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Part of Me


~You were a part of me
You've taken everything
I see the future, and it's crumbling right in front of me
You were a part of me
You've taken everything
~ Part of Me by Disturbed


For one y/n truer words have never been spoke. Two people helped her stay alive. Her father and her soulmate. In a time where soulbonds get twisted and hearts shattered all one can do is hold on to the pieces of the ones they love.

Yet the world turns upside down and inverted the world is going to need its greatest hero's yet again.

Chapter Text

Kevin's heart broke when he heard his wife say those words to his daughter. His daughter who sacrificed everything for her mother. He was working so they have the health insurance and the money for her treatments. Y/n got the short end of the stick and had to take her mother to her doctor's appointments through the week. Waking up as early as four thirty, five am to take her mother to dialysis. Not coming back home at times until twelve hours later. To save gas y/n wasn't allowed to come back home to rest for the few hours her mom was getting treatment. Often times curling up in the back seat with a window cracked and his hunting sleeping bag in the car.

Kevin was furious when he heard about that.

So for his wife to scream at her saying that she was useless and trash absolutely rubbed him the wrong way.

Bucky heard everything. He was making his paces. The nursing home also doubled as a rehab center. Despite the different wings. The nurses knew him to be a kind and compassionate soul. Often times sticking his nose in other peoples business. But with good reason.

So when he sees y/n leave her mother's shared room he knows that she needed a friend. Even by looking at her he could tell that she was biting her lip pretty hard.

Slowly he touched his own bottom lip. One of his soulmates was biting their lip pretty hard. He slowly makes his way over to the nurses station.

"Can I steal the tissue box?" Bucky speaks calm and slow. Hannah nods. Handing it to him directly.

"It's y/n isn't it? Kevin's daughter?" Bucky gives her a nod. Hannah gives him a sad smile. "Ok. Go on. Think she could use some words of wisdom."

"You look like you need these." Y/n looks up and through blurry eyes sees the tissue box and takes it. Grabbing one from the box, folding it over and blowing her nose hard. Both of them cringing at the sound.

"That....was nasty. Sorry."
"You don't have any reason to apologize little one." Bucky slowly sits in the chair caddy corner to her. Wanting to make sure that she was going to be ok.
Y/n on the other hand moves her glasses to the top of her head and uses the sleeve of her hoodie to clear her face of tears.

"She had no right to say that to you."
"I'm, unfortunately, use to it."
"I've heard the nurses sing your praises. Your father too at times. Catching the hospitals mistake." He is teasing a little bit. He sees a flash of a real y/n smile on her face as her cheeks become pink due to embarrassment. Bucky can feel his own face getting red as well. It couldn't be posable. Could it?

He and Steve had given up trying to find their missing part after years. Could it be that he was talking to her? To the missing part of his soul?

Y/n felt a strange kind of hope run through her bond. Right before curiosity. Emotions from two different people. She chose to ignore it.

"Yeah. Honestly I don't understand how I recognized the signs of withdrawal. It just happened to be one of those eureka moments." She shrugs it off.

"You did a good thing. While it may not be saving her life you did make things easier from there on. Bucky by the way."

The slow raise of her head and the stunned shock emotion he got from her and his soulmate confirmed it. It was y/n. Bucky tries to stay neutral as she looks at him.

"It's an honor sir. Y/n. I would offer to shake your hand but I still have my snot tissue and I don't want to get you sick." Bucky gives a small laugh. Oh doll. If you only knew.

"Thank you for being considerate. God knows I picked up on what the punk kept getting me sick with when we were younger." Bucky knew what he was doing. Shifting the topic to distract her.

"By punk you mean Captain Rogers?" Slow, hesitant, respectful. Y/n was being cautious with her question. Having been told that some war vets wouldn't like talking about their experiences.

"Most people call him that. But Stevie will always be my pain in the taint soulmate." He feels strong amusement and sees her give a small snort. Covering her mouth for a split second as she does so.

Pain in the taint. She's going to have to remember that.

"Sounds like someone you stick by until the end."

As they keep talking y/n begins to feel better. Having gotten Bucky to laugh a few times. Kevin finished up with her mom a bit ago and watched his daughter.

"Bug," Kevin speaks softly to get her attention. She looks up. Her hood is down and he can see the change in her just talking to the war vet had on her.

"Dad, this is...Mister Barnes." Y/n had to stop herself from calling Sargent Barnes. The two men stand and shake hands.

"Bug why don't you go say good bye before we head home."
"Ok dad."

They watch her walk off.

"Bucky. I realize that I have no reason to ask, less of a reason to get an answer. But what is her soulmark?"
"A star on her left shoulder."


Bucky is looking at a pic of both he and Steve with some time off at a beach with the rest of the platoon. Shirtless and soaking up the sun. His left arm was wrapped up due to severe rope burns. Steve has his arm slung over his shoulder. Bucky has a half smile on his face. Going over to his tablet he sees if Steve is online.

He is.

-hey Steve.
-hey buck. You ok?
-more then ok. I think I found our other soulmate. Only thing is she will very easily outlive us.
-what makes you say that?
-she isn't in her adult years yet.

Y/n made some cookies for the nurses and a tin for Bucky. Just a small one. Some sugar cookies, normal chocolate chip ones. And two raisin filled ones.

"Hi y/n."
"Hi Hannah. These are you and the other staff members. I know..." y/n freezes instantly when she hears her mother's voice come down the hall. Hannah has a sympathetic look on her face.

"The tin is for Sar..." Y/n coughs and blushes a little bit. "Mister Barnes. For the other day."

"I'll make sure that he gets them."
"Thanks." Y/n instinctually ducks down when Della starts screaming again. Hannah can see fear in her eyes. Sees the harsh swallowing.

"You know. Some of the other residents enjoy having you around."
"Oh come on Hannah. I'm no body."


Bucky is surprised when Hannah comes over to him with a tin.

"Y/n brought these over for you. Cookies. Home made. Made the staff some as well." She places the tin with a loose lid on it. Something for him to easily open. Once he does he smiles. It had been ages since he had home made cookies. The last time was back before the war. So a good long time.

He savors that first bite. Hannah sees him smile and tear up.

"Thank you Hannah."

"The weather is getting worse. I don't want to see you get stuck if you can help it y/n." Bucky moves his queen and looks up at y/n. Who nods.

"The first time I drove in snow was when I was sixteen in the mountains. Visiting my grandparents. I appreciate the concern. And no worry. If the weather is bad enough I will let you know the day before that I won't be coming in." She looks up and smiles at him. It's a soft, truthful smile. Bucky smiles back and nods as she takes his queen.

"Got your queen."
"So you do." Bucky bends forwards and looks at the board. Noticing some scaring teasing at the hem of y/ns hoodie.

"How's home?" She instantly moves the cuff up out of guilt. He notices that she isn't looking at him. Looking up at her.

"I know that it's more of a my generation thing then it is yours but a movie about this anti-hero called Deadpool came out and one of the lines just made sense. 'What the worst part about cancer is not what it does to you. But the people you care about.'
When it comes to mood mom is getting much worse. Dad has becoming more distant. The only two days I can get away anymore are Sunday and Wednesday." She moves a rook. Pausing for a moment. Bucky can hear how heavy her heart feels. She takes her finger off the piece. He had mentioned having Steve meet y/n before. He would be in town for a week and the Punk could still drive. He thinks.

"Steve is going to be in town for a week starting on Wednesday. I would like for you two to meet." Bucky is pointedly looking at the chest board. Ignoring the shock the flows through his bond. Shock that he knows Steve is feeling.

"Why?" He flustered her. He knows this. He can tell by the sound of her voice.

"Because you remind me of why I went through what I did. The war, nearly losing my arm. All of it. You remind me that there is good in the world still." He leans back and looks at her. "I am a very old man y/n. I have both been blessed and cursed in my life time. Blessed to have grown up next to one of my soulmates. Cursed to never have my soulmark be full. Steve and I had given up looking for them long ago. I may not be able to move as much as I once could but talking to you makes me want to start looking again." Y/n blushes a little bit and looks down. Buckys heart warmed at how innocent she seems to be.

Steve and Bucky are walking around as Jen walks behind them. Steve's personal nurse. Assistant really. Steve was still very active but his memory could get questionable at times.

"Think she's going to come on Sunday?" It's Friday now. Steve and Bucky wanted to go for a walk near the river. Get some fresh air in.

"If she doesn't think she will be able to make it she will message me." Bucky stops. Looking up seemingly searching for something. His hearing picks up two people talking. It sounded like.
Steve could feel the confusion and concern coming from Bucky. He listens in a bit. Bumping Steve's arm they keep walking.

Soon enough a conversation could be heard.

"...the back with an ashtray dad. Della's been more abusive lately and she screamed at me for an hour for using my money to put gas in her car. So enough with the shit. What the fuck is going on."

Bucky paused and grabs Steve's arm to stop him from continuing on. Steve is confused but sees the look on Bucky's face. Even Jen knows that something is up.

"There is a bench just to the side." The three head over and sit. Giving off the appearance that they were looking at the water and not secretly listening in to a privet conversation.

"Your mother found your bank account. The one that I help set up for you. She saw how much was in it and she tried to transfer everything out. But because her name wasn't on the account she couldn't. The bank wanted to press charges. I told them no."
"Great. Just perfect. That explains so fucking much. Figured greed would be a factor in it. Why can't she get money off of grandma and grandpa if she really needs it?"

"I don't know. I honestly don't."
"That's not it is it? You never let Uncle Ethan take mom to her appointments. Yet you did today."

"I'm losing my job. They are shutting down the plant. I have enough to retire and they are offering me a rather generous pension with benefits as well. So we won't have to worry about your mom while the cancer slowly kills her."

"Dad. When were you told?"
"Last month."

"Don't dad. I don't want to hurt you. I'm going to go for a walk. Try to calm down. But the end results will be the same dad. I'm moving. Out of state or out of country I'm not sure yet. But your wife hasn't had her head on straight since before I was born. I'm fairly certain that she is using the cancer as an excuse to be a shit human being."

The trio go stomping off.

"Don't Steve."
"No. I mean it. We may know but she doesn't." Bucky turns to look at Steve. The other man can understand the reason.
Steve sighs and gives Bucky a nod.

"I don't like it Bucky. I honestly don't. But I concede. If she comes around on Sunday make no mention of it?" He nods.

Y/ns nerves go from a hundred to a million in five short seconds. She knows that her cheeks and nose are pink. As she is about to say something her chest hitches.
Steve recognizes the signs of asthma anywhere. But he is relieved that she has an inhaler. Feeling his own chest ease.

"Sorry. Winter air hurts."
"I understand. It use to hit me hard back in the day. I'm glad that medicine had become so advanced since then." That starts the conversation between the three of them.

It grows later and Bucky would save the memory until his dying day. He sneaks a photo of them talking. One of his favorite.

"What do you do?"
"Right now I help my dad out with my mom and I write on the side. Um...our chat inspired me a bit." Their cheeks warm.


"What do you think punk?"
"It makes me wish I was twenty again." Bucky laughs hard. Having it end in a cough. One bad enough that Steve rubs his back.

"Slow breaths Buck. Slow breaths." There isn't much that Steve can do when Bucky has fits like this. But he does pull the pain the best he can.

"Don't think I have too much longer punk." Bucky takes several small breaths. Letting things settle. Hannah comes over with a small oxygen tank for Bucky.

"I know Hannah."
"I'll take care of him." Steve holds his hand out for the mask. Hannah does so.

It takes the o2 about half an hour for it to work.

"Don't think I have too much time punk." Buckys voice is faint and full of fear. "You remember what we said back then. Right punk."
"Yeah. I do. You should tell her before the worst should happen."

"I can't. Not right now. Not when it's darker before the dawn. Y/n deserves someone that can keep up with her. Not a pair of old men."

Chapter Text

Part of me part one b


Y/n sees Steve as she passes. Freezing. He only came to the area for Bucky. Meaning that...

Why did her heart hurt?

"I'll catch up dad." Steve looks over and gestures for her to come over. Y/n does without a word. Bucky is drugged out of his mind. But happy to see her.

"You doing ok Bucky?" Y/n has a pit in her stomach. He shakes his head. Lifting his right hand an inch off the bed.

"Come on over y/n. It's ok. This needs to happen." Although confused by Steve's words she does come over as a nurse comes in to check things. Turning said nurse meets Steve's eyes. Shaking his head. Noting the other woman in the room. The nurse takes up post by the door. A tear rolling down her eye. So tragic, yet so romantic.

Bucky smiles as y/ns hand curled around his thumb. A soft warmth on his soulmark. The last few years being her rock would let him die in peace. Now he regretted that they couldn't have a full relationship with her. Love her the way they wanted and she needed. But better late than never.


Y/n already became a mess from what her father had told her. But to find out that Bucky Barnes, Sargent Bucky Barnes was her soulmate and seconds away from dying only broke her further.

"You knew." Bucky locked eyes with her. Giving her a smile before his eyes fall shut and his finger in her hand goes lax. As Steve comes over the nurse and attending doctor both come over as Steve takes her out of the room.

"Bug?" Her dad is waiting for her outside the room.

"Let's go dad. Everyone is waiting on us." Her voice is flat. No emotion in it at all. Looking at Steve, Kevin quickly understood what happened.

Steve gave Kevin a nod.

Y/n remained silent the entire time they held the meeting. Up until the end. The thousand yard stare in her eyes.

"When is the funeral?"
"It will have to be next weekend since morherday weekend is this weekend.

"Ok. Two funerals in a week. Going to be stretched thin but manageable."
"My soulmate." The room goes silent.

"You are not going. You need to prioritize you mother." Her grandmother spoke with a harsh voice. Y/n blinked. Before turning to look at her grand mother.

"And you need to prioritize your daughter. Yet here we are having this conversation."

"Margret, stop."
"No Kevin. Della is her mother. She needs to show more respect."
"And Sargent James Barnes is one of the few last remaining World War Two vets. How about showing him some respect for being used as a human meat shield by the government. For waiting this fucking long to meet his other soulmate." Y/n kept her voice even in tone and volume. Looking at her grandmother.

"The woman who birthed me and the woman who raised me should never have been the same person. You heard so yourself. She wasn't who she was suppose to be. I will attend for the sheer fact that she is my mother. Nothing more." At that y/n stood and left. Tears still running down her face.

It's hours later and Steve found her in the cafe off to the side in a forgotten corner with something in her hands to fiddle with. Today was already hard on her. It was only going to get harder.

"Y/n, may I sit down?" A finger. That's the only thing that moves. Steve takes that as a sign to sit across from her.

"You're not ok. Are you?"
"My grandmother tried to forbid me to go to Buckys funeral."
"Will you be able to attend?"
"They ain't doing jack with my mom until next weekend. Mother day and all that shit." She lets her language slip a little bit. Not caring at the moment.

Steve leans forward and takes her hand off of the bottle as a soft warmth washes over them both. Steve sees her eyes close as tears pick up.

"How are we going to do this?"
"What do you want to be known?"
"The truth. Only ever the truth." Steve gave her a smile. Some tears slipping from his eyes.

"Would you like for me to come with you to your mother's funeral?" Y/n fell silent. Not giving an immediate answer. Weighing her options.

She nods in the end.

"I may need someone to hold me back from punching someone out." Steve nods. Sitting back. Letting her hand slip from his.

"All this feels like it's my fault for not being born sooner."
"It isn't though. None of us fully understand the behind the scenes things when it comes to soulmates. Some have age gaps while others don't." Steve sees the look she gives him above her glasses. "I will agree that ours is ridiculous. But your safe-ish in this era. It may not have been a lifetime like what he and I had. But you did get to know him."

"It just feels like time was stolen from us. Looking back it made sense why he was careful around me. But on his death bed." Y/n just shakes her head. Before either could say a word her phone starts vibrating in her pocket. She sighs. Bringing it out of her pouch. Looking to see that it's her dad. Sighing she sends him a quick message before turning her phone off.

"He didn't tell me much about after the war. I didn't ask out of respect."
"We both had our own thing going. Both of us working to bring down Hydra with the help of SHIELD." Steve paused. Cutting himself off. Looking down at his hands.

Does he do it now or no?

Unzipping his jacket he brought out a box and a letter. Heart feeling heavy.

"Bucky knew that he didn't have long. Not with his health. He had me write this for him the other day." Steve hands her the letter first.

"He wanted you to have some small piece of him. Something that you can keep close to your heart." Steve hands her the box. "I'm not slowing down just yet. I have a good ten or so years left in me. If you want me around." Steve is being soft at the moment. Y/n takes the box as her father comes over.

Kevin stays silent. Sitting next to his daughter.

"What killed him?"
"Bucky was taken prisoner and experimented on. It was the chemical they used. He had deteriorating lungs. That day you and I first met, he had a fit after you left." Y/n opens the letter.

The letter is two pages. She is silent as she reads them. Kevin gets Steve's attention and they both take their time getting some coffee.

"How bad is she?" While Kevin was looking towards his daughter he was asking Steve.

"Broken. I don't think she will ever recover. I don't think that she can."

"Did you confirm it?"
"Yeah. I did. I'm still healthy as a horse with no signs of slowing down. I will be in her life if she wants me to. But at her pace."
"Will you be ok with the lack of a physical relationship?"
"It's not me that matters right now. It's my twenty one year old soulmate that does." Both men silently honoring the 'bro code' in avoiding the question of if he even can get it up.

"She tell you about when her mom's funeral will be?"
"Yes. She's going to be flown up. I can call in a few favors to make things happen since the jerk is going to be buried in Virginia."
"Full honors?"
"That's the plan."

While her father and soulmate are talking she is reading the letter. Part of it is hard to read at times but the message gets across. He may love her as an older relative does a younger one. But the point remains. That he loved her regardless. That he wished that he had more time with her. That despite what her mother had said she is worthy of being loved.

In the letter he also told her that she should expect a visit from his lawyer once he passes. Having set something up when she confirmed her soulmark. That his most prized possession goes to her.

The letter ended on that note. Curious she takes the box and opens it. Her hand goes to her mouth to try to hold back the sob. Which the two take as a sign to come back over.
Kevin pulls her into a one arm hug as she sobs into him. Steve sits across from them. He can't look at her. Knowing what is in the box.

It's some time where she is able to calm herself again. Feeling icky.

"Sorry dad. Didn't mean to use you as a rag."
"It's ok bug. Steve, I'm extending an invite to come join us at home for dinner. There are further things that needs to be said."
"Of course." At that point in time y/n takes the dog tags out of the box and puts them on. Reading that it held one of both. She is silent as she pulls her phone out and turns it on. Seeing numinous calls and she lights up at the one.

"I'll meet up with you dad. I have a call to make." Steve can feel a small level of excitement coming from her. Not even Kevin knew what to expect.

They all sit around the dinning room table. Y/n sighs after at minimum of thirty minuets of silence.

"How formal is his funeral going to be?"
"You should dress your best."
"Ok. That's not a problem."
"And your mothers?"

"Semi formal. Be prepared to meet some of the most uppity people you have ever known."
"Are you going to be ok doing back to back funerals?"

"No clue dad. But the day isn't fully bad. The call I had to return was my realtor. Found myself a nice cabin in Maine. Three acre forest. Two bed one bath. Finished basement. Last owners left it a wreck and sold it for ten grand. Needs some fixing up so I figured once the..." she was about to say dust settles. Y/n cringed hard at that. Choosing to adjust her words a bit. "The past has been laid to rest I figured that I would head up and start remodeling. Figure I would Colony this." Kevin chuckles.

"You just want to be the scary woman in the woods don't you bug?"
"That too. You taught me enough that I think I can homestead. Plus there are plenty of resources as well. You and Steve both are more than welcome to come visit. Just not during the winter." Kevin and Steve both chuckle at that.

Y/n zips her bag up and takes a deep breath. One day down, two there and one day up to Michigan. This is going to be a media shit storm. She just knows it.

"Once they get a glimpse of me nothing will take this back. You're going to be caught in the cross fire."
"I know. I came to terms with that years ago bug." Her father pulled her into a hug. Letting the stress be squeezed out of her for the moment. Taking her back to when she was younger and they would go fishing a lot. When the winters were white and they would go sledding. Memories of a by gone age.

"Thank you dad. For helping me. It's been six years and the book is still going strong." Kevin chuckles.

"I wasn't about to let your mother steal from you."
"Plus with all the investments I've made with your help I'm, more or less set for life." The pair pull away. Kevin has a sad smile on his face.

"See you Friday Bug."
"See you Friday dad."

Steve and Tony both where let in by Kevin as y/n finished up.

"Y/n, this is..."
"Tony Stark, head of Stark enterprises. Leading in the renewable energy sector and home security. Playboy who secretly has the hots for Miss Potts if I'm not mistaken." Steve sees Tony speechless for once in his life.

"And you know that how?"
"Stock market. You made me one heck of a pretty penny when you came out with using the reactor as home energy." Tony turns to Steve.

"Your keeping her, right?" Steve chuckles.

"You ready y/n?" She nods.
"Yeah. Getting through security is going to be hell."

It wasn't. Tony had them traveling on his privet jet. Y/n kept picking his mind and Tony enjoyed it immensely. She is talking geothermal energy in couple with the reactor. While Steve couldn't understand a word of it he enjoyed hearing her talk. Seeing her light up.

"....yo Cap!" Steve is jerked out of his thoughts by Tony.

"You're not letting her go are you?"
"No. I'm serious. She has given me a lot of ideas. If you don't I'll keep her on for consultations."

"Not bad for a collage drop out huh?" She's leaning on an arm rest looking at them. Both of them are in shock.

"I thought you were in classes for nursing." She shakes her head.

"No. I was the only one who...never mind."

Y/n is surprised by the treatment she's getting. Treated like an A-lister. It had to be because of the company she kept. Nothing more. She knew about the whispers around her. She was struggling to not let them get to her. Smiles from Steve and Tony both helping her out a bit.

When Tony sees her, he gives a low whistle.

"Again, your keeping her right?"
"Tony, I am hardly twenty. Keep it in your pants please. We are heading to a funeral remember?"

Y/n sticks next to Steve and Tony the entire time. Not really knowing what to do. She stand there and looks pretty until it is only the three of them. Steve had handed her the flag earlier. Knowing that it would be better with her than him.

Y/n stands near the grave and lets her eyes fall close. Tears streaming down her face. Holding the flag to her chest falling to her knees. Letting a sob out. Steve stood by letting her get out the pain of lost time.

She is grateful for the day between funerals. It gave her a minuet to wallow. Soon enough they are back in the air. Flying first class of all things. One flight trip.

"You ok?"
"Yeah. First time I flew mom and I had to go up for great grams funeral back when I was in sixth grade. So in the scheme of things not that long ago. But mom and I had Katrina up our tailpipe. I was absolutely scared. Unlike then it was the last flight. Had a layover in Chicago. So I get to say that I've been there." She turns to him and gives him a small smile. Steve noticed that it doesn't match her eyes.

"My mom and I butted heads a lot growing up. But we had our good moments as well. The first time I got my hair cut she got hers cut as well. Both of us ended up donating it. It was her who taught me how to drive ya know. But towards the end..." she shakes her head. Steve pats her arm softly. Offering her a smile.

"You're a mess right now. Your questioning everything aren't you?"
"I am. Mom was apparently singing my praises behind the scene. But I only heard her say that she was proud of me a grand total of twice. Once when I accidentally made honor roll and the other was when I caught the hospitals...." Her lungs get tight. Closing her eyes she bites a corner of her lip and forces herself to breathe slow shallow breaths. Slowly her lungs loosen. Both she and Steve could breathe easier.

"Yeah. It normally gets pretty bad during the winter."
"She was a smoker. Wasn't she?"
"Yeah. I don't think that I will ever get rid of that scent."

Steve and Kevin are waiting for her near the entrance to the hotel. They travel together to the home. Y/n insisted on Steve take the front seat since he needed the leg room.
Steve sticks close to y/n.

"Go find a seat Steve. I think I can manage this."
"If you're sure." He notices that she has a polite smile the entire time. Only to light up when she sees a few of her aunts and one of her uncles. The small group makes their way over to him.

"Steve, this is my aunt Linda, my aunt Lilliana and my uncle Jack. Guys, this is my soulmate. Steve Rogers."

"Sir." Lilliana straightens up as she holds her hand out.
"At ease." Steve has a small chuckle but before they could say another word the entire room goes silent. Everyone focusing on Kevin and the man standing before him.

"Say that again."
"Oh fuck me." Y/n mutters grabbing her aunts hand and dragging the woman with her.

"Dad, go take a lap. This is not the place nor time for this." Kevin is shaking in rage.

"And who, exactly are you?"
"Malick. I received a message from my grandmother that my mom died." He pulls out his phone and plays the message. Y/n recognizes the voice instantly.

"This is nether the time or place for this conversation given that my father, her husband and I had never heard any mention of you before today." Her voice is abnormally calm and even for the pure inferno she is feeling. "Please find a seat." Once he does so y/n goes over to her grandmother.

"When this is over I want nothing to do with you. I will be polite should we be in the same space but neither my father nor I deserved to be blind sided in this manor. I speak only for myself. And call it for what it is. Lucky that there wasn't a death at a funeral." Y/n locked eyes with her grandmother. Who instantly began to shake under her granddaughters gaze.

Steve kept close to Y/n during the funeral. She kept tense and silent the entire time. He had his hand on hers during a good chunk. Going with her Aunt Linda to the grave site.

"Why don't we take a walk. Ok y/n?" She nods and Steve puts a hand on her back.

"And just who are you!" One of her more annoying nosy aunts asks. Without a word they both turn and show their soulmarks. Left shoulder. Star, half black. Half blue or white. Without a word they both just walk.

"She talks about respect but she has none!" Y/n is just done with all of this. Eyes close shaking in rage. They stop and Steve pulls her into a hug.

"Tell me. Don't hold it in."
"Mom never wanted this kind of send off. She never wanted the family to come together like this. First they disrespected her by not coming when she was in the hospital that first day. They had to wait a fucking week. Then they waited again because of the holiday. While I'm thankful I didn't have to stay in the house with her ash's dad did. That's two. The funeral is three and finding out that..." Y/n just left out a loud scream. Just holding onto Steve.

"It's ok. Let it out." Steve knew that it wasn't just about her mom. It wasn't hard to.

Malick is watching his half sister cry into her soulmate.

"This seems to be hitting her hard."
"It's not just this." Malick looks over to see Kevin. "She buried her other soulmate on Wednesday. Military funeral."

"Sargent Barnes. He died holding her hand right before her mother passed. Her grandmother tried to ban her from going." Kevin sighed. Malick felt horrible.

"She never said anything about me?"
"Not a word." They watch as Steve comes over holding her.

"We should get her back. She's too much of a wreck at the moment."

"I can get you guys back. Unless you want to go with the rest of the family."
"Thanks Lilliana. I think some time to wind down would be beneficial for us all. Malick are you local?"

"Yea sir. Born and raised in the area."
"Ok. We are at the hotel on Lang Street attached to the Crazy Ace. Let's meet out front about six. Then we can talk."

Chapter Text

Part of me part one c

Steve had Y/n tight to his side as Kevin took her other side. Malick and Lilliana took the other side of the booth. Steve pulled out a voice recorder and with a nod from everyone turns it on and sets it on the table.

"Steve Rogers."
"Kevin l/n"
"Lilliana Morgan"
"Malick Dothmar."

"You said that Della was your mother."
"Yes. I brought my..."
"Do you have room for two more?" They all look over to see Margret and Lenard.

"Someone is going to need to sit at the adjacent table."

"Can I get drinks for any one?" The waitress comes over. Y/n hands the waitress her ID.

"Long Island for me."
"Gin and Tonic."
"Water please."

"You said that you brought your birth certificate with you?" Malick hands jt over to Steve.
"She also signed her rights away as well. Gave me to my father." Steve passed the papers to Kevin as Malick hands the other set to Steve.

"The paperwork is legit. You would be in your thirties correct. The ten year gap between the two of you."
"Correct. I may look like I'm in my twenties but I'm really in my thirties."

They break for drinks. Y/n takes a heavy drink of hers.

"Can we get two orders of fries for the table?"
"Sure anything else for the moment?" Everyone shakes their heads.
"The three of us," y/n gestures to her dad and Steve, "May order something more once this is over. I do apologize if this takes hours."
"It's ok. Do what you need to."

Y/n looks at her glass and sighs.

"This isn't the first time we met, well, you met me before. Didn't you?"

That opened up the door to explain what and who he is. What and who his father was. How growing up without a mother was like. By the time he was done one of the container of fry's was gone and y/n was on her second Long Island. Steve could feel the alcohol take affect on her. Keeping an eye on her.

"I'm not going to start. This is your opening gram."

Margret looks at the table and Kevin places the voice recorder closer to her. Liliana gets an idea and places it on top of the napkin holder. Then she launches into the explanation. How she helped her daughter hide her pregnancy. Made sure to not give her daughter updates on her son.

As she talked Steve notes that his palms were beginning to hurt. Catching Kevin's eye they both worked to get y/n from her hard grip. Steve laced her hand with his and Kevin did the same. Lilliana, seeing this and realizing what was happening, grabbed a stress plush from her bag and passed it to Steve. Who got Kevin to slip it into y/ns hands.

Y/n is just numb right now. She isn't sure who is talking at the moment.

"You could have protected me." The first words in a while. Everyone is looking over to her. Her grip on Steve's hand goes lax. She nods at his silent question.

"The first cut is always the deepest. You would agree with me. Don't you dad?" Kevin nods.
"I do."
"She threw you in my face. Never saying that you were my half brother. Saying instead that you were her god son..." y/n kept going. Taking the occasional break to try to clear her tears, take a sip of her drink. Everyone except for Kevin looked at her in horror. Not wanting to believe her words.

When she started sobbing Steve pulled her to him. Hugging her. Letting her get things out. Kevin called the waitress over and asked for a glass of water. Moving what was left of her drink out of her reach.

Everyone at the table could see how much Steve cares for y/n. They may not have been close like she and Bucky were. But they still cared for one another.

"I did it again. Damn it."

The interaction between them seemed almost natural. Making the entire table smile.

"Y/n, will you look at me?" She moves back a little bit. Looking up at him. "I am so incredibly proud of you right now. Your life didn't just get the short end of the shit stick but completely fucked. You are handling yourself fantastically for the situation. I know for a fact that the jerk would be proud of you. Ok Angel?" She had a small smile on her face. Nodding a few times.

"Still I got your shirt wet."
"Second time today but who's counting." That got most of the people at the table to chuckle or at the minimum smile.

Y/n feels better after a bit. She honestly wanted something a little sweet after all that. It grew later than anyone expected.

"I got the bill. No worries." Y/n snagged it and gave a quick look at the bill. Nodding to herself. Pulling her wallet out and slipping the bills inside. She writes a note inside on the back of the check for the server and the manager.

"Keep the change and sorry for talking up so much of your time." They head back to the hotel.

Steve took the bus back to New York and Y/n went with her dad. Kevin noticed that she has on Buckys dog tags. Playing with the metal.

"It feels weird dad. Knowing after not for such a short amount of time. If I'm honest it feels wrong owning a piece of history."
"That's not the only thing bothering you. Isn't it bug?" Kevin knows how delicate his daughter is right now. Keeping his voice kind for her.

"I don't think kids are going to be an option. Maybe it's time for the blood line to end." Kevin knows exactly what she is talking about.

"This house of yours. Tell me about it." Kevin changes the subject.
"Well, I had some help with finding a good crew. But they are working on mapping the place out. Finding where my land ends and the others begin. They think it's going to take a few weeks. Then it's working on the cabin. It was abandoned for a few years so they need to make sure that everything is ok."
"You sound like your great gram there bug. Always cautious."
"Which one?"
"The witchy one. Family legend is that she could heal anyone of any thing. Cats loved her." Y/n chuckles.

"Like me and animals in general huh?"
"What were you thinking? You mention turning it into a homestead." That's the topic of conversation for a few hours. Until they took a break for the bathroom. Y/n is stretching. Grabbing some water and some painkillers. Headache. She found her dad looking at the map.

"So long but not long enough huh dad?" They both know what she is really talking about. Her phone buzzed in her pocket. Taking it out shows a message. She smiles when she sees that it's from Steve saying that he got home ok.

Y/n is going over an email from the pit boss and jerks when she hears her phone go off.

"Y/n speaking."
"Y/n this is Tony. I gotta ask. How big did you say this place was?"
"Two bed three bath three acre. Why do you ask." She's a little worried at the moment.

"Are you at your computer?"
"Yes. Tony, I'm begining to get worried. What's this about?"

"I'm sending you a link to video chat. You need to see this."
"See you in a few."

Y/n was thankful that her dad was off. Apartment stuff. She winced when she hears rain hitting a tarp or something.

"Are you on site?"
"Yeah. I need you to confirm the address for me y/n." Which she does.

"I did some looking into the property and it is bigger then you though. GPR shows that the cabin is only a sliver as to what the true size of it is. From what I'm seeing y/n, this is massive."
"Can you send me an arial shot?"
"Yeah hang on." Tony looks down real quick and types something in and a screen pops up next to the video. Y/n can see a birds eye view from it.

"Sweet mother. That's big."
"What do you want us to do miss l/n?" The foreman comes over and she can see that he is drenched.

"Get out of the weather first. No use getting sick."
She watches as they move. Into the on site trailer.

"What all has been completed?"

"Not much. We have been surveying the area. Checking the bones of the building. That's why we asked Mister Stark if GPR could be used here."

"Any idea how deep this goes?"
"Outside of the foundation the walls are eight foot high." Y/n settles back. Thinking. That is a lot of dirt.

"For now mark the area off and continue on with the main area. Send me a picture when you're ready. Areal view if you can. Please."
"Will do." A video call request from Steve pops up.

"I'm not trying to be rude..."
"Got ya. Talk to you later y/n."

She clicks off and clicks on the video request. Both of them have wide smiles.

"I can call back if you're busy."
"It's fine Steve. Just going over a few things. It's all good."
"House stuff?"
"In a way. How's our favorite neighborhood artist doing?" Steve chuckles at that.

"I'm doing good."
"Steve." He sighs not wanting to admit it. But the soulbond let her call him out on it.

"I have good days and bad ones. Lately it seems like all I've been dealing with is nightmares." He is honestly ashamed to admit it.

"When did these first start?" He looks up. Feeling her worry and concern. Even through the screen.

"Earlier this week."
"If you feel like I can handle it tell me." Steve shakes his head.

"No. I won't. I can't."
"Ok." He is honestly surprised that she isn't pushing. "I would still like for you to keep track of them. I do that myself."
"You do?"

"Yeah. Dreams have a way of telling us things. The same could be said for nightmares." Steve gives her a gentle smile.

"How's things in the village?"
"Same old. My old high school got front page of the local paper. Honestly I can see why..."

They talk for a few hours. Y/n introduces him to her pup. Steve smiled at that. Glad that she isn't alone.

Kevin finds her at the dinning room table looking over some photos. A familiar look on her face. One he knows that he has on the occasion.

"What's with that look bug?"
"I may have to move sooner then expected. At the very least get up there to survey the area." She turns the computer so he has a chance to look at it.

"The yellow is the land boarder. The white is the true size of the house." Kevin gives a low whistle.

"That is huge."
"Yeah. The last owners left everything behind." Y/n turns her computer back around. Bringing up a word document. "I have a list of things that are going to need to be replaced. But right now I'm debating on what I want to do. Expand it or let it be."

Kevin goes and grabs his mug and comes back. Pulling a chair over to look at the list. Sipping his soda and looking at things.

"What does the basement look like?"
"Dunno. They haven't gone down yet. Thinking what I am pops? A few freezers for winter storage?"

"Yes." Kevin nods as he speaks. "Maybe have dry storage as well. Or if posable an indoor garden for all year around?" They share looks.

"Maybe. The winters do get nasty in that area. Given how far away from town it is I would be snowed in for most if not all of the winter. It would give me something to do but it would need its own power as well."
"Give it a thought." Just then a message request pops up. It's from Tony.

"Hey. Everything going well?"
"Yeah. The place is gutted and it looks like the interior walls need to be redone. But that's not why I called. You remember the geothermal conversation we had?"

"Use it in tandem with a reactor? Yeah."
"Well...." in typical dramatic Tony fashion he draws things out. "If you're ok with it we could test out that theory."
"Let me go up and see things for myself. We may need permits for expansion." Tony nods.

"Let me know when you decide to come up then." Y/n sees the uneasy look on his face.

"Tony, are you ok?"
"You didn't see this when you bought it did you?"
"I've seen pictures of it but that's it. Why?"
"Honestly the place gives me the creeps. Some of the men working say that they see things in the forest. Hear wolves or at least a wolf at times."

"Everyone safe?"
"Yeah. It's a dawn to dusk kinda thing."
"That's all y/n. From here anyway."
"Ok. I'll stay in touch."

The screen closes and Kevin looks over to her. Sipping his soda.

"You're going to go up. Aren't you bug?" Y/n leans back with a nod.

"Yeah. I think so dad. Get the house ready and go from there. Chances are that I'm going to have limited contact for the first year. Getting things ready and all."

"Y/n," She looks over to her father. He never calls her by her first name when addressing her. It's always a nickname. So she knows that this is serious. "If it gets close to winter and you're still not moved in I want you to come back. Or at the very minimum without a space to live in. Ok? Can you promise your old man that?"

"Yeah dad. I can. I promise."

She knows that her dad is watching her as she packs up a few boxes. Mostly clothing and blankets. She has no idea what to expect from this. None what so ever.

She paused. Everything sinking in. She was leaving home for the final time. Her dad can sense her thoughts and goes over to her and gives her a hug.

"It's a big step."
"I know."
"I don't know if I'm ready for this dad. I'm scared."
"I know. It's ok to be scared. This is a big step."

They pull away. Kevin has pride in his eyes. Which makes y/n relax just a bit more.

"Have you sent Steve an email?"
"I did. Told him that I would be busy. That I would email him as much as I could. But I hope that things would get going quickly."

Kevin helps her take the boxes down to her car. The sun had long since set. The moon very much new. Fitting if one was to ask.

"Be safe bug."
"I will dad." They hug one last time. Kevin stands in the yard and watches his daughter leave. One last time.

Hi Steve,

Chances are that I'm going to be out of reach when you read this. Tony and the crew came up with some issues with the cabin. I did let him know that I would be coming up for it.

My dad knows as well. Made me promise that if I find myself up there when winter threatens to hit that I will make my way back down. But in all honesty chances are high that I'll be up there regardless.
With that being said I'm not going to be able to talk much. The cabin is not at all what I expected. Not in the slightest. So for now email will be the better way to talk. I'll try to check things twice a week. But things might slip through the cracks. If they do permit me to apologize before that happens.

I hope that the new school year is going to treat you well. That your students are more than willing to learn from you. Honestly I have nothing but respect from you teaching your life. That the younger generations give you the respect that you deserve. That they take away lessons that are needed.

Until next time.

Steve reads the email and smiles. Sipping his tea. So, y/n was a bit of a wild child. Makes sense. She always had this energy about her.
He clicks reply and starts typing out a message for her.

Chapter Text

Part of me part two.

Dear, y/n,

I hope this past year has been good for you. That you are well established in your home. That all is well.
Chances are that it will take me time to respond to your reply.
I am no longer teaching. Things are going to be interesting. I still volunteer at the studio. I still draw though not as much as before. My hands aren't as steady as before.

-your star.

Steve hit send when Kevin messaged him that he was five minuets away.


Years of being in SHIELD has honed Steve's senses. He may be much older then most but that didn't mean that he let those skills relapse.

"Do you have a gun?" Steve speaks before he has a chance to stop himself. Kevin looks at him before he reaches behind the seat and pulls out a revolver. Checking it before handing it to Steve who checks it himself.

"What's going on?"
"A hunch. Stay here." Steve leaves and checks the door. Scratches on the dead bolt. Someone picked the lock. Steve is instantly in agent mode. Checking the rooms one by one. He is growing more and more worried the longer he is in the house and not finding y/n. Not feeling her either. He even checks the closets. He pushes the door to the basement open and pauses.

Down at the bottom of the steps is a wolf. Steve is a little confused at the sight of the snarling beast. But as he takes a step forward the wolf took one back till Steve had enough room to stand. Slowly lowering the gun. The wolf sniffs the air a little as Steve stands still. The wolf takes Steve's pant leg in his teeth softly and gave a light tug.

"Ok. Where are you taking me?" He fallows the wolf over to where...

"Y/n, angel, what happened?" Steve is on his knees instantly. She is curled up into a ball a blade locked in her hand. Slowly he takes her in. Shaking, messy hair. Refusal to look at him. Dried blood on her arm. He slowly reaches over to touch her arm.

Steve's heart nearly breaks at the jerk at the initial touch. She moves back before she has a second to realize who it is.

"It's Steve sweetie. It's your soulmate." Slowly she raises her head to look at him. Slowly she reaches out to touch his face. He gives her a smile. "That's it sweetie. It's ok now."

"This is real?"
"Yes." It's then that she sees the blood on her arms. The shaking starts up again. Steve moves to her side as she begins to dry heave. Not good. Steve moves close enough to her to rub her back.

"He kept coming." Her voice is faint. Shaking hard. "He came in through the door. I had seconds before Fang and I realized what was going on." Y/n closed her eyes and pressed herself into Steve's chest. Gripping his shirt in her blood covered fist.

"He just moved! His eyes. He..." Steve pulls her closer to his chest. Hoping to soothe her. He has never felt such fear come from her before. He just lets her cry it out.

"Can you stand for me sweetie?" Steve is soft asking. Feeling her shake her head in his chest.

"He had a red start on his uniform. That's all I saw before the power cut." Steve knows what that means. Hydra. A worry for later. Right now he had to focus on y/n. The wolf gave a small whine near them.
Without a second thought Steve picks her up and takes her upstairs. Where Kevin is waiting for them.

"Kevin I need you to stay with her while I get some water to clean her up with. I don't think the blood is hers." Kevin nods as he looks at how frail his daughter looks at the moment. He sits next to her. Pulling her into a sideways hug. She's shaking still.

The wolf comes over and sniffs at him for a second. Before laying his head on the couch near y/n and whines.

"Bug, what's with the wolf?"
"I was walking the grounds when I wanted a break from the house. Saw him caught in a snare trap. Got him loose and he adopted me. He responds to both Fang and fluff. He may be small but I've seen him take down a caribou. Meats in the fridge." Kevin looks down at the wolf. Who whimpers nosing his daughter's hand.

Steve comes over and kneels down before her. Rag and a bowl of water in hand. Holding out a hand he softly cleans the blood off her arm. Both father and soulmate feeling more at ease seeing her unmarked skin below.

When y/n wakes up, not knowing when she passed out, it was dark. A fire going and it smelled like stew was going. Fang was by the fire on his back warming his balls. Y/n gives a small chuckle at that.

"How do you feel sweetheart?"
"Better. A lot better. Sorry for using you as a pillow." She moves slowly. Her entire body hurting.

"It's ok Y/n. I'm your soulmate. It's fine."
"I'm twenty two. I should be able to live on my own."
"You were attacked bug. Even with the pup it's still a scary thing to go through." Kevin comes over. Hands her a can of soda.

"I tested your blood sugar. You were hypoglycemic. When was the last time you ate?"
"Honestly dad, I couldn't tell you. Fang went out to hunt?"
"Yeah. He did. Brought back the rabbit." Y/n chuckles.

"He does that. Don't think he likes getting fur between his teeth." She is very highly amused at that. Looking at the pup.

"Thanks guys. For taking care of me. I really appreciate it."
"It's what we are here for sweetie." Y/ns stomach growls hard. Making the two men chuckle.


"I don't like the fact that she was attacked."
"Same. If it wasn't for Fang protecting her who knows what would have happened." Kevin agrees with Steve. They are talking with drinks after sending y/n off to get cleaned up and head to bed.

Both of them dummy up when she comes back down wrapped in a thick blanket. Steve moves a pillow onto his lap and she makes her way over to the couch and lays down on it. Sighing as she feels Steve settle his arm over her.

Her eyes land on the shrine she has set up for Bucky. Steve's eyes fallowed.

"I miss him too."
"Tell me about him, please?"

"Of course. He had my back. I would end up getting into trouble a lot when we were younger." As Steve talked he could feel how at ease she became. Slowly moving his fingers over her scalp. Lulling her to sleep. Secretly wondering why he couldn't feel her earlier.

Y/n woke up feeling better only to see them already having coffee going. She shakes her head and makes herself a small cup. Fang is in the yard doing his rounds.

"Pancakes anyone?"
"Sure bug." Kevin goes over to her and gives her a hug. Steve can feel her melt into it.

"I got some home made preserves in the fridge too. And maple syrup. Got a small cluster of them not too far away."
"How did you manage to do all this in a year sweetie?"

"Part of that is Tony. He..." y/n pauses. Getting a look on her face. The thought had her thinking. Tony set up the security for the area. She should have gotten a warning.

"Then how...." she goes over to the table in the living room and hits a button on the table. A keyboard made from light shows up and she is typing so fast they can't keep track. Light shines down from the celling and shows the security feed from the past few weeks.

"Tony did security for the place. The guy who broke in should have showed up. But he isn't."
"I'll talk to Tony when I get back to New York Y/n."
"Thanks." Y/n swipes her hand over the keyboard and the entire thing vanishes.

"Breakfast. Don't think I'm not going to take advantage of you two being here." They both smile at that.

Fang is chewing on a bone as they work bringing in wood.

"Thought you said it was a two bed one bath bug?"
"It was until I got the blueprints from city hall. Originally it was massive. Ten bedroom six bath. A freaking ball room." Y/n shakes her head. "Massive didn't even cover it. So they asked me what I wanted to do. That's enough Steve."

They have the last load in.

"So I told them to just focus on the main part of the house. Tony suggested a green house and a close loop light system." Kevin chuckles. Steve can feel how excited she is.

"I think you would be proud dad. Come on!"

Kevin has a tear in his eye. It's beautiful. A vertical garden as opposed to one on the ground. A few horizontal beds. But a very wide variety of plants.

"No rhubarb, no Jerusalem artichokes." Kevin chuckles at that. Pulling her into a hug.

"As I said it's a closed loop. So on the off chance that the main house loses power this won't."
"That's good."
"I also have a few more extra bedrooms as well. I should have taken you two over earlier. Sorry about that."

"We may be guests bug but your our top priority."

She melts.

"Bathroom is through the other door Steve." She leads him to the room he would be staying in.
"Dad you're in here." Kevin enters the other bedroom. It's quant. Homey.

"I'm still working on a few things."
"This is good bug. You made quite the home for yourself."
"With that being said, how do the locals take to you?"

"Honestly they just ignored me for the most part. Until I went to city hall for the blueprint. The clerk asked what I was going to do with this place. She nearly choked on her own spit when I told her I was going to live here. Evidently the property is haunted."

"That's what she said. Evidently back in World War Two they would do human experimentations here if word is to be believed. But I don't believe it."
"Makes sense. You always were sensitive to that kind of thing." Kevin speaks slightly under his breath.

"I really do owe Tony though. He was the one who told me about it. The house being bigger than what it was." Y/n was going to keep the fact that part of the basement was closed off from them.

"That day that you told me that you had to come up. You weren't planning on staying where you?"
"No. I wasn't. Something came up and Tony wanted me to see things for myself. He's the one who met me at the dinner."

"You planing on expanding at all?"
"Easily. I have a nice little library, den, office area set up. About four bedrooms as well. The guys doing it were kind enough to keep the original quote despite everything."

"Where you hands on with it?"
"When I could be. Mostly I helped with installing pipe and running cables. Interior stuff." She shrugged and they head back out to the rest of the house.

"You take after your old man in that bug."
"Who do you think I learned it from dad?"

Steve has a new appreciation for her.

"Didn't think you were this kind of hands on sweetheart." That got her to chuckle a little.

"There is a lot that you don't know about me Steve."

Fang yawns and stretches. Giving himself a shake as he heads over to the main bedroom. He sees y/n curled up in a ball. A quick sniff tells him that she was crying.
Hopping up on the bed he gives her cheek a quick lick. Before curling up against her.

"Thanks Fang." She buries her face in his fur. Giving him a one arm hug.

"I miss him."

The next day she takes them to town. Giving them the grand tour. Picking a few things up as well.

"So what would I have to do to convince you to let your old man hunt in the forest?"
"Not a chance dad. I'll sponsor you if you want to come up but not in my forest. Fang is different because he knows the area and we share."

The trio are at the towns dinner. She's sitting next to Steve and her dad is sitting across from them. Y/n has water and everyone else has coffee.

"If I'm honest dad, I haven't gone that far in myself. Maybe a a few yards but not the deepest part of it."
"Why not bug?"

"You're going to call me nuts but the forest doesn't trust me just yet." Marlene comes over with a smile.

"Hey Y/n. Ditched your boyfriend huh?" Steve snorts coffee out of his nose. Kevin blinks a few times and y/n turns red.

"Tony ain't my boyfriend. Not when I'm loyal to my soulmate."
"I see, brought your dad and grandfather out to visit? The woman gives the men warm smiles. "Don't worry, we treat her as one of our own."

"Good to know." Kevin is mentally losing it. Watching Y/n and Steve. Y/n coughs.

"Marlene, this is my dad." She points over to Kevin whom nods. "This is my soulmate. Steve Rogers."

The dinner goes silent. Marlene goes red. Blinking a few times. Everyone knows who Steve Rogers is. How couldn't they. Everyone grew up with stories about him. About the founding of SHIELD. About what Hydra had done to his soulmate.

"I'm sorry sir, please forgive me. You too y/n. I didn't mean anything by it."
"It's fine. It's the age gap. I get it." She takes a certain tone with Marlene. Moving her gaze down to the place mat before her.

"Your normal y/n?"
"Just fries."
"And for you gents?"
They all order and Steve pulls her in close.

"You ok?"
"No but it's nothing that anyone can help with."
"It's the age gap, isn't it?" Steve is soft with her. She nods. Fiddling with the water glass before her.

"Hey bug, what's up with the wolf?" Kevin knows his daughter. She would be internalizing things a little bit.

"You mean Fang? Oh, found him in a snare trap the one day and he let me rescue him. He kept hanging around watching construction as it goes. Put a bowl of water out for him. Kept the wild life away while we worked. Little by slow he would stay close.
When the house was done and I was working on the back deck he would stay close. When winter hit I offered him a warm house to live in. Beyond that it was easy."

Marlene came with everyone's food and y/n was picking at the fries. Not really hungry at the moment. But she does make sure that her dad and Steve both enjoy their food.


Steve pulls y/n with him for a small walk around the property.

"Does it bother you? The fact that we can't have a full relationship?" Y/n breaks the silence. Looking over to him.

"What bothers me the most is that you will be forced to live without either of us. Y/n," Steve pauses and so does she. Y/n is looking at his shoes at the moment. "What happened?"

What happened? Gods above and below she had hoped that the question wouldn't be asked.

"Are you asking as my soulmate or as a SHIELD agent?" There is a difference. And she needed to know.
"Y/n, I need you to tell me what happened." Agent then.

"I was finishing up some chores around the house when the door was forced open. I didn't know what was going on for a bit. It was just the one. At first. I had a knife on me and fought back. Shallow cuts. He dragged me out by my shirt. Fang came my rescue. But he wasn't the only one.
I have no idea where he came from but this man got involved. I couldn't see much but light reflected off his left arm in an odd way. The man got my attacker off of me. That's when I scrambled. Fang was right behind me. I ran down to the basement. That was it until you found me."

Her words unnerved Steve. Someone else was with them. He didn't know if this person was friend or foe.

"The blood on your arm?"
"I stabbed him in the shoulder."
"What can you tell me about the second man?" Y/n shoves her hands in her pockets and tilts her head down. Closing her eyes so she could clearly remember.

"Tall, messy dark hair. Weird left arm. His nose and mouth were covered in something dark." Y/n frowns. Letting her eyes crack open for a second. Looking around the ground.

It takes Steve a moment to realize that she was shaking. Odd.

"I think the second man killed the first. I scrambled when I had the chance to. I think I heard the sound of a knife unsheathing. But I'm not entirely sure." Steve looks her over. Y/n has a full body tremble now. Pulling her hands from her pockets she begins to rub her arms in a way to self sooth. But it did little to help her.
Y/n lets the memory of that night run through her. Sure that the strength in her legs would leave her shortly. The first man recognized the second. That much was clear. But it made no sense to her. Why would they send one to kill her and another to save her?

Steve's hand on her arm jerks her from her thoughts. He had been calling for her for the past few minuets. With no response from her at all.

"Y/n, angel, are you ok? I've been trying to get your attention for the last little bit."
"Memory, I think I'll be ok as long as I have Fang." She offers him a smile. Steve searches her face seeing that her smile doesn't meet her eyes. Yet he relents and gives a small nod. Glad that he has his phone recording in his pocket.

Y/n waved them off. The visit at an end and she sent some maple syrup off with them. Even a few for Tony. As a way of thanks. The weather was picking up. Meaning that it was time to do the seasonal gathering. Snake skins, antlers. Nuts and things.

Y/n had found herself thankful for the forest and its care of her.

"Ready for this Fang?" Y/n has her boots on. Looking down at Fang. Who looks up with a happy puppy look and tail going a million miles an hour. As they enter the forest Fang shakes out his fur. Happy to go gathering with her.

The man is up a tree. Silent as he watches her. He has cameras set up high in the trees. Keeping an eye on her and the wolf that adopted her. He isn't sure how long he had been observing her. How long he had been exposed to the elements. But after his replacement had fucked things up his rest had been interrupted.

He noted the change in her. She went from scared and shaking nearly back to, what he sees, as normal. The other wolves helped her out. Taking direction from her wolf.
The man is resting on his perch. Eyes closed but ears open. He feels calm. Peace even. Yet he knows that the order will come.

It's some time after and y/n has a bunch of shed antlers sterilizing in the shed. Y/n is comfortable on the couch in the living-room. The den and library was further in and many of the bedrooms were set up. The couches all were pull out beds on the off chance.

Fang is relaxing. Gnawing on a bone as he does. Keeping warm by the fire. Y/n had splurged on a giant bed for the pup. As a way to thank him for protecting her. Fang absolutely mauled her with puppy kisses.
Y/n gave Fang a look. He has come a long way from the wild wolf that was caught in the snare. He looked so much better now than what he did back then. But Fang wasn't the only one that was on her mind.

Y/n was thinking about Bucky. Something she's been doing a lot lately. Steve being around had her wondering how things would have been if she was born sooner.
Part of her wondered how things would be better.

Fang whining caught her attention. Looking down she smiles at him.

"Come on up Fang. I don't think I'm going to be sleeping today." Fang does and he lays his head on her lap. Closing his eyes as she pets him.

Tony looks over to Steve. Looking concerned.

"Your sure?"
"Yes. You weren't there Tony. You didn't see her. It wasn't her blood but she had some on her. Fang, the wolf staying with her, let me near her but was on guard the entire time. She was attacked. If something ever happens to her I can never forgive myself." Tony is a little concerned. But nods. Understanding the need to protect your soulmate.

Tony kept feeling off that something happened to y/n under his watch. He had the main level of the house under surveillance. The property line as well. When he left he knew that there were no holes in security. Jarvis was connected to both the house and the tower. The AI should have said something about her home getting broken into.
But there was nothing.

"Tony, you ok?" He turns to see Natasha and Clint entering.

"No." He turns as he speaks. "There's a flaw or something. Caps girl got attacked and it was only by sheer luck that he and her father were going up to visit her. If not she may have died." Natasha and Clint both share looks and make there way closer to Tony.

"What are you thinking?"

Natasha and Clint packed up a bag and made their way off. Thinking about what Tony had said.

"Do you think that she's going to be ok?"
"Hard to say Natasha. This is his soulmate after all. He did lose Bucky a bit over a year ago." The engine turns over. Backing out of the spot they head north.

The man gets the message from base. The order to end the woman. The order to kill her. Part of him didn't understand why he needed to kill her. Or why it had to be him. But he was given the order. If he wanted to keep his limbs in tact he had to fallow through.

Slipping from tree to tree he makes his way over to the house. It is mostly the same after the last time he was over. The one office window was open so he easily slips in through that.
The house is mostly quiet. Not much going on in that level. If anything. The only real trouble would be the wolf.

His handler had equipped him with a dart to knock the wolf out. So at the end of the day the wolf wouldn't be an issue.
Given the time the woman would be working in the kitchen. Finishing up her few dishes. The wolf would be laying before the stove getting warm. Enjoying things.

Once he darts the wolf things move rapidly.

He has his hands wrapped around her neck. Eyes locked. After a year plus of watching her he had been given the kill order. He was told to watch her life fade from her eyes. She's clawing at his wrists as he leans forward. Slowly the light begins to fade. He can feel her gasp...

Something felt horribly wrong. Why was his own chest tightening? In the few moments of distraction he isn't aware of the target removing his mask. But he does jerk when he feels her hand on his face.

He is gone before her hand reaches the floor.

Clint and Nat get to the house and sees the door open. Clint pushed the door open and they see both y/n and Fang laying on the floor. Nat goes over to y/n as Clint calls it in. Nat can see her breathing shallowly. Her heart is beating.

"Hey, can you hear me?" Natasha is trying to get her to speak. Y/n groans. A pain filled whimper her answer. Eyes falling open.

"My name is Natasha. I'm with SHIELD."
"Hydra." Y/n croaks out. Nat is still. "Something...went wrong. He..."
"Don't talk. Your neck is bruised hard. Just try to breathe." Just then Clint came over.

"Agents and an ambulance are both on their way. So is Tony and Steve.

"Red." Y/n struggled to get a full breath. "Cap. Tell him red."
"We will."


Steve couldn't, wouldn't believe y/ns words. Not until he had a chance to see her soulmark for himself.

Tony looks over to Steve. Even in his old age Tony could still see the old cap within.

"What's the plan now?"
"Call Fury. Tell him I'm giving him the green light."
"No way in hell. That was before we knew about y/n. It has a fifty percent chance of failure. Are you trying to get her to take a dive?"

"This isn't the first time Hydra targeted her Tony. I can't protect her. Not like this." Steve looks at his old, wrinkled covered hand. A hand that was no longer steady. A hand that couldn't handle the shield anymore.

"Or do you want an incident like what happened to your parents to happen again?" It was a very low blow and both know it.

"You tell her. Or I will. And you know that I won't hold back. You have been keeping this secret for years. She should be the first to know."
"Fine. I will tell her."
"Before it happens. Just so she is prepared should the worst should happen. I want to hear you tell her before I make the call." Steve can see the look in Tony's eyes very clearly.

His mind is confused. Flashes of memories fill him. Memories of the things that he's done. Memories that don't belong to him but feel right at the same time. Training. The war. This short stack. His first kill. Being put in cryo. The sound of a woman screaming. The target. The target.


Warmth on his left shoulder.

This cozy, comforting warmth on his left shoulder.

What remained of his left shoulder.

His head is pounding. Radiating to his eyes and lower. He needed to cool off. The air could help. Not realizing that he stripped his top off without a second thought. The metal of his arm in the dull sunlight. He had to get back to base. He needed to contact his handler.

He needed to know that the target survived. That she was ok. That....

He falls to his knees. Hands pressing hard into his skull. He felt so much pain. His entire body hurt. This was a much worst pain then losing his arm. Getting the prosthetic installed. The pain felt much worse at, what remained, of his left shoulder. The pain overwhelmed his mind and he fell to the ground. Landing in leaves, dirt and god knows what.

Steve can see her shake. Y/n is under a twenty four hour observation at the hospital. She has this look on her face. Her right hand is over her soulmark. True to form it's red and blue.

A color that only solidified his choice.

"Steve, you had your time."
"I was hoping that you of all people would understand. The risks if I don't."
"What about the risks if you do? What about that? We know virtually nothing about soulbonds. There are factors that haven't been taken into account. But, I will not talk you out of it. You have made up your mind. I will not talk you out of it." Steve had heard this tone once before. When she had to do something hard.

When Steve told her, she was already planing. The entire thing had an even split if it would work or not. She would be planing for the worse.
Steve placed his hand on her clenched fist. Hoping to sooth her in some way.

"It will work." At that moment...Steve was trying to convince himself.

A nose to his ear sniffing brings him out of whatever rest his body forced him into. He groans as he moves. A tongue to his face makes his eyes open. He, oddly isn't alarmed at the wolf looking down at him.

His head is slow to stop hurting. But he stays down. The wolf moves around him and lays down pinning him to the ground. The wolf laying his head on his good shoulder. As he is about to pass out once again a name, spoken by several different people flows through his mind.

James Bucky Barnes.

Chapter Text

Part of me chapter 2.5

Y/n is slow to move around. Her neck kept hurting every once in a while. Fang kept by her side more often than not. Ears down and a whimper in his throat.

"I will be fine Fang. No worries." She gave her wolf a half smile. One that they both know doesn't meet her eyes. Sighing she looks into her mug shivering.

It's still fall. But quickly heading towards winter. The already cold nights becoming even colder with the setting sun. Even though she is in the house bundled to the nines she felt so, so cold.

Fang has a rough idea of what's going on with her. The man in the forest was connected to her. He isn't too sure how. But even he with his limited mystic energy could tell the connection.
Fang places his paw on her leg. Pawing at her wanting to get her attention. When he sees her look at him he backs away and sits.

Y/n regards him for a moment. Before standing. Fang stands as well and goes over to her hiking bag. Every once in a while a hiker would get lost on her land. Most of the time they would be steered back towards the path.
Fang would always make sure that she is safe while dealing with them. Pointing her towards her bag any time it happened.

"Ok Fang. Let's go see who's lost this time."

Once she is ready Fang leads the way. Staying on the path. Y/n notices a few of the others fallowing her.

She stops short when she sees the figure on the ground. Another wolf and a lion are around him. Y/n looks down to Fang as the wolf moves forward. Settling himself on the man as well.
Y/n knows just by the uniform who it is. Her heart is pounding in her chest. Overwrought with fear she takes a small step back. Only to bump into a chest behind her. Spindly fingers go to her upper arms. Holding her in place. She couldn't stop shaking even if she tried.

Words more ancient then time its self is felt more then heard. Yet for y/n they bring no comfort. She stands frozen looking at the figure on the ground.
The figure behind her moves its right hand off her arm and moves to cover her eyes. Which fall shut.

When the figure releases her from the trance it inflicted she feels a bit better. She wasn't going to let him die. She couldn't with good conscience. Even if the man did try to kill her before.
She dropped her bag at a tree not too far away from them. Going over to Fang she ruffles the wolf's fur giving him a nod. Fang nods as well. Moving off the man.

Fang grows to his normal size. Making the other wolf and the lion move away. Fang settles over the man again as y/n moves closer to them. Unease wracking her body as she does so. Hoping that she wouldn't wake him. But she needed to know.
Yes, y/n has seen photos of both of them when they were younger. When they first joined the military. Back when the war didn't weigh on them as heavily. The uniform told her that he was on the wrong side. Yet...

The sleeping face told her otherwise. The calm and peace.

She needs to see for herself. Souls never lie. Nor do their marks. Spinning a small spell y/n looks at his mark real quick.

Skin and white.

Y/n pulls back as he shifts. Frowning in his sleep for a moment.

"Y/n.... give me...." His words are mumbled. His face scrunches. "Em sorry."

Y/n falls backwards trying to move away from him. Thinking that he was waking up. Heart pounding in her ears. Breathing hard waiting for him to fully wake up.
Slowly the sun begins to set. Y/n keeps still and her eyes on... well, she isn't entirely sure who he is exactly.

He sleeps still. Y/n is slow to move. But she does stand and watch as Fang goes over to the center of the small clearing. Together the pair makes it a camp site. Fire pit in the middle, some rudimentary shelter. Y/n goes to her bag and brings over a thermal blanket.

She tries not to touch him. At least directly. Her heart and soul are at odds with one another. Her heart was numb. But her soul, that screamed for her to go back, to turn around and curl up next to him.

~Her hand slips around his thumb. A soft burn starts at her soulmark. Her eyes, she's sure though she can't see it happen, go wide as they meet Buckys. From under his mask he gives a small, frail smile.
She feels her, no, his heart in her chest. Not aware of the tears running down her face.

'No. This...this can't be real...please.'

She blinks and she's at home. Shirt off looking at her soulmark. Blue and black. Not like a bruise. But a bruise with a deeper meaning. She pokes at it. It's light at first. Then she does it harder. Before she begins scratching at it. Scratching which turns into clawing at the mark.
Although she's looking at her reflection she can't see the tears running down her face.

Then her eyes land on her father's razor. The kind that has desposeable razor. The kind that has a removable blade.~

James gasps as he sits up. That dream, no, that nightmare. It felt way too real to him. He isn't sure how long it takes but he does calm.
Looking up when he sees the wind blow. Pausing when he sees the blanket on him. Letting his body move on its own he brings it up to his nose and breathes it in.

It smells clean. Warm even. Pulling it away James gives it a thought. How can something smell warm? When he brings it up to his nose a second time he takes a slower breath. Letting the scent swirl in his nose as he moves to try to identify each of them.

Herbs. Cloves. Nutmeg. Rosemary, thyme and pepper.
Flowers. Rose and lavender. Very distinctly female.

Yet there is something more under all those scents. Something harsh.

James had to turn to cough. He realizes the scent. Cigarettes. It was so engrained into the scent of the blanket.
Yet part of him knows the scent of this brand. Jack menthol light 100.

James shakes his head at that. How did he know this? It made no sense. Yet the scent brings with it a sense of protection. A tenderness to it. Sorrow.
When he lowers the blanket he notices that he's under a large tree. The branches in such a way the they protected him from the rain and water with the trunks protecting him from the wind and wild.

The area before him is clear. With what looks like a fire pit not too far away from him.
James's body protests his moving. Yet he has to keep going. Once he starts moving he slowly works the kinks out. Looking around the area. Noting a wolf coming towards him with a...

James eyes go wide as the wolf brings over a massive trout. Pausing as the wolf goes over to a stone slab and places the fish on it. Before walking away. Sitting down as if to watch what the man would do. Watching the man as he looks around. Fang knows that she didn't leave much for him. Planning on helping him out as much as he can.

James feels a little twitchy being under observation with the wolf. But he does give him a nod of thanks. Gathering some tinder and kindling soon he has a fire going. Thanking whoever set his gear up that he was able to use his lighter to start it.

The deep chill in his body soon goes away once the fire is roaring. Closing his eyes as he feels the heat warm him. Only to realize that he still had to contend with the fish. One that was roasting over the fire is short order.

He sits still as a memory runs though him. He's with...


James isn't sure how he knows the name. But he does. He remembers the name. He remembers nights curled up next to one another out in the forest. Throwing fish guts at the blond.
He finds himself smiling at that. Punk never could stand seeing guts.

He offers some fish to the wolf. But he just shakes his head. Just going near the fire and rolling on his back.
James has to raise a brow at the wolf as he points his butt towards the fire.
James ate slow. Enjoying the warmth of both fire and food. His stomach greatly enjoyed the warmth of both.

As he ate he thought back to when the last time he had a hot meal like this. To his shame he couldn't. Not really. Everything was...mush.
James stops and looks at the fire and the wolf. The wolf is greatly relaxed. Not a care in the world. As if...
As if James was worthy of not being a threat.

That leads him to another thought. His handlers gave him a time frame to get the job done. To kill the woman...

No. This wasn't a random target. This was specific. He has the feeling....

He stops. The woman from his nightmare. The woman he was sent to exterminate. In his minds eye he can see them overlapping. Becoming the same person. No. They were already the same person.

Bringing his blade out suddenly he gives it a quick polish against his boot top and rips his top off so he can get a look at his soulmark.

It's white.

Half filled in true. But it is white.

James lowered the blade and puts a hand to his face. Unaware of tears falling down his face. Thinking back to the mission.
He had her neck in his grip. He had her where he needed her. But something wouldn't let him keep going. Some cosmic force prevented him from killing her. Something stopped him from completing the mission. Now he has his answer. She was meant for him.

Hydra had sent him to kill his soulmate.

Chapter Text

PoM p2.9

Y/n looks out standing at the back deck. Tea in hand. She didn't sleep at all last night. Due to his eclipsing emotions. The sudden changes. The panic. The pain.
Sighing she looks down. Fang was with him. For what it's worth. But at the same time she couldn't trust that she was going to be ok.

Thinking back to that first week back at her dad's when she was talking to Tony about the house. Thinking back to when her father caught her clawing at the mark on her shoulder a few times. Steve never said anything about it. So he didn't feel it. Right?

Y/n sighed and finished up her tea. Moving over to where she had some things set up.

Mostly a bag with some supplies. A sleeping bag rolled up attached to the bottom. Some journals and pens. A knife and some dried soups and things. A water bottle with a small spell on it. It would refill once the cap was closed. Always full. A small hand held ax to help with tinder and things. A small hand written notebook with tips on how to live in the woods. A sticky note to explain a few things.

Y/n went out and got a bag just for him. Hoping that it was ok.

Sighing she went back inside. Once cleaning her cup she settled down in the den. She was going to check up on him real quick. Just to ease her mind. Taking a few deep breaths she focused on Fang. He was with him. Close too.

Faintly she could hear a small fire going. Barnes seemed to be ok. Through Fangs ears any way.

She snaps back and has to cover her ears. Giving off a small whimper. After a few minuets her hearing was fine. Back to normal.
Leaning back she sighs. She has a lot to learn still. Looking up she wondered if her dad would still love her if she told him that the old family stories were true. Bringing her head down she wondered if Steve would be ok with a literal witch as his soulmate.

~ Bucky moves his piece with a smile.

"To be honest y/n I would be hard press not to believe in Magic. Given what Stevie and I went through. They didn't call 'Red Skull' that for no reason."
"Your kidding? His face was a literal red skull?" Bucky nods. A gleam in his eye. He knows that she isn't aware of the look in her eyes changing. Going from dull to a brilliant sparkle. ~

Y/n steps onto the ground. Everything sort of stops for her. Her gaze more focused on the forest. Fang makes his way over to her. Pawing at her leg.

"I know. I have supplies set up for him. I wanted him to be asleep first before I went to him. In the mean time keep protecting him. He hasn't found himself yet." Y/n feels a little strange saying the last few words. Fuzzy, as if she is and isn't in her own body.
Y/n shakes her head and blinks a few times. Finding herself looking up. Leaning on Fangs full size. The massive wolf keeps calm and lets her do what is needed. His ears are down in worry.

"Thanks Fang. I'm ok. I think." Y/n still doesn't understand what happened. But she only had this mystical side of herself unlocked for a year at this point. She was a baby for the most part when it comes to it.

Little by slow she makes her way over to Barnes. She is rather uncomfortable being near him at the moment. Yet she does put the pack near him. She keeps silent as she moves.

At the edge of the clearing she pauses. Sighing she looks down.

Damn it." Turning she goes over to him. Surprised to see that his shirt is ripped. His shoulder showing his soulmark. She is silent as she watches him for a moment.

Fang is watching them and he snorts. Standing he head butts her to make her move closer. Ignoring her glare at him. Instead Fang head butts her again. Y/n turns with a small growl in her throat. Fang snorts again.

Y/n moves closer to Barnes and her fingers gloss over his skin. She smoothes the rip over and the fibers reconnect.

~ They slam him into the slap. Strapping him down. He failed his mission. He refused to complete the mission.

"Soldier, report. Why was the mission not completed?"
"The target was pregnant." That surprises his handlers. The people in the room. A few of them leave and the one debriefing the soldier asks a few more questions.

"How far along is she?"
"At visual not that far along. But somewhere in the late second trimester. According to the doctors she has been seeing."
"Do you have proof?"
"Yes. I have record of everything." One of the handlers comes over.

"He speaks the truth." His handler moves to hand over the file. The debriefer looks through the file. He sighs and heads on off.

"Keep him locked. I'll be back."

He isnt too sure what is going on. The man comes back after several hours. His face is flat but the soldier can see regret in his face.

"Do it. Put the line in." A mask settles over his face. His right arm receives a needle conected to an IV. He is scared. He can't fight back. It isn't in his conditioning.

"It is...regrettable that this first punishment is this extreme." The debriefer is standing directly before him as his body gets weaken. Heavy as if he was about to be put back in a tube. But by the way the man talking to him is speaking he is not looking forward to this.

"Let me explain what happened and what will happen. Yes, the information was good. A boon to the organization. Give Stark more of a reason to conform to us. However you went against orders. The first time ever. The punishment is extreme so that way you learn a lesson and do not repeat the same mistake." They strap him down further and he is tilted back.

"Your left arm will be amputated and replaced. They will go slow and you will be aware of what is happening. Whenever you black out they will stop and wait for you to regain consciousness before they continue on."~

Y/n woke up screaming. Clutching her shoulder. She could still feel...

Fang looks up and sees her scramble from the bed trying to hit the bathroom. However she ends up falling to the ground and vomits. At that Fang is up and moves over to her. Moving close he takes a few deep sniffs. Fear. A very big amount. She is shaking hard. Tears running down her face.

So much pain. It had taken them hours maybe a day or so to do everything. The removal, putting the brackets in. Everything.

Her phone goes off making them both jump. Fang looks at her. At her nod Fang brings over her phone. Answering it and putting it on speaker.

"Are you ok angel?"
"No. I..." she swallows harshly. Fang going off for a moment. "I had a nasty nightmare. Ended waking up screaming." Steve worried at the tone of her voice. Even with his enhanced hearing he was having a hard time hearing her.

"Did it make you sick?"
"Yeah. It did. I got a mess to clean up in the morning."
"Is Fang with you?"
"I'll be ok Steve." She swallows harshly again. "I'm a big girl. Can tie my sandals and everything." Despite the joke she was cracking she still felt horrid. Fang reenters the room holding a familiar flask in his muzzle.

"Thanks Fang." He gives a small howl. Steve smiles when he hears it.

"Y/n, will you tell me about it?" Y/n takes a swig from the flask. Her entire body humming briefly as her throat, heart and stomach settle.

"Yeah. One minuet." Y/n looks at the vile puddle of bile and takes a deep breath. Her right hand became covered in mist and the puddle slowly vanished. Y/n gives a small smile at that.

"I was with Hydra." Steve is sitting up straighter in bed. Alarmed at the words she had spoken. "I was part of them. I failed a mission and while I had gotten good Intel I refused to carry on the mission. They..." y/n takes a harsh swallow again. Looking at the flask in her hand. The top is open and she takes another swig from it.

"They wanted the lesson to stick. So they replaced my arm. My left one. If that wasn't bad enough I felt everything." Steve desperately wanted to hold her. Oh, he had no illusions that she knew what Hydra was like. History classes and all. But she should t be having those kinds of dreams.

"I wish I could hug you Angel. Be there for you." Steve feels a sting on his right wrist.

Y/n looks over to Fang who has her arm in his teeth. Pulling it gently to her side so she stopped scratching at her soulmark.

"I know. I appreciate it Steve. But honestly it's better they your not. The winters are dangerous."
"I know."

Y/n makes sure to step on a twig. The light staff she made as a prop was very much useful. The light kept dying earlier and earlier. Snow would be coming in short form. Winter was upon them and she wouldn't leave him without proper protection.

James's head snaps to the direction of the broken twig. Standing drawing his gun. Only to see this figure coming closer. A light on the end of their staff.
Yet as the figure comes closer he can clearly see that it is a female. A small hint of amusement run fleeting through him.

"Who..." James can clearly see her. The way the hood is on her it hides the upper part of her face. But even in the dying firelight, even with her light, he can see how pale her skin is. He can see the dark blue of her lips.
His gun lowers on its own. He is honestly scared. He had heard his handlers talk about a pale woman with lips of deep blue. That she would come at a time where life was faint.

To lead him to hell.

"Who are you?" He stutters out. She smirks. He sees his wolf friend come into view. Wondering if he had accidentally marked himself by accepting gifts from the wolf.

"Are you death?" His voice echos in the still forest.

She turns a little.

"We are at winters door. You will not survive out here. If not for the weather, those that call this forest home will come for you. For while during the warmer weather they may not lash out at mortals. Winter is one of their most sacred times." Y/n kept her voice soft and light.

"Your soulmate will suffer if you don't come with me."

Soulmate. He lets his gun fall fully. Pointed towards the ground. In his left hand. With his right he placed it over his soulmark. Focusing on the tether to the one who has part of his soul. He feels amusement. Unease.

He moves to get his journals and the sleeping bag. Both items fit in the bag that he has with him. If this was to be his death then so be it.
Taking a deep breath he goes over to her. Ready to accept his end.

Together they walk. He has a sort of familiar sensation of walking this path. But instead of going towards it it's away from it.

"You will be safe here. Work through whatever turmoil you have without worry." Y/n is soft in her tone. Welcoming. James looks over to her as they reach the house. The flood lights turning on.

"The winter will trap us inside. Snow up to two feet. You will have your own room and I am well stocked for a small army to survive on what I have packed away for three years." She lowers her hood.

"Y/n...." James stops short when he sees her face. She both has and has not changed that much since he saw her last. When...

"Yeah, I have and I haven't changed. Come on. It's time we got you somewhere safe." He fallows her inside. Where he sees the wolf go over to the bed by the fire and rolls over onto his back. Relaxed with his butt towards the fire.

"Would you like some tea or coffee?"
"Coffee please."

"Up the steps second door to the right on the right wall is a room I have set up for you. Go get yourself comfy."
She sends him up while she brews coffee. Double checking to make sure that she had enough sweetener.

James fallows her directions second door on the right to the right. He paused his hand on the door knob. He wasn't sure what he was expecting.
With a deep breath he turns the handle and enters.

The room is homey. Soft. Safe. He takes a slow and deep breath. Putting the bag on the floor by the door. He begins to explore a bit.

Y/n has dinner almost done when he comes back down. She made lasagna with ground caribou. Home made noodles and sauce.

"It smells good." He is soft spoken. Feeling much better once he got cleaned up. His hair is fluffy and he was able to shave off the fuzz on his face. The shower did wonders for him.
So did the clothing as well. Something soft on his skin. As opposed to the rough fabric of his uniform. Some spots were still sensitive to the touch. But he could deal.

"Thanks. Home made lasagna. Made it earlier and just had to throw it in the oven. Hope that's ok. Figure you would want something a bit more...substantial."

"James." He looks her in the eyes for some reason when she hands him his plate and a mug. Yet he doesn't see anything out of place in her eyes.

"Ok. Once we are done I'll give you a small tour of the place." A loud, inhuman snarl comes from outside. Making both of them flinch. Seconds after they hear human screams and gun fire.

James sees her take a few steps away raising her right arm and sees it become covered in white mist. Her eyes bleed color. For some reason he feels a bit better. Watching as she settles again.

"That should do it I think."
"What did you do?" He is soft as he leans on the kitchen island and takes a bite. The flavors nearly overwhelm him.

"Activated the houses built in protection spell. Anyone associated with Hydra will be fed to the forest."
"They can't...." He looks up. Unaware of the tears running down his face. Heart clenching. Breathing shallow. It couldn't be that easy could it?

Y/n sees how much of a mess he is. The tears and shaking. She has no clue what he is thinking. Not really and that is one thing that she might not want to think about.
Instead she offers him her left hand. She's not looking at him in the face. But looking at her hand. Waiting for him to respond.

James places his right hand in hers. They feel warmth on their soulmarks again. A soft smile on her face.

"I'm selfish. People think that I'm not. But I am. I want to keep my soulmates safe. Protect them the best I can." There is more that she can't say.

"I know that I'm a stranger. But I ask you to believe me when I say that you are safe here." His eyes are locked on her as she talks. Somehow knowing that she is not lying.

Chapter Text

Part of me part three.

She let him be mostly. Letting him work things out the best he can. Made sure that he took care of himself. Work through things the best he can. Be it journaling or walking around the house.
James can feel how conflicted she is with him. He couldn't tell her that her touch calms the storm of his mind. That being near her calmed his heart. That, even though they are locked inside the house for the winter season he was thankful for her care of him. That he has no idea why she trusted him.

He stands at the fence for the back deck looking out over the yard. There are several prints coming up to the house but stopping before they reach the steps. Sipping some coffee while snow fell anew. Being the start of December he has a few more months left to calm himself without worry. He goes inside once done and heads over to y/n.

"Y/n?" His voice is soft as he knocks on the door frame. She looks over with a nod. Fang snoozing away from his spot by the fire place. On his back, balls out to roast. James comes over. Nervous and they both can feel it.

"I want to say sorry. For that night."
"Wasn't the first time."
"So when she said she should have ended things that's what she was referring to?" Y/n stopped working on her book. Heart pounding in her chest.

"How do you know that?" She's struggling to keep her emotion from her voice.
"Memory. woke me up. That night. Your hand on my cheek. After you took my mask off." Y/n turns to look at him. Giving him her full attention.

"I don't understand why but when my brain gets fuzzy like th...the way it was before your touch seems to stop it." Y/n remains quiet. Looking at him. Slowly she stands and makes her way over to him. Sitting on the edge of the table before him.

"Are you having trouble right now?" He nods. "Give me your hand then." He looks up at her. She has a hand outstretched. Moving slowly he lets his hand rest in hers.

Bucky feels instant relief. A deep sigh coming from his mouth. With a small smile as well.

"Thanks doll." Closed eyes jolt open as the word slips his mouth.

"How frequent are these episodes?" Y/n choses to ignore this slip of his tongue and focus on his health.

"Pretty frequent if I'm honest. I didn't want to push you since you're letting me stay with you. And I did try to kill you." That she fully understands.

"Alright. Here is what I'm going to suggest. A scientific approach. Before you panic at the idea it would be just keeping track of timing. Ok?" She is trying to stay calm for him. He nods. Agreeing.

They continue on. Setting up times and what not. Bucky wanted to see how bad until he relapsed fully but y/n vetoed that hard. They come up with several ideas. Thirty minuets to an hour of uninterrupted hand holding time every three days. James nearly cried at that. He wanted to hug her for that. But he wasn't going to push it.

Little by slow they learn about what is going on with him. He is relaxing more and can feel the fog every so often. The fog surprises him at time. It doesn't push to take control. Almost like it's aware...


James is outside shoveling snow off the deck a bit. He didn't need to but he wanted to. Just on the off chance they needed to fully leave.
Behind him the door opens and he sees Fang fly from the house landing a few good yards away from the house. The only part of him able to be seen is a mound of snow as Fang moves around beneath. He finds himself chuckling. Shaking his head before he continues.

"Thanks." Y/n goes over to him with some coffee. Having watched him throw a little bit of sweetener in it but otherwise leaving it black. "I don't mind the snow but I do mind shoveling."
"Valid. I'm surprised that you don't go anywhere during the winter."

His right hand warms up, even though he has gloves on, once he has it wrapped around the mug.

"The town is open. But the snow can seriously build up."
"Don't you have a job?" Y/n chuckles. A small smile on her lips.

"Not exactly. I make enough during the off seasons. But I've been thinking about doing the farmers market in the spring and summer."
"You didn't answer my question."

"I'm a writer. One of my books hit it big. That's how I'm able to afford the house."
"How is it being powered?"
"I met Tony Stark through a mutual friend of ours. He helped out a lot. Go warm up."

Y/n shoes James off to the den. Knowing that he minds the cold a bit more then she did.

James is in the library journaling something is playing in the yard. He's been hearing everything every so often. Trying to ignore the sounds. However his head was beginning to hurt. It wasn't fogging over in any regards. Stopping he moves to rub his forehead.

The sound of a small chime startles him. Looking over to the door as Y/n moved closer.

"Headache?" Her voice is low. Standing near the door.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." He sees her hold out her hand with a small pill bottle on it. The bottle and her hand both get covered in white mist and land on the table before James. His eyes are wide as they settle.

"High powered pain killers. They should work if I did everything right." Her voice is soft. He just turns to look at her.

"How did you do that?"
"Sorry. I'm still getting use to things..."

"Don't stop for my sake. It's fascinating." He sees her blush. Looking down.

"Have you told your dad?" He is going off of his old memory. Remembering seeing her dad with her.

"No. Not yet. There was some rumors about both sides of the family. But I don't think that anyone really took them seriously."

"What all can you do?" Bucky is excited. She can feel it. Y/n warms at it.

"I'm still learning. But it's mostly crystals and meditation stuff. I do tact on some herbology every once in a while. But dad kinda taught me that." As she is talking Bucky takes a few tablets. Letting his eyes close but still listening to her.

"That isn't everything is it. But you're still working on it."
"Yeah. Sometimes I get help. It..." Y/n pauses unsure if she has the ok to continue on.

"It feels weird?"
"Yeah. It feels very weird."
"Kind of like Frodo finding the one ring?" He feels shock through his bond, cracking open an eye to look at her.

"I remember reading it years ago."
"The hobbit or lord of the rings?"
"Both. It was a nice distraction." She smiles and goes over to one of the shelves and pulls a book out.

"Here, I've gotten away from reading a bit. It's a bit different from what I like. But I have the entire set." She hands him the Hobbit book. His eyes light up. It's an old copy. He takes it and opens it up.

First edition...
Hand written forward...
B.B. in the bottom right hand corner...


"Where did you get this?" Y/n is a little worried at the tone he takes. It sounds surprised yet shocked as well.

"A friend of mine. In New York. Why?" James stands and goes over to her. Pulling her into a hug. Y/n is still confused. But does, tentatively, returns the hug.

"Thank you," James didn't know if it was him or Bucky that was thanking her. But either way, things were getting better.

He thought he would be nice and make dinner for them both. After putting a plate of chopped meat for Fang. The wolf chopped down hard.

"What are you? You don't seem normal." Fang takes a bite and takes a step back. Growing in size for a moment before he shrinks back down. That was enough for him.

Soon warm smells waft through the house. Making y/n wonder what was up. Looking over at the time she realizes how late it had gotten. She presses a hand to her stomach. It roars to life. Reminding her that she was still human for the moment.

They met at the steps. Him going up. Her coming down. Eyes locked. Her looking down while he looks up. Much like the olde tales.

"Perfect timing. I was coming to grab you. It's late and I thought I would take care of doing dinner tonight since you seemed to be busy."

"The garden is amazing."

James sees her take a deep breath as they head to the kitchen. She takes her spot at the bar top counter. Steak with potatoes and roasted veggies.

"I hope you're ok with medium." It occurred to him that he should have asked her about it.

"You're fine. Medium or rare. One of the two is always good."
"I made sure that Fang ate too."
"Thanks. Sorry about that. Got caught up."

"Doing what?"
"'s stupid." Y/n's face is red. Stabbing a few veggies with her fork. Taking a bite as James leans on the counter. "But I want to write down my guide for surviving the end of the world."

"How far have you gotten?" James looks up.

"Not exactly far. Just doing shelters for right now. City vs country. It may be icky but one of those big dumpsters could be a good place to lay low in."

James had to agree. Using them as cover every once in a while.

"Makes sense. Only issue would be weather and vermin."
"Tarps. Plus if you're on the road you can use semis. Both the cap and the trailers. They are easy to unlock. Not to mention easy to live in."

"A lot of them would have things in them. Be it useful or not depends on what's inside it."

They continue on. Going back and forth. Y/n cleaned up since he cooked. She washed, he dried and put away.

"Shit." Bucky gripped the one plate a little hard with his left hand and it broke. The pieces break further as the larger pieces land.

"Your hand!" Y/n looks at him wide eyed as he moves his hand.

"It's ok. I think."
"Ok. Stay still. I'll try to get as much of the porcelain away from you as I can." Y/n grabs the broom and flinches as she uses the broom to clean off James socked feet.

"You're fine." Once his feet are clear he hops away. Landing clear in the other room.

"Do you have any way to make sure that your hand doesn't have anything g wrong with it? No chips in it or anything?" Y/n cleans up.

"It's fine. Nothing can get through the cracks. It's...been tested." James takes a tone. Y/n finishes up. Dummying up at his words.

"It's been a bit. Do you need any supplies? Journals, that kind of thing." James turns his head slowly. Looking at her. He can't quite understand why she just chose to ignore it.

"Why aren't you asking more questions? Why are you not terrified of me?" James is so very confused. Raising his voice a little bit. Part of him wants her to tell him.

Help him understand who he is.

"Have you looked at your soulmark?" Her voice is soft. Making sure that all the broken pieces are picked up.

"Yeah. Why?" Y/n has her back to him so she can't see the confusion in his face. He has seen it several times. White and uncolored.

Ancient mother give her strength.

Taking a deep breath she turns and moves her shirt so he can see her mark.

James eyes go wide. Blue and a deep, deep red. More like a black with a hint of red. Scars all around it.

"In one day it went from skin, to color, to black. In less than five minuets." That was all she said. Letting her shirt go back to normal. Finishing up what she was doing in silence.

"Don't apologize. You had nothing to do with it."

Chapter Text

PoM p3.5

Steve's nose flares as he is once again bared access. Saying that he needed Director Fury's ok for the experiment. For the transfer. He has gone over the details over and over. Gone through the simulations over and over. Everything would work. Will work!

Except for one thing: y/n.

When they designed this they didn't know about her. Now, because they did they wanted to hold off. To fully explore every avenue for this.
Steve is heading to the gym. He is currently residing at the tower. Where they can keep an eye on him and make sure that he doesn't do anything stupid.

Tony was in his lab with Bruce, Reed and doctor Johnson. Going over the latest data they had gotten. The latest simulation gave them some interesting data.

Steve needed all four of them to be on board with the transfer. It would take years before the four of them approve of the transfer.
The man may leave the army, the man may retire. But the skills that a man picks up will never truly leave him. The trickery, the deception. Steve may be late in life. But his mind is still as sharp as ever.

So he had a plan.

This entire process started back in September. Now mid February Steve was going nuts with concern. She had been attacked mid October. The month after brought snow that didn't retreat. That wouldn't retreat. Not until March.

"I have a question for you. You have no need to answer it if you don't want to. You have the choice. Ok?"
"Ok. What's your question?"
"Since you are...getting memories of your past life back, can you also feel others emotions?" She is keeping her voice level and flat. But feeling curious.

"A little." She nods as he hands her another plate to put away.
"I need to go to town tomorrow. Fang has a vet visit and I need to pick up some things. I may take most of the day. Try to spend the day relaxing. Ok James?" She looks over to him. He looks over to her and nods.

"There is a profile on the computer set up for you. No password however. You can go on it if you want. I also have a bunch of movies on the computer as well."
"You want me to stay inside the house don't you?"
"I don't want you going too far from the house at the moment. We are still trying to figure things out. You should have a safe spot to do so in." This time he doesn't hold back. He does hug her. Keeping his strength in the back of his mind as he does so.

"Thank you. I still don't understand why you're doing this for me. But thank you." She hugs him back. They both know that he realized the truth months ago.

She melts into the hug.

Something settles within James. Settle deep. He feels a bit of warmth on what remains of his left shoulder. It's not as bad as it was before. He is feeling...

"I feel you. Your emotions. You're at peace right now. Aren't you? But also conflicted?" He pulls back to look at her.

"My dad was the last one who gave me a hug like this. I may or may not have enjoyed it a little too much." Her eyes are darting around and her face turns a little bit pink. James laughs and has the overwhelming want to kiss her. But he holds back.
"And I am conflicted. You may need more help then what I can give you in the future. Trying to figure out what ultimately happened. Help you come to grips with what happened."

"I'm a clone." He has been thinking the words for a while. But fuck did he feel better saying them out loud.

"Your body may be a clone but this." She reaches up and cups his cheek. "This is all you. Be it James, or Bucky or whatever you want me to call you. This is uniquely you."

"How can you...." James trails off. Not knowing how to continue.

"I haven't lived that long. I'm only in my early to mid twenties."
"What kind of help?"
"Protection mostly. Mental help." She doesn't say the words that she wants to.

"Your left arm is pretty scuffed up. Want me to pick up some polish for it while I'm out?" He had taken some sand paper to it to get that damn star off.
"You don't have to."
"I think my sword ax is due for a polishing as well." He smiles at that.

That thing is one of your favorite purchases isn't it?" He was gifted a laugh at that.

Fang lays his head on her lap. They are still at the vets office. In her truck in the parking lot. Looking up at her he gives her a whine.

"I feel like I'm betraying him. But if they sent him after me then it means that Hydra isn't as gone as everyone thinks." She looks over. Fang licks her arm a little bit. Agreeing.

"I'm sorry. I hope that you will forgive me."

She hits the number. Holding it to her ear.

"Tony. It's y/n. Who is SHIELDS Second in command and how much does the head trust them? No. I can't ask Steve. I know that you don't know me that well but I am asking you to trust me."


Everyone goes wide eyed as Tony full on freezes. Looking over to Nick.

"Give us two days. I think it's best that we talk face. See you then." All eyes are on Tony. He ends the call and packs up.

"You know how you wanted to talk to her? You have the perfect opportunity to do so."
"When do we leave?" Nick just so happened to be there and look after the data that was discovered. The five of them all agreed that y/n should be at the tower so they can keep an eye on her while they do this.

"Tomorrow. Give us a chance to get up there and scout a little bit before meeting up with y/n."
"Good. Think her house is going to be ok while she's gone?" Nick and Tony talk while they walk down the hall.

"It's state of the art security..." Tony paused. Frowning. Turning onto his heels he makes his way back to the lab. Nick is confused and returns with Tony. Who can be seen tapping away at a holoscreen.

"Someone messed with the security system." Tony has his eyes locked onto the one screen with another screen next to it.

"Is it looping?"
"Yeah. Looks like it. How did I not notice it before?" Tony frowns.

"We ought to bring it up to her when we meet up. Any idea when this loop started?"
"No. But let me..." Tony trails off and looks at the screen. "That can't be right..."

"What is it Tony?"
"The system got screwed up almost as soon as it was installed."

Y/n knocks on the door of James room. He is on the bed with some tea and a book. A small, soft smile on his face.

"James?" He looks up. "Would you like to come to town with me? Get use to being out?" He is stunned and she can feel it.

"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Figure we could use today as a test day. See how you feel about being out in the population. Fang and I will be by your side most of the time. However there are two people that want to meet up with me. Who I may or may not have slipped that I had someone at home." She scratches the back of her head. Looking a bit ashamed.

"Plus we can get you some clothes that fit as well." James smiles.


It takes him a little bit to adjust. The jacket around him felt more protective than he expected. James almost felt, dare he say it, normal.

Rather what he thinks normal feels like.

Fang kept close to him. James couldn't believe how the wolf stayed close to them. Even without the chain maile leash. They had run around for a few hours and James had picked up some clothes that fit. Feeling better as time heads on.

"You going to be ok meeting up with them?" Y/n has been vague with who they were meeting. But James gave a nod.

"Yeah. I think so."

They meet at a park and y/n leads him over to a spot. The moment they step through the veil of illusion James felt scared.

"It's ok. They won't hurt you. Fang won't let them." Fang had growled at a few bimbos who tried to feel up on James while Y/n was taking care of a few things. James gave a nod. Swallowing hard.

"What's with the arm?" First words out of Tony's mouth.

"Punishment for not completing a mission."
"What mission was that?" Y/n reached over and took James hand. Silently telling him it's ok.

"Howard Stark owed Hydra money and if he didn't pay up his wife was the target. Only thing was she was carrying at the time. Refused to do it. December sixteenth was completed. Under threat of bodily harm. Severe bodily harm...." Tony and Nick kept asking questions and James kept answering them. Looking at the table as he does so. Y/n kept silent the entire time. Trying not to get sick over his words. She dreamed... No. She lived through the memory. Squeezing his hand every so often. Letting him know that she was there for him.

Nick takes a deep breath and sits back as much as he could. Y/n pulled her hand from James. Feeling a bit off. Crossing her arms on the table top and resting her head on them.

"That is a lot of information."
"Your not mad?"
"I owe you my life. That is a debt that I can't even begin to start to repay." Tony states. "But I can try by helping to keep you protected. And maybe make a new arm for you if you want."

"Let me think about it. I scratched the mark on it off when my mind first cleared."
"Yet from what you said you still have issues. Right?" James nods. He can hear Tony thinking.

"Shit. I think I have a posable solution but we can't do anything about it now."
"Your thinking the same thing I am aren't you Tony?"
"Same." James looks over to y/n. Her eyes are closed and her breathing is labored.

"Y/n, are you ok?" Nick asks. Eye going wide as James moves her from the bench and lays her out.

"What's wrong?"
"She passed out. Breathing is..." James can feel his heart beat painfully slow in his chest. He doesn't speak. He just moved. Tony gets on his knees next to him. A hard look on his face.

"Nick. Didn't we say to hold off on phase two until we got back?"
"We did."
"If Steve survives this I'm going to personally kill him and bring him back." Tony doesn't elaborate. Instead he pulls his phone out and calls an ambulance.

"James. I need you to pick her up and fallow me. We need to get her outside of the veil. I will stay with her. You head back to Nick. I'll stay with her." James does as asked. Laying her out with a heavy heart before stepping back. Fang paws at his leg and whimpers as they watch things unfold.

"What did Tony mean by that?"
"Hydra wasn't the only one working with clones." James sunk to his knees and held Fang to him. Feeling a sharp pain in his chest.

A single tear running down his face.

It takes Steve a few moments to fully wake up. He isn't use to his body just yet. But good god did everything seem to be so much sharper. So much clearer. He felt like he was back in his prime.

"Do you want the good news or the bad news?" He looks over to several pissed off faces.

"It worked but Tony is going to burry your ass." Nick spoke. Rage filling his voice.

"Y/n was affected. She is currently in a medicated coma." At Nicks words Steve tries to move. Only things are being delayed.

"Tony and I were with her when she stopped breathing. If it wasn't for Tony she would have fully died."
"Why?" God his voice sounded rough.

"A rather prominent Hydra agent blew the whistle on the organization. She took them in and got them to talk to us. Fang was ok with them hanging around. Given what just happened I would go as far to say that they care for her more than you do." Nick smirked. Oh he was going to enjoy this.

"Y/n will be lucky if she wakes up. Her heart stopped several times before they put her under. That's part of the reason why Tony and I agreed to meet up with her. We wanted her in New York on the off chance something happened. Something like this. We were going to put her under before phase two happened. So that way she wasn't in any kind of pain." Nick gets a sour look on his face. "Did she even cross your mind before you lied aund jumped into phase two?"

"Yes. From you and that self sacrifice kink you seem to have." Nick takes a deep breath. Closing his eye trying to calm himself.

"Enjoy the down time that you can. Because we are going to put you through hell once you're able to run."

James went over to see her. The hospital knew him when word got around in the little community. He sees that she just has a mask on. The tube out.

"You doing ok?"
"Yeah. I'm ok. You?" He nods as he sits at her side. Both of them reaching out for the other.

"I...I didn't know what was going on. I was scared that I couldn't feel anything from you. Scared that..." Tears start to fall from his eyes. Using his left sleeve to brush them away.

"When...Bucky died before. Was that what you felt?" He is soft spoken. Not wanting others to hear him.
"It was worse. For him there was no coming back. I didn't know until that moment." James is shocked and horrified at her words. "We had five minuets before he passed. Maybe not even that." She sighed heavily. Tears welling in her eyes. The memory of that day weighing her down.

"He wasn't the only one I knew who died that day either. My mom was in the room a few doors down. Cancer got to her and in all honesty I came to accept her dead the week prior. But my grandparents expected that my father was going to put finical strain on the family to keep her alive. So they didn't bother to come to the hospital that second time. Not for a week. That was the day that broke me."

"I looked up his life." Bucky is looking down at the floor and his shoes. "I'm not him."

"I know. Your as broken if not more then I am. You and I are survivors. He was a fighter." James looks up at her. Seeing something in her eyes.

"I've killed people. You haven't."
"What is worse in the eye of society? Killing yourself or killing others? Had I been any weaker we would never have met."

James thinks about her words. Realizing which time she was truly talking about. Before raising the hand he held in his to his lips for a soft kiss. Both of them could feel their hearts swell from the gesture. Something in their relationship changed.

"I saw Fang take down a moose yesterday..." the pair keeps talking. Until one of the nurses comes in to check everything.

"Let me know if you need to be picked up once you're ok to come home."
"I will. No worries." Y/n lays back and breathes. Feeling strangely happy. An odd smile on her face as he heads out for the day.

Steve is slower than he wants to be. He needs to get into peek condition and fast. Phase three was going too slow for him. He should be stronger. Faster than this!

"You need to slow down Cap. Your going to burnout your body quicker then you can say say shit." Tony remarks. The techs came and got him after Steve punched a hole in the metal wall.

Tony also noticed the black half a star on his left side. Thinking about what James had said maybe y/n and him both were keys to getting Steve's head out of his ass.

"Not until I'm back at a thousand. Hydra is still around. I made several promises that nothing will bring them back. That Hydra will be eradicated." Something about Steve's words rubbed Tony the wrong way. Yeah. Maybe they should.

"Pack a bag Steve. You and I are going for a drive."

Chapter Text

Part of me 4

James held y/n to him. She was sleeping on his chest. His hand in her hair. She felt weak at times and hated it. But what could she do? Fang came over and laid his head near him. Giving a small whine.

"I know. I'm worried too fluff." Fang licks his hand. James chuckles and pets the wolf.

"You ok?"
"Worried. But ok."
"What about?"

"The future. We have both lived through each other dying once before. I'm not sure how, but I remember. The moments leading up to it and after." She moves. Sitting up.

"Yeah. There are a few moments of brain activity after. The only thing on my mind was you. Asking for forgiveness. For putting you through this. That." James scowls at his phasing.

"Once is natural. Twice sucks. But with the way the world is..."
"You think four times will break me hard."
"It will. You care a lot for those that hold your soul. You cared, care for us. Seeing you like that makes me scared for you seeing us like that. Either of us. Punk included."

"James, you said that I woke you up. What did you mean by that?"
"What I said. You woke me up."

"How though?"
"Maybe your soul woke mine up. That's the only thing that I can think."

Everything is uneasy for a bit. Until they hear tires on the gravel. Y/n and Fang both stand and go to the door. Blanket around her shoulders.

"Go hide. I don't know what to expect." James bolts. Y/n exits the cabin with the blanket on her shoulders. Fang exits and goes over to sniff at them.

Her heart is hammering in her chest. Seeing Steve the way he is now. Part of her heart hurts. Knowing that her Steve was gone. Looking down, judging from the way Fang jumped back and snarled, taking a defensive position. Fang agreed with her.

She took a step back. Feeling the hardwood door behind her. Eyes locked on Steve.

"Who are you?" Her voice is faint but Steve can hear her. Even over the growls.

"It's Steve. You know me y/n."
"Except that your not. If you were Fang wouldn't want to rip your head off." Y/n is shaking a bit. She's scared.

"You're not Steve."
"That's why we are here. Y/n we think that you can help." Tony quickly tries to defuse the situation.
"Help how?"
"I think you know." Just the thing that she and James were talking about before. If clones could have the same soul marks and soulmates as the original. Or if memory was truly stored in the soul vs the body.

"Fang, on me." Fang takes a few steps back. Letting y/n take several forward. She feels James emotion brush up against her. He is scared too. But does let her know that he is with her. She paused for a split second. James emotions were much stronger now.
Steve goes over to her and cups her face once they are within reach. A look in his eye that she can't quite put her finger on.

James watches from the window as his eyes go wide and she slaps Steve across the face. Feeling this burning rage directed to Steve. For a small moment he wondered how Steve managed to get that young. Be back at his peek. He tries to stay calm for y/n. Offer her emotional comfort as she backs away. Rubbing at her lips.

Tony is honestly shocked that Steve went ahead and kissed her. No hello or anything. He just kissed her. Honestly Tony wasn't too surprised with what happened. Her reaction. She could have done a lot worse.

"Tony, take the shit stain to the back. I'll be back out in a bit. I need to gargle bleach. Fang." The wolf looks over to her. "He tries to enter the house before I come back out don't hold back."

"What do you mean by that y/n?" Tony asks. Then the sound of bones cracking and shifting sounds out as Fang grows bigger. "Ah."

James makes his way to the bathroom where y/n was scrubbing her mouth bloody. Tears running down her face. The mind fog is back. But he ignored it in favor of going over to y/n. Pulling her into his arms. Letting her cry into the chest.

The Soldier takes a slow but deep breath. He is in control again. But how? He feels her emotions and hears her sobs. His arms around her in a protective manor.


That's what he was born to do. In a twisted way. Protect. From first training he was told that he could protect the world. But now with two parts of memories in him now he knows that Hydra was wrong. He could not protect THE world the way he was. But he could protect HIS world.

The soft woman who just started to live. The woman who took care of him in the forest before he asked her for help. A women who TRUSTS him despite him nearly killing her.
They both sink to the floor. The Soldier presses her head to his chest a little bit more and rests his chin on her head.

"He kissed me."
"I saw." His voice is light but different.
"It felt vile. Not how I thought it would be."
"Would you like for me to kiss you?" Yebar. Why did he just say that? He hears her laugh.

"Thank you for asking but no. I want to be natural. Not forced."
"I understand."
"Your the 'fog' he keeps talking about. Aren't you?" The Soldier is honestly surprised at that.

"I am. I...regret trying to harm you in the past."
"You're protecting me now. It's ok. Everyone who is suppose to care for me hurts me at some point in time." She sighs. Emotionally drained. "Fang can only do so much. Will you be by my side?"


Tony is watching Steve. Who frowns. Looking at the house.

"Tony is someone living with her?"
"Yeah. She took him in after finding him camping out in the woods. Turns out he knew things. Things that could change the world."

Y/n holds the door open as...

"Him. You hid him here!" Steve is angry. More so than he had any right to be.

"No y/n. He's an assassin. He killed Howard and Marie Stark! He's the Winter Soldier! He's Hydra!"
"I know!" First time they ever heard her raise her voice. "I know exactly who is he and who he isn't. Unlike you who has no idea of who he really is. And yes." Her voice takes on that frightening calm tone of her. "He has been staying with me. He has been making himself helpful. But on the flip side we haven't done much of anything other than cuddle.
What of you Steve? You just kissed me without warning."

"Don't change the subject. He can't be trusted. He's Hydras lap dog!"

The Soldier takes a step forward and moves y/n behind him. Enraged Steve turns to look at Tony.

"You can not be backing this up. You can not be trusting this."
"I am. I can. And I do. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be alive. Heard everything coming from his own mouth. The veil was a portable lie detector. At zero point at all did he lie." Tony talked calmly and evenly. Steve on the other hand isn't too happy about it.

"That makes sense. All of it now... it all makes sense." Tony is relieved that it didn't turn into a fight. "You all are working for Hydra. It makes sense now. The AI. SHIELD. All of it. And you Y/n. You were corrupted by them. That's the only thing that makes sense. Why you would help him of all people."

"Be careful. Please." Y/n gives the Soldiers hand a squeeze before letting go. Not that the man felt it. As Steve is rambling on like a mad man Tony bolts to the car to grab his emergency iron man suit. James had never referred to himself as the Winter Soldier.

Meaning something was wrong with Steve.

When Nat and Clint got to the house and out of the van, leaving the van on and running, they watched as Y/n wrapped a whip around Steve's neck. Jerking on it hard to get him from...
The pair share a look. Clearly they need to be caught up. But before Steve can turn and go after y/n Nat jabs him in the arm with a needle. Making him drop hard. Natasha checks him over he is ok but out cold. For how long no one really knows.

"Hey easy. Don't try to move. Just rest for a moment." Her voice is soft addressing him. James is on his back breathing hard.
"Punks learned to pack a punch." His voice sounds rough even to him. A grimace on his face.

"Easy James. Just breathe. Natasha, Tony's up a tree. Fang, go with Natasha to get him down." The pair nods and heads on out. Clint comes over.

"Names Clint. Don't think I introduced myself last time."
"I can help things but I need to know that you are ok."
"That wasn't Steve. I don't know who that was. But it wasn't Steve. Not the Steve that I knew. Not the Steve I cared about." Clint can hear how drained she feels. How broken.

"That's part of why we are here. Something went wrong. Nick is on his way."
"Any broken bones James?"
"No. I'm going to bruise though. Y/n I think I blanked out for a second. Are you hurt?" James gives her a worried look. Looking over her the best he can at the moment.

"You did. And I'm fine. He comforted me. Let me cling to him." While they are having their little moment no one notices Steve going to the car until they hear the van tires in the dirt.

"He's loose." James groans. Moving to sit up. His right shoulder throbbing like mad. Y/n helps him up.

"Your shoulder might be dislocated. At least that's what it feels like."
"This is going to hurt. Sorry."
"It's ok. Do what you need to." James bites his lip hard as he resets his shoulder. Y/n slips her shirt off and makes a sling for him.

"Come on, let's get you in and let's get Tony looked at." Clint helps James up. Nat has Tony and they all head inside. Both Nat and Clint see that the little area that was set up for Bucky is gone now. Herbs and crystals in its place. All of them wondering what was up with it.

"There we go. Settle back." She is making sure that James is ok before she goes over to Tony. She takes his helmet off of him.

"Jarvis, can you hear me?"
"And you are?"
"A friend. Tony needs out of his armor. He needs to be checked over for wounds. Would you?"
"Yes Miss y/n."

The team all watches as Tony's armor breaks apart.

"Thank you JARVIS. Natasha, Clint and I got it from here."

Soon enough both avengers see full body scans of the two men in a holo screen above the table.

"Ok. Nothing too bad internally. Thank Gaia. I wonder if I have enough..." y/n mutters. Moving off. Natasha and Clint can't keep track of what she is saying.

"Fang?" The wolf whimpers and sinks down. Y/n comes over to him. With a glass bottle with a cork stopper. "I know. I don't want to send you either. But I need to. You can sleep in the bed with me if you want to tonight when you get back. Ok?" Fang snorts but stands. But takes the bottle by the D-ring and trots out.

"What was that about?"
"If I told you, you would think I was nuts."
"We just saw a crazed clone of Cap run off. And a much younger version of a war hero nearly die. Try us." Tony croaks out. Y/n shakes her head.

"Give it twenty. Nick is almost here with...Falcon?" She looks over to Clint and Natasha. Who look at her surprised.

"In the mean time Clint want to help me in the kitchen? I wasn't expecting to entertain the whole of the Avengers. Plus I figure this conversation is better with a full stomach."

James really wanted to help y/n out. But his body hurt too much. So he and Tony both just kinda rested. However they did both jerk a little bit when the door flew open. Only to groan when they see who it is. Fang coming in behind them.

"Good the rest of the team is here." Tony groans. Going limp again. Fang comes back over and whines at James.

"I'm ok Fang. Just hurt."

"James, Tony." They both look up and see y/n holding a pair of shot glasses out to them. "Don't ask any questions." James doesn't hesitate. Tony shrugs and goes with the flow. Taking the glass.

"Natasha, Clint, you two have five seconds to move." Y/n calls out as the two take the shots.

"What was that?"
"Three, two..." before she could hit one Tony jumps and runs to the bathroom. James on the other hand just takes a slow deep breath.

"Nick, you Sam and Bruce head over to the dinning room. We can get this meeting started once Tony Stank is out of the bathroom."

"Doll, we've never met them. How do you know who they are?" He is feeling a lot better. Arm isn't hurting as much. Everyone but Tony is looking at her. She takes a deep breath.

It's funny what the right mix of genetics can do.

"My grand mother on my dad's side was a witch."
"With all due respect, that doesn't explain a thing." The one known as Sam states. Y/n holds her left hand up. The significance of which is not lost on the one on the couch.

It becomes covered in a white mist.

"I take that back. Sam Willson." He takes a step forward and holds his hand out to shake hers.
"Bruce Banner."
"Hulk isn't going to show up is he?"
"Shouldn't." Bruce introduces himself. Nodding.


Everyone is settling in nicely as y/n looks at the bottom of her cup of tea. The leaves are telling her more than she wants to know.

"My room is going to be on the other side of your room Natasha. So if you and Clint want to fuck it out do it in his room and keep Tony up. Not me." James and Sam both so that weird giggle snort. The other aforementioned pair just look at one another.

"I didn't say a word."
"I'm a witch. Some of these things you just know."

"Was that why you told Steve that he wasn't who he should be?" The room goes silent at Tony's words.
"In part. I may not have spent a lot of time with Steve before. But we did talk. Email mostly. Twice a week."
"Different from playing chess for a few hours on Sunday huh doll?"
"Yeah. Vastly. He came to my mom's funeral. Stopped me from having a record." She takes another deep breath. Swirling the tea in the bottom of her cup. "What happened Nick. And for the record you can't lie." She looks up at him from above her glasses.

"At the beginning SHIELD had spies in Hydra. Stealing their tech for us. I'm sorry Tony. But your dad was one of those spies. That's what gotten him killed."
"The man was a shit father. Then again I was a teen back then so part of that could be on me." Tony is surprised at the words that comes out of his mouth.

"No one at the table can lie can they."
"I'm not apologizing. Especially given the current situation. I need all the information before I decide if it's worth helping you lot out." James just takes a sip of his drink.

"The effects will be gone before dawn. No worries."

"When we got word of Hydras cloning program we began to panic. They were able to create human clones. Successfully create human clones. Originally they just wanted to clone Steve. But when Barnes adapted to the formula they wanted to clone him so they could do more testing." James gave a deep shake at that. He looks over to y/n who has a kind but worried look on her face. She is on his left side and they hold hands as habit.

"Not sure how but I remember that."
"This entire thing is a pain in the taint." Clint and Tony snort water out their nose. Sam is straight up laughing.

"We are keeping her right?"
"Where did you hear that from?" Natasha is a little red faced herself. James raised a few fingers from its sling.

"That would be me. From before."
"Do you have all of his memories?" Bruce, ever the scientist asks.
"Yeah. I have both sets. When the first set came flooding in I think I got knocked out for a few days...." James looks over to Nick. "If what happened to me is going to happen to Steve we need a way to track him."
"I got that. No worries. But as it stands we are getting off topic. Nick, you said that you guys stole Intel from Hydra?"

"We did more than that. We stole equipment. One of those was the clone of Steve they had." The sound of breaking glass made everyone look over to y/n. Her chest is heaving. Blood is coming from the wounds on her hand. The look that she gave Nick could freeze hell.

"The..." Nick swallows harshly. Suddenly nervous. Stealing a glance at James. He only shakes his head. "The person before me didn't want to waste the use of a perfectly good clone. So once the clone reached a certain age they were put into cryo. They were already in stasis. We didn't see anything wrong with it." Tony puts his hand to his head. Breathing deeply Bruce looks like he is about to be sick. Looking at y/n whom nods. Looking at Tony who also nods at Bruce's silent question.

"That's why it didn't work the way we thought it should. That's why he went nuts. Why he kept pushing himself beyond what his pervious levels were. Why he kept thinking that he wasn't where he should. His mind. And introducing y/n to the mix just screwed everything up." Tony banged his hands on the table standing. "Whose bright idea was it to falsify documents Nick!"

Screamed words sobered up the group. The table remains silent for a bit.


Y/n stands and whistles for Fang. The wolf goes over to her and they head to the basement. She comes back up with a small bag. She goes over to Nick.

"I would say sleep with one eye open. But I won't. All of you stay inside tonight. I don't want any nasty surprises."

"Y/n, one last question: what did you give to Tony and Bucky?"
"Phoenix tears. More specifically white Phoenix tears." Tony and Bucky are the only two not looking at her as she sets things up.

"Given what I've seen that's none too surprising."
"What have you seen?" The team is curious. Asking James.

"Nothing that will leave a man sane."

Chapter Text

Part of me 5

The next morning has y/n asleep curled around Fang. James is in his room and the others are all in the guest rooms. The entire perimeter is surrounded in Russian olive bushes. Making the cabin much like sleeping beauties castle. Only there would be no flowers. No time to slip though the hedges. Nothing. Only this time they were secure.

"Morning." Natasha is down first. James has a couple pots of coffee going. Figure everyone would need a cup. He waves. Looking over the feed for the night and the past day.

"How much gas was in the van when you got here?"
"Half a tank."

That is how everyone else finds them. Talking about what Steve's next move is. Sam and Clint are sipping coffee. Watching what's going on.

"We are screwed."
"Yeah. We are."

Fang comes down and Sam lets him out. Doing what it is that Fang does.

"What do we do now?"
Tony is back at his previous spot. Leaning back looking up.

"Right now nothing. There are bigger issues than just him being rouged." Y/n comes down looking like hell.

"Jarvis. Bring up the news." Everyone watches as a man that looks like James kills the king of Wakanda. James is instantly sick. Natasha and Sam jumping back. Out of the splash zone.

"This is going to be a nightmare."
"We know that he is innocent based on when all this went down. Nick I'm leaving everything up to you." Y/n is a bit dry at the moment. "Got anything you would like to add?"

"Get me a keyboard." Before anyone has a chance to say anything Jarvis pops up with a live video feed of the outside yard. Of a ship landing in the space. The timing couldn't be better. Or worse depending on who you're asking.

"Fuck!" Y/n yells out. Growling under her breath. Glaring at everyone. Who all looks at her.

"This is long beyond litigations Nick. Jarvis, grant Natasha and Clint access to the safe. I'll try to stop this from going any further." Y/n is not exactly dressed for a fight. But knows that this couldn't be stopped. James grabs her arm as she passes. They share a look. He lets her go.

"Who are you?" The man exits the ship. The morning is a bit cold and y/n is shivering.

"Where is he?"
"Who are you?"
"Where is he?"

From the corner of his eye T'Challa can see creatures along the edge of the forest. Most of them somewhat normal for the area. But a few of them

"Not saying a word until you identify yourself."
"So you're protecting a killer?"
"I'm protecting a victim." Y/n is slowly making her way over to him. She is nervous as hell.

"That man is no victim. He murdered my father!"

The team inside watches as y/n kept trying to defuse the situation. James is shaking.

"It wasn't me."
"We know." He wraps his arm around himself. Scared. No one knows what to do.

The man moves to step around y/n. Only to have her step in front of him. Frowning he does so again.

"Let me by."
"I order you to let me by." The mans words enrage y/n.

The man goes flying back a good several yards. Bouncing off his ship and landing behind it.
He is stunned. But once he rights himself he is enraged. This will not stand. Not at all.

Y/n was a little scared. She's never used her powers against anyone before. Never had the need.
But she did it for a good reason. She was protecting her home. Her soulmate. This man wasn't going to listen to reason. Not at all. So she had to fight.

The man grew angry. Fine. If she was going to be stupid and ruin her life defending a killer then he would treat her as such.
He would kill to get to his target.

He rushes her and the fight begins.

Everyone watches as the pair fought. No. It wasn't a fight. It was y/n getting wailed on and her trying not to get killed. Fang was a whimpering mess over by James. Who held onto the pup the best he could. Eyes closed. Lost in a memory.

*. "I think it's brave. What you went through." Her voice is light. They are playing chess. It's sunny and she is in a short sleeved shirt. Hoodie behind her. Bucky thinks she's beautiful. The way her lowlights are highlighted by the sun.

"I know how to hunt. But it's different being in a war isn't it."
"It is. Not something that I want to go through again if I can help it."

"Kill or be killed isn't it?"
"Yes. Then again I am use to the punk fighting a bit."
"Was it hard keeping up with him?"

"At times." They fall silent for a bit.

"I don't like fighting. Violence. If it's to defend someone I care about I guess I can make an exception."*

Bucky looks up. He can feel how scared she is. She is fighting. Well dodging most often then taking a few swings at the man. Using her magic to push him back away from her. She keeps out of the reach of his claws the best she can. No one can figure out what her end goal was.

"She hates fighting." The team looks over to him. He lets go of Fang and stands. Something swirls within him. He needed to stop this.

"She hates violence. Thinks war is a great loss of life is worthless. She hates the senseless loss of life." Bucky goes over to the door and his hand rests on the door knob.

"But she will protect those that she cares about. Even if she gets hurt."

Bucky opens the door. Frozen for a second and his eyes go wide as he sees the man kick y/n to the ground. As she moves to stand he swipes wildly at her. Getting her in her left side.

Bucky grabs the man's arm and pulls. Throwing the man off of y/n. He is on his knees moving her shirt to look at her wound. It's bleeding bad. Without a second thought Bucky takes his shirt off and moves to tie off the wound the best he can. Pressing into the wound hard to try to stem the blood flow.

The actions of the man that killed his father confused T'Challa.

"Why did you kill my father Winter Soldier?"

"Bucky." The area goes silent. "My name is Bucky Barnes. I have been living here for a year. I don't know who your father is. Yes I was once the winter soldier. Part of me still is. I regret the people I was forced to kill. But I did not kill your father. Think about it. How could I have been over seas and gotten back here in time?" Bucky straightens up and sweeps the area with his right arm. "Look around you. There is nothing here that can travel that fast. Y/n may be a witch but it's earth magic. Like her grandmother. She's a fucking healer! A medic! Why do you think Fenrir is with her? To protect her because she is a gentle soul! To protect her until her soulmates can do their job!" The others are shocked. Fang huffs. A bit upset over the fact that his cover got blown. But goes over to y/n and whimpers. Licking her face a little bit.

T'Challa looks over to his left arm. There is a bit of a scuff on part of it. He watches as Bucky goes back to pressing on the wound on his soulmate. The deep gashes...digging into her left shoulder. He backs away. Listening to them talk about what to do.

Bucky picks her up and takes her back inside where Tony has Jarvis up and running as Bucky brings her in. His right shoulder is screaming as he holds her but he puts that aside. Laying her down on the couch. The wound is deeper than anyone expected.

"The stuff she gave you and Tony, Buck, could that be used on her?" Bucky paused and gave a small nod.

"Not exactly that but something. Thing is it needs to be stitched though."
"Got a needle and thread?"

"Master bedroom. First aid kit in the closet." Sam bolts and Bucky tries to keep her awake.

"Don't apologize doll. You're going to be fine. We are going to stitch you up. Bandage you up and you're going to sleep this off. I know that you can survive a few tiny cuts to your left side." Y/n gives a weak chuckle. Sam comes over with the kit. Natasha lays it on the table. Surprised at how well stocked it is.

Y/n couldn't really see without her glasses on. A plague on her blood. But she still smiled. Ignoring the fact that he brushed her hair out of her face with his blood covered hand.

"Y/n. I need you to listen to me. We are going to give you a light dose of a sedative. Then Nat is going to stitch you up. Ok?"

"Yeah." Her voice is faint. "Dizzit."

"Close your eyes doll. Let us work." Bucky looks over to Sam. "I am choosing to trust you. I need you to stay by her side for me real quick."
"Do what you need to. I got her." Sam takes Buckys spot. Bending down and taking her hand in his. Offering her a small smile.

Everyone choosing to ignore the scars around her soulmark.

It takes Bucky some time to find it but the bandages are rolled up and sealed in jars. He takes one and nods. That should be enough for this. The wound wasn't long. Just deep.

Natasha is working on closing the second of the four claw marks. Y/n whimpers a tiny bit. Squeezing Sam's hand as she does so.

"It's going to be ok y/n, you're doing good. Nat is almost done. Bruce is keeping an eye on things as well."
"Bones." Bruce cracks a smile at that. Hovering a little bit out of the way. Making sure everything would be ok.

"Nat, let me take over. The last two are going to be a doozy." Nat nods and backs away letting Bruce take her spot.

"Bucky, she's going to need help after we bandage that arm. It should be immobilized as well. So the stitches don't pull." Bruce remains calm as he works.

"Understood." His voice is light.

"Bucky, you still have her blood on you. Go clean up. She will be fine." Tony talks him through it. Clint, Nat, Sam and Nick all in a different room. Bucky shakes his head.

"No. Not until I can bandage her up."
"Your hands have been gathering germs Bucky. Wash up. Then you can bandage her up and put her to bed. Fang should be able to let us know if something happens to her while she rests. Ok?" Bucky hears Tony's words as the fog increases.

A curt nod and he heads off. Cleaning himself up. Even going as far as to scrub between the plates of his left arm a bit.
True to form Bruce finishes the last tie as he comes back into the room.

Tony leaves as Bruce over sees. Watching as Bucky takes the bandage out and snipping a length off. Before layering it over its self. Doing what needs to be done. By now even he and Nick can see the scars around her soulmark.

"Her bed is set up for her." Nat speaks up. Bucky nods as the fog consumes him. Which he lets. He isn't scared of it anymore. Whatever happened in his past he had come to accept. He knows who he is.

However he is a bit surprised when he is a little bit aware of what is going on. The Soldier being careful picking her up. Trying not to move her too much. No sudden stops though he does go abnormally slow on the steps.

Winter Soldier. He supposed that Winter is his first name. Given that most of his handlers used the last name as the most common term.
The Soldier, or Winter as he's come to accept, laid y/n out on the bed making sure that her left shoulder is elevated to help with healing.

With some small encouragement from Bucky, Winter presses a light kiss to her forehead before making sure she was fully covered. As he makes to leave she gets a little fussy. A whimper coming from her. Bottom lip quivering. Looking at her shows that she looks like she is about to cry.

He goes back over to her and sits on the side of the bed. Holding her hand between both of his.

Only then did she settle.

Downstairs Tony is looking at the jar with the bandages inside it. Taking a small amount of liquid from it he has Jarvis analyze it. To say that the chemical composition was unique would be an understatement.

"I'm going to come out and say it. Everyone saw the scars around her soulmark right?" Sam is blunt as he looks around the room. Everyone nods.

"None of us knew."
"You didn't check up on her Tony?"
"I was kinda helping her with this at the moment." Tony glared at Sam. "She gave no indication of being in pain. Steve didn't pick up on anything either."

"I find that hard to believe." Natasha mutters.

"It has been said that some people have abnormally strong barriers. Given what we know about her, wouldn't that be the safest bet?"

"Only question though: why?" Everyone looks at one another. Wondering.

Chapter Text

Part of me 6

Sam is the one who goes up and checks up on them a few hours later. Y/n is more on her right side and Bucky is asleep with his arm over her side. Both of them at ease. Both of them face to face. Bucky is facing the door with his left arm over her waist. A soft look on his face. His body letting him heal in his rest.

"They are asleep." His voice is light as he makes his way back down. "What's the situation outside."
"He's still there. Hasn't left yet. In the ship though." Tony sighs. Looking at the holo screen before him.

"In short we are stuck." The team knows that this is ridiculous.

"What the hell do we focus on now? Who is the bigger issue right now?" Clint of all people speak up. "Steve is very unstable right now. From what was said some of Hydras old mind manipulation may be at play."

"No. It's not that. It's the fact that Barnes was alive and had a mind vs Cap and his transfer. So god only knows what will happen."
"That may be only one factor." Bucky comes down the steps to meet with the rest of the team. "I was already dead when she woke me. I said my goodbyes and while it was a massive asshole move doing it in my death bed I feel the better for it. Steve didn't have the luxury. He was alive and kept in a coma correct? His mind shut down while his body lived?"
"Correct. However they were to..." Nick isn't sure how to say it.

"It sounds to me that Steve wasn't really ready to give things up. To go beyond what was happening. He still had more time that he could have used to get to know her. To be satisfied with his life."

No one could deny that Bucky has a point.

Steve pulled into a pit stop in the interstate. One of the ones near a forest with a bathroom and snack machines. He didn't feel good at all. He cracked the window a bit. Turning the van off. He knows that there are emergency supplies in the back. Including a blanket and MRE's. Enough for him to live in hiding for a month if needed. Two if he pushed things. It grew nearly dawn. Steve needed time to rest and figure out his next move. So he cracked two of the windows and went to go splash some water in his face.

When he looks up at the mirror he sees someone that isn't him. Quickly he splashes his face with water again. The reflection changed. His head hurt a bit. But still. He needed to list off the things that he needed to do.

Such as take the tracker in the van off. Send SHIELD off on a wild goose chase. He isn't sure how but he knows where the tracker is. Now to just wait until he sees a car with an out of state or country license plate.

T'Challa is looking over the feed of his father's death yet again. He checked in with his mother. Saying that he needed a few days. That something came up. She relented. Saying that he needed to finish up. That she and his sister where finalizing plans for both his coronation and his fathers funeral.

Something more was happening here. T'Challa knew that he had to be careful with how he proceeded.

Making his choice T'Challa changed out of his panther suit and went to talk to the others.


Bucky smiled as he squeezed the water out of her hair. Feeling how much tension bleed from her.

"Thank you."
"No worries." Bucky just let himself enjoy running his fingers through her hair. "So soft."

"Thanks. It's going to get poofie when it fully dries." Y/n gave a soft sigh before tilting her head back a little bit. Letting him enjoy things a little bit further.

"Please excuse the interruption Miss Y/n. But you are needed in the main area of the house."
"Thanks Jarvis. Please let them know that we will be right down."

Bucky places a kiss to her cheek.

"I will let you finish getting dressed."
"Are you going to be ok being down there on your own. Even with the others?" She looks up at him. She gives him a soft smile. One that he returns.

"I think so."


Y/n is slow to exit the second floor. Trying not to move her left arm too much. She can taste the tension in the air.

"Your body guard can leave her spear outside. Given what was seen the other day you really don't need it." She looks over to the guard. Past T'Challa.

"She never leaves without it." At the kings words Fang starts snarling. Stalking forward. Growing in size.

"That's enough Fang. Simmer down." Fang goes back to normal but still snarls at the man. Y/n sighs. Taking a deep breath. Turning to T'Challa.

"Will you at the very minimum tell her to collapse it? You're already in hot water as is." T'Challa gives her a nod. The spear shrinks down and she puts it away.

"Thank you. Now fallow me. This is not a conversation for the living room." They fallow y/n to the library where there are a bunch of couches in it. It's not overly big but beautiful.

"Will you explain to me what you meant by your earlier statement?" He is calm. Trying to do this diplomatically.

"Given the current company I will remain vague as posable. I know more than the average person should know. With that being said you royally screwed up attacking me.
See while you may have your sacred land in your home country, Wakanda is it? This, the house and the land it is on, is sacred land as well. Where gods that have long since past can live and be protected. Deities that have forgotten who they are can live simply." She is none too surprised to see the slight shock on the mans face.

"My great grandmother on my father's side was a witch. Honestly it's astounding what the right set of genes can do. I am able to live here because they accepted me. The reason why Bucky wasn't attacked when he was camping on the grounds before he came to live at the house was because of them. Because he is my soulmate he is protected.

You not so much. In fact I had to stop Fang here from ripping your ship apart last night. Despite the fact that's it's made from... vibraniam?" Y/n is slow to speak. Saying the unfamiliar word out loud. Looking at him with a raised brow.

T'Challa gives a small nod.

"Vibrainium. Yes. A metal found in Africa that can nearly be indestructible."
"That's what your suit is isn't it?"
"It is."

Y/n looks at him. Reading him for a bit. Fang looks up. One by one everyone fallows the pups gaze.

On top of one of the shelves lays a panther.

"Observation only." The panther nods. Lowering its head to its paws. Tail flickering as it does so.
T'Challa suddenly had the overwhelming feeling that his life was in danger.

"Perhaps we started off on the wrong foot."
"Perhaps we did?"

It takes some time for everything to be laid out in a clear time line. The man, T'Challa speaks first. Fallowed by Bucky explaining his side of things in its entirety. At the end of the talk everyone has a headache.

"So we have this guy trying to start world war three. Just fucking great." Nick griped. Bucky left temporarily to get water and pain meds for the group.

"Whoever it is, is smart. You have to give it that." Natasha sighs. Taking the bottle from Bucky. The bottle of pain killers gets passed around.

"Looks like we know what the bigger threat is right now. Natasha, Clint and Sam should do field work while Tony and myself try to figure out who this guy is. Given that you have a personal stake in this would you want to help us?" Bucky takes over the conversation. All eyes on him.

"There is no 'we' Barnes. It's us. You're not part of it." Clint tries to convince Bucky. But Bucky only shakes his head.

"I got involved the minuet y/n stepped outside trying to talk T'Challa down. This is my home. Our home. We are not going to let anything happen to it. We don't know what this guys problem is. If he is Hydra or if it's something else. But they used my likeness to try to start a war. Isn't that what the Avengers do? Stop wars? Protect people?" Bucky looks around and meets the eyes of everyone but y/n. He can feel her heart break slightly.

Standing he goes over to her and kneels before her.

"Y/n, will you look at us?" Slowly she does so. He offers her a small smile. He places his hands on her knees. Running his thumb across.

"You know that I'm right doll. What I didn't say. What we can't voice. What we don't want to think about." He reaches up and cups her face. Knowing how upset she is.

"I am not going to waste this second chance I have with you. I want to do this. Not just for our past. But for our future." Y/n closes her eyes. Tears falling down her face. Holding his hand to her face. Not wanting to let go.

Tony and Nick knew the full backstory. The only ones who truly understood her fears. One by one they all left the room. Letting her have this with him.

Bucky presses his forehead to hers. For a split second before he let Winter take control.

"You worry for us?"
"I do. Should the worst happen I won't be by your side."
"Perhaps that is a good thing. You had been by our side once before. It nearly killed you. Should it happen again it would be an unnatural death. Not something you should see."

"I know. If I'm honest it's not fully that."
"Then tell me. What is it. Truly?"
"It's being alone again." Her words catch them off guard. "Fang is a great protector. But even with him the nights don't quite feel safe."

Her soft confession has him standing. Pulling her up and into his arms. Hugging her close. Placing a soft kiss to her head.

"The night makes you uneasy. That is it?"
"Yeah. That's it."
"Is it because it is only you?"
"Yes. I may not have grown up with siblings. But someone was always home with me."

"You dislike the feeling of being alone. Having been on the outside looking in for so long. Is this correct?"

She nods. He can feel it more than see it. Winter grows worried for her. But then he has an idea.

"May I put an idea to you little mouse?" She pulls away a little bit to look up at him.

"Ask your father to come visit. Or if the mission takes longer then a month offer the team to come to decompress."
"Or I can ask my half brother to check up on me every so often." She sighs. Winter gives her a concerned look.

"Half brother?"
"On Della's side. Met at the funeral. I don't fully trust him but I don't want to get my dad involved either." After some time Y/n sighs. Resting her head on his chest again.

"It will suck, but, I can deal. I will agree to the safe house thing. But I'm not going to involve anyone else in this. Not if I can help it." Winter is proud of her. He places a kiss on her head. Both of them at ease.

No one wants to interrupt the moment they have. Seeing for themselves what the former assassin was willing to risk for the sake of his soulmate.

"Ok. Since there is no two ways about this you lot talk details. I'll be right back." Y/n is all business. They part and she heads out.

"If you're going to be on the roster you need a name Barnes." Nick is all business. Looking over to the man in question.

"Can we get back to you on that?"

The rest of the time is them working to figure out where to start. It is much later then anyone realized when y/n comes back up with a messenger bag over her shoulder.

"Alright. I may not be in the field but I can still help out." They all look over to Y/n. She puts a small roll of leather before everyone. And even hands the general one as well.

"Sire, would you please confirm for me that this is Vibranium." She pulls a thin but sizable piece of the metal from her bag. Handing it to him. Which surprises the king.

"It is confirmed." He hands it back to her and y/n passes it around to the others.

"Now I need you to try to snap this rod." Again she pulls a sizable piece of it out. And hands it to him. He frowns and tries to bend it.

"What is this?" Tony reaches for it and has Jarvis do a comparison to it.

"It looks like a mix of Iron and Vibranium. How did you..." Tony trails off looking at her.

"You don't want to know."
"Can I see that?" Bucky takes it and tries to bend it. "Holy shit that's stiff."

Y/n unrolls the kit before her. Everyone does the same.

"From left to right they are the least dangerous to most. Starting from the right this." She slides the vial out. And gives it a little shake. Liquid swirling in the test tube.

"Is a highly corrosive acid." She pops the top and Sam hands the compound bar over to her. The rod is thin enough that it slips into the tube. Instantly dissolving.

"It only works on metal. Nothing organic." She takes three strand of hair and lowers them into the tube. The group can see that they are still stable.

Y/n goes over them all. The stink bomb, the healing ones. Enhancement for Bucky and T'Challa. The liquid pain killers for everyone. The heavy caffeine as well. All of them are thankful for her help.

Steve was out cold for a few days. Figured it was long enough to get his head on somewhat straight to form a halfway decent plan. He felt better. Not as much as he wanted to. But better nonetheless. His dreams were filled with small moments he had with Bucky. That first kiss they had after he got liberated from the camp. The pair of them virtually fucked like rabbits in the woods that night. In a bout of 'thank god you're alive' sex. Steve smiled at the memory.
Steve had ended up carrying Bucky back on his shoulder. The man utterly wrecked and unable to walk. Getting a few cat calls from some of the other men.

Steve ended up chuckling at the memory. A soft smile on his face as another dream fragment hits him.

Y/n is dressed in a beautiful dress. It's dark and matches her personality. He goes over to her and tilts her head up so he can look at her. He exchanged words with her and the pair begins to dance. Both slow since she wasn't trained. But it was enjoyable.

Steve got himself cleaned up in the bathroom.

"You alright man?" One of the truckers asked.
"Yeah. Girl kicked me out and I'm heading out for a while. Got family further down south."
"What she kick ya out for?"
"She found her soulmate."

"Damn. You got enough gas to drive?"
"I'm at an eighth of a tank. Should be able to hit the next town."
"If ya sure man."

As he drove he listened to the radio. Hearing about the diplomatic incident. How the hunt for the winter soldier was on.
Part of Steve wanted to go back to y/n to make sure that she was safe. But the larger part of him refused to. Y/n had betrayed him.

She kept the fact that she was housing an agent of Hydra secret from him. At that moment he refused to believe that she was his soulmate. That she could do something that stupid.
On the flip side part of him argued that to be old and wise you must first be young and stupid.
Steve must have forgotten that y/n was still young. In her twenties vs....

How old was he?

Did he go by his memories? Or how old his body is? He frowns again as he looks at the map again. He wasn't too far away from a town. Most of the cash in the go stash could be used for gas. As he said he could stretch food out for a bit.

Bucky has everything packed. Zipping up the bag. He closes his eyes for a moment. Mind fogging over a bit. The Soldier agreed with him that he was doing the right thing. Despite it hurting that they would be away from their heart for a while.

"Bucky?" His eyes open as he turns to look at her. "Were you two talking?"
"Yeah. We were." She smiles.

"Ok. You were still for a bit and I wanted to make sure that you were ok. Everyone is waiting." Her voice is soft and he goes over to her. Pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I wish that I didn't have to. But as long as you're out of the crosshairs I will do what is needed. I couldn't protect you before. But I sure as hell will now." Bucky presses his forehead against hers.

"Then you're going to need these." She hands him a small box. He takes it. "Don't open it yet. Open it when you get to the main road."

Y/n stands at the porch for a bit. Watching the vans go off. Glad that everyone pilled into the vans ok. Fang came over and bumped his head against her leg. She kneels down and pets him a little. Before burying her face in his fur. Calming herself.

When they hit state lines Bucky opens the box. Inside is a note.

"What was once lost has been found once again. It never felt right to me wearing them. They never belonged to me. Not really."

He takes them out by the chain. Letting the tags rest in his palm. Sam is next to him but remains silent.
Bucky smiles. Slipping them around his neck. Now he was ready.

Sargent James Barnes was back.

Series this work belongs to: