish, but at the cost of everyone no longer remembering the events that had led up to this moment.

He still couldn’t believe there had really been a time when he had thought Strickler could actually kill him. He wasn’t denying that Strickler was a good fighter, but his particular talents lied in his intellect, which could definitely be questioned, cunning and knowledge of dark magic. Which Blinky would definitely disapprove of.

Another reason why he wasn’t so keen on telling his troll dad, who didn’t even remember him, the truth.

Although deep down Jim knew that was just another excuse. He was scared Blinky would hate him if he told him who he was and all that he had done. If he hadn’t been so stupid travelling back in time would have been completely unnecessary.

Toby wobbled to his feet, “Can I have a break now?” He wheezed.

Draal sneered, “Would Bular stop and let you take a break, fleshbag? Your enemies will not stop trying to kill you simply because you’re tired.”

Toby narrowed his eyes and summoned Daylight to his hands, the bright shine of the hammers flame wreathed head reflecting the determination in his eyes. “I can take you.” He said firmly.

From beside Jim, Blinky’s six eyes blinked rapidly, “Draal, Master Tobias, that is quite enough training for tonight, we wouldn’t want either of you to get hurt.”

At that Draal snorted derisively and Blinky frowned severely at the larger troll.

Toby hefted his Warhammer in the air, drawing the three trolls attention back to him, “Bular could attack at any moment, I need to be ready. And if I have to keep training until I drop, I will. Bring it on Draal.”

Aaarrrgghh shifted his weight uneasily, “Not good idea. Could get hurt.”

Blinky nodded vigorously, “Draal won’t go easy on you, Master Tobias.”

Draal grinned widely, eagerly punching his fists together, “That I won’t.” He agreed.

Toby glanced at Jim for reassurance.

He gave his best friend an encouraging smile, “You got this Tobes.”

Blinky shot Jim a disapproving frown, “Jim, Master Tobias is clearly tired—correction—exhausted. It isn’t wise pushing him any further. And as his trainer, I say we should stop.”

Draal snarled aggressively, “Says the troll who can’t even lift a sword without falling over.”

Blinky gasped audibly and Jim snapped, “Don’t talk to him like that! He’s just concerned about Toby’s safety.”

Blinky glanced between Draal and Jim, befuddled, as Draal seemed to wordlessly accept Jim’s defence of the four-armed troll.

He rested a stoney hand on Jim’s shoulder, “Draal is sadly correct.” Blinky sighed, “But nevertheless, it warms my old stone heart to see you defend me so strongly my dear boy.”

Jim beamed up at Blinky at the praise. It seemed no matter the time or distance between them, his and Blinky’s bond would still form. He just wished he could skip the whole building relationship thing.

Jim wanted everything to be exactly how it was before the shit hit the fan and exploded in his face.

But he knew that was impossible.

When he made the decision to go back in time he did so knowing everyone else’s memories would be gone.

However he still wanted his surrogate dad back.

“No problem, Blink. Draal, Tobes, whenever you’re ready.”

Aaarrrgghh and Blinky both shot Jim disappointed looks but he ignored them.

Toby smiled grimly and with a battle cry charged Draal, who was still occupied with grinning triumphantly at Blinky.

Toby’s Warhammer thunked into Draal’s chest, blue flames scorching his teal stone skin, Draal roared in pain, attempting to swat Toby, only the stocky Trollhunter, with surprising nimbleness, evaded the blow and moved behind the spikey troll, in his blind spot.

Jim smirked, how the student had become the master.

Blinky gaped in slack jawed amazement, “I did not teach him that!”

Aaarrrgghh hummed, “Rule three.”

“Indeed, my good fellow. Master Tobias is using Draal’s blind spot!”

Draal bellowed in annoyance, “Stop hiding Trollhunter! Come out where I can see you!”

Toby kept his mouth shut, not rising to the bait and giving his location away.

The next time Draal spun around Toby yelled and leapt onto his crystal incrusted back, latching onto Draal’s magnificent rack of horns.

Draal snarled, attempting to reach behind him and grab Toby, but he couldn’t reach.

Grinning, Toby yanked down on Draal’s horns, forcing the massive troll to lower his head, “Horns—are—sensitive—but no one told me they’re heavy!” he grunted, finally pushing Draal’s face into the ground, sitting with his whole weight on Draal’s neck and horns.

“I won!” Toby yelled, throwing his arms into the air with a victory shout.

Allowing Draal to rise up and easily dislodge Toby from his back, in one lightning fast movement hefting Toby up by his throat and applying pressure.

“Never declare victory until your enemy is either dead or at the very least, unconscious.” Draal said roughly, watching grimly as Toby’s face went first red and then blue.

Blinky cried out in alarm, “Draal! Let the boy go! You’re hurting him!”

Jim’s eyes widened, he hadn’t expected Draal to be this merciless! “Okay Draal, you won, please let him go! He can’t breathe.”

Draal scowled at him but reluctantly dropped Toby to the floor.

Jim immediately raced to his best friends side, patting at his arm lightly, “Tobes, Tobes, are you alright? Say something!”

Toby groaned and Jim almost cried with relief. “Yeah... I’m A OK Jimbo.” He whispered hoarsely, his armour disappearing in a flash of blue light.

Jim immediately helped him up, Toby leaning on his shoulder gratefully, eyes half closed.

Draal crossed his arms, mildly impressed, “You are getting better at combat, I’ll give you that, Trollhunter. But your arrogance is going to get you killed.”

“Fear keeps you alive.” Jim added, giving Toby’s shoulder a gentle nudge.

Toby moaned softly, “Yeah, yeah, I get it.”

Draal huffed, “I hope you do. I will take my leave of you now, same place tomorrow night. Don’t be late.” And then the teal troll left the heroes forge, with not a backward glance.

Blinky glared after Draal, muttering a few curses under his breath, some of which Jim understood perfectly, as he marched over to Toby and Jim. “Master Tobias, I firmly disapprove of Draal’s teaching methods, why are you so determined to get beaten up for no good reason? There’s no rush to your training, it takes years to become a seasoned warrior and while Bular is a threat, he hasn’t even been seen for the last few days!”

Toby drew himself up proudly, “I’m the Trollhunter. It’s my duty to protect trolls, I, er, can’t really do that if I can’t fight. Doesn’t matter if Bular is an actual threat to us or not. I need to be able to stand my ground.”

Blinky growled and flung his four arms into the air, “Ah! That’s it, I’ve had enough of this! Aaarrrgghh, come, we’re going to have a talk with Draal about some—issues.”

And then Blinky proceeded to march off, after Draal, Aaarrrgghh trailing him unhappily, with a resigned sigh.

“Phew! I’m so glad that’s over with! I think my bruises have bruises!” Toby lamented after the trolls had left.

Jim laughed, “Well, you’re doing better than I was at this stage.”

“Really?” Toby asked sceptically.

“Yep. I think right about now I was—hmmm, I think I was dealing with Goblins? I’m not sure...”

Toby raised his eyebrows. “Goblins? Those are a thing too?”

“Unfortunately. It’s where one of the Trollhunting rules doesn’t really make sense, since Goblins can smell fear—”

Before he could finish speaking, with a grind of ancient machinery the Soothscryer pushed itself out of the centre of the heroes forge, pulsing an ominous red.

Jim froze, staring at the Soothscryer in dread. He had completely forgotten that the past Trollhunters could watch the current Trollhunters every move.

Which meant the long dead trolls probably knew he was from the future.

Toby paled, “Um. Isn’t that the doorway to the void?”

“Yes. I think the ghost council of past Trollhunters wants to have a word with me.” He said slowly.

“Uh oh, someone’s in trouble!” Toby sniggered.

Jim scoffed and gently shoved past Toby, going over to the Soothscryer, which seemed to be glaring down at him.

Toby came and stood next to him, looking up at the Soothscryer. “How are we supposed to get up there?”

“Give me a boost.” Jim told him.

Obediently Toby kneeled down and Jim clambered onto his back, stretching a hand into the Soothscryer.

With a whirr of gears the Soothscryer clamped down on his arm and Jim gritted his teeth together as he was sucked into the void.

With Toby.

Jim gasped as the void came into view, dark except for the glowing constellations above their heads, depicting epic battle scenes.

Jim noticed in shock that he could see the Arcane Order up there too. And also Merlin, even Excalibur, held in the hands of... Himself.

Stunned, he was roused from his stupor by Toby shouting, “Oh my gosh! This place is awesomesauce!”

“Indeed it is.” A faintly amused voice echoed from all around them.

A bright light appeared in front of them, expanding until Jim found himself staring into the familiar silvery-blue gaze of Kanjigar the Courageous.

“Welcome Trollhunters. I never thought such a day would come when not one, but two welded Daylight. Only you are not from this time, Jim Lake Jr.”

Jim wilted. Of course Kanjigar would bring them here for a lecture after finding out what he has been up to. He really wasn’t looking forward to what Merlin would have to say to his actions, especially since the ancient Wizard already disapproved of messing around with time.

“Do you have to eavesdrop on everything I do?” He said, throwing his hands in the air in frustration.

Kanjigar smiled sadly, “We did not have to. We in the void exist outside of time. All of us witnessed your sacrifices, your fight with the Arcane Order and your friends sacrifices to save you. We know of your decision to reverse time and handing the amulet to Tobias Domzalski.”

Jim felt his heart plummet all the way down to his feet. “Kanjigar, I’m so sorry—”

“You have nothing to apologise for, Trollhunter. My death was always inevitable. However, you can save all your friends. Save my son. They are all depending on what you do now.”

Toby shifted around uncertainly, scanning his surroundings, “So, you dead guys just chill out here for the rest of eternity, spying on people? Isn’t that like a breach of privacy or something?”

The other ghosts, who up until now had been silent, cried out in outrage.

“You are not worthy! You’re a disgrace to the Trollhunter mantle!”

“All he is good for is comic relief! He’s no warrior, he’s a walking joke!”

“The amulet should never have gone to humans!”

“Your meddling will have dire consequences! Mark my words!”

Kanjigar and Jim let out twin exasperated sighs, while Toby quailed in fear and misery.

“Enough!” Kanjigar boomed. “Jim Lake Jr has done more than any Trollhunter before or after will ever do. The boy has proved his worth over and over again. Even if he has let his emotions get the best of him on several occasions.”

“Thanks.” Jim said sarcastically.

Kanjigar ignored him and said; "Jim, I brought you both here to warn you, that you must make haste. Killahead nears completion for the third time.”

Toby shot Jim a confused look and Jim shook his head subtly. Later. He communicated silently, Toby understanding him instantly and not pressing the matter any further. 

“I know, Kanjigar. I have a plan in mind. We’re going to steal a piece of Killahead bridge. Tonight.”



“Remind me again why I have to come with you for this?” Toby whispered from beside Jim.

Both boys were crouched behind some bushes, overlooking the museum.

Jim turned to Toby with a fleeting grin, “Nomura, the museum curator changeling, is going to be prowling around, I can’t have her telling Strickler that I’m the Trollhunter. Hence the dark hoodie and you having the amulet.” He gestured to the hood that cast his face in shadow before pointing to Toby’s pocket, which hid the amulet.

Toby noticeably lacked a hoodie.

“Dude. That means she’ll tell Strickler that I’m the Trollhunter! And he already dislikes me! He’ll have no qualms about killing me! Why didn’t you let me take a hoodie?” Toby whined.

“Because I need Nomura to see that you have the amulet so she can tell Strickler. So when I go and confront him tomorrow, to get him on our side, he'll hopefully have an easier time believing that I’m from the future as there’s no other way for there to be two Trollhunters.” Jim explained patiently.

“That is the stupidest plan I have ever heard, Jimbo. It could go wrong in so many ways! Also did you really just casually say that you’re going to try and convince Strickler to change sides tomorrow? Like after school tomorrow? Are you sure that’s a good idea? Isn’t it, I don’t know, a bit soon? Don’t you want your mom to soften him up a bit more first? They’ve only had like three dates!”

Jim shook his head, “The sooner I get to Strickler, the better. He was a massive thorn in my side for the better part of a year in my original timeline, I really don’t want to repeat that. Also, once he’s realised I’m telling the truth, his help will be invaluable. Blinky’s not really the pragmatic type, he’s more of a philosopher. Which is definitely better and nicer, but we don’t want nice. We want efficiency and speed. We need to win, even if we have to play dirty.”

Toby shivered, “Okay Jim. Then let’s get this over with.”


Just like the last time Jim had broken into the museum with Toby, his best friend got stuck halfway through a window.

With one hard shove, Jim pushed Toby into the museum, the stout Trollhunter landing with a very loud ‘oof’ that made Jim cringe.

He quickly scrambled after Toby, easily landing on his feet.

Toby summoned Daylight to light their way, the Warhammer glowing an eerie blue in the relative darkness of the museum. Jim took the lead, walking purposefully towards where he knew Killahead was hidden.

Sure enough the bridge was in the exact same place, covered tactfully with a heavy canvas tarp. Jim went up to the bridge and in one hard yank pulled the tarp off. It fell to the floor and Toby inhaled softly.

The bridge glared back at them, almost complete and as grotesquely beautiful as ever, the carvings adorning the bridge withering and twisting around as if alive.

“Stand guard here, I’ll get a piece of the bridge.” Jim instructed Toby, who nodded, watching as Jim carefully climbed up the scaffolding of the bridge, the Dayhammer, as Toby had fondly dubbed the magical weapon, held out at the ready.

Jim got a hold of one of the bridge pieces and with a grunt detached it, tucking the sizeable chunk of stone in his backpack. He was about to head on down, back to Toby, when the sound of whistling met his ears.

On any other occasion he might have leapt for joy, because only one person he knew whistled In The Hall Of The Mountain King, but right now it filled him with dread.

He met Toby’s eyes, frantically motioning for him to hide, but it was too late.

Nomura came into the room, in human form, face serene and seeming rather harmless.

But Jim knew better.

Nomura was a highly skilled warrior, probably better than Strickler, if it wasn’t for her hot-headed nature. Which was why Draal had fallen in love with her no doubt.

Nomura stopped in her tracks when she saw Toby, in his Trollhunter armour, in front of the bridge, glowing Warhammer in hand.

“Er, would you believe that I got lost?” Toby chucked nervously.

Nomura’s face twisted into a snarl, “No, I wouldn’t. So the amulet chose a human, how pathetic.”

“Ha! I’m actually the most fearsome warrior you’ll ever meet.” Toby boasted, swinging the Dayhammer confidently.

Nomura didn’t look too impressed.

Jim face palmed from where he was crouched behind the bridge, Toby was so not ready for this.

Nomura transformed and Toby yelped, “Holy shit! You’re so tall! And sharp!”

Nomura grinned, displaying her sharp fangs, “And you are rather short, not much of you to cut down to size. Oh well.” She shrugged elegantly and unsung her dual blades, which were already glowing a warm orange.

Toby whimpered as Nomura rushed at him and promptly ran away, towards the tapestry Jim had told Toby he had used to unbalance Nomura in the original timeline.

Jim grinned, Toby was a lot smarter than anyone gave him credit for.

He stealthily made his way downwind of Nomura, who had cornered Toby. “End of the line, Trollhunter!” She hissed.

Toby smirked, “Arrogance gets you killed.”

Nomura stared at him, utterly dumbfounded and Jim summoned Daylight to him, the hammer lengthening out into his familiar broadsword, Jim sent the blade into the ropes holding the tapestry up and it fell squarely over Nomura, who cried out in surprise, thrashing around wildly to get the tapestry off of her.

Jim grabbed Toby, not caring that the armour immediately transferred over to him, urging his fellow Trollhunter away from the bridge and towards their escape window, Jim helping Toby out onto the dew damp grass outside of the museum, Nomura’s enraged yells scarily close.

This would have been an excellent time for one of Claire’s shadow portals, if she remembered how to do magic. He thought ruefully, still running, up until Strickler’s tan coloured car came cruising across the road and he was going too fast to stop in time.

He yelped in alarm and decided to speed up, in order to jump onto the roof of the car, rather than have Strickler see him in the Daylight armour, hearing a curse from within the car in trollish.

He smirked as he landed on the other side, running with renewed vigour.

Toby dashed straight in front of the car, narrowly avoiding being hit if it wasn’t for Strickler swerving wildly to avoid the stout Trollhunter.

Jim stopped next to the towns founding statue, fighting to catch his breath as he waited for Toby.

Eventually Toby arrived, practically dragging his exhausted body through the grass, collapsing at Jim’s feet. “That—had—better—be worth it.” He panted out.

Jim rummaged in his bag and held aloft the bridge piece, “I got the piece. So yeah, I guess it was worth it.” He said happily.

Toby gasped softly, turning so that he was lying on his back, “I am never listening to you again.”


Next chapter we take a break from Jim POV and finally get some Strickler perspective for when Jim decides to tell Strickler the truth to get him on his side. But it goes a little wrong.

Also I have been waiting for this chapter for a while, it's going to be high stakes and emotional just a heads up.

Chapter 5: Sharing the burden


Strickler POV interlude, for reasons that should be apparent by the end of the chapter. Expect some other characters perspectives in the future.

Walter Strickler knows many things—but the reason for Jim’s erratic behaviour eludes him. Until the boy comes to him to shake everything he’s ever known. And Daylight unlocks something deep inside him that changes his perspective forever, that makes him realise just how much of a second chance he’s been given...

Or there's no way in hell Strickler isn't going to pick up Jim's change in behaviour or go on the offensive at being confronted.


Um so, this went out of the window and ran away from me. It wasn't meant to be this long but, well, here we are. It's a whooping big chapter, the longest I've written in a while, so good luck I guess.
It's hight stakes and tension this chapter and emotions have gone everywhere in the process of writing this, I'm not going to lie but I made myself emotional writing certain parts of this, you have been warned.
And its widely self indulgent but I've made it as in character as possible, Jim has learnt a lot and he's going to be pragmatic, okay?
But anyway, enjoy the angst roller-coaster with a dash of humour!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

There was something strange going on with Jim Lake Jr.

Of that the changeling Walter Strickler was absolutely certain of.

The fact the young teenager had tried to unsubtly set him up with his mother wasn’t the strangest thing, surprisingly.

But the fact Jim had burst into tears at the mere sight of him was definitely odd to say the least.

The hug had taken him by surprise.

Jim hadn’t seemed like the clingy sort, yet that hug had lingered for an uncomfortably long period of time for him, he wasn’t exactly open to such displays of affection, after all. Yet he had wanted to return the hug. Not only that but he wanted to reassure Jim that he wasn’t going to leave him. The strange feelings had felt alien.

Jim was just a human. An incredibly bright, joyful, intelligent, caring human, whom he certainly liked, but that didn’t change the fact he was still a human. When Gunmar was freed from the Darklands there would be no place for such light. Gunmar would squash Jim’s brightness like a bug. And that was if the Gumm-Gumm king felt merciful.

The mere thought of Jim being killed made him feel guilty. But if he did everything right then perhaps the Warlord would be willing to make a few exceptions to which humans would be killed.

The strangest thing by far about Jim Lake Jr was when he looked at him, in class, when he thought he wasn’t watching him. Jim would look at him, truly look at him, knowingly, deeply. As if he could penetrate his human, outward appearance and gaze upon the stone heart that resided within his chest, see the real him.

It was uncanny.

Because in the brief exchange of glances in his lessons the weight of the world really did seem to rest on Jim’s shoulders.

The weight of war was in those bright, grey-blue eyes. Strickler recognised it, how could he not? With his centuries of life, he was very familiar with war and death. But it was something that had no right residing in Jim’s eyes. It was simply disturbing.

He tried not to think of it. To push his mounting concern away. After all, teenagers were so often exaggerating their oh so miserable lives. And it may also be arising from a turbulent home life. Which was the only reason he had agreed to Jim’s impromptu invitation to dinner.

Barbara was without a doubt easy to talk to, though. Especially with the accompaniment of a very well-prepared meal, made and presented by Jim himself. He was well aware that despite the happiness he had felt with Barbara, it was fleeting. Just another temporary cover for his human facade. Even if he could no longer deny his attraction to Barbara, not after several dates at the café that were-not-dates. Merely him indulging in a passing curiosity, of feeling... Connected to her.

Connected in a way he’d never experienced before, like he had met her before, in another life.

He sighed, rubbing at his temples and sitting back in his leather swivel chair. He glanced at the clock mounted on the wall in front of him. It was almost quarter past eight and he still had a positively mountainous pile of history essays on the fall of Rome to mark.

Jim’s essay had taken him by surprise. It was very carefully thought out, even entertaining at points, to read. It was a very mature essay for a fifteen-year-old boy. It had almost gotten full marks and from someone who had witnessed the fall of Rome, it was impressive indeed.

He picked up his fountain pen, about to start on the next paper, when his office door creaked open and none other than Jim stepped inside, carefully shutting the door behind him. Strickler sat up in his chair, “Jim? What-what are you doing here? You should be home. It’s late.” He said severely.

Jim paused nervously, his expression unusually sombre, his scent anxious, he could smell it on the boy, even in human form. But there was also a confidence hiding underneath the anxiousness, a confidence in his bearing that suggested a leader, someone who would lead others into battle. Strickler shoved these thoughts away firmly, Jim was no leader. He was barely sixteen!

Jim didn’t answer him straight away, instead he gingerly lowered himself down on the swivel stool in front of his desk, playing with the height setting, his legs nervously jigging up and down. “Sorry Mr Strickler. Its kind of urgent.” Jim apologised softly.

“Why couldn’t it wait until tomorrow?” He asked suspiciously.

Jim shook his head, “I needed to make sure you were alone. In case things take a... Violent turn.”

Strickler blinked, “Why—why would you say such a thing, Jim? It’s perfectly safe talking to me, about anything.”

Jim stared at him flatly, “Yeah. We’ll see. After all, it’s not every day that a student comes in and casually drops that their best friend is the Trollhunter.”

Strickler froze. No, this couldn’t be happening. Nomura had assured him that there was only one human who broke into the museum, the Trollhunter, Tobias Domzalski of all creatures. And why would—ah yes, the blabbering fool would have most definitely gone gushing to Jim about his new ‘sacred obligation’.

Regret welled in his chest, if only he had disposed of Tobias sooner, he wouldn’t be forced into this position. He steepled his fingers together, leaning forward in his chair, “Mr Lake. I’m presuming you have a reason for sharing this information with me.”

Jim nodded absently, “I do. I also wanted to let you know that I was with Tobes when we broke into the museum and stole a piece of Killahead bridge. Nomura would have told you about that, right?”

Strickler dropped his hands, fingers twitching towards the drawer that contained his golden knife. Jim knew too much. With difficulty he stopped himself. Jim didn’t know his involvement in this, he couldn’t. Nomura must have let something slip for Jim to confront him like this. Idiotic woman that she was.

“Yes. She did.” He said slowly, “And I must say, Young Atlas, I am most disappointed in you for falling for whatever Tobias has told you. I’m going to need that bridge piece back. That exhibition is nearing completion. It has to be ready for the public soon.”

Jim scoffed and slammed his palms on the table, “Cut the crap, Strickler. I know Nomura’s a changeling. I know you’re a changeling. I know you plan to release Gunmar and trust me, that’s not in your best interests.”

Strickler almost jumped in surprise, barely stopping his eyes from flashing. “How do you—Never mind. If you know so much, you wouldn’t have come to me. You made a mistake. You don’t know nearly as much as you think you do.” He spat, deciding to drop the guise of ignorance, seeing as Jim already knew he was a changeling.

Jim narrowed his eyes at him, “Oh, I think you’re wrong about that, Strickler. Gunmar will never treat you as an equal or with any respect. You’ll always be nothing more than an impure to him.”

The slur hit him like a slap to the face. Hitting especially hard coming out of Jim’s mouth.

This time he didn’t hold back from flashing his eyes at Jim.

With a growl he snagged his golden knife out of the drawer.

But Jim was anticipating the move, as he had in his hand his fountain pen, the lid cast off, revealing his changeling key. “What—” he gasped, as Jim pointed the key at him with the balanced poise of someone who knew their way around weapons.

“Please.” Jim begged, “I don’t want to fight you.”

He placed the fountain pen on the desk and Strickler dropped the knife, moving out from behind his desk to face Jim, face carefully blank. “I don’t have a choice. As the bridge nears completion, we need that piece back. I’m sure Tobias would return it if I have you.”

Jim’s jaw clenched, frustration briefly lightning up in his eyes, before he sighed in defeat, “Fine. Looks like I’m pulling the time-travel trump card. I’m going to be blunt with you; I’m from the future. Things got a little crazy, people died, the world almost got destroyed, so I used a time stone to start over. And here I am.”

“I don’t believe you. This has got to be the most far-fetched yarn I’ve ever heard.” He scoffed.

Jim met his eyes levelly. “For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!”

Nothing happened and Strickler did begin to wonder if Jim had gone a bit mad.

But then the amulet of Merlin zoomed into the room, shattering a window and letting a thin stream of fading sunlight inside, as it attached itself to Jim’s chest, with a flare of green light, cladding him in the hated silver and blue Trollhunter armour. Jim didn’t summon Daylight, instead gesturing to himself, almost desperately, “See?”

Strickler took a step back, his mouth hanging open in surprise, “There can’t be two Trollhunters! It’s impossible!”

“Unless one of them is from an alternate future. The amulet recognised me despite my efforts to give it to Toby. I know what’s going to happen, we can stop Bular, defeat Gunmar. It’s possible. I would know.”

Jim's offer was tantalising, it was all he had ever wanted, to be free of Gumm-Gumm ruling, to be treated with the respect he knew he deserved. Without Bular hanging over their heads all changelings would have a chance at life, real life, with no backstabbing or fighting just for a chance to breathe easier. But...

“Even if I took you up on your offer, I would be in more danger helping you. Trollmarket would kill me on sight and if Bular discovered my treachery, he would rip my limbs from my body. And if you are from the future, I’m guessing you would wish to rescue the familiars from the Darklands. Trapping all changelings in their troll forms.”

Jim bit his lip, about to counter but Strickler continued, “And the future couldn’t have been all that bright if you had to ‘start over’. Tell me, what happened to us?”

Jim’s eyes widened and he looked away, his fists clenching.

He sighed, so it was as he thought. Clearly Gunmar must have killed them all, probably because of disloyalty, which meant defecting now wasn’t in his best interests. Not if he wanted to survive.

“Strickler, just trust me. Things can work out better.” Jim pleaded, seeing his indecisiveness.

He closed his eyes, “I’m sorry, Young Atlas. But I can’t do that.” He whispered regretfully.

And then he burst into his troll form in an electric blaze of green light, shoving his personal feelings away as his true form was revealed.

He glared down at Jim, expecting the lanky teenager to flinch at the very least, or to stumble away and yelp. But Jim did none of those things. He stood firm, his eyes seeming to well with tears, his whole body tensing with reluctance. He looked very small, but he was also very determined.

Nothing made any sense anymore, Jim must have seen his troll form before, but that meant— no he wasn’t going to figure this out, the time for talking was at an end.

“Don’t make this any harder than it has to be. You were always my favourite.” Strickler growled.

He had the overwhelming sense of Déjà Vu as he spoke, as if he had done this all already, right down to him fighting Jim. But strangely it had occurred in the Lake House and then the museum. He advanced, ignoring the faint impression that this had happened before. Jim stared into his yellow eyes unflinchingly, “I know.” He breathed out sadly.

It was enough to make him hesitate.

But he had been around long enough to know that delaying the inevitable would only cause him more pain. Best to get this over with.

He summoned two of his feather knives directly into his hands and brought them down over Jim’s chest, only to be blocked by Daylight.

He scowled and pushed the blades into Jim’s armour covered arms until he let out a yelp of pain and dismissed Daylight in order to step away from him. Strickler grabbed Jim by the neck, his cape rustling softly as he slammed him into the wall opposite his office door, the last few rays of sunlight dangerously close thanks to the shattered window.

“Give me the amulet!” He snarled, as Jim struggled furiously against him as his claws gripped said magical artefact, ready to tear it from Jim’s chest.

But before he could do so the amulet disappeared and Jim landed in a crouch on the floor, easily wriggling out of his slackened grip, he swept Strickler’s legs out from under him. He landed with a grunt on his backside, narrowly avoiding being singed by the sun rays, as Jim summoned Daylight again, pointing the broadsword at his throat. “Can we talk about this?” he panted out.

“No!” Strickler snarled, his ears pressing flat as he surged up, lashing his claws at Jim furiously and leaving deep gashes in the side of his face.

The Trollhunter winced but quickly retaliated with a blow to his bare chest that hurt like the sun itself. He hissed, stumbling away, gingerly touching a hand to his chest. It came away covered in dark red blood.

Narrowing his eyes at Jim he flung in rapid succession several of his knives in the boys direction. Jim managed to expertly deflect all the knives, except one, which sliced his leg. He drew in a shocked gasp, “Yeesh. Are you trying to get me killed?”

Strickler drew another blade, catching his reflection in the silvery surface of the knife, he was all sharp angles, there was nothing soft or forgiving about him. Jim clearly didn’t know him. Or he wouldn’t have asked such a ridiculous question.

He looked up, eyes alight, “Not particularly. But since there’s two Trollhunters, it makes sense for me to dispose of one of you as soon as possible. That or I can take you to Bular and he can decide what to do with you.” He shrugged, before going at Jim in renowned desperation.

He just wanted this to end.

They exchanged blows in a deadly dance, that appeared to have no end, as Jim anticipated most of his moves.

The boy’s fighting style was vaguely changeling-like, but Jim wasn’t a changeling, of that he was sure. Yet Jim was using changeling tactics against him, reminiscent of Nomura’s fighting style and his own. He didn’t have time to ponder on it though, instead he lost himself to the fight.

Until he slipped.

It was a stumble really, Daylight almost hit him and he tried to evade the sword, only that had managed to upset his balance.

And there was nothing stopping him from falling straight into the patch of sunlight, that had ironically been caused by the amulet itself, on its way to Jim through the window.

He felt a burning sensation at the back of his heels and arms, but before he could potentially become a pile of ash and bone, Jim grabbed his wrist and yanked him back to safety.

He stared at Jim in befuddlement, as the young Trollhunter pointed Daylight at his face. Why would Jim spare him, if he was trying to kill him?

“Strickler, please, stop. I can’t lose you, not again.” Jim said desperately.

Again? Strickler’s brows furrowed, but he didn’t get a chance to say anything, as suddenly Daylight began to glow a brilliant white and started to suck at his very being.

But it wasn’t like the Decimar blade, whereupon the essence of someone was sucked into the sword, rather something was being sucked out of Daylight. Into him.

Jim’s alarmed exclamations and attempt to draw Daylight away from him was all faint, as Strickler struggled to escape the presence trying to worm its way into him. But it was incessant.

So he gave in and the memories, because that was what they were, flooded into his mind like a bursting dam...


...He was in his office. It was morning. He was standing next to Jim by the window. He was speaking, “—do what’s good for you, or you’re no good to anyone...”

The scene blurred and Jim was leaving, “I like talking to you, Mr Strickler.” Jim said, sending him a warm smile that lit up his insides with fondness.

“Always.” He responded.

It was then he saw the amulet in Jim’s satchel and everything he had known crumbled...


...He was in the Lake house. They were fighting. “Don’t you see? I’m trying to protect you!”

...Another time skip, Tobias saying, “Rule number three!” Blistering pain in his groin.


Strickler was dimly aware he was on his knees, his breath coming in and out in sharp pants. Jim’s voice was frantic, but the memories dragged him under again, despite his weak attempts to claw his way back to reality...


“I’ll give you an A for effort, but I’m afraid you’re about to fail this test!”

“Nothing can stop his return!”

He felt his very spirit recoil in embarrassment, but the memories didn’t allow for him to think, he was pulled along mercilessly...


...The bridge was gone. So was Bular. Jim would save the familiars if he didn’t stop him. So he went to get Angor Rot...

“You are a dog and this is your leash!”


He wondered how he hadn’t died shortly after that.


...His plan backfired. He put Barbara’s life in danger, the binding spell had to be broken. He begged Jim to help him...

“You’re the one thing I’m looking forward to forgetting.” Barbara said weakly, her eyes cold.

Then came the pain.


He was dimly aware he was on the floor now, writhing in agony, his wings out and beating the air as his body seized up, the most alarming screams and whimpers escaping from his throat. How no one in the school heard him was a miracle. He felt Jim’s hands on him, his voice containing nothing but fear and panic. He wanted to reassure Jim, but he was suddenly bombarded, in rapid succession, by a barrage of memories...


“—once again proven why you’re the hero and I’m—”

“Someone who can change.” Jim interrupted firmly.

He smiled softly down at Jim, “Your idealism is nearly catching, Young Atlas...”


“Your humanity is your weakness!”


“She loves, me?


“Walt? You can fly?” Barbara gasped, clinging on to him tightly.

“Yes.” He rumbled, briefly grinning down at her, “And I’m a keen swimmer too...”


“Without you, there is no world!”


And then, fresher, more recent memories, despite them being in reality years away. Of a place in the cold, ice covered Greenland...

“You know, Jim, I really did try and kill you. But, well, I’ve never been so glad of failing.” He gave Jim’s hair a loving tousle and stepped away, even as Jim screamed for him to stop, to stay. He shook the ice from his wings and carried the bombs away, towards the ice titan.

“How fleeting this life is.” He whispered.

And then...





...But light.

A vague sense of something after that he couldn’t remember. It fled from him and he opened his eyes with a sharp gasp.

He was on the floor of his office, his office, his wings curled tightly around his sides, hands over his head, as if preparing to ward off an attack, his legs tucked close to his chest. Which stung from where Jim had lashed out with Daylight.

Jim was on his knees beside him, armour absent, the scar running across his face absent.

Instead the side of his face was marred by four, long, red, claw marks.

He had done that.

Strickler struggled to put his situation into any sort of sense.

He was here, yet this was the past, he remembered a future that hadn’t come to pass. Jim had said he was from the future...

Barbara... He had been engaged to her. He had been happy.

Until he had died to save Jim.

But he wasn’t dead.

A paradox. He was a living paradox.

He barely contained the urge to let out a delirious laugh.

“Strickler?” Jim asked hesitantly, his whole body a tensed spring, ready to bolt. Oh yes. He had tried to kill Jim again, hadn’t he? It seemed he was forever going to put Jim through needless pain.

He tried to speak, failed, tried again and managed to croak, “How?”

“How—what?” Jim asked, his eyes almost unreadable.

“How am I alive? This shouldn’t be possible, I died.” His voice broke on that last word and Jim’s whole posture changed in a heartbeat to star-struck amazement, his whole face glowing with hope. “No. You can’t—You remember? You really remember? The Arcane order? The titans? Everything?

Strickler groaned, curling more in on himself, “A little too well, it seems.” His body shook with shivers, still not quite over the mental and physical strain of regaining, regaining what he feverishly hoped never to lose again, his memories, of his reformation, helping Jim, finding his love in Barbara, getting the familiars adopted, being engaged.

Jim’s eyes overflowed with tears, his lips trembling with the strain of keeping his sobs contained.

He flung himself at Strickler, burying his head against the cool stone of his shoulder and hiding his face from him.

This time Strickler returned the embrace.

He sat up and wrapped his wings around Jim’s thin body, resting his chin on the top of the boys head. This boy who was one of the closest things he had to family. This boy who saw the good in him before anyone else, including himself.

He had never hugged Jim before, now he wondered why he had left it so late. Only it wasn’t so late, because the last three years hadn’t actually happened, despite his memories telling him otherwise.

“You—I watched you die. It-it was... I’m so sorry. It's my fault it happened—we lost so many, I had no choice. I couldn’t let any of you die. I couldn’t.” Jim sobbed against one of his wings.

Strickler swallowed thickly, overcome with emotion.

He cleared his throat, attempting to regain some of his tattered dignity, “It wasn’t your fault, Young Atlas indeed, you’ve shouldered more than your share of the burden since becoming the Trollhunter. But you do not get to blame yourself for anyone’s deaths. Certainly not mine. I meant it when I said I’ll carry the weight this time, Young Atlas. I would do it again, make no mistake about that.” He rumbled fiercely. His grip on Jim tightening.

Jim blinked through his tears, moving his head just enough so that he could peer up at him, “Maybe we should make a deal not to do any more heroic sacrifices.”

He laughed, but it came out as a strangled sob, “Deal.” He rasped, patting Jim on the back gently, marvelling how they had been at each others throats mere minutes ago. Or rather, he had been at Jim’s throat, he amended ruefully.

Jim awkwardly untangled from him, both of them leaning against his desk, Strickler draping a wing around Jim’s shoulders. He wasn’t quite ready to let go of physical contact, a first for him.

“Looks like I’m no longer the most traumatised person alive anymore.” Jim joked, wiping his face on the sleeve of his jumper.

Strickler sent him an arch look, “We should form a club for the most traumatised people on earth.”

Jim chuckled, “That would be a very big club.”

Seriousness seeped back into him, “What happened after I died? I know for a fact you didn’t go back in time just to save me.”

“Well, I might have.” Jim said defensively, crossing his arms, “I might not have been willing to accept that my future step-dad died before he could marry my mom.”

He stared at Jim, momentarily dumbfounded. It was the closest Jim had come to accepting him as a parental figure. He didn’t comment on it though, no need to embarrass Jim quite this soon.

“Jim. I’m serious.” He allowed the faintest trace of a growl into his voice and Jim quickly sobered.

“Mom was pretty upset.” Jim scoffed, “Understatement of the century, but anyway, shortly after—you died, that was the last time I saw her. And you didn’t stop the ice titan.” Jim added.

It was his turn to scoff. “Of course I didn’t. What was I thinking? Blowing up an ice titan surrounded by bloody ice, not to mention it was controlled by one of the most ancient, powerful beings in the world. We should have waited until Skrael moved further south and dealt with the earth titan first, to get Nari back on our side. Why didn’t any of adults among us take charge?”

Jim ran a hand through his hair, “Guess none of us were thinking things through. Like thinking sending Aaarrrgghh and Nomura to Brazil while the sun was still out was a good idea.”

Strickler whacked Jim over the head with a wing.

“OW! Dude, what gives?” Jim complained.

“Did you happen to forget trolls die when exposed to sunlight? Gods above, Nomura forgot herself!”

“She died; you know.” Jim muttered softly.

He sighed, “I suppose you discovered this after you returned from Greenland.”

“Yep. It was a actually a triple whammy, we also found out that we’d lost Archie and Charlemagne to the kingdom of the dragontrolls.” Jim said bitterly.

Strickler once again buffeted Jim’s head with a wing. “And you made no attempt at rescuing them? Jim, you had a team, why was there a need to mess up so catastrophically?”

Jim glared at him, “Everyone was counting on me to have an answer. And I-I didn’t have one. We lost you, Nomura, Archie, Charlie, Nari and Toby, all because I didn’t think.”

Strickler’s chest constricted, “Tobias died?”

“Saving me. He remembered we had a anti-magic ray. Which we should have used way earlier, maybe then we could have avoided all those pointless deaths. Toby’s death was the last straw. I couldn’t live in a world without him. Without all of you. I know that makes me selfish but I don’t care. Now I have a chance to do things better and avoid everyone’s deaths.”

“But you realised you couldn’t do it alone.” Strickler surmised. “What I don’t understand is why you would come to me, instead of Blinkous, Claire or Douxie. Especially since you must have known I would attempt to kill you.” He said severely, making Jim hang his head in shame.

Although Jim was quick to raise his head, with a breathless laugh, “You remember how you and Nomura trained me to defeat Gunmar?”

“Yes.” Strickler said cautiously, not quite able to stifle his delight in the simple fact he remembered.

“I needed your more unconventional training methods back then, which Blinky would have disapproved of if I had told him. This is exactly the same, I want to kill Bular the quickest way, not the most honourable or nicest way. And with your memories back, Bular should be even quicker to deal with. Besides, you’ve tried to kill me plenty of times and failed spectacularly every time, so I wasn’t worried about confronting you.” Jim explained confidently.

“Your faith in me is truly outstanding. I’m honoured you think so highly of me.” Strickler said dryly in response.

Jim elbowed him in the side and he gave a protesting ‘oof.’

“Look, from a pragmatic perspective you’re the best at the whole planning a strategy thing.” Jim said.

He snorted, “Are you sure about that, Young Atlas? You do remember what happened with Angor Rot, right?” He pointed out gleefully.

Jim grimaced, “Okay, the plan was perfect but mom was the unexpected variable we didn’t account for.”

Strickler rolled his eyes fondly, “The reckless Lake family.” He drawled, “Although I am utterly appalled that you’re sounding more like me."

“That’s definitely not a good sign.” Jim agreed.

They exchanged grins with each other and Jim leaned back against his wing with a content sigh. “It’s good to have you back, Strickler.”

“It’s good to be back, Young Atlas. Did you know Daylight would be able to retrieve my memories?” he asked curiously.

Jim shook his head, “Nope. That seriously freaked me out. It looked like I’d Decimared you, or something. Your eyes went silvery-blue and then you collapsed and started screaming. I thought I’d lose you and it would be my fault again.”

Strickler growled sharply, baring his tusks, “For the last time, Jim, it wasn’t your fault. Daylight unlocking my memories made me live through them again. Including the pain of my most painful moments.”

“Oh! The binding spell?” Jim questioned.

He nodded, “Yes. It was more painful than actually dying, who knew?” he joked.

Jim stared at him glumly, clearly not finding him funny. His ears lowered meekly, “Too soon?”

Way too soon. Please hold off on the dead jokes.” Jim groaned as he realised what he’d said and Strickler let out a delighted laugh.

He tousled Jim’s hair, “You can’t escape it! My puns will haunt you till the end of time!”

Jim swatted him away, “No thanks! Can we focus on killing Bular, please?”

Strickler huffed, but relented, “Since when did you become so serious?” He grumbled.

“Since we have a world to save.” Jim reminded him.

“And we need to figure out how to restore everyone else’s memories.” Strickler added.

“That too.” Jim agreed.

They were silent for a minute and then: “You do realise you can be human again.” Jim said, glancing at him out of the corner of one eye. 

Strickler blinked. He had admittedly forgotten that little detail, in the excitement of remembering everything he’d experienced, before Jim decided to reset time.

“Oh yes. So I can. But it would be more enjoyable if Barbara remembered with me. Even if she might be a little upset at me for throwing my life away so recklessly.”

“Pfft. A little upset? She’s going to be so mad at us. Since we can’t exactly tell her the truth until we figure out how this memory restoring thing works. So I think we should hold off telling anyone else.” Jim said firmly.

He raised a brow ridge, “Anyone else? Who did you tell? Do they have their memories back?”

“No. I just told them everything. It was Draal and Toby.” Jim admitted.

He sighed, rubbing a hand down his face, “I think I agree with you. We shouldn’t tell or try and give anyone’s memories back until we deal with Bular. I believe I already have the beginnings of a plan in mind...”

“Really?” Jim said, his scepticism very well founded.

Strickler winked, “I’m excellent at multi-tasking.”

Jim groaned with an exaggerated roll of his eyes. “What’s this plan going to involve?”

Strickler smiled, his eyes gleaming, “Toby as bait and some UV lights.”


Strickler likes UV lights, it's a trend that extends to another Guillermo series lol, because Strickler's VA decides to set up UV lights to kill some vampires in it at one point, clearly he has a thing for them.
And before anyone says anything, I plan to have Angor Rot redemption somewhere down the line, because he definitely deserves better.
But yeah, the team consists of Jim, Toby, Draal and Strickler, to tackle Bular. Nothing can go wrong, right?
Fun fact: The dialogue I used from Trollhunters when Strickler regains his memories is all written from memory. Which just goes to show how many times I've watched the series lol.
And I may have used Strickler as a conduct to express my own personal incredulousness over certain points of RoTT.

Chapter 6: Planning and scheming ahead


Jim gets back home exhausted after making a half-baked plan on how to kill Bular with Strickler and after getting the team together: consisting of him, Strickler, Draal and Toby, they work out the logistics of the trap to kill Bular, if everyone could stop arguing for five seconds.


Little quicker update this time round! I'm hoping to keep my chapters around this length from now on, that last chapter was an anomaly, I promise. So back to Jim perspective we go! This basically starts off where the last chapter left, and my favourite thing to write in this chapter was definitely the arguing scene, Strickler, Toby and Draal have the BEST dynamics and I can't wait for the team to grow to being even more of a complicated mess.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Stop here.” Jim instructed, “It would be way too awkward to explain to mom why you’re dropping me off home.”

Strickler snorted, “We can’t have that, now can we?” He said dryly, obediently putting his car into park a few streets away from the Lake house.

Jim sighed in relief.

He wasn’t ready, at all, at the prospect of explaining his Trollhunting duties to his mom. Again.

Not today, and certainly not until Bular was dead and buried.

He and Strickler had left school at almost eleven at night, hence why the changeling had offered to drive him home, although it might have been guilt that led to the offer. Strickler had kept him from leaving with his fevered excitement, upon realising he could help Jim kill Bular this time round.

Jim still couldn’t believe this was all real. That the Strickler he knew was back, alive and human, not to mention eager to bring about Bular’s demise, imparting his impressive knowledge of Bular’s exact whereabouts on a day to day basis.

After Strickler had told him of his plan to use Toby as bait and UV lights he had been quick to elaborate at Jim’s scepticism. By jumping up and getting rolls of extensive blueprints of the sewers and town, from his secret office. Strickler had said if they could convince Bular that he had the Trollhunter, because apparently it wasn’t unheard of for changelings to get in contact with the Gumm-Gumm through walkie-talkies, then Bular would ask him to meet him at the ‘usual place’, which was at a part of the sewers Jim was intimately familiar with.

It was the same place NotEnrique had directed him to when he was under the influence of a grit-shaka and later a place Strickler and Nomura had used with him to train for defeating Gunmar.

Strickler had also clarified and said Toby would only be needed as he had already told Bular, along with Nomura, who the Trollhunter was. Which the changeling now felt guilty about.

Bular did not know the amulet was split between Toby and Jim though, or that Strickler had defected. And that was where their advantage lay.

The UV lights would be set up in the designated meeting spot beforehand, as trolls were ‘awfully predictable’ according to Strickler. Jim, or someone else, would turn the lights on and they could dispatch Bular before he had a chance to crawl out of the trap.

They had decided not to use lode stones as Bular would probably be in the area for a while and it wouldn’t do if Bular figured out it was a trap. It sort of defeated the purpose of the plan, after all. And the UV lights could be a-fixed to the walls of the sewers, out of Bular’s line of sight, by Strickler, thanks to his wings.

Jim thought the plan was sound.

Much better than the plan he had come up with to defeat the titans, which had lead to his friends and family dying.

He doubted Blinky would approve of this plan though, if he happened to tell the scholarly troll, which wasn’t happening, or Douxie and Claire, for that matter.

But none of them even knew who he was, so he would do what must be done. And if he had to rely on changeling tactics, because they worked at least, he would.

He unbuckled his seat belt and reached for the door, he was so tired and he really wanted to go to sleep, but Strickler clearing his throat made him pause.

He sent an inquiring look at the changeling, who shifted around in his car seat in discomfort. “Jim... I’m really sorry.”

“Sorry for what?” Jim asked, confused.

“These.” Strickler said slowly, as he reached a hand out to brush his fingertips over the cuts on Jim’s face. He couldn’t help but reflectively flinch away, even though he knew Strickler wouldn’t hurt him.

Strickler immediately drew away from him at his reaction, lowering his head with a woebegone sigh.

“Hey. That wasn’t your fault.” Jim said quickly, “We were fighting because you didn’t know any better, I did and I hurt you just as badly, if not worse.” He gestured at Strickler’s chest and the changeling sighed again.

Jim wasn’t sure he liked this melancholy Strickler any more than the overly cocky one.

“I should have listened to you.” Strickler eventually said. “At least given you a chance to explain in full, you were defending yourself after I attacked you. Now I’ve marked your face, everyone will see that.”

Jim shrugged, “It’s already stopped bleeding. Even if it scars it’ll probably be faint.”

Strickler’s eyes flashed in exasperation, “Young Atlas, the fact you’re so calm about yet another scar on your face, to replace the one you’ve lost, is really something to be concerned about.”

Jim made a disgruntled sound of annoyance, folding his arms petulantly, “Aaarrrgghh caused the first scar, you causing the second, it’s no big deal. Drop it, okay?” He didn’t mean to snap but Strickler was annoying him now.

Strickler sneered, “What do you think Barbara will say, when you come in with those cuts? Or anyone at school? Or, for that matter, the trolls? You never think about anything, do you?”

“Thanks for reminding me.” Jim grouched, “And shit, you’re right. I’ll tell her, um, a cat just attacked me—out of nowhere.” He widened his eyes for emphasis.

Strickler’s eyebrows shot up, some of the tension easing out of him, if the small smile quirking his lips up was anything to go by. “Good luck evading Dr Lake’s sharp eyes, Young Atlas.”

He knew a dismissal when he heard one.

But he couldn’t resist giving Strickler one last hug before leaving, to assure himself that this was real, that the changeling wasn’t ash on the wind, that he was here, able to annoy him and make him laugh. That he was alive.

Strickler exhaled softly and gently tousled his hair, “I will see you tomorrow, Jim.”

Jim nodded into Strickler’s blazer before pulling away and hopping out of the car, just before shutting the car door he turned to look back at Strickler. “Thanks. For everything.”

Strickler seemed to swallow the urge to say anything self-deprecating, instead he nodded, “Always.”

Jim smiled and closed the door.

He waited on the pavement until Strickler’s car drove out of sight and then walked home.

He hesitated outside his house, his mom’s car was parked, so that meant she was definitely in, probably worried sick at his lateness. He really wished he could just tell her the truth now, instead of continuing to be secretive, it hadn’t worked out well last time. But he had agreed with Strickler that it wasn’t a good idea, not until they figured out how exactly restoring memories with Daylight worked.

Or if it could even be repeated. Jim had absolutely no idea if it was even possible to repeat that memory restoring trick. 

So it was better being on the safe side.

He took a deep breath in and carefully unlocked the front door, slipping inside and shutting the door with barely a creak of wood. He tiptoed his way across the hallway, towards the stairs, if he could just make it up...

“Jim?” Barbara called, coming into view while he was halfway upstairs.

He stopped in his tracks, half turning his face away, he wasn’t ready to explain his clawed face yet. “Hey mom! I’m really sorry for being so late. Things came up at school.” He admitted. At least that wasn’t a lie.

Barbara’s eyes narrowed, “You could have at least texted me honey, I was worried something bad had happened to you.”

Jim laughed nervously, “Why would you think that? I’m perfectly fine, nothing happened. I’m just so tired, loveyoumomgoodnight.” He tried to make his escape but Barbara wasn’t having it.

“Jim Lake Jr, get down from there right now. I know exactly when you’re hiding something from me.” Barbara said in a voice that brooked no argument.

He deflated and reluctantly tramped back down the stairs, coming to stand in front of his mom.

Barbara was standing there waiting for him with her arms folded, still in her hospital scrubs, her hair escaping from its loose bun, after a no doubt gruelling shift. He looked up slowly, wincing when Barbara let out a shocked gasp at the vivid cuts slicing across his cheek.

“Jim... What did that to you?” The simmering anger in her bright blue gaze made him grimace.

Yeah, telling the truth right now wasn’t such a good idea. So he went for his ready made lie.

“A cat did it. I was petting him and then he just randomly lashed out at me.”

Barbara gently felt the cuts, appraising them with her expert doctors’ eyes. “These weren’t caused by a cat, Jim. The splay of the claw marks is too wide, I’m no expert, but I’ve seen claw marks of stay dogs, coyotes and raccoons, these are similar, sort of. All I know is that they were caused by something large. Tell me the truth, what really did that to you?”

Jim gulped, suddenly remembering what he’d told Barbara that time he was attacked by goblins in the forest. He had lied about how he’d gotten those scratches and his mom had seen straight through that lie too.

“I don’t know. It was dark, I couldn’t see very well, serves me right for taking a shortcut home.” This time he lied with conviction and Barbara believed him.

She sighed, “You’re going to need to be given a jab, in case whatever hurt you had any transmittable diseases. I’ll clean it up for you for now, until you get that jab tomorrow, we shouldn’t wait any longer.”

“Okay mom.” Jim agreed, it wasn’t as if he had a choice in this particular matter.

So he let Barbara clean out the wound with an antibacterial wipe, to get rid of any dirt or dust that might have gotten trapped in the opened skin.

And afterwards he headed off to bed, his dreams for once undisturbed. 



A further discussion with Strickler the next day, early in the morning, consolidated a plan for testing out how to restore their friends and allies memories back.

Strickler had confirmed that NotEnrique had been swapped and the bridge was still only halfway complete, so it made sense to get the little imp on their side as soon as possible, he was the perfect target to test out Daylight’s memory restoration properties.

So, when Claire needed someone to babysit so that she could go and see her Papa Skull concert, he readily agreed to watch over ‘Enrique’.

Hopefully without trashing Claire’s house.


Once Claire had left with Steve, which still managed to irk him, he crouched in front of the baby imposter.

Calmly, Jim said, “Okay, the jigs up. I know exactly what you are.”

NotEnrique didn’t react, merely burbled happily, content and appearing very much the innocent baby he was pretending to be.

Jim had prepared for this.

He whipped out the Gaggletack he had been hiding behind his back and waved it under NotEnrique’s nose. “Look, I don’t want to use this, I just want to talk.”

NotEnrique’s face crumbled and he whimpered.

Jim didn’t react, his face stoney, “Well?” He demanded.

In a flash of blue changeling light NotEnrique revealed his true form, a sneer on his broad, toothy mouth, “Yer think you’re some hot-shot, fleshbag? Coming into mi casa and taking charge? You’re not even the Trollhunter! Just his side-kick! Bossman told me everything about that chubby wacko, figures he’d let his friend deal with anything that meant getting his hands dirty!”

Jim gritted his teeth together; he would not give in to the overwhelming urge to punt the small changeling out of the window for disrespecting Toby.

“Let me tell you something, Strickler isn’t working with Bular anymore. He’s with me and the Trollhunter, who happens to be my best friend, so don’t talk about him like that. Now, if you trust me, I can ensure your safety, you don’t ever have to be afraid again.”

NotEnrique stared at him, his ears flicking up hopefully, “Ya really mean it? It’s actually possible to live in harmony with trolls an’ humans? I would love to join ya!”

“Really?” Jim said, it couldn’t be this easy, could it?

“Nah of course not! What do you take me for? An idiot?” NotEnrique challenged.

Jim opened his mouth, “Er—”

“And if the bossman has turned coat, someone’d better tell Bular.” NotEnrique attempted to scamper away and Jim hurriedly summoned Daylight, blocking the way out with his sword outstretched.

NotEnrique came to a screeching halt, his ears rising in alarm, “What the—”

“I’m from the future, in case you’re wondering how there’s two Trollhunters. You became a close friend of mine; I can give you your previous life’s memories back. All you have to do is trust me.”

NotEnrique laughed incredulously and Jim’s heart sunk. It seemed changelings were in the habit of not trusting him. He dreaded what would happen when he confronted Nomura, in his current state Nomura was still stronger than him, she hadn’t needed to relearn everything after all.

“You know what your problem is? You’re insane! No way am I letting you get me!” NotEnrique cried out.

And so Jim found himself desperately attempting to catch NotEnrique, as the compact changeling wrecked havoc, destroying everything in his path.

He watched in dismay as the little brat shoved the fridge over, spilling food everywhere.

“Not. Again!” Jim yelled in frustration.

He made a lunge for NotEnrique and grabbed him roughly about the scruff, brandishing Daylight in his face.

Without warning, the blade lit up white, just as it had with Strickler, turning NotEnrique’s eyes a flat silver.

He was irritated that he hadn’t even made a conscious decision to retrieve NotEnrique’s memories, it had just randomly happened, while in the same situation as the first time he had confronted NotEnrique, the kitchen was just as trashed as before, if not in a worse state...

Jim’s eyes widened in realisation, he gently deposited NotEnrique on the messy kitchen counter, without even thinking.

Maybe the sword only unlocked memories when the magical sword had already detected that the person had a sense of things happening before. If he had Déjà Vu of this situation, who was to say NotEnrique hadn’t experienced the exact same thing?

Strickler had repeated history after all, with that line about Jim having always been his favourite.

He’d have to ask Strickler what was going through his head during that rather tense fight later...

“Oi! Lake! What’s going on here?” NotEnrique demanded, bringing Jim back to reality.

“NotEnrique! Do—do you remember?” Jim asked hopefully, lowering Daylight and dismissing the armour.

“Yes! The whole blooming thing! But how’re we back at the beginning? Big eyes got her brother snatched again!” NotEnrique exclaimed.

Jim ran a hand through his hair sheepishly, “Yeah, I know, it’s really hard to explain, a lot has happened since we last saw each other—”

The door creaking open cut him off.

Jim and NotEnrique exchanged alarmed looks and the small changeling leapt into his waiting arms. “You owe me an explanation.” NotEnrique reminded him, just before returning to human form.

Jim sighed as history repeated itself, it looked like certain things were inescapable. Like Claire being mad at him and Ophelia and Javier Nuñez hating him forever.

He’d been so looking forward to being properly introduced to them, but so much for that.

Maybe he should have brought backup instead of doing this alone. Because it never seemed to work out for him otherwise.



“I do not like this plan.” Draal grunted, leaning his bulk against the kitchen island, in the Lake House, “It is risky.”

It had been almost two weeks since Jim had gotten NotEnrique’s memories back and he had gathered his team, consisting of him, Strickler, Toby, NotEnrique and Draal, together at his place, at a time when he knew for certain his mom had a late shift at the hospital.

He and Strickler had gone over the basic points of their plan, after Draal had his little fit at changelings being involved and Toby had gotten over his hurt that Jim hadn’t told him Strickler had his memories back. Which had opened another can of worms.

But now all of that was out of the way and they were finally getting somewhere.

Only Draal was suspicious of Strickler and NotEnrique’s motivations and that they could be leading them to Bular to be eaten. Toby was jealous that Jim went to Strickler and they came up with a plan to kill Bular with each other, without him, when he was the Trollhunter too. And Strickler had intense dislike of Draal, NotEnrique and Toby.

Although Jim was beginning to realise that might just be because Strickler was prickly and wasn’t open to affection outside of him and Barbara. It wasn’t like he actually didn’t like them. Just that he didn't know how to be friendly to mildly annoying people.

“I don’t like this plan either.” Toby said, “You know, since it’s my life on the line, with only that guy to protect me.” He pointed an accusing finger at Strickler, who rolled his eyes.

“Tobes, ‘that guy’ happens to be our best bet, if we want to get close enough to Bular to kill him, all without arousing suspicion.” Jim retorted.

“Yeah, but he’s not exactly on the moral high ground, remember he gave you that scar?” Toby countered, gesturing to the still bright cuts on the side of Jim’s face.

He stiffened, that was a low blow, considering Jim had forgiven Strickler about that fight ages ago.

Strickler’s eyes flared red and yellow, “That was an accident. Maybe I can make your death look like an accident too.”

“Dude! Not cool!” Jim barked, glaring at the changeling heatedly.

Strickler glared right back, a scowl on his face. “I can leave if my offer to help is going to be flung back in my face.” Strickler huffed angrily.

“For God’s sake Strickler, we're in this together. That means no fighting with each other.” Jim admonished.

Draal snorted, “With impures that will be impossible.”

The two changelings stiffened and Jim snapped, “You’re not making things any easier, Draal. I will not tolerate you saying that word like that to them, they’re family, so treat them with some respect.”

“I can defend myself, Young Atlas.” Strickler muttered, although the red blush to his ears betrayed his gratitude at Jim’s defence. He was getting better at reading Strickler’s subtle expressions, spending more time with the changeling, who was pretty much his step-dad now, had made him more aware of Strickler’s rather poor attempts to conceal his emotions.

NotEnrique yawned to hide his discomfort, “You lot done yapping? I thought we’d off Bular by now.”

“We just need to plan a little more.” Jim reassured the small changeling, before shooting a warning look at Draal, Strickler and Toby, “If these three can shut the hell up for five seconds and listen to each other.”

That did the trick.

No one said a word for at least a minute.

Strickler shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his green eyes wary, “Right. So, I was thinking, after I attach the UV lights, we should test to see if they work, but I don’t know how to go about it.”

“You turn them on and off, what’s there to be worried about?” Toby said snidely.

Strickler gave Toby a withering look, “We want the lights to do maximum damage to Bular, I won’t be able to adjust the settings once the fighting begins, only Jim and Toby will be able to get near Bular to end him, I’m fairly useless in a battle against a troll in my human form, not to mention I’ll be affected just as much by the UV lights as a troll.”

Toby blinked, “Huh, I didn’t even think about that.” He had the decency to look ashamed.

Draal huffed, “Easy enough to test.” He declared, “We just need a sizable hunk of living stone.”

Everyone in the room stared at the troll. “What?” Draal demanded.

“That’s—horrible.” Jim managed. “Where would you even get that from?”

“Rot-Guts, where else?” Draal said, raising both of his brow ridges.

Jim didn’t have anything to say to that. Draal had always found the strangest things down in Trollmarket, such things like the grit-shaka.

“Okaaay, I’m not even gonna ask. But don’t we need a ladder or something to even attach the UV lights?” Toby asked sceptically.

“Not when we have Strickler.” Jim said in confusion.

Toby gave him a flat stare and Jim face-palmed, he often forgot Toby didn’t have his memories back. Yet.

“Strickler, tell him.” Jim encouraged.

The changeling gave a long-suffering sigh, “I have wings. In my true form.”

Draal let out a surprised gasp of air and Toby’s eyes gleamed, “Whaaat? That’s so cool! Can we see them? How could you not tell me that, Jimbo?”

“Because it’s not his secret to tell.” Strickler snapped irritably. “And I’m not some exhibit you can gawp at, Tobias. You’ll see them soon enough.”

Toby pouted and Jim wondered how they would manage to get rid of anyone, when their so called team couldn’t have a civil conversation for more than a few minutes.

And they were only five right now, Jim dreaded how he’d manage with over seventeen people, of various species, to deal with.

“What about the bait? I’d like to know what you’re planning on doing with me.” Toby said nervously.

“Nothing will happen to you—” Jim began but NotEnrique interrupted.

“Even if ya die and Bular eats you, we have another Trollhunter.” The little changeling said with mock casualness.

Jim made a sound that was more snarl than anything else and scruffed NotEnrique, “You should know better than to say such things. It’s Trollhunters and there’s no way I’m letting Toby die, no one is dying!” His grip tightened, his gaze going dark and it wasn’t until Toby tugged on his arm that he realised what he was doing.

He let NotEnrique go, apologising profoundly as the small changeling hacked and coughed to clear his throat, ashamed and slightly scared.

Jim buried his head in his hands, he was going to go mad at this rate.

There was so much to do and not enough time. He still needed to get the Triumbric stones, get rid of Usurna, find a way to kill Gunmar, get the Janus Order on their side and set about restoring his friends’ memories.

And that was not taking into account the Akiridions arrival or dealing with the Arcane Order.

Toby tentatively rested a warm hand on his shoulder, “Jim?”

He looked up, his eyes filling with tears, “I can’t lose you again Tobes. I can’t. If this plan goes wrong and one of you is injured or killed, it’ll be my fault.”

Draal looked at Jim in confusion, “How would that be your fault? We all know the dangers of this foolish plan, but if I am injured and Bular is vanquished, I would consider that a win.”

Strickler nodded in agreement, “You can’t stop us from fighting because you’re scared of us getting hurt, Young Atlas. I think we are perfectly capable of taking the blame for being injured ourselves.”

“Oh, really? Guess it’s your fault you died then.” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them.

Strickler’s posture stiffened, his eyes narrowing to thin, gleaming green slits. “What choice did I have? You idiotically thought it was a good idea to take the bombs to Skrael on a grappling hook line, when it snapped of course I would catch you! And no, I was not letting those bombs blow you up too.” He finished fiercely.

Jim blinked away more tears, hating Strickler for being right, hating him for leaving, even if it was out of his control.

But the fact that Strickler had given his life to save him, that was something he couldn’t hate the changeling for.

NotEnrique, Draal and Toby exchanged uncomfortable glances with each other.

Toby cleared his throat, “Can we get back on topic? I really don’t want to hear you two argue about Strickler’s death, it’s making me uncomfortable and whatever relationship you two have going on, it's a mess I want no part of.”

NotEnrique stared at Toby incredulously, “Tubs, you died too. And big, blue and silent over there.”

“But we don’t remember dying. While you, Strickler and Jim know everything about the past/future reality lives you’ve lived.”

His jealously was becoming increasingly heightened as time passed.

Jim sighed in frustration, “I tried to give your memories back, I tried to give Draal his memories back. It didn’t work. I promise I’ll try again, but at least you know everything that actually matters.”

Toby cracked a smile, “I guess you’re right. Just have your weird arguments somewhere else, OK?”

Strickler shrugged, “I suppose that’s reasonable.”

“Fine.” Jim relented. “So. Back to the plan. We set up the UV lights tonight or tomorrow night, Strickler brings Toby to Bular, me and Draal hide in the surrounding sewers to wait for NotEnrique’s signal, I’ll activate the lights if Strickler can’t, Draal then blocks the way out, Bular is slain.”

“Yep. Sounds good to me. You won’t let anything happen to me, right Mr S?” Toby inquired.

“Of course not. Jim would have my head if any harm came to you. But bear in mind I am going to have to pretend to be on Bular’s side, so don’t expect me to play nice.” Strickler sniffed.

“If the impu—the changeling tries anything I will pummel him into the ground.” Draal promised.

Jim shook his head wearily, “No pummelling Draal. We are a team. We have to learn to trust one another.”

Draal made a face and said with massive difficulty, “I trust your judgement, future Trollhunter. If you say Stricklander is an ally, then I accept him as one.”

“Same here.” Toby added.

“Never even doubted you, bossman.” NotEnrique winked.

Strickler blinked in surprise at the overwhelming support.

Jim bet having so many people trust him was still a novelty for the changeling.

Strickler turned to Jim with a smile, “Well then, if that’s finally sorted out, we only have one thing left to do...”

Jim returned Strickler’s smile, “Finish the fight.”


Toby POV for the first half of the next chapter, I have never written directly from his perspective for long periods of time so bear with me. But Bular is going down and it should be from Trollhunter Toby’s perspective, after all this will be his first big win... Or will it? Because the best laid plans tend to go wrong...

Chapter 7: Best laid plans...


The trap is set and Toby’s nerves are reassured by Jim. Because Bular is dying no matter what it takes.
And then things go wrong because of course they have to.
But at least they get tacos afterwards.

Jim is plagued with nightmares, because he’s not alright as much as he wishes he was.


So sorry for the delay, I'm hoping to update once every two weeks, at the very least, on Friday's. As I still have two other fics to write, even though this has been my favourite to write, thanks to all the amazing comments and kudos I've received.
Once again, a lot going on in this update, but hopefully it's satisfactory!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Jim. You know, this is actually a really bad idea. Like really, really bad. Can we get out of here?” Toby whimpered.

The sewers were, in one word, freaky.

The sound of dripping water and scurrying somethings echoed all around him and Jim, and he could see absolutely nothing. It was so dark.

Yet Jim moved confidently, with zero hesitation.

So Toby stuck close to his best friend, jumping whenever a car rumbled overhead. The sound was meant to be reassuring. But nothing was down here. How was he ready to kill freaking Bular if he was still jumping at shadows? Blinky had said the dude before him, and Jim, had centuries of training and he’d been shattered into a million pieces!

Jim sent him a reassuring smile, but it didn’t quite have the desired effect, not with NotEnrique leering down at him from his perch on Jim’s shoulders.

“It’ll be fine Tobes. Strickler’s going to meet us here soon and take us to Bular, Draal’s already in place and the UV lights work. Everything is going to plan.”

NotEnrique snorted, pointing a stubby claw at him, “As long as old Tubby here can play it cool.”

“I can play it cool!” Toby said defensively, “Watch me! I’m the king of cool!”

“Oh I will watch ya, and laugh when you fail.” NotEnrique jeered.

For a few seconds they glared at each other, neither of them breaking eye contact. But he couldn’t hold it for long, his eyes got really dry and he was forced to blink.

He thought it was his imagination when he saw floating yellow lights approaching them rapidly, but they didn’t disappear, not even when he blinked quickly.

Jim stiffened and NotEnrique yelled, “It’s Bular! Quick, bash ’im!”

Toby panicked and immediately summoned Daylight, raising the flame wreathed hammer above his head with a fierce battle cry, “I won’t let you eat me!” He prepared to bring the hammer down, his mind and eyes not registering that the figure in front of him was far too small and wiry to possibly be Bular.

Jim leapt in front of the Dayhammer, his eyes wide, “Toby no!”

He paused, squinting at the person he had been about to bash over the head, taking the time to actually look at him in the light of his hammers flames.

The troll was definitely not Bular. But he was unfamiliar, sort of. Something about him felt familiar, like he really ought to know who this was, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on how he knew this.

The troll was lean, green and had cool horns, yellow eyes, yellow glowing eyes, and a badass cape with a ring of knives around the collar, which were currently bristling ominously.

NotEnrique cackled, leaping off Jim’s shoulder as the troll stared at the little changeling angrily, his ears flicking in irritation, “You little cretin, Tobias almost took my head off.” The strange troll rumbled.

The cadence of the speech was unmistakable.

Only one person Toby knew spoke like that.

Now Jim’s reaction made sense.

Fudge! I’m so, so sorry! You are Mr Strickler, right?” Toby squeaked, as the troll turned to glare balefully at him.

“Who else would I be?” Strickler snapped, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Er... I don’t know! All sorts of creepy things probably lurk here, Jim didn’t tell me how you’d look!” Toby shot back defensively.

Strickler sighed into his hands, before pinning Jim with his sharp gaze, “Young Atlas we had best hurry, the last thing we need is an impatient Bular.”

Jim shivered, “Yeah that wouldn’t bode well for either of you. Is Draal in place?”

Strickler nodded, his freaky glowing eyes landing on him, with a sharp toothed smile he said, “All we need is the bait.”

NotEnrique snickered and leapt onto Toby’s shoulders, he stumbled, his armour covered arms pin-wheeling madly as he regained his balance. “Hey! What gives?” He yelped at the unwelcome passenger on his back.

“Sorry Tubs, need to catch a ride with ya, can’t give me signal with Jim.” The small changeling reminded him.

Jim hesitated and then prepared to leave, but Strickler stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. “Be careful.” He warned.

Jim rolled his eyes, “Yeah, yeah. You be careful too. Get out of there as quick as possible so we can bring Bular down before he suspects anything.”

Strickler’s grip on Jim’s shoulders tightened gently, “Don’t do anything reckless.”

“No promises.” Jim said seriously and then left, melting into the darkness.

There was silence for one beat... Two beats...

“So... You really do care a lot about Jimbo, huh?” Toby said awkwardly, staring at the floor.

NotEnrique kept his mouth shut as Strickler stared at him hard, “Hmph. So what if I do?”

“Look, Jim’s like a brother to me, ever since his crummy dad left he’s had no one but me and Dr Lake, so it’s sorta strange seeing him have someone that’s like a father to him. He doesn’t even have one father-figure, but two! It’s unfair, you know? Since I—don’t.”

Strickler’s eyes went very wide and Toby could feel NotEnrique press himself comfortingly against his neck, he gave the changeling an absent scratch behind the ears in thanks.

Strickler sighed, “I do care about you too, I’m just not so good at expressing my feelings, I suppose, “ he confessed, “and I know for a fact that Blinkous does love you, as does Aaarrrgghh.”

Toby managed a smile, but he knew it didn’t reach his eyes. “Jim deserves the love more than me. I’m kidding myself if I think I’m actually worthy of the amulet.”

Strickler clamped a hand on his shoulder, his claws ever so slightly pricking at his skin, kneeling so he could meet his eyes, “You are. You show courage and determination when everyone else has long since given up, you are the heart of the team, that’s something only you can do. The amulet called to you for a reason.”

Toby looked away from Strickler’s fierce gaze, “Thanks.” He whispered, with a sniff, as new determination filled him, “Now let’s go kick Bular’s ass.”



“Ow. Dude, do you have to squeeze so tightly?” Toby whispered harshly, not quite ten minutes after his little chat with Strickler.

The jade green changeling relaxed his grip, slightly.

Almost unnoticeably.

“Be quiet. And let me do the talking.” He hissed, as they approached the meeting place, stepping right past the cleverly hidden switches to the UV lights.

Strickler had used a little glamour magic to hide it, a parlour trick that barely counted as magic but had nonetheless left him and even Jim, impressed.

Bular was waiting for them, scarred arms crossed and looming over them, looking pissed, but Toby was pretty sure that was Bular’s face twenty-four seven.

But he wasn’t alone, a very familiar changeling accompanied him.

You’ve got to be shitting me.” Strickler cursed softly under his breath.

Toby was too scared to react to his history teacher swearing.

This wasn’t part of the plan! He thought, they hadn’t even considered Bular would bring someone with him. Definitely not considered Nomura being here.

NotEnrique darted to the floor, his quick thinking saving them, as both him and Strickler were frozen. “Bular! See, as promised, one Trollhunter!” NotEnrique said loudly.

Bular’s black lips curled back, “Stricklander, you have whelps do the talking for you now?”

Strickler drew himself up to his full height, dragging Toby forward roughly, “The imp doesn’t speak for me. I said I would bring the Trollhunter and I have.” He gave Toby a push and he acted up the light shove by falling to the ground with a yelp, dismissing his amulet and allowing it to roll to the floor.

Nomura picked it up with a sneer, “At least we know it’s real.”

“Good, I’ll look forward to killing you both,” Bular growled.

Strickler froze, “What?”

NotEnrique opened his mouth to yell the word that would bring Jim but Bular thwacked his tail into the little troublemaker, sending him into a wall.

Bam, there went their smallest ally into dreamland.

Toby scrambled up and Strickler grabbed him around the neck, “Surely you don’t mean me? Haven’t I proven my loyalty time and time again? Done unspeakable things for you?”

That last line was said with a fair amount of venom and Toby shuddered. Strickler really hated Bular and it was probably more than warranted.

Bular scowled, “Impures have no loyalty. And you have to be the most deceptive and untrustworthy changeling I’ve met. Father may have liked your duplicitous ways but I never did. Nomura suspected you had gone soft, this confirms it, you’ve lost your knack for spinning lies, Stricklander. How long have you been planning to lure me here?”

Strickler’s hands trembled against Toby’s neck, but he made a last ditch effort to stick with the lie, “Bular listen, you’ve got it completely wrong! Nomura knows nothing! I have always been loyal to the cause, to Gunmar.”

Bular ignored him and stalked closer, dropping to all fours with a murderous glare.

Nomura’s ears flicked uncertainly but she remained where she was.

Strickler dropped all pretence of the lie and they both backed away together, if one of them could only reach the switches... But Nomura was in range of the UV lights and they didn’t want to kill her.

And then Bular lunged for Strickler and grabbed him by the neck, hefting him in the air effortlessly.

The changeling desperately clawed at Bular’s hand but the Gumm-Gumm was going to strangle him.

Toby felt utterly helpless, he was about to summon Daylight, when a voice roared, “BULAR!”

Bular dropped Strickler, face clearly saying he’d deal with him later and turned towards the voice, gaze fixing upon Draal, the spiky troll stood right next to the UV lights, Jim next to him.

Nomura stiffened, “You lead others here.” She accused softly, looking at Strickler, who Toby had helped upright despite the changelings protests.

Strickler merely growled at her as Bular swung his head towards them. “You set this up!” He snarled.

Nomura’s gaze darted to where Draal and Jim stood, landing very close, unnervingly close, to where the UV light switches were.

Strickler saw what Nomura was looking at and cursed, making a run for it, despite literally being choked a second ago. Toby had to hand it to the centuries old changeling for being so durable and fast.

He was already beside Jim before Nomura could even give chase. Although the magenta changeling was soon following after Strickler.

Bular focused on him, his orange and yellow eyes full of rage.

“Hello there.” Toby waved weakly.

Bular roared in his face and charged him, Toby rolled aside, yelling, “ForthegloryofMerlinDaylightisminetocomm-and!” In one gasp of air.

His armour thudded into place around him and he swung the Dayhammer straight into Bular’s jaw, knocking several of his teeth out.

Bular bellowed as he darted into the black trolls blind spot, watching as Draal caught Nomura, shoving her into a wall as Jim and Strickler talked to her desperately.

She shook her head and sent one of her wickedly sharp blades into the wires closest to her, which were connected to the UV light fixtures. They spat sparks and then flared to life, flooding the whole area in purple light.

Luckily Nomura, Strickler and Draal were safe in the dark and Toby quickly threw NotEnrique into the shadows, only slightly guilty about having to punt the changeling to safety.

Bular heard him huff in relief and his broad shoulders tensed, he was suffering from the UV lights, but they were flickering and it wasn’t having the desired affect.

The Gumm-Gumm prince spun to face him with a triumphant sneer and sent him flying with a powerful punch to the chest plate.

But Bular was starting to feel the heat, his stone was smoking and turning grey and when he approached Toby he was limping.

He scrambled up as Bular grunted, “You—can’t win... I’m—not stupid... Like Draal. Hiding in my blind spot won’t save you!” His voice strengthened and Toby’s eyes widened in horror.

The delay of the flickering UV lights was lengthening, until a whole minute had passed, while fighting Bular one-on-one without the purple light.

He skidded away as Bular’s claws came a little too close for comfort for about the fiftieth time. He wasn’t going to win like this, he needed backup.

“JIM!” He yelled as the UV lights came back on, giving him a brief reprieve.

Jim glanced his way, Draal and Strickler seemed to be making some headway with Nomura, if her sagging head and lowered ears was any indication.

“Toby, look out! Behind you!” Jim cried suddenly.

He turned, witnessing Bular rising upright, his dual blades ready to come swinging down on top of his head, blue cracks forming all over him from the exposure to the UV lights.

Toby yelled and blocked Bular’s blow with the Dayhammer, arms straining to keep Bular’s swords away from him. But he wasn’t strong enough, not even with Bular significantly weakened.

He was being pushed back, towards the safety of the darkness, where Bular could easily overwhelm him.

Toby scanned his surroundings desperately, surely Jim would help him...?

And then he spotted his best friend, sneaking up to Bular downwind.

He made sure nor to meet Jim’s eyes and dove away from Bular, almost immediately getting up and slamming his hammer into a weak point in Bular’s shoulder, his arm falling off with a thud.

The Gumm-Gumm screamed in pain, “I—will—kill you, Trollhunter!”

“It’s not Trollhunter—” Toby started.

“—It’s Trollhunters.” Jim finished for him, summoning Daylight to him and shoving the blade into Bular’s weakened stone.

“How is this possible!?” Bular roared, as cracks raced up his chest, his eyes going a flat blue as his whole body shook with blue light.

Toby shrugged, summoning Daylight back to him, “You weren’t expecting a team of Trollhunters, were you?”

And before Bular could muster an enraged roar, Toby shattered him.



On Toby’s insistence they got tacos after Bular’s death.

Strickler and Draal promising that they would handle the body.

Jim wasn’t interested in seeing how they would dispose of Bular’s remains, it was bad enough that Toby had claimed one of Bular’s tusks as a souvenir.

He knew whatever the changeling and troll had in mind wasn’t good.

As long as they showed Trollmarket proof and got Vendel to announce Bular’s death, Jim couldn’t care less what else they did. Besides, Strickler and Draal getting along for once, even though it was on a matter of sadistic revenge, was sort of nice.

But Toby had said first tacos, as he was absolutely starving. So off they went, and if Jim got to talk with Stuart, all the better.

He’d reassured Draal, NotEnrique and Nomura, who had finally seen the sense in joining them, or rather been forced to concede she was better off alive rather than dead, that Stuart wouldn’t bat an eyelid at them being trolls.

But caution from centuries of avoiding humans, even though Jim and Strickler had told Draal and Nomura, who was too tense to return to human form, Stuart wasn’t even human, meant they stayed in the shadows initially when Jim, Toby, Strickler and NotEnrique, perched on Strickler’s shoulders, approached Stuart’s taco truck.

Jim rapped his knuckles on the lowered grate and the music inside cut off.

For some reason, the only other thing to stay with him after travelling back in time, other than his memories, were his slightly troll like traits, which included sensitive hearing, sense of smell, and night vision. So he could, unfortunately, smell the Durian’s distinctive odour.

Strickler wrinkled his nose, “I forgot how revolting he smells.”

“Oi, I’m sensitive about how I smell, I’ll have you know you have an odour too and it’s far from pleasant mate,” Stuart snapped, raising the grill of his taco truck and popping into view.

Toby’s mouth opened, “Okay I’m missing something here, my brain is fried.”

Jim casually leaned against the side of the taco truck, “We know Stuart is an alien, a Durian to be precise.”

Stuart’s jaw dropped. “How—”

Strickler smiled grimly, “Do you really think the Janus Order wouldn’t eventually figure out your presence? We’ve been keeping tabs on non-human activity for decades. And you weren’t exactly subtle about hacking into our system, now that I know your methods.”

Jim looked at Strickler incredulously, “I didn’t know that!”

The changeling shrugged, “You didn’t need to know. And Krel could have hacked the Janus Order without us even knowing.”

Stuart’s eyes darted around nervously, his surprise quickly turning into fear. “How do you know the Prince-in-waiting of Akiridion-5? Are you here to torture me? Because I don’t do well under pressure!”

NotEnrique scoffed, “Nah, bossman gave the Order the metaphorical middle finger, we’re here for tacos Stu, we just offed Bular!”

Stuart blinked, seeming to see the little changeling for the first time, “Blimey! Killed Bular? NaughTy, if you’d said that first I’d already be handing the tacos out!”

NaughTy?” Jim and Toby exclaimed with equal incredulousness, as the small imp leapt off of Strickler’s shoulders and onto the counter of the food truck, to give Stuart a fist bump.

His ears lowered bashfully, “Er, we all have our secrets. And hey! We’re from the future Stu!” NotEnrique quickly diverted the conversation.

“Oh my gorbon! You’ll have to tell me more later! Is that how you all know Prince Krel? Does that mean he comes to earth?!”

“Crash lands.” Jim corrected, “With Aja and Vex, in about 8 months? Less? I don’t know, the timeline of events is kinda blurred, we had like four or five apocalypses in three years.”

Stuart gaped at him, “That sounds bad.”

“Yeah Jim, you didn’t tell me things went so dark. I can see why you’re so ready to run through events this time round.” Toby agreed.

He grimaced, “Needless to say, we didn’t just come for tacos. Stuart, we need you to be our eyes and ears on Akiridion-5, we need to know what’s going on there so we can be ready for Aja and the others when they land in Arcadia.”

Stuart considered him gravely, “I can do that. I’ll keep you posted.” He promised. “The tacos are on me!”

There was a faint rustle of bushes and Draal came into view, “So does that mean we can eat? I’m starving.” The blue troll grumbled impatiently.

Stuart looked the massive troll up and down, “He’s going to need more than one taco.” He said faintly, watching as Nomura stalked into view too, her polished stone glittering in the moonlight.

Stuart looked expectantly at Jim and Toby.

“So, no free tacos?” His best friend muttered sadly.

Stuart shook his head regretfully, “Gotta make a living somehow.”

Jim turned to Strickler beseechingly, he knew the changeling was loaded with money from the Janus Order and Strickler knew he knew. He sighed in defeat, reaching into his blazer pocket and withdrawing his credit card, flourishing it at Stuart, “I will pay for them.”

“Yes!” Jim, Toby, Draal and NotEnrique cheered.

Nomura finally approached them as Stuart got the tacos ready, it was a big order, even Strickler was going to eat some tacos. 

Jim knew that Stuart’s tacos were practically irresistible to everyone, the Durian’s food was edible to all species, Jim made a note to ask Stuart for cooking lessons, since his food was delicious to trolls, humans and changelings alike.

The magenta changeling scrutinised Strickler like he’d grown wings in his human form. “If your behaviour wasn’t a dead give away that you’re from the future, I would really think you’d gone mad.”

Strickler sent her a wink, “Oh, I assure you, you’re going to go mad eventually. Give it time.”

“Join the club.” Jim mumbled.



After a hearty meal of tacos they parted ways.

Toby, Draal and Strickler heading back to the sewers to retrieve Bular’s body, Nomura going to wherever she lurked to think about all they had told her and NotEnrique heading back to the Nuñez house as quickly as he could.

And Jim headed home.

He was exhausted, killing Bular this time round had been so stressful.

He’d watched Toby come close to getting himself killed and Strickler had almost been strangled by Bular. Not to mention Nomura being there and NotEnrique getting bashed around.

He thought he had an idea of how his mom felt about him putting his life in danger.

But it was over now and they had come out of the fight relatively unscathed.

He climbed into his bed and drifted off into an uneasy sleep, where nightmares awaited him:


He was running through Arcadia, panting heavily, his lungs burning.

The lava titan was rapidly closing in on him, herding him towards certain death if he didn’t find his team soon.

No one had died, Toby had turned out to be a way better Trollhunter than he had ever been.

Of course he was. Toby didn’t have the amount of baggage he did, or his issue with being a self sacrificing dumbass.

Jim skidded around the burnt to a crisp building on his right and came to an abrupt halt.

His friends weren’t there.

He searched around him desperately, “No, no, no!” He gasped as he saw a familiar figure under a truck. “Tobes!” He cried, sprinting over to Toby’s half covered body, desperately moving aside the rubble to get to his best friend.

He was still, too still.


“No, you can’t die. I saved you! I—I saved all of you!” He scanned his surroundings more carefully, only now seeing his friends and families bodies.

Strickler was hanging limply from a shard of ice that pierced his body straight through, still alive but not long for this world, the ice semi- freezing the contents of his body as they trailed out of him in a long, sickening strand of intestine guts.

He looked away, tears freely falling down his face, as his gaze fell on Claire’s remains.

He covered his mouth to stop his screams.

She was not far from Toby, her eyes gaping black holes and her hair fully white. She was barely recognisable, the magic had shrivelled her up like a prune, leaving an empty husk in place of the girl he loved more than anything in the world.

Douxie was there too, he had turned into a statue of ice and now lay on the floor, shattered into a million pieces of sharp white shards.

He was alone.

It was a small mercy that he couldn’t see any more of his families bodies.

He feel to his knees, “It wasn’t meant to end like this! I was going to fix it, I can still fix this!”

“Poor boy.” Bellroc’s voice echoed above him, their voice booming from their place at the head of the lava titan.

He looked up, empty and uncaring.

“You are nothing without your allies.” Bellroc continued with a smirk, “You let others fall and fall again in your place, until only you remain. How does it feel to let the whole world down?”

And then a fountain of lava rushed towards him, engulfing everything, he opened his mouth to scream and...


... Jim woke up, covered in sweat, his blankets thrown on the floor, panting as his heart slowed down.

It was a miracle he hadn’t summoned his armour in his sleep.

His first thought was to go to his mom, but he realised she had a late shift tonight.

Then he thought of going to Blinky, Claire and Douxie, but all of them still didn’t have their memories back, they didn’t know him.

Not the real him.

Toby was a no go too. He might know everything Jim had experienced, but he wouldn’t understand.

Finally he thought of Strickler. He would understand.

Once he was decided on his course of action he stumbled out of bed and clambered out of the window, easily dropping to the grass below.

It was incredible what a few months of training could accomplish.

He headed purposely for Strickler’s apartment, upon reaching it he knocked impatiently on the door.

It took a good few minutes but eventually the door opened, revealing a very dishevelled Strickler, his hair in disarray and clad in nothing but a extremely fluffy, dark blue bathrobe.

If he was less traumatised by his nightmare he may have actually had a heart attack, but he didn’t have the strength to react right now.

He was so tired of everything. Why couldn’t he be left alone?

“Jim, what on earth are you doing here? It’s late.” Strickler grumbled, blinking owlishly at him.

Alertness seeped back into the changeling as he scanned Jim’s face, no doubt seeing his empty expression and bruised looking eyes.

Jim hunched in on himself as Strickler’s keen gaze travelled over him, a furrow forming in his brows. “Jim, are you alright?” He inquired in evident concern.

Jim rubbed his eyes slowly, “I had—” He struggled to get the words out, “I had a bad dream. I didn’t know who else to go to, no one else would understand.” He whispered, not meeting Strickler’s eyes.

He immediately softened, “Ah. Bad dreams have plagued me for centuries. You haven’t done anything to be disturbed at night by your own mind, Young Atlas.” He murmured gently, ushering Jim inside and guiding his weary steps towards a very beaten up leather couch.

He didn't even register his surroundings, as Strickler bustled around, getting some tea made, which Jim gladly accepted and wrapping him up in a thin blanket Jim was all too happy to let the changeling father him a little.

God he missed being taken care of.

It had been so long since he could actually just be himself, without worrying about when the next danger would pop up.

He didn’t regret re-setting the timeline, that was all he knew for certain had been a good idea.

Strickler finally sat beside him, belting his bathrobe more securely around his waist. Jim sagged against him, not caring when Strickler ever so slightly tensed. He was bone tired, but he knew that if they wanted to succeed, they needed stronger allies.

“Do you want to talk about your... Dream?” Strickler prompted, hesitantly running his fingers through Jim’s hair.

He sighed, “I dreamed we failed, that reversing time in the end didn’t matter. That we lost even more than last time. Strickler, what if Douxie was right? What if things do end up worse?”

“They won’t.” Strickler immediately responded.

“How do you know that?” Jim pressed.

The changeling chuckled warmly, “A little faith and courage goes a long way, Jim. We’ve already accomplished so much, you have me, Nomura, Draal, Toby and NotEnrique already, we’ve killed Bular weeks earlier and we have made contact with Stuart. I believe you have often said we’re a team, as long as we stay together we can accomplish anything.”

Jim managed a weak smile, “I thought you were all about being pessimistic and cynical.”

Strickler shook his head sadly, “Jim, you should know that your idealism has finally caught up to me. I hope your outlook on life hasn’t changed, we need your determination now more than ever.”

Jim took a shaky inhalation of air, “I think we need stronger allies.”

Wariness made Strickler tense minutely, “What do you have in mind?”

Jim met Strickler’s eyes, “Do you still have the Inferna copula?”


Next chapter Angor Rot makes an appearance. It's going to be wild!!
Jim and Strickler obligatory bonding in the jungles of India.
Sorry for the lack of Blinky but after the tenth chapter a lot of my favourite characters will be making appearances.

Chapter 8: Stalkling’s and Rot


Jim and Strickler head into the depths of the rainforests of Ranthambore, India. To hopefully get Angor Rot on their side.
Angor Rot isn’t overly pleased, to say the least. Strickler regrets certain life choices.


I apologise for the crappy chapter title it was the best I could come up with lol.
So this has been hyped out of proportion, so I really hope I meet expectations and I'm afraid this one got long. Really sorry about that, but to fit in all that I wanted it had to be longer.
I think it's the same length as chapter 5? Maybe less?
And I typed this up in five days. I'm not sure if that's impressive, but I'm impressed with myself!
Anyway, enjoy! As always, comments are much appreciated. Seriously, I love each and every one of you who comments.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“You know, you totally owe me, Jimbo.” Toby said, arms crossed as he appeared on the Trollmarket side of the Horngazel portal.

Jim sent his best friend an apologetic smile, adjusting the heavy bag on his shoulder and glancing at Strickler.

The changeling was already in his troll form, he had gotten to the bridge before him, slightly more prickly than usual, ready to get their trip over and done with. Even though he had stalled significantly in getting everything prepared for India. By the time he deemed it acceptable to make the journey Toby had already taken part in the first Spring Fling challenge.

Jim still couldn’t believe Toby had been selected, if he was being honest.

But the last thing he wanted was to go through that again. So he was happy to support Toby in his quest in becoming King of the school.

Strickler saw him looking at him and shrugged, “Tobias is right, Young Atlas. You do owe him.”

“Thanks man.” Toby nodded in appreciation, “At least one person understands what kind of sacrifice I’m making.”

“Come on Tobes, it’ll only be like a week and a half at most that you have to pretend to be me using the glamour mask.” Jim protested.

“Which would not be necessary if you simply restored Barbara’s memories.” Strickler commented.

Jim knew he was getting increasingly irritated about his continued insistence that it wasn’t a good time to tell his mom everything. But after they got Angor and dealt with the Janus Order, Jim had promised he’d start restoring everyone’s memories.

“It’s not just that Jim, distracting the trolls so you two can sneak into the Gyre station is going to get me in so much trouble.” Toby lamented.

“It’s not like you’re doing this alone, Tobes. Draal and NotEnrique are helping you out, remember?”

“Hmph. Still owe me. Just try not to summon Daylight unless you absolutely have to, otherwise I don’t know how I’ll keep Blinky’s conspiracy radar away from me.”

Jim nodded, “Okay, I’ll try.”

“Good.” Toby said and beckoned him and Strickler inside, the portal closing behind them. “Wait here, you’ll know the signal when you hear it.” Toby promised, rather ominously, before he left.

Leaving him and Strickler alone, in uneasy silence. The changeling was... Displeased about the plan, to put it simply. But regardless he trusted that Jim was making the right decision. And for that he was relieved, he didn’t fancy getting Angor Rot by himself, not that Strickler would let him go alone.

It wasn’t as if he wasn’t doubting his own decision though.

So many things could go wrong out in the jungles of India and Jim was also nervous about spending an extended amount of time alone with only Strickler for company. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the changeling, but it was still a little weird going on a trip for almost two weeks with the guy.

Before Jim could voice some of his trepidation there was a loud boom, that shook the ground beneath their feet. He sent a wide-eyed look at Strickler, “What the hell was that?”

“Our distraction.” Strickler replied shortly.

Jim gulped and they both moved forward as one, quickly descending the crystal staircase and entering Heartstone Trollmarket, the Heartstone itself glowing vibrantly.

Strickler faltered and came to an abrupt stop, his face slackening in dazed awe.

“You feel the Heartstone.” Jim guessed in a soft whisper.

Strickler blinked, tearing his gaze away from the warm, dazzling power of the massive geode. “Yes. It’s even more wondrous than I could have ever imagined.” He rasped, “I didn’t feel like this when I was last here.”

“Because you were human and the effects were dampened.” Jim explained, “Now come on, who knows how long Toby can keep the trolls busy.” He tugged on Strickler’s arm and reluctantly he followed after Jim.

They reached the Gyre station without running into any trolls.

Whatever Toby had done had worked.

Jim reminded himself to thank his best friend profoundly when he and Strickler returned, hopefully with Angor Rot.

Jim boarded the Gyre and sat down on the bench, bracing himself for a very unpleasant but quick, journey, as Strickler stood at the control panel, entering the coordinates carefully. He turned to glance at Jim, “Hold on.” He warned and Jim tightened his grip on the seat below him as Strickler pulled the lever.

There was a humming sound and electricity sparked to life around the Gyre, which rotated, gathering speed and then went shooting forward, leaving Jim’s stomach far behind in Arcadia as the contraption spun and bounced its way to India, in record breaking time, although the journey was still much too long for Jim’s liking.

It eventually came to a screeching stop in a damp, dark and gloomy cave, that other than being full of mouldy leaves and decay, was silent except for the persistent sound of pattering rainwater.

Jim stumbled out, stomach heaving and promptly sat down, uncaring about the damp beneath him.

Strickler shook his head, “That doesn’t get better with time.” He grumbled.

Jim carefully pushed himself to a standing position, “We should get going, the less time we waste the better.”

Strickler gestured ahead, “By all means, go ahead.” Jim ignored the trace of sarcasm in the changelings voice and started forward, the ground sloping up sharply.

The humidity hit him hard.

Followed by the overwhelming sounds of parrots, bugs and monkeys and god knows what else.

Jim slowly came out of the cleft in the rock that hid the Gyre from view into another world.

He stopped, taking in the moonlit forest surrounding him in awe.

Strickler came beside him, safe in the night to stay in his troll form, his keen eyes scanning around them and ears up and alert.

The trees soared above their heads in a impenetrable layer of leaves and branches, ancient and wild, making Jim feel even smaller.

He didn’t know how big the world could be.

A light rain fell and Jim was forced to remove his jumper, because he was sweating buckets already. He stuffed it into his bag, peering into the dark with relative ease, “We can make the best progress at night. It must be unbearable in the day with all the humidity and bugs.” Jim said with a shudder.

Strickler frowned, “Are you certain? Humans aren’t exactly nocturnal, Jim.”

He rolled his eyes, “Have you seen my sleeping schedule? I’m practically nocturnal thanks to being around trolls so long and spending time as one. Besides, it’ll mean you don’t have to tramp around here in your human form. We can sleep during the day, I really don’t mind.”

Strickler stared at him hard, something like realisation starting to form in his face, “Jim. Can you see in the dark? Your eyes... They’re reflective like a cats, what have you done?”

“I haven’t done anything! Somehow some trollish traits travelled with me back in time.” Jim explained.

Strickler still remained sceptical. “Hmmmm. Useful I suppose.” He finally conceded. Clearly he would bring this subject up again, just not tonight.

He let out the breath he had been holding, “Oh yeah, you have no idea how useful it is. Now let’s go, I for one want to get back to civilization as soon as possible.”


They made good progress.

Only stopping once in order to catch something to eat.

Although it was only Strickler doing the hunting. He was pretty useless when it came to hunting now that he was human again. That was enough to make him feel a brief pang at the loss of his half-troll form, because hunting had been awesome, once he got over the human feelings of disgust.

But Strickler knew how to hunt, he managed to bring him a medium sized parakeet, having already done his share of hunting and eating a wild boar, which meant he wouldn’t be hungry for another few days.

On the plus side he got to learn how to pluck and prepare the parakeet and cook it over a fire, Strickler talking him through the process and not doing it for him, which Jim appreciated. His time as a troll meant he didn’t even feel bad about eating a parrot and he stored what was left in his bag for later after he couldn’t eat one more bite.

When they eventually stopped it was by a fresh water stream, which Strickler had advised he shouldn’t drink from, in a small clearing, under the brightest stars Jim had ever seen, excluding his trip to the past.

Together he and Strickler set up their camp, unfolding the collapsible tent and getting it upright.

At one point it fell on Strickler’s head but the changeling was pretty chill about it.

Anyway, by then Jim was tired and he barely paid any attention to the setting up of the tent after that little incident, not even stirring as Strickler set up wards around the tent, magical wards, to discourage the various bugs and mosquitoes from disturbing them.

He only paid attention to Strickler when he changed back to his human form.

He had forgone his usual clothes for a thin white shirt with faint golden embroidery at the cuffs and collar, probably enchanted, with three-quarter length, soft grey trousers and tan socks and hiking boots to protect his feet and lower legs. He had definitely come prepared.

And Jim knew his mom would kill to see this outfit.

He gave a low whistle, “Nice.”

Strickler sent him a dirty look. “I might as well be comfortable on this thrice accursed trip.”

“Sure.” Jim agreed and snapped a picture of the irate changeling.



Strickler woke up inside the tent just as night was falling.

Someone was snuggled against his side and it took a moment to recognise it was Jim.

He stilled, the boy couldn’t have realised he was so close to him, otherwise he would have moved away. It was probably only because his usual group were absent that Jim was seeking the nearest source of warmth, namely him.

He carefully edged away and crept out of the tent, changing forms as he did so and making sure the light of his transformation was dimmed, he had no intention to disturb Jim if he was still asleep.

The sun was still out, the last lingering rays tinting everything in gold, but it was far away from the secluded clearing they had set camp in, the shadows were sufficient here.

It felt surprisingly good to be surrounded by nature again.

It has been so long since the sound of the wild had surrounded him, instead of the traffic of cars and the lack of clean air. Here the air was crisp and clean, he luxuriated in it, stretching his wings and taking simple pleasure in the unconstrained movement.

He shook himself and knelt by the stream, cupping a handful of the pleasantly cool water, it might be unsafe for a human to drink this water, but as a creature born of the forest he would not be ill affected.

He took several long draughts of water, savouring the silence.

The calmness of the moment was disturbed by movement behind him, he had a second to register surprise before he was unceremoniously shoved face-first into the stream.

He spluttered, his hair plastered to his scalp and utterly drenched in the most unpleasant of places as he sat up, beholding a laughing Jim.

“You little—” He floundered in the rather deep water and wrapped a hand around Jim’s ankle, dragging him into the stream with him.

And to think he had been worried about disturbing Jim’s sleep.

The teens yelps sent a smattering of parrots into the sky with shrill shrieks of alarm as Jim gasped, flicking his damp hair out of his face. “Dude, not cool!” He shivered, gazing in dismay at his soaked clothes.

Strickler raised a brow, “Young Atlas, you instigated this display of immaturity, consider this just revenge.”

Jim splashed water in his face, “Stop, do you have to be so—”

He used a wing to send a wave of water over Jim, stopping him from continuing, “What were you about to say?” he asked with mock innocence.

Jim tried to glare at him and failed miserably, not quite able to stop his grin, “That you’re such a jerk.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.” He smirked, flashing his tusks at Jim, who smiled widely.

“Bet you can’t catch me!” He cried suddenly, with a challenging glint in his eyes, stumbling out of the stream and making a run for it.

Strickler briefly warred with the urge to follow after and the urge to be the responsible adult.

He gave in to the urge to give chase and leapt after Jim with a playful snarl, his heart truly light and free for the first time in centuries.


After that the unease and awkwardness between them truly dissolved.

This trip had done one good thing, it had solidified the weak bond holding them together. He wondered what Blinkous would think of this, if he had his memories, that is. 

The days blurred together, he and Jim finding a new balance with each other, that strengthened with each day.

But it would still take them another four or five days to reach their dreaded destination and Strickler was worried his absence from Arcadia would cause his tenuous grip on the Janus Order to slip further.

That had to be sorted out before Barbara could get involved, he agreed with Jim there. If he told her now that would put her in danger of attracting the wrong sort of attention, most of the changelings knew he had a relationship with a human, it was difficult keeping secrets from a organisation compromised of master spies. The last thing he wanted was Barbara’s life to be in danger again or worse, used against him and Jim.

Otto was the problem, half of the changelings followed his lead, once they got back home he had to be dealt with...

He scuffed his foot over their most recent fire pit, ensuring it was out, the last thing he wanted was a forest fire, having already packed up their most recent camp. Jim had gone to relieve himself and should be back by now...

A screech pierced the air, a screech he recognised as a Stalkling warning cry.

He had completely forgotten that a rainforest variant existed in India, he and Otto had avoided them last time he had sought out Angor Rot by getting to the temple by private jet and boat, but he had thought, foolishly, they would not encounter any this time round.

The Stalkling shriek was followed by Jim shouting the incantation for Daylight.

He dropped his bag and ran towards the noise, seeing Jim with Daylight held out in front of him, scent prickling with determination, at a crocodile-like Stalkling, it’s stony skin a brownish-green and its eyes and horns a vibrant orange, a crest of red feathers bristling from its head, signifying it as a male.

“Jim. Drop the armour. We are the intruders here.” He said slowly.

What?!” Jim exclaimed.

“Do it.” He growled.

Surprisingly Jim did as he said, trusting him.

He carefully came forward, lowering his wings and head in the typical Stalkling expression for deference and apology.

Stalkling’s primarily communicated through body language and scent, but it was still a language. A basic, rarely understood one, that most trolls couldn’t speak, but it was still a language.

Most sentient species thought Stalkling’s were nothing more than animals. He knew better.

A changeling and a human, together. What brings you here? The Stalkling inquired curiously, with a head tilt, several chirps and faint movements of his wings, some of his aggression ebbing with Jim no longer pointing a sword at him and the fact Strickler was able to understand him, accepting it as a fact and not asking how it was possible, one of the things he liked about Stalkling’s.

Strickler exhaled softly, his ears flicking up and down to convey his sincerity. We do not mean to intrude. We came for the one who is dead but not dead in the temple of the pale one.

It was the best he could come up with based on his limited knowledge of the Stalkling ‘language.’

You are far from it. The Stalkling laughed silently with his mouth gaping open.

“Strickler, what’re you doing?” Jim hissed.

“Talking, now hush.” He answered distractedly.

Talking?! You understand Stalkling’s?”

“Yes, a Stalkling all but raised me in my youth, how do you think I learnt how to fly otherwise? I also as a result picked up the language, if you can call it that. Now let us see if this Stalkling would be willing to help us.” Strickler said, turning to face the now confused Stalkling, ignoring Jim's incredulous screeching. 

Can you help us? We need to get there fast. Strickler asked through a slight shift in his weight and a barely audible growl.

The Stalkling regarded him in some amusement, proudly puffing his chest, the crest of feathers on his head rising as he let out a soft purr. Kephalle can. Mate will be proud and you are strange but still kin. Can come back in the morn?

Strickler wasn’t surprised that the Stalkling, Kephalle, would be so eager to help.

Stalkling’s were not like humans or trolls, they would help anyone if given the opportunity or sufficiently bribed, which was how Bular had roped a Stalkling, who had a particularly savage disposition, to try and kill Jim. But him having Stalkling blood was enough for this eager-to-please, newly fledged Stalkling. Helping him and Jim would certainly be impressive for his mate to hear and that was enough for him.

Yes. He approved with a deep bow of thanks.

With a happy return bow, Kephalle flew away, his colouring soon making it impossible for him to spot.

Jim stared at him incredulously, “Dude. What the heck? How many secrets are you keeping from me? Like I thought I knew you really well!”

Strickler sighed heavily, “You know the things that matter most. I assure you that you don’t know me nearly as well as you think. Anyway, the Stalkling has offered us a direct ride to the temple in the morning.”

Jim paled, “Wait, does that mean... No! Hell no!”



“I can’t believe I did that.” Jim gasped, not quite hiding the gleam to his eyes as he dismounted Kephalle, landing with wobbly legs on solid ground.

As promised, Kephalle had given them a lift to the temple and Jim had enjoyed every second of it, as had he, since he wasn’t able to fly in broad daylight like a Stalkling.

Kephalle cooed softly, rubbing his head against Jim, who laughed and gave the Stalkling a stroke on the snout in thanks.

As he was in his human form Strickler gave the Stalkling a pat on the neck in gratitude, “Thank you.” He said.

Somehow the Stalkling knew what he was saying, as he made a sound in the back of his long throat, swishing his thick tail, Welcome strange one, good luck. And letting out a triumphant cry Kephalle lifted off, swallowed by the forest in an eye blink.

He and Jim turned away, the joy of flying quickly replaced by a mixture of dread and anticipation as they entered the temple housing Angor Rot, Strickler leading the way, the dark shadows within allowing him to slip into his troll form.

Not that he felt any better, he was still absolutely terrified.

Jim pressed against him comfortingly, “It’ll be fine.”

He growled uneasily, “I wish I shared your confidence, Young Atlas.”

They stepped into the main chamber and he had horrid flashbacks.

He stopped in his tracks.

Jim sent him an inquiring look. “I will remain here.” He said, aware he was being cowardly and not particularly caring.

Jim smirked, “Aw, scared?”

“Terrified beyond belief.” He corrected, watching nervously as Jim strolled over to the pile of rubble that Angor Rot resided beneath, summoning Daylight and with ease cutting through the chains that bound the assassin at the wrists and ankles.

He pointed the sword at Angor Rot’s face and instantly the blade lit up with blue light.

“Here goes nothing.” Jim muttered.



Angor Rot lurched into consciousness with a ragged breath, confusion making his brain slow, sluggish.

He was—alive?

And hollow once more if the empty ache in his chest was anything to go by.

The last thing he remembered was the Trollhunters blade piercing him through and the young half-trolls devastated expression as he had shattered.

He inhaled deeply, forest, a familiar prison. Somehow he was back to the rainforest of Ranthambore, before that cursed changeling awakened him.

He slowly turned his head so that he could look up, flexing his hands and feet experimentally, in case he had to move quickly.

His one eye landed on someone familiar, albeit surprising.

He frowned, “Trollhunter. You—are human.” He rasped awkwardly, for lack of anything better to say.

Jim’s face lit up in relief, he was crouched next to him, apparently unafraid of what he could do.

“Yeah, a lot of crazy stuff has happened since you... Er, died. But at least you have your memories back!”

Confusion again overwhelmed him, but before he could question the human further Jim reached into his pocket and slowly withdrew his ring, offering it out to him on the palm of his hand. The Inferna Copula sat there innocently enough, glowing a soft gold.

“I believe this belongs to you.” The Trollhunter stated gravely.

He gaped, struggling to move and through sheer strength of will got one of his trapped hands free, hesitating to take his ring back.

“This is not a trick?” He asked, his eye fixed upon the ring, not daring to hope that this time he would retrieve his soul without any trouble.

Jim shook his head, still solemn, “It’s your soul Angor, no one should have the right to control you.”

Angor took it, anticipation making his hollow heart thud faster.

He slipped it on and a tingling sensation crawled through his body, the darkness inside him lessened somewhat, he felt lighter.

But he wasn’t complete.

He had his soul but it wasn’t part of him, not how it should be. Regardless this was better—warmer.

“Thank you, Trollhunter. I am in your debt.” He whispered, lowering his head respectfully.

Jim smiled, dismissing his armour, a sign of trust Angor was unsure he was deserving of.

“I am confused. Why are you here? Why are you human again? Why am I alive? I have many questions.” Angor said, watching as Jim’s face crumpled slightly.

The Trollhunter rubbed his face in sudden fatigue, before taking a deep breath and explaining, “Things became really bad after you died and we trapped Morgana in the shadow realm. Halfway to New Jersey we were attacked and I was put in stasis, next thing I know I’m in the past, almost nine hundred years ago and then when we get back to the present, the Arcane Order attacked and I got corrupted. Then I died, temporarily and Claire brought me back. Only I was human and the amulet was destroyed, the genesis seals were broken and the world almost ended because of these titans. So I travelled back in time, as too many of my friends and family died and here I am. And I can give memories back of our original timeline, through Daylight.”

Angor growled sharply, the mere idea of anyone killing the Trollhunter rubbing him the wrong way, “Whoever this Arcane Order are I will make them suffer for harming you.” He vowed.

“So does that mean you’ll fight with us?” Jim asked hopefully.

Angor grunted, reaching out his other hand for his staff, the weight of the magical artefact a small comfort. “Yes. I will fight with you, Trollhunter. It is the least I can do, to make up for my past sins.”

Jim grinned, “I knew it! I told you things would be fine.”

Angor was confused again.

Who was the Trollhunter talking to? He shrugged inwardly, it didn’t matter.

“But hey,” Jim started, mirth twinkling in his blue eyes, “You do realise you have two eyes now, right? You don’t have to close one eye dude.”

“What... ” Angor blinked, ah yes, he did have two eyes once more.

He snorted, willing the Skathe-Hrün to teleport him out from beneath the mound of rubble he had been trapped under, standing to his full height and looming above the Trollhunter.

The boy’s scent prickled with tension briefly, but only briefly. His faith that he would not harm him was puzzling.

He wouldn’t ever understand what peculiar forces governed the Trollhunter.

He finally peered around him, everything was the same as he remembered, excluding the Trollhunter'presence, with one exception.

His gaze settled fully on another familiar figure, strategically loitering as far from him as possible, downwind and looking extremely uncomfortable.

A savage rage ignited in his chest at the sight of his old ‘master’, the changeling who had dared to use his soul against him.

“You.” He snarled, relishing how Strickler’s whole body quaked in stark terror.

The Trollhunter put a hand out in warning, “Angor—”

“How dare you show your face here? Have you not learnt your lesson, changeling?” He rumbled.

Strickler’s ears shot up in alarm. “I gave you your ring back! I haven’t technically done anything to you!”

The changelings protests fell on deaf ears as Angor stalked closer, the Trollhunter weakly telling him to stop, but his anger was burning hot, it needed fuel.

He pushed the smaller male towards one of the temples crumbling walls, meeting little resistance. Strickler tried to dart away from his grasping hand but ultimately failed, as Angor shoved the changeling against the wall, his claws tightening around his scrawny neck.

Strickler’s scent sharpened in fear and he bared his tusks in a parody of a smile. This felt right, familiar, easy. He didn’t understand immediately why he didn’t snap the changelings neck and be done with it.

But then he saw the Trollhunter’s pleading expression, panic and fear contorting his face.

The human cared for the changeling.

He knew this. Despite it defying all logic. And he knew the changeling had feelings of parental affection for the boy too.

But this was different, the bond between them had deepened, been acknowledged.

He growled and dropped Strickler to the ground unceremoniously.

Instantly Jim was beside him, “You okay?”

Strickler wheezed, patting Jim’s hand, “Ah, fine. I have grown accustomed to being strangled. And I suppose I deserved that.” He added ruefully, as Jim helped him up, one of the changelings wings, how that had been kept from him a miracle, slung over the Trollhunter’s back.

He sneered, crossing his arms, “You said once you held no affection for humanity, no affection for the human Trollhunter, yet I see your fatherly love for the boy has only strengthened with time.”

Strickler tensed and Jim blinked up at the changeling, as if only now realising what Angor said was true. “Has it? Is Angor right?” The teenager asked seriously as Strickler removed himself from Jim, as always preferring to deny his emotions, at least some things never changed.

“Yes, am I correct? Have you really changed?” Angor prompted, seeing the doubt and fear in the changelings gleaming eyes as he circled him slowly, enjoying how the jade green troll whipped his head around to keep track of him.

“I have changed, and you—you are right. I do care about Jim, I don’t ever wish to tread the same path ever again, I want to do better, be better, become worthy of his trust. And I’m sorry, truly sorry for controlling you and—calling you a dog.”

Strickler’s apology was surprisingly heart felt, although he refused to meet his eyes or even Jim’s.

Angor came to an abrupt halt, the ring around his finger bright and warm.

It was an reminder that he too could change, he didn’t have to be the sadistic killer anymore.

The thought felt—liberating.

He may still loathe the changeling, but he no longer desired to kill him, he had changed, his apology was proof of that, his bond with the Trollhunter was proof of that.

Whether he could actually prove to him he was worthy of his forgiveness was a different matter entirely.

Jim appeared dazed, “I had no idea you felt like that. I thought you were only trying because of mom, that you didn’t actually care about me. You never said anything!”

Strickler bowed his head, “I have no right to you, I threw that away when I tried to kill—”

“No you didn’t.” Angor interrupted.

Jim and Strickler stared at him in equal surprise, neither of them saying anything, so Angor continued, grimly holding up the finger that now wore the Inferna Copula. “Through the ring I could sense the wearers intentions. Strickler might have said otherwise, but he could not fool me, subconsciously he had no desire to kill you, Trollhunter. Why do you think he needed me? Why do you think I didn’t kill you? He was stopping me carrying out his own orders. He couldn’t bring himself to kill you. He was too weak willed.” He added, his lips curling up in disgust, the last thing he wanted was for the changeling to even think he was forgiven.

Jim stared at Strickler uncertainly, not quite sure what to make of his words. “Is that true? No more lies Strickler, please.” He almost begged.

The changeling glanced at him and then scoffed, turning fully to face Jim, despite the fact that meant turning his back on him.

“Yes, fine. Angor is correct, I never had the willpower to go through with it, not when I was able to, not even in the darkness of night. I looked at you and saw the reflection of everything I hoped to be. I couldn’t do it, I have killed scores upon scores of humans but I couldn’t kill you.”

His voice broke on that last word and he reached out to cup Jim’s cheek with a hand, the love in his eyes clear even if he would not say it out loud.

Angor Rot wondered if he held the changeling at knife point he would say he loved the Trollhunter as his own. 

Probably not.

The boy closed his eyes and leaned into the touch firmly, Strickler sighing softly in relief as he gently combed his claws through Jim’s hair.

This was becoming uncomfortable now.

Angor felt that he was intruding. He wasn’t even sure what had caused him to intervene. He didn’t even like the changeling, he should have let him struggle with his emotions, it wasn’t anything to do with him.

He cleared his throat, “Hunter, if you are done, I would like to leave this place far behind me.”

Jim jumped, stepping away from Strickler quickly, “Sorry Angor, I kind of forgot you were there.”

“How? I was right here the entire time.” He said, puzzled.

“You— kind of blend into the shadows.” Jim responded apologetically.

“I do?” This was news to him.

“Yeah, you do. Anyway, getting out of here sounds like a great idea. Eight days of this was pretty torturous.” Jim said.

“You have been here so long, just to free me?” That sent a strange feeling of warmth running through him. What was the word... Ah, gratitude. He was grateful.

As always Strickler ruined the moment, “We needed stronger allies, Jim suggested to get you first before anyone could steal the Inferna copula or—make use of your—particular talents.” He said carefully.

Angor scowled, “You paid a price with your schemes changeling. If anyone else tried to control me they would not have lasted long.” He promised, levelly glaring at Strickler until the other male troll dropped his gaze.

“But you wouldn’t even remember the original timeline if someone else found you first.” The Trollhunter reminded him.

He stared at the young human, “Hmm, you still have much to tell me.”

“Yes, yes. Now can we please get back to Arcadia? Tobias has probably told Blinkous about our little adventure by now.” Strickler snapped.

Angor growled and immediately the changeling wilted, his wings pressing close to his lean body.

“What are you talking about?”

Angor felt that there was something missing here. Something that Jim and Strickler weren’t telling him.

Jim sucked a breath in through his teeth, “Oh right, the amulet isn’t solely bonded to me anymore. It’s split between me and Toby.”

Angor felt actual surprise. Two Trollhunters?”

Jim grimaced, “I’ll explain everything in more detail once we get back. There’s way to much to unpack.”

“Fine. Now let us be rid of this place forever.” Jim and Strickler let him take the lead, dropping back respectfully as his strides lengthened, finally coming outside.

He inhaled the clear, forest air, the sun well on its way down, enjoying his freedom.

He looked down at his ring thoughtfully, he had his soul, he no longer has any need to keep hold of the souls he had stolen from the Trollhunters he had slain.

Taking a deep breath he muttered, “Animae vestrae liberae sint, spiritus recipiatis, rerum ordinem naturalem recipiatis, gaudete, quia vos a servitute libero.”

Angor Rot raised his arms in the air and with a soft whoosh blue lights floated out of his body, twirling slowly around him before flying up into the sky with joyful cries.

For they were finally free.


Whew! It was a long one but I certainly enjoyed it.
The Stalkling’s name is derived from the Greek word 'kephale' which means 'head'.
A little translation on the Latin at the end, as Angor frees the trapped spirits, not sure if it's correct but oh well: "Animae vestrae liberae sint, spiritus recipiatis, rerum ordinem naturalem recipiatis, gaudete, quia vos a servitute libero." translates to, "Let your souls be free, receive the spirits, you are accepting the natural order of things; rejoice, because you are free from slavery."
Next chapter... Angor Rot adjusts to life and Strickler and the team head to the Janus Order to get an changeling army. Or at least have the Janus Order on their side.
If you have any changeling OC's, I really need them for the next chapter. Maybe send me a message on my tumblr, How fleeting this life is, if you have any changeling OC's. (My name is PinkyToothlesso11).

Chapter 9: The ordering of changelings


Jim makes it his mission to avoid Trollmarket with mixed results and Angor Rot makes a new life for himself. After almost three weeks the team head to the Janus Order to finally deal with the changelings and hopefully get them on their side. But that’s easier said then done when changelings are concerned. But Jim knows they’re capable of change. But some? Not so much.


I'm back! And thanks go to several people, both on AO3 and Tumblr for giving me their changeling OC's, I gave made sure to credit all the characters who are not my creation in the end notes.
I did not manage to fit in one changeling OC as well as my sisters, but they'll be mentioned in the next chapter and introduced to the main story later.
As always hope you all enjoy and the next chapter will have the Stricklake reunion I know a lot of you have been looking forward to.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It seemed as if Jim was making a habit of avoiding Trollmarket just to stay off Blinky’s radar, which he was doing right now, head down and moving forward, winding effortlessly between trolls and putting further distance between him and the madly shouting troll behind him.

Ever since he had gotten back from his and Strickler’s rather impromptu trip, about three weeks ago now, he had done his best to avoid Trollmarket.

He told himself it was because Angor Rot needed help adjusting to his new life, but he knew he was only trying to control what little he could.

Namely not letting Blinky figure out what was going on until he decided it was time. He felt bad about it, but his surrogate troll dad had enough on his plate as it was, without him messing it all up with his time-travel adventures. But he did have to go to Trollmarket occasionally for the use of the forge, although Toby had been put off a little thanks to the ghost council chewing him out for allowing Jim and Strickler to get Angor Rot together, even if Kanjigar had been more or less grateful that the stolen souls had been released way earlier than in the original timeline.

Anyway, he was in a hurry for a reason tonight, not because he didn’t want to talk to his old troll mentor.

Strickler had told him yesterday at school that it was finally time to deal with the Janus Order, before his grip on it slipped completely. Jim had readily agreed to meet him at his place with Angor and Toby, at six o’clock sharp.

He glanced at his watch.

It was six now.

Strickler was not going to be happy.

There was a commotion behind him and Jim risked a look back.

“Jim! Don’t you dare walk away from me young man! I would like to have words with you, do you hear?” Blinky’s rich baritone voice was edging towards a  hysterical yell and he could just about make out Blinky’s two upper set of arms waving wildly.

Jim guiltily turned away and broke out into a dead run, leaving behind several confused trolls and Blinky’s shouts far behind him.

Knowing Toby and Angor they were probably already waiting for him.

Angor Rot had decided to stay in his basement, claiming he was forever in Jim’s debt and would serve him till his dying breath. Over dramatic, but Jim had needed some protection for his house since Draal hadn’t moved into his basement. And Strickler wasn’t living in his house yet.

Thank god for small mercies.

He made a promise to himself that this was the last time he would walk away from Blinky, the last time he would hide the truth from his mom, Claire and Aaarrrgghh, the last time he would ignore Douxie and Archie. This fear of revealing himself to his closest loved one’s was at an end. He needed the rest of his team back. Strickler was right, keeping everyone in the dark like this was more damaging than anything.

He made his escape from Trollmarket, jogging the rest of the way to Strickler’s apartment, savouring the cool evening air.

When he arrived Angor and Toby were already waiting for him and so was Strickler, an irritated frown on his face. “You are late.” The changeling said flatly, pointedly tapping his watch.

“By five minutes. Give me a break!” Jim groaned.

Toby snorted, crossing his arms, “Let me guess, you couldn’t lose Blinky. Because I literally waltzed out of Trollmarket.”

“Yep. Blinky is really persistent.” Jim muttered.

“So you will finally tell him the truth?” Angor Rot rasped, fixing him with his yellow eyes expectantly.

“Why are you all ganging up on me like this? I’ll tell everyone starting tomorrow, now can we please get a move on? We’ve got changelings to deal with.” Jim reminded everyone.

Strickler closed his eyes and slowly massaged his forehead, “I think I am going to have a headache by the end of this.”




Angor Rot used the shadow staff to portal them directly into the fake Omni-reach travel agency, it felt different from Claire’s.

Hers always had a touch of warmth and sweetness in them, Angor’s felt like a calm still pool of water mixed with something bitter. He only knew this because of his heightened senses, or maybe it was just that he was more sensitive to magic now.

Regardless he felt disorientated as he stumbled out of the portal, taking a moment to adjust to the dimness of their surroundings.

Toby looked around speculatively, “Huh. NotEnrique said this place was a lot brighter and you know, bigger.”

Strickler stared at Toby tiredly, “Does this look like a place that can fit more than one hundred individuals?”

“Um. Is that a trick question? It’s kinda hard to tell with you.” Toby smiled nervously.

Strickler sighed, “This is a cover. The real Janus Order is underground.”

And with that said he moved over to a cracked wooden table and lifted the receiver of the old telephone, placing it by his ear. Jim and Toby huddled closer in order to hear, as a scratchy female voice said in utter boredom, “Where would you like to go?”

“Where two faces meet.” Strickler replied grandly, earning him a disbelieving scoff from Angor.

“You took your time Stricklander, things are just about rioting down here, the big reveal did not go to plan and Nomura and that lug of a troll are about to get themselves killed. You owe me for allowing this.”

Strickler held the receiver slightly away from his ear, “Ah, that is not what I like to hear. Who told Draal that he could reveal Bular’s remains?”

It took a good few seconds for that line to sink in.

Jim sent his step-dad to-be a look of abject horror, “Wha—”

But Strickler subtly shook his head and Jim fell silent, disbelief mirrored in Toby’s eyes as they shared a look.

I believe you did sir.” The changeling on the other end responded nervously.

Strickler’s hand tightened on the handle of the telephones receiver, “Funny, I do not recall authorizing that. Thank you administrator Silver, I will take over from here, I will make sure you’re sufficiently rewarded.” There was a click as he disconnected the call and replaced the receiver.

And then a grind of machinery as the floor below them lowered.

Toby was the only one to react, Angor had clearly been here before, based on his disinterested expression. It was only when the first set of murals came into view that Jim let out a gasp of surprise. “Okay, those definitely didn’t look like that before.”

The once exquisite murals that portrayed the Gumm-Gumm’s history had been crudely defaced beyond recognition.

They were now adorned with obscure graffiti art and rude imagery that had Jim’s ears burning in embarrassment.

Someone had even artfully given Gunmar a wonderful handlebar moustache.

That got Toby cackling with laughter. “Omg that’s a masterpiece.”

Strickler smirked, “It’s an improvement, don’t you think?”

Angor Rot grunted, unimpressed, “You changelings are all out of your minds.”

Just as he said it they finally reached the bottom of the disguised elevator, the faint sound of shouting drifting to their ears.

“Yeesh. I do not like the sound of that.” Toby muttered.

“Hm. Neither do I.” Strickler agreed, “Angor, do you still remember Otto’s scent?”

The ancient troll assassin inclined his head, “Unfortunately. Do you want me to teleport to him?”

“Yes please, if you want to of course, we are capable of finding him by other means.” Strickler said with awkward courtesy. It didn’t come easy to him but Jim was pleased the changeling was trying.

Angor Rot raised both brows, wordlessly summoning a portal.

In a whirl of darkness they materialized in a dark, shadowed room, the sound of breathless groans and pants reaching them. Toby clamped a hand over his eyes as Strickler switched the lights on, revealing Otto and another polymorph Jim recognised, in bed together. Eloise, that was her name. She was in her troll form, Otto human, her fluffy white fur concealing most of her naked body.

“Tut, tut Otto. You should know better than this.” Strickler reprimanded the stout polymorph changeling, who let out an undignified shriek of alarm, drawing the sheets over both him and Eloise, who was giggling madly.

She peered over the bed sheets with a lewd sneer on her toothy snout, “Stricklander, you brought friends, forgive me for this disregard of rank, but you see Otto darling insisted.” She purred, her gleaming yellow eyes landing on Toby, who gulped.

“I am sure he did.” Strickler said, pinning Otto under a sneer of contempt.

“Oh he did more than that. He went all the way in.” She stage-whispered gleefully to Jim and Toby.

Toby whimpered and Jim made a face of disgust, that was information he could do without.

“Get out of here Eloise, I have business to conduct.” Strickler scowled darkly, clearly not appreciating the thinly veiled innuendo.

“Oh business—” Eloise began, not at all fazed as Otto slunk further beneath the covers.

“NOW!” Strickler snarled, his eyes flashing red.

Eloise, and Jim and Toby, jumped, the albino changeling scrambling into her dress and leaping out of the bed, her tail lowered meekly as she passed them, sending Angor Rot a leery smile that managed to make the assassin troll shift his weight in discomfort.

Otto wrapped the bed sheets around his waist like a makeshift toga, stumbling out of the bed and snagging his round glasses from a bedside table, his blue eyes landing immediately on Angor and then Toby in dawning dread.

He didn’t even look at Jim, and he didn’t know if he should be offended.

“You have finally cracked mein freud, getting that thing here, allying with the human Trollhunter, this is treason!” Otto said, his hands balling up into tight fists.

“Treason? Against Gunmar? That twat never cared about us, Otto. We were nothing to him, tools to get his freedom at any cost. Food for his son. Do you really think we will become anything more under his rule? That way lies death. For all our fellow half-breeds. And Morgana? So obsessed with her revenge on Merlin that our deaths would mean nothing to our own creator.” Strickler finished bitterly.

Otto gaped at Strickler’s casual disregard of both Merlin and Morgana, “You—you used her name! What has happened to you? I know you were acting peculiar for the last few months but this is madness!” He exclaimed, his eyes full of disbelief.

Strickler shook his head slowly, “Not madness. Far from it. I believe I am finally sane, we were, are fighting for the wrong side Otto, things can change now, I know they can. Jim, perhaps you would like to convince Otto?”

Jim grinned at Otto’s confused expression and summoned Daylight with a mental command, the familiar armour, which he hadn’t worn for over three weeks, covering his body like a comfort blanket, the sword of Daylight readily appearing in his hands. He pointed the blade at the terrified polymorph and Otto’s mouth opened, “What are—”

That was as far as he got before the magic took over.

Otto’s eyes glazed over as Daylight did its thing, returning the memories of the original timeline to the stout changeling, who let out a soft whimper before collapsing to the floor with a guttural scream.

Toby winced, “Oh god... Was it this painful for you Strickler?”

“Oh much worse.” Strickler replied impassively, watching Otto squirm with no sympathy.

It was enough to make Jim incredibly uncomfortable, that Strickler could watch Otto’s pain and not feel something.

Eventually Otto got himself under control, his eyes red and puffy as he looked up at them, hands trembling as he gingerly felt his face. “Strickler—they—he made me... Gunmar—guter Gott... What is happening?”

Toby punched his fist in the air, “A revolution baby!” He yelled.

Strickler gave him a disdainful glare, “Please refrain from ever saying that again.”



With Otto up to date on what had happened subsequent to his death, the group departed, heading towards the sounds of increasing anger and displeasure instead of away, like a sensible person.

Jim tensed as he saw what lay ahead of them. “Tobes, Angor, I think we’ll benefit if you two look threatening.” He said quietly.

“Alright, so Dayhammer out?” Toby inquired.

Jim nodded and Toby tapped his shoulder, allowing the armour to flow back to him, summoning Daylight, the sword growing into a heavy Warhammer, his armour briefly lighting up a soft orange before fading to silver and blue.

Angor scanned the mob of changelings and with a huff extended the shadow staff.

Otto inched away from the silent assassin, “Stricklander—”

“Not now Otto. I will tell you everything you need to know as soon as we deal with this absolute mess Nomura has made.” Strickler said brusquely, striding forward confidently, Jim sticking close to him, with Toby and Angor flanking on either side of Strickler, Otto trailing at the rear.

The angry crowd of changelings quietened somewhat at the sight of their small group, their eyes widening at the sight of the infamous Angor Rot and the Trollhunter on either side of their leader.

Around half of the changelings were in troll form, the other half human but with faintly glowing eyes. The overall effect was unsettling to say the least and Jim, for all the terrors he had faced, still felt cold shivers run up his spine as the crowd parted to let them through, so that they were surrounded on all sides by an ocean of hostile changelings.

Toby swung Daylight at them to keep the more daring of the changelings at bay, Angor did nothing but glare and that seemed to work.

They reached a stage of sorts, climbing the steps and walking out of view, the noise level rising to new heights once they were sufficiently hidden from the changelings.

Nomura and Draal were standing hunched against the wall, the magenta changeling’s ears flattened and Draal covered in splatters of rotten fruit and whatever other rubbish that had been lying around, ready to lob at the big blue target that Draal presented.

Draal greeted them grimly, his eyes narrowing suspiciously at Angor Rot and Otto, he was clearly in a foul mood.

Nomura glowered at Strickler, electric green eyes narrows to thin, displeased slits. “You took your time. Asshole.” She rasped.

Strickler gave her a thin lipped smile, “Nomura, I thought I made it abundantly clear that no matter how ill received the reveal of Bular’s death went, you would not show them his remains.”

She scoffed, “Look, if they believe you approved it, who am I to tell them differently? Maybe you should have thought about that before you and Draal defaced Bular.”

Nomura gestured behind her and Jim noticed for the first time a pair of gleaming orange eyes.

He yelped and almost fell over, Toby huddling close to his side with a furious chant of, “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, my gosh.”

Because Bular was standing behind Nomura.

Not alive.

But he looked so real and animated with life, even if now that his eyes had adjusted to the gloom it was easy to see Bular for what he was.

A gruesomely put together jigsaw puzzle of a dead troll, painted artfully to look alive, kneeling in supplication, something Jim had never seen the real Bular do, an expression of surprise on his face, as if he hadn’t realised what he was doing. It didn’t help he looked slightly shifted out of place.

It was an unsettling, terrifying display of power and Jim didn’t blame the changelings for rioting. Apparently it had been a bad idea to allow Strickler and Draal to deal with Bular’s body. Because Jim knew Draal was good at rebuilding dead trolls, he had rebuilt Kanjigar after all, and Strickler, well Strickler had a dark sense of humour at the best of times.

The result of their teamwork would haunt Jim for many nights to come.

Otto made a wordless sound of disbelief and Jim finally shook off his frozen terror, rounding on Draal, “I thought you gave Trollmarket proof of Bular’s death.”

“We did. Bular’s real head is in Trollmarket, this one is a replica.” Draal said, raising his voice in order to be heard over the roaring of the crowd of changelings outside their temporary shelter.

Strickler peeked out at the crowd, quickly backing away as a rotten apple was lobed at his head, “Bloody hell.” He cursed. “This has gone on long enough, all of you stay here until I deem it safe enough to come out, this might become violent.” And he strode into view of the angry crowd of changelings.

Without speaking Jim edged closer until he could see what was going on, without being spotted, Toby, Angor, Nomura and Draal huddling closer as well to get a good view.

Strickler was trying to be heard with little success, as the crowd barely quietened, not until a tall, female changeling, in her troll form, stepped forward proudly.

She was bright magenta with a pink stripe on one side, a deep blue-black on the other, wearing a red crop top and a skirt that had lots of belts and pouches attached to it, her eyes were a harsh orange and she had three horns poking out of her messy mane and a long, slinky tail.

She bared her mandibles at Strickler and declared, “Stricklander, your treachery goes above and beyond all reason. I think your time as our leader is at an end.”

Several changelings shouted their approval and Jim grimaced. He didn’t want to intervene but he might have to if things got ugly. No way was he leaving Strickler out there alone.

“Jolie, I believe you have gotten this all wrong, the Trollhunter is out best chance of survival, he will help us. Gunmar won’t, he will kill us and be done with out kind.” Strickler said patiently, as if talking to a child.

Jolie growled dangerously at his patronising tone of voice, “And what makes you so certain? I think the humans deserve death regardless, I haven’t tasted their flesh since the dark ages. So what if Gunmar hates us? We stay out of his way and he’ll ignore us, allowing us to do whatever we please.”

Jim shuddered, this was a changeling he really didn’t fancy meeting after dark. She was dangerous, he knew this for a fact.

Strickler visibly flinched, a mistake, as Jolie’s orange eyes lit up in savage delight. “Oh but our leader doesn’t want that, does he? After living so long among humans, you think you are one. What will that red headed fleshbag you’ve been spending time with think when she sees you for what you really are? What will she think when she discovers there are real monsters out in the dark?”

Jim’s whole body stiffened in blooming dread, Jolie knew about his mom. She had all but threatened his mom.

He barely contained the urge to run up to the vile changeling and slam Daylight into her chest.

Strickler’s eyes lit up a fierce red and yellow, his teeth bared in a silent snarl, “If you think for an instant your threats are going to get you anywhere—”

“You’ve gone soft.” Jolie said softly, incredulously, “The great Lord Stricklander has gone soft for a fleshbag. There is no place for weakness, no place for showing emotions, did you not once tell us that? Wasn’t there a purpose to serving Gunmar?”

“I was incredibly busy not getting killed by Bular, I would have said anything to keep us alive and away from Bular’s wrath.” Strickler said, his face expressionless.


“Kill him!”

“Traitor, Gunmar should gut him!”

The changelings shouted out abuse, that grew more profane and colourful with every passing second.

Someone from the crowd flung a rotten tomato at Strickler, that landed with a squelch on the side of his face.

He very slowly wiped it off, impassive as the enraged changelings surged forward, several with weapons drawn.

Jim didn’t even realise he had joined Strickler on the stage with Toby, Angor and Draal until Strickler turned to him, grim determination shining in his face. “Jim, get back!” He told him, the gravel of his troll voice slipping into his human guise.

Jim did so, pushing Toby and Angor away slightly, but they were still on the stage, in full view of at least a hundred furious changelings.

A hiss pierced the air and Jim watched in slow motion as a creepers sun poisoned knife whistled towards him, from a changeling, still in their human form, with bright platinum blonde hair and several piercings, a grin of triumph on their face.

He wouldn’t be able to avoid that in time.

He braced himself and then there was an explosion of vivid green light and the blade was knocked away, missing him by a hairs breadth.

The light cleared and Strickler came into view, his leathery wings stretched out, to several exclamations of surprise from the changelings, he bared his tusks, “ENOUGH!” He roared, sending most of the changelings stumbling to a halt, excluding the blonde haired changeling, who snarled and made to throw another knife.

Without warning Strickler lunged forward, easily disarming the surprised changeling and grabbing him by the throat, wordlessly snapping his neck, the head flopping to one side awkwardly, mouth moving slackly as Strickler tossed the body to one side, watching it tumble down to the ground.

The changelings remained utterly silent, eyes wide, even Jolie raised her brows, taking a tentative step back.

Jim felt bile rise up in his throat at the brutal death, he hadn’t really realised Strickler was actually capable of cold-blooded murder, even if he knew he had just saved his life. He remembered to breathe, his heart thudding wildly.

“Anyone else feel like trying to kill me or my allies?” Strickler challenged, glaring at the sombre changelings, who either stared back at him sullenly or looked down at their feet. “I thought so. Because I assure you, all of you, that I have no qualms about letting you perish if you’re so hell bent on destruction. I am your leader and I expect you to listen to me. If you don’t want to, you’re free to leave.”

He pinned Jolie and her group with his glowing eyes and she lowered her gaze, fuming internally. “Excellent. Now, where was I? Ah yes, Gunmar will kill us all if he’s released, Morgana will do nothing to stop him once she is liberated. Unless we all band together with the Trollhunter and his team.” Strickler finished, pointing a wing at Toby, who waved weakly.

“How do you know this?” A tall woman with feathery short black hair and dark blue eyes asked softly, looking physically not much older than Jim, perhaps early twenties. Although he knew she was probably a lot older than that, by several centuries probably.

Strickler glanced hesitantly at Jim, his ears lowered in apology, Jim pretended not to notice, resolutely not meeting his eyes directly. Seeing Strickler kill someone, even if it was justified, had shaken him.

“Jim?” Strickler prodded, minutely tilting his head at the awaiting crowd.

He gulped, “I—yeah, okay.” He shot Toby, Angor and Draal a warning look and tentatively came to stand right next to Strickler, very carefully not looking at the dead changeling by his feet.

He took a steadying inhale of air, scanning the expectant crowd of changelings, he landed on the short haired woman who had spoken and she smiled at him encouragingly, evidently curious what he had to say.

“Okay, this is going to sound crazy. But I’m from the future, a future in which I was the Trollhunter and I know that none of you will survive, I saw the aftermath of the Janus Order’s destruction.” Jim said clearly, pausing in the disbelieving silence.

He sighed and levelly spoke the incantation, “For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command.” Toby’s armour bled away and flowed into the amulet, which promptly lifted up and away and reattached itself to his chest, the broad sword shimmering as it formed in his hands.

That got a lot of low muttering out of the crowd of changelings.

Jim pointed Daylight at Jolie in particular, narrowing his eyes at her. Jolie stared back, unfazed and largely unimpressed.

“Gunmar was freed and he killed all of you, even though without your help he would never have gotten out in the first place. I killed him. Just like we’ve killed Bular, Gunmar will fall. But he is nothing compared to what might happen to the world, what’s coming. And I—we, need all the help we can get. All the resources we can get. We need help.” Jim finished, refusing to plead, even though he might be willing to, they really did need the changelings on their side. The matter of freeing the familiars would be brought up on another day.

Jolie scoffed, “Lies. What—”

“He is telling the truth. They both are.” A crisp, flat voice interrupted.

A few changelings moved aside, allowing a starkly beautiful, female changeling to step closer.

In her troll form she was a rich dark grey-blue, bordering on black, with piercing blue pupils and black sclera and long, glossy black hair. She was wearing a simple but elegant blue dress with an indigo cloak, the barest tip of her prehensile tail flicking from side to side.

But the truly amazing thing about her were her wings.

Jim had never seen any troll or changeling, excluding Stalkling’s, with wings except for Strickler. Although he had been told that worldwide there were at least a dozen such changelings, still not a lot though, barely any really.

But this changeling had wings very unlike Strickler’s, they were not as big or powerful, instead delicate and gossamer thin, like an insects, the thin membranes glinting with touches of blue, green and pink veins, tucked close to her body, her eyes warily scanning the nearby changelings with suspicion.

“Nyx, you hate Stricklander, why are you defending him?” Jolie hissed.

“Because he is telling the truth. I am not a fool, the truth was staring in all out faces for centuries, I always had doubts about Gunmar, this is the proof I needed.” Nyx said, her eyes flicking greedily towards the shadow staff still clutched in Angor’s hands.

Strickler did not miss the look, “Of course you must have a reason to—take my side.”

Nyx glowered at him, her wings rising, “You know I know magic. You’ll want as many magic users on your side as possible, even if my skills are not as good as yours.” She admitted sourly.

Strickler’s tusked mouth twitched up in a faint impression of a smile, “Fine. I will see what magic I can impart to you, I make no promises though.”

Nyx nodded, satisfied, for now at least, sending Jolie a look of contempt, she said something to the other changeling and she bristled, though Jim could not hear what words passed between them.

"I'll stand with you too. Gunmar's plans? I've always known they spell doom for us." The short haired woman from before declared, gesturing around her at all the changelings. She boldly moved forwards to stand with Nyx, meeting Jolie's gaze with a smirk.

Strickler raised a brow ridge, “Thank you, Xirca.”

Soon enough there were further sounds of agreement as more and more changelings professed loyalty to Strickler and the new purpose they would pledge their lives to.

While Jolie became more and more enraged, until with a furious flick of her inky black tail she stormed off, with a band of about six or seven others, ruthlessly shoving aside anyone in their way.

Jim felt the knot of tension in his stomach ease with the disappearance of Jolie, he had been so afraid of a battle and more changelings dying.

Strickler dipped his head, as if in similar relief, but Jim noticed a blurr of movement subsequent to the head motion, following after the departing changelings.

Jim paid it no mind, probably a trick of the light.

Strickler returned to human form in a crackle of green energy, clasping his hands behind his back as if nothing had happened and there wasn’t a dead changeling lying on the floor in front of him, “Otto? Anything to add?”

The stout polymorph edged into view, several changelings muttering in surprise, “Lord Stricklander is correct, Gunmar would kill us, without even a thought. He thinks we are disposable and we are not. I—remember it. The boy speaks the truth, he is from the future and capable of restoring it to a few. Gunmar used me as a puppet. He deserves whatever is coming for him and the Trollhunters will see that he is eradicated. All we need to do is allow them access to our resources and we can survive.”

The changelings muttered amongst themselves, and Nyx, self proclaimed spokesperson, nodded, “We can help, in whatever way we can, depending on our great leaders preferences of course. Although it seems he has already thrown in his lot with the Trollhunters.”

At this she gave Jim a small smile, which he returned weakly.

Nomura huffed from behind them, “Great, now what?”

Strickler sent her a wicked grin, “We make plans to overthrow a king. Jim, I believe we can make our next move.”

Jim didn’t return Strickler’s smile, “Can I talk to you? Privately?”

He couldn’t help but hazard a glance at the dead changeling and Strickler’s smile faded into a serious expression, one that Jim found he could not decipher for once. “Of course Young Atlas.” He said softly.

Jim turned to the rest of his team, “Angor, Tobes, Draal and Nomura? Can you hold down the Fort while we go and talk?”

“Fort? This is no—” Draal began in confusion before being elbowed by Nomura.

“It’s a figure of speech you idiot.” She hissed.

Toby rolled his eyes, “We'll be fine, Jimbo. If anything gets too crazy Angor can stab them.”

“It would be my pleasure, considering I cannot harm Strickler.” Angor rasped, his eyes glittering malevolently.

Strickler made a face and Jim sighed. “Good enough. We won’t be long.”

He met Strickler’s eyes and the changeling walked down the stage, whispers and hisses following in his wake. Jim hurried after, silence following them until they reached a small room, probably used for interrogations, he did not want to think about what this room had witnessed.

“Well?” Strickler demanded, leaning against one of the hard steel chairs in the room.

“Did you really have to kill that changeling?” Jim asked, straight to the point.

“He was going to kill you. More changelings would have died if I hadn’t stepped in, sometimes it’s simply the most pragmatic thing to do to stop greater and altogether needless, death.” Strickler replied coolly.

“Oh great, it was the lesser of two evils, that suddenly makes it all alright! You killed him so that you could stay in charge, didn’t you? It was a display of power.” Jim said, knowing he was right, even though he wished he wasn’t.

Strickler stared at him, wearing a look of weariness that showed his real age, the centuries of fighting and killing in every line in his face. “Jim, sometimes this is the only way. Sometimes there is another way, not always. I do not like this any more than you, I used to be able to kill in cold-blood, but now I just feel tired of it all. I want peace, but this fight is not over and I will do whatever is necessary to win. If anyone threatens you or Barbara, gods forbid, I will not hesitate to kill them. I cannot afford to hesitate, not even for a second.”

Jim knew every single word was true. But he still couldn’t help but feel conflicted.

On the one hand Strickler was generally trying to become a better person and he obviously cared about him and a lot more people than he had once thought.

But on the other hand, he still just straight up murdered a changeling for almost killing him. And he had all but admitted he would do it again.

Strickler was an assassin, it was part of who he was.

And wouldn’t he do the same thing to protect his family? Hadn’t he done it before?

He thought of Gunmar, Usurna, Angor, Morgana, Merlin, they had done what they had to in order to keep those they claimed as theirs safe.

He would do anything for his family.

For his mom.

For Toby.

“Strickler I—” Before he could say anything else there was a blur of movement and a small sparrow flew into the room, fluttering in front of them and shifting into a small changeling.

Jim leapt back in alarm, the changeling looked young, really young, like maybe actually his age, with wild black hair half covering her stubby horns and a light purplish pink, “Stricklander!” She gasped, her red and yellow eyes wide and panicked.

“Juliette, what—” Strickler began, his fists clenched.

“It’s Jolie! She left, like, five minutes ago, I followed her like you asked and overheard their conversation.”

“And?” Strickler prompted impatiently, Jim feeling extremely uneasy all of a sudden.

Juliette met Jim’s eyes, “There’s about seven of them, they’re heading to her house.” She whispered.

Jim felt his heart rate pick up, “Whose house?” he asked with much more patience than Strickler.

“Your mother’s. Barbara Lake. They know how much Stricklander loves her, they’re going to capture her, or worse, kill her.”


Credit for the changeling Julia goes to Yokuimmobylen over on Tumblr, they're awesome and well worth looking at, the art work on that blog for Trollhunters is incredible.
Credit for Xirca goes to Moonspring4235, I hope to have more of her in later chapters.
Credit for Nyx goes to Blue_Obsidian, I hope I got Nyx right, because she's awesome!
And lastly credit for Juliette, or Jett as she likes to be called, goes to i-have-too-many-obsssesions-help on Tumblr, their OC is a half human half changeling polymorph.
Thanks goes to all of you! And Muku-gc allowing me to use their OC Jasper, who will come up soon.
I'll continue to credit you guys when your changelings come up, briefly though. And more changeling OC's are welcome!

Chapter 10: What lurks beneath


Jolie and several other changelings have gone to the Lake house to kill or capture Barbara. Along with Angor Rot and Strickler, Jim sets out to save his mom, and kill anyone who stands in his way.
Only he’s not mentally ready for this.

Barbara finally find out the truth in the worst way possible as Jim’s lies catch up to him.


Just a quick note, the first half of this chapter is Strickler POV and the second half is Barbara POV.

Also very sorry for the delay in updates, but the length of the chapters is long so it takes longer to get round to writing them.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Stricklander, head of the Janus Order, trained assassin and centuries old changeling, blanched in absolute terror as Juliette’s words sunk in.

That Barbara was in danger, that she could be killed. And it was because of him. Again.

Panic and fear and anger swirled in his head, making his heart beat faster and faster. He pinned Juliette under his gaze, his lips curling back from his teeth in a silent snarl. “When did they leave?”

Juliette cowered, “Now.” She squeaked out.

He couldn’t stop the snarl leaving his lips this time, when he got his hands on Jolie he was going to make her suffer.

Jim swore heatedly, “Shit. We have to—this—I—” He was almost incoherent with fear and a fair amount of guilt. The petty side of him wanted to accuse Jim of this, if he had just told Barbara this might not have happened. But he knew that wasn’t the right thing to say.

“We need Angor Rot, he can take us home faster. Juliette, get Jasper and Sol.”

“But the others aren’t—” Juliette began to protest.

“Do it now! Jim will need Daylight, Tobias will be defenceless and someone needs to keep order while we deal with Jolie. Tell Nomura and Otto that they’re in charge.”

His demands were met with a shaky head bob and Juliette once more assumed the form of a sparrow, flying swiftly away with a panicked chirp.

Strickler glanced down at Jim, who looked away from him, still clearly upset at what they had been discussing before Juliette shattered his reality.

He wordlessly broke out into a long legged run, not needing to pause as Jim’s feet thumped behind him instantly, mirroring the frantic beating of his heart.

They careened back to the stage, Strickler’s throat tight as he pushed past confused changelings and came in front of Nomura, Otto, Draal and Toby, Angor Rot sulking nearby.

Jim was right behind him, his eyes unnaturally wide, “Angor!” Jim gasped, “Mom’s in danger! Take us home!”

“Now?” Angor asked, echoed by an alarmed Toby.

“Yes now!” Strickler snapped, aware his eyes were probably glowing white hot by now. “Jolie has gone to potentially kill her with a group of changelings.”

“Damn.” Toby cursed softly, “That’s not good, we should—”

“No. Tobes, you have to stay. We’ve got this.”

Strickler turned, scanning the muttering crowd of changelings, “Xirca? Nyx?”

The two female changelings instantly melted out of the milling throng of changelings, Xirca with a easy confidence that Strickler noted in irritability.

“What, great leader?” Xirca snarked, hands on her hips.

“Enough of your insolence. I trust that you and Nyx can help keep things stable while I’m gone, yes?” He said severely.

“We got it.” Xirca said.

Nyx sighed, “If we must. Otto get your slimy ass here, they need at least one recognised commander to command respect...”

Strickler tuned the rest out, nervously shifting from foot to foot, as Jim quickly explained the situation to Toby, Angor and Draal, Nomura having joined Otto and the others in calming the changelings down.

Once informed Angor Rot narrowed his luminous eyes and summoned a portal.

He was the first through, shifting to troll form before he even registered where he was.

He blinked, glancing around him. The basement, he was in the basement. Of course he was.

Jim came out of the portal next, Daylight held out at the ready, Angor right next to him.

It was silent, unnervingly so.

Jim opened his mouth, about to say something and he held out a hand, mouthing quiet.

Softly Jim said, “Can you hear anything?”

Strickler pricked his ears forward, “Hmm... Yes. I can. Voices.”

They exchanged panicked looks.

“Crap.” Jim muttered, about ready to go charging up the stairs.

He shook his head in warning, “Tred carefully Young Atlas, we need the element of surprise.”

Jim bit his lip but did as he said, allowing him to creep up the basement stairs, near silently drawing one of the many knives that ringed his collar.

Jim came up on the other side, gently pushing the door open a crack with the tip of Daylight. Angor Rot standing patiently behind them.

Faint, almost indistinct voices became more distinct.

Barbara’s voice was high pitched in alarm, “What are you?” She gasped.

Jolie’s chuckle made him see red and it was with difficulty that he contained himself.

“You really have no idea, do you?” She purred silkily, the sharp sound of claws making Barbara let out a soft cry of fear. “I am the same sort of monster as your dear Walter.”

He flinched back, his ears lowering, but he knew Jolie was right. He was a monster.

Jim, because of course his hearing was almost as good as his, gave his arm a firm squeeze, mouthing an equally firm no.

He smiled faintly, turning back to the conversation.

“How—what are you saying?” Barbara demanded, the outrage in her voice unmistakable. But then Jolie growled at her and she whimpered, “Please, I didn’t do anything to you, I have a kid.”

He hated seeing her beg. He hated watching this go on. He hated this whole situation. Stricklander snarled under his breath, that was it—

“Wait!” Jim hissed, he paused, his hand on the basement door, fighting against his instincts.

“What?” He hissed back.

Jim turned to Angor Rot, “Angor, when you fought us here you did something to the lights, right?”

“And it disoriented you, allowing me the upper hand.” Angor finished in understanding, muttering a quick incantation, rough and smooth at the same time, one that was too quick for him to grasp.

A black ball of negative light formed in Angor Rot’s claws and the assassin rolled it towards the voices in the room above.

“What on earth—?” There was a low boom and the lights blinked off.

He allowed a second for his eyes to adjust before he was lunging forward, Jim and Angor Rot hot on his heels.

He came into the hallway and froze, the sight that met his eyes something out of a nightmare.

Barbara was cowering against a wall, her face turned away, Jolie towering over her, searching for the source of the disruption. Her eyes landed on him and she scowled, pointing a claw at him, Jim and Angor, “What are you waiting for?! Get them!” She yelled at her band of changelings.

They all surged towards them at the same time and chaos ruled the house.

Angor Rot used a shadow portal to teleport behind one of the changelings and stabbed them in the chest, the creepers sun making quick work of them.

Jim confidently slashed his blade at any changeling brave enough to confront him, because none of them had managed to get anywhere near their now scorned leader.

Strickler scanned the hallway, his heart seizing in fear when he realised Jolie and Barbara were nowhere to be seen.

He charged forward, following Barbara’s scent to the backyard, unwittingly running towards danger rather than away.

He shot through the backdoor, the coolness of night welcoming after the heat of the house, just as he saw Jolie push Barbara against the fence roughly, claws extended and a wide, malicious smile stretching her face grotesquely. “A shame—”

She didn’t get to finish her sentence.

Stricklander snarled and leapt at her, bowling the other changeling over, knife aimed at her throat.

Jolie moved with lightening fast swiftness and the knife thunked harmlessly into the dirt beside her head.

“Ah, there you are.” She grinned and with a low growl drew her folded down pernach, letting the magically altered mace to grow to its full size.

It was a nasty weapon, one he had no intention of getting on the wrong side of.

He moved away from her with a frustrated hiss, as the Mace swung for where his head had been a second ago.

“Jolie.” He began conversationally, “I am going to kill you.”

For emphasis he flicked a few more knives into his hands, hyper aware Barbara was right there, seeing the real him in the worst possible way.

He was getting severe Déjà Vu from this, he had no doubt Barbara was feeling something similar, even without the memories of the future that had been undone.

Completely unaware that the changeling defending her was the man she had fallen in love with.

He wondered if she would love him still after this.

Jolie swung her pernach slowly, cool indifference shinning in her orange eyes.

“You can try.” She smirked and swept the mace towards him once more.

He was far more skilled than she, he knew this. But since receiving his memories back he found he had more conserve than before.

It didn’t hinder him now though.

The overwhelming, fierce urge to kill had overtaken him and he effortlessly evaded the mace, by sending one of the knives in his hands into the grip of the pernach, sending it into the ground a distance away.

But he was not quick enough. The viciously sharp edge of the maces head had scored a hit on his side.

He grunted, taking a stumbling step back, clawed fingers instantly going to the wound, assessing that it was only a surface injury. Barely enough to rip his stone, only a faint trickle of deep red blood staining his fingers.

The second of distraction cost him, as Jolie went for his throat with a feral screech of rage, weapons forgotten as she tackled him to the ground.

She managed to land a good hit on his temple, his head jerking back with the impact.

Blood, thicker, heavier than a humans, leaked into his eyes and he blinked quickly to clear his sight, the last thing he wanted was to be blinded by his own blood.

Jolie cackled, grabbing this throat and squeezing, his vision faded and old memories flashing behind his rapidly moving eyes

—Bular was strangling him, his head under water, he couldn’t breathe, he clawed at the hands holding him under, desperate, frantic, the talons were pressing down on his chest, he was drowning

He roared, “NO!” And through sheer desperation, not for himself but for Barbara, Jim and everyone else, flung Jolie off him, het tail hitting him in his injured side.

He slashed a knife at the limb, sticking it straight through the tail, a savage grin spreading across his face as Jolie howled in pain.

He planted a taloned foot on Jolie’s chest, putting his entire weight on her.

She cried out again, as he crouched on top of her, regarding her coldly, “This ends now.” He growled.

Jolie chuckled, her head lolling back, “You still have it in you. Go on,” she urged, pulling the knife he had placed under her chin closer, until it scrapped against her stone, “Finish it. Show her what monster lurks beneath your skin.”

He couldn’t help but flick his eyes towards where he knew Barbara was.

She looked back at him in revolution and dread, shivering, no recognition in her eyes.

His hands visibly shook and Jolie smiled at his hesitation, “Do it.” She hissed.

He closed his eyes, raising the knife, bringing it down straight and true—

And cutting Jolie’s dominant left hand off at the wrist, her screams of pain music to his ears.

He stepped off her, panting lightly, adrenaline pumping, “You crave death, I would be loath to give you what you want. Now, get out of here before I decide to change my mind.”

Jolie licked her lips, she wasn’t laughing now. She had expected him to kill her and he hadn’t. She looked back at the house, quiet, deathly still and then at him, and limped away as fast as she could, weapon forgotten, clutching the stump of her hand, pulling herself over the fence and out of sight.

He relaxed, his grip on his knife slackening, a trickle of blood running down his face slowly. He wiped it away absently and half turned, catching Barbara in his peripherals.

He froze, staring numbly at her, wondering what on earth he could say to stop that look, that look of fear and horror, from marring her face.

She stared back, quivering, her pupils tiny pinpricks.

She was scared of him, terrified even.

He dropped the knife to the ground, hands out in the universal sign of meaning no harm, slowly taking a step towards her.

Barbara hiccupped, a sob rising from her throat as she pressed against the fence, away from him. She was utterly petrified with fear, she didn’t recognise him at all.

He felt something inside him break.

“I won’t—” He couldn’t finish, as suddenly the ground beneath him disappeared and he was enveloped in shadows, dropped unceremoniously in the living room.

He got up stiffly, angrily staring at the culprit who had whisked him away from Barbara before he could say a single thing to her.

“How dare you, I needed to be there!” He snarled, forgetting he was talking to Angor Rot.

The ancient troll assassin sent him a helpless, wide-eyed stare, “I do not know how to make him stop. He is unresponsive. The boy trusts you more.”

Strickler’s brain felt inadequately slow.

He took in the scene surrounding him more carefully. Noticing the piles of ash and bone that signified changeling remains and the more visible bodies of changelings who had died human.

He carefully crouched beside one of the bodies, turning them so that he could see the deep wound that had almost severed the top half of their body from the bottom, bone and slick organs exposed to the air.

This was not the work of Angor Rot.

He quickly inspected the other two visible human bodies. They too bore similar cuts, one was almost decapitated, the other slashed in the throat.

His mouth felt dry, “Daylight did this. You let Jim kill human shaped changelings?”

Angor frowned, “I had my own to deal with, I do not understand why the Trollhunter broke down after they were dead, he’s killed before.”

“Not anyone human shaped!” He snarled, “Where is Jim?”

Angor pointed silently towards the kitchen and now Strickler could hear Jim’s sobs. With a disgruntled huff he stalked past Angor Rot, who followed him reluctantly, stopping a respectful distance away.

He found Jim hunched on the floor, his back leaning against the kitchen cabinets, armour still on and splattered with blood of various colours, shaking quietly, head in his hands.

He didn’t hesitate to go to him this time.

Strickler allowed his wings to replace his cape, kneeling down so that he was eye level with Jim. “Young Atlas, its over.” He said gently.

Jim shook harder, muffled sobs escaping his lips. The boy had never killed a human, only trolls and other assorted creatures of the night. Even if these humans were pretenders and not remotely what they outwardly appeared as.

He recalled the first time he had killed a human while human himself he had been instantly sick. Jim’s reaction was perfectly reasonable and he suspected the changelings had thought if they appeared human Jim would balk at ending them.

That had clearly not worked in their favour. Jim's training had ensured he wouldn't hesitate to kill to defend himself. 

Strickler reached out a hand and raised Jim’s chin up, “It’s alright.”

Jim looked up at him, blue eyes wide and frightened, “It’s not. I’m tired of fighting Strickler. So tired.”

He sat down next to Jim silently, his heart aching for the boy who really did have the world on his shoulders. He pulled Jim towards him, wrapping his wings tightly around him, without saying anything. “It’s alright, Jim.” He repeated.

Jim tensed in the folds of his wings, “No, it isn’t, I killed them, they were human, defenceless, and I killed them.”

He blinked slowly, sharing a slightly befuddled look with Angor Rot.

A changeling, even while human, was far from defenceless. More than capable of killing people and trolls far larger than them.

“You had no choice. They would have killed you otherwise.” He settled for saying pragmatically. 

Jim relaxed against his chest, his grip on him tightening almost painfully due to the armour he still wore.

And then Angor Rot vanished abruptly into a shadow portal.

If that bloody troll just ran away, I swear— his grim thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of Barbara, a familiar shovel held out in front of her, and he begun to understand Angor’s strategic get-away.

Barbara started in surprise at the sight of him, her eyes lingering on his wings, before firm resolve overtook her and she glared down at him, as beautiful and furious as a Valkyrie sent down from Valhalla. “Get away from my son.” She demanded.

He stiffened, gingerly trying to remove Jim’s tightly clenched fingers from his person, “Young Atlas, let go of me, you’re safe.” He whispered, gently stroking a few locks away from Jim’s sweat dampened forehead.

He was only half aware of how Barbara’s scent changed from anger to confusion as he muttered softly to Jim, until with a last hiccup Jim untangled from him, Barbara gasping as Strickler helped Jim up, revealing his glowing armour.

He kept one wing slung around Jim’s shoulders protectively as Barbara slowly lowered the shovel, “Jim? What is going on?Those things tried to kill me!” She waved the shovel towards him, “Why is this happening? And why are you glowing?”

“Mom... I’m so sorry, so sorry. This is my fault...” Jim whispered hoarsely, sagging against him.

Strickler drew him closer, “You have nothing to be sorry for. I should have made you stay behind.”

Then none of this would have happened.

“I’m the Trollhunter!” Jim snapped, his eyes blazing.

“And you’re what, Jim? Sixteen? Fighting these monsters?!” Barbara snapped at her son.

“I’m almost nineteen!” Jim exclaimed angrily.


What do you mean?” Barbara asked, in a deadly quiet voice.

“I’m from the future, okay? The world almost ended, so I went back in time. So did he, sort of,” Jim said, waving at him, “And Angor Rot, who apparently ran away.”

“I am here, Trollhunter.” Angor rasped behind Barbara, who screamed, hitting out at the troll assassin with her shovel.

He dodged to one side, amused, “Calm yourself, myself and the changeling are allies.”

“Family.” Jim corrected, “I think formalities are long past now.” He moved away from him, standing on his own and Strickler retracted his wing, settling the limb more comfortably at his back.

“The changeling has not been forgiven.” Was Angor’s flat response.

Strickler didn’t even bother to growl, he was too busy avoiding Barbara’s now curious gaze. He found it strange how she still didn’t recognise him. Was he truly so unrecognisable? Or had his actions made him out to be a monster? One that apperantly bore no resemblance to Walter Strickler.

“Mom, I know this is a lot.” Jim continued, “But I can give you your memories back of what happened before I travelled back in time. Then everything will make sense.”

Barbara tore her gaze away from him, her eyes desperate, pleading, “It won’t.”

“It will. Trust me.” Jim said, holding a hand out for the shovel.

Barbara relaxed enough for Jim to take the shovel and carefully place it on the floor. She once again looked at Strickler, and then Angor Rot, “Are you sure your friends won’t hurt me?”

He growled before he could stop himself, “I would rather die again.”

“Again?” Barbara repeated, “Who are you...?” Their eyes met and Barbara seemed to finally see him.

He gave her a crooked smile and she quickly turned to Jim. “Alright kiddo, if you think it’ll make things make a little more sense than do what you have to do. I trust you.”

Jim looked up at him, unsure, and he gave him an encouraging nod. Jim took a deep breath in and summoned Daylight, slowly raising the sword.

Barbara tensed but stood firm, as blue tendrils of light reached out to touch her. She gasped as one blue spark gently brushed her face, turning slightly towards him in disbelief, “Walter?”

He gaped, unable to say anything as the blue consumed her eyes completely and she became very still. Too still.

She stumbled, and let out a soft cry of pain and then promptly collapsed in a dead faint.

He rushed forward, catching her in his arms and looked up at Jim, who finally managed to dismiss his armour.

“What now?” Strickler asked, staring down at Barbara’s limp form.

“We clean up I guess.” Jim shrugged.

“Angor, perhaps you should give those... Bodies to the Janus Order to start with.”

“Hm, I can do that.” Angor agreed, and moved out of the kitchen.

Strickler carefully stood up, Barbara tucked against his chest and made for the living room, Jim trailing him. He put Barbara on the couch, and assessed the dark, broken room.

“Let’s get to work.”

So they did.



Barbara groaned and opened her eyes.

Nope, way too bright.

She shut them again, memories reaching the surface of her mind, memories she would rather not recall.

She felt tears leak out of her closed lids. Jim was gone. Walter was gone.

She was alone.

It was a dream, a wonderful, terrible dream seeing Walter and Jim, human and happy, in Arcadia, the town whole and unscarred, magic and trolls and changelings belonging to the realm of fairy-tales.

But she was awake now.

“She is awake.” A frighteningly familiar voice observed, echoing her thoughts.

“You can tell?” Her heart almost stopped, that was Jim. And it was not her imagination. It couldn’t be.

“She opened her eyes, Young Atlas. And her heart rate is elevated.” A third voice said dryly. A third voice that definitely shouldn’t exist. Because the person that voice belonged to was dead.

At least Jim was only gone, not dead.

So she came to the logical conclusion that she was hearing ghosts.

She gasped and shot up, her head spinning wildly as she looked around, fumblingly grabbing her glasses from where they had been placed on the coffee table, jamming them on, she stifled a scream as she beheld a gaunt, toothy face peering down at her. She hit out blindly and the face vanished.

Firm, warm hands wrapped around her wrists, preventing her from lashing out again, “Barbara, it’s alright. He won’t hurt you.”

She looked up and paled.

A ghost sat beside her on the couch, brilliant green eyes focused on her, radiating gentle warmth, salt and pepper hair slightly tousled and immaculately dressed as always. And human, so very human.

She backed away from Walter, shaking her head wildly, “No, no, no, no. You’re dead, you’re gone, I remember.”

“Mom—” Jim started, from his place next to Walter.

She shook her head again, “You’re gone too. You left me all alone, this is a dream.” She sobbed, snatching her hands back from Walter.

He sent her a hurt look, glancing at Jim. Something passed between the two ghosts, who she was beginning to believe were real, looks she did not remember ever passing between them.

“This is real.” Walter said, reaching out to touch her face.

She recoiled, fearful, sharp memories of only a few hours ago suddenly at the forefront of her mind. Of a creature, black and magenta, about to kill her, mandibles edging towards her throat...

That was real alright. But how was this possible?

She thought hard, recalling the last few months, which had been the most ordinary she’d experienced in years. Only Jim’s sixteenth birthday had passed, not his nineteenth. And Walter was alive and Jim had mentioned time-travel, hadn’t he? So that meant...

“Change. Tell me this isn’t a dream.” She begged.

Walter hesitated, again sharing a nonverbal conversation with Jim, one she could not understand at all. It made her slightly uneasy, clearly Jim and Walter had known about whatever this whole situation was for a while.

Finally Walter nodded, “As you wish.”

Green light overtook his form and human Walt was replaced by the real Walt.

Ivory horns, lamplight yellow eyes, tusks, green skin, wings and all. He was all there in front of her, whole, untouched. Not ash on the wind. Clad in only a loincloth, proudly not human.

She reached out towards him and Walter stared at her, eyes wide.

She touched his stone, his skin pleasantly warm, signifying he had been active not so long ago.

Like maybe in a fight.

Her fingers went to his wounded side, and she pressed down hard, so that blood welled up from the wound, reassuring herself that this really was real.

“Ow, ow! Hey, that hurts!” Walter half-growled, half-laughed in protest, moving away from her.

She shuffled closer, bright, searing joy lighting up her insides.

Walter was alive. Her beautiful changeling was alive.

She slowly, reverently, traced the markings on Walter’s chest, familiarising herself with his body again. She made her way up to the engravings on his chin and Walter stilled, eyes grave and serious.

She had a flash of another recent memory, of seeing Walter, a blood drenched knife in one hand, towering over the changeling who had tried to harm her, about to kill her. And seeing nothing but another monster. How could she have thought that? Walter had saved her...

She had another flash of memory, of an explosion, a faint word snatched by the howling wind— “Walt...”

“Yes?” Walter answered, worry creases forming on his brows as he watched her shake faintly.

Barbara gave herself a mental shake, looking at the living, breathing troll sitting next to her. This was real. Not a dream.

Jim peered at her with equal concern, his true age evident by the faintly haunted glaze to his blue eyes. Barbara firmly shoved her mounting concerns away, to deal with later.

One thing at a time.

“Walter, you’re alive?”

“Only on the whims of the Trollhunter.” A gravelly voice answered flatly.

She froze, finally turning fully around to regard the familiar form of a gaunt troll that plauged her nightmares.

He was exactly as she remembered, grey, with roots taking hold of his stone, round yellow eyes fixed on her in amusement.

“No. No, why is he here? This is not happening again.”

Angor Rot smiled at her and she edged closer to Walter, fear making an unwelcome appearance inside her.

“Mom—” Jim began again.

 She shook her head, gaze settling on Walter’s large, long-fingered hands, “Walter, show me your hands.”


She grabbed them, inspecting them closely, going so far as to poke them.

He definitely didn’t have the ring.

She frowned, slowly meeting Jim’s eyes. “Show me yours too, kiddo.”

Jim reluctantly complied, “”I don’t have the Inferna copula either mom.”

“Then who does?”

“I have it.” Angor Rot said, showing her his right hand, the Inferna copula on his index finger. “The changeling and Trollhunter would have to be suicidal to try and control me again. But your concern is appreciated.”

Walter sent the assassin a wry look, “I would rather not die again because of idiocy, once was quite enough.”

Angor Rot grinned, “If you do anything idiotic I would put you out of your misery.”

“I bet you would.” Walter said, rolling his eyes.

The utter absurdity of the situation was making her head hurt. Because seeing Angor Rot and Walter talking about death and dying with dry humour was definitely in the category of a fever dream.

So she didn’t dwell on it and fumblingly grabbed onto Walter and hugged him tightly, squashing her face against his slightly warm, bare shoulder and praying this wonderful, strange dream would never end.

Walter made a rough sound of contentment and pressed her body to his more firmly. “I will not leave you again, Barbara. I swear on my life.” He vowed, apparently reading her minds deepest fear.

She felt tears slide down her face, dropping onto Walter’s smooth stone skin, feeling a fierce prickling in her eyes she suddenly glared up at him, “I swear to God Walt, if you ever try to pull a heroic sacrifice like that again I will drag you from the grave and give you hell for eternity. Angor Rot better get in line.”

He stared at her meekly, “Yes dear.”

“I mean it Walt. All I’m asking is for you to stay.”

She felt tears again wet her cheeks and he took her face in his hands, wiping her tears away. “Don’t cry. I will stay with you, always.”

His golden eyes flared brightly as he said it, coming forward so that he could rest his forehead against hers.

Her anger and pain and confusion ebbed away, replaced by an overwhelming feeling of love.

The conversation about what happened in Greenland could be dealt with on a later date.

She grabbed his face and kissed him, at first slowly, relearning the shape of Walter’s lips and mouth, with its tusks and fangs, and then the kiss deepened. And she forgot she had a audience.

She kissed him with everything she had, with a fiery passion that consumed her in its intensity.

Walter groaned softy into her mouth, turning his face away so that he could press his fangs against her neck, hard enough to definitely leave a bruise for tomorrow.

She made a sound of pleasure and again drew his face back to hers, wrapping a leg around his waist and continuing to kiss him, feeling Walter’s wings around her.

She wanted him, all of him, right now.

“Disgusting.” Angor remarked.

Barbara jumped, breaking the kiss, realising the troll and Jim had been watching the entire time. Both with a horrified fascination that made her intensely uncomfortable.

“I know, right? Now you know what I have to deal with.” Jim said a little too smugly.

Barbara completely broke away from Walter, despite his protests, her cheeks on fire. “You sound a little too pleased about this Jim.”

Jim shrugged, suddenly bashful, “I want you both to be happy, it’s thanks to me you two weren’t properly reintroduced sooner.” The trace of bitterness in his voice was obvious. And reminded her of the surrealistic nature of this entire situation. Even if it was definitely real.

“I don’t remember you wanting both of us to be happy.” She started.

Jim and Walter sent her twin expressions of confusion. “Um. Strickler died saving me, I think he deserves to be happy this time round just as much as you.”

“I know that. It’s just... what is even going on here? You two seem... Closer.”

“That’s what eight days in the rainforests of India are for. Bonding time.” Jim grinned.

“How? You were right here. I would have realised if you’d gone missing for... Oh. Please don’t tell me you got Toby to use a glamour mask again.”

“Yup. How else could I disappear for almost two weeks?”

“With Walter. How... You know what, I don’t want to know. This is something for later. For now I want to know why those changelings tried to kill me and how long this has been going on for. Oh and why Angor Rot is here and you two decided to fetch him from India. On a school week. Aren’t you meant to be a teacher Walt?”

Walter smiled at her sheepishly, sneaking a glance at Jim and Angor Rot. “Those changelings disagreed with the way things were being handled in the Janus Order by me. Jim did not want to tell you until we sorted the Order out, against my wishes I may add. And Jim came back to the day he found the amulet and gave it to Tobias.”

What!? But—that’s...”

“Impossible? Nope, it’s split between us. And Angor is less of a problem where we can see him.”

Angor grunted, “I can leave whenever I want.”

“Speaking of, Angor Rot could you please return to the Janus Order?” Walter asked, “Tell Tobias and Draal they can go home and Otto and Nomura that they’re in charge tonight.”

Angor Rot stared at Walter in utter boredom, “Fine. Trollhunter? Anything to add?”

Jim considered and then said, “Tell the changelings if they try anything like that again I will personally see to it that they’re fed to Gunmar.”

Barbara shivered, the coldness in Jim’s eyes was almost scary.

She didn’t like it.

Angor Rot smirked and bowed his head, vanishing in a shadow portal.

She relaxed, leaning against Walter, who draped one wing around her shoulders, the other around Jim.

“Who else other than you two and Angor Rot have their memories back?”

“NotEnrique and Otto. Although I’ve told Toby, Nomura, all the other changelings, Draal and Stuart about what happened in the old timeline.” Jim listed off his fingers, “Still not sure why I can’t give them their memories back, Strickler thinks its because I told them basically everything, so the amulet doesn’t recognise they don’t actually remember themselves.”

“Wait. You haven’t told Blinky or Aaarrrgghh? Or Claire? Or even Douxie?”

Jim squeezed his eyes shut, “I couldn’t. They wouldn’t understand what needed to be done. They’d hate me even more now. I killed those changelings while they were human, I killed Bular through a trap using UV lights with Toby. I’ve changed. I’m not the same person anymore.”

Barbara had noticed the change.

Whatever he had been doing these last few months had made him stronger, but at what cost?

Walter growled in annoyance, drawing Jim closer to him, protectively wrapping her son in the folds of his wing. “The changelings knew you wouldn’t have killed humans before, they did that deliberately to throw you off. They would have killed you if they had the chance, as would have Bular. You are not any different from before, just stronger and wiser.”

Jim stiffed a sob and rested his cheek against Walter’s wing, completely comfortable with the changeling.

Barbara gratefully patted Walter’s bare leg in silent thanks, clearly he had a better understanding of Jim in this situation.

He reached out a hand and she took it, squeezing it firmly.

There was still a lot to unpack here, that was very clear to her. There was a lot Jim and Walter weren’t sharing with her. But she knew they’d tell her in due time. After all, there were months of interactions just between Walter and Jim she had missed, deepening the once shaky bond between them.

She couldn’t recall a time when her two boys had been so easy with physical contact with each other.

She remembered how she found Jim and Walt after the fight with the changelings, talking him through a panic attack, gently running his claws through her son’s hair, Walter didn’t need to be there in that way for Jim.

Yet he was and had.

She didn’t know what to think about it.

Just like she didn’t know what to think about the whole time-travel thing.

That would have to be explained in a little more detail to her, as well as the weird memory restoration thing.

But right now she was simply glad to have her little family back.

Minus a few members that is.

Tomorrow she would get Jim to tell the truth to Blinky, Aaarrrgghh and Claire. They deserved to know the truth and they couldn’t go on without half their family.

Tomorrow they would start to regain their remaining allies.


Next chapter features some early morning Stricklake and Jim finally telling his gang: Blinky, Aaarrrgghh and also Vendel, the truth with Claire and Douxie.
With the intention of holding a meeting afterwards. But that will be the following chapter. ;-)
Thanks go again to Yokuimmobylen for their awesome changeling OC Jolie, Credit for Xirca goes to Moonspring4235,
Credit for Nyx goes to Blue_Obsidian,
And lastly credit for Juliette, goes to i-have-too-many-obsssesions-help.

Chapter 11: How to regain your found family in a day


Jim sets about getting his closest allies back and finally confronts Blinky and things go... Unexpectedly bad and well at the same time.

A date is set to order everything and set about defeating Gunmar before the Akiridions crash land on earth.


Apologies for leaving this fic for so long, it seems it would be lucky if I update once a month.
Also to clarify a bit the first part of this chapter is Barbara POV, the second part is Claire POV, the third is Jim and the last perspective is Douxie. I didn't mean to have so many perspectives but nevermind lol.

Next chapter will be back to Jim POV and those of you who gave me their Changeling OC's some of them will make a return... I haven't forgotten them!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Barbara Lake awoke to pleasant warmth and a pair of soft yet lean arms wrapped around her.

Her brain was slow, sluggish and she luxuriated in the comfort of being held and with someone who—

She stiffened, suddenly confused, she didn’t remember falling asleep with anybody human. There was only—

“Oh!” She squeaked, turning clumsily towards the other person in her bed, alarmed, as the sun was beaming through the windows, and Walter was—

Walter was blinking sleepily at her through green eyes, framed by long lashes, his very human arms drawing her slowly back to his bare chest.

She closed her still open mouth, trying to find words and failing miserably. “You—” she began, unsure if she was going to say you’re alive, you’re human or you’re still here.

Walter silenced her thoughts with a kiss, one that didn’t quite make it to her lips. “Walt—” she tried, to no avail as he trailed a blissful line of kisses over her neck.

“Sorry,” he mumbled against her neck, not at all sorry, as he teasingly nipped at her ear lobe.

She shivered, shoving her longing aside, she sat up in bed, “Walter, this is a lot, I just—” she trailed off with a sigh, unsure why she felt so confused and conflicted.

Walter reclined back, immediately giving her space, his bare chest silvered with salt and pepper hair, the curling serpent and key tattoo on his arm gleaming dully in the light that streamed into the bedroom.

She hadn’t seen him like this in what seemed like years, yet technically her memories of human Walter had never actually happened. It was illogical, this entire situation. But she was glad of it all the same.

“Forgive me,” Walter breathed huskily, “I’ve had time to adjust, you... haven’t.”

She put her glasses on, turning back to Walter with a weak smile, more for his sake than hers, “There’s certainly a lot to adjust to. Like the fact you’re alive, human and here.”

“Yes,” Walter agreed cautiously, reaching a hand out to her, almost like a peace offering.

She took it, inspecting his tanned, slightly freckled skin, the deep calluses in his palms and his neatly trimmed nails.

It was all very real.

She brought his hand up to her lips, depositing a gentle kiss across his knuckles. He startled, his eyes going adorably wide in surprise.

Barbara smirked, but the humour quickly drained, and she squeezed his hand tightly, “It’s better than the alternative though, and not having you at all,” she muttered.

He shuddered, “I won’t leave you again. I swear it, my very soul belongs to you.” His eyes flashed bright gold and crimson, a reminder that Walter was not the man he outwardly appeared to be. Not that she cared; she loved both his forms equally.

“So dramatic,” she huffed, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” he replied instantly, the admission coming easy.

Many unspoken words passed unheard between them, but the door banging open put a pause to whatever conversation was brewing between them.

“Mom, so I was—” Jim began and then stopped, spinning around with his hands over his eyes, “Are you both decent?” He asked.

Walter snorted, “Yes, Young Atlas. It’s far too soon to have already made out with one another.”

“Walt!” Barbara reprimanded, surprised at his frankness.

Jim made a fake retching sound, “Argh! Too much information,” he gagged.

Barbara laughed in disbelief at her son’s antics, “Jim, what did you come here to tell us?”

Jim turned around slowly, his shoulders relaxing once he saw that Barbara was fully dressed, he seemed completely unbothered that Walter was lacking a top in his human form, a first as far as she knew.

“You know, about my memory restoring mission plan for today.” Jim said, coming over to her and Walter’s bed and casually plopping himself down on top of Walter’s blanket covered legs.

Other than making a slightly disgruntled sound, that was not human at all despite his appearance, Walter made no effort to move Jim.

Barbara raised her eyebrows, it seemed she was going to continue to be surprised at the new physical comfort between Walter and Jim.

“Are you certain you will be able to carry out what you have planned?” Walter enquired, sitting up straighter and draping an arm over Barbara’s shoulders.

Jim shot a disgusted look at both of them, “Um yeah. I texted Claire to meet me at the lookout point at 1:00pm, Draal and Tobes agreed to delay Blinky and Aaarrrgghh at the library until I’m done with Claire and I’ll get Douxie at his 7:00pm shift at his bookstore.”

Jim looked at Barbara for approval and she nodded, “And the memory thing? It works every time?”

Jim hesitated, sharing a look with Walter, who shrugged. “I think so?” Jim said, “I mean it’s always been under needlessly complicated situations, but I’ve done it on command before, so I shouldn’t have any issues.” He absently touched the scars on his cheek and Barbara frowned. She knew for certain now they hadn’t been caused by any animal.

“Jim, what really gave you those claw scars? I know it wasn’t a cat,” she asked sternly.

Walter blinked, his arm tensing around her back, “You told her a cat did it?”

“I didn’t know what else to say! Mom, it was an accident, sort of.” Jim winced.

Barbara connected the dots.

She turned on Walter, confused and a little angry, “You? But, why?

Walter fidgeted, moving away from her slightly, his eyes lowering, “I did it before I got my memories back, Jim didn’t know Daylight could do so until we fought.”

Barbara shook her head, “I don’t understand, why did you end up fighting?”

Jim leaned forward, elbows on his knees, “Heh, funny story, but I needed Strickler to help me and Tobes kill Bular quicker, so I went to him after school and told him I knew he was a changeling.”

Barbara frowned, “Jim, that was very reckless. Walter could have hurt you a lot worse, you’re so lucky he didn’t.”

Walter shrugged, “I doubt I would have. Jim hurt me considerably as well,” he sat up straighter, pointing to a deep, healed over burn mark on his chest that Barbara didn’t remember. She touched it gently, running her fingers down its length. She recognised what had done it. She felt her eyes water, a tear trailing down her cheek. She had thought her boys being at each others throats had come to an end. “Jim used Daylight on you.” It wasn't a question. 

Jim and Walter both looked alarmed at her reaction, “Mum, it was a while ago now, I did what I had to.”

“And that makes it alright? I’m letting Walter off because he didn’t know any better at the time, but you did. Jim, what’s happened?”

“Nothing. I think I’m going to go now; I have to get ready for—”

“Jim no, we’re not done. It’s a Saturday, and you’re not meeting up with Claire until 1:00pm. I want a proper explanation, about what’s been going on since you re-wound time.”

Walter muffled a snicker in his hand and Barbara poked him, “You’re not getting out of this either, mister.”

“What did I do?” He protested weakly.

“Got my son in a whole heap of trouble for one.” Barbara replied sternly.

“If anything, Jim got me in a whole heap of trouble,” he grumbled.

Barbara crossed her arms grimly, “Start talking.”



Claire Nuñez knew a lot of things.

She knew she was a straight A student; she knew her parents expected her to be a straight A student.

She also knew she loved acting and that maybe she didn’t want to be on the path set out for her.

She also knew she loved her family, would do anything for Enrique, had the best girlfriends ever and had a pretty perfect life.

The only thing she couldn’t seem to figure out was Jim Lake Jr.

She sighed, peering at her phone screen and then at the twinkling lights of Arcadia.

Jim had told her to meet him at the hill overlooking the town. Well, she was here, Jim noticeably not.

She crossed her arms, contemplating leaving.

Jim had been acting weird since the Romeo and Juliet play.

Not to mention he’d trashed her house while he had been babysitting Enrique.

Although that whole situation felt off. Like it had happened before.

She sighed angrily, she wanted answers damnit.

And it was at that moment Jim arrived, running up the hill, panting for breath.

She found it hard to feel sorry for him.

“I’m so sorry, really, I am. I’m really sorry for keeping you waiting and ignoring you and trashing your house and for—”

“I get it Jim. You have a busy life. Now what did you want? Because I was so close to forgetting about this and leaving.”

Jim jerked back in surprise at her hostility. Claire was surprised herself at the heated hurt behind her words. But she didn’t appreciate being ghosted for weeks. And she really liked Jim, despite barely knowing him. Didn’t mean she’d put up with bullshit though.

“Well?” She demanded.

“I came to give you answers,” he started slowly, withdrawing a shinning blue amulet from the pocket of his jeans, “You see, magic is real. And things went very wrong, the world almost ended and people I cared about died. So I came back to fix everything.”

Claire couldn’t believe what she was hearing, “Okay, I think I finally know what your problem is. You’re crazy and I’m leaving,” she spun away, prepared to storm off and forget about Jim and his strange issues. To think she’d fallen for Jim’s soppy eyed gaze.

But there was a flare of bright light and Jim was blocking her path. “Wait! See? Magic!” Jim exclaimed, clad from head to toe in gleaming, silver-and-blue fricking armour.

Armour she knew had not been there five seconds ago. Armour that was glowing, armour that shouldn’t be there.

And she wasn’t even that surprised, which in itself was surprising.

“Holy sheesh kebabs, what—how—who are you?” she asked, meeting Jim’s suddenly steely blue-grey eyes.

“That’s what I’m here to tell you Claire. Just—trust me, okay? I won’t hurt you," he held a hand out, summoning from nothing a massive, broad-edged sword, hefting it towards her face.

She stifled a scream, but the blade didn’t touch her; instead, memories touched her...



... She was watching Jim audition again, clad in the gleaming armour she’d just seen Jim in, impressed by his easy skill, he was a natural, then her house was trashed, she was so confused, there was a monster in Jim’s basement, goblins, a purple creature with fangs and claws and gleaming eyes, Nomura, that was her name, how did she know it? Jim was there, defending her, in the same glowing armour, it was always the same.

She remembered so much, falling in love with Jim, fighting deadly foes, claiming her staff...

“Jim! No! You promised we’d go together!”

Losing Jim, always losing him, Merlin turning him into a troll, oh she remembered, she remembered everything, she loved him.

“I’ll date you for a thousand lifetimes Jim Lake Jr.”

She meant it, with all her heart, as a human, as a half-troll as a beast...

“Don’t stop trying until I love you...



... Had she really said that? Had everything, the pain, the triumph, the magic... Had it really happened?

Claire sunk to her knees with a chocked sob, dragging Jim, her sweet Jim, down with her to the ground.

Everything was too much.

Jim stared at her anxiously, his hands hovering around her shoulders, as if afraid to touch her, “Claire? Are you—?”

She wrapped her arms around him and sent Jim crashing to the floor, tears freely falling from her eyes, “I’ll always be here...” she muttered, touching Jim’s chest plate.

The armour melted away from his form and she was touching him and her emotions threatened to overwhelm her they were so strong. She couldn’t let them take control, the last thing she needed was for her shadow magic—her shadow magic was gone.

“... And here.” Jim finished for her, stroking her cheek with aching softness.

She sobbed into his arms and Jim held her, stroking her back and whispering sweet nothings. It was only her and Jim.

“You did it—I can’t—I can’t feel my magic anymore, Douxie can help... Toby—?” she couldn’t seem to think or talk straight. She couldn’t finish the sentence, what if everyone they had lost wasn’t ever coming back? She knew she was being irrational and ridiculous. Claire could still remember the last few months, Toby was alive. The town was restored, everything was as it should be. And she had her memories back.

“As soon as I get Doux back we’ll find a way to restore your magic,” Jim promised, holding her face tenderly in his hands.

“And Toby, he’s alright?” she pressed.

“Yes. He’s alright.” Jim confirmed, “They’re all alive and we’ll get everyone back together, stronger than ever.”

Claire shivered, there was something strange about Jim’s eyes, something harder and sharper. But he was still Jim, and the tenderness and compassion was still there, she could see the tears hovering in his lashes, sticking to his cheeks.

“Okay,” she croaked, resting her forehead against Jim’s.

Close contact. That’s all she needed. All she would ever need.

The kissing and laughing could come later, all she cared about was this moment.

He breathed her scent in, burrowing his face in her hair and Claire hugged him tightly, she wasn’t letting him go again.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t do this sooner, we could have been together already if I wasn’t a colossus screw up,” Jim hiccupped against her neck.

“No, you’re not, Jim. We’re here now, that’s all that matters, we’ll take down Bular, get everyone—”

“Bular’s dead,” Jim interrupted gently, “Ages ago,” he added.

“Wait. Does that mean Enrique still got swapped?”

Jim winced, “Yeah. It would have messed a lot of things up if he wasn’t. But this time we know he’s safe for the time being.”

Claire nodded reluctantly, “You’re right. I don’t like it, but it’s better than allowing Gunmar to escape the Darklands. Oh God... The changelings have the bridge!”

Jim grinned at her sheepishly, “Er yeah, about that... The changelings are going to open the bridge.”

“WHAT!? We have to stop them! And I need my magic back! And we need to stop Gunmar and Usurna and—”

“Claire, Claire, slow down. We don’t need to stop the changelings; things are a little different now. The Janus Order is under control. And I’m not the only Trollhunter either, Tobes shares the amulet with me.”

“That’s—how is that possible? Toby can’t be the Trollhunter if you’re the Trollhunter. I’m so confused. So much has happened while I’ve been—ignorant,” she admitted, as Jim slowly stood up, letting her boyfriend, because yes he was her boyfriend, heft her upright with him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get you up to date with the crazy stuff that’s been going on. But not right now and not today.”

Jim laughed at the severe glare he got from her.

“Jim, this isn’t the time to be mysterious!” She said crossly, as Jim’s smile widened, transforming into a slightly smug smirk. One that inexplicably reminded her of a certain green changeling. Who was also alive but probably still a threat, but she didn’t even know if that was the case anymore.

“Claire, I have to give Blinky, Aaarrrgghh and Douxie their memories back, still. So meet me at my house at 6:00pm tomorrow night and all will be revealed at the same time.”

Claire gaped at Jim, “What am I supposed to do for all that time? That’s so far away!”

Jim shrugged casually, “Adjust. I’ve been told getting your memories back is some kind of hell.”

Claire had absolutely nothing to say to that.



Jim jogged pretty much the entire time it took for him to reach Trollmarket.

It was late, later than he wanted, but it was hard to think with any kind of urgency when his heart was floating so lightly.

Claire was back, after all this time and all his pointless fears and insecurities.

He knew she had technically never left him, but it had definitely seemed like it. It felt so good getting things sorted out with minimal stress for once.

He wasn’t sure if Blinky would react as well as Claire though.

He had lied so much to Blinky, favoured Strickler over him, he knew that had been the right call but he doubted Blinky would see it that way.

And the worst thing was that right now he preferred Strickler over Blinky. 

Did that make him a horrible person?

He had been spending months with Strickler, it was only reasonable he would become closer to the changeling.

But he wanted Blinky too.

He could have more than one dad, right?

He approached the wall hiding Trollmarket, shoving his insecurities into a far away corner of his mind.

He swiped the Horngazel Toby had given him into the blank wall and stepped into the troll city.

No one paid him a second glance as he winded among the troll inhabitants of the underground geode city, to them he was the Trollhunters sidekick at most, another unwanted ‘fleshbag’ at the least. If only they knew the truth.

He approached the library slowly, ears straining for sounds of conversation.

Sure enough he heard the combined voices of Draal, Blinky, Aaarrrgghh and Toby.

“Blinky, Jim will be here in like five seconds, can’t you wait?” Toby complained.

“It has not been five seconds Master Tobias! And I don’t see why we must wait for Jim to speak to us! Perhaps, Aaarrrgghh, we should forcefully make our egress, since Draal is so kindly blocking the exit!” Blinky cried out in frustration.

Draal snorted, “He will be here.”

“Not here,” Aaarrrgghh rumbled.

Jim thought now was the best time to interrupt before things got any worse, “I’m here! Sorry for keeping you guys waiting!”

He seemed to be doing a lot of apologising lately.

Blinky didn’t look too impressed when his six eyes settled on him. A frown wrinkled his stony brows and his upper arms were crossed, his lower pair on his hips, “Jim. What may I ask, IS THE MEANING OF THIS!”

Jim flinched.

Toby chuckled nervously, walking backwards out of the library, “I’m gonna go now, good luck Jimbo!” With that, Jim’s fellow Trollhunter disappeared, abandoning him to his fate.

Draal nodded once to Jim, his rack of horns almost scraping the ceiling, “Likewise. I hope all goes well,” and the heavy-set spikey troll retreated.

Leaving Jim alone with Aaarrrgghh and Blinky.

Blinky huffed through his nose, his gaze softening, “What exactly did you want to tell us, so desperately, to have us waiting here for almost two hours!”

“One,” Aaarrrgghh corrected.

“I wanted to show you this,” Jim said and summoned Daylight before his will failed him, holding his arms out as the armour formed around him, closing his eyes as the magical energy lifted him off his feet.

Once he was deposited back on solid ground he opened his eyes.

Blinky was staring at him as if he’d seen a ghost. “Master Jim... Impossible, the amulet can only choose one, Tobias was chosen...” He said wonderingly.

Aaarrrgghh sniffed him curiously, his snout wrinkling, “Smell funny. Not like Toby.”

Jim managed a chuckle, “I’m not Toby, Aaarrrgghh.”

The Krubera grunted, “No. Different. Like—old magic.”

Jim frowned, “How—”

Before he could ask anything further, Blinky interrupted, grabbing him by the shoulders and peering at him with all six of his eyes, “What manner of sorcery is this?”

Jim squirmed in Blinky’s remarkably strong grip, uncomfortable, “It’s not sorcery, and I can’t really explain everything properly, it’ll ruin it. It's something I need to show rather than tell to explain.”

“Then explain it in a way that doesn’t ‘ruin it.’ I think we are warranted a proper explanation.” Blinky responded brusquely.

Jim recoiled, shocked at his troll mentors anger. He’d never borne the brunt of Blinky’s ire before, he didn’t like it, not one bit.

“Whoa, Blinky I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but—”

“But nothing, Jim! This is something you ought have told myself and Aaarrrgghh, immediately. This is a most serious matter, the amulet must be broken to have allowed this... Or overtaken by forces unknown... It explains everything, your evasiveness, secrecy and uncanny knowledge...” Blinky mused in growing horror.

Jim felt his own horror rise. This was not how he had imagined this conversation to go.

Even Aaarrrgghh seemed taken aback, “Blinky—” the great troll rumbled in warning.

Blinky waved him away with one pair of hands, “Not right now my dear companion, this imposter must be brought to Vendel.”

Jim panicked, this was quickly turning into his worst nightmare.

He had to give Blinky and Aaarrrgghh their memories back.


He summoned Daylight, the broadsword gleaming in the dim light provided by the library and Blinky recoiled in sudden fear. Aaarrrgghh narrowed his eyes, his mane bristling.

Jim pressed forward determinedly, willing Daylight to give both of his old mentors their memories back. If this didn’t work he would be so unbelievably dead.

But as always, Daylight responded to him, blue light pouring out of the blade and swirling around Blinky and Aaarrrgghh, freezing them in place, as the smoky light poured into their mouths, noses and eyes.

Aaarrrgghh was the first to react, moaning and falling slowly to the ground, Blinky’s breathing becoming erratic, his body trembling but otherwise remaining on his two feet.

Jim waited anxiously, still slightly surprised Daylight had given the trolls their memories back simultaneously.

He felt drained, as if giving so many memories back had sapped his strength. Or as if he’d been in a intensive fight and was ready to crash. It was definitely possible. He’d only ever given one person at a time their memories back, and even then the time between them was often weeks. He’d given three people their memories on the same day. It was natural that he’d be exhausted. And he still had Douxie to go.

It was a good thing he was saving the long explanations for tomorrow. He didn’t have the energy for dealing with everything today.

Blinky was the first to recover, his many eyes blinking out of sync before settling on him.

His reaction to Jim wearing the armour was very different this time.

“Master Jim... You did it! My wonderful boy, you did it!” Blinky cried, “Great Gronka Morka! How could I have forgotten?” He cried, in his absolute joy sweeping Jim into a crushing embrace.

Jim felt tears prick his eyes as he fully returned the hug, “Blink, I’m so—”

“JIM!” Aaarrrgghh roared in delight and leapt up, picking both Blinky and Jim up in his massive arms, all three of them laughing and crying at the same time.

Jim had missed this. His troll dads were back.

Aaarrrgghh settled them gently back on solid ground and Blinky inspected Jim with all six of his eyes, his four hands touching and prodding him everywhere. “Goodness, what has been happening since you returned to the beginning? I’m assuming you returned to the beginning, if Tobias is somehow sharing the amulet with you.”

“Wingman alive! Wingman Trollhunter. Jim Trollhunter. Lot has happened, ” Aaarrrgghh summarised.

Jim chuckled, “Yeah, you can say that again. Bular’s dead, but you already knew that. And I’ve been trying to get everyone ‘back’ since finding out Daylight can retrieve our 'past' memories.”

“Ah,” Blinky nodded, “I must say, this is rather—overwhelming. And I must apologise for thinking you were a spy, Master Jim. I have no idea why I would jump to that conclusion!”

“Blinky conspiracy the-orist.” Aaarrrgghh mumbled.

Blinky made an undignified squawking sound, “I am most certainly not! I resent that implication!”

Jim couldn’t help but laugh, “That’s alright, Blinky. You’re not... mad at me, are you?” He asked cautiously, his worries rising up in the back of his mind.

“Mad? My child, why on earth would I be mad at you for? You are here, Tobias is here, the world is given a second chance, we are given a second chance, with our memories back no less! Master Jim, I told you we would eventually be reunited, and so we are,” Blinky rested his upper pair of arms on Jim’s shoulders with a toothy grin and Jim returned it, inwardly wincing.

Blinky’s views might change when he learnt what exactly he’d been up to and how exactly he and Toby had killed Bular. The truth was going to change the way Blinky looked at him, maybe not by much, but it would.

“Master Jim? If I could be so bold as to ask what our plan of action is, in regards to Gunmar, for one,” Blinky inquired, watching him closely.

Aaarrrgghh hummed, “Hmm, Gunmar, changelings, Usurna, Arcane Order. Many threats.”

“Not even including our Akiridion allies crash-landing here,” Blinky added.

Jim let out a sigh, “The plan right now is meeting up at my house tomorrow at 6:00pm. We’ll talk about what to do about everything then, when we’re all together.”

He carefully did not mention that Strickler, Angor Rot and possibly another changeling the rest of his family didn’t know, would be coming too. That would open up way too many questions.

Plus, Strickler could make a dramatic entrance that way and Jim was willing to give the changeling that at least. Before everyone else started accusing him of using Angor Rot against his will again.

Blinky, thankfully, did not press the matter, the trust in his many eyes shining brightly, “Sounds apt. We do need to locate Killahead however, it has vanished.”

“No, it’s safe, don’t worry. I don’t really trust Trollmarket with Usurna coming so soon,” Jim admitted.

Blinky and Aaarrrgghh exchanged looks, “Then where is it? It cannot possibly be in your house!” Blinky exclaimed.

Jim smirked, “I’ll tell you tomorrow. Anyway, we should seriously have a talk with Vendel, I think we’ll need him on our side...”



If anyone asked Hisirdoux Casperan what was the craziest thing he’d experienced in his life he’d have a hard time picking any one thing.

He’d lived for nine-hundred and nineteen years after all, he had lived an interesting life.

But the crazy things kept finding him, so it seemed.

The doorbell over the store door of GDT Arcane books rang and a boy, not much older than him, physically that is, stepped inside.

Douxie came forward, “Hello mate, what can I do for you?”

The teen looked into his eyes knowingly, the power behind his gaze almost taking Douxie’s breath away.

“Ha. You have no idea how much you can do for me and what I can do for you. Its good to see you again,” the boy smiled sadly.

Douxie shivered, “Who are you? I don’t have time for games,” He warned, his hand hovering over his magic bracer. He knew there were a surplus of changelings in the area, this boy could very well be one of them.

“I’m Jim Lake Jr, and I’m not playing any games with you Hisirdoux Casperan, apprentice of the wizard Merlin, defender of the realm. Yeah, I’m pretty familiar with you,” the teenager replied, a wide grin spreading across his face at Douxie’s surprise and wordless how on earth do you know that?

There was no malice in the teens expression, he seemed normal enough. He probably wasn’t a changeling, but Hisirdoux knew more than anyone that appearances could be deceiving.

“Seriously, who the bloody hell are you? And how do you know that?” He demanded.

“I know a lot of things. I’m not even being big headed here. So, let me show you what I know.”

And Jim Lake Jr withdrew from his pocket a familiar amulet...


Slightly more reasonable length chapter I hope. Next update will feature Jim explaining everything to his closest family and some more exploration of the Janus Order. That's going to end up as a base of operations since Strickler is still in charge.

Also I personally prefer Stricklake, if you can't tell lol, but I do enjoy Jlaire, so it was a relief to have them reunited, but I'm sure it could have been more emotional.

And special shout out to badsongpetey for the awesome art they did for this fic. Seriously it's so great. Go check them out on tumblr! I could not the life of me figure out how to upload the drawing, but I would have posted it with the chapter link on Tumblr.

Chapter 12: Reunions and truths


Jim gets the team together at his house to get them up to date with events so far, amongst suspicions and mistrust against some of his new allies. As well as finally coming clean about his actions in the months separating his closest family from him.


Okay it's fair to say these chapters are really long and I don't think I'll be able to maintain this length without burning out, so I'm going to try and keep updates a little shorter, although I know I won't be successful lol.

But expect plenty of character interactions in this update! I don't know how I kept track of them all. And it's in Jim POV if it was hard to tell.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Aaannnd done!” Jim huffed, as he took the last tray of cookies out of the oven and clacked it on the kitchen counter.

NotEnrique reached a stubby claw for one and Jim lightly slapped the pilfering hand away with a spatula, “No eating until everyone arrives!” He admonished firmly as NotEnrique’s ears sagged in disappointment.

Claire rolled her eyes from her position leaning against the sink, “No one’s here yet, and I think you may have gone overboard with the snacks, mi Amor.”

The sweetness in Claire’s voice made him melt inside.

He hadn’t been able to stay apart from Claire for almost twenty-four hours. It had been stupid to think he could continue on as before without her. So, he’d gone to her house, parents be damned, after he had finished explaining everything thoroughly to Douxie and a very confused Archie.

Regrettably, the cat-dragon hadn’t gotten his memories back, Jim was too tired to retrieve Archie’s lost memories, so he’d had to tell him a heavily condensed version of events himself.

He had told Claire everything. And by everything he really meant everything.

Unlike the others, whom he had left largely in the dark, he had described to Claire how he had woken up after using the time stone back at the beginning and set Strickler up with his mom and directed Toby to the canals, about how he had recruited Strickler and unintentionally given him his memories back and their triumph over defeating Bular and dealing with the Janus Order.

He hadn’t mentioned Angor Rot yet, but Claire was aware of his new relationship with Strickler, as well as his fight with the changelings and he was so relieved. He didn’t understand what he had been afraid of, or why he had put off telling Claire for so long.

Toby’s stomach rumbled, interrupting his train of thought, “I think that’s a sign I need to start eating, ya know, for experimental purposes,” Toby said pointedly.

Claire nodded in agreement, “I also want to taste some things; I haven’t watched Jim cook since the crack of dawn only to eat nothing!”

NotEnrique scratched his side, “Yeah sis, say it! Once big an’ mossy arrives the food’ll be gone—no one’s gonna miss a few bites...”

Jim let NotEnrique take a cookie, looking over to smile at Claire instead, “I really do appreciate you guys coming over so early.”

“I know,” Claire said softly, reaching out to hold one of his hands.

Claire hadn’t been impressed with his admittedly blasé attitude and trying to immediately jump to giving Blinky and Aaarrrgghh their memories back. He had been pumped full of adrenaline, his mind in a fever of excitement at finally getting the majority of his family back. He had wanted to deal with everything, all at once.

It was to the point that Claire had sat down with him today and encouraged him to talk about his behaviour and thought process yesterday. He had blurted out everything—his fears, insecurities and panic—in a blubbering mess, urged on by Claire’s quiet understanding, and had felt immensely better afterwards.

NotEnrique broke his internalisation by smacking his lips loudly as he munched on a newly baked cookie.

Although baked wasn’t quite the word.

Jim had deliberately undercooked the cookies, making them more salty than sweet, with honey replacing sugar so that they were palpable for both trolls and humans. He was trying to experiment with food again, so that it wasn’t just humans enjoying his cooking. He had gotten a surprising amount of help from NotEnrique and Eloise about what was edible for trolls and humans. So the feast he’d cooked up was largely edible for everyone.

He had also had the pleasure of making guac with Claire, nachos made of glass and bolts for Blinky, Aaarrrgghh and NotEnrique, Doritos for the humans, shrimp cakes and lots of cookies.

Toby and NotEnrique had served as taste testers, so he didn’t know why they couldn’t wait five more minutes.

Overall though, it had all felt wonderfully domestic.

There was the sound of a door opening and Barbara called, “Honey, I’m home!”

“In the kitchen mom!” Jim called.

His mom came inside, inhaling with her eyes closed and sighed, “Hmmmm smells amazing Kiddo, have you made shrimp cakes?”

“Uh huh. Made something for everyone,” he replied proudly as Barbara gave his hair a fond ruffle.

“Am I the first one to arrive?” She asked, looking around hopefully.

"Yup. Strickler’s a dramatic ass, if you were wondering if he was here,” Toby said flippantly, “He’ll be coming last probably, Dr L," he eyed a shrimp cake and proceeded to stuff the whole thing into his mouth, a blissful expression crossing his face.

Barbara smiled wryly, “Thanks for telling me that Toby.”

Toby sent her a thumbs up and Jim face palmed. He really wished Toby could learn to be a little more tactful.

Claire snorted, “Is that really the reason?”

Toby stared at her, “You’re not serious, right? Do you know Strickler? He’s like the most dramatic person I’ve met! And there are a lot of dramatic people here.”

Before Claire could reply, the doorbell rang.

Jim’s heart leapt, it could only possibly be Douxie, everyone else was coming from the backdoor.

“I’ll get it,” he said, already jogging for the front of the house.

He unlocked the door, opening it wide, and was immediately embraced by one punk goth Wizard, his familiar perched on his shoulders.

“Doux! You’re early!” Jim grinned, pulling the Wizard inside and into a hug of his own.

Archie warily jumping down to the floor, landing on two feet expertly as he walked into the kitchen with a muttered, “Do I smell tuna?”

Douxie grinned back at him, “I’d say I’m just in time, based on that heavenly smell.”

Jim chuckled as he lead Douxie to the others, the Wizard swamped by heartfelt greetings and hugs.

Toby waved awkwardly, keeping his distance, “Hey. Jimbo told me about you, sorry that I don’t remember, Jim messed up giving me my memories back,” it was said without rancour though and Douxie gladly offered a hand, which Toby shook eagerly.

“No worries, mate. Archie didn’t get his memories back either,” Douxie replied easily.

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that,” Jim said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Archie harrumphed from his spot on the kitchen counter, munching delicately on a tuna and sour cream topped cracker, “Be that as it may, I am sure it will not matter much.”

“It won’t,” Jim promised, looking hopefully at the backdoor, “we’re just waiting for Blinky and Aaarrrgghh—”

“We have arrived!” None other than Blinky interrupted, his sonorous voice unmistakable as he bustled inside the Lake house, Aaarrrgghh trailing him more sedately.

Jim’s eyes lit up and without hesitation he went forward to embrace his troll mentor tightly, “Blink, it’s so great that you’re here! I missed you both so much.”

Aaarrrgghh rumbled happily, “Same. Where wingman?”

“I’m here!” Toby said, scrambling in front of the massive Krubera troll, as Blinky stepped away from Jim to greet everyone else warmly.

Aaarrrgghh wrapped Toby in a gentle hug, “Missed wingman without knowing.”

“Same thing with me buddy. Only I don’t remember,” Toby said sadly.

Aaarrrgghh shook his head firmly, “Don’t matter. We stay together.”

Blinky positively beamed, “There, now that our family is reunited, across time and space no less, shall we proceed?”



They got themselves settled down in the living room, snacks on the coffee table in front of them, humans on the couch and chairs pulled out from the dining room, Aaarrrgghh settling down on the floor while Blinky remained standing, NotEnrique in Claire’s lap and Archie in Douxie’s, chatter filling the house, easy and companionable for now, questions vague and tentative at best.

The awkwardness was to be expected, but at least everyone was happily devouring the food, that must mean a certain lack of tension.

Jim glanced out at the open door of the backyard, Strickler must be nearly here by now, with Angor Rot and another changeling, hopefully. He had insisted that Strickler should bring another changeling as a representative of sorts, to see how his team were and inform the Janus Order of their trustworthiness. Xirca had volunteered, so Jim was anxious that everyone would receive her well. He liked the feisty changeling, she reminded him of Nomura.

“Master Jim? What ever has you peering so intently outside?” Blinky inquired.

Jim looked back at his mentor guiltily, “There’s actually a few more guests we’re waiting for,” He explained.

Douxie frowned, “Well, they’re taking their bloody time.”

Jim found he was inclined to agree. He really hoped Angor Rot or Xirca weren’t having cold feet. He exchanged a look with his mom and Barbara shrugged, a concerned furrow appearing on her forehead.

Claire gasped from beside him, “I think they’re here! I can kinda sense, like, three people outside.”

“So your magical perception is still there then,” Douxie mused thoughtfully, tapping his knee rhythmically.

“Guess that’s something,” Claire muttered.

She had been trying to reach her shadow magic all day, to no avail. Jim felt a little guilty for not mentioning that with Angor Rot coming, she could probably unlock her magic with exposure to the shadow staff.

There was movement from the backdoor and a flare of green light and Strickler, in his human form, stepped confidently inside, head held high, his nervousness evident in his tightly clenched jaw and overly bright eyes.

Jim only knew this because of the time he had spent around Strickler, he still at times found he couldn’t read the changeling’s expressions, so he doubted anyone but his mom would pick up on that.

Strickler smirked widely at the jaws-hanging-open expressions Blinky, Aaarrrgghh, Douxie and Archie wore, raising one eyebrow inquiringly, “Missed me?” He asked, eyes flashing briefly as he walked further into the room.

“You—you’re alive! I mean of course you are, but you have your memories back! And you’re human!” Blinky exclaimed, head whipping wildly between Strickler and everyone else in the room, as if to check they really were seeing the same thing as him, his many eyes rolling.

Aaarrrgghh grinned toothily, “Good to see you.”

Strickler inclined his head, “Likewise.”

Douxie hummed thoughtfully, chin in his hands, “Nice to see you alive again, although I have to admit, I think I’m more used to your troll form.”

Strickler smiled, “I am inclined to agree with you, Mr Casperan, I myself am having to adjust to being dual formed again.”

“Dude, you’re a drama Queen,” Toby interjected accusingly.

Strickler gave Toby a mocking bow, “Yes, I am. And proud of it.”

Barbara laughed, getting up in order to plant a kiss on Strickler’s cheek, her hands fingering the lapels of his blazer jacket, “Hmmm, but he’s my drama Queen,” she almost purred.

Jim felt his cheeks heat at the very public display of affection, but it was nothing compared to the rosy tint that flushed Strickler’s face.

“Ew, bossman, Dr L, go getta room! I don’t wanna be traumatised for life!” NotEnrique complained with his mouth half full of a combination of glass and bolt nachos and guacamole.

“Ditto dude,” Toby shuddered, leaning over to give the little changeling a fist bump, as Barbara sat back down on her chair, albeit reluctantly.

Blinky finally got his mouth working again, “How long have you been involved, Strickler?” He asked suspiciously.

Strickler blinked, “Almost from the beginning. Jim gave me my memories back quite on accident, before you get riled up, Blinkous,” he added at Blinky’s disbelieving look.

Jim quickly budged over as Strickler lounged next to him on the arm of the couch, noticing the dark circles under the changelings eyes and the strands of hair freed from his usually immaculately smooth hairdo.

Jim leaned against Strickler, looking up at him narrowly, “You alright?” He questioned, sotto voice.

Strickler grimaced, “I’m fine,” he said in a tone that suggested he was anything but.

Jim sighed, allowing his voice to raise slightly, “Where’s you-know-who?”

Claire raised an eyebrow, “What, is Voldemort invited too?”

NotEnrique snickered, “Uhhh, sorta, dewy eyes.”

Strickler sent the smaller changeling a glare, as Blinky looked at NotEnrique sharply, one of his eyes lingering on the obvious close-contact between Jim and Strickler.

Jim cringed internally, but didn’t move away, instead squeezing closer to avoid Blinky’s many eyes.

Strickler sent him an amused look as he reached for one of the cookies on the coffee table, nibbling on the corner of it with relish.

Blinky made a sniffing sound of displeasure, “Is anyone else coming? Claire said she could sense three people.”

Strickler nodded, and addressed the backdoor, “You may come in now,” he said indolently.

Like a wraith, Xirca entered, her short black hair feathering around her face, her usual bravado replaced by nervous anticipation.

Blinky stared at her, “Who and what are you?” He demanded.

Xirca’s eyes flashed deep blue, her pupils slitted for half a second, “My name’s Xirca and I’m a changeling, what else would I be?” She snapped, “Stricklander said we’d better get used to all of you, since you’re going to be infesting the JO.”

“Wait,” Claire started, “The JO? As in the Janus Order?”

The Janus Order?” Douxie sat up, suddenly alert, Archie giving the female changeling a wary stare as she leaned against the wall uncomfortably.

“Yes,” Strickler said patiently, “As I did not... Flee Arcadia, I am still the leader of the Janus Order. It is why I was later than expected Young Atlas,” he apologised, “I was sorting out some last minute paperwork for the refurbishment work.”

Jim smiled, patting Strickler’s arm, “It’s fine. I know the JO requires upkeep.”

Strickler shook his head, “I hate that you have taken to calling it the JO... And I am despairing of ever getting it looking somewhat decent.”

Xirca snorted, “Maybe start by introducing your girlfriend formally to everyone, then they might respect you more," she suggested gleefully.

Barbara went red, “How do you—”

“It’s the JO, Dr Lake,” Toby said, “Everyone knows Strickler’s dating you. It’s kinda a hot topic.”

“It... Is?” Barbara said faintly.

Strickler sighed morosely, “I tried to keep it a secret, but that’s near enough impossible in an organisation made up of spies.”

Blinky rolled his eyes heavenwards, “Tobias, you say that as if you are acquainted with the Janus Order.”

Toby rolled his eyes right back, getting up and walking over to Xirca to give her a fist bump, which she gladly recuperated, “Course I have! Changelings are pretty awesome when they’re not murder happy. You should see Draal, he’s thriving as the king of changeling awesomeness, he’s literally living there,” He sniggered.

“HE’S WHAT?!” Blinky squawked, aghast.

Strickler waved a hand vaguely in the direction of the troll, “Not important, Blinkous,” he said, before once again addressing the backdoor, “Now, can you please get in here? The quicker you get it over with, the quicker we can proceed.”

Claire sent Jim a frown, “I guess that’s the third person I sensed.”

“Another changeling?” Douxie asked.

Jim squirmed, “Yes, they’re the third person, and no, they’re not a changeling,” He turned to the backdoor, sending a smile into the dark that he hoped Angor would see, “Strickler’s right, besides, its not as if they’ll hurt you, you have my word,” he vowed.

There was a very sceptical snort and reluctantly Angor Rot slunk inside, his shoulders hunched and a scowl on his pitted face.

The reaction was instantaneous and expected.

Claire stood up, anger and fear radiating from her body, “YOU!”

Blinky gasped, “Great Gronka Morka! Strickler, what have you done?? How could you do this again, after what happened previously? To think I mourned you! Shed tears for you! Only for you to repeat your worse transgressions!”

Aaarrrgghh’s runes flickered, “Angor. Bad.”

“Fuzzbuckets!” Douxie muttered in horror, as Archie’s fur bristled in alarm.

Angor Rot grunted, “As I thought,” he sent Strickler a terrifying grin, “I won the bet.”

Strickler huffed in annoyance, tilting his head back, “Yes, you won. Well done,” he sat up, regarding Blinky tiredly, “Blinkous, I thought we were friends.”

“That was before you—did you just say you won a bet against Strickler?” Blinky said, addressing Angor Rot, his eyes bulging.

“And how come you guys are so chill about this?” Claire asked, stiffly sitting back down, glancing between Jim, NotEnrique, Barbara and Toby.

Jim took a deep breath, “Angor has his soul and his memories back. Strickler doesn’t have the Inferna copula, Angor does. Me and Strickler went to India to retrieve him as an ally before anyone could set him against us again. And Angor betted that Blinky would immediately ‘forsake’ Strickler,” He added.

Blinky’s ears dropped sheepishly as Angor held his hand up, to showcase the Inferna copula on one of his fingers.

Xirca scoffed, “Maybe now that the introductions and drama has been cleared up, we can now tell the full story, head to the Janus Order and research the big bad’s we’re going to be facing together?”

Barbara paled, sending Strickler a slightly panicked look, “Walt, you didn’t mention we’d be going to the Janus Order today.”

He held his hands up, as if to ward off an attack, “I am sorry my dear, I should have informed you, but I thought it would be easier to discuss things somewhere well defended and sound proofed, as well as to get you and my fellow half-breeds well acquainted with each other. Not to mention we can consult the Archives for more information about the Arcane Order, Morgana and whatever other ancient beings we will be up against.”

“Archives?” Blinky, Claire and Douxie all exclaimed at the same time, with equally delighted expressions.

Strickler paused, bemused at their reactions, “Yes, we have Archives. Extensive ones. They were unfortunately lost in the previous timeline, due to a cave in, it was a unfortunate loss, considering they’re triple the size of Blinkous’ library in Trollmarket.”

Blinky’s eyes went huge and rounder than ever, “I take everything I said about you back. Let us got there post haste! We cannot afford to waste a moment more!”

Claire laughed, “Hold your horses, Blinky. Can Jim at least give us the full story? Right from the beginning,” she added, poking Jim in the side for emphasis. He gave a protesting oof as everyone turned expectantly to him.

He felt his chest tighten. No more lies, no more evasion. They need to know everything.

He singled out Douxie’s gaze and the wizard nodded encouragingly.

So, Jim took a fortifying breath and started all the way at the beginning...



There was a beat of silence after Jim finished his tale.

He had shared everything, forging ahead with the messy details, instead of brushing over them, even sharing his and Strickler’s trip to India and dealing with Jolie.

There were questions of course, which he answered truthfully, and Strickler and Toby added their two cents in at every opportunity, but he found it hard to get annoyed.

He finally felt unburdened.

He was sharing the weight on his shoulders.

Toby was the first to break the hushed silence, “Oookay. Now that’s all out of the way, should be head over to the JO?”

Jim sought Blinky’s six eyes, “If you guys are fine with it, that is. I know this is a bit much, especially all at once—”

Blinky shook his head, “I am fine with it. This seems to be the best course of action.”

NotEnrique snorted, “For ya to bury that big old nose inna book, ya mean.”

“Fine with it,” Aaarrrgghh grumbled, “We go now?”

Douxie glanced at his familiar, and Archie gave a small nod, “The changelings may have books we do not.”

“Mom?” Jim prompted.

Barbara adjusted her glasses, “I think it will be beneficial. So I don’t see why we should hold it off.”

Jim relaxed somewhat, “Okay. Angor? If you don’t mind?” He widened his eyes at the troll assassin, seeing as Claire’s magic was still dormant, they would still be relying on the gaunt trolls shadow magic.

Angor sighed heavily and drew out the shadow staff, flicking it to its full size with effortless grace.

Claire gasped, “That’s mine!”

Angor huffed, “It is Morgana’s.” He corrected, “And the Skathe-Hrün is merely needed for you to unlock your magic, but I require it to be able to summon shadows and portals. I could help you tap into your true potential, without relying on a crutch, far quicker. But only if it is you wish.”

Claire glanced at Douxie, biting her lip uncertainly, clearly tempted.

“Claire, go for it,” Douxie urged her, “Angor Rot can teach you shadow magic far better than I can, you’ll always be my student and I can help with everything else magic related, but you need someone with shadowmancy.”

Claire met Angor’s eyes, “I do wish to learn shadowmancy under your guidance, Angor Rot.”

Blinky harrumphed in displeasure, pinning Angor with a beady gaze, which Angor Rot studiously blanked, “Have you all forgotten what Angor Rot has done? He killed Aaarrrgghh! He was the reason Draal died! He tried to kill us all!”

Strickler, surprisingly, was the one to jump to Angor’s defence, “Yes, but that was in the previous timeline. This is a reset for everyone, Blinkous. Angor has done nothing but prove his worth as a vital ally. Have you forgotten what I did in the original timeline? It was me who dragged Angor Rot to Arcadia in the first place and set him on Jim.”

Blinky spluttered, “But—that’s—you—”

For once Blinky was speechless.

Angor Rot stared at Strickler with a inscrutable look, “We have wasted enough time, let us go to the Janus Order,” so saying, he held up the shadow staff.

“Oi! Wait!” NotEnrique yelled, “Not me, I gotta run for mi casa, before Claire’s ma shows!”

Xirca held up a hand, “Me too, not because of Claire’s mom, but I want to head home from here, the JO is a little... Crazy right now. Even for me. No offense, boss,” she addressed Strickler.

“None taken,” Strickler said dryly.

Angor nodded once and made a shadow portal, enveloping all of them excluding Xirca and NotEnrique. Jim really hoped they would go straight home and not steal any food or snoop.

But it was too late now.

They materialised inside the main entrance of the Janus Order and Jim whistled, “Man, this place is looking more and more of a mess.”

Strickler scowled at him, crossing his arms defensively, “It’s a work in progress.”

“Yeah, but Jimbo’s right, shouldn’t this be nearly finished? It’s, like, funded by thousands and thousands of dollars,” Toby piped up, earning him a red and gold eyed glare from Strickler.

Blinky blinked his six eyes out of sync, “That is a lot of money, no?”

“Yeah, it is. If you had access to that kind of money the whole time, why be a teacher?” Claire asked.

“Because I enjoy it,” Strickler said simply.

Claire’s blinked, going slightly red, “Oh. Right,” she said lamely, turning her attention curiously to their surroundings.

The clinical, monochromatic white of the Janus Order was slowly being replaced by a warm wooden floor, made of various types of wood, and walls painted a rich burgundy, shot through with gold and green veins that Jim knew to be precious minerals. It wasn’t finished, only the main foyer and a few of the corridors had been fully renovated, but Jim could imagine how much more cosy the Janus Order would look when the improvements had been completed.

Unfortunately, as they walked deeper into the Janus Order, the walls became white again and were crudely defaced with a range of provocative images. Ones that had Blinky and Douxie gaping and Claire and Barbara blushing red.

“Those will be painted over, I assure you,” Strickler hurriedly said, “my fellow changelings became a little... Excitable, after realising what freedom from Gunmar truly meant.”

Angor snorted, making Blinky and Claire jump, “Perhaps you should keep them, they make valid points,” the troll assassin suggested.

Strickler sent Angor a frown, “I’m trying to gain respect, I’m not allowing the Order to dissolve into chaos because of poor leadership.”

His point was made at an inopportune moment, as two changelings came into view before them, carelessly making out against a wall, both in troll form, leaving next to nothing to the imagination.

Jim turned away with a grimace, as everyone made various sounds of disgust, Toby fake retching and Aaarrrgghh covering his face with his large hands.

Strickler gave a world-weary sigh of pure exhaustion, “Forgive me, this will only take a moment to deal with.”

He transformed mid step, in a bright flare of green light, Douxie letting out an involuntary gasp and Aaarrrgghh huffing in surprise.

Strickler strode purposefully towards the oblivious changelings, fingering one of the knives encircling his neck.

Jim hoped he wasn’t going to stab anyone, he knew Strickler was at the end of his tether dealing with the Janus Order.

But thankfully all Strickler did was roughly grab the blue-green male’s horn and yank him back, “This is not a bedroom, has the Janus Order become a joke to you?” He demanded in a low hiss, that still carried to everyone else.

“N-no, Lord Stricklander,” they both yelped, as Strickler let the male changeling go, his yellow eyes narrowed.

The two changelings stood there dumbly, the light purple female covering her chest in a sudden display of self-conscious modesty.

“What are you waiting for?” Strickler snapped, “Go!” He made a shooing gesture and they bolted; the female possessed with a bout of nervous giggling that made her linger.

Strickler’s patience snapped and he threw a knife at her head, the blade thunking just shy of actually hitting her.

The changeling’s hysterical giggling raised an octave and she ran after her partner, disappearing from sight.

Strickler snorted, “Degenerates. That is to be my legacy,” He muttered, as he walked slowly back to them, rubbing at his temples with a stifled growl.

Barbara made a sympathetic sound, resting a hand on his shoulder. “I think you’re selling yourself a little short, Walt,” she said.

Strickler gazed at her adoringly, “Only you would possibly think so,” He rolled his eyes, “I swear—”

“Do you always throw knives at your own subjects?” Blinky interrupted, slightly shaken.

“It was a tad harsh,” Douxie agreed.

“Not really,” Archie muttered, sending the wall the changelings had been pressed against a look of disgust, “They deserved far worse for such horrid conduct in a public place.”

Toby made a face, “Yeesh. I wouldn’t want to mess around with you.”

“How else can Strickler maintain order? Have you met many changelings? Hugs and rainbows do not make great leaders,” Angor Rot said dryly.

Blinky’s jaw fell open, he shook his head wildly, “I do not think I appreciate your sarcasm any more than you trying to kill us.”

Strickler groaned, momentarily covering his face with his hands before reverted back to human form, “Blinkous, if you want to see the Archives, do shut your mouth.”



Jim had never been to the changeling Archives, he only knew they were a level beneath the main Janus Order and they had extensive security.

Meaning that Strickler had to go through a lengthy verification procedure, that included a retinal scan in both forms and a prick of his blood.

The staircase that was unlocked seemed completely out of place.

It looked old, and was made of slabs of ancient stone, lit at intervals by sconces in the wall, containing flickering flames.

After just one flight of stairs the passage opened up into a decently sized cavern, made of unpolished, craggy rock, that was lit by floating lights, that seemed to have a life of their own as they zipped excitedly around their heads.

“What are they?” Claire breathed in awe, as one of the lights landed on her open palm.

“Fen-fire.” Strickler explained, as several of the lights whirled around his head, “Better known as Will-o’-the-wisps, these variety are harmless, if sometimes mischievous. I believe there is a large body of water underneath the Janus Order, which explains their presence here. They light the Archives, it gives them purpose and there’s plenty of misery and wasted potential here to keep them well fed for centuries yet,”

Toby snatched his hand back, from a Will-o’-the-wisp that he had somehow been tickling, “They feed on misery??”

Jim chuckled as one of the wisps nuzzled his hand, “They seem pretty friendly.”

Blinky huffed, swatting several away, “I am sure you would think otherwise when they lead you to your death. Are there any books here that are about the Arcane Order? Time is ticking, we cannot waste it on fawning over these death lights!”

Strickler shrugged, “It is more than likely we have tomes on the Arcane Order. Let us go to the directory, there’s binders listing every book, grimoire and tome we have there.”

They all followed Strickler as he led the way past several towering shelves, straight to a desk occupied by one changeling.

She looked not much older than Jim, with almost burgundy red hair, and an abundance of freckles, absorbed in whatever she was writing.

Strickler cleared his throat and the girl looked up, her wide purple eyes taking them all in.

“Oh. Hi! I’m Riley, Strickler’s told me loads about you guys!”

Toby perked up at the enthusiastic greeting, “Hey! I’m Toby, I'm the Trollhunter, or one of the Trollhunters anyway, this is—”

“Master Tobias! Say no more. She is a changeling,” Blinky interrupted.

Riley stared at Blinky in amusement, “What else would I be?”

“Riley, we just need to do some research, is anyone else here?” Strickler asked, giving her arm a gentle squeeze.

“I think Jasper was here. Somewhere. Don’t know precisely when though, whoops,” she grinned apologetically.

“So, he’s not here,” Strickler summarised.

“No. Hecking fluffhead ran off. You should really keep Jas on a tighter leash.”

“I think that applies to the entire Janus Order,” Strickler said dryly, “Now, we need to consult the dictionary binders.”

“I can help! I know this place almost inside out.” Riley said excitedly, “thanks to the Librarian. This super old, scary changeling, who’s in charge here,” she explained at Jim’s questioning look.

Douxie smiled warmly at her, “We could honestly do with all the help.”

Barbara nodded her agreement, “This is a lot of books.”

“Yeah, so maybe I can skip this? I’m a slow reader,” Toby grinned.

“Oh no, as Trollhunter, or rather one of our Trollhunters, as you said yourself, you are definitely staying Master Tobias. We might have to sacrifice a few night’s sleeps to yield any results. There’s just so much here!” Blinky declared.

Jim exchanged an amused look with Claire. Blinky really loved his books.

Douxie scanned the rows upon rows of shelves, stuffed full of potentially useful knowledge, “We had better get reading then.”


Thank you to Danielle_W for their insights into Jim's character and behaviour in the previous chapter, your understanding of Jim really impressed me and changed the beginning of this chapter considerably, I hope Jim appears more Jim after this!

Also thank you to KZ_Mythologist for their awesome changeling OC Riley, there will be more of her!
And Moonspring4235 for their changeling OC Xirca.

And about those Will-o'-the-wisps... I got inspired by the poem The cold earth slept below, by Percy Shelley, where he refers to them as fen-fire. Expect more mythological creatures/lore from me. I just really love it!

Chapter 13: Search and you will find...


Finding valuable information in the changeling archives turns out to be more tedious than Jim expected.
He and Blinky have a heart-to-heart, before a scream shatters the silence and a shadowy discovery leads to a mysterious stone tablet with curious writing...
That might help them in the future dealing with the Arcane Order.


Three POV's this chapter, Jim, Douxie and Claire, just to complicate things further. But also because I like writing different characters.
I'm very sorry for the long wait, but I've been dealing with end of year exams for my A-levels and I've been writing too many essays. I've gotten moderately burnt out, but I'm slowly going to up my writing pace.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It turned out that actually finding anything remotely interesting on the Arcane Order was a near enough hopeless endeavour.

The changeling Archives were extensive, and Jim had tried to get invested in the thick, musty air of ancient texts, but he wasn’t an academic like Strickler or Blinky.

Sure, they’d managed to find heaps of information on Morgana, Gumm-Gumm history and a few bits on the Arcane Order, but not any definitive answers.

Jim wanted to know how to defeat the Arcane Order without causing an apocalyptic level event, he wanted to know how to destroy the Genesis Seals, how to reclaim Excalibur, he’d even settle for how to deal with Usurna.

The Krubera queen had arrived in Trollmarket a few days ago. They’d missed her arrival because all of them had been busy searching down in the Archives. They’d been at it for weeks.

In Jim’s opinion, the sooner they dealt with Usurna the better. Maybe they should oust her to the Tribunal and have her condemned to the deep? That could work... One less foe to worry about.

Jim listlessly flicked through the book shelf he’d been staring at, peering at each tomes spine to discern what it was about. A few magic books, stuff on botany, plenty of books on forbidden spells, blood magic and curses, changelings really liked the Dark Arts. He groaned, he was tired of this inaction. He wanted to do something pro-active.

“Blinky. We’ve scoured this place for hours, can’t we take a break?” Jim complained.

Blinky turned towards him, from where he had been avidly scanning two books at the same time, “Master Jim, this section of the Archives is rife with information on changeling magic! I think a few more days would be necessary before I am willing to take a break.”

“Blinky, no offence, but I don’t want to shrivel up and die before the Arcane Order find us. Could we, I don’t know, brainstorm ways to kill Usurna or something?”

Blinky blinked his six eyes out of sync at him, “Kill Usurna? Master Jim,” the troll sighed, gently replacing the books he was reading on the shelves in front of him, “There are better ways of solving problems than running them through with a sword. I fear that changeling has not helped in that respect.”

Jim started, “Strickler’s been really helpful!” He protested defensively.

Blinky raised a brow ridge, “Has he suggested that we ought to kill Usurna?”

“No. He actually suggested that we should try and trick her into revealing her true motives to Vendel,” he admitted.

Blinky stroked his chin with one of his upper hands, “That idea has some merit, I’ll give Strickler that. What are your thoughts?”

Jim frowned, “Well, Usurna is egotistical. She’s proud. We can use that against her. Now that Krax has been convinced he’s better off with the Janus Order, we can use Krax to get Usurna to attempt to kill Vendel, maybe? And that would be all the evidence needed to condemn her.”

“My devious son! But no, that is much too dangerous. Krax is a coward, he is also unreliable, impersonating him with a glamour mask should suffice. Then we would force her hand, and show Vendel what a despicable troll she is!” For emphasis Blinky pounded his fists together.

“Whoa, my crazy dad is more devious than me!” He teased, surprised at how easy the ‘dad’ slipped out, he didn’t even have to think about it. But he meant it, oh he meant it alright. And he should have said it already by now. At least once. Blinky had called him son several times. Without hesitation.

Blinky did a double take, his six eyes welling with emotion as he registered what Jim had said. “Ah, my wonderful boy,” he muttered, opening his arms to him.

Jim gladly embraced the four-armed troll, feeling his eyes prick with tears. “I should have—”

“Hush now, Master Jim, I know.” Blinky’s melodious voice washed over him soothingly, as he stroked Jim’s hair away from his face, “I did not mind if you were unable to say it back to me, the truth was there in your eyes. Although it seems that special light is not solely for me now.”

“What?” Jim’s head shot up, “That’s—” he couldn’t finish, because he realised Blinky was right.

Blinky smiled sadly at him, “Do you really think I hadn’t noticed? Master Jim, you should tell him. The God’s only know how long it will take if I were to leave it alone. You are both very alike in that regard, unable to express your love verbally without prompting,” he rolled his many eyes heavenwards with a good natured scoff.

“That’s—actually pretty accurate.” Jim laughed, “You don’t mind?”

“Of course not! I don’t want to have to fight over you, I can imagine that is a fight that would get rather messy.”

They both shuddered.

“Hey, Blink?”

“Yes, Master Jim?”

“Thanks. For everything.”



Douxie was alone in a secluded part of the Archives, with only Archie for company, and a few fen-fire who had been drawn to his little panic-attack.

Archie’s purring was a low, constant thrum, grounding him in reality.

Getting his memories back, remembering all of his families deaths, and being thrown straight into the saving of the world business had been... Slightly traumatic.

Today it was worse than normal. But he could manage it, keep it hidden. He’d done so for centuries.

He knew that Claire and Angor Rot were the closest to him, but they were practising magic and wouldn’t interfere with him. Toby and Aaarrrgghh weren’t even in the Archives, they had opted for goofing off with Draal and NotEnrique in the main level of the Janus Order. He couldn’t blame them.

Blinky had managed to drag Jim down here, despite the teens reluctance, but he had no idea where. Strickler and Barbara were with Riley, not too close, but he really did not want them seeing him so vulnerable. Barbara would know, just by seeing him, how he was the opposite of alright right now.

“Douxie... Are you okay for now?” Archie asked tentatively.

He sighed, stroking his familiar in-between his silky ears, “Yeah, Arch... I’m okay. It’s just the whole world is frankly relying on our merry band of misfits to fix everything. If we fail this time... The results could be catastrophically bad. Merlin warned me of the consequences of meddling with time. We’ve already damaged the time stream, there won’t be another reset.”

“That or the TVA will get involved.” Archie pointed out.

“Urgh. I’m surprised they allowed Jim to reset time in the first place.”

“Probably because it was meant to happen. I doubt they would allow it otherwise.” Archie replied.

“Let’s try not to piss them off then, eh?” Douxie grinned weakly.

Archie saw through him, as he always did, “We won’t fail this time, Douxie, we have more allies than we ever did, and with your memories back I am sure you can guide Jim away from the problems of the old timeline.”

“I hope so.” Douxie muttered, then let out a bark of laughter, “You know, I keep forgetting you don’t actually have your memories of the original timeline.”

Archie harrumphed, “I don’t need to remember, I can perfectly imagine what foolishness you got up to. I’m just surprised you’ve managed to surround yourself with friends as insane as you.”

“Ah, but you must be insane yourself to stick around.” Douxie countered easily.

Archie reached up a paw to adjust his round spectacles, “I suppose so. I can’t imagine being separated from you though, insane as you are.”

Hisirdoux shivered. He’d told Archie how they had been separated, and how he had felt it, deep in his bones, when their familiar bond had broken upon Archie’s death, deep beneath the earth in the TrollDragons kingdom in southern China. All because he had wanted to remain with his father. And what for? To die together? It hadn’t been realistic expecting Archie and Charlemagne to survive and conquer the hordes of vengeful TrollDragons. He’d hoped of course, wishing for Archie to find happiness. But after Nari’s death he had been hit with the additional loss of his life-long companion.

After that, he had become utterly numb inside, continuing the farce of normality even as his heart shattered.

He felt his breathing quicken and stifled a sob; Archie dug his claws into his hoodie lightly, “Douxie, breathe. Everything has been put back in place. It’s alright, I’m here, and I will not allow myself to leave you, never again, even if I do not remember myself.”

Douxie wrapped his arms around his familiar, “Thank you, Arch. I really needed that reality check,” he hiccupped.

Archie’s response was to purr louder, and slowly he relaxed. They were together, Jim was on his way to becoming a seasoned warrior, perhaps more, and under the guidance of Angor Rot, his student was finally making progress in her re-acquaintance with shadow magic, and he couldn’t be prouder of Claire.

They had triumphed once already, this time they knew who they were up against and had more allies. They could triumph again.

The peace was shattered by a ear splitting shriek.

A familiar shriek.

Douxie shot up, Archie poofing into his dragon form and shooting into the air, “That sounded like Claire.”

Douxie didn’t respond, instead he broke into a long-legged run, winding between the towering shelves until he abruptly came upon Angor Rot and Claire, the former with his hand wrapped around Claire’s wrist, expression guarded.

Douxie edged his fingers over his bracer, Angor Rot may be on their side now but that did not mean he completely trusted the ancient assassin, “What happened?”

Claire looked terrified. “See for yourself,” she gestured ahead and Douxie came closer, not relaxing until Angor let go of Claire’s wrist.

What met his eyes had him tensing again, “Blimey,” he swore, Archie staring down with a paw over his snout.

At that moment there was the sound of hurried footsteps and Barbara, accompanied by Strickler and Riley, both in their human forms, came around the corner, hurrying over to them.

Strickler’s gaze went from Claire to Angor Rot and then to him, “Someone screamed, what—” he trailed off as he beheld what had them struck dumb by shock.

There was a cry ahead, and Jim came rushing towards them, Blinky a fair distance away.

Jim wasn’t looking where he was going, he hadn’t noticed the black nothingness that was directly in front of him.

Before Douxie could react, Archie was flying forward in a blur of black, grabbing Jim by the collar and hauling him back with a powerful thrust of his wings, into the secure grip of Blinky’s four arms.

“Whoa!” Jim’s chest heaved as he stared into the chasm separating them.

“Kiddo, are you alright?” Barbara called from beside Douxie, as Archie flew back to him after Jim had whispered a grateful thank you to his familiar.

“Yeah, mom. Just nearly fell to my death by endless black hole, but otherwise fine.” Jim grinned weakly.

“It does seem to not have an end.” Angor Rot agreed.

“How did this happen?” Douxie demanded, gesturing sharply at the huge black abyss that parted them from Jim and Blinky, cracks running through the stone ground of the Archive and ending scarily close to his feet.

Claire shook her head helplessly, “I really don’t know. Angor Rot was helping me connect to the shadows when I felt... Something else. We both did. Our magic was pulled to it and this hole appeared.”

Riley edged closer to the gaping hole, leaning forward dangerously, “Slippery salamanders... I don’t think this has ever happened before,” she looked askew at Strickler for confirmation and the elder changeling nodded, peering thoughtfully at the chasm.

“I suspect this to be Morgana’s doing; Wizards are keen on secret passages,” Strickler spared Douxie a quick glance at that, “through the Skathe-Hrün, Angor Rot and Miss Nuñez are connected to Morgana, our exalted creator,” here he rolled his eyes, “so it’s not so surprising they were able to unlock something previously hidden. I would also imagine it shan’t be accessible to anyone who is not Morgana or a changeling.”

Barbara stared down at the pitch black of the hole, her face pale, “What—what do you think is down there?”

“Answers, perhaps.” Strickler responded lightly.

“You can’t be thinking of going down there!” Blinky exclaimed, “It does not have any discernible end!”

“I have wings, Blinkous.” Strickler snapped, “I’ll be fine.”

“And if you come across some magical defences? What then? You cannot go down there alone!” Blinky countered.

Strickler sighed, “You’re... Right. Mr Casperan and Miss Nuñez can come with me, Riley will carry them and guide us, as I cannot use echolocation.”

Archie coughed pointedly.

“Archibald will accompany us as well, of course.” Strickler corrected himself hurriedly.

Jim looked slightly lost at the quick decision making not including him; Barbara simply looked worried.

Douxie felt a need to reassure the both of them, “It’ll be fine. I’ll protect everyone.”

As if that was all the permission she needed, Riley shifted into her troll form with an excited squeal.

Her troll form was... Bizarre to put it mildly. If Douxie hadn’t seen it before he would have openly stared.

She had the body type of a Centaur, with medium sized antlers, and the same purple eyes as her human form, but slitted and faintly glowing. Her arms and upper torso were ordinary enough for a changeling, graceful and with a tapered waist and clad in a black vest. Her front legs were vaguely feline, her back legs clawed and she had a long slinky tail. She also had huge mottled bat wings sprouting from her back.

Her colouration was just as fantastical. She was dominantly a indigo-purple, with mild vitiligo on her upper half, the same peachy colour as her human skin. Her fur, scales and hair had dark tones of calico, mottling her wings with shades of tan and burgundy.

She grinned, pointed wolf-like ears up and alert.

Claire eyed the chimera changeling uncertainly, but Riley gave her a completely unthreatening grin, “I won’t drop you, silly. Your boyfriend would kill me!”

Douxie chuckled as Claire awkwardly swung herself onto Riley’s back, climbing up behind her easily, he’d ridden his fair share of horses. Just not one quite like Riley. She was the most unique troll he had ever seen, that was for sure.

Archie hovered in the air above them, waiting patiently. Dragons could hover for hours if they chose to, something Douxie had always been greatly impressed by.

“Hey, Strickler? Any time now.” Riley sing-songed.

Strickler transformed in a burst of green light, shaking his own wings out, although they were considerably smaller than Riley’s. He nearly caught Angor Rot in the face with one wing.

“Watch it,” the assassin grumbled, not pleased.

“Oh, forgive me,” the changeling smirked, as he stepped with Riley to the edge of the steep drop into nothingness.

Douxie felt his heart rate pick up. This was terrifying. And nothing like riding a horse actually.

“Walter, be careful.” Barbara said, reaching out to squeeze Strickler’s hand.

He squeezed back, suddenly serious, “I will be.”

“Good. You kids be safe too, you hear me?” She said fiercely.

Douxie saluted her, “Yes ma’am.”

Strickler glanced across the chasm at Jim, who looked close to a panic attack of his own, “If all goes well, we should be back within an hour, less, if we do not see anything worth investigating, Young Atlas,” he reassured Jim, who looked moderately less ill.

“I’m gonna hold you to that. If you guys don’t get back within an hour, I’m jumping down there.” Jim met each of their eyes in turn, setting longest on Claire’s.

Strickler blinked, “Was that a threat?”

Jim smiled, “Nope. Riley, take care of Claire for me.”

Riley nodded, “You can count on me!” And without any warning she lurched forward and plummeted into the darkness.



Claire felt her scream catch in her throat as Riley surged into darkness, her depth perception dwindling down to nothingness as blackness surrounded them from all sides.

She clung tightly to Riley’s waist, as the centaur-like changeling spiralled deeper into the earth, Douxie gripping her tightly as Riley kept diving.

There was a whoosh of air from beside them, the flare of golden eyes, and Strickler rocketed past them, Archie following in the wake of the more aerodynamic changeling.

“Show offs!” Riley yelled after them.

“Hey! Riley! How far down does this blooming hole go?” Douxie shouted to be heard over the wind lashing past them from Riley’s decent.

The purple changeling’s ears flicked back in order to hear him and she shouted back, “Let me see!” She opened her mouth and sent a high-pitched wave of sound down below. There was a beat of silence, then: “Can your familiar use echolocation, like me, Douxie?” Riley asked.

“Yeah, he can! Perk of being related to the dragons of old. Why do you ask?” Douxie replied.

“Cause there’s some twisty turns ahead, followed by some curves that require some sharpish banks and like a corkscrew or two on top of that! I’d hold on if I were you!” Riley exclaimed cheerily.

Douxie’s grip on Claire’s shoulders became almost painful, and her heartbeat quickened, she really was regretting tagging along now.

Riley put on a burst of speed and went on to do a series of stomach-churning manoeuvres in the air, until Claire couldn’t tell which way was up or down.

Until, finally, with a crunch of gravel, Riley landed on solid ground, panting lightly.

“Oh, thank God,” Claire groaned, making to dismount and maybe vomit, but Archie’s voice froze her in place.

“Don’t!” The cat-dragon commanded her, from somewhere not so far away, “Stay on Riley’s back!”

“Do they have to? If they stay on a minute longer, I’m gonna collapse!” Riley complained.

“Archie’s right,” Douxie said softly, “we don’t know what might happen to us on solid ground, especially in pitch blackness like this, and it’ll make our getaway easier if we were to stumble on anything nasty.”

Claire sighed but found she had to agree with Douxie on that. It was safer for them to remain on Riley’s back.

“Fine.” Riley muttered, “Let’s look around quickly then, this place gives me the creeps.”

“I second that,” Strickler’s voice muttered, his yellow eyes, the only thing Claire could see of him, narrowed in concentration as he snapped his fingers.

“Come on,” he growled, and snapped them again.

This time, bright, golden light was ushered into existence around Strickler’s hand, gradually growing in strength until Claire could clearly see their immediate surroundings, as well as see Strickler standing in front of them, Archie perched on his broad shoulders.

She gasped, not sure if it was because of Strickler’s use of magic or the low-ceilinged cave they were in.

It was narrow and slightly musty smelling, with stalactites and stalagmites erupting from the roof of the cave and the ground respectively, hemming them in-between jagged, stone teeth.

It was very claustrophobic.

Strickler smirked at her, gesturing widely at their surroundings, “Let there be light,” he declared grandly.

“How—wait, you can do magic?!” Claire exclaimed, as Riley carefully made her way forward to stand next to Strickler, carrying her and Douxie closer.

Strickler raised a brow ridge, “It is not anything to get excited about, it’s a little magic trick, nothing more.”

“Mate, if you develop it, you can do a bit more than a few simple spells and parlour tricks.” Douxie disagreed.

“Perhaps,” Strickler sighed, “But I do not have enough time to study magic. One day, just not anytime soon.”

Douxie left it at that and brought his own orb of mage light to life, to further aide in penetrating the darkness around them. He then helped teach her to make a light of her own, which she managed on the third attempt, even though it was pitifully small compared to Strickler and Douxie’s.

With light sources established, they set off, Strickler in the lead with Archie flying above the changeling’s head.

Riley kept slightly behind Strickler, seeing as it was impossible to walk beside him. The cave passage was simply too narrow.

Claire found it frustrating being stuck on the centaur-like changeling’s back, but it was better to be safe rather than sorry.

Riley almost ran into Strickler’s back when he suddenly and abruptly stopped in his tracks.

“What is it?” Claire asked nervously.

Strickler half turned towards her, a grim look on his face, “It appears we aren’t the first to have come here.”

He stepped aside, nodding to Archie, who let out a gout of flame, exposing dozens of mummified bodies littering the ground.

They were varied, some human, some troll, some completely alien, but all very much dead.

Strickler held his mage light up, and revealed the half-mummified remains of a human, one of its skeletal hands stretched out towards them.

Its jaw moved and Riley yelped as a meter long centipede crawled out of its mouth.

Claire recoiled as Riley threw her hands up to cover her eyes, “Ew, ew, ew! I don’t want to see that! Let’s move on!”

“Wait. How did they even get in here?” Claire said.

Archie let out another burst of flame, “I can sense that there was another passage here, I can feel the air flow, it must have caved in,” he explained.

Strickler curiously stepped closer to the dead human, crouching down in order to better inspect the remains with focused detachment. “I do not know what caused these deaths, but some sort of creature killed this changeling.”

“How do you know it’s a changeling?” Claire asked.

In response, Strickler moved his mage light wreathed hand over the remains, near the collapsed chest and passage ground, revealing sparkling purple crystals, trailing from the side of the corpse to the ground. “Changeling blood, if left alone long enough, begins to crystalize. I would say this changeling has been here a few centuries at the very least,” Strickler explained as he stood up, continuing along the passage, “but it tells us one thing: whatever is here, it’s guarded.”



After what seemed like an age, they finally reached the end of the narrow tunnel passage, which opened up into a circular cave, a pedestal in the centre supporting a stone tablet with glowing blue writing.

All over the walls were paintings of...

“Is that the Arcane Order?” Claire breathed, pointing to three familiar figures, one orange-red, one royal blue and one green.

They were accompanied by two additional figures, one a dark red, the other cyan.

“Yes. With Seklos and Gaylen. Whatever’s here, it’s linked to the Arcane Order!” Douxie marvelled.

“And we know Morgana was their chosen champion, so that explains why this is here, beneath the Janus Order,” Strickler added.

Riley made a sound of interest and moved them closer to the mysterious pedestal, and it was only then, by the glow of their mage light, that they saw what lay behind it.

White marble statues of giant spider-like creatures loomed over the pedestal, their mandibles extended, many limbs splayed out and interconnecting with each other into the darkness of the chamber. Thin lines of gold and cyan light ran up the sides of the spiders lending them an eerie glow.

Claire shuddered, “Those are seriously creepy.”

“Forget them, check out the writing on the stone tablet, it looks like Akiridion!” Douxie said in mounting excitement.

“Here? That can’t be a coincidence.” Claire said.

“I am inclined to agree with you, Miss Nuñez,” Strickler replied, boldly approaching the pedestal and reaching for the stone tablet.

“Strickler, wait!” Archie warned from above, “It could be rigged!”

The changeling glanced up at the hovering dragon, “Then you had better be ready to get out of here,” he responded and snatched the ancient artefact off its stand.

Nothing happened.

Strickler sighed, turning to send them a toothy smile, “See? Everything is fine.”

There was a chittering sound behind him and Claire watched in dread as one of the marble spider creature’s jaws slowly opened, its appendages extending, a bead of green poison on the tip of one of its fangs.

“Strickler—don’t move.” Douxie muttered.

Strickler froze, his mage fire dwindling down as he clutched the stone tablet to his chest, his eyes constricting to thin slits as the spider reached out one razor sharp leg out towards the changeling.

Without warning, Douxie leaned out to the side of Claire and splayed his hand out, “Ignis pila!”

A large blue ball of fire erupted out of Douxie’s hand, catching the spider thing directly in what passed for its face and setting it on fire.

It shrieked, wailing, as Strickler quickly darted forward, joining them in running away as the spider’s many, many, companions began to wake up, their eyes glowing deep gold and blue in the darkness.

“Arch! Light them up!” Douxie cried frantically, as Riley jerkily leapt into the air, as darkness once again shrouded them, Douxie and Claire having lost concentration on their mage lights.

Claire wished she could just portal them out of this situation, it would be so easy. But she wasn’t anywhere near that level yet. So instead she yelled, “Riley! Get us out of here!”

Riley sped up, and Claire twisted around to see behind her, dimly she made out Archie blowing fire over the swarming spiders, and saw something that made her breath hitch, “Strickler!” She cried, watching as one of the marble creatures latched onto the changelings leg, moments away from flight.

Archie turned back and came hissing flame down upon the spider, sending it skittering away, Strickler beating his wings and shooting past them, the stone tablet still in his hands.

“Let’s go!” Archie urged, breathing yet another breath of flame as the spiders crawled on every surface available to get to them.

Riley flew faster; as the hordes of animated statues continued to pursue them. Each time Claire looked back they seemed closer, until eventually they were lost to sight as they breached the darkness.

Riley landed heavily on her side, throwing Claire and Douxie off her back, to the exclamations of Barbara, Jim and Blinky.

Archie came out a second later, followed by Strickler, who almost crashed into one of the Archive shelves. He scrambled away from the hole in the ground, as the hiss of the advancing spiders grew louder. “Close it!” He cried, still holding on to the stone tablet.

Angor Rot instantly stepped forward, splaying his arms out as he focused on the hole, his brows furrowing, “Wizard, a little help here,” he grunted.

Douxie untangled himself from Riley and stood next to Angor Rot, mirroring his stance. Together, they weaved their magic into a fine mesh, that solidified with each passing moment, drawing the ground together until Jim and Blinky were on the same side as the rest of them.

They were not a minute too late.

The first spider, white, bony and even more horrific in the relative brightness of the Archives, managed to break through a weak point of the seal, its shriek ear splitting.

But Douxie and Angor Rot quickly secured it, cutting the creature in half.

It lay there twitching, blue ichor leaking out of its middle and Jim, who had rushed to her side the minute the ground had stitched back together, stared at it in horrified fascination, “What. The. Heck. Is that?”

“I believe it’s animus touched,” Blinky said with interest, prodding the spider creature and then muttering an oath as it let out another shriek before falling silent.

“Why would these ‘animus touched’ things be needed?” Barbara whispered.

Strickler gingerly got up, holding out the stone tablet for Barbara to peer at. She took it, examining the glowing blue writing, “Is this—”

“It’s an outdated form of Akiridion,” Douxie said quietly, “Nari told me how Seklos and Gaylen, the beings from Akiridion mythology, were once part of the Arcane Order. Seklos was balance and Gaylen evolution. This tablet is definitive proof of it.”

“So, it’s important. If it was hidden it might help us discover the Arcane Order’s weaknesses.” Jim said hopefully.

Douxie smiled, “It’s possible. It largely depends on what our Akiridion friends say about it when they reach earth. But seeing how well protected it was, and it’s obvious connection to the Arcane Order of course, yes, I’d say its important.”


... So, the TVA is the Time Variance Authority from Marvel's Loki series, because RoTT decided to include a time stone so why not? Plus I saw some delightful art of Jim getting arrested by the TVA on tumblr.

Archie being able to use echolocation is a shout out to HTTYD, specifically Toothless since Archie does kinda resemble him.

The Dark Arts is of course a reference to Harry Potter.

Special thanks again go to KZ_Mythologist for their awesome changeling OC Riley, I hope I got her troll form right!

And brownie points for whoever finds out what exactly the mysterious stone tablet could possibly say that could help team Trollhunters with the Arcane Order. I'll give you a clue. Its to do with the titans.

Next chapter... The plot to overthrow Usurna is put into action.

Chapter 14: To kill a Queen


(Jim POV) The plot to incapacitate Usurna, preferably without killing her, is put into action.
Even if a few obstacles make the endeavour harder. Needless to say, things get... Messy.

Toby receives the first Triumbric stone.


I did not do this deliberately, but somehow this update is coming exactly a month after my last chapter AND on the anniversary of RoTT's cursed release. (the movie wasn't awful, I made a post about my rewatch last week, on my tumblr if you're interested on my more reflective thoughts).

So this update is a big old screw you to RoTT and I can do better with the ending it gave us. So hope you all enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Absolutely not,” Vendel said decisively, with a dismissive snort.

“But—” Jim began.

“No.” Vendel interrupted, “I listened to you, I believe you, even. If there is proof of Usurna’s treachery I won’t stand in the way of her—disposal. But changelings in Trollmarket? It is inconceivable.”

Jim sighed. There was little he could say or do to try and change Vendel’s mind. Even if it completely derailed their plan.

Jim, Blinky, Aaarrrgghh and Draal were in the inner sanctum of the Heartstone, and they’d gone over their plan to subdue Usurna for Vendel’s benefit. Then Jim had mentioned that their changeling allies were part of the plan and were required to be in Trollmarket.

That was when Vendel had voiced his immense displeasure.

Blinky wringed his hands together, clearly he had something to say against Vendel’s harsh refusal.

“What, Blinkous? Spit it out,” the elder troll snapped.

“These changelings have become integral allies, friends even. Times are changing, we cannot stagnate no more!”

Aaarrrgghh hummed his agreement, “Changelings friends now.”

Vendel glanced at Draal, “Well? Son of Kanjigar? What say you?”

Draal squirmed, “Er, the changelings are not so bad. Not all of them, anyway,” he mumbled.

“You cannot be serious. You’ve fallen for that same im—”

“Don’t call them that!” Draal, Jim and Blinky all said at the same time.

Vendel stared at them, incredulous. “I still stand by my statement. You know change is gradual for troll kind, it will take time and patience to change minds.”

Blinky’s ears flicked up hopefully, “So you’ll—”

“I said nothing, Blinkous. Do not try and implicit me in this mess. No changelings. Not yet.”

Jim would take that. But it still messed up their plan, and they’d prepared for tackling Usurna today. They should have told Vendel earlier about the changelings being involved, but it was too late now. He had to talk to Strickler.

The plan had been Strickler would impersonate Krax using a glamour mask, they’d all agreed it was easier than impersonating Vendel, and stall for time until Jim, accompanied by the real Krax and Otto, reached him and Usurna and could expose her to Vendel.

Now Jim felt as lost as when his friends and family went down the chasm in the changeling Archives without him.

He was used to putting himself in new, potentially dangerous situations. Relying on others to do the same without him? Not so much. He was a nervous wreck actually.

Which is probably how everyone felt when I went into the Darklands alone. And when I turned into a half-troll without letting anyone know first. Jim thought ruefully.

“That’s fine, Vendel. We’ll figure out an alternative plan.” Jim said.

Vendel huffed, “Make sure you do. I want no changelings in Trollmarket just yet.”

Jim nodded and exited the inner sanctum, fighting his disappointment. Change wouldn’t just happen overnight.

Toby and Claire were waiting for him, Blinky, Aaarrrgghh and Draal trailing behind.

“How’d it go?” Toby asked.

“Not as well as it could have done.” Blinky admitted.

Claire frowned, “What happened?”

“Vendel won’t allow any changelings to help us in here. I need to talk to Strickler, we’ll find a way around this.” Jim promised.

“Okay, Jimbo. We’ll hold down the fort here.” Toby said, giving Aaarrrgghh a fist bump.

Draal grunted in agreement, “And I will also try and talk to Vendel about his issue with changelings.”

“Master Jim, try and be quick.” Blinky advised.

“I’ll do my best.” Jim replied, “Claire? Could you portal me home—oh, crap, I forgot you can’t do portals yet,” he cringed.

Claire raised an eyebrow, “Me and Angor have been training continuously, I think I can probably get you home.”

“Are you sure?” Jim asked.

“Yeah. But I won’t be able to get you back here again, it’s a one-way thing for now, until I build more endurance.” Claire said apologetically.

“That’s absolutely fine. I’ll see you soon.” Jim smiled, giving his girlfriend a kiss on the cheek.

Claire nodded, faintly blushing, and pulled out her shadow staff, creating a portal that sent him home, straight into his living room.

To find two changelings lounging on his orange couch, eating popcorn.

Neither of them was Strickler.

“Um. Who let you in?” He questioned.

Riley, in her human form, looked up, startled. She was wearing a loose, long sleeved navy top with jeans, her purple eyes squinting at him suspiciously, “Could ask you the same thing.”

“This is my house!” Jim exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air in disbelief.

“Your mother let us in.” Juliette said softly. He’d seen the small changeling around in school, now that he knew what she was he had said hello to her ever time they’d bumped into each other.

In her human form she was wearing a pink hoodie, with grey trousers, and had brown eyes, sporting the same wild black hair.

“OK, but don’t you have anywhere better to be?” Jim hadn’t meant to sound snappy, he backtracked, “Sorry. I’m just—we’re dealing with Usurna tonight and things are already going wrong. Is Strickler here?”

“Nope. Dr Lake said he’s not been here for the whole day, he was at the Janus Order last I saw him, as busy as a bee.” Riley said, “She told us we could chill here, seeing as we really do not have anywhere better to be.”

Jim felt a prick of guilt, “I’m sorry, I’ll get going, thanks for—”

“He’s not there anymore,” Juliette interrupted, “he had enough of the noise level and went to his apartment.”

Riley chuckled awkwardly, “Oh yeah. Whoops.”

“Thanks,” Jim breathed.

This was becoming a nightmare already.

Why couldn’t things be easier?



Jim rang Strickler’s doorbell, impatiently waiting for the changeling to open his apartment door, fidgeting nervously.

Usurna was due to meet with ‘Krax’ at sundown, in about an hour.

The real Krax had arranged the meeting before he defected and joined their side and left Trollmarket for his own safety.

Just as Jim was considering going to Strickler’s window and trying to force his way inside, the door opened a crack and Jim crossed his arms, unimpressed, “Seriously? Dude, couldn’t you have changed forms?”

Strickler grunted, “It’s my home, Young Atlas. I can be in my troll form if I so desire. Plus, if the paperwork irks me, I can always eat it.”

That startled a laugh out of him.

Strickler quickly ushered him inside, closing the door quickly, in case anyone saw the winged troll who was posing as a human.

Strickler looked him over with his yellow eyes minutely. “I suppose Vendel said we could not come inside Trollmarket,” he eventually said, with the quiet resignation of someone who had expected the worst and received it.

“How did you know?” Jim couldn’t help but ask.

Strickler snorted, “There’s no other reason you would find me so close to our scheduled meeting with Usurna.”

Jim grimaced, “I really hope I didn’t disturb you.”

“You did." Strickler responded tightly, "I was finishing typing up some important documents. So sit quietly and once I am finished we can discuss our plan moving forward.”

So saying, Strickler went into the living room, his wings tucking close to his body as he sat down on his leather couch, setting his laptop on his lap comfortably.

A small, round, white and grey marbled table was next to him, with a plate with a half eaten muffin on it beside a cup of steaming mint tea on a coaster. There was an overabundance of papers scattered around where Strickler was sitting, and which he hastily moved aside to make room for Jim to sit down.

Jim noticed that several of the documents seemed to have been gnawed at.

“So, will this take long, or—”

“Jim. Sit and let me concentrate.” There was a trace of a growl in his voice and Jim sat, wide eyed. He opened his mouth, indigent at the stern reprimand, and Strickler stared him down in warning.

He scowled sullenly and took his phone out, deciding to kill time by playing a match of League of Legends: Wild Rift. It was far better than the PC game and less toxic, even if the character selection was more limited.

By the time he finished the match, Strickler was done.

He closed his laptop, setting it aside and picked up his tea, sipping it slowly before placing it down on its coaster again, giving his wings a little stretch to work out any kinks. “I am all ears, Young Atlas.”

Jim looked up from his phone, “Huh?”

Strickler sighed, “Usurna, what are we going to do about her, since we cannot help you in person?”

“I don’t know,” Jim admitted, “I won’t be able to impersonate Krax because I don’t know him and we don’t trust Krax enough for him to confront Usurna himself.”

Strickler’s eyes glowed brighter, “I think I have a solution to this problem.”

“Wait. Really?”

The changeling nodded, getting up, “Stay here. I will be two seconds.” He hurried away and Jim was left wondering what idea Strickler had gotten.

It didn’t take him two seconds to get back to him, but it was close enough.

Strickler had his hands full of wires and glossy looking tech.

Jim stood up in order to peer at the stuff he was holding. “What’s all that?”

Strickler ignored him, picking out a sleek black box and popping it open with a claw, fishing out a transparent ear bud and tossing it to Jim.

He caught it, inspecting the item. It was a earpiece, the sort you’d see in a movie, but it was tiny and had no wire or anything. He looked up at Strickler, confused.

“It’s a wireless earpiece,” Strickler explained, “I’ll give another one to Krax and he can feed you lines. I will also have a earpiece and be right next to him, insuring he doesn’t try anything untoward. If you want to communicate with us directly, simply press the indentation on the top of it,” he instructed.

Jim put it in his ear, gesturing warily at the tangle of wires and the small rectangular grey box remaining in Strickler’s hands, “What about that?”

“It’s a voice recorder, you wear it under your clothes and it will record everything spoken, as proof. I will connect it to the grey box and you can give it to Tobias, so he can get Vendel to listen to it live.” Strickler answered, handing it all over to him.

Jim was... Impressed. “I had no idea you had access to this sort of stuff.”

“I’m a spy-assassin, we have access to everything,” Strickler replied testily, “now, get going, I have plenty more work to get on with,” he finished gruffly.

Jim had a realisation. “That’s why you’re in troll form, isn’t it? So you can work longer without getting tired or needing as much sleep. You know that’s not good for you in the long run, right?”

“I’ve fallen behind with work,” Strickler shrugged helplessly, “drastic times call for drastic measures. Don’t you have more important things to be doing then worrying about how much sleep I’m getting?”

“I feel like you’re trying to get rid of me.” Jim complained.

“I am.” Strickler grinned, playfully ruffling his hair.

Jim protested, “Okay, okay! Thanks for the spy stuff, I’ll be getting out of your really important life now.”

Jim made to go and Strickler rested a hand on his shoulder quickly, making him pause. “Wait. Take this and give it to Tobias.” Strickler removed something from the pocket of his loincloth and held it out to him.

It was the eyestone.

“Huh.” Jim said as he took Gunmar’s eye, “it was the final Triumbric stone I got in the old timeline, now its the first. Guess we’re collecting them in the reverse order.”

Strickler snorted in amusement, “Consider it a good luck charm. Hopefully by the end of tonight Usurna will no longer be a problem.”

“I hope so.” Jim muttered, his grip tightening on the eyestone, “I’m going to need all the luck I can get.”



When Jim got back to Trollmarket, he was immediately accosted by Blinky, Toby and Claire, who were all desperate to hear if he’d found a solution to their problem.

Jim took a deep breath, “I’m going to impersonate Krax with the glamour mask.”

That’s your solution?” Claire demanded.

“We gotta think up a new plan, pronto.” Toby added.

“You are joking, yes?” Blinky inquired.

“Guys, calm down. Strickler gave me this earpiece so Krax can feed me lines. Strickler said he’d be right with him, to ensure Krax doesn’t try and double-cross us. And you’ll be able to hear every word of the conversation through this.” He pitched the grey box, that was linked to the voice recorder under his shirt, to Toby and he caught it, peering at it curiously. “I’d suggest you listen to it in real time with Vendel,” he added.

“OooOoooh! Spy tech stuff! Where can I get my hands on some more of this?” Toby asked eagerly.

“Tell him he can dream on,” Strickler’s voice rasped from Jim’s earpiece.

Jim smirked, “Strickler says to dream on.”

“Wait! He’s listening right now?! Tell him—” Toby began.

“Tobes, you can bug him later. Right now, we need to deal with Usurna. Is everyone in place and ready if things go south?”

Claire nodded, “. But hopefully it won’t come to that.”

Jim doubted that, but he didn’t have the strength to argue. “Great. Then it’s show time.”



Wearing the glamour of a troll was weird.

He felt like himself, mostly.

But he also felt like a troll. When he touched his skin, it felt like living stone, but he knew he was touching flesh. He looked like a troll too, which didn’t really lessen the overall disorientating feel.

It reminded him unhappily of the early days of adjusting to his half-troll form. He pushed through his discomfort though. It wasn’t helping him focus, and the more nervous he was, the more likely he would trip up.

He just needed to stall Usurna, and wait for his friends to catch up accompanied by Vendel and the Krubera, so they could see for themselves the traitor Usurna was to troll kind.

He paced nervously back and forth, he was in Krax’s cave, waiting for Usurna, and it really didn’t help his anxiety.

He pressed the earpiece on, so that he could talk directly to Krax and Strickler, “How long till she comes?”

Hearing the low grumble of Krax’s voice, instead of his own, threw him off a bit, but it helped him feel more in character at least.

“Won’t be long now.” Krax reassured him.

He sighed, but sure enough, after about five minutes, Usurna came gliding in, her purple staff in one hand, her regal and aloof air making him desperately want to punch her in the face.

“Bow,” Krax advised him, “don’t forget to compliment her as well.”

Jim knelt, bowing his head, “My Queen, you look as resplendent as always.”

Usurna sniffed hauntingly, “I have no time for your meaningless compliments, impure. Give me your status report.”

Jim didn’t have to pretend to flinch at the slur.

“Tell her you’ve been keeping an eye on the human Trollhunter,” Krax informed him.

“I’ve been keeping an eye on the human Trollhunter,” Jim began, “I believe it will be fairly easy to get him to do something that leads to a sentence to the Deep.”

Usurna nodded, “The fleshbag is so eager to prove himself as a Trollhunter. That will surely be his undoing. The slightest stumble on his part is all that is needed for us to release Gunmar and claim Trollmarket. Now, where is Killahead bridge?”

Jim hesitated, “It’s... In the Janus Order. Safe and awaiting Gunmar’s glorious return.” The sarcasm slipped out quite on accident.

Usurna peered at him out of narrowed eyes, “You dare to mock Gunmar? You ungrateful impure, serve him and you’ll live. Defy him and you die.”

“Jim.” Strickler hissed from his earpiece, “Tell her you are sorry and that you cannot wait for Trollmarket to fall.”

“Forgive me, my Queen. That was out of order,” Jim gritted out, “I cannot wait for Trollmarket to fall. These trolls have it too easy.”

Usurna appeared mollified by his apology, “Good. Vendel thinks he can waste the centuries hiding underground. Safe. He is wrong. We were born to dominate the earth, and the fool will die for his ideals. It will be most satisfying.”

Jim tried to look as though he agreed.

Usurna continued her monologue, “What will also be satisfying is no longer having to hide in the shadows. With Gunmar leading us, troll kind will take back the surface and kill the pathetic fleshbag worms who dare sully the ground with their existence. Tell me, Krax, what will you do when the world is ours?”

“Tell her you’ll finally be able to be yourself, and look down on ‘good’ trolls and fleshbags alike.” Krax told him.

Something in Jim’s brain was clearly not working, as what came out of his mouth was; “You’ll finally be able to be yourself and look down on fleshbags and Trollmarket.”

“What are you blathering about?” Usurna snapped.

“What?” Jim panicked, “I—uh, said I’d be able to look down on fleshbags and Gumm-Gumm’s.”

Too late did he realise his next blunder.

“For the love of all the God’s, Jim.” Strickler groaned.

Jim winced; he could almost picture the changeling face-palming.

Anger, bright and hot, erupted on Usurna’s face, “You aren’t Krax. You are an imposter,” she hissed, taking a menacing step towards him.

Jim gulped, scrambling away from the Krubera Queen, “I am Krax! It’s just—your presence always gets my tongue in a knot. You make me nervous.”

Not a lie. But would Usurna buy it?

The regal Krubera considered his answer, her eyes thin slits. “I don’t believe you.” Usurna said decisively, “Who are you really? Who sent you? How did you know all that information?”

Jim felt trapped. Usurna was hemming him closer to the rocky wall of Krax’s cave, blocking his exit. He could only hope Vendel, Toby, Aaarrrgghh and the Krubera were on their way to help him.

“Fine.” Jim said grimly, reaching up to his face and removing the glamour mask, “You got me, I’m an imposter,” he gestured boldly to his very human body.

“You! You’re the Trollhunters friend! And you’ve been spying on me! This—”

“Is a trap.” Vendel finished for her, his heartstone staff glowing brightly as he came inside Krax’s cave, Toby right beside him with the Dayhammer in his gauntleted hands.

“Where’s the others?” Jim asked.

“They’re coming.” Toby said, not taking his eyes off of Usurna.

“A trap?” Usurna laughed, “You have this all wrong, Vendel. It’s my word against two fleshbags.”

Toby grinned sharply, “Actually, it’s your word against your own words.”

He held up the grey rectangular box that was connected to the recorder Jim was wearing under his clothes, hitting play: “Vendel thinks he can waste the centuries hiding underground... The fool will die for his ideals. It will be most satisfying.”

Usurna scowled, “You horrid little creature. This will do nothing to stop me. Gunmar is inevitable, Trollmarket will fall and if I must kill you all myself, then I will!”

She was reaching for the creeper’s sun pin in her headdress, and Jim surged forward on instinct, using the glamour mask to intercept the pin. It went clattering to the floor, and Jim yelled, “Tobes! Don’t let Usurna get that pin!”

“On it, Jimbo!” Toby cried, diving for the pin at the same time as Usurna.

Jim’s heart was lodged in his throat as he watched the Krubera Queen and his best friend grapple. He couldn’t do much else but watch, as he didn’t have armour or a weapon, and if he summoned Daylight, he’d leave Toby defenceless.

“Usurna! Enough! You have lost.” Vendel growled, banging his heartstone staff on the ground.

Usurna shoved Toby off of her, standing up proudly, her creeper’s sun pin reclaimed. “I have not lost,” she said, glaring at Toby, who was on his feet once more, “my Krubera are still loyal to me, and this fight is not over.”

“They’re not loyal to you anymore. And you’re outnumbered.” Toby said, “Aaarrrgghh’s probably on the way here now, with other Krubera, they listened to the recording, and Aaarrrgghh told them how he was sold to the Gumm-Gumm’s by you. I don’t think they’re going to be on your side.”

Usurna stared at Toby, “Aarghaumont shouldn’t know about that.”

“So you do not deny it?” Vendel demanded.

Usurna snarled, “There doesn’t seem to be any point. You all know things you have no right to know. But at least you won’t survive to do anything about it.”

She raised the pin once again, and Toby, with surprising speed, slammed Daylight into the Krubera’s hand, attempting to knock the pin out of her grip.

But as Daylight took the form of a Warhammer in Toby’s hands, what happened instead was Usurna’s hand shattered with the force of the blow.

Sending the pin sinking into her arm.

Oh!” Usurna gasped, her grey face paling with shock and pain. She staggered, watching her limbs begin to freeze in horror. “No.” She whispered; purple eyes wide with fear.

But the damage was already done, and her death was inevitable.

Toby gaped, “I—I didn’t mean—”

Fury overtook Usurna, even as the stone skin of her face began to harden as it petrified, “You! You did this!” She roared, taking a step towards Toby.

Jim tensed, he didn’t care if he didn’t have a weapon, he wasn’t going to just watch and do nothing.

But Usurna had her feet swept out from under her by Vendel’s heartstone staff, the elder’s face containing nothing but disgust.

She crashed to the floor, knocking her face into the stone ground. She screamed with rage and when she clumsily rose up, Jim recoiled.

Thanks to the effect of the creeper’s sun, her stone had become brittle and half her face and her bottom jaw had broken off, leaving a gaping hole where her eye and nose should have been and revealing the skeletal and rapidly petrifying remains of her upper jaw and fangs, her tongue lolling down the front of her neck with nothing to contain it.

The poison had almost turned her whole body to stone, yet she kept coming.

Toby had frozen, Usurna’s terrible visage throwing him off.

Allowing Usurna to, with the last of her strength, send her staff cracking into Toby’s stomach. He was flung away, landing on the floor some distance away, winded, the armour vanishing from his body.

“TOBY!” Jim yelled.

Just at that moment, Aaarrrgghh came sailing into the cave, his runes glowing, followed by several Krubera, whose expressions ranged from anger, shock and horror at the state of their Queen.

But that didn’t stop them barrelling into Usurna to protect Toby.

Aaarrrgghh snorted, towering over the wailing Usurna, more living corpse than troll.

“No touch wingman.” And he lifted his massive fists, bringing them down on Usurna and smashing her into a million pieces.

At this stage it was more of a mercy than a killing.

Jim felt the adrenaline keeping him upright slowly leave his body as he sank to his knees. Usurna was dead. Vendel was still alive; he and Toby were still alive.

The inside threat in Trollmarket was neutralised and now they could focus their attention on defeating Gunmar.

Jim felt hands on his arms, as Toby knelt in front of him, he seemed alright, a bit bruised and battered, but still in one piece, which was more than he could say of Usurna.

“Jim, are you alright?” Toby asked.

“I could ask you the same question.” Jim joked, throwing his arms around his best friend in a tight hug, which was immediately recuperated.

“What we do now?” One of the Krubera who had accompanied Aaarrrgghh rumbled.

Jim looked over Toby’s shoulder to peer at the waiting Krubera. “You guys can go home, or you can help us prepare to fight Gunmar. It’s up to you, you’re free now. You can choose your own destiny.”

The Krubera exchanged glances, muttering amongst each other.

“The human is right.” Another Krubera said, “We are our own people. And we are indebted to Trollmarket and our Trollhunter. We will help in whatever way we can against Gunmar. We did not know our Queen’s treachery and are ashamed.” The Krubera lowered his head shamefully.

Aaarrrgghh hummed, resting one massive paw on the Krubera’s arm. “Was ashamed too. We free now. Together.”

There were nods of agreement from the other Krubera and Jim smiled. “I have the feeling you guys are going to be just fine.”

“Well, I for one am not.” Strickler muttered from his earpiece, almost making him jump, he’d forgotten Strickler and Krax had heard everything and had probably been freaking out. “I demand you stop trying to get yourself killed, Young Atlas.”

Jim chuckled and Toby peered at him, a worry crease forming between his brows. “Jim. You good?”

“Never been better, Tobes. What do you say to getting out of here?”

“Yes please! I think Aaarrrgghh and Vendel have it sorted from here on out.”

They got up from the floor, and Jim tried not to look at the gruesome remains of what had once been the Queen of the Krubera. He had no clue what they’d do with her remains, but hopefully they would dump them in the Deep.

Once he and Toby were out of Krax’s cave he felt like he could breathe a whole lot easier. Especially with the heartstone right there in front of him, glowing warmly.

He felt a little guilty that he was relieved he hadn’t been the one to land the final blow on Usurna. Either way though, Usurna’s final moments were sure to be added to his impressive rosta of nightmares.

“So, after Aaarrrgghh’s out of there, what do you say we round up Blinky and Claire and get some tacos from Stuart?” Toby asked him.

“That sounds delicious. I think we deserve some tacos.” Jim agreed.

Krax’s voice rose plaintively from his earpiece, “I would like some tacos too.”

Jim blinked, “Tobes, Krax wants some tacos too.”

“Sure. He did help you out quite a bit there, Jimbo. Ya know, before you screwed it up by messing up your lines.” Toby reminded him.

“You try it sometime. It’s not as easy as it seems.” Jim defended himself.

“All I’m saying is you’d make a horrible changeling. Like, terrible, horrible, and completely no good.”

Jim opened his mouth to disagree, but Strickler interrupted, “Jim. Please give Tobias the eyestone, preferably before you lose it because you were too busy eating tacos.”

“Oh! Yeah! Tobes, Strickler wanted to give you the eyestone, now that we’ve dealt with Usurna and are on the way to tackling Gunmar.”

“Whaaaaaat? That’s so cool! Thanks, Strickler! Do you have it on you?” Toby asked, quivering with excitement.

“Yup.” Jim grinned, and tossed Toby the eyestone.

Toby caught it easily, inspecting it closely, “Awesomesauce! Oh ew, it really is Gunmar’s eye. Do you think he can still see out of it? Like how Angor can when he takes his eye out?”

Jim shuddered, “I don’t think I’d want to know the answer to that.”

“Trippy.” Toby muttered, taking the amulet out of his pocket and flipping it to the back, hesitating a moment before dropping the eyestone into one of the waiting, empty slots. It closed, the whole amulet briefly glowing orange-red.

“What does it unlock again?” Toby asked.

“A helmet impervious to Gunmar’s mind control. But who knows? It could be different for you.” Jim shrugged.

“Only two more to go,” Toby said, for once sombre, “and then we take out Gunmar. Once and for all.”

Jim shivered. It wasn’t quite as simple as that. They still had so much to do, and the Arcane Order was still at large.

This was becoming real now, the easier threats were gone. And he had no idea what the future had in store for them.

That scared him more than anything.


Special thanks go to:
for their changeling OC Juliette(Jett) and KZ_Mythologist for their changeling OC Riley.

The reference to League of legends is a indirect shout out to the series Arcane, cause its brilliant and everyone who hasn't watched it already really should.

You can guess what the next chapter is going to be about.
Yup, collecting the remaining Triumbric stones. Please tell me if the plot is moving too fast, there's just so much to pack in here and I don't really want to do many filler chapters.
But the chapter after the upcoming one I'm particularly excited about... There's going to be some massive changes ahead for Jim. And Angor...

Chapter 15: A quest for two stones


With Usurna neutralised and Bular dead the team split into two groups, to recover the Killstone and Birthstone, as Toby has already gained the Eyestone.
While things go mostly well for Toby’s team in the Quagawumps, things go a little pear shaped for Jim and his team in an attempt to get the Birthstone.
And once home, Jim awakens in the middle of the night to some unexpected changes...


Well just a day short of becoming a month later I update. I really need to be quicker..
I think its shorter than normal, but the next one is probably going to get long...

First part is Douxie POV, because I really like writing him, second part is a surprise Nomura POV, and third section is back to Jim.

As always enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Shifts at Benoit’s café, where Douxie worked part time, were always stressful, hectic and mostly tedious.

So spying Barbara Lake alone at one of the outside tables he couldn’t help but sidle over to her, keeping an eye out for his boss in case he decided to make his life difficult for dilly-dallying. But he craved a break, even if it was a five minute chat. “Barbara,” he greeted, coming up behind her.

She startled, wide eyed for a moment before relaxing when she recognised him, “Oh! Douxie, I honestly forgot you worked here.” She smiled apologetically at him.

He grinned in response, “That’s quite alright, apologies for giving you a fright.”

Barbara laughed lightly, “There’s no need to apologise,” she gestured to the empty seat opposite her, “come and sit with me, I know you’re working, but the café is pretty much empty right now; you’ve been on your feet already a couple of hours and could use a break.”

Douxie chuckled nervously at how on point the good doctor was, “I wouldn’t want to impose, besides, isn’t Strickler going to come?”

Barbara shook her head, “Walt’s... Busy. I know it’s a Saturday but he has to keep up with managing the Janus Order.” She made a face to accentuate her displeasure at the arrangement.

Douxie had a feeling the changeling’s dedication to work was going to be cause for some fierce arguments in the future. He made a sympathetic sound, as he reluctantly slipped in the seat Barbara had pointed to, there was no point continuing to stand, she’d notice and insist. “You don’t mind that he’s practically at the JO every spare second he has?”

Barbara snorted, “Oh I do mind. Very much. But I understand that the... JO is in a precarious situation right now. I just wish Walt wouldn’t prioritise work over sleep. He may not need as much sleep as an average human, but he still needs it. He can be so stubborn sometimes.”

“I don’t doubt it. He’s been treating you alright other than that though, right?” There was a trace of an edge to his voice as he said it.

Barbara noticed. “Your concern is really appreciated, Douxie. But yes, he’s treating me fine, as ever the perfect gentleman.”

Douxie relaxed. He didn’t know the changeling particularly well, but he’d heard about his machinations and plots in the original timeline. He knew the changeling was more dangerous than he let on. He felt very protective about Barbara’s safety and happiness. She was Jim’s mum after all.

“Say, do you know what Jim and Toby are doing today?” Douxie asked.

Barbara frowned, “You don’t know?”

Douxie attempted a casual shrug, “I missed the briefing yesterday, Archie made me sleep in because I stayed up the previous night in the Archive, trying to decipher that tablet we found,” he admitted.

Barbara shook her head, “Douxie. Do I need to give you a lecture about disrupting your sleeping pattern?”

“Already got that from Archie,” he muttered, crossing his arms as he leant back in his chair.

Barbara laughed, “I’ll let you off then. Jim and Toby have split into two teams. One to get the Killstone, the other to retrieve the Birthstone.”

Douxie’s eyebrows shot up, “I heard Jim talking about that a few days back, but had no idea they were doing that now. Who went? And which team went where?”

“Toby’s team went to the Quagawumps, apparently Toby resembles their shattered King and they’re going to use that to their advantage, to defeat their pretend King, Blungo. He’s going with Draal, Aaarrrgghh, Nomura and Claire. And Jim’s team is going to Gatto for the Birthstone, but he’s with just Blinky and Angor Rot.” Barbara told him.

Douxie shivered lightly at Angor Rot’s name. He still wasn’t quite over the fact the ancient hunter of Trollhunters was on their side.

“You know way more than I do.” He commented.

“Not really,” Barbara grimaced, “Walt texted all the relevant details to me, I was working a late shift at the hospital at the time of the briefing. And knowing the plan isn’t really making me worry less. Anything can go wrong and I’m unable to help.”

Douxie drummed his fingers on the table, “Yeah, I feel the same way. I should have gone too—”

“You can’t split yourself everywhere, Douxie. I don’t like it, but I trust Toby and Jim know what they’re doing.”



The Trollhunter did not know what he was doing.

That was one thing Nomura knew for certain. Instead of asking, or better yet simply taking the Killstone, Toby had become enamoured by the idea of being a King and the Trollhunter and was now fooling around with the Wumpas.

Nomura was going to have a serious word with Stricklander about the necessity of her tagging along with Toby’s team.

She didn’t even like the Trollhunter.

“Urgh. This is a waste of time, why am I even here?” She hissed, ears flat to her skull as she watched Toby, Aaarrrgghh and Draal take part in the Trollhunter’s ridiculous dance.

Claire laughed at her sour look. “Don’t worry, Blungo’s going to turn up soon. Then the real fun will begin.”

“What happened to him in the last timeline?” Nomura inquired, feeling a flare of curiosity.

Claire grimaced, “Angor Rot killed him in his attempt to kill us. This was the place I claimed the shadow staff and also the place Aaarrrgghh was nicked with Angor’s Creeper’s sun knife,” she shuddered, eyes darkening with the memory.

Nomura glanced at Aaarrrgghh. The Krubera troll seemed to bear no ill will towards Angor Rot as far as she could tell, nor to the place where he was struck with the nearly always fatal poison.

“Does the Trollhunter know of this?” She asked.

Claire sighed, “No,” she admitted, “Aaarrrgghh didn’t want him to fret over stuff that never actually happened. I guess there’s perks to not remembering the original timeline.”

Nomura snorted, “I have to agree there. I have no desire to remember anything to do with being trapped in the Darklands for months. Little Gynt provided me with enough imagery of what occurred in the original timeline.” Her gaze settled on Draal as she spoke.

The spiky troll was laughing as he stomped in time to the beat being drummed out by a single Wumpa.

She felt a smile edge her mouth. He was an idiot, but he was her idiot.

“Go dance with him.” Claire urged.

Nomura folded her arms with a scoff, “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“C’mon, there’s a reason Draal hangs around the JO.” Claire raised her eyebrows suggestively and Nomura growled in annoyance.

“Does everyone know we’re courting one another?” Nomura demanded.

Claire had the decency to look abashed, “Pretty much. It’s no secret, the whole reason Strickler suggested you come with us—”

“Oh, that avocado bastard. He set this up so I’d dance with Draal, didn’t he?” Nomura snarled.

“Yeah, he totally did.” Claire agreed.

“He doesn’t understand the meaning of privacy. He may flaunt his relationship around for all to see, but I do not.”

“Still.” Claire persisted, “Dance with him, you’ll regret it if you don’t.”

Nomura sighed heavily, blowing a few strands of her pitch-black hair out of her face, “Fine. You win.”

She stalked to the crude dance floor, spying Claire going over to Toby and Aaarrrgghh to dance herself, while herding them away from Draal. She bit back another growl.

The stout Quagawumps in her way scattering at her approach. They were hostile to strangers, but she was even more hostile.

Draal brightened as she slunk into his line of sight. “Nomura, care to dance?” He offered, holding out a hand towards her.

She took it, slipping it delicately into his much lager one, her other hand resting gently on his waist.

They danced, swaying gently to the music of their heartbeats, both of them only focused on each other.

She flatly refused to dance to Toby’s stupid song.

“This is nice.” Draal commented, as they flowed around each other, the spiky troll gesturing to the fireflies congregating around the massive trees that surrounded them.

Nomura smiled, “I suppose it is,” she admitted, “I think I prefer this over fighting or sparring.”

“A fight is only another kind of dance.” Draal countered, “And you are a sight to behold at both.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere, son of Kanjigar.” Nomura responded, even as a blush darkened her magenta stone cheeks.

“It seems to be working all the same.” Draal commented triumphantly.

She felt a wide grin stretch her mouth, she couldn’t have stopped it if she had tried.

And then Blungo ruined it and interrupted the party.

The pretend King was overweight, a murky green and had on his head a crude crown, set with a instantly recognisable stone. The Killstone.

“What this? No party!” Blungo boomed, “Who sit in Blungo’s place?” He grumbled angrily.

Toby stood up from the throne, chest out proudly, the Daylight armour glimmering on his stout form. “It is I, Toby Domzalski, the Trollhunter and reincarnation of the Shattered King!” He pointed a gauntleted finger at the Blungo, who blinked at him stupidly.

“Not King! Fake!” Blungo cried, his face filling with childlike fury as he stomped over to Toby and easily picked him up by the scruff of his neck.

Toby summoned Daylight, bashing the heavy hammer into Blungo’s face, dislodging his crown and sending it flying to the floor.

Blungo cried out in pain and Nomura abandoned Draal’s side, diving for the crown, quickly picking out the Killstone with her claws.

Blungo was faster than she anticipated, as suddenly she was being hefted into the air by her throat. She gasped, wheezing for breath. With her Khopash blades in their sheathes on her back she was helpless.

With a roar, Draal slammed into Blungo, his rack of horns piercing the smaller troll’s side. He yelped, reflectively opening his hand and letting her go.

Nomura whipped our her blades while in the air, doing a flip and landing elegantly on her hooves. She tucked the Killstone in her belt, moving forward to block Blungo’s desperate lunge for her.

Draal shoved him to the ground, as Aaarrrgghh, Toby and Claire formed a circle around the pretend King, to prevent him from escape.

The Wumpas cheered as Toby held aloft his blue haloed, Daylight Warhammer, pointing it steadily at Blungo. The fat troll knew he was trapped, he got up, stamping his feet, indecisive of his next move.

He turned in the direction of Claire, perhaps thinking she was the easiest to overpower and was hit in the face with a burst of icy purple wind.

Toby glared at him, “Give up. If you leave now and never return, we’ll let you go.”

Blungo, as expected from a halfwit troll, roared, “NO!” And charged forward, intent on Toby.

Surprised, the Trollhunter fell clumsily on his backside.

Nomura leapt forward instantly, as if launched from a cannon, her twin Khopash blades swinging at Blungo’s thick waist. Her molten hot weapons easily sliced through Blungo, like a knife through butter.

He screamed, turning to stone and falling into two neat pieces by her feet.

Nomura sniffed, “I always had a thing against violent oppressors,” she quipped.

The Wumpas once again began to cheer, chanting, “King Toby, King Toby, King Toby!”

“No, no, no! I’m not your King! We’re actually came for the Killstone,” Toby hurriedly said, pointing to Nomura, who flashed the green stone at the mass of stocky trolls.

“Not King?” One of the Wumpas said sadly.

“No King.” Toby agreed, “I think it’s time you guys had a Queen.”

The Wumpa smiled broadly at Toby in response.

Claire, Aaarrrgghh and Draal turned to her, “You okay?” The Krubera rumbled.

“I’m fine.” She snapped, “Blungo was ridiculously easy to kill. He didn’t even land a proper blow on me.”

Toby stepped towards her, for once dead serious, “You saved my life.”

“Little Gynt would have my head if I let Blungo harm you,” she dismissed.

Draal snorted a laugh, “You forget I saved you first. Blungo was an easy foe to underestimate. He did have you in a choke hold.”

Nomura groaned, “Piss off.” But she was smiling when she said it.

Her ears flicked up as she remembered she had the Killstone, “Oh, Trollhunter, I have a gift for you,” she tossed the Killstone to Toby, who caught it, quivering with excitement.

“I can’t want wait to cleave this bad boy!” He enthused, practically vibrating with glee.

Claire chuckled, “Well, it looks like we’re successful. I hope Jim and the others have just as good luck as us.”

Nomura didn’t say anything to that. From what she had seen so far from the time-travelling Trollhunter, she had the feeling things would not go as smoothly for him and his team.



Jim was feeling pretty confident facing Gatto again, with Blinky on his left and Angor Rot on his right.

He and Blinky knew and expected the riddle the volcanic Jötun would give them, and once inside Gatto’s keep they’d easily pick up the Birthstone and Angor would portal them away.

Easy, in and out mission.

That is, he was feeling confident until Gatto gave them his riddle: “What flies without wings?”

It was simpler than the last riddle they’d received, but just as mind boggling. Angor looked at him and Blinky expectantly.

Father and son exchanged dismayed looks.

“That was not the same riddle as last time!” Blinky hissed.

“I know!” Jim whispered back, panicking a little, “Um, what flies without wings? A baseball?”

Gatto chuckled nastily, “You have fifteen seconds.”

“What’s even the point of answering correctly?” Jim complained, “He’s going to eat us anyway!”

“We mustn’t lose our integrity, for one, and we must prove to this brute we can best him! Perhaps the answer is air!” Blinky exclaimed.

“Ten seconds.” Gatto intoned.

Angor Rot was frowning, thinking deeply.

Jim racked his brain, “If only Claire was here, she’d know this!”

Blinky shook his head, “I’m afraid we’re running out of—”

Angor’s eyes widened, “I have the answer. It is time. Time flies without wings.”


Then: “Impossible! No one answers one of my riddles and lives!” Gatto roared.

Jim stared at Angor Rot. “How did you figure that out so quickly?”

Angor shrugged, “It was not such a hard riddle, Trollhunter.”

Blinky punched the air with his top two fists, “Ha! Well, we did answer your riddle! And we live still!”

“Not for long,” Gatto smirked, “Give them to me! I hunger for tender, living flesh,” he ordered his volcanic trolls, licking his gargantuan lips in anticipation.

The volcanic trolls which were surrounding them hemmed them in, shoving them all roughly towards Gatto’s now opening mouth. Jim fought against his natural instinct to fight and not end up in Gatto’s stomach.

Blinky’s instincts got the best of him.

He flailed his arms around, “Get back! We came to bargain, not to get devoured!”

Around three or four volcanic trolls wrestled him down and Gatto’s tongue lashed out, ensnaring Jim and Angor Rot. “Blinky! Meet us at the Gyre!” Jim yelled.

Before Blinky could acknowledge him the world went black as he was swallowed. And then he and Angor were in free fall.

His scream caught in his throat as they plummeted down and down and down.

After what felt like forever, they landed flatly on hard, unforgiving stone.

The burble of lava popped hotly next to Jim’s face and he scrambled backwards, dismayed. This was not part of the plan.

“How are we going to even find the Killstone?” He moaned, hands fisting in his hair.

Angor snorted, “By searching, Hunter.” The troll assassin said dryly.

Jim reluctantly began to sift half-heartedly through the closest mound of coins beside him, trying not to get distracted by the various shiny trinkets.

But when he uncovered a diamond shaped artefact embedded with a green gem he exclaimed happily, “OK, this we will definitely need.” He tucked the Kirosect away safely and Angor Rot quietly called his name to gain his attention.

Jim looked up, “Yeah?”

“I believe I found it.”

Jim was instantly by the tall troll's side, followed his long index finger to a small, casket-like chest wedged under a rickety cupboard full of odd bits and ends and several weirdly coloured potions.

“I think Blink said it was in a chest last time.” Jim said doubtfully. He honestly couldn’t remember.

Angor shrugged and grabbed it roughly, easily tugging it free.

The cupboard tethered and then fell forward slowly with a protesting creak of half rotted wood. It crashed straight into the lava of Gatto’s stomach acids, sending up an absolutely enormous cloud of dense, mint green smoke. It seeped into Jim’s pores, clogging his nose and making his eyes tear. Angor growled, his free hand covering his nose as the smog took on the distinct odour of decaying meat.

They both coughed, moving away while waving their hands in the air, in a futile attempt to try and dispel the lingering cloud of nastiness.

Jim wheezed, his lungs feeling tight, “What was that?”

“I have no idea. But we should not linger here, Trollhunter,” Angor said, so saying he ripped off the lid of the chest in his hands, revealing the Birthstone.

Jim sighed in relief as Angor tucked the stone into one of the satchels around his waist. “Good idea,” Jim finally managed, his throat still feeling sore.

Angor Rot grunted, rolling his eyes, “When do I not have a good idea?” He elegantly flicked open the shadow staff, and they teleported out of Gatto, straight to the Gyre station, where Blinky was waiting for them, cowering anxiously within the Gyre itself, hiding.

He popped into view when they reached him, “Ah! Master Jim, Angor Rot! You made it. I trust you were successful?” Blinky greeted.

Jim grinned, “Yup. One Birthstone acquired, and Toby should have the Killstone by now. He just needs to cleave the stones and we’ll have Eclipse.”

“And the means to defeat Gunmar for the final time.” Blinky finished for him.

Jim’s relief was a heavy weight inside of him, things were going to plan for once.

He yawned, and Blinky gazed at him knowingly, “It seems the day’s adventures have done you in.”

“Yeah.” Jim yawned again, “I wasn’t this tired a minute ago though,” he complained.

Angor Rot yawned a second later, his eyes droopy, “I agree. But a nap sounds good.”

Blinky blinked his eyes out of sync at the ancient assassin, “You two had better rest up then.”

Jim nodded, he felt really heavy all of a sudden.



The moment he and Angor Rot arrived home, they parted ways, Angor down to the basement to sleep and Jim going to his bedroom.

But not before he said goodnight to his mom, who was surprised at his lethargy. She even went as far as giving him a check up. He was fine though, a little tired but nothing a good night’s sleep wouldn’t fix.

He clambered into bed, snuggling beneath the covers and dreamless sleep quickly and quietly dragged him under.

He had no idea how long he was out for, but it wasn’t long enough.

He awoke, gasping for air, his heart thundering madly in his chest. His clothes felt unbearably tight and all his senses, having already been heightened, now felt even more so. Crisp, clear and overwhelming.

Jim put it to his sudden and disorientating awakening.

He stumbled out of bed, tripping over himself.

Wow he felt like crap.

His whole body felt loose, unwound, like his limbs had been stretched out of proportion. His head felt heavy, weighted even.

A headache then. Not surprising with the months he’d been having.

He took a wobbly step near the window, enough to know it was the middle of the freaking night, then paused.

Why was he even out of bed? It was late, he should really go back to sleep... But he felt wide awake.

Feverish maybe?

He touched his forehead, it was cool to the touch.

He shook his head, slightly puzzled, wincing at the heaviness of it.

He walked slowly to the bathroom, feeling the usual prickle of displeasure any time he entered. Despite everything, he had bad associations with this room, even if technically nothing had ever happened here.

He could still hear his family pounding on the door, begging him not to do this, to not do it alone...

He turned the tap on to drown out the memories, not even paying attention to what he was doing, too caught up in his thoughts, as he splashed water on his face.

It was only when he closed the tap he realised this was more than disorientation and a headache.

Because the tap came away in his hand.

He blinked at it, his gaze slowly going to his hand.

He froze.

He wasn’t dreaming. He knew he wasn’t dreaming.

He fumbled for the light switch, he didn’t technically need it, but still.

His mom wouldn’t wake up at the noise he was making, she was in too deep a sleep.

He nervously ran his tongue over his teeth, sharp, pointy.

He breathed in deeply and turned to face the mirror, the harsh light of the bulb casting his face in stark relief.

It was a familiar face, one he hadn’t seen in a very long time, yet not.

The face that stared back at him was different, slightly but noticeably.

He stared.

He couldn’t not.

Jim wasn’t sure if he was elated or what.

All he could think was:



I really hope my show not tell writing worked for this... And that the dots have been connected. This is a major turning point but I will say these... Changes are not permanent, if any of you are anxious this is going down the route of some of the other RoTT continuations that feature these specific changes. But it's not going to ever vanish completely...
For those who have read A change in a moment, you may have suspected what would happen already, since I did the exact same thing lol.
Referring to Gatto as a Jötun comes from norse mythology, meaning giant. A personal hc that Gatto belongs to a race older than trolls, hence his appearance and size.
Anyway, see you next time!

Chapter 16: Jim’s night out


Upon discovering that potions in Gatto’s keep have turned Jim once more into a half-troll, (sort of), and Angor Rot into a human, Jim proceeds to spend the night adjusting, taking the matter to a certain changeling, as feelings of the heart are finally voiced, as per Blinky’s chat with him in the Archives.
And Claire too receives a visit in the dead of night.


Sorry for the delay! I was hoping to get this out in under a month, but that didn't happen because I was sorting a lot of stuff out for University. First year, so it's exciting! (And a little terrifying too, ngl).

This also means updates will be more sporadic for a little while, until I settle in.

The first section is from Jim's POV, second part is Strickler's and final part is Claire’s.

But I hope you enjoy some Jim shenanigans and a much needed conversation between Jim and Strickler. Getting some heavy stuff out in the air.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Jim stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, shock and disbelief warring inside him.

Logically, he knew the potions in Gatto’s keep had done this to him, and that it wasn’t permanent, (hopefully). Illogically, he couldn’t help but fret that he would never be able to go to school or Trollmarket.

He looked just off enough that any troll looking at him would think he was a changeling. Granted, he still looked more or less like his half-troll form from the original timeline. He had the same wide, flattened nose, pointed ears, wild scruff and thick eyebrows.

But now his grey-blue stone blended into a pastel mint green at the end of his nose, ears and the sides of his face. The green edge was also present down his arms and chest in a faint speckling of green. Even a few strands of his hair were green, although this was mostly in his bangs.

He cautiously brushed his hands through his hair then paused, “Huh.” He had five fingers on both hands this time, tipped in actual freaking claws. (Like a changeling).

He grimaced at his reflection, poking half-heartedly at the extra tusk on the right side of his mouth. He tilted his head to get a better look at his horns, the weight oddly comforting, and found them to be slightly longer and more ivory than grey.

But the most noticeable change from his old half-troll form were his eyes.

His sclera were tinged slightly yellow, which was fine, Blinky’s eyes were like that too.

But his pupils were slit like a cat. (Again, like a changeling’s).

It honestly freaked him out a little. He widened his eyes, watching his pupils constrict even further until they were slashes of black in his blue eyes. He relaxed and the pupils widened again, while still remaining vertical instead of round.

“Man,” he groaned, this was not meant to happen! His ears flicked in annoyance; he could kiss goodbye to the sun for the foreseeable future.

But this wasn’t forever. He could work with this, there were good things about being a troll after all.

Heck, his dad was a troll and his step-dad-to-be was a changeling.

He bit his lip, wincing at the metallic taste of blood that seeped into his mouth from biting down too hard. Blinky would probably have to be told about his change tomorrow, because he felt sure if he himself thought he looked like a changeling, Trollmarket would definitely think so.

He did not want a repeat of his unbecoming adventure and the threat of being imprisoned. He couldn’t deal with that right now. He knew where else he could go though—


Jim blinked, momentarily stunned. He really hoped his mom hadn’t heard Angor—

“Shit! Angor!” Jim exclaimed, hands latching on to his horns.

If he’d been turned into a troll by the potions, that meant...

Angor Rot was human.

He ran for the stairs.



Strickler dreamt of ice.

It wasn’t natural ice, it was permafrost, cold and unforgiving. It blocked out everything else, towering above him and Jim, swirling eddies of snow howling around him, dominating the landscape.

He had never been so cold in his entire life. He couldn’t feel his wings, couldn’t feel anything but dread.

His hands shook as he re-settled the bombs draped on his shoulder; he knew this was it for him. He only wished—

“I should have played it safe like you said!” Jim shouted above the howling of the wind.

He paused, for Jim’s sake managing a tremulous smile, “I was wrong. To ask you not to be a hero is like asking the sun not to rise. Take care of Barbara for me, Young Atlas,” his voice broke as he said it, shaking the ice from his wings and launching himself into the air painfully, clenching his jaw tightly as Jim screamed for him.

He had so many regrets, but this wouldn’t be one of them.

He would do anything to keep Jim safe.

The wall of ice before him drew closer and he closed his eyes briefly, before opening them to behold the behemoth that was the ice titan, the beeping of the bombs incessant next to his ear.

“What a fleeting moment this life is,” he whispered to himself, before the beeping reached a fervour pitch and—


—Strickler woke up, skin, human skin, drenched in sweat, bed sheets tangled in his legs.

He gasped, sitting up too quickly and being hit by a bout of dizziness, goosebumps rising up on his bare arms.

He shivered, curling in on himself, wondering absently if he should change out of his navy blue tank top and threadbare grey night bottoms for something a tad warmer.

He hadn’t told anyone about his recurring nightmares of his death in the old timeline.

There was enough on their plates without adding his night terrors to the list.

Besides, it was all still raw in his mind, he wasn’t ready to share it yet, not even with Barbara. He dreaded sleep now and tried to throw himself vigorously into his work so he was too tired to dream.

He rubbed his head, wincing, he wouldn’t be returning to sleep again tonight.

He sighed, and then there was the distinctive sound of knocking.

He was instantly alert, banishing his nightmare to the deepest recesses of his mind. He got up, padding to his bedside table and sliding the thin bladed, silver knife that he kept there into his hands. Carefully, he crept down his apartments hallway and towards his window, the source of the knocking, knife pointing the way. He drew the curtains back in one motion, revealing—

Jim?!” He stared, uncomprehending. Jim was a troll.

It was dark, but he was able to note several differences in Jim’s appearance, such as an extra tusk, longer, paler horns and green highlights to his stone.

Jim flashed his tusks at him in a grin, tapping the window pointedly with a claw.

Strickler slid the window open, Jim just about squeezing inside. His pupils constricted to slits in the overhead light of Strickler’s apartment, just like a changeling’s would, as the boys gaze landed on the knife in his hand.

“Were you going to stab me with that?” He asked with wry amusement.

“No,” he answered defensively, “well, perhaps. You can never be too certain.”

“Fair, I guess.” Jim shrugged awkwardly. He was wearing a light grey top with a blue collar and black sports shorts, exposing the fur growing on the back of his arms and legs.

“I’m sorry for barging in on you like this again, it’s just—I didn’t know where else to go. I didn’t go to Trollmarket—”

“Because you look like a changeling. Yes, I see your dilemma, Young Atlas. How did this happen?”

“Potions in Gatto’s keep.” Jim mumbled, not meeting his eyes, “It’s temporary, since the same thing happened to Blinky.”

He had heard about that, but unfortunately did not get a chance to antagonise Blinkous about it before it wore off, much to his regret.

“Does your mother know you are here?” He had to ask, even if he already knew the answer.

“No... She’s sleeping like the dead.” Jim winced at his poor choice of words, but Strickler pretended it hadn’t bothered him, even if it brought the memory of ice across his skin to the forefront of his thoughts for a moment.

“Then why...?” He trailed off, shaking his head in confusion.

“I thought we could go out?” Jim started tentatively, “I mean, the night’s still young, and, well, I didn’t really spend any time with you as a troll in the old timeline, because of travelling to New Jersey and because by the time I came home I was human again, plus, we weren’t so close yet.”

Jim was rambling, which was amusing.

What was not so amusing was Jim’s offer.

“You want to go for a romp, outside, in the middle of the night?” Strickler asked incredulously.

Jim’s ears rose hopefully, “Erm, yeah.”

“Jim. No.” He stated emphatically.

Jim’s eyes narrowed, “C’mon! You’re a troll. Maybe you need this, don’t you ever want to just—let loose?”

He scoffed, gesturing to himself, “You forget I am not quite a troll, Young Atlas. And I’m far too—”

“Angor Rot’s human.” Jim interrupted.

Strickler’s thoughts ground to a halt. “What. Are you pulling my leg?” He demanded.

“Nope.” Jim grinned, “We can pay him a visit if you want...”

Strickler glared at Jim, he knew when he was being bribed. And the worst thing was, he could not possibly pass this over.

He sighed, “Fine. I do want to see a human Angor Rot,” he admitted.

Jim cheered as he reluctantly slipped into his trollish form, ears flat to his skull as he crossed his arms at Jim’s victorious expression, wings tightly folded. “I don’t know why I agreed to this.” He growled despairingly.



Jim cajoled him into a race to the Lake house, one that he managed to win.

He wasn’t used to running in troll form, mostly because it meant traversing on all fours, which he usually turned his nose up at, but Jim was of course even more out of practice. Hence his easy win.

Once in Jim’s backyard, he was told to wait outside while Jim fetched Angor Rot, reasoning that way Barbara wouldn’t be interrupted and could continue sleeping.

He waited, slightly impatiently, until finally Jim returned.

The man that followed him out at first had him tensing. He was tall for a human, with sharp cheekbones and a long and narrow face, skin a warm, burnished, dark hazelnut, with thin eyebrows and dark, densely curled brown hair. He had a slightly crooked nose, his lips and one of his ears pierced with two golden rings, which added to his ruggedly handsome appearance.

If he hadn’t been with Barbara, it might have stirred a deeper, more... Primal reaction. But Barbara was the only one for him, and vice versa.

He noticed that the man looked intensely uncomfortable, the grey vest and tracksuit bottoms he wore hanging off his frame awkwardly. It was the eyes that made him laugh incredulously in recognition. The man’s eyes had black sclera, with gold-tawny pupils, highly distinctive.

“Angor Rot, you look different. Did you get a new piercing?” He asked, smirking.

Angor Rot’s lips compressed in displeasure, “Changeling, if you value your life, you would remain silent.” His voice remained the same as ever, and black and purple magic briefly lit up his hands, indicating Angor Rot was far from helpless in his new state.

“Since when do I value my life?” He quipped, stepping jauntily forward, his wings rising confidently as he poked Angor Rot in his now fleshy side with a claw, the assassin flinching before attempting to swat his hand away. He tried and failed to grab his wrist; his reflexes painfully slow.

He laughed, “Oh dear, too slow.”

Angor snorted through his nose, looking close to strangling him, “I have enough to be irritated about without you making it worse, changeling. If you were in my situation, you would be miserable.”

Strickler shrugged, “I’m perfectly comfortable as a human, actually. So no, I would not be miserable in your condition. Frankly, this is an improvement. At least now you don’t look like a rotten corpse.”

“Dude!” Jim scolded, staring at him disapprovingly.

He raised his hands, “Sorry, but I just couldn’t help myself. You see—”

Strickler. Seriously, stop. I think we should go now; leave Angor Rot alone.”

“Thank you, Trollhunter.” Angor acknowledged, smug as Strickler scowled at being told off. “Where exactly are you going?”

Strickler rolled his eyes, “Jim wants to go for a run through the woods to get rid of his surge in energy, now that he’s a troll. He wished for company and so came to me.”

Angor picked up on his reluctance, despite his senses being dulled in his new human form. “You do not like indulging in your true nature.” The accusation stung more because it was true than anything else.

He growled, ears flattening, “I’m a little out of practice.”

Jim tugged on his arm in frustration, “Let’s go! Angor, if mom wakes up, tell her what’s happened and where me and Strickler are.”

“Oh,” Strickler added, “I would be careful about startling Barbara, if I were you. She goes on the attack if a stranger seemingly appears in her house. When Blinkous was human I heard Barbara head-butted him.” He advised.

Angor’s expression of terror was priceless.



As much as he hated to admit it, racing through the forests chasing Jim and play fighting with him on the way felt oh so very liberating.

He growled playfully as he tackled Jim to the ground from behind, after he had given Jim a five-minute head start, for once uncaring about hurting him now that Jim wore the skin of a troll.

Jim yelped, “Hey! That’s not fair, how do you keep finding me so quickly?”

“You stink, for one.” Strickler drawled, coming off him and offering him a hand up, which Jim gladly took. “And two, you make enough racket to cause an avalanche.” He finished.

Jim waved him off, “Yeah, yeah, very funny, dad.”

The easy smile on his face slipped off as blank shock froze him in place.

Jim frowned at him, confused, “Strickler, what—” his face dropped, ears with it, as he realised what he had said to him.

The comfortable mood they had been developing between them had become suddenly cold.

He paced away from Jim, leaning his forehead on the trunk of a nearby tree to try and get his thoughts in order.

“I—” Jim began helplessly.

“Did you mean it?” He said levelly, not turning to face him. 

Jim was silent.

“Jim,” he growled, whirling around to face him, wings half furled, “Did you mean what you said?”

Jim swallowed thickly, taken aback by the ferocity of his response no doubt. But he had to be sure he hadn’t misheard, or Jim had said it purely by accident.

“Yeah, I did, otherwise it wouldn’t have slipped out in the first place.” Jim said slowly.

He felt a sob catch in his throat, but he pushed it down, his hands curling into fists. “You shouldn’t. Mean it, I mean.” He clarified, as he sunk to the grassy ground hopelessly, digging his claws into the earth in a weak attempt to calm himself.

It was just a word.

A word he did not deserve to be called.

“You have Blinkous. You don’t need me.” He added.

Jim’s thick eyebrows furrowed, “That’s not true.”

“I don’t deserve to be called that!” He snarled, “I tried to kill you! I betrayed you! Why would you think to say such a thing to me?”

Jim scoffed, suddenly angry, “You don’t seem to understand. I’ve always felt this way about you. Before the Trollhunter mess it was you. It was always you, Strickler. But I guess it never crossed your mind I felt that way. At that disaster dinner, when you said I looked to Blinky as a surrogate father, at that time you were actually wrong. You were the closest thing I had to a dad. Do you have any idea how much it hurt to find out what you were? To find out it was all a lie?” He demanded, the hurt and raw pain in his voice surprising him.

Then again, why should it surprise him? They had never quite gotten round to actually talking about that faithful dinner night they officially became enemies. Sure, he and Jim had made fun of their admittedly comical fight, but both of them had come away from that day hurt. Not so much physically as emotionally.

Oh he had hated Bular for forcing him to confront Jim, hated Jim for reacting negatively toward him the minute he had found out he was a changeling. Never had he considered how Jim had felt. It said a lot about him, really.

“It wasn’t all a lie.” He replied quietly, raising his head to meet Jim’s eyes, regret and shame weighing heavily on him.

Jim’s ears twitched, and he sat down opposite him, waiting for him to continue.

“I did genuinely care about you, before you were the Trollhunter and even when we were enemies, as hard to believe as it is. Gunmar and Bular said it was a test of loyalty, revealing to you what I was. I suspect they knew I was becoming weak, that my belief in the cause was wavering, overcome by feelings of affinity towards the humans I had lived among for so long.”

He chuckled mirthlessly. Perhaps Gunmar had been right, he had lived so long as a human, he thought he was one. Trying to make his appearance more human in the old timeline, through wearing human clothes and dyeing his hair was proof of that.

This night had at the very least reminded him of what he was. Both to himself and to Jim.

“Compassion and empathy are not weaknesses,” Jim said sternly, “you’re allowed to feel.”

“Not for a changeling. We underwent major conditioning, from childhood, to abide by the code of changelings. To use everything and everyone as tools to get what we want. We had it drilled into our minds no one would love us if they found out what we were. That we’d be reviled and seen as monsters.”

Strickler closed his eyes against the painful tide of memories, of how older changelings, trolls, humans even, had told him he was impure, useless, a monster.

He felt a hand on his arm, warm and comforting.

Hazarding a glance up, he saw that Jim wore an expression of absolute dejection. “And that’s exactly how I reacted to you. Wow. I found out you were a changeling and I stopped seeing you, as well, you. I didn’t even try to understand. I am so sorry.”

“No, there’s no need to apologise, Young Atlas. You did not know any better, you were a child, thrust into a world you didn’t understand,” he hesitantly rested a hand on Jim’s shoulder, “you were told by trolls that changelings were lying, backstabbing fiends that followed Gunmar’s vision of death. And you had only recently discovered that the man you looked up to was not even a man, and working for the opposite side. I should not have taken your reaction personally.”

“How else could you have taken it? Gah! You weren’t lying when you said you’d been trying to protect me, were you?” Jim questioned.

Strickler shrugged, wings rippling with the movement, “That may be true, but I did a shoddy job of it. It was a half-hearted effort, I could have done more, if only I wasn’t riddled with doubts and insecurities. It didn’t stop me from instructing Angor Rot to kill you.”

“Because you couldn’t do it yourself.” Jim realised, “If you really wanted me dead and didn’t want me to suffer, you could have snuck into my bedroom at night and killed me in my sleep.” He added matter-of-factly.

That was a sobering thought. Since he had tried almost exactly that and failed. It would have been easy, he was a trained assassin, Jim was a teenage boy, it was unfair really, how unevenly matched they were at that time.

“I could have,” he admitted, “but I wasn’t able to go through with it.”

Jim sighed, absently running one hand up and down his left horn, “So all the times we fought, you were holding back?”

“Yes,” he admitted again, “I could have easily killed you that awful dinner night, but I only thought I needed the amulet and not you. Then, at the battle of Killahead you were required alive to activate the bridge, so I did not attempt to kill you outright. I’m not excusing my actions; the fact remains that I hurt you. And I hurt Barbara, too. And I couldn’t be sorrier for the hurt I caused you both.”

Jim frowned, “I know. But your betrayal hit harder than anything you did to me. Using my mom and putting the binding spell on her hurt more. I forgave you a while ago, you know. So did mom.”

“But I have yet to forgive myself.” Strickler told Jim gently.

“You will. Start believing that you matter, that your life is not something to be thrown away, that you have people who love you and you’ll be able to forgive yourself.” Jim responded; eyes soft with empathy, but there was a hardness there too; he knew a warning when he heard one. Oh, he did not deserve Jim at all.

They lapsed into silence, both of them mulling over what had been said, only the chirping of birds and scurrying of small animals disrupting the silence.

Finally, Jim sighed, “Look, if you don’t want to be called... That word, I won’t say it to you ever again.”

Strickler was back to doubting again. “I—I do. As in, I do not mind you calling me that. But what about Blinkous? He’s been there for you, when I wasn’t. He comforted you, while I antagonised you. He lifted you up, when I put you down. And he’s open about his affection, in ways I’m clearly not.”

Jim snorted, “Dude, Blinky’s not perfect. He gets things wrong too, he just doesn’t have as much trauma and you know, he wasn’t stolen from his family, turned into a changeling, made to think he’s inferior to trolls, forced onto the wrong side and turned into a weapon. Blinky’s actually the one who suggested I should tell you how I felt. I mean, I have to have double the father-figures to make up for the one deadbeat, sperm donor.”

Strickler snorted at that, “Oh, that’s a good one.”

Jim grinned, “It’s a gift I acquired from the master of sass.”

“I’m honoured.” He said dryly, bowing his horned head in Jim’s direction.

“Heh. I wasn’t talking about you; I was talking about NotEnrique.” Jim retorted.

He was relived for the moment of light-heartedness; their conversation had become unbearably serious. He did not believe he had shared so much of his life and thought process with Jim before.

“I would understand if you don’t want to be that kind of person for me. Or if you’re thinking mom would want you to make more of an effort.” Jim said, suddenly serious once more.

It was an olive branch to the easy way out. He could agree, reiterate some of the spiel he had said to Jim, when he was high on gravesand in the old timeline.

But he knew that wouldn’t work. Jim might let it go, but that was not what he wanted him to say.

Memories of their conversation in India came to mind, when Jim had told him he thought he hadn’t cared. That he was only doing it for Barbara. He wasn’t. And he had to show Jim that.

He shook his head and shifted to human form in a static wave of green light.

Jim’s expression slackened in surprise and Walter smiled faintly. He had the flare for the dramatic at times, but he wanted to emphasize the fact he was serious about this. And what better way then in the form Jim had first seen as a father figure?

He knew he would not get another chance to fully consolidate his paternal love for Jim. Yes, love. Because that was what it was. He supposed it was about time he admitted it to himself.

“Jim. I love you as only a father should love their son.” He told him softly.

Jim’s eyes watered and he hugged him tightly, but not so tightly that he stopped breathing thankfully. He returned the hug just as tightly, stroking his hands through Jim’s scruff.

“I love you too...” He whispered, so quietly he was sure he hadn’t spoken at all.

Walter gently held Jim, both of them mentally exhausted from their conversation.

They remained like that until he became distinctly uncomfortable, enough so that Jim noticed.

“Strickler? Are you okay?” Jim asked anxiously. “Am I squeezing you too tightly?”

“No, no, it’s fine. I simply think it was a mistake to change forms.” He grimaced.

“Why?” Jim questioned.

“The grass is quite damp; it’s absolutely bloody freezing and it’s soaked through my trousers. And more.” He sighed.

Jim muffled his laughter by burrowing his face in his top.

“It isn’t funny!” He complained.

“Sure it is,” Jim sniggered, “I think that’s our cue to go then. I have another place in mind before we call it a night...”



Claire wasn’t expecting any visitors.

Not when it was the middle of the night and way too dark. She’d been up for a little while, but still. (Nightmares totally sucked).

So she almost screamed when she saw two glowing blue eyes peering in at her from her bedroom window.

Luckily, her parents had gone for the night and weren’t due back yet. On important politician work, well, her mom was at least.

She got out of bed cautiously, hoping the glowing eyes belonged to a cat. Her magic surged to her hands, she wasn’t very adept at it yet, but thanks to Angor Rot’s teaching she could make decent portals with and without the shadow staff and cast her magic out in a wave that could knock someone to the ground. Douxie had also been helping her learn basic healing spells, which was a plus.

She sucked in a breath as the window slowly lifted up, creaking, as long black claws, definitely not belonging to a cat, latched onto the open window frame, something large pulled itself up and Claire saw—

“Jim!? Wha—you’re a troll!” She exclaimed, staring in quiet disbelief at her boyfriend.

“Um. Yeah. How comes you're up already?” Jim asked awkwardly.

Claire put her hands on her hips, “Um, no. How are you a troll? This shouldn’t be possible!”

“Can I come in first?” Jim questioned.

She let him in, marvelling at his increased height, she’d forgotten how tall he was as a troll. Although it seemed as if he was slightly smaller than she remembered. And when she turned her bedside lamp on, she was one hundred percent positive.

Jim was different from his old half-troll form. He had slit pupils for one, although in this low light they were really dilated, which was adorable, he also had green edged stone, ivoryish horns and five fingered clawed hands.

“You look—”

“Please don’t, I’ve already heard it one too many times.” Jim interrupted, groaning.

“—I was going to say you look like the unholy offspring of Blinky and Strickler.” Claire giggled.

Jim made a gagging sound, “Urgh! No! Why would you put that in my mind? That’s just awful, Claire.”

She grinned, “Oh, I know. But you kinda do. So, how did this happen?”

“Gatto’s keep. Same thing that happened in the first timeline, but to me... And Angor Rot.”

“Angor Rot? You mean ancient, troll assassin, Angor Rot? He’s human?” Claire said in disbelief.

“Yup. That’s the one. I would show you a picture, but I left my phone at home.” Jim admitted.

“Why are you wandering around town? I know trolls need way less sleep, but still.” Claire reprimanded him, crossly jabbing him in the chest.

Jim shrugged sheepishly, “I wanted to get rid of any restlessness and frustration before it became an issue. You know, usual troll emotion and instinct stuff. One of the many reasons being a troll can suck.”

Claire knew exactly what Jim meant. In the old timeline it had taken all of the journey to New Jersey for Jim to begin to accept his new form. He’d struggled to adapt to his new reality at times. It wasn’t fun for her either, surrounded by trolls while her boyfriend had a existential crisis. Merlin had not helped the situation much either, he’d told Jim to just deal with it.

“But there’s parts that are cute!” Claire protested, hands teasingly reaching out to scratch Jim’s fluffy sideburns until he purred in absolute bliss.

“I guess.” Jim mumbled, as Claire moved her hands through his hair until she touched his horns, caressing their bases.

Jim groaned, gently cupping her face in his hands, mindful about his claws, and kissed her.

Claire latched on to him, kissing him back deeply, completely engaged with Jim. Until she broke away to take a breather, smiling up into Jim’s eyes, which had dilated so much that his pupils had become round again.

Her smile slipped as she caught a shadowy figure in her peripherals, outside her open window, yellow eyes glowing malevolently.

She instinctively stepped back from Jim, hands pushing out, sending a concentrated blast of her magic at the figure, sending them flying, just as Jim cried out, “Claire, no! It’s just Strickler!”

“FudgeKnuckle.” She swore, a hand to her mouth in mortification.

Together, they rushed to the window, Jim frantic, just as a highly disgruntled Strickler, wings shaking, scrambled into view, claws scrabbling for a hold on her roof’s slick tiles.

“Sorry.” She apologised.

Strickler snorted, “It’s quite alright, Miss Nuñez. Forgive me for startling you.” As ever, he was perfectly courteous towards her, although it was slightly off set by the way he was comfortably sitting back on his haunches, cat-like.

She couldn’t recall a time when she had seen him own his troll habits so easily. He’d always seemed reserved, even as a troll. Especially as a troll.

But apparently that had changed. She side-eyed Jim, she was definitely going to comment on it to her boyfriend when they had a chance to be alone again.

“And I am sorry for... Interrupting.” Strickler said in amusement, glancing at Jim, “But Ophelia and Javier are nearly here.”

“Annnd that’s my cue to leave.” Jim declared. Albeit with heavy reluctance.

“Yeah.” Claire agreed, as Jim bumped his forehead against hers in goodbye. She kissed his stoney cheeks and Jim turned to the changeling outside her window, “Thanks for keeping watch, Strickler.”

Strickler dipped his head, “You’re welcome. I have no desire to see you two do whatever it is teenagers do nowadays.” He finished dryly.

Claire felt a blush heat her cheeks at the changeling’s remark. She sort of wanted to know why Strickler was here at all, she suspected Jim hadn’t wanted to be alone with his transformation, but she decided to save her questions for Jim for tomorrow.

Jim approached the window, ready to join Strickler, when the changeling added, “Also, while I was keeping watch, Barbara called.”

Jim froze, one leg inside her room, the other out. “Crap. What did she say?”

Strickler sighed, “That she is incredibly mad at both of us, she really wants to see your new troll form and that she almost decked Angor Rot in the face.”

“Great! Getting grilled by mom is always an awesome experience.” Jim said sarcastically.

There was the sound of car wheels on gravel and Claire, laughing, shoved Jim out of her room, “Good luck with that. Now get out of here already! I don’t think my parents are ready for trolls.”

With a last lovey-dovey look at her, Jim followed Strickler into the dark and away.


Just to make myself clear, Blinky and Strickler are BOTH trying very hard to be father-figures to Jim in different ways. Blinky is more successful in some aspects and Strickler is more successful in others. Jim is not trying to undermine Blinky's role as a dad, because with Strickler in series one and two out of the picture, Blinky does of course become the stronger bond.
Jim and Strickler are still repairing their relationship, with this conversation out, their father/son relationship can only get stronger from here on out.

And you can look forward to me posting some art for this chapter of Jim's troll form, Angor’s human form and some Strickler and Angor annoying each other which should be up on my tumblr by now.

Next chapter... Its the Rise of the Creepslayerz. And its going to be chaos.

Chapter 17: Rise of the Creepslayerz


After bringing a Goblin to school goes disastrously wrong for Steve and Eli, they unwittingly cause a war between the slumbering Gremlins beneath the school and revenge seeking Goblins.
A war that threatens to destroy the school and everyone in it.
Luckily for them, members of team Trollhunters are on site. Even if some of them are more reluctant to expose themselves than others.


Can't believe I actually got this done, this was a really fun chapter, as I've never written Steve POV or even much Steve full stop, as he can be so stupid and annoying at times. But he's fun to write.

So it comes to no surprise that the first section is Steve POV, second is Strickler and third is Toby.

Enjoy! I hope this is halloween enough for everyone, I've tried for it to be in that vibe.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

In retrospect, maybe bringing the creeper into school was a bad idea.

Sure, Steve had to show Pepperjack the creeper because of the—arrangement they had with one another, but he should have just waited for school to end. Cause now the creep was trying to break out of his bag during Mr Strickler’s history lesson. He kicked his bag, muttering an oath and Mr Strickler paused in his talk about history stuff Steve was not paying any attention to. “Mr Palchuk,” Mr Strickler said dryly, “Is something the matter?”

“Um, I need the toilet, sir. It’s—Diarrhea. Really bad, my stomach’s cramping...” He made a show of holding his belly, doubling over and groaning. He made a noble effort mimicking farts, and the whole class burst into laughter. His face flushed but he didn’t care, he was the butt of every joke already, what was one more?

His teachers face crinkled in thinly veiled disgust and he waved a hand at him, “Go on, then.”

Sighing in relief, Steve got up from his chair, still groaning, snagging his bag and passing Pepperjack. He widened his eyes at him, pointing at the creeper in his bag, whose yellow eyes glared out at Pepperjack malevolently. Pepperjack’s jaw promptly fell open in shock. Steve quickly made a beeline for the door, as he left the classroom, he saw Pepperjack tentatively raise his hand and say, “Er, sir, I need the toilet too.”

Steve paused in the corridor outside the classroom, and once Pepperjack exited, he snagged the smaller boy by his collar, “C’mon! Can’t let it out here,” he dragged Pepperjack with him to the boys’ toilets, kicking the door open and scanning it quickly. Empty. Thank God. With minimal hesitation, Steve upended his bag on the floor.

The creeper hissed, black moustache gleaming on its upper lip, fangs bared and its spindly green limbs aquiver. Pepperjack’s eyes shone. “You really did it! You caught one! This changes everything!” He eagerly reached a hand out towards the creeper, and before Steve could pull him away, the little freak bit him. “AHHH!” Pepperjack shrieked, waving his hand in the air wildly to dislodge the creep, which let go of Pepperjack, crashing into the wall with a splat. Steve raced to catch it, but slid on the slick tiles beneath him, his hands squishing unpleasantly on the creeper and turning it to sludge beneath his fingers.

It was his turn to shriek, “Ew! Ew! Ew! Get it off!” He beat desperately at his chest, swiping the expired creeper off and watching its remains slid sickeningly down the floor drain.

Pepperjack clutched his bitten hand to his chest, letting out a woebegone sigh, “That was our only evidence, Steve!” He admonished him.

Steve rolled his eyes, “Suck it up, Pepperjack. We’ll find another one. Now, let’s get back to class and forget this ever happened.

Pepperjack insisted they return to class one at a time, to ‘avoid suspicion’ or whatever. He agreed, waited two minutes for Pepperjack to leave, then followed him back to class. Steve tried to slide quickly in his seat without anyone noticing the slime on his top, but Mr Strickler had super sight or something cause he asked him, “Is that... Slime on your shirt, Mr Palchuk?” He sounded faintly amused. Never a good sign with Strickler.

“Um. Things got a little... Weird.” He explained. He could feel Nuñez’s eyes on him as he said it. He turned in his seat to scowl at her and she sighed, looking away. Now that was weird. The lesson continued, but Steve could sense Nuñez was still watching him. So was Mr Strickler. He couldn’t relax with them eyeballing him. He slouched in his seat; the lesson couldn’t finish fast enough.

And then the creepers burst into the classroom.

It was surreal, one moment normal, the next completely paranormal.

Shannon, Mary and Darci shrieked as three creepers crawled into the classroom, leering and cackling. They were not the same creeps as the one he’d caught. They were bigger, for one, and furry all over, with short tails, squashed, flat faces with mouths crammed with yellowed teeth and massive ears. They were the colour of bruises, one indigo purple, one dark red and one black. They made a beeline for the weakest among them. Namely, Pepperjack, Mary and Shannon. “What the heck?” Domzalski cried, looking at Mr Strickler wildly, “What are they?”

Mr Strickler appeared startled, but he wasn’t scared. Steve had thought he’d hide behind the desk or scream. Instead, he was staring at the creeps, frowning, “Gremlins!” Mr Strickler answered, much to his surprise, “They should not be here, usually they keep to themselves, sequestered away. Unless they have run into a Goblin, they have a century long feud with them.”

Pepperjack yelped, “Goblin? Green, spindly creep with yellow eyes?”

Strickler blinked at Pepperjack in surprise, “Yes, that would be a Goblin,” he confirmed.

Pepperjack met his eyes and Steve inwardly groaned. So these new creeps, Gremlins, had beef with the Goblins. Like opposing football teams. And he and Pepperjack had somehow made both sides mad at each other. 

Domzalski sniggered, “Are you sure, dude? That sort of sounds like you.”

What did that mean?!

“Instead of messing about, Tobias, why don’t you kill those Gremlins?” Mr Strickler shot back.

“Kill? Domzalski? Ha, as if—” Steve started, but trailed off as Domzalski sighed and light shone around his form. When it dimmed Domzalski was clad in glowing armour. He held a hand out in the air and a massive hammer formed in his grip. He instantly brought it slamming down into the closest Gremlin, which had been herding Mary and Darci into a corner, obliterating it. Both girls gaped. “You’re not gonna believe this is cosplay, are you?” Domzalski asked them both with a nervous grin.

“Um, no.” Darci stated, “Toby, what is this?”

“Magic.” Nuñez replied, and her hands burst into purple flame, which she aimed at the second Gremlin, incinerating it to ash.

“Wait. You’re a witch?!” Steve exclaimed.

Seamus stared at Nuñez blankly, “You know magic?”

Mary scoffed, “Totally not fair. Also, who gave Domzalski permission to be a freaking KNIGHT?!” The whole class clustered around Domzalski and Nuñez, excitedly asking them about a bajillion questions. Steve crossed his arms. He couldn’t believe how stupid this was. “Pfft, so what? I’m still—” The remaining Gremlin, which he’d totally forgotten about, cried out sharply, claws aiming for his beautiful face and he screamed—

A knife sliced through the air and knocked the Gremlin out. Steve glanced up. Mr Strickler had thrown the blade. Their old, British, history teacher.

What.” Pepperjack breathed in awe.

The Gremlin twitched, rising, and this time Steve saw Mr Strickler elegantly flick his wrist and send another knife at the Gremlin, impaling it through the head. The whole class, excluding Domzalski in his glowing armour and Nuñez with her purple magic, quietly stared at Mr Strickler, wide-eyed. Their teacher brushed his blazer off, despite it being immaculate, “Now that is settled, all of you stay here,” Mr Strickler ordered, “Claire, Tobias, Mr Palchuk, Mr Pepperjack, a word outside if you please.”

Numbly, Steve did as his teacher said, followed by a subdued Pepperjack. Once out in the hall, Steve blurted out, “Dude! What the heck was that!”

Mr Strickler’s eyes glowed, glaring yellow and red, and he stepped back in alarm, arm protectively out to keep Pepperjack back. “I could very well ask you the same thing,” Mr Strickler responded, his eyes fading back to green, “Is this your doing?”

“What? No! Not like I’m telling you anything! You’re—you’re a creep! Why are you not surprised, buttsnacks?” He snapped at Nuñez and Domzalski.

“We already know about Mr S, Steve. And he’s a changeling not a creep! Yeesh, didn’t your mother teach you any manners?” Domzalski said snidely.

“Did yours? Oh wait, you don’t have one!” Steve retorted.

“Enough!” Mr Strickler growled, “Do I need to give you both detentions?”

Domzalski glared at him sullenly and he glared right back, but they both remained silent. “Um. Mr Strickler, I think this is me and Steve’s fault. Steve brought a creep—Goblin into school, I asked him to, and it um, died in the toilet.” Pepperjack explained, guiltily staring at the floor.

Mr Strickler sighed, rubbing his forehead, “This school is going to be swarming with them then. Goblins can pick up when their brethren... expire from miles away, and Gremlins hate Goblins. The Gremlins have a nest beneath the school, so they probably smelt that Goblin. They will be out for blood now.”

“Is that why Goblins don’t really come in the school?” Nuñez asked, finally speaking.

Mr Strickler grimaced, “Yes, but not any more. The entire student body is going to be overrun.”

As he said it, the speakers mounted on the walls crackled to life, “All students and staff please make your way to the Sports hall. This is not a drill. Some creatures are loose in the school building, they’re extremely dangerous, exit classrooms immediately.

“What do we do?” Pepperjack whined.

Mr Strickler’s face tightened with barely contained panic, “Gather everyone, we must get to the Sports hall.”



Strickler forced himself to breathe through his panic as he ushered his class close to him, Tobias and Claire helping him count heads with Steve and Eli trailing them closely, as they hurried across the for now deserted corridor. This was one of his worst nightmares. But he had to remain steadyfast, for his students’ sakes.

Their class managed to run into Uhl’s, Lawrence’s and Lenora’s and he was relieved seeing not only their numbers increase, but also seeing his fellow teachers’ classes unharmed.

It was a temporary reprieve.

At one of the hallways intersections, out of nowhere, Goblins and Gremlins crept out of the shadows, coming from opposite ends of the corridor, completely blocking their path forward. They hissed and spat angrily, mostly ignoring the humans caught between them. But that made them more dangerous, they would tear right through them to reach each other. They were trapped.

Tobias stepped forward with Daylight and Lawrence exclaimed, “What on earth?”

Lenora adjusted her glasses, “Mr Domzalski, you’re—glowing.”

“Is that a Warhammer, Domzalski?” Lawrence gaped, shocked.

Tobias grinned sheepishly, “Oh yeah. It’s pretty cool huh?”

“Less talking, more fighting, TP,” Claire called, summoning her magic to her hands. They both leapt into action with minimal hesitation, clearing out the Goblins and Gremlins while the other students and teachers watched on in disbelief. He hated to admit it, but he was jealous. Fear of discovery left him paralysed. He knew if he joined Claire and Tobias in fighting, he’d have no choice but to reveal himself for what he really was. And that scared him.

“Hey, Strickler! Any time now, dude!” Tobias called to him, taking out his double throwing axes, unlocked from the Birthstone, and sending them arcing through multiple Goblins and Gremlins, who had been about to attack some freshmen.

Lawrence frowned at him, “What’s Domzalski yapping about?”

He steepled his hands together in a show of very much false confidence, “I-I’m sorry. I’m—the thing is, I’m not exactly human.”

What?!” That was from Lenora, Uhl, Lawrence and most of his students.

“Wait, for real?” Shannon asked him, disbelief written across her face.

He nodded.

“Wow, our most sane teacher turns out to not even be human. Go figure.” Mary scoffed, rolling her eyes. He bit his lip, unsure if he laughed he would sound very much insane. He avoided looking up to meet everyone’s gazes, he knew what he would find there. Horror, disgust and perhaps hurt. He didn’t think he could deal with that. In the first timeline, after the eternal night, he’d stayed away from the school, he hadn’t even really talked to his fellow teachers. Actually, he had avoided them and his ex-students. Barbara had told him to reach out to them, explain properly what he was, which he did, briefly. But the damage was already done. They were wary of him, Uhl was scared, even.

“Strickler!” Claire’s shout broke him out of his mental misery, her cry was urgent and panicked. He looked over at her and saw the girl was struggling against a horde of Gremlins, Tobias too far away to help her, scratches all over her face and arms. He couldn’t watch her be overwhelmed. He cursed the world and transformed, hearing Steve scream, “WHAT THE FLIP?!” As well as yelps and cries of shock from the others.

He surged forward, knives in hand, not paying any of the human’s attention, wholly fixed on reaching Claire. He cut a path towards her, slashing at any Gremlin or Goblin that crossed his line of sight. Claire sighed in relief as he made it to her side, catching her arm before she slid to the floor, propping her up gently against him, cape drawing protectively over her shoulders as he took out the remaining Goblins around them. He panted, eyeing Claire, “Are you alright?”

“Yeah. Thanks. I totally owe you one.” Claire muttered, sending him a wan smile.

“Mr Strickler?” Eli’s thin voice squeaked, forcing him to look up.

His students were staring at him, quiet shock on all their faces, huddled together. Lawrence and Uhl gaped openly, frozen, Lenora staring at him in disbelief. His mouth felt very dry all of a sudden. He forced himself to speak, “Yes. It’s still me. I’m still the same person.” He tried not to sound too desperate.

Uhl blinked at him, eyes sliding to the way he was supporting Claire and his brows furrowed, “Why would you not be the same person? You have always cared, apparently enough to show this—part of yourself to us, to protect us.”

His brow’s rose in surprise, and then Darci said, “This doesn’t really change anything. Sure, you’re green and have horns, but Toby has magic freaking armour and a hammer and Claire has portals coming out of her hands.”

“Although you’re really not one to talk about ‘proper attire’ to wear in school.” He thought he heard Mary mumble.

Before he could squawk out a reprimand, another wave of Goblins and Gremlins approached. There were simply too many. “Claire, you must get them to the Sports hall. Can you do it?”

Claire drew herself up, “I can. What about you?”

“Me and Tobias will hold them off.” He nodded his horned head at the boy who sent them a thumbs up.

“Wait! We can help, Strickler!” Lawrence yelled, “Doesn’t matter what the heck you are, you’ll be overrun!”

The words buoyed him, he addressed Claire, “Go.”

She nodded, with a yell thrusting her hands in the air, wind rushing around her form as a big, black and purple portal swirled to life and whisked everyone but him and Tobias away to the safety of the Sports hall.

Tobias turned to him, grinning wickedly, “Ha, bet I can kill more of these bastards than you.”

“Oh? Would you be willing to bet one hundred pounds on that?” He responded, also grinning.

“Dollars, dude. But sure.”

He won the bet.

And, as they ran for the Sports hall, Strickler forced back to human form due to the beaming sun in the hallways, he smugly pocketed the hundred dollars Toby had passed him grudgingly. They were friends now; friendly wagers were allowed. And he had completely wiped the floor of Goblins and Gremlins combined.

The Sports hall doors opened a crack at their approach, chased as they were by the remaining swarm of Goblins and Gremlins, united apparently in their lust for blood. He and Tobias burst into the Sports hall, which was stuffed with the entire student body it seemed. Once inside, he and Tobias immediately turned to close the double doors, as the Gremlins and Goblins attempted to claw their way into the hall. He gritted his teeth, the sun was shining warmly against his arms and legs, but he had to change forms. He wasn’t strong enough human. And Tobias was visibly flagging, exhausted.Tobias seemed to be thinking the same thing, “Strickler, no—”

He transformed, hearing exclamations of shock behind him as he shoved at the door, squashing the Goblins who had been worming their way in, even as pain exploded along his arms and legs. He snarled through the excruciating pain, planting his feet and pushing even as the sun bit through his stone, even as it dusted away, literally disintegrating. The pain eclipsed everything. White hot, burning. But he closed the door.

Whimpering, his limbs on fire, he was dimly aware of Uhl shouting, “Close those curtains, NOW!”

That was nice of him, he thought woozily as Claire blocked the door with a portal that deposited tables and chairs from the canteen. He teetered on his feet, vision blackening, and fell, blissfully, into unconsciousness.

He came to slowly.

The pain was an aching numbness at the back of his mind, present but shrouded in fog. He groaned, and felt gentle hands guide him upright when he tried to lever himself up. He was sitting next to the bleachers, and it took him a few seconds to see Tobias and Claire huddled in his line of vision. “Hey, how’re you feeling?” Tobias asked cautiously.

He rubbed his forehead with one hand, wincing, “Like shit,” he rasped, not even giving a damn anymore as he heard a few people gasp. He paid them no mind, his eyes on his arms and legs. They had been bandaged securely, covering almost the entirety of his green stone. He sniffed one arm and the sharp, distinctive, smell of the balm used for sun scarred stone met his nose. Surprised, he looked up at Claire, “Did you do this for me?”

“Yeah. I remembered where Dr Lake kept the balm for sun scarred stone, in case of emergencies, so I just portaled to the Lake house to get it and apply it with the bandages literally the moment you passed out. I had to treat Jim’s burns a few times, in the old timeline,” she clarified, in a low whisper.

He felt a wave of gratitude towards the girl, and he reached out a clawed hand to rest on her arm, “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that for me.”

“Pfftt, I sort of did. Dr Lake and Jim would kill me if I did nothing. And besides, sun scarring for a troll runs the risk of loss of limbs if not immediately treated.” Claire told him sternly.

He couldn’t say anything to that. She was right. He’d been very lucky. He was about to respond, but the words left him as he saw the many, many, humans behind Claire and Tobias. He felt himself tense, pupils constricting. His fellow teachers were hovering awkwardly near them, slightly anxiously, surrounded by a throng of wide-eyed teenagers. Strickler noted in relief that the curtains and blinds in the Sports hall had been tightly drawn, the doors securely barricaded.

Uhl stepped hesitantly closer to him, worry creasing his brows, “I am sorry about the burns, if we had known the sun hurt you, we would have drawn the blinds and curtains quicker.”

He blinked, his worries about what would happen if everyone found about him seemed to have been unfounded. They were not screaming or running away from him, instead they were worried about him. Him. “That’s... Alright. You can’t have known—”

“I can’t believe all this time you were cool!” Steve interrupted.

“Yeah, that was pretty badass the way you were killing those things with the knives.” Mary added, phone in hand.

He raised a brow ridge, “Thank you, Mr Palchuk, Miss Wang. Although I really hope that you have not filmed everything for your Instagram feed, Miss Wang.” He added pointedly.

Mary’s jaw dropped, “How do you even know what Instagram is? Aren’t you like, a fossil?” He distinctly heard Tobias snigger at that.

He shrugged, “Its in my interest to know every new innovation in human technology. And I’m centuries old, I’ll have you know.” He said mildly. That sent a wave of whispers among everyone in the hall. “I do mean what I said, Miss Wang. You cannot share any of the photographs or recordings of me or the Goblins and Gremlins to the wider world,” he stated solemnly.

“Why not?” Mary demanded.

“Cause that’ll endanger all of us.” Claire said, “The world isn’t ready for magic. Not yet. Mare, you have to keep this a secret.”

“All of you must,” Strickler added, his ears flattening. If they didn’t agree—

He had no need to worry. Principal Levit, who had been listening in to their conversation with the other teachers, spoke up, “You heard Mr Strickler, this stays a secret within the student body.” Hearing Levit’s immediate support of him admittedly made him feel bad for killing Levit in the old timeline. To his surprise, there were immediate affirmations of agreement from students and teachers alike, and Mary sighed but scrolled through her phone, handing it to Darci, “Delete the evidence of today. I don’t trust myself to go through with it.”

Darci tapped the phone screen, “Done. C’mon, let’s inspect everyone else’s phones. Make sure word doesn’t get out.”

He might have been a little in shock, as he watched Darci take charge of ensuring evidence wasn’t leaked out.

Lenora shyly stepped forward, a light in her eyes, “I know you said you had background as an actor, dear, so tell me, did you meet Shakespeare?”

“Wait,” Eli whined, “How do you know how to fight?”

“Have you always been like this?” Shannon asked curiously.

“Oh! Can we learn magic?” Logan questioned.

“What other creeps are out there?” Steve asked.

The questions kept coming and he felt warmth settle in his chest, despite the pain of his burns. They wanted to learn. About magic, about him. Nothing could have made him happier, not only had his fellow staff members and students taken him being a changeling surprisingly well, but they were eager to acquire more knowledge about what he was and the world he came from. He felt tears prickle his eyes, but before he could start crying and turn into a complete mess, the doors rattled on their hinges, reminding them all of their precarious situation.

“What do we do?” Lawrence asked him.

He held his clawed hands out helplessly, “I don’t know. I’m too injured to fight. Claire needs to take a break, she is not used to straining her magic this much, and I fear Tobias alone would be easily overwhelmed.”

Tobias’ eyes brightened, “We can call reinforcements.”

He gasped, struck by a sudden bout of inspiration. He took his phone quickly out of his loincloth pocket, “Excellent idea. And perhaps while we are at it, we can introduce more changelings and magic to the school.”

Claire, always so bright and perceptive, caught on to where he was going with this, “If we can get the school on board with magic so quickly...”

“Then perhaps we can even get the world on board,” he finished for her, eyes gleaming.

Tobias’ eyes lit up, “Ohhhhhh! I get it! If the world knows about magic, then the Arcane Order won’t blow up the world if we show them humans and magic can coexist!”

“Exactly!” Strickler replied, excited, “Now, let us call the cavalry.”



Toby watched as Strickler called Jim, putting the phones speaker on so he and Claire could contribute to explaining the situation to him. Jim was initially taken aback, since none of this had happened in the OG timeline. But this was Steve and Eli they were talking about. Based on what Jim had told him of their antics in the previous timeline, Toby had been prepared for anything.

Anything that is except Goblins and Gremlins waging war in their school and he, Claire and Strickler having to reveal themselves.

Despite Jim’s reservations, he quickly agreed with their plan. Toby suggesting that Jim bring Angor Rot and Douxie, since Claire was spent and Douxie had his charm to calm things down, as well as his awesomesauce magic. Strickler added that Jim should fetch Riley and Jett, who was bunking school to hang with Riley, from the JO, as well as a changeling he didn’t know called Jasper.

Within, like, ten minutes, they’d all arrived via one of Angor’s shadow portals and sorted out the Goblins and Gremlins infesting the school and tidied up too. When they came into the Sports hall it kicked up some gasps and exclamations of surprise and introductions were made. Toby made a bee-line for Jim in all his troll glory, Daylight armour spattered with Goblin and Gremlin gunk, clearly exhausted and nervously side-eyeing everyone. “Omg Jim! I swear I’ve never fought so much in my life! I am so glad you can take Daylight and give me a break!”

JIM!?” Mary and Darci and about half of their class, as well as most of the teachers, cried out disbelief.

Jim’s ears went down, “Haha... Yeah.” He said, sheepishly running a hand through his scruff.

“Is this why you have not been in school?” Uhl asked sharply.

“Well, I can’t really come in school like this. That and the sun will hurt me as long as I’m a troll. But Strickler’s helping me catch up, I’m not falling behind, I’m doing the work, I swear.” Jim said quickly.

Uhl shook his head, “Easy enough to fix. If you are not ill I do not see why you should stay at home. Is this—permanent?” He queried.

Jim shook his horned head sharply, “NO! I mean, it’s not.”

“I don’t see any problem with it, then.” Principal Levit interjected, “Is there a way to protect yourself from the sun?”

Jim frowned, “N—oh, wait, yes! There’s this stone that allows for sunwalking, but it can only be activated through the amulet.” He tapped said amulet that was on his chest.

Levit looked at Strickler for confirmation; the changeling sighed, “Yes, that would work. As long as Young Atlas does not decide to use Daylight in school that is.”

“I would never! I swear, I’ll behave.” Jim said, slit pupils constricting.

“Then that’s sorted—” Levit started but was interrupted by Riley and Jett, both still in their troll forms, moving closer to them, Riley with a hopeful look.

“Can I come to school? Please? I’ve never been able to go.” Riley practically begged. 

Levit blinked at the Centaur-like changeling, “Of course. How old are you?”

“Sixteen.” Riley replied.

Strickler spoke to Levit, “I can arrange the paperwork required to have her placed here.”

“Great,” Levit nodded, turning to Jett, “What about you kid?”

“Um. I’m already enrolled here.” Jett said awkwardly, shifting to her human form, terrified yet bravely facing everyone’s reactions anyway. Toby was impressed. That took serious guts.

Shannon stared, “You—you’re like Mr Strickler? That’s soooo cool!”

“All of us here are like Strickler,” Jasper, the changeling Toby was unfamiliar with, scoffed, gesturing at Riley, Jett and Strickler. He was in his troll form and it was—daunting to say the least. He was dark blue-grey with ashy coloured horns, with violet eyes, and a long, almost snout like face with jutting tusks, a coal black mane shadowing half his face. He had a pair of vestigial wings, that looked to be more for gliding than the true flight that Strickler was capable of, and they were folded on his back, tipped with feather-like edges. His feet ended in hooves and he towered a head above the humans, yet he exuded a chilled out attitude, eyes half-lidded.

Toby was pretty sure it was an act. Because some of the teachers kept nervously eying him and any time a adult looked at him he’d grin a little too widely.

Honestly though, Toby was impressed how well everyone was taking things more or less in stride. If they could replicate this for the world the possibilities were endless.

Jim relaxed when Jasper sent him a wink before guiding Shannon and her friends, as well as the two teenage changelings plus teachers, away from them. Jim sat down next to Strickler, legs sprawling out as he dismissed Daylight and tossed the amulet to Toby, who pocketed it, beckoning Claire to come and nestle in his side. “Are you OK?” He asked Strickler, eyes resting worriedly on the bandages wrapped around Strickler’s arms and legs.

“I should be on my feet within a day, do not worry, Young Atlas.” Strickler reassured Jim.

“That's great. And are you really OK with all this?” Jim gestured to the intermingling of changelings and humans plus one Wizard. Angor Rot had left the moment he was no longer needed, grumbling about his human form being an ‘eye magnet’ and generally in a foul mood.

Strickler gazed out at the humans, changelings and one Wizard, all engaged with one conversation or another, an expression of slightly dazed awe on his face, “I must admit, I am surprised at how well received we are. It was always my fear in the old timeline that upon discovering what I was, humans would cast me out.”

“Wait,” Claire said slowly, “Is that why you didn’t return to teaching after the eternal night?”

Strickler drew his bandaged arms closer to his chest, “I was scared,” he answered honestly, “but that no longer seems necessary. It is possible to find a balance between humans and magic kind. We are surrounded with proof of that.” He tilted his horned head at the other changelings and Douxie. Toby noted that they were more relaxed now, most of their classmates animatedly asking Riley and Jett questions, Shannon sitting comfortably on Riley’s back. Jasper was grudgingly allowing a few tiny freshmen to touch his wings and seemed to be enjoying baring his tusks at a few worried teachers. Douxie was currently talking to an eager Miss Janeth, Uhl hovering next to her with arms folded.

“How the heck are we supposed to keep magic limited to school? What about the parents not in the know?” Toby asked.

Strickler sighed heavily, “I will deal with it. For the short term, at the very least, it should be alright.”

“Well, at least it makes Aja, Krel and Varvatos’ situation easier to deal with here.” Claire remarked.

“That’s true,” Jim agreed, “when they crash land on earth we’ll just notify Uhl and Levit about them being aliens.”

As if summoned by the mention of aliens, Eli popped up next to them, Steve beside him. “Did you say aliens are crash landing on earth?” Eli squealed.

“Were you eavesdropping on us?” Toby asked suspiciously.

“Yeah,” Steve shrugged.

“We really must get you both up to date before they arrive.” Strickler said, his expression saying he wasn’t relishing that. Toby wasn’t either.

“Up to date?” Steve and Eli exchanged enthralled looks.

“Ohhhh! It looks like we’re needed, Pepperjack! To save the world!” Steve cried, pumping his fists in the air. “You know what this means? We need a name for ourselves.” Steve continued, thinking hard. “Ah! I’ve got it! We’ll be... The Creepslayerz.”

“With a Z!” Eli added for clarity.

“Creep—” Steve began, holding his hand out in a C shape.

Eli matched him, “—Slayerz!”


No, the Gremlins are not based on the movie, I don't know what you're talking about. (It totally is).

I don't know why, but I'm a sucker for Strickler and Claire bonding, I don't think they ever got a direct interaction except that time Claire got possessed by Morgana.
Strickler forgetting Americans use dollars is largely because I'm British and I literally forgot Americans do not use pounds.

Oh and yes, Toby has eclipse and all the Triumbric stones in the amulet.
And yes, I'm foreshadowing the world deliberately being exposed to magic.

Next up: Aja, Krel and Varvatos crash land and get readjusted and the mysterious tablet makes a reappearance...

Credit for Juliette, or Jett as she likes to be called, goes to i-have-too-many-obsssesions-help on Tumblr, credit for Riley goes to KZ_Mythologist and credit for Jasper goes to Muku-gc on Tumblr.

Chapter 18: An extraterrestrial welcome


Stuart brings news of an out of planet transmission from Akiridion-5, and the team prepare for Aja, Krel and Vex’s arrival.

Once reunited with their Akiridion team mates, plans are made for the tribulations ahead. Namely, saving Aja and Krel’s parents, getting back to Akiridion-5 to stop Morando, and dealing with Kubritz. And then of course there is the matter of the mysterious stone tablet...


Was meant to finish this ages ago, but simply had no time, what with Uni and writing essays...
But I finally mustered up the effort to complete it! And this is my first time writing the Akiridion gang, so I hope I've nailed them! Especially Krel, since a large section of this chapter is from his POV.

Speaking of POV... First short POV is Barbara, feat a little Stricklake, cause I miss them, and then it's Jim POV and finally Krel.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“This is nice, isn’t it?” Barbara mused, squeezing Walter’s hand and raising her face to the sun, basking in the warmth as she and Walt strolled in the town centre’s small park.

They’d both had a hectic week, and lunch breaks had become a sort of God send for them both. Twenty five minutes of peace, and catching up with her boyfriend, was all Barbara needed to get through the day.

Walter smiled at her warmly, “It is indeed. Especially while in such fine company.”

She blushed at the intensity of Walter’s gaze as he said it. Even after knowing each for years, despite most of that time being erased, she was still enamoured by Walt’s smooth-talking. She supposed that British accent of his didn’t help the situation at all.

“More so now that the school has been revealed to magic and are still adjusting to openly magical beings.” Walter added in a undertone, rubbing his arms subconsciously. Barbara remembered how she’d almost had a heart-attack coming home to a severely burned changeling, and finding out about the Goblin and Gremlin assault on the school in broad daylight. Despite the burns, Walter had still gone to school to teach, insisting the best way for the school to continue to accept him was lengthy exposure. Barbara hadn’t stopped worrying about Walter’s health the entirety of the week, so she was relieved he seemed to have almost recovered.

One of the good things about the school being aware of magic was the fact Jim didn’t need to remain home anymore. He was still a troll, and Angor was still human; according to Douxie, who had run tests on the both of them, the potion probably wouldn’t wear off for at least a month. Which hadn’t bothered either Angor Rot or Jim as much as she had thought. Angor was taking advantage of being human, and Jim had pointed out he’d probably need the extra durability with the problems Aja and Krel would bring with them. Along with the matter of defeating Gunmar.

Barbara suspected some of Jim's positivity was caused by him being allowed back to school despite being a troll. He had the sunstone in the amulet, supplied by Toby, allowing him to be unaffected by the sunlight and had a glamour mask tucked in his satchel in case anyone not aware of trolls happened to enter the school premises.

“I’m just happy things have calm—”

“Oh my Gorbon! Finally, someone to pass the word on to!” A harried looking Stuart ambled up to them, panting.

“What are you talking about?” Walter demanded sharply, picking up no doubt on Stuart’s anxiety.

The disguised Durian eyed the changeling nervously, “I intercepted a transmission from Akiridion-5. The coup just happened a day ago.”

Both Barbara and Walter stared at Stuart, stunned. “You mean... The Akiridions are coming to earth, right now?” Barbara asked.

Stuart nodded frantically, “If they aren’t here already that is.”

Walter cursed in trollish softly, “There goes our peace of mind for the foreseeable future.”

Barbara elbowed him sharply, “Walt! It’s not going to be the end of the world, stop being such a drama-queen!” She admonished, laughing at his morose expression.

Walter grimaced, “Being a drama-queen is part of my genetic makeup I’m afraid, my dear.”



“So...” Toby began awkwardly, “Today we’re going to be meeting our first, well my first, aliens.”

“Akiridions.” Jim and Claire automatically corrected him.

“Seriously Tobes, they really take offense to being called aliens.” Jim said.

“You can call them extraterrestrials instead of aliens though.” Claire added diplomatically.

Toby pointed finger-guns at Claire, “Gotcha.”

Yesterday, after Jim’s mom and Strickler had told him about Stuart’s message, they’d called a massive group meeting to plan what they’d do when Aja and Krel came to school. The plan was to corner them in the science labs, using Steve and Eli to keep them occupied there, until he, Toby and Claire could get there and talk to the Akiridion royals, before Jim restored their memories. Easy. And then Strickler would meet them in the labs so they could take them to Levit and Uhl to notify them and everyone else in school about the Akiridions. So that they would have one place on earth among humans where they didn’t have to hide what they were.

Jim was just about to enter the science lab when Claire stopped him, pointing to his face. “As much as I love troll you, it might be a good idea to mask up so you don’t make Aja and Krel think you’re a alien bounty hunter.”

“Oh yeah, good save, Claire.” Jim grinned bashfully, as he pulled the glamour mask out of his satchel and placed it on his face. In a flash of green light, he was himself again. That is, normal, human Jim.

“Oh! Damn Jimbo, keep forgetting how noodle-like and skinny your legs are in human form!” Toby remarked.

Jim made a very inhuman sound of annoyance, “They’re not that skinny!” He protested.

Claire rolled her eyes and pushed past them gently, leading the way into the labs. Jim followed, bracing himself for seeing Aja and Krel again. He hadn’t seen them since he’d said goodbye in the old timeline.

He couldn’t help but grin like a doofus when he saw the Akiridion brother and sister in human form, right there in front of him.

And then he took stock of the situation.

Eli was trying, unsuccessfully, to stop Krel messing about with the laboratory equipment, and Steve... Steve was sitting on one of the tables, clutching an ice pack to his face while staring at Aja with a love-struck expression, as she fussed around with him.

Toby chuckled, gesturing at the ice pack, “What happened to you, Steve?”

Steve scowled at him, but it quickly transformed into a expression of dreaminess, “I tried to stop Aja leaving with Karl over there, and she punched me in the face. Me! The Palchuk!”

Aja perked up at the use of her name, “I did say I was sorry. I am still sorry. Your face just got in my way,” she said matter-of-factly, before turning with a beaming smile to Jim, Claire and Toby, her eyes bright and curious, “Lively! More ‘students’ of the oaks school!”

Toby opened his mouth to correct her, then shrugged, “Eh, close enough.”

Jim was taken aback for a moment. He’d forgotten how sweet, funny and energetic Aja had been, before she was forced to grow up quicker than she had to, with her parents dying and the responsibilities of being Queen of Akiridion-5 thrust upon her. Jim hated to see the innocence in Aja’s face vanish, but there was a war ahead. Their innocence would only get them killed. He set his jaw, “I’m Jim Lake Jr. This is Toby Domzalski, and Claire Nuñez,” he introduced, “I’m sorry for keeping you and Krel stuck here. I thought it’d be best to do this somewhere more private.”

“How do you know my name? I do not recall sharing it with you.” Krel informed him, suspicious, “And do what, ‘somewhere more private?’”

Jim sighed deeply, “This.” He summoned Daylight to hand, his armour was there already, with him actively using the sunstone, but it was hidden by the glamour mask. At the sight of the glowing broadsword both Aja and Krel’s eyes widened, half in awe, half in alarm.

“What—what is the power source?” Aja breathed, captivated.

Jim smiled, “You’ll know soon enough, trust me. You’re not as alone as you think. There’s people here, amazing people, who’ll like and even love you, just for being yourselves. Your actual selves.” He knew he must sound crazy, Claire had told him so much after he’d restored her memories, and even Steve and Eli were staring at him as if he’d gone mad. The two disguised Akiridions merely looked bewildered.

So, without further ado, Jim stepped forward, confidently aiming Daylight straight and true at Aja and Krel’s faces. The familiar light engulfed them, turning their eyes a flat sliver as it did its thing, restoring their memories of the future-past. First Krel, then Aja, dropped to their knees with the weight of their newly returned memories, gasping. Barely a few seconds had passed, but Jim knew from experience that depending on the individual, it could take anywhere from a few seconds to several long and agonising minutes.

When the glaze finally left their eyes, Aja was the first to speak, “You did it,” she whispered, in a much more subdued tone than a minute before, staring at her human hands.

“Ha! It worked! Toby, you are alive!” Krel cried, much more exuberantly.

Toby waved a hand awkwardly, “Yup. I’m alive.”

Aja’s whole body sagged in relief, “It worked. And we have our memories back. This—this I did not foresee.” She looked up, and her gaze was drawn to Steve. She winced at the blossoming bruise that was forming on his cheek, “Oh, my Palchuk...”

“Just to warn you, Steve doesn’t remember the past timeline, and neither do I and some of the others.” Toby informed Aja and Krel.

Aja’s expression became ever so slightly sorrowful, while Krel made a fake retching sound, “It does not seem to have inhibited him falling in love with Aja again.”

Steve shook his head slowly, “I’ve fallen hard...For a butt-kicking, ninja-warrior angel.”

Eli joined Krel in dry heaving in disgust, but Steve completely ignored them, in favour of staring into Aja’s eyes intently; the disguised Akiridion blushed, but didn’t turn her eyes away, smiling softly.

Jim cleared his throat, thoroughly uncomfortable, “So... How are you both feeling?”

Krel and Aja exchanged inscrutable looks. “We have a chance to save our parents... Mother—I am overcome with the potential of saving everyone we lost.”

Krel nodded, “We can save Buster too, and Tronos, if we can prevent Morando even sending bounty hunters after us.”

“And perhaps we can form an alliance with Kubritz and Sergeant Costas, I really do not want to have Area 49-B on our case again, if this memory retrieval can work on anyone, we could use Area 49-B on our side. Can it? Are there certain requirements for recovering memories of the past timeline?” Aja asked, suddenly worried.

Jim chuckled, “I’ll answer all your questions, I promise. And we’ll help you guys with planning and finding solutions to the problems you faced in the first timeline, later tonight.” He took his phone out to send a quick message, and then slid it back into his pocket. “But first, let me take my glamour mask off, it’s really making me feel claustrophobic and it smells rank. Seriously, it does,” he insisted at Claire’s snort of amusement.

Aja and Krel muttered in confusion as he reached up to his face and grabbed the edge of the mask, peeling it off and restoring his actual, current appearance. Aja and Krel’s jaws dropped. “Surprise?” Jim grinned toothily, running a clawed hand through his scruff self-consciously. He really needed to give it a proper comb. Maybe he should steal that boar-bristle brush Strickler used for his coarser troll hair...

“You—you are a troll again. How—?” Aja trailed off, shaking her head.

Krel thoughtfully rubbed his chin, inspecting Jim closely, “He is different from the last time we saw him like this. He did not have slit pupils, claws, those sort of horns or green and blue stone.”

“How do you even remember that? You must have seen Jim as a half-troll for, like, a second.” Claire said in disbelief.

Krel shrugged, “Akiridions retain and learn new information better than humans. We call it thermogenic cosmesis. It works even if we are only exposed to something new for a mekron.”

“Cool!” Eli squeaked, eyes wide with barely contained excitement.

Aja chuckled, “Yes, I suppose it is.” She made to get up, and Steve quickly offered her a hand, which she gladly took, before turning to help Krel up.

“I think it will be amusing watching you try and give Varvatos his memories back.” Krel commented, smirking.

Jim’s ears went up in alarm. Even as a troll he wouldn’t want to fight Vex. And Vex would not let him anywhere near him with a glowing sword. “Oh. Oh, crap. I didn’t—”

There was the sound of hurried footsteps behind him, Claire and Toby, and they made room as a frazzled Strickler entered the labs, “I received your message, apologies for the delay, have you—ah. Mr and Miss Tarron.” He greeted the startled siblings with a respectful nod.

“Er—” Krel pointed at Jim.

Steve scoffed, “The whole school knows about Lake, he’s nothing special.”

“Yeah, so, the school knows everything, about trolls, wizards, changelings and magic.” Toby explained.

“And soon Akiridions too.” Claire added.

What.” Krel uttered, shocked, before gesturing to Strickler, squinting at him quizzically, “Who is this? I do not remember seeing him in school before.”

Strickler grinned at their obvious confusion, stepping forward, hands clasped behind his back, “Should I be offended you do not recognise me?”

Krel tilted his head, considering the changeling, eyes focusing first on his clothes then on his face. Recognition lit up in his eyes, “Strickler! You are human, that means you can still change! And alive as well of course! Do you remember the past timeline?”

“I can indeed still change, and yes, I do remember the past timeline.” Strickler answered, sweeping a few loose strands of his hair away from his face.

Aja clapped her hands together, “That is most lively!”

Strickler laughed, “I suppose it is. Now, obviously you have recovered your memories, so our next order of business is to inform Uhl and Levit of your arrival. They will require you both to introduce yourselves formally to the school, your Akiridion selves, that is. I hope you are fine with that?”

Krel and Aja looked more-or-less delighted at the prospect of it. Jim supposed being offered the opportunity to be yourself without fear of rejection or hate was definitely cause for celebration.

So far, everything was going smoothly. Jim could only hope things continued in such a manner. 



After Krel and Aja were introduced, this time as themselves, to the school, they headed to the disguised Mothership.

Where Jim predictably had a tough time giving Varvatos his memories back. After several mekron’s of fighting, Jim finally restored Varvatos’ memories. After that, he, his sister and Varvatos agreed to host Jim’s closest allies in the Mothership for a meeting of sorts. Thankfully, minus the blonde oaf and Eli, who had only recently gotten involved. Jim, Claire and Toby, who was now sharing the amulet with Jim, much to his fascination, decided to stay to bring them up to date briefly on what happened in their absence. Including their team growing with the inclusion of Angor Rot and Draal, who had both been dead before Krel, Aja and Varvatos could meet them. Although Angor Rot was a foe until the last few moments before his second death.

Varvatos became excited when it was revealed the Trollhunters had yet to kill Gunmar and were also in the process of planning to stage Gunmar’s invasion in order to reveal magic to the entire world, in the hopes they could show the Arcane Order the balance between man and magic had been restored. And that they need not remake the earth. “Most glorious it will be to face such a worthy adversary,” were Varvatos’ exact words.

By the time the first of their expectant guests, family, Krel supposed he should rather say, arrived, Jim, Toby and Claire had reached an agreement with him, Varvatos and Aja, who was hugging Luug to her chest with her upper pair of hands now that his and Aja’s transductions had worn off. (Krel reminded himself to build a portable transduction in their serrators when the first opportunity presented itself).

The agreement was that their first priority, after securing their parents safety, was for Krel to recreate the wormhole generator to return to Akiridion-5, in order to defeat Morando before he had a chance to send any bounty hunters after them or make the Omens. Only then would they tackle everything else, such as Area 49-B. Before they could plan further, Douxie and Archie arrived and Krel immediately brightened; it was good to see the Wizard and his familiar reunited. They were followed a few mekrons later by Blinky and Aaarrrgghh and then Strickler and Barbara.

Krel noted that the changeling remained in his human form, even surrounded by close friends and family. Curious. Krel would have presumed Strickler would be more comfortable in his own skin. He inwardly shrugged, that was none of his business.

Once they had all finished ‘catching up’ as the humans put it, Aja got to the serious topic: their parents. “I am sorry to turn things to serious matters so soon, but Mother is still damaged until we get a new Daxial Array, which, depending on how many delsons it takes Krel to recreate his wormhole machine, may be too little to keep our mama and papa regenerating.”

Barbara’s face fell, “So you need an alternative power source to keep them alive.”

“Sad.” Aaarrrgghh rumbled, Blinky patting the large troll’s shaggy side in comfort.

“Could magic help them?” Claire asked Douxie, “Akiridion technology and magic are compatible.”

Douxie shook his head, “That may be true, but it would take far too long to find anything remotely useful for helping Aja and Krel’s parents.”

“So...we may lose them? Again?” Aja was trying to remain steadfast, but Krel could see the cracks in her mask. Losing their parents twice was enough. To have the hope of saving them snatched away yet again was simply too cruel.

“I may be able to help.” Strickler spoke up softly, “If you would show me their stasis chambers?”

It was a tight fit with Varvatos and Aaarrrgghh present, but they all managed to crowd around the King and Queen’s stasis chambers. Krel glanced at the energy readout and was alarmed at how low it was already. Barely enough to keep their parents stable.

Strickler inspected it narrowly, deep in thought. “It might just work...” He muttered.

“What will work?” Varvatos demanded, “Speak, changeling!”

Strickler scowled up at the large Akiridion, “The Janus Order have extraterrestrial technology, we’ve blended it with magic to make regeneration chambers, for those of us struck by otherwise lethal poisons or sun scarring. I’m sure it can be adapted to help King Fialkov and Queen Coranda. If Krel and Douxie can adapt it that is.”

“No harm in trying.” Archie muttered from Douxie’s shoulders.

“Hold on a sekton, what is this Janus Order?” Aja inquired.

Strickler blinked in surprise, “You weren’t told?”

“Haha... Funny story...” Jim trailed off at Strickler’s curious expression, his pupils constricting to thin slits with nervousness.

Claire squirmed as she turned to Krel and his older sister, “So, remember that teen centre thing we showed you guys in the old timeline?”

“The place with all those skulls and bones, that had those high tech, for this mudball anyway, screens?” Krel asked.

Strickler slowly turned to glare at Jim and Claire, his eyes turning a sharp red and yellow, “Please reassure me that you did not in fact tell them the remains of my brethren, slaughtered by Gunmar, was a teen centre!”

Jim flinched, his ears pinning back, and Claire lowered her gaze. “We... Sort of did.” Jim admitted, “We didn’t know how else to explain it,” he seemed to swallow the urge to say anything more.

Barbara gently rested a hand on Strickler’s shoulder and the flaring crimson and gold of his eyes returned to its soft green. The anger in his gaze did not diminish however. Krel recalled he and Aja had been very disrespectful to the skulls and bones, not realising they were dead changelings. He grimaced guiltily at remembering their ignorance.

“Du—” Toby began.

Blinky shook his head, “He has the right to be angry,” he said quietly.

Aja looked mortified. “I—I had no idea. Forgive us; if we wrongly transgressed it was wholly by accident. I swear.”

Strickler released a long, drawn out breath, visibly calming down, “It’s fine. You didn’t know,” he sent one last withering look at Claire and Jim, who both squirmed guiltily.

“So...” Claire began awkwardly, “Should I portal us to the JO?”

Krel presumed ‘JO’ was a colloquialism for the Janus Order.

“If that doesn’t strain your magic too much.” Douxie told her gently.

Blinky nodded in agreement, “I trust Angor Rot would have our heads if he discovered Claire had exhausted her magical capabilities once more.”

Claire sighed, “Yeah, I don’t want Angor yelling at you all. But this is a short trip, I’ll be fine,” so saying, she held her hands out, focusing, until a large purple and black portal formed, sending them all to a entirely unfamiliar location.

Krel had been expecting white, blank walls and a sterile environment. What he got was warm, wooden floorboards under his feet and rich burgundy walls shot through with precious minerals, several comfy couches artfully placed against the walls at intervals. “This did not look like this last time we were here. This place feels warm and safe.” Aja remarked.

Strickler looked smug, “That is the intention. I thought renovations were in order, now that my kind aren’t trying to bring about Gunmar’s return.”

“Also, Strickler’s in charge, so what he says goes.” Toby added.

“Most impressive.” Varvatos grudgingly allowed.

They followed Strickler as he lead them confidently through many passages and then down many flights of stairs, to the point that Toby, Blinky and Aaarrrgghh were moaning about them. Until finally they reached impressive, shiny chrome doors. There was a panel set into the wall, which required Strickler to change forms so that it could scan him and verify that he was allowed on this level.

Krel watched in interest as green light engulfed the changeling, his body blurring as it transformed. When the light cleared Krel blinked in surprise. He had only ever seen the changeling dressed in human clothes, but those were gone. Instead, Strickler wore traditional troll clothing, a loincloth and an elegant cape with knives around the collar, allowing Krel to see the carvings on Strickler’s leanly muscled form.

Varvatos’ four eyes went wide, “Glorious! Varvatos Vex much prefers this warrior cape encircled with blades to dull civilian clothes!”

Strickler blinked, startled, “Thank you?” He replied tentatively.

Jim, Toby and Douxie sniggered at his response, Barbara and Claire merely shaking their heads with smiles at the exchange.

Strickler went ahead and verified his identity, remaining in his troll form as the doors hissed open, ushering them into a sterile, familiar environment. Krel noted the long clean white tables filled with all sorts of scientific apparatus, shelves lining the walls with various test tubes and jars with curious contents. Krel knew with certainty he could stay here for many horvaths if allowed. Toby reached out to touch one of the jars, containing a curled up black and yellow lizard with six legs, floating in greenish liquid, and Strickler growled sharply, “Do not touch anything.”

Toby yelped, quickly retracting his hand. And then Krel realised something. The room was not empty.

A small changeling, he could not be anything else, in human form, was seated at one of the long white tables, with several heavy tomes laid out before him. He looked up, startled at the noise they had made entering. He seemed to be around sixteen keltons old, and had brown eyes, shaggy golden hair and lots of freckles, wearing a green knitted vest and rolled up trousers.

“Birch, what have I told you about being in the research facilities without supervision?” Strickler reprimanded the younger changeling sternly.

Birch ignored the question in favour of staring at him, Aja and Varvatos, eyes sparkling, “Oh! You’re the Akiridions aren’t you? This is so cool!” His sudden energy spike reminded Krel of Eli. They would probably get along well with each other.

Birch.” Strickler growled, crossing his arms.

“Oh. Sorry Sir. Xirca said it was alright as long as I was quiet and didn’t mess around with anything. Nowhere else is this calm, except the Archives, but that’s a creepy calm and I can’t stay there long on my own.” Birch shuddered.

“Very fair, honestly.” Toby remarked, earning him a tentative smile from the young changeling.

“Yeah, this is way nicer.” Claire agreed.

Strickler groaned, running a clawed hand through his hair, “Let’s stay on track, shall we?” He strode forward to a relatively empty part of the research facility, cape dramatically swishing, and stopped by a ancient looking control panel raised on a plinth. He tapped it with a claw and a projected keyboard appeared over the panel, glowing a soft blue.

Krel peered at it, fascinated. “How do you have such technology?”

“Stole some of it from Area 49-B, some of it is based on a hybrid form of technology which we call magi-tech,” at Krel and Douxie’s enrapt expressions the changeling snorted in amusement, “but that is not what we’re here for.” He tapped an icon on the hovering screen and out of the floor rose two long, smooth chambers, about the size of a medium changeling troll, which opened with a hiss of compressed air. Krel noted the insides were padded and indented, with wires running around the edges.

Birch stood up, curious, his eyes flicking over all of them, “Is someone injured?”

“Yes, critically. But not any of us,” Krel answered quietly.

“Our parents.” Aja clarified, gaze downturned. Varvatos rested a hand on her shoulder gently, for once unusually sombre and silent.

Strickler’s bright golden eyes flicked between Krel and Aja, “Would this work for your parents? If it were to be adapted?”

Krel stepped forward, running his upper hands on the open chamber doors. It was the correct size, and it seemed like it could easily be tweaked within a few horvaths, using pieces of the stasis chambers back at the Mothership and perhaps with help from Douxie, since he sensed magic was partly at play here. “It is a bit crude, but yes, if this were adapted with Douxie’s help, I believe this could work. What is powering it?”

Strickler awkwardly shifted his weight, “It’s taking power directly from the town’s electrical grid network,” he muttered.

“Let me guess,” Blinky said sternly, “Stolen power?”

“Well, yes,” the changeling admitted, glancing at Barbara nervously.

Walt. Do you have to steal the power?” Barbara began, in a tone of voice that implied this was not the first time a conversation like this had happened.

“We only use these chambers in emergencies, it isn’t a regular occurrence.” Strickler replied, a faint edge of a whine in his voice.

Krel sincerely hoped he never found himself in a relationship.

“What do you usually use these chambers for?” Krel asked quickly, diverting Strickler’s attention from Barbara.

Before the changeling could voice a reply, Birch stepped forward, responding eagerly to the question, pointing to the inside of the chambers, “See those crystals there? Pieces of Heartstone, that we er, stole, it aids in healing but we’ve amped up the effect with some extraterrestrial tech. It can heal, after like, only a week, an almost fully petrified changeling. It’s still a little touch and go, but we’re still developing the tech.”

“Fascinating.” Krel mused, “If I can integrate mama and papa’s stasis chambers with these ones, we can keep them safely here until we retake Akiridion-5 from Morando.”

Varvatos and Aja beamed happily, almost giddy with relief. Aja turned to Strickler, drawing herself up, and, with all the poise of a Queen, stated solemnly, “The thanks of Akiridion-5 go out to you, Strickler. We owe you a debt.”

Strickler’s ears flicked in embarrassment, “You are most welcome, Miss Tarron.”

Varvatos clapped a heavy hand on the slim changeling’s shoulders and he startled, eyes wide, “You have done us a massive service. Varvatos Vex shall be informing their majesties when they are restored to physical form.” Varvatos declared.

Toby waved a hand awkwardly, “Sorry to butt in, but I just wanted to say; every time I think I’ve seen the whole JO, it keeps sprouting new rooms! There aren’t any more surprises here, right?”

Strickler shook his horned head, “I do not believe so—oh, wait, do the armoury and training arena levels count?”

“Training arena!?” Blinky cried, “Armoury?!” He continued; eyes alight.

Douxie rolled his eyes and Archie remarked, “Perhaps we are in need of a proper tour of the entire Janus Order.”

“Yes, perhaps.” Strickler agreed.

“So, if that is all, I will begin the process of transferring mama and papa’s cores to these chambers. With help from Douxie, of course. I will be able to access these facilities on my own, or accompanied by Douxie, yes?”

Strickler nodded, “I will ask for our senior technicians to authorize the both of you on this level.” He gestured to him and Douxie.

Krel finally allowed himself to sag in relief, and then could not help but ask casually, “Say, you do not happen to have a retrieval ray lying around, would you? I require one for my wormhole generator.”

Strickler frowned, “I will check our storage catalogues.”

That was acceptable. For now.

“Can we go home now?” Jim asked impatiently.

“Oh, wait!” Douxie held a finger up, “Before we leave, Krel, could you translate this for us? Please?” He held out a crusty stone tablet to him, that he had apparently summoned from out of nowhere, and perhaps he had.

Krel took it, glancing at the writing on the tablet, and almost dropped it. He squinted, sure his eyes were playing tricks on him, he tapped the characters on the stone with three of his hands, “This is—this is Ancient Akiridion! Where did you find this?”

“Beneath the Janus Order,” Claire answered him softly, “in a cave depicting Seklos and Gaylen with the Arcane Order.”

Krel, Varvatos and Aja exchanged looks of awe. “Seklos and Gaylen...” Aja breathed.

“Indeed.” Krel muttered.

There was still so much to do, in such a short amount of time, but Krel knew by working with his earth friends, earth family, he could do anything.

Krel was excited to begin, because earth still had so many secrets to discover.

And he was going to uncover them.


I feel that being called alien for the Akiridions is much the same level of racism as impure. So there will be none of that here!
I couldn't help myself with my throwbacks to the Og timeline, so noodle legged Jim makes a return.

I know Kubritz is disliked, but she did switch sides at the last moment, so having her form a truce with team Trollhunters is VERY important. Esp for future events.

Look, there's literally no way Aja, Vex and Krel saw Strickler's human form, or his troll form pre eternal night, so obviously they need to react to that.

Also I still find Jim, Claire and Toby’s desecration of the Janus Order in the OG timeline always rubbed me the wrong way. Esp when it was never brought up.

And lastly, many thanks to beetlewater fo their adorable changeling OC Birch, who's probably going to turn up again soon!

... I sincerely hope Aja, Krel and Vex seemed in character, next chapter Krel figures out what's written on the Ancient Akiridion tablet, setting off a quest for the strangest shopping list. Even stranger than that one time Merlin turned Jim into a half-troll.

Chapter 19: The strangest of shopping lists...


Once the mysterious stone tablet is deciphered by Krel, a frantic search is put into action by team Trollhunters, who divide and conquer to find the most absurd ingredients—in order to destroy the Genesis Seals forever and prevent the possibility of the titans being summoned by the Arcane Order.


I really wanted to get this out in December, but it just didn't happen, so I'm hoping to update twice this month, fingers crossed!

For the Akiridion arc I'm going to aim to have a POV of Aja, Krel or Vex in each chapter, but I'll probably just stick to Aja and Krel...

The POV's in this chapter are as follows: Aja, then Jim and ends with Angor Rot.

As always, enjoy! This is a relatively relaxed chapter, so there will be more angst/fighting soon... Even if there's a significant amount of swearing compared to other chapters lol.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Aja could not find Krel.

She had searched practically everywhere with no luck. First at the mothership with Luug, then by asking Varvatos about Krel’s whereabouts and interrupting his chess match with Nancy Domzalski and the other old geezers, only to find out he did not know either, and finally at the Lake house, which was a last-ditch effort on her part.

She was finally rewarded by Dr Lake taking pity on her and suggesting she should try the Janus Order.

She cursed herself for not thinking of it sooner.

It made sense, it was after all where their parents were for now, until they could reclaim Akiridion-5. It was always at the back of her mind, if they could really succeed against General Morando, before he grew any more powerful or sent his bounty hunters after them. She could live with never seeing the Zeron Brotherhood again.

She shook the thoughts away, they had only been on Earth for technically barely a wardon, yet had already accomplished so much. They had made contact with their allies, Krel, with Douxie, had integrated their parent’s stasis chambers with the Janus Order’s technology, ensuring their safety and Krel had also started working on the wormhole generator, which should be complete by the next wardon. As well as working on translating the tablet written in Ancient Akiridion that Douxie, Claire, Riley and Strickler had found.

This unfortunately had the downside of Aja hardly ever seeing her little brother this wardon.

She made her way to the ‘JO,' wary of anyone spotting her, since it was broad daylight, even if it was on the edge of town. The last thing she wanted was for a curious human to wander in after her.

Once inside, Aja picked up the old phone receiver on the cracked wooden desk and parroted the required code answer to the changeling on the other line, that had been drilled into her head by Strickler. It was tiresome. Even if it was protocol.

The floor slowly lowered and the moment it opened up on the main Janus Order level she was out, making her way confidently through the many corridors of the Order, in her natural form now that Krel had recreated their portable transductions. The changelings did not mind, seeing as they themselves greatly preferred to roam the Janus Order in their own natural forms.

Any surprise at the sight of her, Krel or Varvatos had died long ago. A few changelings she passed greeted her politely enough, but most ignored her, as Aja quickly ran down the stairs that led to the research facilities.

She banged on the large chrome doors awaiting her with all four of her fists, “Little brother! It has been many horvaths since I have seen you, I was—”

The doors slid open abruptly to reveal a grinning Krel, who grabbed two of her hands and tugged her inside.

She immediately noticed that Birch and Eli were there too, excitedly muttering to each other over several holographic screens as well as the stone tablet Krel was in the process of translating.

“Aja! You will not believe what the tablet says!” Krel said, positively vibrating as he let her hands go.

“What does it say?” Aja asked, curious, as she followed Krel to Birch and Eli.

Birch’s eyes were glowing slightly at the edges in his excitement, “Its insane, if what it says is true!”

“I know!” Eli squeaked, equally as excited, “Even if the objects required sound impossible to find.”

“Krel? I have no idea what they're talking about.” Aja pointed out, crossing her first pair of arms.

“Ah, right! Here we go!” Krel slapped his forehead with one hand, using two others to zoom in on one of the holographic screens in front of him, so that it displayed a digital rendition of the stone tablet.

With a translation beside it that made no sense to her.

Aja frowned, still confused, tilting her head at the words on the screen, “I still do not understand. This is meaningless to me.”

“Read what it says right at the bottom.” Krel directed her gaze.

She looked where he pointed dutifully and her eyes went wide in disbelief. “No way...” She breathed.

“Yes way,” Krel replied smugly, “It was hard to translate, do not get me wrong, since Ancient Akiridion is a more or less been a dead language for many kelton’s... But of course, I eventually figured it out.”

Aja shook her head, “This—this changes everything. We—we can destroy the Genesis Seals with these—these ingredients. We can stop raw magic being released into the world by the titans, forever.”

“Yes, but how are we meant to even find these ingredients?” Eli moaned.

“Eli makes a good point.” Krel conceded.

Aja took a breath, “We should probably call a group meeting with the others about this...”

So, they called a group meeting with Jim and the others at the Lake house. Krel explaining to them the situation.

It was agreed that while Jim and his team would deal with the significant majority of the ingredients, which was ten of the items, she, Krel and Varvatos would deal with the remaining three.

The first one they dealt with back at their disguised mothership, Mother was already showing signs of more awareness, but most of her energy was focused on keeping the cloaking device intact.

Krel would have to fix her at some point. But for now, it was fine.

“Right. The first item is... The sound of thunder? There are not any storms in Arcadia. It hardly even rains.” Aja said, already despairing of ever collecting their three items.

Krel shook his head at her, “Douxie told me that such obscure items do not usually have a straightforward meaning.”

Varvatos snorted, “Varvatos Vex believes this is easy enough to decipher. Perhaps it alludes to a mighty battle cry?”

“I—did not think of that.” Krel admitted.

“How are we supposed to collect a battle cry?” Aja demanded.

“As a gas.” Krel shrugged, as if it was obvious.

What?” Aja was even more confused now, which also had the adverse effect of irritating her.

Krel sighed, “Varvatos does his battle cry to evoke the sound of thunder into a container, such as a glass tube, and then we stopper it up.”

They did so.

And Aja’s auditory receptors were still ringing when they progressed to collecting the second item, returning to their parents in the Janus Order, armed with a few glass containers helpfully supplied by Eli.

Their second task was collecting the spark of a core. This was simple enough to understand. It referred to the core all Akiridions carried in their chests instead of a heart. And since her, Krel and Varvatos’ cores were not accessible, that left their parents.

It meant Krel was forced to coax a spark from one of their parents still regenerating bodies.

Krel winced as the zap of core energy buzzed angrily in the jar he had captured it in. “I am sure papa will forgive me when I tell him what was at stake.”

“Or perhaps you do not tell him at all?” Aja suggested.

“Yes. That works too.” Krel agreed readily.

Their last stop over was at Stuart’s Electronics. As their final item was the slime of a Durian. That needed no deciphering at all.

Aja gave the disguised Durian her most winning smile, “Stuart, you said you would do anything to help us.”

Stuart seemed to be thinking about it for a sekton, then he crossed his arms resolutely, “That does not extend to handing over the lubricant on my very sensitive skin, I should point out to you.”

“It is so the Arcane Order can never again use their titans. Please. You would be helping to save the world too, if that makes it any better.” Aja needled him, practically begging.

“And if you do not,” Varvatos began ominously, “Varvatos Vex shall squash you like a puny Larvox!” He yelled, waving his walking stick in the air.

Stuart yelped, ducking as Varvatos swung it for his head. “Ah! No need to get violent! I will only give it to you because Princess Aja, that is the Queen-in-waiting—” here he gestured to where the crest over Aja’s brow would lie in her Akiridion form, the ceremony being completed just the other delson ago for her and Krel, “—asked nicely.” Stuart finished, glaring at Varvatos.

He vanished to the back of his store, and reappeared mere sektons later with a small jar of greenish slime, handing it to her.

Krel raised an eyebrow in surprise, “That was—fast.”

Stuart sighed heavily, “I keep it in storage. Turns out Durian slime is a great moisturizer for human skin too.”

Krel made a face as if he did not quite believe him and Aja laughed. “Let us hope the others have an even easier time collecting their ingredients.”



“Umm. I really feel we got the short end of the stick here.” Jim complained, holding up the list Krel had scribbled on a piece of paper for what they needed to collect to destroy the Genesis Seals forever.

Jim had hoped the stone tablet would have useful information, but not the ingredients and instructions to get rid of the Genesis Seals and the only way for the Arcane Order to summon their titans. If they did the spell, the raw magic contained in the seals would be released back into the earth, where it belonged, instead of being used to power the titans.

At his complaint, Claire sent him a sympathetic look from her position beside him on the couch in his living room.

Toby made a grab for the sheet of paper from where he was standing in front of them and Jim let him have it.

“Yeah, this is pretty shitty.” He showed it to Nomura, standing next to him in human form, and she wrinkled her nose daintily in displeasure.

“It can’t be that bad.” Douxie said, next to Claire and Jim, with Archie in his lap.

Angor Rot snorted but did not say anything and Strickler rolled his eyes, “I have read it, and I assure you, Mr Casperan, it really is rather bad, as you put it,” his lips curled up in a faint sneer and Douxie flipped him off.

Jim was glad his mom had a shift at the hospital and couldn’t be here, because everyone had decided to have potty mouths all of a sudden. He was all too glad that it was the middle of the day so their troll family members, who only had two items to worry about, were still down in Trollmarket. Thanks to the sunstone, Jim was able to enjoy a relatively relaxing weekend home.

“Okay, okay, what’s the first thing on the list? We’ll take them one at a time.” Toby said, looking at Nomura, who still held the list.

She groaned, but reluctantly read out, “The breath of the God’s. Whatever that means.”


Then Angor Rot rumbled, “It speaks of a place of high altitude.”

Claire scrunched her brows up, thinking hard, “Somewhere with high elevation... Close to the God’s... So, like a mountain?” Claire asked.

Angor nodded from his shadowed corner of the room, despite it being unnecessary what with still being very much human currently.

“Do you see any mountains near Arcadia, Angor?” Strickler demanded.

Angor Rot sent the changeling a sullen look, flicking out the shadow staff pointedly, “I can travel wherever I want. I will collect the breath of the God’s while the rest of you continue to find the remaining items.”

With that said, Angor Rot was gone, vanishing into a shadow portal.

“What is next?” Archie asked from Douxie’s lap.

“Fur of Dragon. Huh, that’s fortunate.” Toby remarked, having retaken the list from Nomura.

“Bollocks.” Archie cursed with feeling.

“Sorry Arch,” Douxie apologised softly, “but that’s what we need. Jim? A little help?”

Jim got up from the couch, kneeling beside Archie and Douxie and extending a claw gingerly, as both dragon and Wizard tensed. “Hey, maybe you might want to shift to dragon form first?” Jim asked nervously. Archie did so in a crackle of golden energy, his wings bristling as Jim used his claw to gently cut a thick tuft of fur off Archie’s back, dropping it into the small container Douxie held out.

“What’s next on the list?” Jim inquired of Toby expectantly, warming up to the task.

“Um—” Toby glanced down at the piece of paper, then froze, “Oh boy.”

“What?” Claire asked anxiously.

“It’s tears of a father. I’m pretty sure none of us have kids. Actually, do we even know any fathers who aren’t deadbeats?”

“Hey! My papa is not a deadbeat!” Claire protested.

“Yeah, okay, but I’m pretty sure he’ll kill us if we tried to get any sort of tears from him. We need someone in this room.” Toby shot back.

Nomura laughed sharply, “Of course we have a father in this room! Strickler and his idiotic love for Little Gynt.” Every word was laced with contempt and Strickler bristled.

Jim already hated where this was going.

He buried his face in his hands and fought the urge to scream. Instead he gripped his horns tightly, took a measured breath, and raised his head again, as Strickler backed away from Nomura cautiously as she gave him a malicious smile, “So we get to make Strickler cry, how fun.”

Toby edged closer to Strickler, determination in his eyes, “I’m really sorry about this,” he muttered.

Jim’s eyes went wide, he knew exactly what his best friend was about to do. “Tobes, don’t do it—” He was too late.

Taking Strickler completely by surprise, just as in the first timeline, Toby used rule number three on the changeling.

Strickler went down with a high-pitched whimper, hands to his groin, as Nomura cackled with laughter.

Toby winced guiltily as he quickly caught the stream of tears from Strickler’s eyes with a empty bottle with a chant of, “Sorry, sorry, sorry.”

Jim leapt up, by Strickler’s side in an instant, propping him up as Strickler hissed in pain, tears still caught in his lashes. “Toby!” Jim barked, baring his tusks, “What the hell man? How am I meant to explain to mom that you broke Strickler?”

“I didn’t hit him that hard, Jim! And we need these ingredients. Trust me, I got no pleasure from it!” Toby defended himself.

Strickler quivered and Jim’s ears twitched as he glanced down at him in concern, “Strickler? Are you alright?”

The changeling’s head snapped up, gaze alight in burning yellow and red as he snarled at Toby, the sound much more unsettling coming from his human throat, “You little piece of shit—” He growled, fuming mad.

Toby squeaked and hid behind the couch, “Look, if Blinky had been here I’d have used rule number three on him instead! He has six eyes to leak tears from! We needed tears of a father, it’s nothing personal!”

Strickler’s growl petered out and he groaned, “And here I thought you would spare me rule number three forevermore. But no, Tobias apparently has a death wish.”

Jim was sorely tempted to elbow Strickler sharply for that, but he didn’t want to be on the receiving end of Strickler’s ire and settled for patting his arm gently, before glaring in the general direction of Toby.

He pretended to ignore the fact Nomura was still laughing and that Claire, Douxie and Archie looked really close to tears of laugher.

“Leave both of my dad’s alone in the future, Tobes.” Jim warned.

And of course, because it was just the right moment, Angor Rot returned, jar full of snow and wind, looking like a popsicle. His face immediately thawed out into a smirk when he saw Strickler on the floor, “Hm. It seems I have missed out.”

It turned out those were the easy items.

They had to divide and conquer for the rest.

The last one they did together, sort of, was courage of a King.

According to Douxie that was him.

He wanted to deny it, he was no king, but everyone seemed to agree because he’d pulled Excalibur. He wasn’t thrilled what this ingredient implied when it said courage.

Okay, fine, everyone else was against his idea, but a little burn was nothing he couldn’t handle. Granted, he’d forgotten how much the sun hurt him as a troll, being used to the protection granted to him through the sunstone. But at least they had a solid physical representation of courage of a king. Namely his flaked off stone.

Claire immediately bandaged his burnt hand, but he couldn’t help but think his mom was going to yell at him. A lot. First Strickler deliberately exposed himself to the sun, and now him.

The next item was bewildering.

It was the sound of a cat’s footfall.

Douxie assured him he knew how to collect it and would be able to somehow acquire it by tomorrow, when the had to perform the spell to destroy the Seals. Claire took on board the next thing on the list, which was the call of the shadows. She took that as being related to the shadow realm and promptly left to the JO Archives to double check and research into what it meant, after a kiss for him, promising she’d get it by tomorrow too.

That left the roots of a tree and a feather of a Griffon. Nomura volunteered for finding the former and Strickler the latter, both changelings leaving soon after.

Strickler was extremely cold towards Toby when he left, not even wishing Jim goodnight, which stung a little. He hadn’t done anything wrong.

With Angor retiring to the basement, and Douxie and Archie leaving for Douxie’s shift at the bookstore, it left only Toby and Jim.

Toby sighed into the quiet of the house, slumping down on the couch. “I think I messed things up with Strickler,” he said softly.

“You think?” Jim growled, “You should have left it to Nomura. She’s probably made Strickler cry plenty of times.”

Toby flinched, “I feel real bad about it, Jimbo. But—it specifically said tears of a father. If I left it to Nomura or Angor, who still has a vendetta against Strickler, they’d have done worse. Not that it makes it any better!” He said hurriedly at Jim’s glower, “So, I think it’s best to avoid Strickler for now.”

“Probably for the best, until he calms down,” Jim agreed, “at least apologise?”

Toby made a face, “Yeah, sure, Jimbo. Apologise to the changeling assassin who carries grudges and is the most petty individual alive. He’s going to make my life a living hell at school!”

“And you’d actually deserve it.” Jim pointed out.

“Thanks, Jim. Moving on! Do you think Blinky and Aaarrrgghh got their items from the list?”

Jim shrugged, “We can go check with them in Trollmarket, as long as its done for tomorrow, it really doesn’t matter.”

He and Toby set off for Trollmarket, now that Jim had finally been convinced to return thanks to Blinky.

Jim was only slightly tense as they attempted to find Aaarrrgghh and Blinky in Trollmarket. The trolls, when he had first come into Trollmarket since his temporary transformation into a troll, had predictably thought he was a changeling.

Being called impure had hurt, and their hostility had been surprising, but Blinky had soon set them straight, ranting that if anyone called his son impure again he’d sic Aaarrrgghh on them. That, and Blinky assuring him everything would be fine, was all that kept Jim from bolting. He trusted Blinky with his life.

Sure enough, once Vendel had been informed of Jim’s current state, the trolls apologised to him profusely.

But he wasn’t comfortable quite yet. Some trolls still looked at him as if he was a freak of nature, and it stirred up uncomfortable memories, and made him realise how huge a difficulty introducing actual changelings to Trollmarket would be. He thought he understood how a changeling might feel that entering Trollmarket was a stupid idea.

He shook his inner musings away as Toby pointed out the distinctive furred back of Aaarrrgghh.

They made their way towards the massive Krubera, who perked up at the sight of them.

“Hey Aaarrrgghh, have you gotten the sneeze of a troll yet?” Toby greeted.

Aaarrrgghh beamed toothily, “Yes. Big sneeze,” he extended both arms to showcase the size.

“That’s great,” Jim grinned, ears up with how smoothly everything was going for them. Their team was so diverse, so spread out among different species, so powerful when together, that a list that would have been impossible for anyone else was competed within, hopefully, two days. He was sort of stunned that such teamwork was even possible. If it was possible with them, maybe the whole world could do the same. Maybe the Arcane Order could see that and realise they were wrong to reset the world.

“And my dad...?” Jim prompted Aaarrrgghh.

“Not good.” The mossy giant sighed, “Beard of wo-man easy with fe-male trolls. Just don’t want to give.”

“That’s—not so great.” Jim frowned.

“Okay, but Blinky will get it by tomorrow, right?” Toby inquired hopefully.

Aaarrrgghh nodded, “Trying to trade for it. Should be done by tomorrow.”

“That’s fine, then. Douxie and Angor said they’ll be performing the spell in the evening, since apparently it needs to be done under a crescent moon with five witnesses, not including Angor or Douxie.” Jim explained.

“Magic is so weird.” Toby complained.

He couldn’t agree more.



Angor Rot watched as Douxie carefully arranged the variety of jars, containers, tubes and bottles the ingredients for destroying the Genesis Seals were contained within, in a pentagram that had been painstakingly drawn out in chalk.

Toby moved from foot to foot anxiously. “Are you sure doing this in Nana’s backyard is a good idea?”

“I mean, she’s pretty much deaf.” Claire replied.

“When she chooses to be.” Toby muttered under his breath.

Angor assessed the backyard narrowly, “It should not make much noise, if that concerns you, Trollhunter.”

The only ones present were the two Trollhunters, Claire, the Akiridion prince known as Krel, in human form, and Archie. If he did not include himself or Douxie that is. The spell required five to attend the ceremony of destroying the Genesis Seals, Angor had suspicions of what it may entail, but he kept them to himself.

Jim was currently wearing a Glamour mask to appear human, just in case anyone spotted him as it was still early evening, and Angor Rot had to wear what humans called ‘sun-glasses’ to hide his inhuman gold and black eyes. He hated how they tinted his vision, dimming his already poor human eyesight. But the last thing they needed was someone in Arcadia seeing his eyes and getting spooked. Especially since he was the only one, other than Douxie, with the power to even dare to attempt the spell to destroy the Genesis Seals.

Strickler and Nomura had briefly appeared in order to hand over their items from the list to Jim, a griffon feather Strickler had said was used as decoration in some of the offices in the Janus Order, and the dense and delicate roots of a baby tree from Nomura. With Krel having contributed the three items he and the other Akiridions had collected, and Toby, Douxie, Jim and Claire having brought with them the rest of the ingredients, they were ready.

Douxie nodded at him and Angor Rot began to chant the complicated words of Ancient Akiridion, that Krel had helped him memorise until he could repeat it flawlessly. With each word uttered he felt the energy drain from inside him, as well as from a few of the collection of thirteen objects in the pentagram. The words he spoke were only to summon forth the Genesis Seals, instead of proceeding to destroy the Staff of Avalon to gain access to them. The majority of the spell would be down to the Wizard.

He fell to his knees as he breathed out the final word, a light growing in the centre of the pentagram, finally forming into the infamous Seals they would soon destroy.

“Omg! Omg! Omg! It’s really working!” Toby squealed, as always speaking at an inopportune moment.

Douxie stood tall, legs apart for balance, expression unusually grave. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, we haven’t succeeded yet,” he warned, gulping, before speaking the spell in a low, steady voice: “Audite nunc ab iis qui custodiunt terram. Quid urit, refrigerat et sanat, quid moderatur et mutatur. Extrahe super vires nostras, ut veritas tua in mundo perpetuo contineatur; dimisit in galaxia.”

Douxie’s whole body trembled violently, his eyes glowing white hot as he was lifted off the floor as the pentagram shook with energy, before sending lashes of magic at Douxie, winding about his limbs. The same lashes of magic ensnared him as well, and the spectating Jim, Claire, Toby, Archie and Krel, using them as living conducts of energy to aide in strengthening the spell.

His chest burned sharply in agony, like the pain felt after touching the sun as a troll, and he had to stop himself from thrashing about as the others were doing, no doubt feeling the same thing as him. But he had known this was coming. It said in the spell that it would draw on their strength. And so it had.

The light from the pentagram had grown overwhelmingly bright, eclipsing everything, the ingredients they had painstakingly collected vibrating and growing hot in their containers, before dissolving into one swirling substance, engulfing the Genesis Seals completely.

All was still, all was silent, for one, brief, moment.

Then the Seals exploded in a rainbow of sparks, with barely a sound, a wave of pure, volatile energy spraying out from where the Genesis Seals had hovered in the air. They were all knocked down, the magic holding them in the air dissipating, as the wave of magic continued to spread outward, a canopy of car alarms all going off at the same time as the magical wave hit them.

A flock of birds startled out of the trees, and Angor wondered if the effects of destroying the Seals and releasing ancient magic to the world would have a visible impact on the rest of their planet. He thought it would. The next few months were sure to be... Interesting, to say the least.

Several seconds passed of quietly recovering from shock, and pain, before Toby said faintly, “Wow. That hurt like a bitch.”

“Language.” Jim scolded teasingly, as he gingerly rubbed his chest.

“Oh, you’re really one to talk, Jimbo. Do you want me to tell your mom all the troll swears I’ve heard you throwing around?” Toby retorted.

Jim’s jaw dropped, “How did you—”

Claire sighed wearily, “Guys, have your little argument sometime else, okay? Douxie, did—was that meant to happen? Cause it really did hurt.”

Douxie staggered woozily to his feet, Archie somehow in his arms, “Um, yeah. It was definitely part of the spell... I don’t feel so good...” He slowly crumpled to the ground again, and Jim, Toby and Claire lurched forward to catch him before he faceplanted, Archie wriggling out of his grip, with a concerned, "Douxie!"

“Is he going to be alright?” Claire asked Angor worriedly, as Archie nuzzled into his familiar’s side, bespectacled eyes alert and attentive to the snores emitting from Douxie's open mouth.

Angor grunted, “He will be fine. He is suffering magical burnout. The Wizard expended most of his energy on the spell, if not for the spell itself borrowing energy from all of you, he would not have been able to complete it.” He was himself feeling extremely drained.

Claire, Jim and Toby relaxed, gently supporting Douxie in a sitting position. His head flopped onto Jim’s shoulder and the Trollhunter bit his lip to stop himself laughing, “I think Douxie needs somewhere to nap,” he sniggered.

Krel smiled in satisfaction as well as relief, “I am glad Douxie just needs a sleep to get better,” he then shuddered, “That pain was most unpleasant. But we did it! We destroyed the Arcane Order’s only way to call on their titans!”

“This is definitely a cause of celebration.” Jim agreed, Krel’s energy rubbing off on him.

“Good thing I told Nana to cook extra, because I’m starving. And there’s no celebration without food!” Toby said, jerking a thumb at his house.

Angor felt a smile grow on his face as the others laughed.

Merely a handful of months ago, less than a year, and Angor Rot had expected nothingness and darkness to be the only company for the likes of him for all eternity.

Now he had friends, he belonged somewhere, he had a newfound purpose.

And so he dared to hope for a better future.


... I really hope this whole scenario is believable and not too quickly wrapped up, if anything it's to showcase how because of how diverse Jim's team is they can literally do anything together. If anything this entire chapter is about working cohesively as a team, playing on each others strengths.

Also its getting harder to keep track of characters and plot lines, help!

Also I bet you didn't see Toby using rule number three on the poor avocado man again. Expect a rather tense exchange between Strickler and Toby next chapter when Toby finds the courage to apologise... As well as plans for returning to Akiridion-5 to stop Morando.

The ingredients the sound of a cat's footfall and beard of a woman is taken from Norse mythology, as part of six items to make Gleipnir, the binding that holds the wolf Fenrir.

The Latin spell Douxie speaks to destroy the Genesis Seals should translate to: "Hear now from those who guard the land. What burns, cools and heals, what controls and changes. Draw upon our strength, that thy truth may be perpetually contained in the world; released into the galaxy.” You can guess who it's talking about I hope.

Many thanks again to beetlewater fo their adorable changeling OC Birch!

Chapter 20: Apologies and advice


After avoiding Strickler for three days, Toby finally finds it in himself to apologise to the changeling, only to find he’s been expecting him...

Aja and Krel interrupt to seek advice on the upcoming return to Akiridion-5 and how to defeat Morando.

Then there’s also the matter of the strange weather they’ve been having...


Two updates in a month? It's more likely than you'd think.
I apologise for the increasingly stupid chapter titles, I honestly can't think up anything more creative.
This chapter goes from Toby POV, to Aja and then finally Jim. There's not that much happening in terms of action, but that will be next chapter. Because we're finally going to Akiridion-5...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Toby had to admit, knocking on Strickler’s office door at school had never filled him with as much dread as it did now.

He raised his fist to knock, then lowered it, biting his lip uncertainly. It had been three days since he’d used rule number three on Strickler to contribute towards the destruction of the Genesis Seals. Three days of Strickler picking on him continuously in class and heaping ‘extra credit’ homework on his already more than overburdened shoulders. Seriously, the changeling had it out for him. He’d had no clue Strickler could be so—so evil.

Mary had asked him what he’d done to piss Strickler off and he’d literally had to pretend to need the toilet to avoid her probing. Somehow he doubted Strickler would appreciate the whole school learning about his encounter with rule three. Actually, he was pretty sure Strickler would actually kill him for relinquishing that information.

It had taken Jim practically begging him to go apologise to Strickler and hope he’d stop punishing him in school. So here he was, already regretting coming to Strickler’s office after school, with only the patter of rain outside to keep him company, despite the relative brightness of the day. Because ever since they’d destroyed the Genesis Seals, the weather had been—weird. It was now the third day of light rain showers, while the sun was out, resulting in plenty of rainbows. Too many if you asked him.

On the weather channels people were puzzled by America largely being hit with rain in usually really arid and dry countries. Eli had told him and the others that other countries were experiencing the same odd weather, with places that were usually cold suddenly hit with a heat wave and places usually warm with either snow or rain. There had also been some interesting activity in the nature news on TV. Apparently there had been a lot more sightings of rare bird species over the last few days, as well as a influx of animals in the cities. Plus, there were the less reliable accounts of encounters with the ‘supernatural’ on the conspiracy blogs Eli followed. Toby took those with a liberal pinch of salt. Although he had checked online himself and he was certain he’d spotted a few blurry images of Goblins, Gnomes, a few creatures he didn’t recognise and what he was certain was a river troll.

So maybe releasing ancient magic into the world was going to bite them in the butt, but it was too late to do anything about it.

Toby took a deep breath, you can do this. You’re the Trollhunter. The Bular freaking slayer! You can talk to Strickler. With those thoughts at the forefront of his mind, he knocked sharply on the door before he lost his courage.


No, ‘come in,' no sound at all.


He tentatively pushed the door open with a foot and it creaked on its hinges in protest as he quickly slipped in, closing the door behind him.

So he didn’t at first register the blinds in the room were done.

The lights being on had disguised this minor detail.

There was a soft click behind him and Toby whirled around in surprise. The door handle was glowing faintly. He touched it and yelped as it burned him. Omigosh Strickler used his magic to lock me in!

He knew the changeling only knew a few basic spells, but this? He was freaking out.

He turned slowly towards Strickler’s desk and his heart plummeted.

Strickler was leaning nonchalantly against his desk in troll form, watching him.

Oohh crap. That’s not good. Strickler had been expecting him.

He was trapped in here, and Strickler was in troll form. No one would hear his screams. He reached a hand out to pat the amulet in his back pocket. Just to reassure himself it was there if things took a turn for the worse. Logically he knew Strickler probably wouldn’t hurt him.

And then he noticed what Strickler was twirling between his fingers. A knife. The soft snik sound it made sent shivers up his spine.

Strickler’s golden, cat-like gaze dropped to the knife in his claws as he slowly drawled, “I’ve been expecting you, Tobias. I got the distinct feeling you’ve been avoiding me.” The dangerous edge to Strickler’s voice was not lost on him. Maybe he shouldn’t have delayed his apology.

“Haha. Me? No! What gave you that idea?” He waved off with fake cheer.

“Hm. Curious. A little blue bird told me you might seek me out today.” Strickler tilted his head at him, waiting for him to connect the dots.

“Jim! Oh my god, he warned you in advance! The little snitch!” He exclaimed. Oh, he was going to have a word with Jim about this after he got out of here.

Strickler raised a brow ridge at his exclamation, finally deciding to look at him head on. Toby froze. For the first time ever, Toby had an inking of an idea of how dangerous Strickler actually was. He must have been terrifying when he was still working for Bular. How much effort would really be needed for the changeling to kill him? In the old timeline, if Strickler had seriously wanted Jim dead, would he already have been buried? He had no idea how he’d missed the stark fact that Strickler was a predator. And that made him prey.

Yeah, he was scared a little.

“Well?” Strickler growled, “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

Toby pushed his fear down. This was Strickler. He knew him. He wouldn’t kill him for hitting him in the gronk nuks.

“I’m sorry. About—about using rule number three on you. And I’m sorry I’m only properly apologising now. Like seriously dude, I feel so bad about it. But the ingredient was tears of a father. I’m really certain it wouldn’t have worked if Nomura or Angor had made you cry. Had to be someone who at least saw you as a bit of a parental figure, you know? And it would have been unfair leaving that to Jim.” He was speaking too much, Strickler hadn’t said a word.

He hazarded a peek at the changeling’s face. A curious change had taken place in Strickler’s facial expression; he waved to the door, with a mutter of, “Refrigescant.” The light that made the door handle too hot to touch evaporated, as Strickler placed the knife in his hand on the table before standing fully upright, all nearly seven foot tall lanky green grace.

Toby finally identified the expression on Strickler’s face as amused bafflement. The previous sense of being in danger diminishing somewhat. “You see me as a parental figure? I’m not quite sure if I should be pleased, based on your... Actions.”

Oh. That was not what he’d really meant to imply. At least, not out loud. Well, it was too late to backtrack, better go for the truth. “Uhhh, sort of? I mean you’re like the the dad friend of the group, just like Blinky really, and how Dr L is the mom friend of all of us. It’s not just Jim who looks up to you, you know. Please tell me you know that.”

Strickler wrinkled his nose at him, the brightness of his eyes dimming somewhat, the cold anger had mostly cleared, replaced by suspicion, “You’re simply saying that so I can forgive you easier.”

“For Pete’s sake! I’m not!” Toby cried, throwing his hands in the air, his courage restored and fear forgotten as he closed the distance between himself and the changeling, “Mr S, you’re awesome! You’re patient, kind, witty and cool. Yeah, you’re also a bastard at times, your jokes are tired and sometimes you’re sort of scary,” here he gestured to the sharp knives that ringed Strickler’s collar, “but I shouldn’t have used rule three on you. We could have found another way. And I suppose I should apologise for using rule three on you in the OG timeline too, I don’t remember it, but Jim told me what happened.”

Strickler scoffed at that, rubbing the side of his neck as a tired and toothy grin graced his lips, “I deserved it the first time, Tobias. And I accept your apology. Forgive me for frightening and threatening you, that was quite unnecessary and I apologise.”

Toby could tell the changeling meant it. He bit back the urge to ask for an apology for torturing him with extra homework, because he did sort of deserve that. Instead he said softly, “That’s alright. Thank you for not killing me.”

Strickler laughed at that.

Toby grinned and held a hand out for a fist bump automatically, and Strickler stared at the proffered fist as if it was some sort of alien creature. Toby inwardly winced. This was still the reserved, slightly aloof, Strickler who never in a million years would fist bump anyone—

Toby felt the smooth texture of stone skin meet his peace offering of a fist bump and, surprised, he looked up into Strickler’s now warm golden eyes. “Thank you, Tobias.”

“For what?”

“Being yourself, mostly. Although the sincere apology did help your case.” Strickler shrugged.

“You’re welcome, cause I’m not making a habit of it.” Toby responded easily.

They both exchanged grins and then the moment they were sharing was interrupted by the door slamming open.



Aja did not intend to burst into Strickler’s office, she just miscalculated her own strength.

She heard Krel sigh behind her in exasperation as he entered the office as well, and Aja sent her brother a wide, apologetic smile, as he closed the door with one hand.

They had both opted for their human transductions, but Aja noted in surprise that Strickler was not in human form, he was in his natural form, standing in front of his desk with Toby, both of them wearing matching startled expressions.

“Oh! Sorry! I am not interrupting something, am I? If we are, me and Krel can return another delson.” Aja apologised, cheeks heating.

Strickler blinked, shaking his horned head slightly, “No, no, I believe myself and Tobias are quite done here,” he sent Toby an inquiring look and Toby nodded.

“Ah. Toby finally apologised for using rule three on you, yes?” Krel asked bluntly, a smirk forming on his face.

Strickler’s lips twitched, “Yes. What can I do for you, Mr and Miss Tarron?” The changeling slipped into his human form as he said it, moving away from Toby so he could open the blinds, letting in bright light despite the rainfall, before moving to sit leaning against his desk.

Aja sat down in the swivel stool in front of him, Krel taking the piano seat and Toby sliding into Strickler’s own chair, pulling it closer to them with help from the small wheels attached to the chair’s legs.

Once everyone was settled, Aja said softly, “I was wondering if you could provide another point of view, on retaking Akiridion-5. Krel has finished the wormhole generator, but we still do not have a solid plan in mind on how to evict Morando. Varvatos is saying we hit them with all our numbers, but I feel that is too risky.”

Strickler and Toby exchanged puzzled looks. “I fail to see why you would seek me out for this.” Strickler eventually replied.

“Jim and Douxie suggested it. They said you were good at plotting takeovers.” Krel offered.

Toby sniggered, “Yeah, you really walked into that one, Strickler.”

Strickler bit his lip, drumming his fingers on the table, “You are correct in respect to Vex’s plan being too risky. Tell me, do you have any allies on Akiridion-5?”

Krel and Aja exchanged doubtful looks. Did they? “If we can get in contact with Lieutenant Zadra, perhaps.” Aja began slowly, “I believe she might have already gained awareness of the resistance on Akiridion-5, led by Izita. And I know despite Morando’s rule, the Royal advisor Loth Saborian is still loyal to House Tarron.”

“Good.” Strickler nodded in satisfaction, “Your first step is to gain their support. Once that is accomplished, you have a way inside.”

Krel’s eyes widened in realisation, “Once we are in, all we have to do is get Morando alone. Perhaps if we were to film our confrontation with him to the entirety of Akiridion-5, we can demonstrate how House Tarron cannot be subjugated.”

“All very good, little brother, but we would be recognised immediately before we even meet Zadra, let alone get inside the Palace complex.” Aja retorted.

“And this is where utilising your current allies comes in.” Strickler told her. He had taken up a fountain pen, and was slowly spinning it between his long and deft fingers, the movement temporarily hypnotising her. She tore her gaze away in order to meet Strickler’s sharp and clever green eyes. She realised what he was doing. He wasn’t giving her and Krel all the answers in the way their parents might have done. He was making them think it through for themselves, coming to their own conclusions simply through his gentle prompting.

“We don’t take everyone with us.” Aja said carefully.

“Wait. What?” Toby cried, “You need as many of us with you as possible!”

“This mission will take stealth and cunning. We must slip into Akiridion-5 without being detected,” she told Toby severely, glancing at Strickler to see if he approved. The changeling seemed attentive enough, which was promising.

Krel frowned, “Then who should remain behind?”

Aja thought hard, before saying reluctantly, “I think it might be best if Toby stayed here with our troll allies, and Varvatos as well.”

“Oh c’mon!” Toby complained, “Those are our most heavy hitters! And I’m one of the Trollhunters!”

“Exactly,” Strickler pointed out, “One of the Trollhunters. Jim’s ability to restore memories with Daylight may come in handy. And we need one Trollhunter here to manage any issues that may arise.”

“Also, our most ‘heavy hitters’ are trolls. Who are not particularly stealthy.” Krel added.

“Varvatos even less so.” Aja grinned in agreement.

“I am not sure he will agree with you on that.” Krel muttered.

“What about you? We could use a changeling on the mission tomorrow.” Aja asked hopefully of Strickler. With his quick thinking and analytical prowess, he would be a valuable asset.

“Ah, no. I’m afraid my obligations here at the moment are quite overwhelming.” Strickler apologised. At her no doubt evident disappointment he quickly added, “However, I can recommend the services of a young half-changeling—”

“Oh! You’re talking about Jett, right?” Toby interrupted enthusiastically, “She goes to our school and she’s also a natural polymorph, which means she can turn into literally any living animal,” he explained to Aja and Krel.

Krel raised both of his eyebrows, “That would certainly be advantageous.”

“Yes, quite.” Strickler said dryly, sending Toby a quick frown.

Aja was beginning to realise who else would be most beneficial for their mission to retake Akiridion-5. The only question remaining was if they would agree to the plan slowly forming in her mind.

Strickler smiled at her in satisfaction, “I believe you have everything well in hand,” he said, as if reading her mind.

Aja chuckled, “I could not have realised so without your help. Thank you, Strickler.” Toby waved a hand at her pointedly and she laughed, “Yes, thank you for your help too, Toby. And you too Krel,” she rolled her eyes at her younger brother’s sigh.

“You’re most welcome, Miss Tarron.” Strickler answered, his smile crinkling in the corners of his eyes.

Aja beamed brightly back at him, “Please, there is no need for formalities. You can just call me Aja.”

Strickler’s smile went wider and warmer in response.



Jim had no clue why Aja had only called seven of their team to the disguised mothership for their debriefing on retaking an entire planet.

It honestly made him uneasy.

More so for the fact Aja herself hadn’t made an appearance and Vex and Krel refused to enlighten them on what the hell was going on.

It really didn’t help matters that Steve was parading around like an inflated peacock, boasting about how important and valued he was to the mission. “I’m so gonna rub it in Domzalski’s face that I’m more useful to Aja than the Trollhunter!” Steve declared to a very unimpressed Krel, Vex, Eli and Jett.

Jim groaned and sat down at one of the kitchen stools in the Mothership, the stool creaking in protest at his deceptively lightweight form. He was made of stone. Or his skin was anyway.

Angor Rot calmly sat next to him on another stool, folding his hands under his chin as he watched the others with an almost unblinking stare. Douxie was sitting opposite the human formed troll assassin, with Archie on the table between them.

“There really doesn’t see to be any rhyme or reason why Aja wanted us lot particularly,” the wizard remarked contemplatively.

“That’s exactly my problem,” Jim complained, his voice raising plaintively into a slight whine, “sure, us four are strength and stealth, but them?” Jim scoffed.

“They are indeed more of an liability, Trollhunter.” Angor muttered softly.

“Aja did talk to Strickler,” Jim continued, “so I’m hoping whatever plan she has will work.” He left the ‘if it didn’t work’ hanging in the air between them.

And then Aja finally appeared out of the portal to the inner sanctum of the mothership, in her Akiridion form, with queenly grace. “Sorry for the delay,” she apologised, Luug in her upper pair of arms as she came to the kitchen table, beckoning the others to gather round as well. Steve and Vex opted for standing flanking Aja on either side, and Eli and Jett took seats next to a now sour Angor Rot. Krel chose to sit next to Douxie.

“I am sure you are all wondering why exactly you are here,” Aja continued, stroking Luug gently on his head, the canid alien letting out a pleased bark.

“Yes. We really are.” Jim said empathetically. He really wasn’t used to other people making plans without him. One of the many things he still had to work on.

“Well, it is because you are the most suited for the upcoming mission.” Aja said matter-of-factly. At the questioning looks from about all of them except Steve, Aja took a deep breath and explained: “The plan I, my brother and Strickler, with a little help from Toby and Varvatos, came up with is as follows; Varvatos and Steve stay here in the mothership—”

“Wait! That isn’t the plan!” Steve protested at the same time Vex growled, “My Queen, Varvatos Vex should be by your side on this deadly incursion!”

Aja placed Luug on one of the free stools in order to hold all four of her hands out in a placating gesture, waiting until they both subsided, “I need you in place here in case things go wrong. If we are in trouble you will be able to gather reinforcements to come through the wormhole portal. Eli will be in charge of filming the whole encounter, the camera Krel adapted is linked to Mother, so you will hear and see everything.”

Aja brought out a lightweight black and blue camera, passing it to Eli, who reverently put the strap attached to the camera around his neck. “I’ll do you guys proud!”

Steve groaned, “Fine. Only because Aja said so. The Palchuk is still in the game!”

Vex huffed, “As the blonde oaf said, only because the Queen-in-waiting said so will Varvatos Vex remain here.”

“All well and good,” Douxie said, “but I doubt humans are any less conspicuous than trolls on Akiridion-5.”

Aja grinned broadly at him, and Jim was vividly reminded of the Aja he had first known, now so long ago, all exuberant energy and mischief. “That is where you come in, Master Wizard.”

“I’m not—” Douxie started to object, but Aja overrode him.

“You’ll need to perform a spell to glamour yourself, Jim, Angor Rot and Eli invisible. So that you can follow me and Krel without being caught. And find a way to disguise me and my brother suitably. Then we can make contact with the resistance and Zadra, and spread the word: that Akiridion-5’s King and Queen in waiting have returned to defeat Morando.”

“Okay, but what about me and the dragon?” Jett asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

“You and Archie will act as scouts for us. Our eyes and ears in the sky. I am aware you can both turn into any creature?” Aja inquired, a gleam to her black and blue eyes.

“Um, yeah. I haven’t actively tried, but I should be able to.” Jett shrugged.

“Lively!” Aja grinned, seemingly relieved, “Then the two of you will take the form of a creature common to our planet.”

“Which is?” Archie asked warily.

“Skeltegs. They are a species of insect commonly found on Akiridion-5. Mother, could you please show them what I am referring to?”

Of course my royal.” Mother replied, and Jim was certain he was not imagining the warmth in the AI’s synthesized voice.

In front of them a holographic screen appeared, showcasing an absolutely hideous beetle with a snaggletoothed snout and neon colouration, life sized it was around the size of a small rabbit.

Archie sighed, “I am going to hate this.”

“Same. I’m not even scared of bugs, but that thing is a little gross.” Jett shuddered.

Jim felt a wave of sympathy for the two shape-shifters. He’d had a hard enough time adapting to being a troll the first time round, when they weren’t exactly the prettiest species, but to become a bug? Yeah, no.

“But you would be able to turn yourself into one, yes?” Aja pressed.

“Yeah. But I’m not doing it unless I absolutely have to.” Jett said.

Archie shuddered, his fur standing on end, “Agreed,” he stated emphatically.

“Excellent.” Aja smiled, turning to Douxie once more, “Douxie, I am assuming since you did not correct me on the invisibility you are capable of doing so?”

Douxie scratched the side of his head, “I’m not great at glamour, so I’ll probably have to do a reflective spell, so it won’t be invisibility per say, but as long as no one stares to hard, we should be alright.”

“Good enough I suppose.” Krel muttered, “What about us?”

Douxie frowned, “You might want to cover your heads, but I’ll be able to disguise your second pair of arms, it will hold just as long as no one touches the illusion.” He warned.

Jim was slightly confused about one thing, so he asked, “Why do you need me, Doux and Angor with you then?”

Aja rolled her eyes, “Jim, if we run into real trouble with certain individuals we can use your ability to restore memories. With Angor Rot we have a way to move about quicker with his portals, as Claire has not built very much endurance relating to telaportation, and Douxie needs to be there to glamour us. He cannot keep a spell up from a different planet.”

Douxie grinned at his shocked expression, “Did you really think Aja wouldn’t have an answer for everything?”

Jim huffed, crossing his arms, “No... It’s just... When I plan I always miss something.”

“Probably because you’re lame, Lake!” Steve crowed, as ever finding any opportunity to dunk on him. Jim’s ears drooped in annoyance, he was so glad Steve’s part of the mission was reserved to earth.

Aja sent him a sympathetic look, “We are not born knowing how to make fool proof plans. It takes practice. And if does help I was Queen for a year and a half. Even then, things may go wrong, and it is important to have a contingency plan.”

Jim smiled faintly at the Akiridion Princess, “I guess I’m a little too used to making my own plans, which almost always go horribly wrong.”

“Jim. That’s not true.” Douxie said quietly, “You’re young, and have time to learn, most importantly, you’ve learned from your past mistakes. And that’s all we can do.”

Jim managed a nod in response, his throat closing up, “I know. So I guess we’re ready for tomorrow.”

Aja glanced over at her brother and Vex, gathering Luug into her arms again as the canid licked her cheek lovingly, “Yes. As ready as we will ever be. Tomorrow we go back to Akiridion-5. Tomorrow, we retake our home.”


Refrigescant translates roughly to Let them cool.

I really do love redeemed! Strickler, but now and again I want a little of Villain! Strickler, dude may have changed sides but that doesn't mean he's no longer morally grey. And I'm sorry, Toby can't get away with using rule three on him.
Also I do low-key headcanon Strickler as Autistic, based on his habits and special interests in human history and knives, especially his stimming—which for Strickler is continually fiddling and spinning around pens and knives in his hands to keep himself occupied as well as leaning on sides of tables.
The odd weather is going to persist, and is definitely not because they destroyed the Genesis Seals and allowed wild magic into the world...
Next chapter Aja’s team head to Akiridion-5 to retake their planet from Morando. What's the worst that could happen?

Also special credit for Jett goes to i-have-too-many-obsssesions-help on Tumblr.

Chapter 21: A matter of stealth and strength


Aja and Krel, along with a few of their most trusted Earth allies, return home to Akiridion-5 with the intention of making contact with the resistance and planning how to retake their home from Val Morando.

But of course, things can never be as straightforward as that.


This was SO late, but I'm really not going to disappear that long for the next chapter, because this one leaves off on a MASSIVE cliffhanger.

I'm not used to writing so much Sci-fi focused stuff, so go easy on me! I've given it my best shot and I'm going to hope it payed off.

Anyway, this chapter starts with Jim POV, then Archie's POV (which I've never done before), then Aja’s, and finally Eli's (another character I've never written from the perspective of).

But as always, enjoy! And leave a kudo or comment if you can!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“You will make certain you are safe, I trust? And do not stray from Aja and Krel, or be seen—”

“Blinky.” Jim interrupted the four-armed troll, who was wringing his hands with anxiety, “I’ll be fine. There’s literally no chance that I’d wander away from Aja and the others. Have I ever not kept myself safe?”

He regretted saying that almost instantly at the looks which passed between Blinky, Aaarrrgghh and Toby, who were the only ones able to wish the team departing for Akiridion-5 luck at the Mothership. Claire had left a short while ago, because of prior engagements with her family, his mom was on a hospital shift and Strickler was working at the Janus Order, although he had texted him to be safe and stay out of trouble. With his record, Jim doubted that was going to possible.

“Jimbo.” Toby said slowly, crossing his arms, “You don’t really want an answer to that, right?”

Jim lowered his ears, “Haha... No.” He glanced at the rest of their team, “We’re going to be fine, right?”

“Of course we are.” Krel answered for him, as if there had never been any doubt. He and his sister were both in their Akiridion forms, with the addition of cloaks and now lacking their secondary pair of arms courtesy of Douxie’s clever glamour.

“Yeah, plus no one will even be able to see us!” Eli squeaked, gripping the camera Krel had entrusted to him tightly.

Archie and Jett sighed simultaneously. Out of everyone, the cat-dragon and polymorph half-changeling were the most reluctant about this whole thing. Not that Jim blamed them.

Angor Rot was as always silent, but having him there soothed some of Jim’s own trepidation about the coming mission. That is, it would until Douxie made them all more or less invisible. He knew the chances of getting lost were low for him and Angor, since they could always rely on scent, but he was worried about Douxie and Eli. If they got separated, they might not be able to find them again immediately. The priority had to be defeating Morando. They might not get a shot at it again.

Aja turned to face Steve and Vex, expression slightly anxious, “Are you sure you want to stay here, Steve? We might take the entire night.”

Or even longer, Jim thought grimly. Anything could go wrong, having the reassurance of the armour of Daylight, on lend from Toby, was the only thing making breathing any easier. The weight of cool metal was comforting and familiar, something to ground him when the situation he was about to head into was completely unfamiliar.

Steve nodded, gripping Aja’s two visible hands in his, “I’m sure. I’d do anything for you. Also, I told my mom and coach I was having a sleepover at a friend’s place, so I should be good.”

“Alright, I am glad to hear that,” Aja breathed, smiling as she leaned in to kiss Steve’s cheek. “Varvatos? Look after Luug while we are gone.”

Vex dipped his head in acknowledgement, hand to his core, “Of course, my Queen.”

Luug barked an affirmative and Aja chucked, bending down to give the canid a hug, “Mother, you are in charge,” she called to the AI.

“Yes, my royal.” Was the near instant reply.

“Right, guess it’s time to go.” Jim said heavily.

“You got this.” Aaarrrgghh rumbled.

“We’ll see you soon.” Toby added, grinning at him widely.

Jim smiled back at his best friend, before coming forward to hug Blinky, burying his face in his shoulder. “You know, if we could, I’d want you with us too, dad.” He said it quietly, so that no one else would hear him.

Blinky’s chuckle vibrated against him, even with the armour blocking most of the sensation. “My boy, I am afraid I would be more of a hindrance than anything in this case. I am far from stealthy as you well know. I think Dwärkstones would give away our position.”

That managed to coax a laugh out of him, despite the ball of nerves in his stomach. “Yeah, probably.”

“Time to go.” Aja reminded him softly, understanding clear on her face as she looked at the allies they were leaving behind. “Has everyone got their earpieces switched on?” She asked, retaking her role as their leader for the mission smoothly.

There were sounds of affirmation from all of them. To help their team keep in contact in emergencies and for Steve and Vex to be able to communicate with them from earth, Krel had tweaked some of Strickler’s Janus Order earpieces so that they could be used on Akiridion-5. Archie and Jett had even more adapted ones so that they would change size with them when they shapeshifted.

“Quick question: where does the wormhole generator even lead exactly?” Jim questioned, as he, reluctantly, followed Krel and Aja through to the inner sanctum of the Mothership, leaving Blinky, Aaarrrgghh, Toby, Steve and Vex behind with Luug.

“The wormhole portal will lead to a relatively abandoned sector of Akiridion-5,” Krel responded, “it should provide us with enough cover for Douxie to glamour you and everyone else.”

“I have a question too!” Eli piped up, “Can we even breathe the air on Akiridion-5?”

“Um yes. There is oxygen on our planet,” Krel replied, “perhaps less oxygen than you are used to, but for the areas we will stick by you should be fine. As in, you will not die. Maybe some shortness of breath, but nothing more.” Krel hastened to add at their perturbed expressions.

They finally reached the room which held the wormhole generator, which honestly didn’t look like much to Jim. It was small, for one, and it was really not aesthetically pleasing either. It was an amalgamation of pieces thrown together, seemingly without rhyme or reason. Eli and Jett didn’t appear too impressed by it.

“That’s it?” Eli asked, disappointed.

“Yes. That is it.” Krel snapped, walking over to the machine and punching in something that brought it to life. With a low hum a beam of light erupted from the generator, growing until it was roughly the same size as one of Angor or Claire’s portals. It was noticeably not black, rather a swirling blue and white rip in the air.

“You’ve tested this thing, right?” Douxie queried.

“Of course. I may have built it before, but I am not an imbecile. It works.” Krel responded, affronted.

No one made any move towards the portal, so with a groan Krel stepped through.

No one moved.

Aja opened her mouth, about to no doubt rally their confidence, but their was no need, as Krel reappeared before them. “Seriously, it is fine. Come on! We are wasting precious time.” He disappeared again and now they approached the wormhole.

Angor Rot grunted, gazing down on them in contempt, “I will go first, since none of you seem to be volunteering.” The human formed troll assassin went forward confidently, vanishing, and Jim set his jaw, not one to be outdone, he followed Angor through, biting down on a whine as a wave of pins and needles wracked his body.

He gasped, blinking like mad to get rid of the lights dancing in front of his eyes, shaking his head in disorientation, his horns upsetting his balance slightly as he almost careened into Angor Rot. “Watch where you are going, Trollhunter.” He warned, while gently steadying him.

Jim flashed a fang-filled smile at Angor, before almost being knocked flat by a joint Eli and Jett.

“Oops! Sorry!” Jett yelped, as Douxie and Archie came through next much more cautiously, Aja right behind them.

The Akiridion princess laughed quietly in delight, spinning in a circle with her two visible arms extended, “Oh, it is good to be back home again!” She exclaimed; head tilted back so she could admire her surroundings.

Jim followed her gaze, eyes quickly taking in their location. They were in a secluded alley, a very blue alley. Actually, everything was blue. Sort of. He could see other colours, ones he had no name for, mixed in with the blue. They were beautiful but strange. Alien. His mind supplied helpfully.

“Hey, er, I’m not the only one seeing weird colours, right?”

Eli, Douxie, Archie, Jett and Angor all stared at him, baffled. Aja and Krel shared a look, confused.

“If by weird you mean blue, then yeah.” Eli muttered.

Angor Rot frowned, “Trolls can see more range in colour than humans or dragons. Changelings too, in their natural forms.”

“Fascinating. I did not know that!” Krel exclaimed, excited, although he was hastily shushed. They may be in a relatively quiet area of Akiridion-5, but that didn’t mean they wanted to attract attention.

“Shouldn’t you be able to see the strange colours?” Jim pointed out to Angor, “Your eyes are still the same as they are as a troll.”

Angor shrugged, “They are weaker than usual in my current state.”

“Right, I think it’s time to get glamoured.” Douxie interrupted, clapping his hands together.

“I agree,” Aja said, turning to Eli, “Are you already filming, Eli?”

Eli put a thumb up in response, lifting the camera higher with his free hand.

“Varvatos, Steve, you can see and hear us?” Aja asked next, speaking into her earpiece.

Despite not having external ears in Akiridion form, Krel and Aja’s earpieces were placed over their auditory receptors, held there by a quick spell Douxie had casted.

Vex and Steve’s voices crackled an affirmative, one that even Jim struggled to make out.

“That’s great, let’s get this show on the road.” Douxie grinned, before giving him, Angor and Eli stern looks, “Remember, this isn’t invisibility. So be careful. Arch, Jett, you too.”
In response, Archie purred, rubbing his head against Douxie’s as the Wizard curled his hands into his familiars fur.

“Me and Jett will go first, if we see anything worth noting, we will tell you as soon as you contact us.” Archie told Douxie, before jumping off Douxie’s shoulder and landing on the ground. There was a flare of golden light, not unlike when a changeling shifted forms, and when the light cleared Archie’s form had taken on that of a Skelteg beetle. Albeit jet black with a blue carapace and still somehow retaining his glasses.

“I still hate this.” Jett groused, before coping the cat-dragon and shifting to the form of a Skelteg, her main colouration bright pink with a purple carapace. They were really small now, and Jim felt a burst of concern, they could so easily be crushed.

“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” Jim asked.

“Yes.” Jett replied, with an irritated buzz, fluttering into the air, “We’ll scout ahead, see what’s going on.” With that said, she darted off, Archie hot on her tail. Within a few seconds they were lost to sight.

Douxie watched them leave, brow furrowed, before resting a hand on his bracer, eyes narrowed in concentration as he mumbled, “Umbrae et lux reflectunt, nemo videt,” blue light rose from Douxie’s bracer, shimmering over the Wizard, Eli, Angor and finally Jim. It felt like a cold wave of air, and Jim shivered.

The feeling faded and Jim looked for his friends.

They were gone.

He squinted, and relaxed when he noticed the faint warping around Douxie’s mainly hidden form, noting the same effect on Eli and Angor Rot if he focused.

Then he looked down at himself, expecting the same distorted reflection and braced for the disorientation that would no doubt accompany something so strange.

He could see himself perfectly fine.

Armour gleaming and very much so not almost invisible.

“Um, Doux? I can still see myself.” He said, Krel and Aja jumping slightly in surprise at his voice.

Douxie chuckled, “That’s normal for such a weak glamour. To us you’re practically invisible, don't worry.”

“So cool!” Eli’s disembodied voice trilled.

“Yes, yes, but do not forget we can hear you perfectly fine.” Krel grumbled, as he flipped up the hood of the cloak he was wearing, obscuring his face, Aja doing the same, tucking her hair away from view.

“Arch?” Douxie spoke softly into his earpiece, “How are things looking for you?”

The whispered words coming through the earpiece were too faint for Jim to hear, but Douxie explained to them and the visible Aja and Krel that there were several guards patrolling this sector.

Aja sighed, “That is to be expected. But the resistance are working close by, so if we keep our heads down, everything should be fine.”

“Anyway,” Jim interrupted, “are we going to go or what?”

His earpiece crackled and he heard Vex demand, “You have wasted much time already, Varvatos Vex would have slain Morando by now!”

“Yeah, what he said!” Steve complained.

Krel scoffed, “Then let us leave.” So saying, he moved out purposefully from the secluded alley. Seeing nothing else for it, Jim followed, praying they could stick together and defeat Morando.



Archie had thought being an insect of all creatures would be most unpleasant.

So, he was rather surprised to find the experience not as bad as he would have thought. In the form of the Skelteg beetle he was quick, lightweight and could see everything in several different ways and viewpoints due to his segmented field of vision. It was truly a shame he had not tried being a bug till now.

And the colours he could see were remarkable. They were brilliant and vivid, just as the scents were. It turned out that the four tentacles coming out of his snout were scent receptors and also very sensitive to slightest change in the air. If Archie compared his senses in this form to that of his natural one, he would find them far duller.

Jett seemed to agree with him, as she buzzed, literally, in excitement. “I thought this was going to be awful, but it’s sort of cool.” She said, as she alighted on one of the nearest Akiridion building's, delicate claws clacking on the shimmery and unfamiliar surface.

Archie landed beside her, his many pairs of legs able to taste the texture of the material below him quite intimately.

“Yes, it is fairly ‘cool’ surprisingly.” He acknowledged.

And then his earpiece spluttered to life and Douxie’s voice filled his equivalent of ears. “Hey Arch? How are things looking for you?”

Archie and Jett observed their surroundings.

From this vantage point they could see a few of what he assumed were civilian Akiridions, all with worried or fearful expressions, walking briskly due to the presence of a few armoured individuals with faces hidden by visors.

“There are a few armoured Akiridions roaming near you, they seem to have caused some stress to the locals, so I should advise caution.” Archie told his familiar.

“Alright, thanks. I’ll let you know if we need any more help, for now, keep scouting about and try not to get lost.” Douxie said.

“Of course, Douxie.” Archie replied.

Jett bounced up and down, carapace flashing, “Let’s go and explore till Douxie and the others need us again.”

“I do not think—”

“Come on! We won’t have another chance to do this! We’re on a alien planet as a native alien species!” Jett cajoled him.

She was right.

“Very well.” Archie sighed.

They took off, this time flying lower to the ground, passing buildings of various sizes and shapes, all with the similarity of being shimmery and neon and drawing the eye up to the galaxy nebula above them.

They even flew over a road of sorts, that was a hovering track in the air, allowing the variety of flying shuttles and jets to get around the main city.

It was quite the experience. Enough so that he lost awareness of his surroundings beyond keeping Jett in his line of vision. The rest of his focus was on the city around him.

So he was completely taken by surprise when the net came out of nowhere and snagged both he and Jett in its sticky blue folds. They both struggled mightily, but it only made them more hopelessly ensnared.

Archie was only relieved they both had enough sense not to talk or shift forms. Who knew how much more wrong things could go for them that way.

Archie managed to squirm around enough to see who had caught them.

He would have recoiled if he had the room.

A broad faced Akiridion, lacking any desirable features, such as a nose or hair, leered down at them with blunt, flat teeth bared, “You two will be perfect in my Skelteg fighting arena.”



Finding out where the resistance was hiding was not as easy as Aja thought it would have been.

But they managed to find it eventually, without having to get in contact with Archie and Jett, who would not be able to contact them themselves due to taking the form of a Skelteg. Aja tried not to worry; Archie was smart enough to ensure he and Jett were not caught by Akiridions eager to use Skelteg’s in a fight against each other. She tried to think positively, they had arrived at the resistance headquarters, and with luck she and Krel could explain everything to Zadra, if she was there, or Izita.

She really doubted Zadra would let her and Krel explain the situation. And she was fairly certain that Zadra already knew what Varvatos had done. And that is why she whispered to the no doubt close Jim, “Be ready to restore Zadra or Izita’s memories at any moment.”

“Got it.” Jim said quietly, just before the sliding door to the entrance of Izita’s domicile hissed open, revealing the young daughter of Izita, Davaros. “Can I help you?” She asked nervously, eyes darting between the cloaked forms of her and her brother.

Aja knelt down to be on eye level with the younger Akiridion, smiling as she lifted away the top half of her hood, “I think you can.”

They were lucky.

Zadra and Izita were there.

“My royals!” Zadra exclaimed, leaping up from one of the hover chairs in Izita’s main room as they entered, Davaros heading straight for her mother and climbing into her lap.

Zadra’s expression caught between relief and shock as she leapt towards them, gathering both her and Krel in a hug, “H-how are you here? This should be impossible!” She glanced between them, then at Izita, who looked just as confused.

Aja fervently hoped that Jim, Angor Rot, Douxie and Archie were here too, but she could not be certain.

“That is not important.” Krel answered Zadra bluntly, “We came to help you defeat Morando. We just need a way inside the palace complex.”

Izita blinked, “I appreciate your eagerness to take part, but that is far too dangerous of an undertaking for you now that you are the Queen and King in-waiting.”

Zadra shook her head impatiently, releasing them both, eyes sharp and hard. “As glad as I am to see you alive and well, where is Varvatos Vex?”

“Why?” Aja asked, knowing perfectly well what their second guardian was going to say.

“He has much to answer for.” Was the cold response.

Krel sighed, “He is on Earth. And we already know it was he who was responsible for lowering the shields and allowing Morando to take control of Akiridion-5. We have long ago forgiven him and absolved him of all guilt regarding that matter.”

Zadra stamped one of her rounded metal feet, “The traitor allowed Morando to cut our King and Queen down to their cores! He is responsible for harming your parents gravely and taking you far away from your home! He must face justice and he is not to be trusted!” 

“We may need to go with Plan Jim.” Krel remarked pointedly to that.

Zadra’s expression blanked, “Plan... Gym?”

There was the distinctive sound of a sword being drawn, and then Zadra’s eyes abruptly went a flat silver as Jim set about restoring her memories. Although it was incredibly disorienting to watch without seeing Jim as much more than a distorted shadow.

Zadra fell to one knee, Izita crying out and setting Davaros aside in order to rush to her aide, her gaze casting about wildly in confusion and panic. “What have you done to her?” She asked in disbelief.

Aja went to Zadra’s other side to help support the Lieutenant of the Taylon Phalanx, looking over at Izita, “Me? Nothing. But I promise this is not harming Zadra.”

“She is correct.” Zadra breathed out heavily, eyes returned to their natural black and blue, wide and startled, “My Queen... What—I do not understand. The last thing I remember clearly was you returning to Earth to stop the planet being destroyed. But now Morando is back. Everything is back where it started; I do not understand,” she finished somewhat helplessly.

Izita frowned, “I do not understand anything you are saying.”

“We will explain,” Krel promised, “But first, is there a way to sneak into the palace and get Morando alone?”

Zadra hesitated, gazing at the deceptively empty room, “There is... But I am going to assume you did not come here entirely alone.”

“No, we did not.” Aja admitted, slightly surprised at Zadra’s perception. She turned to look at the empty space around them, “Douxie, would you mind showing yourself and everyone else?”

There were several flashes of blue light, as one by one Douxie, then Angor Rot and then Jim came into view, the latter still with Daylight in hand, causing Zadra and Izita to simultaneously gasp.

Krel and Aja gasped for a completely different reason.

Where is Eli?!”



If he was being honest, which he totally was, Eli had absolutely no idea how he had gotten separated from the others.

And yeah, maybe he had been a little too busy filming absolutely everything within sight, because he was on a alien planet. One that was potentially light years and solar systems away from Earth.

This was more than he had ever dreamed of being possible.

He, Eli, on a mission on a different planet to save them from a evil alien dictator.

Alright, so maybe that was how he had managed to lose Aja and Krel.

Because he was too busy nerding out.

And Krel had been relying on him to film everything that happened while confronting Morando, so that Steve and Vex would be alerted in case things went wrong.

He couldn’t really do that if he had no idea where he was, let alone where everyone else was.

“Pepperjack. Where the heck are Aja and Krel?” Steve demanded from his earpiece.

“I don’t know!” Eli moaned. He was really close to having a panic attack, and he didn’t have his inhaler on him for once in his life, so he’d found a mostly deserted alcove and got in contact with Steve and Vex.

Hopefully no one would stumble into the cramped alley while he was talking.

At least he was still mostly invisible, so not everything had gone completely wrong.

“This is most worrisome.” Vex mused, “You were supposed to stay with the Queen and King in-waiting!”

Eli cowered, despite Vex and Steve not being able to see him, hands fiddling with the camera that was now recording a blank blue wall. “I was! But I must have blinked and they were suddenly gone!” He whined.

Suck it up, Pepperjack,” Steve growled, “You only have yourself to blame.”

Enough arguing!” Vex boomed, “We know where Aja and Krel will be. Varvatos Vex can guide you there. As long as you keep recording the way forward, that is.” Vex added.

“Okay, that’s fine. I’m still invisible.” Eli said.

And it was at that precise moment the glamour vanished.

Eli knew because his whole body flashed blue and tingled before fading.

“Oh C’mon!”


I thought a little Blinky and Jim bonding was in order, before the mission, as that was something lacking in recent chapters and we need the spider troll dad and his son interactions. (if there's no Strickler, there has to be Blinky, although neither of them are in the next chapter).

Also, based on the fact trolls live underground and are always in close contact with crystals and minerals, I think it makes sense they can see more range in the light spectrum, including ultraviolet probably. (also I just like exploring speculative biology fantasy creatures).

"Umbrae et lux reflectunt, nemo videt," the latin spell Douxie casts, translates roughly to: "Shadows and light reflect, no one sees."

Also did a stupid amount of fact checking for the Archie POV, since I didn't want anything to be wrong regarding the Skelteg's, they're alien bugs, but they're still bugs.

The reason Eli's glamour fails is because when Douxie released the spell it faded away for everyone, even if Douxie recasted it, Eli isn't close enough for the glamour to work on him.

Special credit for Jett goes once again to i-have-too-many-obsssesions-help on Tumblr.

Chapter 22: The fall of a Usurper


As Archie and Jett attempt to break out of a Skelteg fighting ring, Eli makes an effort to find his friends with help from Steve and Vex on earth. Meanwhile, Aja, Krel and the rest of their team confront Morando to end his reign of terror once and for all.


Again, I must apologise for these updates taking so long. 😭 I will actually try and update within a more reasonable time frame, but I'll see. The issue with working on multiple fics at the same time... Sigh.

This is pretty action packed chapter, despite not being the longest, but they're probably going to get longer again at some point. 😅 Especially with confronting area 49-B and Kubritz coming up next...

Chapter POV's are as follows: Archie, Steve and then Krel. (I think I like writing Krel quite a bit actually, he's a fun one to explore, especially his thinking process).

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

In retrospect, perhaps it hadn’t been the brightest of ideas using the form of a Skelteg beetle to scout Akiridion-5 in.

At least, that was the conclusion Archie reached, having plenty of time to dwell on it while penned into a tiny cage with Jett.

The confined space was narrow to the point he could not so much as twitch one of his many segmented legs. Let alone shape-shift to anything else, be it smaller or bigger. Shape-shifting was a skill that for him required space and concentration to work. He had neither at the moment.

Jett grumbled, wings half flaring to try and create space between them that simply wasn’t possible, “I could turn into a sparrow or something, give us more room to work with.”

“And then what?” Archie snapped, keeping his voice low as their captor was still carrying them to the god’s only knew where. “We would still be trapped and also draw unneeded attention to ourselves.”

“We already have! You decided to be pitch black in colour! There’s no Skelteg’s in that shade!” Jett hissed back, tentacles writhing.

“I cannot help that! I have no control over what colouration I take!” He snapped back, irritated.

They both fell silent as a shadow darkened overhead, the Akiridion who was their jailer leering down at them both, “I think you two are going to win me fame and fortune,” he chuckled, roughly hefting their cage up so he could grin at them in all his coarse faced glory. Archie recoiled at his plastic seeming face; without the hair, ears or discernible nose he found the Akiridion horrifying to look at.

He quickly forgot about the Akiridion’s appearance, as he swaggered up to what appeared as nothing more than a faintly shimmering wall. Only, when the Akiridion pressed a blunt, three-fingered hand to the surface, it rippled and they passed through the supposed wall. What was on the other side had him and Jett gasping.

In front of them was a massive pit, with arching, curved blue netting similar to what surrounded them currently, a force field crackling over the pit to secure what was in there from escaping. It was surrounded by a heaving crowd of Akiridions, egging on two massive Skelteg’s to crush each other.

Archie tensed in dread. Oh Douxie, if only you would have contacted us, we might have avoided this terrible situation altogether or at the very least not gotten distracted enough to be caught. His Wizard was not here however, so that meant he had to rely on his own wits.

Their captor carried them closer, enough so that Archie could observe the battling Skelteg’s.

One was dusty green with yellow spots, the other blue with extremely long tentacles extending from its mouth. As he and Jett watched, it tore the green and yellow Skelteg limb from limb with a screech, tearing into its still twitching form with apparent relish.

Jett buzzed anxiously, “What do we do??”

“Nothing at the minute.” Archie responded quite calmly, a plan of sorts forming in his mind. It was risky, yes, but he had no other ideas. Douxie would likely come up with a better plan, but he wasn’t Douxie.

Their, rather arrogant, captor approached the side of the arena-pit, placing their cage into a slot set in the side of the netting that made up the Skelteg fighting ring. There was a brief moment of silence, then the gates separating them from the arena hummed and vanished, an invisible force pushing them both out into the enclosed arena.

The big blue Skelteg squealed, turning to face them, wings rising in a clear threat display. Jett skittered away as the Skelteg made a stab towards her with one of its tentacles. “Archie! You better have an actual plan!”

He eyed their opponent, who was now charging towards them. “When I say ‘now’ latch onto my back,” He instructed quickly.

What?” Jett spluttered, completely confused at his statement.

“Now!” He cried, feeling Jett dutifully do as he said, claws gripping his carapace tightly, just as their attacker launched itself at them.

Archie exploded into his dragon form.

With one rather notable difference.

He was almost the same size as his father, Charlemagne.

His wings broke straight through the force field meant to keep Skelteg’s from escaping the arena, sending a jolt of electric energy racing down his spine, but at his size he was able to shake it off, clawed foot coming down to squash the blue Skelteg, as he let out a booming roar, half rising to his hind legs.

Akiridions screamed in sheer fright and shock, scrambling away from him wildly. The Akiridion who had captured them stared at him in disbelief, and Archie let out a puff of smoke, growling deep in his chest.

The Akiridion fled, shoving anyone in his way with a high-pitched wail of horror. He dimly heard Jett let out a little eep, tiny claws scrabbling to remain on him, just as he unlatched his great maw and let loose a stream of dragonfire so hot the air shimmered with heat.

The walls of the arena went black and charred, falling apart near enough instantly. Archie barrelled through the new hole, tasselled tail lashing and knocking over several Akiridions. He could already feel the strain of maintaining such a large size, but he ignored it, aiming for the wall they had passed through just a few minutes prior.

“Hold on,” he warned his still tiny passenger, bracing himself as he ran into and through the wall, his sheer size crushing the passageway easily. Although he knew he would probably have a headache regardless from the force of impact.

He blinked in the harsh neon light of Akiridion-5, opening massive webbed wings and giving them a firm shake, before awkwardly rising into the air, the downbeat of his wings near enough silent despite his bulk.

Once established in flight, he shifted back to the form of a Skelteg.

He lost altitude briefly at the sudden shift, before regaining his balance.

Jett, having been taken completely by surprise, plummeted several feet before managing to correct herself, joining him with quick beats of her gossamer wings “Little warning next time,” she grumbled, slightly frazzled.

Archie turned his compact, insect body towards the polymorph changeling, “Forgive me, I was slightly preoccupied with escaping; I wasn’t sure that plan would even work,” he admitted.

“Well, it worked.” Jett pointed out, “I had no idea that your dragon form could get so big though!” She squeaked.

“The size is not maintainable for long periods of time, unfortunately. It may have been my actual form if I had not decided to bond with Douxie as mutual familiars. But I hope my display was enough to put those Akiridions off Skelteg fighting for a while.” He added wryly.

“Urgh. I hope so! I just wish the others will contact us soon, anything could have happened to them by now and we wouldn’t know!” Jett buzzed.

“Douxie or Jim will contact us if they require assistance. We should take that as a sign they are doing well.” Archie responded calmly, he could still feel the familiar bond that tied him to Douxie’s life force, warm and bright. That was reassurance enough that his wizard was alright and thus their other companions as well. He had complete faith his familiar would lead their team to victory over Morando.

“What do we do till we’re contacted then?” Jett asked.

“For one, try to not be captured by Skelteg hunters again,” he said dryly, “the only other thing we can do is hope for the best.”



There were few things that actually managed to scare Steve.

He was a Palchuk after all, they were known for their indomitable spirits, or something.

But having to watch Pepperjack on the holo screen at Aja’s and Krel’s place, when he could do absolutely nothing to help his fellow Creepslayer, being literal planets away, he was downright fearful.

It was just him and Vex at the disguised Mothership, and Luug. Blinky and Aaarrrgghh having left before the sun rose and Domzalski returning to his place for now. That was good. He would hate for any of them to be here to witness him freaking out. And now Eli didn’t have the invisibility spell to protect him from potential danger.

Aja and Krel had contacted them a few minutes ago to inform them they'd just reached the palace complex and wouldn’t be able to answer their transmissions. Apparently the Akiridion palace had some special wards that prevented outside interference that wasn’t authorised. Luckily Steve and Vex had been able to tell everyone else that Eli was more or less safe and with guidance from Vex, would (eventually) get to the palace. The thing was, Eli had the camera Krel had adapted, so he and Vex had no clue how Lake, Douxie, Angor, Krel or his butt kicking warrior princess were doing.

They could have been caught or dead for all they knew! He bit his lip anxiously, there was too much to stress about, and he did not like it. Not one bit.

Pepperjack squeaked, holo video shaking as he adjusted his camera. “Pepperjack? You okay, buddy?” Steve called anxiously.

“F-fine, Steve! I think my disguise is working!” Eli said, the pride in his voice really making Steve want to roll his eyes.

For the past thirty minutes, Vex had been guiding Pepperjack towards the royal palace, but the burly Akiridion was beginning to lose patience at Eli’s horrible sense of direction.

Steve knew he’d be just as bad, it was a alien planet for flip’s sake! The only good thing was that Pepperjack had managed to wrap himself in a dark blue, tarp-like material, that he’d found in a Akiridion style garbage can. It had been lurking at the back of the street Eli had been sheltering in.

Akiridion’s had self-destructing garbage cans; after they reached a certain capacity the stuff inside would be shredded up and the container itself would explode. Steve was pretty sure Vex had used a different word, exploded didn’t seem quite right... But Eli had been lucky, the garbage can hadn’t reached full capacity yet and they were doubly lucky to find some rubbery, shapeless tarp material that had suitably engulfed Eli’s thin frame.

Apparently, according to Vex, Pepperjack resembled a race of aliens that looked like tarp sheets. Steve had forgotten the name of the race the second after Vex had spoken it, cause he really didn’t want to know any more.

“Your disguise is barely working.” Vex grumbled, before raising his voice so that Pepperjack could hear him, “You look like a wriggling larvox that has been cut in half before being squashed into the floor!” Vex boomed, making Eli yelp and almost trip over, if the lurching camera was any indication.

Steve had no idea what the four-eyed Akiridion was going on about, but it was clearly an insult. He pointed a warning finger at Vex, aware of how minuscule he was compared to the large Akiridion. “Hey, watch it, dude! How’d you do if you were thrown on an alien planet and got lost!”

Vex swelled up, four eyes narrowing to thin black and blue slits, “Varvatos Vex has done fine on Earth. Without getting lost. Your friend is the biggest soolian I have ever met!”

“Yeah? W-well, you—you’re—whatever man!” He scoffed, eyes returning to the holo screen.

Luug, who had been watching them with lazily half-lidded eyes, barked in apparent agreement with him, tongue lolling out of his mouth.

There was a moment of strained silence, in which Steve tried his hardest to ignore Vex, until Pepperjack groaned, “I think I went in a circle guys.”

Vex squinted, broad, flat face inches away from the screen, “That you have,” he agreed.

Eli sighed.



Losing Eli had not been accounted for admittedly, but Krel knew better than to rely on a singular plan, fortunately.

That was why he had insured he had hidden a smaller camera on his body, not connected to Mother back on earth, unfortunately, but he had explained to Jim, Zadra, Izita and the others that while they had been arguing on how best to deal with Morando, he had synced (actually, hacked) into the basic security system Morando had hastily managed to establish. Which meant their confrontation with Morando would be broadcasted to the entire planet.

That slight reassurance had made Aja even more insistent that they should head the mission to topple Morando's rule as the King and Queen in-waiting.

Izita and Zadra had been incredibly uncomfortable with their plan, telling them to wait until their parents regenerated, or if not, that they both should accompany him and his sister.

To which Douxie had quietly pointed out that if things did go wrong, and Izita and Zadra were with them, Morando would know they were traitors.

Zadra had then shot back by saying that was precisely her issue, since if things went wrong, Aja and him would have been toppled instead of Morando.

It was Jim who solved the pointless back and forth, saving Krel from a headache, or the equivalent of one as he was not in human form. Jim politely reminded Zadra and Izita that Krel and Aja would not be going to face Morando alone, they would be protected by him, Angor Rot and Douxie, whose magical skills were unparalleled.

Krel had noted how Douxie raised both eyebrows at that comment, and Krel wondered if the Wizard had an issue with people praising him. What did the humans call it? Ah yes, self-esteem issues. It seemed likely with what Krel had observed of the Wizard.

Jim’s earnest expression somehow melted Zadra’s tough facade, and Izita was quick to concede that as long as he and Aja were surrounded by their Earth allies, they would allow them to go through with their plan. Although Zadra could not be convinced to stay at Izita’s place, she would ensure they got inside the palace first.

So that was how he and his sister now stood in front of the royal palace they had called home for most of their lives, both shrouded in deep blue cloaks to hide their identity, which did little to ease his anxiety.

Zadra had gone into the palace to get Loth Saborian, and told them to wait outside, but she was taking a long time.

Aja reached over to squeeze one of his two visible arms, “It is going to be alright, little brother. Morando is arrogant and a massive gloober, we will easily be able to beat him.”

He wished he shared his sister’s confidence, but managed a weak grin at Aja calling Morando a gloober.

“Are you guys still here?” Krel asked of his seemingly empty surroundings.

“Yeah.” Jim’s voice whispered, “We’re all here.”

Well, except Eli. And Archie and Jett. Krel thought dryly. But that was good enough for reassurance.

Douxie had recast the invisibility spell on himself, Angor Rot and Jim, so they would have the element of surprise on Morando. That is, if Zadra would hurry up. They needed Loth to get them to Morando—

The wall in front of them shimmered, then became gossamer thin, allowing Zadra to pass through, followed by the ever nervous royal advisor. His oddly shaped face lit up in surprise, and some hope, as he peered at him and Aja in disbelief, “Xerxes’ maelstrom... Zadra spoke true.” He muttered, watery voice pitched low.

He hesitated, glancing about with his four eyes, before nodding to Zadra and laying a damp hand on Krel’s shoulder, the other on Aja’s, as he ushered them into the palace, “Quickly my royals, time is limited.”

Krel had barely stepped through the doorway before it sealed shut behind him, not even giving him enough time to say goodbye to Zadra. He fervently hoped that was enough time for Jim, Douxie and Angor Rot to follow them through. If not... He didn’t fancy his and Aja’s chances with Morando alone.

And then, rather suddenly, he and Aja were being guided into the throne room, Loth hastily vanishing behind the closing archway.

Krel did not blame him.

If they failed, he’d probably be the first on the, quite literal chopping board.

We will not fail though. Krel thought, after we are done here, Morando will never walk free again.

New determination coursing through his core, Krel subtly switched on his body camera. Whatever happened, his planet would know.

Morando was lounging across his and Aja’s parents’ thrones, looking bored and fed up. Krel wanted to punch the expression off the usurpers smug face.

Morando sneered at them instinctively, not even bothering to try and see their faces under the dark hoods he and his sister wore. “Whatever it is you want, I am sure I do not have.” Morando drawled in his slow, measured voice.

Aja flipped her hood back, Krel reluctantly doing the same. “Oh, I think you do have something we want.” Aja declared flippantly; head held proudly.

The look of pure shock on Morando’s face was almost amusing.

“Impossible!” He snarled, levering himself up, hands balling into tight fists, “Your ship was damaged beyond repair! You cannot be here within less than a parson!”

“Surprised?” Aja asked, a feral grin on her face, before Queenly poise took over her entire bearing, “As the Queen-in-waiting of Akiridion-5, I order you to stand down, General Val Morando, for an act of high treason against House Tarron, and attempted regicide. If you do not step down, we will be forced to take more drastic measures.”

“Yes,” Krel added awkwardly, “what she said.”

Morando stared at them, anger, incredulousness and disbelief passing rapidly through his face, before settling on contempt. “Big words for a spoilt Royal brat. Do you think you can stop me, Princess? How naive! To think I was going to waste bounty hunters on you and your brother... Now I can finish you off myself!”

He took out his serrator so fast that Krel had trouble tracking it with his eyes, the weapon transforming into a blaster and shooting for Aja’s core at the centre of her chest.

There was a flurry of movement and the blast was cut in half.

A low growl sounded, and then, what could only possibly be Jim, jumped at Morando, flinging him away.

Krel knew this because Morando was sent flying into the wall above the throne, only to limply fall to the floor with a cry of outrage and pain.

The now furious dictator scrambled to his feet, looking about wildly for the source of the attack, not finding one, he retrieved his serrator from the ground and began blasting at the room seemingly without any thought.

Aja grabbed him, sending them both to the floor, one of her visible hands protectively curling around him, as Morando continued to fire.

There was a short cry; and then the reflection spell cast on their Earth allies failed, along with the one hiding his and Aja’s secondary pair of arms from view.

Without the spell hiding them from view, Douxie was revealed on his knees, hand clutching his arm, Jim and Angor Rot out of Morando’s range, both tense and bristling with anger.

Krel ignored Aja’s shout as he raced towards the Wizard, “Douxie! Are you alright?”

His friend winced, “Ah, I’m alright. The blast only brushed me. Bloody hell though, that hurt like a—” His hazel and gold eyes widened, and Krel whipped round.

Morando stood over them, a grin deforming his wide face as he held aloft an ionic energy blade, “I will kill you, brat. And ALL of your strange little friends.” He spat, a manic light in his dark eyes.

Krel’s heart sank, they had underestimated Morando’s speed and—

The shadows behind Morando reached out, and swallowed the general up, leaving no trace of him behind.

From across the room, Angor Rot smirked, holding out a hand to summon another shadow portal.

Morando fell from the ceiling, bust instead of landing on the floor, he dropped through another portal positioned beneath him, reappearing again from the ceiling and then dropping into the portal below, in an endless cycle.

Douxie chuckled weakly, still holding onto his injured arm, “Angor’s doing an infinite corridor,” he explained to Krel, “but I never thought to do it vertically.”

Krel couldn’t help but laugh, meeting Jim’s eyes from across the room. The currently troll shaped human teenager smiled fiercely, baring his fangs, “Hey, Aja! Morando is all yours!” He called.

Aja took out her own serrator, concentrating until it formed her favourite shoulder mount, squinting through the sight and planting her feet.

She tracked Morando’s failing form for a matter of sektons before firing.

She hit Morando in the back, knocking him out of the vertical shadow portal trap Angor Rot had formed and being sent crashing into the floor in a heap. Not enough to kill Morando, but he was incredibly disoriented and dizzy.

And angry of course.

Actually, furious.

He lurched up, rage clouding his vision, as he screamed at him and Aja, “I will not be defeated by—by small minded children!”

He stumbled awkwardly forward as Jim kicked him from behind, “Wow. I really sort of expected this to be harder. This dude took over your planet? Really?” The armour-clad temporary troll mused; scepticism written all across his face.

Krel supposed that was warranted. Morando seemed far less threatening or capable as he was now. It was all misfortune and bad luck for them that Morando had been able to grow so powerful the first-time round.

“Hm. I agree, Trollhunter. He is weak and pathetic.” Angor Rot contributed, adding his own kick to the now downed Morando, who groaned as he came to rest by Krel’s feet.

He almost felt pity for Morando.


He looked down at the traitor general in distaste, this man had ruined his life in the original timeline, and still cut his parents down to their cores in this one. He would get no sympathy from him.

“General Morando, it is over. Surrender, you have lost. And to ‘small minded’ children too. Best of all, the whole of Akiridion-5 watched your disgrace.” He could not help but add smugly. He could only imagine how the rest of the planet were reacting right now.

Morando lifted his head, “No!” He growled.

“Yes.” Krel replied mildly, tapping his hidden camera and allowing its holographic display to flare to life, showcasing one of the massive screens that hovered over the skyline in Akiridion-5 for important messages. It showed the throne room as it was now, broadcasting all across the planet.

Morando howled with rage, “If I cannot take over your planet,” he spat, absolutely livid, “I will take one of you with me!”

He grabbed Krel’s ankle, slamming him down, and made his serrator form two enhanced energy blasters, one for each hand, both aiming for where his core resided.

Ay, ay, ay, I really must learn how to properly defend myself, Krel thought in some exasperation, raising all four arms above his head in a vain attempt at protecting himself.

There was a choked wheeze from above him, and Krel looked up into Morando’s startled face.

A serrator was poking out of the ex-general’s chest, spearing him through.

The ionic blade slid free of his body, Aja standing tall above Morando as he collapsed to his knees, a breathless whine his only noise.

His sister glared at Morando flatly, “No one threatens my little brother. We gave you a fair chance at surrendering, but you refused it.”

Morando’s mouth opened and closed, but he did not have a chance to retort, his body broke apart into nothingness, leaving only his damaged core behind.

Krel did not even hesitate, he extended a hand for Aja’s serrator, and once in his grip he broke the core Morando had left behind into two pieces, the light within it fading to nothing but blackness.

“You will not ever hurt my family again.” He panted.

“Well said, little brother.” Aja said weakly, clasping him on the shoulder firmly.

Krel couldn’t quite believe it.

They had actually managed to do what they had come to do.

Morando was dead.

And their parents were finally safe.


I've seen quite a few people have Archie being able to have a bigger dragon form, most specifically Sakon's Your future Hasn't Been Written Yet, so definitely got some inspiration from that.

Okay, the reason Morando is defeated so easily and relatively pain free is because I felt extremely underwhelmed by his character in 3below and he came across as too simplistic of a villain for TOA. The only reason in Canon he got anywhere was literally by tricking Vex and then using the element of surprise. Everything else was luck for him, and bad luck for Aja, Krel and Vex. He had NO depth, no decent backstory, so he gets no decent death either. So that's a little bit of salt on my part, but I hope it still makes sense and doesn't come across as me trying to hurry this along.

Special credit for Jett goes once again to i-have-too-many-obsssesions-help on Tumblr.

Chapter 23: A step in the right direction


With Morando dead, team Trollhunters can take a much needed breather back on earth, after being reunited with lost allies.

Just under a week later, Aja and Krel get to reunite with their parents, who are awake and well again. Explanations are given, and received better than expected.

The team turn their attention to converting Area 49-B to their side, with a risk-taking plan.


Just about managed to get this update out in June lol, but I made it! I really need to update more consistently, but this fic requires so much plot and world building that it really is becoming a big project for me. I just hope the pacing is not too fast and still manageable and realistic.

This chapter goes from Jim POV, to Aja and then back to Jim for once sticking more closely with Jim. I can't believe how many POVs this fic has... When it was supposed to literally only be Jim with a few chapters from different characters perspectives...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The only thing that Jim could think was Morando is dead, we all survived, Morando is dead, we all survived, over and over again.

The relief was insurmountable.

He walked over to Douxie, still on the floor clutching his injured arm, Krel anxiously hovering over him, Angor Rot and Aja standing around the Wizard with matching frowns of unease. Angor stood more awkwardly, unused to dealing with injured allies, and allies in general.

“Doux, you good?” Jim inquired.

“Yeah... I’ve had worse, believe it or not. Been shot before. Let me tell you: it bloody hurts.” Douxie told him.

Several rather inappropriate questions came to Jim’s mind, but he swallowed them down. Douxie was touchy about things to do with his past, now wasn’t the time for curiosity. “We probably should try and find—”

DOUXIE!” There was a familiar cry, a blur of black fur and blue toned wings, and Archie was on top of Douxie, paws on his face with surprising gentleness, anxiety written all over his scent. “I felt you get hurt through our bond... Are you alright?”

“I’m fine Arch; minor scrape. Where’s Jett?” Douxie asked.

“I’m here!” Jett’s voice was strained, as she skittered to the ground before Jim; still a Skelteg. That quickly changed as Jett took on her human form, looking decidedly dishevelled. “Archie sped up a lot when he detected Douxie was hurt... Let me just... Catch my breath.”

“Morando?” Archie asked quietly, glancing at the empty throne room.

“Dead.” Aja answered with grim satisfaction, folding her upper pair of arms.

“Ah, good.” Archie nodded, relaxing into Douxie’s arms, mindful about not leaning on his injured side.

“Aw man! I missed all the action!” A familiar voice whined.

Jim shot around, wide eyed, “Eli! You found us!” He grinned toothily at the smaller boy, relief washing over him. He’d begun to think the worst, so he was thankful to be proven wrong.

“Oh, Pepperjack, thank Seklos. Steve would be so upset if you were not found.” Aja sagged in relief.

“Eh, Vex and Steve were guiding me the entire time, I was fine!” Eli waved off bravely.

“That explains a lot.” Douxie said wryly, as Krel and Archie helped him up.

Eli gaped. “What happened to you?”

“Shot.” Douxie replied with cheerful brightness, “Tis but a scratch, though,” he added, a twinkle in his eyes as he said it.

Jim laughed; he got the reference. Strickler had told him knowing his cult classics was incredibly important, especially ones based on Arthurian legend. Having a movie marathon with Strickler was not something he’d thought he’d ever do, but he had enjoyed it immensely.

“Not to be a burster of the mood, but me and Krel have to stay here.” Aja suddenly stated.

“We do?” Krel blinked, staring at his sister in dismay.

“Yes, little brother,” his sister responded patiently, “only for a few horvaths at most, do not worry. We simply must inform Akiridion-5 what is happening, along with Zadra and Izita.”

“Yes, I suppose you are correct.” Krel grumbled, tapping his body camera to cut off the still running transmission broadcasting to the entire planet.

Jim was perfectly content to let the Akiridion royalty deal with the fallout of Morando’s death.

He went over to Krel, taking over supporting Douxie, who was still weak and in pain too, based on his sour scent. “Well, see you guys soon then,” he said awkwardly to Aja and Krel, who both nodded to him.

So, Jim began walking, slowly, what with Douxie using him as a crutch, the rest of his team falling in behind him.

Angor Rot coughed politely, the first sound in ages.

Jim paused, “What?”

“Wrong way, Trollhunter. The wormhole back to Earth is in the other direction.” The ancient assassin said calmly.

“Right, thanks.” Jim blushed; and corrected his course.


They had an unexpected guest waiting for them back on earth within the mothership.

And she was really angry.

“CASPERAN, YOU DID NOT JUST GET SHOT ON AN ALIEN PLANET!” The pink haired witch fumed, pink lines of electric magic crackling across her small vibrating form.

Akiridion planet,” Eli corrected shakily.

He yelped as all of the witch’s blue-eyed ire transferred to him. “Shut it, pipsqueak.”

“Hey! Lay off Pepperjack!” Steve snapped, pointing a finger at her.

“Who’s this?” Jim turned to Vex, baffled at how this witch knew so much about... Well, everything.

The compact Akiridion shrugged broad shoulders, “She said she knew your Wizard. That she could sense he was injured while in glorious combat.”

“Haha... Hi Zoe.” Douxie chuckled, hands going up as if expecting some sort of attack.

Not too far from the truth, as Zoe grabbed Douxie’s arms, albeit carefully, Jim noticed, yelling at him fiercely, “You can’t do this to me every time you go on a stupid mission with these kids!”

Jim frowned. He inhaled the entwined scents of Douxie and Zoe, recognising something about it. There was no actual word for it, but Jim knew what it meant.

“Hey, Douxie, you going to introduce us to your girlfriend?” He asked, raising a thick eyebrow pointedly.

“You didn’t even tell them about me?” Zoe growled, seemingly offended.

“Sort of too busy saving the world from one threat or another...” Douxie mumbled under his breath, cowed into meekness. “Jim. Everyone. This is Zoe Ashildr. My Sálufélagi.”

Jim didn’t recognise that word. It sounded vaguely trollish, but he was pretty sure it wasn’t.

Zoe elbowed Douxie, “English, dumbass.”

“Oh, right. Sorry, I meant soulmate, in the Wizard sense of binding our life forces together. Girlfriend works too though.” Douxie added.

Zoe sighed, gaze flicking around to all the people in the room before settling back on Jim. “I’ve heard a lot about you. Jim Lake. I thought you’re human.” She remarked, staring at his horns sceptically.

Jim snorted, “I am human. This troll thing is a temporary problem.”

“Right.” Zoe said, still sounding uncertain, “Archie. How did Douxie get shot? You were meant to keep him safe.”

“I cannot be attached to Douxie wherever he goes,” the dragon shrugged apologetically, “me and Jett here were a little preoccupied escaping a fighting arena.”

“A what.” Douxie said in disbelief.

“I will tell you later.” Archie sighed.

Douxie shook his head in resignation, “Fine, Arch. Tell me later. Zoe, I’m sorry. I should have told you where I was going and introduced you to the rest of my family and friends in advance.”

“Apology accepted.” Zoe said instantly, “Just don’t do it again, Douxie,” she warned.

“Thanks.” Douxie sighed, which turned into a yelp when Zoe poked his side.

“That’s for being stupid and reckless though.” Zoe grinned.

“Love you too, Zo.” Douxie said, rolling his eyes as if this was perfectly normal behaviour from her. And most likely it was, Jim reckoned.

“Yeah, same to you. Even if you get on my nerves, just keep me in the loop from now on, and you’re forgiven.” Zoe grumbled, before kissing him fast and hard on the lips.

Jim politely averted his eyes, he still wasn’t used to public displays of affection, despite Strickler and his mom doing it absolutely everywhere.

It was then that Steve decided to jump on him.

“Did you kill that dictator dude? Where is Aja and her brother?” Steve demanded in rapid succession.

“We did kill Morando, Steve. And Aja and Krel are sorting out some stuff on their planet, they’ll be back soon,” He promised, Steve instantly going limp with relief at his easy answer.

We still need to deal with Area 49-B after all, can’t do that without Aja and Krel. Jim silently added. But right now, he wasn’t going to think about that. He was tired.

He wanted to go down to Trollmarket, see Blinky, Aaarrrgghh and the rest of the trolls.

He couldn’t wait to tell Toby and Claire of their success and go home to his mom and Strickler, if he was there.

It hadn’t been very long of course, but to Jim it might as well have been ages.

“I am leaving to rest.” Angor Rot announced abruptly, waiting for Jim to acknowledge him with a slow nod of acceptance before leaving through a shadow portal.

Jim smiled, taking his phone out, time to tell Claire he needed a pick up... In more ways than one.



It had been almost a wardon now. Since Morando was defeated and their planet retaken.

A wardon spent in surprising peace and quiet, waiting for Aja and her brother’s parents to recover from stasis.

Aja hated waiting. Especially with nothing to do but worry.

Worry that, despite Krel, Douxie and Strickler reassuring her that their parents were doing great in the adapted regeneration chambers within the Janus Order, they would be snatched away from her and Krel once again. So, the fact that nothing had gone wrong by the time Krel told her it was the delson they would wake up their parents admittedly surprised her.

It was finally happening. Within a few mekrons she would hopefully be hugging her mama and papa.

Jim, Toby, Blinky and Strickler, accompanied by a very nervous Varvatos, were close at hand, but for now they had retreated from the Janus Order’s science laboratories so she and Krel would have their parents to themselves. Also, so that they would not be overwhelmed by unfamiliar faces.

She watched anxiously as Krel detached the plugs from the sockets that supplied the regeneration chambers with energy, the doors hissing open with a gust of warm steam.

Krel quickly came to stand next to her and she grabbed both of his left hands in hers, feeling her little brother squeeze them reassuringly.

Her core tightened in her chest when nothing happened.

Their parents were whole again, she knew that. Even if there was a huge problem, Strickler had said they could transfer the King and Queen back to Akiridion-5, where the technology was more suited for their needs. She had no need to worry.

There was the found of wheezing coughs, as first her mother, then her father, sat up, both of them wincing, eyes half shut and clearly disorientated.

“Mama!” Aja cried.

“Papa!” Krel exclaimed; at the same time as her.

They rushed forward as one, their parents eyes widening in surprise and relief at the sight of them, opening their arms to embrace them both.

Aja fell into her mama’s arms, sobbing and sobbing with parsons’ worth of grief, despair and longing for just a simple hug from her mother and father. Just a word of encouragement or urging to keep moving forward.

She had almost forgotten what having parents felt like.

“Oh, I have missed you both so much,” she said, her head resting over where Coranda’s core resided.

“Aja... Krel...” Her mother drew them both closer with all four arms to her chest, awe lingering in her voice, “My children... My beautiful children.” She whispered, brushing her fingers over the ridge etched into Aja’s forehead, disbelief written over her face.

“Aja. Krel.” Fialkov said slowly, their names said as if they were a prayer or blessing, “W-where are we?”

“Earth,” she answered, “somewhere safe.”

“Earth...? Of all places to end up...” Coranda shook her head, taking in her surroundings with curiosity, taking special attention to the chambers they were sitting up in. Her mama ran a hand over the chamber’s soft interior, frowning up at her and Krel. “This is not earth technology.” She eventually uttered.

“It is not. At least, not entirely.” Krel said primly, nestled next to her with one set of arms across his mother, the other around his father. “Some of our earth allies have a secret facility that turned out to have technology that is viable with our own.”

“Humans?” Coranda asked, confused and also a little curious.

“No. Humans are still fairly primitive with their technology, unfortunately.” Krel answered. “This place belongs to changeling trolls. They are a shape-shifting race that admittedly are incredibly skilled and intelligent. We owe it to their leader that—that you are both here now.” Krel stumbled over the words, his face full of deep-rooted grief and pain.

Their parents exchanged familiar wordless looks, where it seemed they were reading each other’s minds.

“You say you are in contact with trolls?” Fialkov inquired carefully.

Changelings.” Aja corrected, “They do not consider themselves the same as full trolls. But we are friends with trolls too! Actually, the same group of trolls you once met long ago in order to entrust them with protecting Gaylen’s core!” Aja said excitedly, finally connecting the obvious dots of what she has seen in her parents memories and what she had been shown and told by Jim of the trolls of Heartstone Trollmarket.

Both Coranda and Fialkov stared at Aja in silent surprise, a wary frown appearing on her mother’s face, “How do you know about that?” She used the same sharp tone that Aja had once considered meant her mother was angry she had done something reckless again. Now, she recognised it as concern.

Her mama had wanted her to be safe, that was why she did not allow her to go wherever she pleased on Akiridion-5. She was also mature enough to know it was her mother’s job to worry about her safety.

But there was no way to answer Coranda’s question without utterly confusing both of her parents. That meant...

She looked over at her brother; if they lied about what they knew, their parents would easily see through them, they would know something was off. Their almost three keltons worth of memories insured that.

Krel saw her internal turmoil and nodded at her encouragingly, he trusted she knew what to say. She hoped that trust was not misplaced.

“I suppose we ought to tell you everything we have experienced here on earth, right from the beginning...” She began slowly.

So, she, and Krel, recounted everything.

Starting with the current timeline; landing on earth, meeting Jim, Steve, Eli, Toby and Claire at Arcadia Oaks High School and then the time travel and their original timeline. Of the bounty hunters they faced and defeated, Varvatos’ betrayal and rescue, Morando’s Godhood and destruction of their parents cores... Even now thinking of the past, of the loss and helplessness watching her mama and papa sacrifice themselves, hurt right to her core.

With difficulty Aja swallowed around it and continued with the, permanent, defeat of Morando just a wardon ago.

Coranda gathered her close, pressing her chin to Aja’s head, “You have been through so much... Both of you have.”

“That is not all.” Aja exhaled softly. She closed her eyes tight, wishing for the past that did not exist anymore and hadn’t for a while. Back when she was a child, and she didn’t have the memories of the burden it was to be Queen of an entire planet.

“I... I became Queen. I had to, with you both... Gone. It was for an entire Kelton. Then the Arcane Order rose, incredibly powerful wizards on the same level as Seklos and Gaylen. They destroyed everything, mama. It was terrible.”

“And that was why Jim reset the timeline. So we could face them again, knowing how to defeat them without the death and destruction.” Krel added fiercely.

Another exchange of looks passed between Coranda and Fialkov, grave and bittersweet almost.

“You have both matured greatly since we last saw you both, my darling children. I just wish we could have seen it for ourselves.” Their mother sighed wishfully, resting one upper hand on Aja’s head, the other on Krel’s.

“So you believe us then?” Krel asked, brows raising in amazement.

Fialkov chuckled deeply, “There are many things you are both incredibly talented at; lying has thankfully never been a great skill either of you possessed. Such events you describe, as harrowing as they are, can only be the truth.”

“Thank Seklos. If you had not believed us, what we are about to say next might be too much to handle.” Aja breathed.

“You never ran this by me.” Krel said dryly.

Coranda blinked her inner eyelids at Aja. “What do you mean, Aja? If you are worried Varvatos Vex will not be pardoned—”

Oh! Is he pardoned? He really is sorry for lowering the defences to allow Morando in, although he would probably much rather apologise in person to you both—”

“No, Aja,” her mother laughed, “Varvatos is forgiven. We trust you and your brother when you say he has made amends.”

“So glad to hear that!” Aja sighed in relief, “Now; where was I?”

They all burst into laugher at the same time, and Aja felt her core lighten.

Things had changed, but they were all together, as they were meant to be. A family; stronger than ever.

Aja gathered her thoughts, took a collected breath, despite not needing it, and said firmly, “Mama. Papa. We need to stay on earth. Krel has created a wormhole generator back to Akiridion-5, that will allow for easy travel from earth and our planet, so we would visit every couple of Delsons, talk every chance we get in between, but until we ensure our earth friends and family are safe and all threats are taken care of, we cannot abandon them,” she finished, preparing for both her parents to deny this to her and Krel.

To demand them to go back to Akiridion-5 and stay inside the palace complex were it was safe and there were no longer any dangers.

“Of course, we understand.” Coranda said softly, not overjoyed about it, but accepting it all the same, “Varvatos is with you, as are your many earth allies it seems. So you may stay on earth,” she concluded, nudging her husband firmly with two sets of elbows.

“Yes, of course.” Fialkov coughed, “I expect calls every Horvath however. If there is any trouble, no matter how insignificant to either of you it may seem, I want to know about it. Actually, perhaps we should send Zadra to earth with you... As extra protection.”

Fialkov. We need someone to take charge of the Taylon Phalanx with Vex on earth.” Coranda told him with gentle exasperation.

“Thank you, mama.” Krel muttered, “Although I for one would not mind Zadra’s company.”

“I will have her check in with you here every wardon, then,” their father conceded.

“Fair enough.” Aja accepted.

“Do you know how long this will take, before everything on earth settles down?” Coranda asked, her worry evident and completely understandable.

Honestly, Aja wished she could go home and forget everything that had happened in the previous timeline, but she couldn’t. She wouldn’t do that. Especially not to her Steve. Telling her parents about him was something to be left to the future her, as well as the accidental pregnancy she had caused in the old timeline of Steve and their hybrid children. Foolishness on her part to have let it get that far without explaining to Steve more of Akiridion biology.

“Hard to say,” Krel shrugged, “Perhaps a Kelton and a half? Less probably. Although... Earth is more my home than Akiridion-5 ever was to me,” he admitted.

“You wish to stay.” Coranda uttered. It was not a question.

Krel looked away in shame.

Coranda sighed. “Something to be discussed on a later date. For now, I am just glad to have one another once again.”

They all hugged again in a tangle of many arms, and Aja pushed all her doubts and worries aside, all her anxiety about facing area 49-B again, to the back of her mind.

She would call a meeting about that particular problem the next Delson.

It was, after all, integral they get area 49-B on their side before Kubritz could become a major issue.

She had a pretty good idea already who she would require for this next mission...



Jim found himself wondering once more what the hell he was doing now.

It had barely been a week since they’d come back from Akiridion-5, and also since Aja and Krel’s parents had recovered and returned, alive and well, to Akiridion-5. After spending a day or so at the JO to get reoriented and thank Strickler to the point he was reduced to a stammering mess, much to Jim’s amusement.

Yet here Aja and Krel were, at his place, with Vex, Stuart, Douxie and Zoe, Douxie’s previously hidden girlfriend.

He was on the couch, his mom on one side, Strickler on the other, all three of them somewhat confused.

“What exactly do you want with us?” Jim asked, his brows furrowing, had he missed something? Because he really didn’t know why this meeting was even happening.

Archie, Douxie and Zoe all looked as one to Aja.

She opened her mouth, closed it again, squirming uneasily under all the combined gazes of the people in the room.

Zoe sighed softly, “The princess wants to take down Area 49-B in a few days’ time. Sooner they’re dealt with, sooner you guys can kick-start an urban fantasy revolution across the world or whatever. Bad idea, but Douxie thinks it can work, and Area 49-B is an organisation you’d want on your side.”

Strickler masked a laugh with a cough, “Pray tell how this requires us at the moment. Neither myself nor Jim were present when Aja and Krel stormed Area 49-B several dozen times in the previous timeline.”

A smile grew on Aja’s face, “We want to convert Area 49-B to our side. For that to happen, Jim must restore Kubritz’s memories with Daylight, otherwise she will not listen to reason. I assumed you might have a way inside Area 49-B, through a changeling operative stationed there.”

“Pshh! There weren’t any changelings there,” Stuart dismissed airily, “I would have known, being stuck in that hell hole for years.”

Strickler smirked at Stuart in amusement, before turning to Aja, evidently impressed with her, “We do have a changeling stationed there,” he admitted, “he is ranked higher than Colonel Kubritz however, high enough to not be in Area 49-B for the majority of the time. We needed someone there to ensure they did not discover the Janus Order, and to sabotage them if possible. Also, so we could steal their stolen technology,” he added smugly.

All of them gaped at Strickler, including Jim and his mom. He hadn’t realised some changelings were in such high positions of power, enough to steal from a top-secret division of the government and mess with them.

“Walt.” Barbara said faintly, “How far does the Janus Order even spread its influence?”

“Far enough that when the time comes for us to reveal magic kind, we would have significant sway.” Strickler responded, grimly adding, “Consider it incredibly lucky I still maintain control. But anyway, I will get in contact with my operative who is stationed with Area 49-B, but we still need a lure to gain access to the facility.”

“Varvatos Vex volunteers.” Vex instantly announced.

“No.” Aja protested, “Varvatos, you are exactly what Kubritz wants! You would be in danger instantly. Or tortured! I should do it.”

“Absolutely not.” Krel scoffed, “If Varvatos would be in so much danger, so would you. We cannot risk you or Varvatos like that.”

“Varvatos Vex can handle it!” Vex insisted.

“It should be me.” Jim interrupted firmly, silencing everyone. “Think about it. I’m clearly not an alien, but I’m willing to bet Area 49-B has never seen anything like me, I’m pretty unique.” Here he gestured to his face, with his flat, broad nose, slit pupils and mint green edged stone, not to mention his horns. “Also, I’m the only one able to restore memories, Tobes can’t even do that. Kubritz from the sounds of it likes to inspect specimens herself, so I’ll have her alone eventually. You guys focus on causing a distraction, Strickler can find me, release me, give me Daylight so Kubritz doesn’t get her hands on it, we give her memories back; done.”

He wasn’t boasting or anything, but that might be his most airtight plan he’d ever made.

Shame everyone else disagreed.

“Jim honey, no.” Barbara immediately shook her head.

“Too dangerous.” Douxie agreed.

“We could not ask that of you.” Krel added vigorously.

“Yeah, I agree. You could be stuck for a while.” Zoe said, “Scientists would start experimenting on you the minute you’re in. We can’t risk it.”

“I think it seems reasonable enough.” Archie unexpectedly said, licking a paw casually from his position on the couch arm.

“As much as I hate to admit it, Archie is correct.” Strickler sighed, glancing at Jim, who stared at the changeling in surprise, not expecting him of all people to agree. He twitched his ears; sure he must have misheard.

“Listen,” Strickler continued as everyone began to protest in earnest, “Someone would have to do it, I wish I could, but I do not have the ability to use Daylight to restore memories. Jim has been through worse. He can take it; I know he can. It’s not as if we were abandoning him, our goal is to get Kubritz alone with Jim. My goal is to keep Jim safe. I promise I’ll take care of him.”

This last part was clearly directed at his mom, as Strickler reached over him to grasp her hand, his green eyes honest and unwavering.

Barbara exhaled, squeezing his fingers.

Jim tried to ease the tension in the room with a light grin, “Hey, it’s my job to keep you safe, Strickler.”

The changeling didn’t even smile, his expression grave, “No, Jim. You are still a child. Barbara would have my head if I don’t keep you safe. And besides,” he shrugged casually, “that’s what parents do. They protect their children,” Strickler met Jim’s eyes briefly, then looked away, his ears going red as he muttered gruffly, “If you don’t accept my protection you’ll stay behind.”

Jim couldn’t believe Strickler had said that so casually, in front of people he barely knew.

Not like anyone was reacting as if this revelation came as much of a surprise, but still. Strickler wasn’t the kind of person to say stuff like that unless it was just him and his mom. Even then, he wouldn’t say it as if it was a bland statement of fact. Not that he was complaining.

He wordlessly gripped Strickler’s arm, squeezing gently, as his words were stuck in his throat.

He had no doubt even in human form Strickler could smell his gratitude and affection.

“I don’t like it,” Barbara breathed, “If either of you could stay, I’d demand it. But... I trust that Jim knows what he’s doing, and that Walt will be there if anything goes wrong.”

Jim and Strickler exchanged looks, hopefully this time things wouldn’t go so wrong. He could handle being poked and prodded for a few minutes.

“Okay.” Aja accepted, not looking too happy about it, but not arguing against the idea either. “The rest of the plan then.”

Strickler’s jaw tensed, “My inside man owes me a favour, so he should be agreeable and meet us outside this house in a few days’ time with a Area 49-B van, to get us inside. I’ll pretend to be an agent of the same class as him, shouldn’t be too hard. Jim will be placed in the back of the van, as he will act as our lure.”

“I’ll be going with you,” Zoe said, “I’ve always wanted to give those bastards a piece of my mind for decades, and I can blow out some of their lights to really get those turds confused.” She gleefully rubbed her hands together, and Jim had no doubt she meant business.

“And how exactly are we going to sneak inside?” Stuart asked, raising a hand.

Zoe shrugged, “Glamour. I’ll make myself and the rest of you invisible in the van till we get there. My magic can hide us from sensors and whatever detection gear Area 49-B has in a way Douxie can’t. Technomancy is really effective in this day and age after all.”

“Zoe, are you sure? You don’t have to do this.” Douxie told her tersely.

“I do, actually. Because one: I want to beat up these assholes who think they can do messed up shit and get away it. And two: you were already injured once, no way you’re coming to get even more hurt.”

“She’s right.” Archie agreed, “I would prefer if you don’t get hurt again.”

Douxie raised his hands in defeat, “Fine.”

“OK. But why are we bringing Stuart exactly?” Jim questioned, “No offense.”

“None taken.” Stuart waved off, “I’m coming because I promised an old friend I’d come back for him. And Area 49-B has my ship too,” he added.

“Oh, yes! Buster! Who will react negatively to seeing Stuart again after he abandoned him,” Vex remarked, “causing most glorious mayhem.”

Stuart crossed his arms crossly, “I’m sure he’ll understand.”

Vex snorted, “Doubtful.”

“And while you guys cause as much chaos as possible, me and Strickler will deal with Kubritz and give her memories back.” Jim said.

“Hopefully we will find you and aide in that endeavour.” Aja added.

“Young Atlas, I am not sure how fast I would be able to locate you, even with help from my changeling contact.” Strickler informed him, his brows furrowing in newfound concern.

“I’ll be fine for a little while. Everything will work out.” Jim dismissed easily.

“I really wish I shared such confidence.” Krel muttered, being elbowed sharply by Aja in the process.

“Think of it this way,” Jim hurriedly continued, “When we’re successful, we’ll have a powerful government organisation backing us when it comes to revealing magic to the world.”

The faces staring back at him were still hesitant and worried, their scents a mix of apprehension, concern and a little bit of fear.

Aja finally nodded, “I think we should go ahead with this plan. It is risky, but Jim is right, the benefits of this mission going well are massive. We can do this.”

“We will all be glorious in battle together!” Vex declared.

“Perhaps.” Strickler frowned, suddenly pensive, his scent smelling sharply of uncertainty and doubt, the bitter tang of fear underlying it subtly.

Jim laid a hand over Strickler’s, “Hey, I’m going to be alright. I can deal with a little discomfort.”

Strickler managed a weak smile in response, but Jim was put on edge by Strickler’s dread.

If this plan went wrong, he might be in big trouble.

Trouble he might not be able to get out of alone.


The teams apprehension is completely well founded, since we all know how Kubritz treated Aja and Krel when she got her claws into them... Jim is not going to be having fun next chapter, but it's one of the ones I've been really excited to get to, despite the angst. Or maybe because of it lol. And the more angsty Strickler and Jim 'bonding' time. It's going to be fun...

Douxie saying 'Tis but a scratch' is obviously from Monty python and the holy grail, I couldn't resist putting it somewhere in the fic.

And Zoe has made her debut! I wasn't going to have her here initially, but I've included her and Douxie in every other main fanfic I've written, so she's here now!

Sálufélagi is Icelandic for soulmate. Since I think Douxie would have traveled all over Europe, and also because it ties in to the later arcs of this fic, involving Norse mythology...

Special credit again for Jett goes to i-have-too-many-obsssesions-help on Tumblr.

Chapter 24: Tackling Area 49-B


The day in which Area 49-B is to be confronted dawns, and Jim is hit with doubts about the practicality of the plan he made.
Once in Area 49-B things quickly escalate and Jim realises he may have underestimated Area 49-B...


Omg I'm back! 😭
I was so busy with Stricklake month in August, and now I'm working on a Halloween special for October as well, so we'll see if I can get the next chapter out sometime soonish.

This chapter concludes the Akiridion arc! Now we're onto the revealing magic/killing Gunmar plotline!

Perspectives for this chapter are: first Jim, then Krel, finished by Strickler.

Trigger warning for: binding/chaining, references to torture, gunshot deaths, character threatening and killing people (guess who lol). Hope that covers everything!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Jimbo, you gotta stop pacing man, you’re going to wear the floor away!” Toby exclaimed.

Jim’s head snapped up, long enough to growl warningly, and then continue to pace the length of his living room, his family watching him worriedly. Douxie and Archie exchanged tired looks, his mom and Blinky both sighing in tandem, Aaarrrgghh making an unhappy sound in the back of his throat.

Jim sighed, feeling a spike of guilt for growling at Toby. He was on edge, and that meant his troll instincts were a lot more hard to keep a grip on. “Sorry Tobes, it’s just hard not to be scared. This isn’t something I can get out of on my own. Once I’m inside Area 49-B, that’s it. Everything relies on stuff out of my control.”

“Precisely why,” Blinky began, “That having only Strickler protecting you doesn’t fill me with nearly enough confidence you will come out of this unscathed.”

Jim did stop then, ears flicking in incredulousness, “After all this time, you still can’t trust him?”

“It is not that I do not trust him, it is just—if anything were to go particularly badly it would be Strickler’s fault.” Blinky glared helplessly at his balled fists, “I won’t be there to protect you. Yet I know Strickler is more efficient at protecting than I am. Unfortunately.” He added.

His mom, who up till then had remained silent, smiled ruefully at Blinky, placing a hand on one of his in support. “I think I understand where Mr Blinky is coming from. I’m not going to be with my son either, but I know, and trust, that Walt will do everything he can to protect Jim.”

“Thanks mom.” Jim said, feeling his eyes moisten, “And I appreciate the concern, Blink. But I’ll be fine, really.”

Claire saw his moment of stillness as an opportunity and got up from the couch, going towards him determinedly to wrap her arms around his waist. “First sign of real trouble and summon the amulet and call me so I can get you all out of there.”

Jim blinked, peering over Claire’s head at Toby in bafflement and getting only a shrug. “That’s it? You’re not going to try and convince me not to go?”

“Jim. I couldn’t stop you even if I wanted to. I just don’t want you risking your life for no reason being a self sacrificing moron.” Claire said exasperatedly, tapping his nose sharply, delicate eyebrows raised.

The doorbell rang, saving him from responding. “I’ll get that!”

“Jim! Glamour mask!” Douxie reminded him, “You don’t know who else might see you outside.”

He sighed, tipping his head back in dramatic distaste, but dutifully did as the Wizard said, fitting the mask to his face with a grimace to restore his human appearing form as he set off for the door.

He opened it, unconcerned, as he already knew the sun had set enough for him to be safe without the sunstone. A troll sensory thing he really appreciated, especially when right now the sun could kill him (he’d always wondered how trolls seemed to always uncannily know the sun’s position even underground).

As expected, Strickler stood there outside, a very official looking truck idling at the curb behind him, with Aja, Krel, Zoe and the rest of their team inside no doubt.

What was not expected, and which took him somewhat by surprise, was the crisp, tailored black suit Strickler wore, completely unlike what he usually put together, with an immaculate white shirt and black tie, with golden embroidery at the end emblazoned with the Janus Order insignia.

“Whoa. Are you getting married or something?” Was the first stupid thing out of his mouth.

Strickler glowered at him, “What do you think? Are you ready to leave?”

Taken aback at the snappy tone, Jim nodded, mouth gone dry. “Just gonna say goodbye to everyone... Have you?”

Much more softly Strickler replied, “Yes. I’d rather not delay any more than needed, or listen to Blinkous give me a lecture.”

“Or mom take one good look at you right now and start drooling.” Jim suggested, grinning unabashedly.

Strickler now looked decidedly aggravated. “I think I preferred it when you were hostilely against your mother and I’s relationship.”

“Whatever you say.” Jim shrugged, and then shut the door in Strickler’s face, to give his last farewells to those of his family staying behind, uneasy with how final it seemed, despite this mission likely not taking any longer than a couple of hours.

Jim’s wariness rose once he was helped into the back of the military truck by Strickler, handing over his glamour mask and his—Toby’s—amulet. And wasn’t that ironic?

Simply passing the amulet of Daylight to Strickler, when in another life he’d fought desperately to keep it from him. Strickler seemed to realise it too, his green eyes were soft and reflective as he tucked the amulet into his blazer pocket.

“I know it’s going to be uncomfortable, but could you have Zoe attach those chains to you?” Strickler managed to tell him, avoiding eye contact.

Everyone else in the truck, not yet spelled invisible, therefore making their expressions obvious, squirmed. Aja, Krel, Vex and Stuart, in their human forms to fit comfortably in the truck, all seemed ready to argue against Strickler’s suggestion, but Zoe took control effortlessly, “If we want to make it into Area 49-B it needs to look realistic. Stricklander’s right.”

Jim couldn’t say he would relish being chained up (No one would!) but he knew it had to be done. “Okay. Chained up it is,” he gave a wobbly smile through his tusks, as his gaze fell on said chains for the first time, coiled menacingly in the corner, making his heart beat frantically.

“First, introductions.” Strickler interjected, seeing the panic in Jim’s eyes. “Obi, get over here and meet Jim!” He called imperiously to who Jim assumed was the Area 49-B changeling operative.

A door opened, then shut, gently rocking the truck, and a tall man, dressed also in a black suit, ginger hair side parted, goatee nearly trimmed, appeared, blue-grey eyes surprisingly gentle when they alighted on him. “Hello there. My name is Ben Kenobi, no doubt Stricklander has told you the relevant details about me. Even if I do not appreciate him attempting to order me around,” here he frowned at his fellow changeling, “as a independent worker, trying to prevent Area 49-B’s more nefarious deeds from the inside. I have not been part of the Janus Order for centuries. This is a favour to Stricklander, nothing more.”

“Um. So you’re what, a rebel changeling?” Jim asked incredulously. Yeah, that was a little too much to get his head around.

“You could say that.” Obi said, giving Jim a thin lipped smile, “In general, I don’t particularly like humanity and its need to destroy anything different, nor working for trolls who wished to ruin the world even more. I faked my death, with rather generous help from Stricklander, and forged my own path. Stricklander tells me you’re not like other humans. You want to make a difference to this world. I can respect that. Which doesn’t mean this mission will be any less unpleasant. I hope you understand that, youngling.”

That... Was not ominous at all.

“I can handle it.” Jim settled for saying firmly.

“Then good luck. To you and all.” Obi nodded at each of them, then retreated, beckoning Strickler to follow him.

Strickler hesitated, reaching up to Jim to hold his wrist gently, “You’ve got this, Young Atlas.” He said, almost half to himself, as if he was the one who needed convincing.

“I know I do. Now hurry up so we can get there already.” Jim huffed.

“Yes. Please. I do not need to see either of you being mushy with your feelings.” Krel shuddered.

“Varvatos Vex cannot wait for glorious conquest!” Vex announced.

Strickler made a face, “Each to their own I suppose,” he sighed, and with a last look at Jim, followed Obi.

The truck doors opened, then closed, and Zoe reached for the chains to bind him.

She carefully wound them around his wrists and looped them across his chest, the cool, slippery feeling of the metal making him shudder. It was almost claustrophobic inducing but Jim breathed through it, telling himself this was just temporary, no one was hurting him (yet) and he could trust Zoe. It didn’t stop him from feeling sick when the chains were anchored into the hooks imbedded in the floor. It meant he had to hunch over uncomfortably, so he settled on his haunches, digging his claws into the metal for purchase.

Zoe must have seen his expression of discomfort, because she patted one of his hands, “Kid, don’t look so miserable, you could break these chains easily, Area 49-B don’t know that,” she told him, “think of them as props.”

“Talking from experience?” He was only half joking.

“Sort of, yeah. Pretending to be a prisoner that is,” she grinned at him.

And Jim found himself grinning back. He could see why Douxie liked her.

The truck chose that moment to jerk into motion, and Jim, as well as everyone else in the truck, yelped.

This was going to be a long, and uncomfortable, journey.


Turned out it wasn’t long enough.

It felt like he’d blinked and the truck was rolling through heavily fortified metal gates, guards and scientists in hazmat suits practically everywhere. By this point Zoe had glamoured herself, the Akiridions and Stuart invisible, so it seemed as if he was alone.

The truck eventually lurched to a stop, and the engine cut out. Jim waited, all his muscles tensely wound, ready for action.

There was the sound of muttering voices, then the back of the truck was opening, letting in harsh light that had Jim recoiling away. He forced his eyes open, beholding a man with a forgettable face, a camo cap making it hard to see much more except his sharp, quick eyes, ones that softened somewhat in sympathy for a moment at his crouched and chained form before hardening again.

Jim snarled in response, pinning his ears back and fully exposing his tusks. Part true, unbridled contempt, part act, to cover for his invisible team as they used that moment to hop out and stealthily begin to cause mayhem.

Obi and Strickler came into view beside the Area 49-B man, looking all business, Obi impassive, Strickler with his jaw clenched, but otherwise looking completely unbothered to the untrained eye.

The Area 49-B official made a gesture to two of the hovering hazmat suited scientists, “Take him directly to the Colonel’s private lab, I’m sure he’ll be of interest to her. Prep him for some research tests too. Try and limit the harm brought to the subject.” He sighed wearily, as if he’d said this quite a few times only to be ignored.

It didn’t really help Jim feel calmer about this absolutely terrible idea.

The two scientists cautiously approached him, one of them aiming the chunky, green and black neurometer blaster Aja and Krel had warned him about directly at his chest.

He stayed still, keeping his growls to a minimum, warily keeping his eyes on both of the scientists.

“Thanks again, Sergeant Costas for accepting this late call, thought such a unique specimen would serve you well.” Obi said.

“Serve me well?” Costas snorted, “No. Appease Colonel Kubritz? Definitely. She will be very happy about this,” he said in the tone of someone who was intensely unhappy.

“Take him away,” he ordered, waving a hand at Jim.

And so Jim willingly accepted he was being taken straight into the lionesses den, where a whole new nightmare was awaiting him...



Krel had to admit. This Zoe lady was extremely efficient.

Which is to say that she upended Area 49-B quicker than Varvatos could say ‘Glorious death.’

Jim had been absent for barely ten mekrons and Zoe had used her magic, (Technomancy! An entire form of magic dedicated to technology!) channelled through her wand, to make the power fail in the entire facility, plunging it into darkness, at the same time Stuart and Aja released Buster for maximum chaos.

As he predicted, Buster was not nearly as happy to see his old cellmate as Stuart was.

Luckily, Aja was quickly able to direct Buster’s insatiable rage towards the much more productive task of rampaging through the people responsible for his capture. To avoid Buster’s ire, and fighting, Krel and Stuart had taken to the Durian’s ship to remove the osmic circuit, because Krel doubted Kubritz would just hand it over for them to fix Mother with, regardless if she was on ‘their side’ or no.

It was difficult to remove the osmic circuit when all he could hear was banging and crashing from the joint destructive force of Aja, Buster, Varvatos and Zoe. On a alarmingly large scale, based on the blaring alarms, that were somehow getting louder.

Krel trusted Aja had everything under control.

He squinted up into the belly of Stuart’s ship, using all four hands now to ease the osmic circuit out, chuckling as he hefted it in the air with his upper two arms, “Haha! I have got it!” He beamed, crossing his free arms proudly.

Stuart gingerly took hold of it, looking relieved, “Thank Gorbon!” He hesitated, then inquired, “So... Does Buster ever get round to forgiving me for abandoning him here? In that other timeline of yours?”

Krel winced. He wasn’t going to tell Stuart in the old timeline Buster had come to a rather grisly end, so he simply answered the question, “He did. But his forgiveness was hard earned.”

“Ah. Of course. Good old Buster isn’t so easy with his trust after all the time spent locked up.” Stuart laughed, shoulders relaxing.

They lapsed into only slightly awkward silence, standing there under the flashing red alarms until there was the sound of pounding feet and an unfamiliar troll, that Krel instantly presumed was the changeling Obi, came into view.

He was slender, cream coloured all over, with a orange mane, short black horns and a long tasselled tail. He was wearing a sort of one shouldered toga, with long dropping sleeves and a thrown back hood, with a black belt, that was made of a burlap kind of material. His only ornamentation was a golden bracelet on his left arm with delicate leaf patterning. His eyes were bright electric blue, with the typical changeling slit pupils.

“Where is Stricklander?” He demanded, confirming his identity as Obi. “I lost him in the fight. Jim’s been in Kubritz’s hands for almost thirty minutes.”

Krel knew that was bad. Even more concerning, he did not understand how it had already been thirty minutes, usually he was good at keeping track of time. “Obi, surely you know the way to Kubritz’s laboratory?" Krel snapped, to mask the simmer of fear in his core. He and Aja had only been tortured by Kubritz for a mere handful of mekrons, if that. And he still got nightmares about it even in the new timeline.

Obi shook his head, “I was meant to show Stricklander the way, not rescue the boy myself. We just need to hope that Stricklander realises it’s been too long and uses that calculating mind of his this once to track the boy.”

Krel hoped so to. But... “Any chance you would show me the way?”

“No.” Obi snapped, lashing his tail, his only sign of outward agitation, “You mustn’t fall into Kubritz’s claws. You’re too important, and I doubt your parents will be on board with working with area 49-B if they tortured their child.”

True, but Krel hated the thought of doing nothing while Jim was being hurt, all because of this risky plan they had all agreed on.

He balled his four hands into fists. Strickler, please hurry.



Walter knew he was running out of time, fast. He knew it had been longer than they’d agreed on to leave Jim in the den of the beasts.

He’d admittedly been apprehensive of Young Atlas’ plan, but being separated from Obi in a fight with several of the military officials stationed in Area 49-B meant he had no idea where the blasted laboratory was. Which meant he couldn’t find Jim.

Which was the only reason why he had dropped human form, to use his troll form’s keener sense of smell, in vain trying to locate Jim’s scent.

He’d come prepared to use his troll form, so wasn’t in his usual traditional outfit. The cape had stayed, minus the collar of knives, but he was wearing tactical body protecting armour, a deep green, with many pockets and places for knives, sheathed daggers attached to his arms. He was also wearing cut-off leather gloves, to still have his claws out, and dragon scale under-armour, it was a lucky find on his part, the scales all round and blunt, black with splotches of white, very shiny and very hard.

Most important was his modified gun, holstered at his hip. He had not told Barbara about it. He wasn’t sure what she would think knowing he’d always had access to lethally modified human weapons. But bringing knives to a gun fight was not a smart thing hence bringing both.

He rounded yet another unfamiliar corner and was lucky enough to grab a scurrying secretary of some sort, who screamed in terror as he shoved the man to a wall with a low snarl, taking his gun out of its holster and pressing it quite firmly to his cranium. “Tell me where Kubritz’s laboratory is!” He demanded, seeing himself reflected in the poor man’s eyes, fierce and otherworldly, completely out of place in this sterile, cold environment. The man wheezed in fear, stammering fitfully, “T-there!” He pointed a quivering finger across the corridor, back up one he had already passed and Strickler roughly shoved the secretary to the ground, striding towards the laboratory and viciously thinking if the man had led him astray he’d murder him.

Young Atlas may handle ten or so minutes of torture, but not nearly thirty. He dreaded what state he’d find the boy in.

He reached double doors, cursing himself for not noticing them, and kicked them open, sweeping his gun round at several startled scientists, some masked and wearing hazmat suits, some in white lab coats, almost all surrounding Jim.

The teenager was strapped to a metal table, it looked like a dissection table, arms and legs pinned down by thick cuffs, stretched out to either side of him, bruises, scrapes and deep and shallow cuts littering his body, stripped to the waist. A piece of one of his horns had been cut off, left on the table in a container and Strickler saw some claw clippings and what looked like a tooth in there too. He reminded himself grimly to take it with him when they got out of here, Area 49-B would not have any piece of Jim.

Worst of all was the UV light, dim though it was, shining directly on Jim’s left wrist, the stone there cracked and more grey than blue. Jim appeared thankfully unconscious though.

Stricklander bit down on the urge to massacre the whole lot of them, knowing that was not entirely fair, not would Jim or Barbara approve. Instead he gritted out, “Any of you who care about your miserable lives or that of your loved ones—leave now.” He brought his gun’s slick black barrel up to let off a warning shot, one that instantly broke one of the ceiling lights, sending glass clattering down and four of the scientists immediately dropped everything and ran out of the door.

One of the remaining three slowly raised their neurometer blaster, but Stricklander was far faster and simply shot them cleanly through the head, instantly killing them.

The last two were slightly smarter, and shot at him together. Unfortunately, they did not anticipate how fast he was, and soon enough they were dead too, bleeding out on the floor. He sidestepped the blood in distaste as he approached Jim, not wanting to bloody his bare feet, and ripped the UV lights away from himself and Jim, using a knife to quickly shatter the purple bulb, his armour protecting his arm from the harmful light.

He leaned over Jim, cape pooling around his still form, reaching out one hand to gently pat Jim’s cheek, “Jim. Jim! Wake up, Young Atlas, please. Your mother and Blinkous will never forgive me if you don’t.”

He was rewarded with a groan. “S-Strickler?” Jim managed.

“Yes. It’s me. I’m getting you out.” He pressed his forehead against Jim’s, and was relieved when Jim sighed and faintly pressed back.

He gave him some space, in order to inspect the clamps on Jim’s wrists and ankles, feeling a moment of pure and utter disbelief.

He didn’t want to know how Area 49-B had gotten their hands on something as rare as Gronckle iron, just a way to—ah! One of the scientists he’d killed had a key chain. He plucked it up, fiddling with the keys until he managed to click first one, then all the other manacles off.

Jim let out a pained hiss as Strickler got him to sit up, trying not to look at what had been done to the boy, whose eyes were clearing and sharpening with awareness. “It hurts.” Jim whined, a broken and hoarse admission that drove daggers into his heart. And then Jim’s deep blue eyes drifted to the three dead scientists, their bodies spread-eagled in awkward positions, blood pooling out beneath their still shapes. His mostly grey-blue stone face turned a lot greyer. “You killed them,” He whispered, horrified, eyes rounding.

“I had to. I let most of them go. They shot at me first.” He didn’t want to defend his actions, because he didn’t regret them, but it was what Jim wanted to hear. Because he instantly relaxed, as much as he could with the extent of his injuries.

Walter didn’t hear the footsteps behind, but he definitely heard what could only be Kubritz drawl, “Well, isn’t this touching? Step away from my prize.”

He whirled around, letting out a sharp growl at the woman who had dared to touch his whelp.

He had enough sense to palm the amulet of Daylight and offer it to Jim behind his back, the amulet instantly vanishing from his grip as he stepped away from him deliberately, once more raising his gun, even at Jim’s weak don’t.

“Tut-tut. Put that down, you’re outgunned.” Kubritz smirked, hefting her massive green and black monstrosity of a ionic blaster in the air. Impressive, he could grudgingly admit. To himself.

He smiled in response, baring all his fangs, eyes flashing. “Am I?” Without hesitation he shot the metal plated wall beside Kubritz’s head, the bullet going straight through and leaving a smoking hole. “My bullets are stone piercing,” he explained, enjoying the flare of surprise in Kubritz’s dark eyes, “which means they can go through practically anything.”

She narrowed her eyes at him, “Where did a cave dwelling creature like you get a weapon like that?”

He laughed, “Jealous? You would find you’re mistaken, Colonel, I don’t live below ground, I’m much more adapted to life topside.”

A snarl disfigured Kubritz’s face at his mocking tone, and she aimed her blaster at him, shooting it.

She was fast, he’d give her that, and almost took him by surprise.

The ionic shot managed to clip him in the left leg, even though he had dived to one side. It stung, was likely to leave a nasty burn, but thanks to his dragon scale armour any lethal damage to his leg was avoided. But he fell anyway, curling up on the floor with a cry of pain, fabricated of course.

Not that it stopped Jim falling for it again, letting out a terrified yell, weak though it was. He was really going to have to give Jim a lesson on telling if an injury had actually hurt him, or he was merely using it as a play to gain a upper hand. Once they got out of this situation that is.

Predictably, Kubritz fell for his act as well, from arrogance rather than attachment. “Two for the price of one, isn’t this my lucky day? Told you you’re outgunned.” She swaggered closer to him, enough for Strickler to see her polished black boots, and with inhuman speed snagged her ankle, slamming her to the floor, causing her blaster to skitter free of her hold across the smooth floor.

He rose, pressing his gun to her gut, hard enough for her to cry out in pain, spare hand pinning Kubritz in place, claws digging into her skin and beading with blood instantly. “You underestimated me,” he hissed, the cold barrel of his gun pressing deeper against her flesh, “Do you want to find out what these bullets would do to you if I pulled the trigger?”

Kubritz’s eyes widened in sharp realisation, darting to the still smoking hole in her wall, then back at him, fear consuming her expression.

He wasn’t merely threatening her. Stricklander intended to go through with killing Kubritz.

And he would have, if not for Jim.

DAD, NO!” Jim yelled hoarsely.

He stilled, certain Jim had only said that word, again, to stop him from killing Kubritz, nothing else. He flicked his eyes towards Jim, who was standing, panting, and then back to Kubritz, who’s curly brown hair had gone flat with sweat.

“You are extremely lucky that my son doesn’t want you dead.” He growled, hearing Jim take in a sharp inhale of breath, as he grabbed Kubritz roughly and heaved her up, tucking his gun away as he did so.

Jim limped over to him, a low hum filling the air as he activated the amulet, the armour glowing with ethereal light as he summoned Daylight.

Kubritz stared at the now armour-clad half-troll in dread, “Where—? So instead of killing me you’re going to torture me?”

Jim shook his head, too tired for words, and with a grimace raised Daylight to Kubritz’s face.

“You’ll see what we need from you, don’t worry.” Strickler answered, completely content for that to be taken completely the wrong way.

The light from Jim’s blade increased, engulfing Kubritz’s face, and it wasn’t long before she was collapsing by his feet, trembling.

Walter finally allowed himself to relax, and then just about lunged forward to catch Jim before he fell, unconscious.


“I still don’t understand why you’d want me on your side, what with all I’ve done in the past.” Kubritz said flatly, not ten minutes later, seated on a cold metal chair, hands neatly folded in her lap in one of the cramped office rooms on site at Area 49-B.

She had recovered from retrieving her memories faster than Strickler had expected, and been horrified and cowed when she discovered what she’d done to two allies of Aja and Krel. More from the, justified, fear of retribution she may have suffered than any general guilt.

Several of their team were no longer present at this tense meeting. Jim had gone home straight away after Strickler had called Claire to teleport him to safety, to be patched up and fussed over, as he deserved, and Vex, with Krel, Stuart and Buster had left to one: stop Buster continuing a rampage, and two: they had no love for Area 49-B and bad memories besides.

So that left him, Obi, back in human form, Zoe, and Aja, also human, who had insisted she stay as the one who knew Kubritz the best and had stronger nerves from being a Queen in the past timeline. He remained in troll form, the only one standing, leaning against the empty doorway with his ankles crossed, observing.

Obi, Zoe and Aja seated on one end of the dented, small table at the centre of the office, Kubritz and Sergeant Costas on the other. He didn’t know anything much about Costas, and kept his eyes warily on the Sergeant, who eyed him back.

“It is not about what you have done in the past, but what you can do for us in the future.” Aja started earnestly, “Besides, you are better an ally than an enemy. Now you know Morando is dead, but also that we are not a threat to you.”

Kubritz’s gaze swept directly to him, “He tried to kill me! Almost did. Not to mention actually killed three of my men.”

Zoe scoffed, about to answer, but Walter smoothly said, “I gave them a choice whether to live or die. Four were wise, three weren’t. And you tortured my boy as well. That is not something I will simply stand for.”

“Stricklander acted out of defence, Colonel Kubritz. Besides, co-operation is in your best interests. Sergeant Costas already agrees.” Obi added.

Costas shrugged at Kubritz’s, rather weak, glare. “Any better ideas?”

“No. But I want to know why Area 49-B’s General is so easily going along with all this.” Kubritz said, suspiciously glaring at her superior, who hesitated, glancing at him.

Walter shrugged one shoulder, he wasn’t in control of Obi, it was his call.

Kubritz noticed the exchange, subtle though it was, with narrowed eyes.

Obi sighed, “I was never truly on your side.” He punctuated his point by flashing his eyes, distinctive changeling style, and both of the humans jumped in shock.

Kubritz caught on quickly, too quickly if you asked him. She was one to watch, on their side or no. Walter didn’t trust her not to try and find a way to twist their burgeoning alliance to her own ends, much like a changeling actually.

“You’re a shape-shifter. Like you,” she pointed an accusing finger at Strickler and he smirked.

“Like me,” He agreed easily.

“And... General Kenobi takes orders from you. You’re in charge here.”

“Not quite. To either of those assessments.” Obi muttered, with a roll of his eyes.

“And what are you?” Costas demanded of Zoe, “Another shape-shifter? An extraterrestrial?”

“Witch.” Zoe grinned ferally and lit her finger with pink fire.

Costas let out an undignified yelp of surprise. 

“Hm. Interesting.” Kubritz calmly commented, then turned to Aja, “I know you’re an Akiridion.”

“You did not call me an alien.” Aja responded, raising a pale eyebrow.

“We’re allies now.” Kubritz decided, “And I suppose I can forgive a few of my men’s deaths. I’ve led plenty of them to their deaths myself.” She met Strickler’s eyes and he huffed, that was likely the closest he would get to an apology.

He changed to human form in a brief surge of green light, crossing his arms.

“You!” Costas exclaimed.

“Me.” He nodded pleasantly, noting how Kubritz quickly stamped out the surprise on her face. “Colonel Kubritz, we all wish to reveal magic and the existence of extraterrestrial life to earth. For that we require your backing.”

He nodded at Aja, and she took over the explanation, “We really need support from Area 49-B to pull this off from the inside, seeing as you are a government organisation. You could make the difference between magic and extra-terrestrials being accepted... Or eradicated. We do not want magic revealed to Earth only for humans to attack all of us, that will merely hasten our end.”

Kubritz sighed, “I’m guessing you’re not telling us everything, but that Kenobi will continue to liaise with and supply us with the relevant information.”

“Yes, I will.” Obi confirmed.

Costas shook his head in disbelief, “When do you plan on telling the world everything?

“Yet to be decided.” Walter shrugged.

“And do we get to know what and who you and General Kenobi even are?” Kubritz demanded.

“You already know Obi’s name, I’m Walter Stricklander, and we’re changeling trolls. I also happen to be the leader of all my kind. Our reach spreads far and wide, and I’ll also assist in helping to smooth things over post reveal as much as I can." Strickler promised.

“How kind of you.” Kubritz muttered.

“Very, actually,” Zoe snapped, “If you aren’t so useful, you’d be dead already, okay?”

Kubritz paled at that, shuddering slightly, before nodding. “My name is Amanda Kubritz, long live our alliance.”

She offered first a hand to Aja, then to Obi, Zoe, and finally to him.

He shook it firmly, squeezing harder than he needed, a warning, because he wasn’t doing this for her sake, no.

He was doing this for Jim.

For the idyllic world his Young Atlas hoped to usher forth.


So yeah... Jim did NOT have fun in this chapter. But he's going to be OK in a few days! Perks of being half-troll... Speaking of, the potions are due to wear off soon... Like in two/three chapters.

Strickler gets to go on a little rampage, as a treat. Also because no one threatens Jim and hurts him and gets away with it (and hey, look! Strickler admits he sees Jim as a son! Even while under less than ideal circumstances).

I thought Kubritz was severely lacking in 3below, she seemed like someone really cunning and smart... So I made her like that. And I decided to name her Amanda Kubritz based on 'Your Future hasn't been written yet.'

Obi (my own changeling OC) is based off of a certain Star Wars character, I think you can guess who :-P (anyone who doesn't know, I'll reveal it next chapter).

Annd finally: not one, but two HTTYD references! Strickler's dragonscale underarmour is made with Nightlight scales, and Gronckle iron is first introduced in the Defenders of Berk series.

Chapter 25: Keeping ahead of the game


Still recovering at home from his injuries at the hands of Area 49-B, Jim gets a visitor.

With the date set for defeating Gunmar once and for all; Claire gets her mom on board with the truth and Strickler pays a visit to Area 49-B to get them prepared for magic being released into the world.


Omg, another too long gap between my updates. 😭

I swear, every time I say it won't happen again it does, so I'll just say I will not ever be dropping this fic. And hey! Reached a significant milestone! 25 chapters out of 50! That's halfway!

Anyway, this chapter is mostly Jlaire focused for once, so enjoy! Goes from Jim to Claire to a special Kubritz POV.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Jim officially hated being on bed rest.

Sure, it had only been like, two, three, days tops since his torture session in Area 49-B, but he never really liked to rest and wait for his injuries to heal.

Even being a troll didn’t mean he would heal overnight. After all, he had been burned pretty badly by the UV lights and whatever else those scientists had prodded at him.

Not to mention the piece of horn and claw clippings that had been cut from him, as well as the tooth. The tooth at least had regrown, one thing he greatly appreciated about being a troll. Strickler had given those things back to him, and he had put them away in a drawer. Who knew? They might have a purpose later.

He let out a frustrated huff as he struggled to a sitting position, bracing one hand on the edge of the wooden frame that supported his bed. Even now, with recently redone bandages and with the salve for sun scarring reapplied, courtesy of his mom, it still stung a fair bit and was making him a little uncomfortable.

The blinds in his room had been done, light switched on, to give the room some brightness as it was only midday. He didn’t technically need the light, but it was familiar and comforting. He could have used the sun walking stone, but he did not want to sit in bed with Daylight active. Also, that meant taking Toby’s amulet, and Toby needed it more than him. It wasn’t really his anymore, he’d come to realise.

He winced, as an itch worked its way through his bare shoulder, he was topless right now so his clothes didn’t rub against his bandages. He gingerly scratched it, careful not to mar his stone with his claws. There had been a few times he’d accidentally drawn blood. It was one of the new additions to his troll form that hadn’t existed in the previous timeline he found difficult to adjust to at times. He really didn’t know how Strickler or Nomura dealt with them, it made holding literally anything awkward, made him scratch himself unintentionally and worse, inadvertently scratch other people.

He shook his head to clear those thoughts, instead his mind turning to the problem of Gunmar. And of course, revealing magic not only to Arcadia, but also the world at large.

He and the rest of team Trollhunters had agreed that Gunmar would be deliberately released and then killed on the coming weekend.

They’d decided that before the trip to Area 49-B and Jim was adamant, the plan would still go ahead on schedule. There was no point delaying it, Gunmar was inevitable and all that crap, and he didn’t know how long he’d remain a troll for, and it was a significant advantage, even if he was injured.

Anyway, it was Tuesday now, so hopefully he’d be nearly fully healed by Saturday.

So under a week to prepare.

Jim honestly reckoned none of them would ever be ready to deliberately set Gunmar free and reveal magic. It wasn’t something you could really get yourself ready for. There was a 100% chance humans and magical kind would not get along immediately, and Jim knew he wouldn’t be treated seriously by most of the higher authorities. Maybe some of the various mythical creatures would, once he got Excalibur... But he doubted magic kind would appreciate the fact he was responsible for them being outed.

Although technically, with the breaking of the Genesis Seals, magic was already out in the world. And maybe magic would eventually have revealed itself if left unattended. Better to be in control of when and how that magic was released rather than leave it to chance.

Annnnd now he was sounding like Strickler.

Jim let out an audible groan and thunked his head back against the wall.

His horns scraped alarmingly against the drywall and yup, that had definitely left a mark.

He was going stir crazy like this.

He wondered if he should go downstairs to bug Strickler.

The changeling was for once in the Lake house, busy tapping away on his laptop for JO related stuff, and also there to keep him company.

Before he could heave himself out of bed, there was a swirl of a black and purple portal and Claire entered his bedroom, hair up in a little ponytail, dressed casually in ripped jeans, polished black boots and a purple letterman jacket, with various papa skull embroidered patch badges. Plus, some flashy gold studs in her ears, that matched the bracelet on her left wrist. She looked stunning, as always.

His ears perked up, “Clai—”

He started to happily exclaim, but his girlfriend hastily put a finger to her lips, “Shh! Not so loud,” she teased, “Is there anyone else in the house?”

Jim nodded silently, as Claire softly padded over to him, her eyes drawn immediately to his mostly bare, and pretty well defined, if he did say so himself, chest, half wrapped in bandages. He felt a flush start in the tips of his long ears, “Er, enjoying the view?”

Claire giggled, “Um, yeah. Just wish it was under better circumstances, and not because you’re covered in bandages.” She said, as she settled next to him on his bed. “And you still didn’t answer my question.”

“It’s just Strickler downstairs.” He dismissed.

Claire grimaced, “The changeling with super hearing? He’ll probably discover me in the next couple of minutes if I’m lucky, and probably ask me to leave afterwards.”

“He has been a little overprotective since I was injured in Area 49-B.” Jim agreed. “Pretty sure he blames himself for it.”

“A little protective? Jim, he’s literally shadowing you everywhere!”

“It’s not like I’ve exactly moved anywhere, Claire. I don’t mind, it means mom gets to see him more regularly. And it’s nice having him over.” He admitted.

And to think there had been a time where the idea of Strickler staying at his place would be enough to want to kill the man.

“Yeah, but it means I don’t see you regularly,” Claire rebutted, “Texting isn’t the same.”

Jim sighed, turning slightly so he could look at Claire more directly, who automatically took one of his hands in hers. “It’s because mom and da—Strickler, don’t want me straining my injuries anymore than necessary with the big fight so close.”

“Can’t argue with that logic.” Claire muttered, then a mischievous light entered her eyes, “You were going to call Strickler ‘dad’ again just now. And you almost called Blinky ‘dad’ on the phone yesterday,” she said with a smirk.

Jim groaned, “Do you think they’ve noticed how many times I’ve almost slipped up?”

“Uh, yeah! If I have, they definitely have. Would be funny if you said ‘dad’ in front of both of them, and watch them figure out who it was addressed to...” Claire mused.

“So they can start getting competitive over it? Yeah, no thanks.”

They lapsed into temporary silence, and then Jim said softly, “Do you think we’re really doing the right thing? Tackling Gunmar this weekend?”

Claire blinked, squeezing his hand, “Why do you say that?”

“I’m worried about Tobes... And you... And all the changelings, who’re going to be putting themselves directly in Gunmar’s way, everyone really.” He laughed, but it was flat and humourless. “And then Vendel refusing to offer help with Trollmarket backup hit me hard. Like, sure, he gave us approval to kill Gunmar and therefore open Killahead bridge, which is something, but still. We have some of the Krubera and most of the changelings that are here on our side, but will it be enough? What if we can’t close the bridge? What if Gunmar’s forces overrun us?”

Claire’s warm hand on his cheek put a pause to the cascade of worry. “You have a lot on your mind,” she summarised, trailing her hand through the thick sideburns growing from his cheeks, then down through the rest of his scruff.

He closed his eyes briefly, relaxing against her, “Someone has to be worried about everyone else,” he joked feebly.

“You don’t have to bear that weight alone for all of us, Jim. I can take a hit for the team too, you know.”

She mock punched him lightly in his uninjured arm and he rolled his eyes, “Okay, point taken.”

“You’re not the only one with upcoming problems either. I’m going to have to tell my mom, and dad, the truth about everything. I really hate bringing them into this right now. I know we need Councilwoman Nuñez to get this town on board with trolls and everything else, but honestly, I’d rather fight the Arcane Order.” Claire said with a shudder.

Jim suddenly understood. “Oh... Ohhhhh. You’re telling your parents today?”

She nodded, “And you know how they reacted the first time.”

“Not well?” He offered.

Claire scoffed, “How about we take our minds off responsibilities.”

“What did you have in mind?”

His girlfriend smirked wickedly, then smoothly swung herself on top of him, straddling his hips, “This.” She told him sweetly, as she rested her hands confidently on his chest, away from his bandages.

She made herself comfortable as she was, on top of him, and Jim tried his damn hardest not to make pathetic whimpering sounds of pleasure. Instead, he grasped her waist, tugging her carefully closer till they were practically nose-to-nose. “You are so beautiful, you know that, right?” He whispered hoarsely.

“I do. You know, you’re very handsome yourself, Jim Lake Jr.” She replied, both hands rising up to cup both sides of his face.

He leaned into the touch, nudging his nose against her palm and feeling comfortable enough to purr lightly.

And then they were kissing, at first softly, then with increasing passion and desperate need.

All thoughts left his mind, he forgot about everything but the feel of Claire, the smell of her, the sight of her. He was fully immersed in her essence. And she was likewise, undaunted by his tusks, or horns, or claws; she just saw him. As she’d always done.

They drew apart only to catch their breath, then rest against each other, forehead-to-forehead, gazing into each other’s eyes.

Claire smiled, warm chocolate-coloured eyes glowing with love, as his were no doubt doing too.

They might actually be glowing, another new troll quirk from apparently ‘being more changeling’ according to Nomura.

He grinned, and kissed Claire again, hands roaming down the curves of her body—

—and was interrupted by a throat clearing.

He froze.

Uh oh, we’re busted. He thought ruefully.

“Perhaps locking the door may in fact prevent intrusion, Young Atlas, if you and Claire wish to—snog.

Claire’s face went bright red in mortification, as she and Jim turned their heads shamefacedly to Strickler standing in the doorway of his room.

The changeling had his arms crossed, one eyebrow raised, green eyes faintly amused.

Claire muttered an apology and scrambled off him as gently as possible, standing quickly. “Um. This is—we weren’t—”

“Snogging?” Strickler offered, smirking, “Oh, but you were. Not to worry, I won’t tell Barbara, or anyone else for that matter. I had a feeling you would get... Distracted when I sensed your arrival. I would rather not be able to smell that.” Strickler wrinkled his nose in distaste.

“Sorry.” Jim apologised, rubbing both hands down his face. Of all the ways to be caught! In the heat of the moment, he’d completely forgotten about Strickler downstairs.

Claire exhaled softly, “I probably should be getting home anyway. Your mom said she’d be there with me when I tell my parents the truth, and Douxie and Archie will be there too. My parents will definitely be useful to have after magic is revealed.”

Strickler cocked his head to one side, “Would you like me to accompany you as well? I will be going to Area 49-B to update them on the current plans in a few hours, but if you need help convincing your parents, I don’t mind revealing myself,” he finished softly.

Jim’s eyebrows went up, even as he forced down a growl at the mention of Area 49-B, “You’re OK with deliberately transforming in front of Claire’s parents?”

Strickler shrugged, “If it helps Claire get her parents on board in a... More direct way, then yes.”

“My mom and dad are sorta friends with Strickler,” Claire agreed cautiously, “You don’t need to do that for me, though. I’ll obviously have NotEnrique there too. Along with Doux, Arch and Barbara.”

“Oh yes, I’m sure Ophelia will take the words of the changeling replacing her son, a punk goth teenager and a talking cat, seriously.” Strickler said, the sarcasm particularly strong.

Jim sighed, “Strickler unfortunately has a point. He’s in a position of authority as a teacher, an adult, at least physically compared to Douxie and Archie, and trusted by your parents, Claire. Somehow, I don’t think my mom will be listened to all that seriously based on what happened last time.”

Claire reluctantly nodded, “Yeah, you’re right. As long as Strickler’s OK with it?”

“I am.” He responded; jaw clenching in determination.

“Well... Good luck with that? See you after?” He addressed Claire plaintively, side-eyeing Strickler.

“Nothing can stop me coming back. We’re not done yet.” Claire told him fiercely.

Strickler rolled his eyes, “As long as I am not there, do what you please.”

Jim laughed, “Great! I’ll look forward to spending more quality time with you.” He wiggled his eyebrows and Claire chuckled, kissing his cheek before leaving the room.

Strickler watched her leave, then turned to Jim with a grimace, “Hopeless romantics the both of you.”

“Sure. Why don’t you look in the mirror?” Jim grinned cheekily.

Strickler sighed heavily, then hesitantly looked him over, “Are you going to be alright alone?”

“Dude, yes! Go!” Jim groaned, watching as Strickler departed before sagging against his pillow.

Alone with his thoughts once more.

He’d worry, naturally, because if he didn’t, who would?



Claire had never felt quite this anxious about having a conversation with her parents.

Sure, she’d had nearly this exact convo in the previous timeline, but maybe that’s why it felt worse this time. Knowing her mom and dad hadn’t exactly taken the news she was a witch with shadow magic particularly well.

She was currently seated opposite her mom and dad on their pristine couch, Ophelia and Javier on chairs, her mom bouncing the disguised NotEnrique on her lap unknowingly. Barbara and Strickler were next to her on the right of the couch, Douxie on her left, Archie on his shoulders, tail lashing.

So far things were already going badly.

Douxie twined his fingers with hers, squeezing in silent reassurance, that did little to stifle the heavy dread in her stomach.

Strickler had done his best to seriously explain the situation as it was, but he was definitely not being taken seriously. Even Douxie showing a little of his magic had been waved off as a clever trick.

Her parents were nothing if not stubborn.

It was time to pull out the big guns, so to speak, she thought grimly.

There was a beat of cold silence in the room, disbelief written all over her parents faces, as Strickler finished his explanation about magic.

Then Ophelia let out a titter of forced laughter, “Are you trying to be funny, Walter? Do you expect me to believe this? Magic, trolls, shape-shifters, the end of the world? Are you trying to recruit people for some fantasy play or just covering something up?”

“Neither.” Strickler said patiently, “Everything I say is nothing but the truth. Which you clearly think is nothing but some elaborate yarn.”

Ophelia scoffed, “Forgive me if a story about trolls and dragons is hard to believe.”

Javier nodded in agreement, then pointed an accusing finger at Douxie, “And you, boy, how are you involved with my daughter?”

Douxie raised his hands slowly in the air, eyes wide, “Actually, I’m her teacher, sort of. We—”

“Are you giving my daughter drugs?” Javier demanded fiercely.

Douxie inhaled sharply, “What? No! Of course not. I’m helping Claire with her magic. Like I told you.”

“Perhaps show rather than tell.” Strickler suggested quietly, with an encouraging nod at her.

Claire bit her lip in response. She really didn’t want to show her magic, she knew what the response would be. Yet she had to. If she got it over with now, there would be less problems in the future, she hoped.

And then her mom laughed in her face, dismissing her with a waved hand, “I don’t know why you continue to indulge this behaviour, Walter. It’s plain destructive and my daughter needs to focus on worthwhile things, such as her studies. I know Barbara let’s her boy get away with skipping school and not doing work, but Claire will not go down that route.”

Claire’s jaw dropped at her mom’s audacity at the same time Barbara bristled, “You don’t know what my son has been through, or what he does.”

“Then tell me.” Ophelia snapped coolly, “The truth, please.” She added.

Oh dear.” Archie muttered under his breath, as the three human adults starting arguing.

Strickler tried to get a word in edgewise and was promptly ignored, even by a now red faced, Barbara.

Fuzzbuckets. That didn’t go entirely to plan.” Douxie swore, “Sorry Claire.”

“It’s fine.” She muttered, fighting back tears of frustration. Why did her mom have to be so difficult?

Strickler sighed, and she looked up at him, their eyes meeting. His were full of gentle sympathy, and resignation, as he stood up, unnoticed by Barbara, Javier or Ophelia.

NotEnrique burbled in glee, just as Claire realised what Strickler was about to do. By then it was too late to try and change his mind, as he shifted forms in a slightly more subdued crackle of green light.

For a comically extended moment, her mom and dad didn’t even notice Strickler’s change, not until he cleared his throat very pointedly, folding his long green arms over his chest, luminous eyes narrowed.

It had the desired effect.

Both her parents looked towards Strickler, their irritated expressions quickly morphing into terror.

Her dad screamed, and almost toppled over in his chair, “¡Es un demonio! ¡Salvanos!

Her mom, meanwhile, swore colourfully in Spanish, NotEnrique clutched to her chest in a death grip. Claire was impressed with her mom’s range of swear words, she might have to take note of them...

Strickler flinched, ears pressing flat. She could see him visibly swallowing down the urge to growl, his hands balling into tight fists.

She would honestly have found the whole situation amusing, in other circumstances. As it was, all she felt was relief that she hadn’t had to make a display of herself to prove to her parents she did have magic. And then she felt guilty for forcing Strickler in a position where he needed to reveal himself. The frustrating thing was, she’d shown her magic before, why was it even a problem? Maybe because sometimes knowing too much doesn’t actually help. She thought with glum realisation.

Strickler scoffed, “As fun as it is watching you both bury yourself in further delusions, I will not stand by while you insult Barbara, and dismiss Douxie and Claire as nothing more but clueless teenagers,” he said crisply, making an effort to modulate his raspier troll voice into sounding smoother and more refined like his human one.

Javier made a strangled whimpering sound, while Ophelia gaped, white-faced, eyes darting at all their completely unsurprised faces. “W-Walter?” She stuttered, eyebrows drawing in.

“Yes.” The changeling rolled his eyes, “I really didn’t want to make a scene, but you left me no choice.”

Ah.” Her mom squeaked.

“What are you?” Javier said in undisguised fascination, now that his fear had diminished somewhat.

“A changeling troll; I thought that was quite obvious.” Strickler replied dryly, nodding at Claire, before retaking his place next to Barbara on the couch, grasping hold of her hand firmly, practically daring Ophelia or Javier to say something.

Her parents were silent, still in shock.

Claire noted that Strickler pointedly did not return to human form, instead crossing one lean leg casually. Looking for all the world completely unbothered. She would have thought he really was unbothered in the first timeline, but now that she knew Strickler a bit better, she could tell he was finding this hard. She supposed getting screamed at was a fair bit worse than the dismissal and derision she feared.

“Magic. You—it’s real?” Her mom finally said, gaze snapping to Douxie, “You’re—you’re really a wizard? Teaching mi mija magic?”

“Yeah, I did try and tell you.” Douxie shrugged, then twirled a hand over his bracer, letting mage fire erupt in his hand.

Both her parents jumped, then glanced at her.

Claire splayed a hand and beckoned a portal to life, falling into it easily, even as she heard her parents cry out. For a second, she was blissfully surrounded in cool darkness, then she forced herself back into her house, reappearing standing next to her mom. “I can use my magic to teleport.” She shrugged, even as her heart thundered against her ribcage.

“Awesome! My daughter can do magic!” Javier exclaimed.

“Javier! This is not awesome. Claire, don’t do that again, I nearly thought—I almost had a heart attack!” Her mom scolded.

She crossed her arms, “You don’t seem to believe me unless I show you.”

“Touché.” Archie said clearly, licking a paw.

Her dad spluttered, pointing at the cat shaped dragon, “The cat! It talked!”

“Papi, his name is Archie. He’s actually a shape-shifting dragon and Douxie’s familiar.”

“Or wizard associate if we’re being business like.” Archie added, finally able to take his glasses out and put them on. “Ah, that’s better.” He blinked.

Ophelia shook her head numbly, and then NotEnrique finally had enough. He cried and squirmed, falling out of her mom’s arms and landing easily on the floor before transforming as Strickler had done, earning a harrumph from the older changeling.

NotEnrique leered, tongue lolling out, “Forgot ter mention it, imma shape-changer too!”

That set both her parents off in a fresh wave of shrieking.

It took a while to talk Ophelia and Javier down from the revelation that their son, their real son, had been swapped with NotEnrique months ago.

Obviously, her parents full on panicked at where Enrique was if NotEnrique had replaced him, coming to the worst scenarios until NotEnrique had hastily spat on her hand-mirror in order to show Enrique in the Darklands, unharmed and safe. Her mom had softened a little at that, before hardening again when the image faded, demanding Enrique to be brought back, and furious at her for hiding the truth.

That was actually fair. For once. 

But she reassured her mom and dad they’d be getting Enrique back soon. And that calmed them both down enough to talk. Mostly thanks to Barbara. She really had the patience of a saint. And right now, Ophelia and Javier were still too put out by Strickler’s troll form for them to want to talk to him directly. Again, fair, and it wasn’t like Strickler was saying anything, although maybe he was staying silent deliberately, as well as remaining as still as possible, without it becoming uncanny, to prevent them startling at his usually inhumanly fast movements. 

Ophelia rubbed her head with a deep and weary sigh, glaring at NotEnrique, who was comfortably seated on her lap. “I don’t know how you tolerate that thing. He’s an imposter!”

“Ey, it ain’t my fault I was swapped!” NotEnrique bristled, pointing a claw at her mom.

Claire gently ran her fingers down his scruff, calming him down. She’d figured out that the reason NotEnrique hated people touching his scruff was it was sensitive, and obviously forced him to relax. “Mom, he’s right. NotEnrique was stolen himself, and unlike Enrique, he won’t be reunited with his parents.”

That seemed to hit a nerve, as Ophelia jerked back, shocked.

“Oi, Dewy eyes, don’t turn out any of that sob story stuff!” NotEnrique complained.

“Is it true?” Javier asked, brows furrowed, eyes darting to Strickler, “For both of you?”

Strickler looked away, “It is something every changeling must come to terms with,” he responded gruffly.

Javier stared, then returned to looking at NotEnrique, “Well, you can stay here then.”

NotEnrique’s jaw dropped.

“Wha— Javier, we can’t—” Ophelia started, then saw her steely eyed expression and her dad’s determination and relented, “Fine. We will talk about this later. For now, I want to know what your deal is in all this, Walter. If that’s your name.”

Strickler’s head jerked up, eyes wide, “It is my name, yes.”

Ophelia nodded, “OK then. What’s your role in this?”

He spread his hands, Claire noticing the way her mom and dad couldn’t quite stop themselves flinching, as Strickler’s claws caught the light, “To do what I can to protect people,” he said very carefully, “especially since this coming Saturday we plan to tackle a very dangerous foe in town centre.”

Saturday? Town centre?? What is this foe? How dangerous are we talking? My daughter isn’t going to be fighting, is she?”

Mami. I can and will fight. And I won’t be doing it alone, we know what we’re dealing with. But... We need your help.” She glanced at Douxie and he gave her an encouraging thumbs up.

Her mom scoffed, “I see. You want me to do what Barbara is doing. Letting her kid throw himself into danger, letting her son drag you into this.”

“I can assure you; Jim has done no such thing.” Strickler was quick to defend, a growl building in his throat that was quick to get her mom’s attention. Barbara looked about ready to throttle her, but Strickler rested a hand lightly on her arm and continued, this time more softly, “Ophelia, I understand that this is a lot to take in, but the town will not ever be the same after this weekend. The world won’t be the same. We need the councilwoman on our side for Arcadia to come out of this undivided and stronger than before.”

Ophelia bit her lip, for once looking uncertain, “Is the world going to end? Please, the truth on this.”

Strickler hesitated, no doubt taken aback by the fear in her eyes. Claire was admittedly thrown off too.

Douxie wasn’t, though. “We’re endeavouring to prevent that, Mrs Nuñez,” he said tactfully.

Her mom narrowed her eyes at him, “That’s not a definitive answer.”

Strickler sent her a sympathetic look, steepling his hands together, “There are more powerful forces at play here, it is integral we make moves very carefully. Until this threat is neutralised, we cannot say anything is wholly certain.”

“You sound like some James Bond spy.” Javier scoffed.

“I am a spy.” Strickler agreed easily, “My—organisation stretches far, and I will help you both get up to date on all the relevant information.”

“Sure ya will.” NotEnrique muttered from Claire’s lap, first words after his shock at her dad’s offer for him to stay at the house.

Strickler glowered at NotEnrique, “Do you mind?”

The little changeling blew a raspberry at him in response.

Ophelia glanced at Barbara, “You knew all this time Walter was a shape-shifting spymaster?”

Barbara blinked, sharing a look with Strickler, who minutely nodded at her, “Yeah, I did. For quite a while. It doesn’t bother me; I care more about honesty then what someone is.”

An indescribable look passed over Ophelia’s face, Claire was pretty sure she saw a glimmer of respect and interest in her mom’s expression, before she whipped out her phone with a sigh, “Alright. What do you need me to do?”

“Wait. You’re just going to help us?” Claire asked sceptically.

“I am your mother and I know you will just go behind my back with this magic thing if I forbid you to get involved.” She paused, expression pained, “And if me helping will get Enrique back quicker, I’ll do anything.”

Her dad wrapped an arm around her, hugging her fiercely with a mutter of soothing Spanish, and her mom relaxed into the embrace.

NotEnrique tensed against Claire, and she once again ran her fingers through his scruff. Changelings had strong abandonment issues; she knew. But NotEnrique would always have a place with her, she’d make sure of it.

Douxie smiled, relieved, as Archie butted his head against his shoulder in similar relief.

Strickler let out a deep huff of breath, shoulders relaxing, “Excellent news. We can start with how we’re going to prevent blind panic in the town, when we open the way for Gunmar...”



If someone had told Colonel Amanda Kubritz she would ally with aliens and paranormal beings, she either would consider them mad, or have them shot for a traitor.

As it was, she had memories now, from an alternative universe no less, that told her very clearly it was in her best interests to align with the Akiridion Royal’s and their multitude of allies.

Not to mention her superior wasn’t human, and right now she was meeting another nonhuman to help them plan how to do damage control after unleashing magic to the world.

That was the brief she’d been given, anyway.

She put her hands on her hips, scanning the darkness avidly, “Where is he? You said he would meet us right outside Area 49-B.” She side-eyed General Kenobi, Costas shifting from foot-to-foot awkwardly beside her.

She was still trying to get used to the fact Kenobi was actually a changeling spy.

So far, he had not acted any different from before, perhaps a touch colder and more aloof towards her.

At her question, Kenobi sighed, “He will be here.”

He’d barely said so when there was a strong gust of wind above, Kubritz making out the shape of large wings in the dark, and then the changeling who was the superior to General Kenobi landed neatly in front of her, folding his brown, leathery wings with a crisp snap.

Kubritz raised an eyebrow, assessing Stricklander. She didn’t know how he had managed to hide wings but she was going to take an educated guess and say magic had something to do with it.

Stricklander was wearing the same tactical outfit she’d seen him in previously, minus his gun, and the cape obviously, with those wings in the way.

He was inspecting her just as closely, inhuman face unreadable.

“You’re late.” She said without preamble.

“Just on time, I would say,” the changeling grinned, half baring pearly white fangs, not apologetic at all.

Kubritz heard Kenobi let out a loud sigh, no doubt he was completely used to this behaviour from his superior. Stricklander walked closer to her, Kenobi and Costas, near silent on the forest floor, “I am certain you and Costas are wondering why I need you.”

Kubritz gritted her teeth together at his tone, but managed, “I am wondering that very thing. Myself and Sergeant Costas need more transparency in our interactions with you.”

Stricklander shook his horned head, “Until I am able to sufficiently trust you both, I cannot compromise my team by sharing more information with you.”

That was understandable. Even if it irked her the way he said until he could ‘sufficiently’ trust them. Clearly, he didn’t think he’d ever be able to fully trust her or her people.

Granted, she had unwittingly tortured his son. Not by blood, she had found out, but she wasn’t a fool, family was more than just blood.

Regardless, Stricklander was sharp minded; just like her. Definitely one to watch out for. And it meant she couldn’t afford to slip up, she had to be sincere, otherwise the changeling would sniff her out. And she doubted he would be so lenient as to give her a second chance.

“A very fair assessment.” Costas agreed.

Kubritz sent him a look and then appraised Stricklander once more, “What will you need from us?”

“Your connections and influence in the rest of the government and wider world. How strong would you say they are?”

“In what way?” Kubritz asked, wondering how much General Kenobi had already shared with him.

“Let us say this weekend we plan to deal with a particularly large troll threat and will be broadcasting the battle live to the world.” Stricklander said casually.

For a very brief interval of time Kubritz couldn’t think, what with shock hazing her mind. She drew in a slightly shaky breath. “You want me to reveal Area 49-B’s correspondence, with you and the Akiridion Royal’s, and try and get the leading members of the United States government, as well as the other big superpowers I’m supposing, forewarned about what will happen?”

Stricklander inclined his head, a faint glimmer of respect in his glowing eyes, “Preferably tell them that the threat will be contained, and that there are more sentient lifeforms on earth which do not pose a threat to humanity, but are finally coming out of hiding.”

“For better or for worse.” Kenobi added more dourly.

Kubritz knew she could actually do that for Stricklander. Really, she was doing this for the world. To prevent mass hysteria, mistrust and catastrophic war when the existence of magic came into the light. Ideally, mostly peaceful cohabitation was the goal here, and anyway, most of the higher ups in the government, including the president, were already aware they weren’t alone in the world and that magic was real.

That went for most of the world’s governments, actually.

And she had no doubt more of Stricklander’s changeling kind were integrated in the top circles of humanity. And when she did explain the situation as it was, General Kenobi could help explain everything as well...

“Could General Kenobi assist with this mission? Perhaps demonstrate what he is?”

Stricklander raised a brow ridge inquiringly at the other changeling.

Kenobi rolled his eyes, “Yes. As long as you can assure my safety.”

Kubritz nodded, “I will ensure the entire time you are unharmed. You changelings are going to be conductive, I think, in this new world you aim to create, especially with your skill sets.”

Stricklander snorted, “You flatter us. In regards to our shape-shifting, perhaps not. Once magic is revealed, one of my responsibilities will be to begin removing our familiars from the Darklands. Slowly, of course, and with permission from the changeling, mostly, to hopefully get out kind truly integrated into society as quick as possible.”

An intelligent move on Stricklander’s part, to gain trust with humans, she had to admit.

She wasn’t really surprised at this information, however. Kenobi had candidly shared the basics of what made a changeling with her.

“You’re going to become significantly busier after the shit truly hits the fan.” She remarked.

Stricklander let out a bark of laughter, “I may be in over my head just a touch. But with our alliance, I hope to lessen the impact of magic’s revelation on humanity as a whole.”

“It’s going to be messy. No matter which way you look at it.” Kubritz said incredulously at Stricklander’s casual attitude. “How do you manage to be so optimistic about this?”

Stricklander shrugged his wings, “What can I say? I have faith. That things will work themselves out for the better.”


For those wondering, Ben Kenobi is of course inspired by the Star Wars character Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Credit again for Kubritz's first name being 'Amanda' goes to Sakon76.

Yeah... Blinky and Strickler are totally not going to get competitive over who gets called 'dad' more times. One thing I can't decide though. To prevent it getting confusing what should Jim call Blinky and Strickler? He can't really call them both 'dad' without chaotic confusion.

The tension is just going to continue to build for the battle against Gunmar... That's where the true divergence from anything in the first timeline is going to start. Let's hope revealing magic to humans goes smoothly with all this planning... But at least team Trollhunters has Area 49-B and Councilwoman Ophelia Nuñez on their side.

Next chapter: final preparations are made for the release and defeat of Gunmar... A certain potion runs out for someone... Meaning it's a ticking clock for the other before the potion runs out for them too.

Chapter 26: As ready as ever


On the day that Gunmar will be faced, last preparations are made for the fight in the night.

Including arming those without suitable weapons or armour of their own in the Janus Order armoury.

Nerves are high, but with confronting Gunmar and revealing magic to the world so close, sometimes it’s healthy even to forget about it for a moment.


Well, it's been a while again... But this time I had a valid reason! I've had a lot of essays and exams these last two months from University, so if not for that I would have updated already! And also I have hit a huge milestone! I'm officially over 1,000 comments! Woo!

But it's here now, so that's the important thing. And it's the calm before the storm and the next phase of the story which I'm really excited about! Things are heating up and becoming bigger than simply Arcadia.

POV's this time goes from Jim, to Barbara to a guest appearance of Mary Wang, who I never have written from the perspective of and found fun to write!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“So...” Jim drawled, slightly daunted, as he looked up and up at an expansive rack of weapons, both traditional and not-so-traditional, in the Janus Order’s armoury, “This is where you keep your stash of murder evidence.”

He sent Strickler a fanged grin and the changeling harrumphed grouchily, even as his green eyes betrayed a flash of amusement, “Hardly all mine," he muttered.

Blinky shook his head, mouth hanging open, “You had access to all this the entire time??"

“Yes, I did.” Strickler answered shortly, “I had no reason to use any of this before.”

Steve and Eli were practically vibrating with excitement, unsurprisingly, Jim noted, while Claire and Angor Rot watched them with eerily similar expressions of mild distaste.

NotEnrique huffed, from his casual perch on Claire’s shoulders, “Ey! Why’s he here again?” He pointed an accusing claw at Krel, who was inspecting closely one of the many modified guns on display with interest.

The Akiridion scoffed, crossing his arms, “It is something called curiosity,” he responded, without even looking at NotEnrique, “why are you here, exactly?”

NotEnrique blew a raspberry, “Cause it’s better then stayin’ in me crib with Ma and Pa fussing over accommodatin’ me.”

“Also, my mom is really stressed out, so there’s that. She really wants to make sure no one gets hurt from Gunmar and the Gumm-Gumm’s.” Claire added.

“Can we get our weapons now?” Eli whined plaintively, something almost like bloodlust shinning behind his glasses that had Jim raising an eyebrow. Why am I even surprised Eli thirsts for blood? Jim thought wryly.

“He’s got a point,” Claire said, “seeing as we’re going to kill Gunmar tonight.”

At the reminder, Strickler roughly raked his hands through his hair, “I know.” He growled out, gaze flitting across weapons racks with increased urgency.

Jim could smell the stress coming off Strickler in waves, it was an unpleasant smell, sharp and metallic, almost like blood. His smile slipped. “Hey, it’s going to be alright, I might be injured but I can still fight, out plan won’t fail, and if things do go south, I’ll use the Kairosect and buy us time.”

Strickler managed a thin smile at that. “Yes, that is true... Blinkous, I have a weapon in mind for you,” he declared, having found what he was looking for, striding purposefully to a covered case at the near bottom of one of the racks, kneeling to take it out and open it up, gesturing for Blinky to take a look.

They all peered around the open case.

Nestled in black velvet was a deconstructed something.

Eli gasped, “No way!” He squeaked, “No way... Is that an RPG?!”

“A what?” Angor Rot rumbled, confused, his still human face scrunching up in skepticism.

“A Rocket Propelled Grenade launcher,” Krel said, “although I have not seen one like this. What is that green glowing stuff in the rocket heads?”

Strickler grinned, showing teeth that even in human form seemed to be sharp and pointy, “Liquidised Dwärkstone. Our scientists and weapons experts in the Janus Order discovered that Dwärkstone is neutralised if molten and not in motion, but is activated with hard contact. So the liquidised Dwärkstone is in the head of the rockets, as it is propelled it activates, exploding on contact. We’ve found it can do severe damage if put in the wrong hands,” he finished smugly at their gape mouthed expressions.

Blinky’s eyes, Jim noticed uneasily, practically had stars shining in them, all six of them, as he made grabby motions with all four hands, “Rocket propelled Dwärkstone... By Deya’s grace!”

“So, it’s an RPD?” Steve mused, “Rocket powered dorkstone?”

Jim sniggered, “Sounds about right.”

Blinky let out a happy shout of pleasure, “Haha! Strickler, I could embrace you!”

“Please refrain from that.” Strickler said in disgust, Angor Rot chuckling at his discomfort, that quickly turned into a grunt of displeasure.

“Angor?” Claire asked, worry clouding her deep brown eyes.

“The potion... It is fading... And it is making me uncomfortable.” The human shaped troll assassin wheezed, his skin turning grey, literally.

“Oh shit!” Steve whimpered, “I don’t wanna see scary human-troll dude naked!”

Angor Rot snarled at Steve, as he deserved, even though Jim winced at the tusks growing rapidly from the troll’s mouth, his body becoming gaunt and stretched, as he kneeled on the floor, fists clenched as claws poked out of fading human skin and horns sprouted and curled out from his head. His body swelled, larger and larger, his clothes first tearing and then being ripped off from his larger, longer body. Even Strickler looked rather put out by the transformation, warily stepping in front of Jim, Claire, NotEnrique, Eli and Steve.

There was a final guttural snarl and the changes abated as Angor Rot stood up, towering now over all of them.

Thankfully not naked.

Somehow he still retained black boxer briefs, although they were really tight.

The troll assassin grunted as he rolled his wide shoulders back, grinning with crooked yellowed tusks, “Ah, how I have missed this. Just in time for the battle against Gunmar.”

Strickler blinked, relaxing, a smirk immediately forming on his mouth, “And here I was enjoying you being less of an eye sore.”

Angor gave Strickler the dirtiest look imaginable, before his round gold and black eyes went to Jim. “Why has the Trollhunter not reverted back to his original form?”

That was a good question. Jim didn’t feel like he was changing back to a human, then he remembered what Douxie had told him and felt himself uncoil, “Douxie said there was a chance that we’d change back at different times.”

“Yes, I remember,” Blinky agreed, “But it is doubtful it would be by any significant interval, Master Jim.”

“I agree.” Strickler nodded, “Jim could very well transform back at any moment. Let us get Mr Palchuk and Mr Pepperjack suitable weapons, and Claire some armour, then give Jim better quality armour and weapons in case he turns human mid battle.”


With the unexpected return of troll Angor, the urgency to get everyone armoured up returned full force.

Now Strickler seemed to know exactly where and what he was looking for.

Steve was handed a heavy headed bronze ax, and Eli was given some good quality throwing stars, as Strickler had sniffed that the current ones Eli already used were cheaply made, as well as a blow dart that shot modified stone piercing pellets that were basically bullets. Eli had been ecstatic naturally, even as Strickler had warned him to use it wisely in the fight, and only to defend if necessary. Jim was certain Eli would follow those instructions to a T.

Claire meanwhile, got a well used breastplate and accompanying arm guards and leg greaves, all in a rusty shade of indigo that complimented Claire beautifully, if he did say so himself. It also fit well, much to his girlfriend’s relief.

“Forgive me, I know it’s nothing like the armour Merlin made you before, nor full protection, but it is the only armour that will fit you.” Strickler apologised.

Claire smiled, flexing her arms to test her flexibility, “It’s fine. It works for me and it’s my favourite colour; I have no reason to complain.”

Strickler chuckled, “Yes, I did try and get something purple to match your magic.”

“What about me?” Jim interjected, trying not to sound impatient or worried. It was great that everyone else was getting things that suited them, but Jim wasn’t sure if anything could replace Daylight. Or even come close to being as comfortable and easy to use.

Strickler held one finger up, in a just a moment, sort of gesture, as he strode purposefully to a further down rack that only had swords. But he wasn’t interested in any of that, instead he once again kneeled down, half disappearing under one of the shelves as he grabbed hold of something large and then with difficulty tried to move it.

He grunted, muttered a curse, and switched to troll form, only startling Eli and Steve who were not as used to it.

Finally, Strickler managed to half heave out a huge case, big enough, Jim estimated, for a whole set of armour and maybe even weapons.

Angor smirked in amusement at the changeling’s struggle and then grabbed the case off of Strickler, easily holding it up in the air the rest of the way out.

Strickler scowled, having to now look up at Angor, who, now that he was newly returned to troll form, was clearly enjoying his returned height and strength. “I had that!” Strickler snapped, ears flattened.

“Did ya?” NotEnrique leered, never one to miss out a chance to antagonise Strickler.

In return, a knife thunked a millimetre away from his stubby feet.

Jim considered it lucky NotEnrique had decided to forgo Claire’s shoulder in order to snoop about. Not that Strickler would likely have thrown a knife so close to Claire.

Ay! Don’t throw knives at my brother, he’s an ass but he’s not that bad.” Claire reprimanded Strickler, as NotEnrique rather dramatically flung himself into Claire’s arms, blowing a raspberry this time at Strickler.

The older changeling’s lips twitched, but he lowered his ears in apology towards Claire, “Pardon me, Claire, muscle memory kicks in.” He shrugged ruefully.

Steve and Eli sent each other not at all subtle looks of shock and surprise. “Remind me not to piss Mr Strickler off, Pepperjack.” Steve muttered.

“Deal.” Eli said, fist bumping Steve wordlessly.

Strickler gave himself a shake, then returned to human form, impatiently gesturing to Angor Rot to lower the case, which was still dangling in the air.

Angor scoffed, but lowered it gently to the floor.

“All yours, Young Atlas,” Strickler encouraged.

Jim hesitantly knelt beside the case, popping the locks off and shoving the lid against the far wall and then giving a low whistle of amazement. “Nice.”

“Again, I am aware it is no Daylight, but it should serve you well enough in the battle, with Tobias needing Eclipse and the amulet.” Strickler told him, as Jim took in the armour.

The glossy dark brown leather armour was a full set, and it all looked supple and well worn, almost perfectly sized for his current form actually...

“Was... Was this yours?” He questioned Strickler, as his eyes fell on the two butterfly blades nestled in deep red velvet beside the armour, glittering almost moon pale in the low light.

Strickler nodded, giving him a wry smile, “I used it very rarely, mind you, but... It is enchanted to grow and shrink with a change in forms, perfect if you revert back to human mid fight.”

Before he could process that, Blinky gasped, almost melodramatically, Jim had to admit, and said fervently, “Great Gronka Morka! Those blades are made of Moonsilver! That is exceedingly rare!”

“Moonsilver?” Krel inquired, roused to curiosity.

“Cuts stone like butter, an’ pretty too!” NotEnrique informed, “Maybe show ‘im, bossman?”

Strickler nodded, and easily took out one of the blades, Jim watched in interest as Strickler flicked his wrist and the blade extended out with a sharp, smart snap.

“Whoa!” Eli exclaimed, while Steve, Krel and Claire all blinked at the Moonsilver blade in surprise.

“That’s... Really cool!” Jim grinned, as Strickler smirked and handed the blade to him, hilt first.

He took it, marvelling at the light weight and ease of movement as he gave it a few experimental flicks, trying out a few moves and relishing the way the blades felt like an extension of his arm. “Where did you get these?” Jim asked.

“Let’s just say I know people, not necessarily limited to changelings, wizards or trolls.”

Jim gawped at Strickler, “What?” He was echoed by almost everyone in the room.

Strickler continued, as if he hasn’t heard him, “I assume you can double wield, so I thought—”

Jim sighed, put the blade in his hand down, and strode over and hugged Strickler, effectively silencing him. “Thank you. This might be the best gift I’ve been given, uh, bar Blinky getting me a Vespa that is.”

Strickler’s chuckle vibrated against him as the changeling gently hugged him back, stroking one hand up one of his horns fondly, “A Vespa is a rather bigger present I’d say. Especially one that you and Blinkous built together.”

“For once I wholeheartedly agree!” Blinky inputted, as everyone else made various ‘aw’ sounds, or grinned leeringly in the case of Angor and NotEnrique, which quickly made Jim put distance between himself and Strickler, cheeks hotter than normal.

Strickler coughed to hide his own embarrassment, gesturing to the armour still lying in the case. “Perhaps Claire and Blinkous can help me assist Jim into his new armour?”

With the three of them helping, Jim was kitted out in absolutely no time at all.

Strickler was right, it was no Daylight, but the armour was supple from use and fit snugly to his frame, after Claire tightened the last buckle at the back, kissing his cheek while she was at it, to ensure he heated at the cheeks purple. Also, he had to admit there was something comforting knowing Strickler had worn it too, as long as he didn’t think too hard who Strickler might have murdered wearing this armour.

Jim sheathed the butterfly blades at his hips, after Strickler had shown him how, folded even smaller so they didn’t interfere with his movement.

He felt good knowing if he finally became human again he had weapons and armour that he wouldn’t lose or suddenly not fit him anymore.

“You look pretty cool, Lake.” Steve admitted begrudgingly, swinging his ax and almost knocking Eli and Krel over the head with it.

Angor Rot halted the cruel edge of the ax, warningly raising it, and Steve, into the air for a beat, “If you do not know how to use this weapon, whelp, I will take it from you.” He growled lowly.

Steve gulped, placing the butt of the ax into the ground, “Sorry, sir creepy troll dude.”

“For the first time ever, I agree with Steve.” Claire said, “Jim looks pretty cute.”

NotEnrique scoffed, “Ya would think so, dewy eyes,” he said, before pointing a claw up at Strickler, “So, I was thinkin’, your changelings’ rules need some major updatin’ what with helpin’ to overthrow big bossman tonight and your order being good guys now.”

Jim blinked, as he stretched out in the armour, testing its flow of movement, “He’s actually right. Your rules suck. It’s basically a contradiction saying you have honour and then actually no honour.”

“And, ‘use everything and everyone as a tool,’ is not only harsh to other people but also just sad.” Claire added.

“And no longer applicable, dare I say.” Blinky chimed in.

Strickler exhaled through his nose harshly, rubbing his forehead slowly, “What changes do you have in mind?” He asked, with the air of someone who knew he would regret asking.

“A simple version that’s O’lways true. None this three-rule crap that goes on an’ on. Basically: Lying, Backstabbing an' Manipulating. Short, precise and relevant no matter alliances.”

A shocked silence fell over everyone.

“That is oddly logical.” Krel remarked.

Damn. That’s scarily accurate.” Jim said, impressed.

“So, LBM!” Steve said with glee.

Angor Rot smirked, “Seems fitting.”

“No!” Strickler squawked, “Enough with these abbreviations! Isn’t calling the Janus Order the ‘JO’ bad enough?!”

Everyone laughed in response at Strickler losing his cool somewhat, and Jim could almost forget they’d be dealing with Gunmar in a matter of hours.



Barbara Lake took a deep breath in, as she stared up at Killahead bridge for the first time, dark and ominous in the otherwise blank white hall it was being held at in the Janus Order.

That with the assistance of Douxie, Claire, Zoe, Archie and Angor Rot would be placed in town centre this night... So that they could release real monsters.

Barbara feared for her son, for Toby, Claire, Douxie, everyone taking part in the fight, including the changeling standing by her side, who would be pretending to welcome Gunmar to the surface and would be in the most vulnerable position, until Claire and Angor Rot managed to portal him, along with the other brave changelings who’d volunteered to help trick Gunmar, away to safety. Or at least away from Gunmar’s direct line of fire.

Barbara herself would be relatively far away from the conflict, she expected the hospital would need some help; regardless of Ophelia clearing people out of town centre and Area 49-B there as well in case of an emergency.

“So... This is it.” Barbara said softly.

Walter glanced at her, gold eyes solemn, he was already prepared for war, in his troll form, back in his traditional outfit of loincloth and cape, his feather knives newly polished and shining brightly and sharply around his neck. “Yes...” He rumbled, frowning at Killahead, “This is it. Gunmar will fall for the last time and the world will know of magic kind.”

Barbara reached out with a hand, finding Walt’s and twining her fingers between his, “You’re nervous,” she observed.

Walter grinned crookedly at her, “Am I that obvious?”

Barbara raised one eyebrow, “You could say that I have some experience with reading you... So, what’s wrong? Worried about Kubritz keeping her word? Trollmarket reacting badly to Jim’s plan?”

“Well, yes, but also Ophelia making sure there aren’t any casualties in town, the world not declaring war on us—and making sure that the familiars are slowly freed from the Darklands,” he added reluctantly, his eyes dimming.

Barbara frowned, as she led Walt closer to the bridge, in case there were any eavesdroppers lingering outside the hall. “What do you mean?” She asked him quietly, searching his face. There was a trace of defeat there, but also firm resolve and acceptance.

“Once Gunmar is dead, changelings will be key in creating peace between magic kind and humans. But to gain trust we cannot keep our familiars trapped in the Darklands. I will have to demonstrate my willingness for this to work. I have to ask the caretaker Goblins to take out Wally at the first opportunity once the dust settles. And there’s the matter of the unpaired changelings in the Darklands as well. But NotEnrique and the Gnome Chompski have already volunteered to get them out.” Walter finished heavily, clearly already having thought about this significantly.

Barbara inhaled deeply, “That’s—a lot. I’m guessing since you’re in charge you have to be one of the first to get your familiar out, to show humans and other changelings you’re really taking this seriously; in being willing to give up human form.”

Walter flinched at that, but nodded, guilt and conflict written across his face.

Barbara gently held his hands between hers, rubbing them soothingly as she silently waited.

Walter exhaled roughly through his nose, long boned fingers gently curling around hers, “It’s funny really... I’ve already experienced the loss of my human form once before, yet gaining it only to lose it again... It might be worse then the first time,” he laughed, but it didn’t reach his eyes, which shone overly bright.

Barbara felt her heart sink into the pit of her stomach. “Oh, Walt... Why didn’t you say anything about this?”

“I didn’t want you to worry, and besides, I was enjoying being human again, it slipped my mind,” he admitted.

“You know it doesn’t matter what you are, right? And you don’t just have me this time, you have Jim, you have your changelings, you have the entire school supporting you! And we do have a bit more time to work things out.” She reminded him.

Walter smiled, amused, “I know. I am in a far better situation then last time. I know I will be able to adapt; because I am with you, and with you I feel invincible.”

She grinned back at him, relieved she’d taken Walt out of his glum mood so quickly. 

“Invincible, huh?” She mused, leaning nonchalantly against Killahead bridge. “How brave are you feeling, Walt?”

His gleaming eyes fixed to her body, then slowly up at the bridge they were practically on top of, a wicked smirk curving around his tusks, “Hm, I never considered you a desecrator, no less of Killahead.”

She gave a one shouldered shrug, “It’s my way of having some petty revenge, what can I say?”

Walter chuckled, leaning one clawed hand on the bridge and bringing the other to her chin, the tip of one claw brushing her skin delicately and sending a shiver down her spine. “I love you.” He rasped, eyes soft and sincere.

“Me too.” Barbara said softly in response, leaning into his touch.

He made a pleased rumble sound in the back of his throat, and then pressed her against the side of Killahead bridge, careful not to exert any force on her far softer body as he kissed her fiercely, until she was gasping against him with desire, clinging to him and refusing to think about the possibility of anyone watching them.



Mary honestly hadn’t quite known what to expect from the JO, the headquarters of the order of changelings that existed beneath Arcadia, but it wasn’t this.

The corridors were smoothly panelled with a variety of different woods, all exceedingly expensive stuff: ebony, sandalwood and also Agarwood. The walls were fancy too, mostly painted burgundy with precious metals shot through, and although there were no changelings she could see, cosy couches were placed in corners with tact, the throw cushions on them matching the walls.

It was exactly the opposite kind of decor Mary had expected honestly.

“Where is everyone?” Darci asked Claire, who was currently wearing her new purple armour, in preparation for the fight with the evil trolls this night.

Toby and Krel glanced around at Darci's question, as if only now realising the JO was basically abandoned, eyebrows raised in surprise.

Mary had no idea what those two were thinking; they were far removed from the type of boys she’d usually associate with. And she was still sceptical for them having to tag along with her BFF’s, even if they were doing the same thing as her technically, which was practising filming for the big night to help get word around the world about magic.

Toby ended up answering Darci, giving her a side look that Mary knew meant he like-liked Darci, (she’d probably need to keep an eye on that development) although he tried to stay casual, “Dunno. If I were to guess? Preparing for Gunmar’s coming or hiding, pretty sure Mr S won’t force them to fight in the battle tonight if they don’t want to, and hey, it makes practise filming easier.”

He seemed chipper enough, but Claire had told her that Toby was the one who’d be facing Gunmar, so he can’t have been feeling all that enthused.

Mary hadn’t seen any of the evil trolls yet, but if they were the size of Aaarrrgghh she had a pretty good idea how dangerous they were. On the topic of filming... “Says the one not with the camera.” Mary pointed out to Toby, as Krel grumbled an agreement, hefting his techy monstrosity in the air. It may have been a combination of his own alien Akiridion know-how and human technology, but it was still bulky and would be a pain for Krel to heft about on a battlefield.

“You should have upgraded to a mobile, why do you think I do all my recording and videos on my iPhone? It’s lightweight, sleek and instant livestream!” She said, waving her phone at Toby and Krel, hearing Claire and Darci snigger behind her, “Also. Unlike you two noobs, I actually have a following worldwide that respects me.”

Krel snorted, “Yes, that is true,” he acknowledged, “but I have the ability to get this lowly earth camera to broadcast to all major screens worldwide. That deserves some credit.”

“Guys! It’s not a competition.” Darci sighed.

“Sure.” Mary agreed, with an eye roll, pointing her phone’s camera at the floor, keen to divert this conversation. “Explain to me why this place has so much good quality wood flooring.”

A slightly confused silence was her response.

Uneducated heathens. She scoffed inwardly with disgust.

“The floor wood?” Toby questioned doubtfully, nose wrinkled.

Mary scoffed in disbelief, “OK. Simple terms: this wood is really expensive. Real fancy stuff. Who can afford this?” She demanded.

Clarity filled Claire and Toby’s eyes as they said, in rather disturbing sync, “Strickler.”

Mary was surprised that surprised her. Considering her history teacher had turned out to be a shape shifting assassin, in control of a secret underground organisation full of other shape-shifters. She was admittedly still trying to wrap her head around the fact that Mr Strickler’s other form was so scantily clad, when he dared to tell her off for wearing a super cute short miniskirt to school! Hypocrite that he was. 

“Where does he find the money?” Darci asked, curious.

“Oh, Strickler’s loaded,” Toby sighed, “perks of being around for centuries, I think.”

Mary wished she’d been around that long if it meant being crazy rich. Imagine the following she’d have! Although phones hadn’t existed all that relatively long, now she was thinking about it... So maybe not.

“I still can’t believe Mr Strickler isn’t even human. Finding out he’s got a lot of money isn’t that surprising in the grand scheme of things.” Darci commented.

Toby patted her arm consolingly, “You get used to it after a while. Spend enough time with Mr S outside of class and you find out he’s just a person like any of us. He’s cool. When he’s not teaching.”

That made Darci laugh and Mary stared in disbelief. She had not thought Toby had any charm, but apparently he was charming Darci just fine.

Toby looked at all of them, a sly grin on his round face, “Anyway... I think we’ve chatted long enough. Why don’t I show you guys Killahead? It’s still here, so we can get some awesome shots in.”

Darci and Krel looked decently interested, Claire amused. Mary herself was sort of interested, she had to admit, even if she wouldn’t show it to Toby.

She wrinkled her nose delicately, “Killahead? The evil bridge you’re going to use to free Gunmar?” Toby seemed surprised at her knowledge. She smirked, “What? Do you think that Claire wouldn’t tell us?”

“Well, I just thought...” Toby started, before trailing off, cheeks red.

“TP, I tell Mare and Darc everything. There’s no reason not to since they know about magic.” Claire said, clearly pitying Toby’s embarrassment.

“Are we going to the bridge or no?” Krel interjected impatiently.

“Yup! C'mon! This way! 'Cause most of you are gonna have to clear out tonight to avoid Gunmar and his Gumm-Gumm’s, you probably won’t get another chance to see the bridge. While I, as the Trollhunter, take on the head honcho himself!” Toby boasted.

Toby.” Claire said warningly.

He deflated, “Yeah, OK, I need help to defeat Gunmar. I won’t be able to do it on my own.” He admitted.

Mary sniggered as she walked ahead of the others, phone leading the way, “Alright, where to, Trollhunter?"

“Just a left at the end of the corridor, there’s a big hall there that’s holding Killahead.” Toby said, in a much more subdued tone.

The five of them walked more or less together into the hall, and then stopped.

Mary lowered her phone quickly, blinking in shock, as beside her Claire and Toby went bright red, Darci’s mouth dropping open and Krel making a disgusted sound under his breath.

Killahead was there, a dark and ominous looking bridge with obscene writhing figures coiling across it, but what had all of their attention were the two figures making out against the bridge.

Two figures they knew.

Mr Strickler, in his troll form, back mostly facing them thankfully, so he was mostly covered by his cape, a not so bad fashion statement if she was being honest, was necking shamelessly with Dr Lake, Jim’s mom, like, well, teenagers.

It didn’t help they were doing it practically on the evil bridge, one of Mr Strickler’s clawed hands braced on the wall of Killahead.

Wow.” Toby whistled, first to recover from the absolute shock and embarrassment of seeing their teacher and Jim’s mom make out, “I am very glad we’re not streaming live.”

Strickler’s horned head shot up with a gasp bordering on a squeak, breaking his kiss with Barbara to whirl around, glowing eyes, which Mary thought would make him look scary, now so comical with pupils blown so wide that she had to stifle a giggle. He was reacting exactly how two students would be at being caught under the bleachers having a make out sesh.

Dr Lake was, for her part, as red as her hair, glasses askew and hands around herself despite the fact she hadn’t taken any clothes off.

“I-I didn’t know all of you were going to be down here, how did you get inside?” Mr Strickler spluttered, desperate to regain authority, eyeballing the camera Krel was holding and Mary’s phone with anxiety, ears pricked. And wasn’t that weird. That Mr Strickler was basically behaving just like a cat.

Dr Lake covered her face with her hands, “Please tell me you didn’t in fact record us kissing.”

“Pretty sure they did record it.” Darci muttered.

“Um, and it can be used as blackmail material?” Toby offered brashly, way too informal, as he jauntily walked over to the two embarrassed adults. Mary internally shrugged and followed, lowering her phone, followed by Darci, Claire and Krel, who also lowered his far bigger camera.

Strickler’s lips curled away from his sharp teeth in warning, “Tobias. That better be deleted. Barbara is in that video too, I will not have you use her as blackmail material against me.” He growled, looming over Toby, even as Barbara herself was frowning at Strickler, not Toby, clearly not liking his threatening stance, which was understandable, Mary didn’t like it either, especially since his neck was ringed in knives and his tusks and claws were stark in the otherwise white room.

“You should be preparing for war not goofing off recording the Janus Order.” Strickler continued, undaunted, crossing his arms, glare turned on all of them, harsher than Mary had ever seen or heard from him.

Mr Strickler seemed aware of it, as after guiltily glancing at Dr Lake, he softened, rubbing the side of his head, “Forgive me. I just—we just, thought we wouldn’t be disturbed here.”

Barbara smiled wryly, “And we didn’t expect to be disturbed with cameras. You kids really should be either getting someplace safe or getting ready for this night.” She raised an eyebrow at Claire, Toby and Krel, and all three chorused sorry Dr Lake dutifully, with suitably guilty expressions Mary wasn’t entirely buying. “And Walter’s right, please do delete that video of us.” Barbara added sternly, even as her cheeks heated again.

“You said it much better than me, my dear.” Strickler said ruefully, before once again turning to them, this time with the same sort of exasperation he showed at school, “Why are you all here?”

“Filming.” Krel responded, completely deadpan.

Practice filming,” Claire corrected, “so Mary and Krel know what they need to do in the fight so it can be broadcasted to the world. And also, because some of us hadn’t seen Killahead.” She admitted.

“But we didn’t come here to mess around.” Toby said quickly, “I swear!”

Strickler sent him an assessing look, “Are you ready for this, Tobias?” He asked gravely.

For once, Toby was rendered serious. A first for him probably, Mary thought, slightly snidely.

“Not really...” Toby said softly, “But I’m not going into this fight alone, I’m going to have you, and Jimbo, and Claire and everyone else right with me. And first rule of Trollhunting is always be afraid, right?”

Mr Strickler made a sound in the back of his throat that might have been a purr, “Then you are as ready as you will ever be.”


Next chapter will be the final confrontation of Gunmar and his forces... Then we see how the world takes the revelation of magic!

The chapter title and the last thing said in his chapter are inspired by Disney's Tangled adventure and in particular the song 'Ready As I'll Ever Be.'

Yes, I gave Blinky a rocket powered Dworkstone. No, I do not regret it. Even if I went to the effort of explaining the tentative physics behind how it works.

You can probably guess when Jim is going to turn back human...

The Moonsilver butterfly blades are of course a reference to The Dragon Prince and Rayla's preferred weapon. And Strickler is absolutely hinting that he knows some elves and some other mythical creatures. Some of which we will meet in due time.

Series this work belongs to: