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Part 3 of SKAM8

The Same And Different

Chapter 4: Hold Your Breath (Here on Earth)


Emma and Magnus get time off, Jorge snoops, and Mia and Marti take some big steps


Relationship tags are up on this and on "and so I became a we"! I own neither those nor anything else skam or sense8!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Barking dog is hardly Britt's preferred wake up call, but it's the one she gets the morning after the party. Actually, she gets two of them, yipping and jumping around her on the bed. Britt groans and covers her eyes with a pillow briefly before rolling out of bed. She takes a minute to drink some water and run to the bathroom herself, then slides into a pair of fuzzy socks and slides. She refills the water glass, leaving it on the little table by the door while snags a light jacket. She may be staying in the yard, but Belgium isn't exactly warm this time of the year.

Bundled up properly, Britt opens the door and hustles the dogs out back. Sitting on the stoop, she sips her water while they run around the chain link-fenced yard, doing their business and inspecting for any dramatic changes since they last went out. 

Through the links in the fence, a tall-ish, blonde figure is walking rapidly past, coming from the direction of Senne's place. Britt would be a liar if she said that it was an unusual occurrence. What is somewhat surprising is the identity of the person, clear despite being hunched over. Zoe Loockx stayed the night at Senne's. Britt supposes that wherever Zoe lives can't be too far if she's willing to walk it, especially this early in the morning, but it is kind of perplexing that she wouldn't have just gone home the night before if that's the case.

(Magnus and Emma explain to her about the jacket-taking situation. Makes sense, kinda, but couldn't Zoe have just borrowed Senne's phone. As one, they all turn to look at Mia.

"Don't look at me, I was playing laser tag with the my-year boys last night," she defends.

"No parties here either," Imann says in support.)

Zoe's figure is retreating by now, and Britt whistles for the dogs. Making sure they're inside and the door is locked, she spares a thought to wonder if Zoe said anything to Senne before leaving and then goes back to bed to continue sleeping off her hangover.

This week, France and Norway are on their winter breaks, and Emma and Magnus walk to Alexia and Isaak's cabins with each other's groups. The weather is a bit nicer in France than in Norway, and the walk is longer, so they spend most of their time there. Emma doesn't really mind, more company is not a bad thing for the hike out and talking out loud takes a lot of breath. She's especially glad for hist company when a figure pops up in front of the girls, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Well, we can ask him for directions and hope he isn't a serial killer," Daphne says, pragmatically. 

Alexia is the one to step forwards. 

"So, we're looking for a house near here. we're not sure exactly where." she says.

"We've been waiting for you." says the guy.

("You'll protect me if he attacks right?"

Magnus snickers, having just gotten comfy with a spiked hot cocoa in front of the fire.

"Of course.")

"Everything is ready." the boy goes on.

"You take care of my grandmother's house?" Alexia questions.

The boy confirms it, and the girls head on their way with a warning about the electricity being a bit sketchy at the moment.

"My name is Romain," the boy adds, as they pass him.

("Poor dude is just shy," Magnus says, softening.

"Alright, alright. But he did say 'we' and not 'I' when he said the cabin was ready."

"...that is a bit creepy.")

Romain spoke the truth though, and in short order, they have arrived at Alexia's country house. Inside is nothing like Emma expected. Everything is sleek and modern, some taxidermy the only concession to the rural setting. The girls all look around, a bit awed, until Alexia shows them to their rooms. They settle in, and as night falls, gather around a roaring fire in the fireplace with candles glasses of wine.

("This is nice," Emma says, as Daphne goes on about Charles. 

Magnus, in a similar position at Isak's cabin, agrees.

"Happy break Emma," He says, hugging her.

"Happy break Magnus," she answers, squeezing back.)

Alexia's guitar playing is a nice addition to the atmosphere. Manon appears absorbed in her book-Emma doesn't know how, with Daphne going on about Charles like this-and Imane is poking around on the shelves. She finds a creepy horror movie mask and puts it on, pretending to be Romain. Obviously, hooking him up with Daphne to help her move on is a fantastic idea. Unfortunately, Alexia can't get a signal on her phone, so that goes out the window almost as soon as it appears. Manon suggests board games next, and Alexia heads to the closet to grab a few.

"Hey, Imane, do you have to wear the hijab even though it's only girls here?" Daphne asks.

Emma was wondering that herself, but she had been figuring she could just ask her own Dutch Imann at some point.

(Speaking of which, Imann has just appeared, seemingly wondering about her almost-name-twin's answer.)

"I never HAVE to wear it." Imane responds, but before Daphne can reply, Alexia returns with a ouija board.

("Those things are sooooo fake," Mia says. "The name literally comes from putting the word 'yes' from our two languages together."

"But they are fun, oui?" Emma asks, and stares at Mia until she cracks and giggles.


The topic is mostly boys, of course, and Emma asks about Yann because Alex is just a liiiitle too close to Charles for comfort. On that note, she's glad when the board suggests Romain for Daphne, and Alexia and Manon join in her "Team Romain," chant. Asking the board where Romain is instead of just waiting for Alexia to get service seems a little over the top, but hey, whatever works. 

The board says that Romain is here, and yeah, that is creepy.

There's a knock and they all jump. Manon, being Manon, starts trying to think of a logical explanation, but when the lights flicker, they all of them jump into each other's arms.

"Imane! Imane!" Daphne cries, worried, and merde, where is their other friend?

It seems as good a time as any to head off to bed, but Emma definitely has some trouble getting to sleep

Morning at the cabin dawns bright and clear, though it is hardly still morning when Jonas, Isak, Mahdi, and Magnus finally drag themselves out of bed. They go outside for a quick smoke, shivering in the cold, before hurrying back in to the warmth for breakfast. After they've eaten, everyone settles in to comfy living room chairs.

Isak, Mahdi, and Jonas pull up a round of FIFA, but Magnus isn't quite in the mood. Instead, he pulls out his laptop and looks at more sensate information. He compares what the internet says to Mia's knowledge from her BPO visit, as well as their personal experiences. It's interesting stuff. Also, he and his cluster-mates seem to be ahead of the curve on figuring out the visiting/sharing thing, and Magnus can't help but feel proud. Maybe they've been forced to since they haven't had a parent to guide them.

"What are you reading dude?" Jonas calls over.

"Just some stuff about brain chemistry?"

"Brain chemistry? What for?"

"It's interesting stuff man. And knowing more might help me help my mom."

Isak looks over at the mention of a mom with mental problems, but he doesn't say anything and it isn't any of Magnus' business until he does.

"Can that stuff get passed down?" Mahdi asks.

"Sometimes. But I'm more looking at information of different types of brain matter than the genetic aspect of it right now."

"So do you think something might be in your head?"

Magnus hesitates, not sure how much he wants to say.

"Not sure yet. You guys will be the first ones I tell though."

The boys seem content to return to their game after that, and Magnus decides not is as good a time as any to see how Emma and her girl squad are faring in Norway.

("Not. Well." Emma sighs, someone exasperated. "Daphne talked about Charles all through breakfast, and wouldn't eat when Manon offered her bread. She claims she has a gluten allergy, but all the symptoms she described were..."

"Anorexia." Mia says. "Kiki was doing the same sort of thing at the cabin last week. I'm really worried"

"Yes. Also, Alexia was finally able to contact her grandmother. She had no idea who Romain was. On top of all of that, the electricity is still out."

At that moment, Manon grabs Daphne to help cook lunch.

"Maybe she'll be able to help," Imann chimes in, joining them to get an update from Magnus on his research.

"I didn't have much luck, but I hope she will," Mia replies.)

Speaking of food, Mahdi is nudging him in Norway. Apparently lunch is ready, and the smell of roasting potatoes drifting over from France is definitely making Magnus hungry.

("Your accent is really good" Mia tells her as Imann, Isa, and Janna practice their German before class, as Engel looks on.

"Thanks. We have an exam coming up, would you mind helping me study?"

"Of course I'll help!"


Seriously though. Why can't she be the one with the week off?

Their practicing is interrupted by the arrival of Liv. The five of them spend a minute shooting the shit about the frustration of early school days and comforting Engel over the disappointing results of the fundraiser. Engel of course, is more focused on Noah.

"I'm just worried about him missing his exams," she explains.

"How do you know his exam schedule?"

"Doesn't everyone know other people's exam schedules?"

"No." Isa declares, before Imann can.

"He's definitely going to miss them if he doesn't come in tomorrow!" Engel protests.

"He has other things on his mind," Imann says.

"I know that. That's why I'm so worried."

"Who was he with when he found out?" Janna asks, "Apparently it was a girl."

Liv shifts uncomfortably.

("Damn, Liv got the short end of the stick on this one. Manon just ended up at Charles' place because of a party." Emma observes, as Tyler nods in agreement.

"Same with Noora and William," Magnus contributes.

"And Zoe and Senne" says Britt, though they knew already from witnessing Zoe's walk home.

As one, they turn to look at Mia.

"Alex is hosting a yearbook thing this weekend." Mia mumbles, barely discernible. Then, more clearly, "But I am NOT going to get stuck there.")

Engel is now trying to figure out the identity of Noah's mysterious girl. Thankfully, the class bell rings, sending them all scattering. Liv, however, stays behind to make a call. If gambling wasn't prohibited in Islam, Imann would put good money on the recipient. From the look on Isa's face, she would too.

Jorge DEFINITELY should not be snooping on this conversation ("You really shouldn't be," Magnus interjects unhelpfully) but, fuck, Marti had been so upset after the party last weekend. Jorge had joined Tyler in comforting their friend after the almost-kiss and, well, it seems like Mia is a bit behind on staying the night at Alex's. Maybe something has happened with his Cris here that will give Marti some hope. Something to look forward to at that party this weekend.

At first, he thinks that there's no point. Amira and Cris are mostly just talking about their friendship, with Amira feeling hurt and Cris contrite. He doesn't hear much, just that Cris missed some event that was important to Amira. Her birthday maybe? Something along those lines. She claims she was just working on a project, but Jorge can see that Amira isn't really buying it. Being Amira, of course, she doesn't let it slide, just calls Cris on her BS.

"It just all sounds like excuses, girl," she says to the tall blonde, "like you're looking for reasons not to hang out with me any more. Which is fine, if you don't. But tell me that!"

"That isn't is at all!" Cris protests, as Jorge follows them down the hall.

"But it seems pretty obvious that it is! You never come to see me, you barely even talk to me. You used to tell me everything, and now...nada."

"It isn't that, I swear! We're still friends! Like always!"

They're out in the open now, and Jorge is worried he'll have to find a hiding place, but the girls seem pretty focused on each other.

"Admit it Cris! It has been so awkward lately, and you've been avoiding me."

There's nothing but silence, and Jorge is beginning to lose hope.

"Look at me Cris. Why don't you trust me anymore?"

"I do trust you," Cris replies, and Jorge can hear the catch in her voice from here.

"That's not true," Amira answers.

"Amira, wait."

Amira turns, and Cris' words come rushing out.

"I like someone. A girl. We kissed on Saturday and...and I didn't know how to tell you. I've been so confused and scared and I know that Muslims do horrible things to gay people and...and...and you were having that whole conversation with my mom about tradition and family and...and you're laughing."

"Oh Cris," says Amira, "You can't believe everything you read on twitter. Islam is about love; it teaches me not to judge anyone for who they are. People who use it as an excuse for bigotry...that is them being cruel, not the religion. As for what I said to your mom, I just wanted to win her over, not to scare you. And besides. No one is gonna stop me from being your friend."

(In Italy, Sana is telling Marti much the same about Islam. He feels marginally better, especially hearing it from two sources. And, of course, hearing that Cris and her crush kissed doesn't hurt.)

"Are you sure?" Cris asks Amira.


"OK, but don't tell anyone. Not even the girls."

"Of course not. But I want a picture!"

Jorge leaves them to it.

(Marti lets out a gasp of relief. Sana gives him an odd look, so he tells he's doing breathing exercises before they record. She doesn't seem to fully believe him, but lets it go.)

Friday night, Tyler goes to the fundraiser party with Shay, her beard-yeah, yeah, his name is Nic, but really-Marlon, and Marlon's new girl-yes he should know her name, but there's gonna be another one soon so what's the point. It sucks a little, being the only single person. However, the band is getting more and more well known, so he has plenty of people to talk to and he's pretty sure that one of the guys is someone he saw on grindr the other day.

He's back with Shay and Nic when Megan comes stumbling over. She's waaaay too drunk for so early in the night. Unfortunately, that seems to be becoming her regular routine. He's not sure quite what to do, but there's no harm being done to anyone but herself really. That is, until she puts her arms around Shay's shoulders and plants a firm but sloppy kiss on the other girl's lips. Now there's a problem.

"Okay, get off her," he says, stepping between them to push Megan back. "Look, I know you're feeling psycho right now but leave Shay alone." Tyler continues, moving himself in front of his bandmate.

Thankfully, Kelsey and Grace have rushed over, and Kelsey is holding Megan and walking her away. Grace, however, looks like she's gearing up for a fight. Tyler is Not In The Mood. He gets it-there's shit going on with everyone (even if all the hubbub in France was just Alexia and her Imane playing a prank,) but Megan knew-knows-how Shay felt about her. Kissing her drunk at a party is just messed up and manipulative.

"Tell her to leave my friends alone," he says to Grace, shooing them off with a wave of his hand.

"Ok, well, you leave us alone," She replies.

Tyler wants to point out that he's not the one who went stumbling across the party just to slobber all over someone in a pretty precarious mental state, but Grace is already gone, following Megan and Kelsey. She peels off soon though, and Tyler shoots one last glare her way in case she's coming back. Instead, Grace is moving towards the bathrooms. Also, in the direction of Daniel, but that isn't any of his business.

Not his business when Daniel himself strides through the party and out the door a couple of moments later.

Not his business when Grace follows, practically sprinting.

Mia must admit, she's spent a decently large portion of her Friday plotting how to Not Get Stuck at Alex's. Don't get her wrong she's rather not go at all ("suuuuuuure," Britt and Tyler comment, in unison,) but she isn't one to let her friends down. The point is reinforced when Hanna texts as she's brushing her teeth, asking for an ETA.

"On my way!" Mia replies.

The next text is from Alex, saying he has a toothbrush for her. She can't help the brief smile, before reminding herself that she isn't going to need it. No way. She leaves the apartment. 

Her keys, she realizes, are still inside but her phone is charged, and Lynn may be with her parents tonight but Hans will be home around midnight. She texts him to double check as she heads downstairs, and he replies in the affirmative. 

They all go through the comments that have been made about them for the yearbook, and though she sticks to her guns about not crossing any of her own comments out, she has to admit Leonie has a point. Chasing down everyone in the class would be a pain. Alex, of course, is the one to come up with a solution, a compromise. Give everyone two weeks to look over the comments. If they don't take advantage, they're SOL. Leonie has just agreed to the new plan when the doorbell rings announcing pizza delivery, and since Mia had been the last one to go anyways, The meeting turns into a low-key party. It is fun, Mia admits. everyone seems to be getting along well; there's plenty of pizza, beer, and good music to go around.

She goes to the bathroom (and okay, maybe lets Britt and Emma convince her to snoop a little,) but as she's finishing up, she gets a text from Hans announcing 1AM as his new expected return time.


Leonie, Amira, and Hanna are the only ones still there when she gets out of the bathroom, and all three of them have plans. Double fuck. The door closes behind them, and then its just her and Alex in the  big, sparse apartment. Surprisingly enough, he seems as awkward as her. The other bathroom door opens, revealing another committee member, and then he too is gone, Alex smiling after him rather fondly. They both chuckle.

"And you?" He asks.

"I left my keys at home, and my roommate won't be home until one. I'll go to a movie or something to kill the time though."

"I can drive you home after I clean up,"

"I told you I'm not going to let you drive me anywhere,"

"I can call my chauffeur,"

She stares at him.

"Does he really have a chauffeur? Is he really that rich? No. Maybe?" He says, narrating her thoughts. Its a mock, but a gentle one.

("Judging by this apartment, I'm going with yes," Britt observes)

"I'm making cocoa," he declares-half an invitation, and then "I'm out of milk. Do you like rosehip tea?


Mia wanders around the apartment a bit. It is stunning, she'll give him that one. The mural on the wall is fantastic.

"This is a condo right?" she asks, trying to fill the silence.

"Mmmhmm. It was my sister's. Do you take milk?"

"Yes. What's this?" she asks.

"Nothing," he answers.

It isn't nothing. Its an upright piano.

(Faint rap music in Italian is playing in her head. Nico certainly makes a very handsome dracula, sitting on a stool on the other side of Emma Covitti and Maddalena.)

"Do you play?" she asks Alex "Or is it here to impress girls?"

"No," he says, to both, she assumes. 

She sits down at the bench. The motions of opening up the piano are familiar, and she does so without thinking as she speaks.

"Seriously though. Why are you so nice all of a sudden?"

"Can you play?" he asks. A question for a question. Typical. In the dim light leaking in from the hallway, Alex is handsome too. Well. She's never denied that bit.

"Of course." She tells him, though she hasn't in a bit.


(Imann echoes him, then says "You and Liv and Tyler could all work together." 

Tyler is busy comforting Shay, but he agrees.)


"Don't lie."

"Why would I?"

"To make fun of me."

"I can play."

"Do it then."

"I don't feel like it," she says, even though she does, wouldn't have started this if she didn't.

She's not sure how she convinces him to pay 50 euros for it

("Because he adores you," Britt says.

"He adores me," Marti says, a hope, as he and Nico talk while the girls are in the bathroom.)

She starts with some children's songs, to warm up as well as to bust Alex. When he runs out of patience...

She thinks for a second, puts her hands on the keys, and her fingers play Prokofiev's "Romeo and Juliet" without her permission.

And then she has nowhere to stay because Hans met some guy, and then she has too many places to stay because Hans' one night stand was a bust and Hanna says of course Mia can come over and all in a rush she realizes why the others got stuck. They didn't. They wanted to stay and so does she, so she pays him his 50 Euros back for a stay at "Hotel Hardenberg," and doesn't make him sleep on the floor. He sees the texts from Hanna and Hans, but he doesn't say anything besides "Good night Mia," and she's glad she did.

("He looks lovely shirtless" is her last thought before bed, and she didn't look but she's sneakily glad Britt did.)

Marti feels like he's flying, riding on the back of Nico's bike. Tonight is the night, he knows it, (really does thanks to Jorge's spying,) and since he does, he can relax and enjoy the journey there. Their costumes are billowing behind them in the cool Roman night, and the lights of the eternal city are glowing. Nico brings them to some old building, and they break in by squeezing through the partially-lifted gate. It doesn't really matter where they are, Marti realizes as they make there way through the building. He would follow the older boy anywhere. 

They wander through the basement until they pop out at a massive, Olympic-sized pool.

"Did I mention I was a water polo champion as a child?" Nico asks.


"I used to come here every day"

"Look, I don't want to be a Debbie Downer and tell you that we're going to get caught, but I'm pretty sure they can," (and while usually Marti is grateful for Magnus' pragmatism, he does NOT appreciate that,)

"I used to come here all the time at night. We even threw a whole team party once. The guard is super deaf."

That makes everyone, Marti included, feel better. The joking around makes him feel less nervous as he sheds his layers, and then they're hurling each other into the pool and Marti has just enough time to take a breath before they're in. Its a childish discussion-who can hold their breath longer- but Nico is drawing closer and closer in the lapping water and Marti needs-a breath, so to speak. 

The count off together.




And then its just him and Nico, Nico and him. They're facing each other beneath the surface, hair billowing in clouds around them. Marti floats, and Nico reaches out in quick little jabs. Marti doesn't stop him, just savors the contact. And then Nico surges forward and kisses him, the quickest brush of lips ever to take Marti's breath away and so he surfaces. Nico follows, grinning.

"You lost," Nico says, and no, Marti thinks, he didn't, but he keeps the game going anyways.

"What? I lost because you cheated!"



"You think there are rules down here?"

"Of course! I want revenge!"


"Yes, rematch. And you can't touch me," Marti says, knowing as he does that its the furthest thing from the truth.

"Ok," Nico agrees, even though Marti is pretty sure he feels the same.




They're barely down when Marti kisses him, wrapping his arms around Nico as the other boy does the same. They float there, overhead light glowing like a yellow sun through the water, kissing. When they do come up, a beautiful forever later, they're both panting and smiling and Nico cups his head and kisses him again and this...this is where he belongs. With Nico. Kissing him, touching him, being with-

"What the fuck are you doing?" says a voice from the doorway, and they scramble out of the pool, clothes, can't forget clothes, out through the creepy basement

-"Thought he was deaf?"

"I haven't been here in a decade!"-

to the bike and then back to Marti's apartment, blessedly dark, Filo is probably partying. 

"Stay," he says to Nico, not wanting the night to end.

"I  will," says Nico, and kisses him.





Whew! Not gonna lie writing this sometimes feels like that spiderman scene where he's trying to hold the barge together lol, but I think we're getting through it alright all things considered. Shout out to all of my commentators for the encouragement!
Question: should I make the character chart the first "story" in the series, or leave it at the end? Let me know what would be easiest :)
Hope you guys are doing ok in quarantine, feel free to reach out if you need an ear to bend and I'll see you next time!