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Mischief and Chaos || Loki x male reader

Chapter 2: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

      People chatted and laughed in a large ballroom-like area, glasses of wine or champagne in their hands and held in a way that could only be described as fancy.

      The Schäfer Science Gala.

      Yet most were only there for hedonistic reasons. For alcohol, money ー it didn't matter what it was, it was just shallow and empty desire.

      But one stood out from most.

      A young man, early 20s, smiled and mingled with said people, his charm wooing any who interacted with him.

      E/c eyes with subtle liner, h/t locks of a h/c that ended (wherever), s/c skin, naturally l/c lips with a light gloss to them, and natural brows.

      His outfit only added to his charismatic words and androgynous features. Simple, yet elegant.

      A smooth white shirt and buttoned up fully to support the graceful black bow tie he's wearing. On top, a suit jacket tailored perfectly and hugging his waist with a handkerchief neatly tucked in the left breast pocket.

      Pants were black and heel-like shoes the same colour, nicely polished.

      Accessories were a lovely touch. Thin framed circular sunglasses resting on top of his head for style, lobe and helix piercings, black painted fingernails with white on the ring digits, and a simple sleek watch on his left wrist.

      I know what you're thinking. Fruity.

      But no one seemed to have any problem.

      "Und dann sagte ich: 'Likör? Ich kenne sie kaum!' (And then I said: 'Liquor? I hardly know her!')" He spoke before sipping the champagne in his right hand, earning boisterous laughter from various rich women and men. It really wasn't that funny to him, since it was a simple American joke, but they seemed to like it well enough.

      A large, more bottom heavy man clapped a hand on his back, which earned a soft 'oof' from the younger man, a grin on his lips. "Funny, this one is, ja?" He asked with his thick German accent, earning nods and words of agreement.

      The young man smiled, his pearly whites showing just a tad. He wasn't much of a teeth smiler. "You're all too kind," he replied as he put his free hand on his chest. He looked at his watch as it let out a small beep, making his happy expression relax into a calm, collected one.

      "Excuse me, my friends."

      He turned and began making his way to the nearby stairs, drinking the rest of his champagne in one shot and smoothly placing it onto a waiter's tray as they walked past.

      He walked swiftly up the steps, not too quickly as to not draw attention. He stopped on the balcony-like area above the ballroom, subtly hiding behind a pillar.

      He put his right hand to his ear, holding an earpiece to the shell. "L/n here. Any updates from your end?" He questioned, glancing back down at the area filled with fancy patrons with his back pressed against the cool, hard surface.

      "Not yet, but Loki's definitely in the building. Cameras spotted him entering," a woman's voice replied, making 'L/n' sigh in slight frustration. "What about you?"

      "Nothing yet. 'Just been mingling with a few people. Anything to not die from boredom..." L/n said back, his voice full of disinterest as he checked his fingernails.

      At least they weren't chipped yet.

      "C'mon, it can't be that bad," she commented, a hint of amusement in her voice.

      His brows furrowed, his right hand moving to rest on his hip. He gave a fake gasp, mouth slightly agape in offense.

      "Easy for you to say Romanoff! You get to fly around in a badass jet!" He whisper-yelled with a slight pout, being sure to keep his voice low as possible no matter how frustrated and jealous he was. "I'm starting to think S.H.I.E.L.D. likes you better.. You're so luckyyy..."

      He wanted to be the one with the big jet. Sure, he couldn't fly it, but that's what autopilot's for, right..?

      He could hear her chuckle at him, making the corners of his lips pull down a bit further.

      How mean.

      Romanoff sighed. "Sure. Lucky."

      He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he leaned his upper back against the pillar. It was all so boring. He wished he could shoot some stuff already. But he wasn't allowed to without permission because of last time...


      L/n and a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent were in the outdoor training area, weapons on a table in front of him and wooden target dummies far back.

      "Alright, just goggle up, pick a weapon of your choice, and aim." The agent motioned to the table with their right hand, the other on their hip.

      L/n nodded, an excited look in his dark eyes. He put on a pair of goggles, adjusting the strap so it wasn't loose.

      He was so excited. He'd been wanting to do this so much. He kept bugging Fury, and after soooo long, he cracked and let him.

      He didn't even think twice before grabbing a LITERAL rocket launcher and aiming for the dummies, one eye shutting to focus.

      The agent shouted and reached out, grabbing hold of it and pulling towards themselves, "What the hell do you think you're doing?? I meant a gun or a knife ー not a goddamn launcher!!"

      L/n pulled it back in his direction, his brows furrowing and eyes widening. "Hey! You said any! Why even put it there in the first place if I'm not supposed to use it?" Frustration bubbled inside him.

      They yanked back and forth, arguing about the weapon.

      "Put it back!"



      "I. said. NO!!"

      L/n adjusted his grip as he pulled as hard as he could, his finger accidentally slipping onto the triggerー



      The gaping hole in the cafeteria took weeks to fix. Fury chewed him out good. He couldn't go on missions for a month. He was stuck with janitorial jobs at S.H.I.E.L.D. And it wasn't even all his fault... Damn that good-for-nothing, tattletale-ing agent.

      The sounds of screaming broke him out of his thoughts. What the... He quickly crouched and peeked around the column through the bars of the marble railing, eyes surveying the current situation happening in the lower area.

      A tall, dark-haired man held another man down on a marble table, shoving an object in his eye, making the man writhe in pain. It didn't look good.

      L/n picked his sunglasses off of his head, slipping them on as his left hand rested on one of the small railing bars. He lightly tapped the side of the lens twice with two fingers, a screen appearing in his vision before it zoomed in closer towards the scene as everyone screamed and ran out.

      It was definitely Loki. He'd never seen him personally, but he fit the given description to a T. Slender form, pale skin, long black hair ー looked just like the man down there. His lenses zoomed in on his face, snapping a few pics. The sick smile that formed on the God's lips when looking up at the scared crowd gave him the creeps.

      He shuddered. Yup. Creepy.

      He zoomed in on the man he held down and snapped some more, scanning his facial features and sending it to the S.H.I.E.L.D. database.

      Heinrich Schäfer. Nuclear scientist of the Schäfer Institute.

      L/n's eyes narrowed, eyes shifting to focus on Loki once again. What would he get out of killing him..?

      As Loki moved to exit the building, L/n stood up from his position, swiftly moving to follow him from afar.


      Loki transformed his clothing while slowly walking out, shifting from the suit he wore, into his Asgardian armor. Golden horns materialised from his head, spreading into a helm, while his staff turned into a sceptre.

      A police car drove down the street as people ran, to which Loki, without any hesitation, blasted the car and flipped it over.

      An illusion of him appeared, blocking one crowd. "Kneel before me."

      The crowd ran the other way, yet another materialised, then another, then several more. They rose their sceptres, encircling the crowd.

      "I said," The original God began, his voice low at first. "KNEEL!"

      After hearing the God's shouted command, they all became stopped and became quiet, kneeling down in front of him in fear. They were afraid of the man before them. He'd done things they've never seen before.

      He smiled and let out a breathy chuckle, pleased with how they obeyed just how he wanted. Perfect. He opened his arms, looking around the kneeling crowd.

      "Is not this simpler?" He spoke, his tone in a way that showed that it was rhetorical. "Is this not your natural state?"

      He walked around a bit, sceptre in hand.

      "It's the unspoken truth of humanity ー that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity."

      He looked at the mortals, looking at them like they were beneath him. Which, they quite literally were in their current position...

      "You were made to be ruled." He smiled almost cruelly, gesturing towards them while walking slowly. "In the end.. you will always kneel."

      As he finished, an older man stood up, turning towards Loki. He kept eye contact, standing his ground. "Not to men like you," he stated, rebelling against the God.

      Loki laughed breathily, an open-mouth smile forming on his lips. "There are no men like me," he replied, lowering his arms slowly. He thought him to be foolish. Why would he stand? Was he asking for death?

      The old man didn't flinch nor cower. He was calm and firm. "There are always men like you."

      How disappointingly naive for a man his age. Loki raised his sceptre, staring down the mortal. "Look to your elder, people," he began, pointing the tip towards him. "Let him be an example." The sceptre glowed blue, charging up with energy.

      Spectators watched in awe and shock, unable to move out of fear as the old man's eyes widened. Pity.

      Just as Loki fired, a familiar man dove in and blocked the blast with a shield, sending it back and knocking Loki down.

      Captain America. Damn.

      He slowly rose as Loki looked up, lifting himself up with his hands. "You know, the last time I was in Germany, and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing," Cap spoke, taking a few steps forward as the people around him stared in awe.

      Loki stood on one knee, his jaw tense. "The soldier," he spoke as he used his sceptre to stand fully, a chuckle leaving his lips. "The man out of time."

      "I'm not the one who's out of time."

      The low hum of an aircraft caught Loki's attention, the Quinjet arriving and hovering over the scene.

      "Loki, drop the weapon and stand down," Agent Romanoff's voice spoke on the PA, loading a machine gun on the jet.

      Loki swiftly sent another blast, this time towards the large flying machine. Luckily, the agent was able to maneuver it just in time to dodge, while Cap flung his shield at Loki.

      The crowd scattered as they fought it out, punching and dodging attacks.

      L/n, who was hiding behind the front entrance the entire time, ran out while one hand unbuttoned his suit, reaching inside to grab the gun in his holster. He ducked behind one of the concrete trash bin, holding the weapon close.

      Romanoff spoke through her headset, mostly mumbling to herself. "The guy's all over the place.."

      L/n pressed the earpiece, activating his mic. "Pleaasee tell me I can shoot now?" He whined, the urge to fire just itching to be scratched. He looked back at Cap and Loki, watching as the star-spangled man threw his shield.

      She sighed, making his expression hopeful. "...Fine. But don't go to crazyー"

      "Too late!"

      He jumped out from behind the bin, recklessly pulling the trigger multiple times while aiming at Loki while he cackled.

      Talk about trigger happy...

      Loki's eyes widened and he dodged, giving Cap the chance to throw a kick his way. He groaned, clutching his lower abdomen as he glared at the one who shot. Who was this fool? Was he insane?

      "Y/n!" Romanoff shouted into the mic, her voice mix of worry and irritation. She was mostly pissed off. Dumbass.

      He kept firing at Loki, aiming for his feet. "Dance! Dance! Ahahaha!!" His bullets made Loki jump and dodge, further amusing the young agent.

      But, soon the bullets ran out, making him frown in disappointment as he let out a small 'aw'. He tossed the gun before taking out a small knife, running at the God.

      He swung and kicked, managing to hit the man in the face with the end of his knife handle. One look from him made him realise he fucked up. "Oh shitー"

      He grunted in pain as Loki swung his sceptre, hitting the side of his head harshly as he fell back and his eyes shut. Son of fuck, that hurt. He opened his eyes to see the sharp end of the spear was pointed towards him, inches away from his face.

      "Kneel." He commanded, his jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed.

      L/n's eyes subtly flickered between his face and his legs before smirking, his own eyes narrowing back. "As if." He shoved his foot into his legs, making him fall over as he reached for the sceptre.

      Loki growled as he reached for it too, the both of them standing as they yanked it back and forth.

      This felt oddly familiar...

      "Give it back, you insolent fool!"



      "I. said. NO!!"

      A blast came from the sceptre, shooting directly at Cap before he used his shield and repelled it.

      L/n's eyes widened before they were hit with the energy, causing Loki to slide back steady on his feet, and L/n to fly back not-so gracefully and land on his back the opposite way.

      The young man looked up at the sky as he skid back, the breath in his lungs knocked out of him. "Fuuckkk..." He was sure he scraped the skin off his entire back as he felt it sting, grimacing at the sensation.

      All of a sudden, the Quinjet blasted the sounds of music, starting low before picking up volume. Oh fuck.

      "Agent Romanoff. You miss me?" Both Romanoff and L/n heard in their ears, making the latter raise a brow.

      They all looked up to see the one and only Iron Man flying down and sending a blast towards Loki, making him fly back and land on the small steps with a loud groan.

      L/n sat up immediately, his heart oddly racing at the sound. That was kinda... He winced at the feeling, instantly regretting with how fucked up his back was.

      No time to be gay.

      Iron Man landed in front of the God with a light thunk, pointing weapons at him. "Make your move, Reindeer Games," he spoke as Cap and L/n walked behind him, Cap more calm and L/n more spent while his hand rested on his bleeding temple.

      Loki realised just how outnumbered he was. It was almost humiliating... He slowly brought his hands up, his armor dematerialising into regular Asgardian clothing. Might as well cooperate.

      Iron Man deactivated his weapons, setting his arms back down as his suit clicked. "Good move."

      The three men stood, the two fighting out of breath. Damn, that was one hell of a fight. ...Mostly by Cap.

      "Mr. Stark," Cap said in acknowledgement.


      They both turned to L/n, who was panting softly with his hands on his hips. They had no idea who this guy was. He looked up towards them, glancing between the two.

      "Gentlemen." He gave a short dip of his head, his expression turning nonchalant. Nice.


      The four men, plus Romanoff and a copilot who were sitting down, stood in the Quinjet, the cockpit uncomfortably quiet.

      At least for Y/n.

      He was forced by Natasha to sit across from the currently buckled up Loki, all alone in the corner. He felt like a punished little kid as he glared daggers into the floor. If looks could kill, the floor would have a gaping hole in it.

      His light make up was a bit smudged from sweat, a small gash on his left temple that had a bundle of dried blood sitting on top. And he swore his back was covered in blood under his suit. Other than that, he didn't look that bad.

      "Stupid Nat. 'Can't tell me what to do..." He muttered to himself with crossed arms, mumbling a few incoherent words afterwards under his breath. He was upset. But he didn't regret what he did. It felt so awesome shooting up a literal God.

      Speaking of which, he felt said God staring at him. He stopped his glaring and looked up, blinking at him calmly without a word.

      Loki just narrowed his eyes at him, looking at him with disdain. Like he was lower than him. Like the scum you find at the bottom of your shoe.

      Y/n didn't seem fazed, so they both just ended up staring at each other, waiting for the other to look away.

      The younger man traced his features with his eyes, getting a better look at him now that he was up close. His jawline and cheekbones were sharp, his nose straight, and his eyes piercing. He was pretty handsome, if he were to honest. Evil, but handsome. But his thoughts paused for one moment.

      His eyes were blue. A light, icy blue. He squinted as he leaned forward a bit, staring deeper into him. What the...

      He could've sworn the description said green and not blue.

      Loki's brows raised slightly as the agent leaned forward, surprising him just a bit. Though he masked it with a look of indifference. Why was he staring so much? Was there something on his face? Or was it just an odd mortal thing...?

      A loud bang of thunder broke the entire crew out of their conversations and thoughts, causing them to look up a bit or out the window.

      "Where is this coming from?" Natasha questioned, looking up at the thunderous sky. Lightning was beginning to strike in the clouds as well.

      Loki peered up with his lips slightly parted, almost anxiously. It couldn't be...

      Y/n was the first to notice. What was up with him? He seemed almost... scared.

      Steve looked to Loki, a brow raised just slightly. "What's the matter? 'Scared of a little lightning?"

      "I'm not overly fond of what follows.." The God replied, glancing up a second time.

      The sound of thunder increased before a loud thud hit the jet, shaking the whole machine. Everyone jolted, and Y/n almost fell over with how much blood he lost.

      "Oh, fuck me..." He held his head in his hands, feeling a headache forming from all the stress from today.

      The two Avengers suited up, getting ready for battle as Nat steadied the jet. Tony opened the hatch, watching it slowly open.

      "What are you doing?" Steve shouted over the sounds of the storm.

      A tall, well built form appeared from the other side, standing up from his crouched position. He didn't look too happy.

      Y/n looked up and blinked, squinting at the man. "What the fuー"

      Tony charged his blaster before the man hit him with a rather large hammer, sending him backwards with a heavy clank.

      Y/n's brows raised. Oh. Well, shit. It's the fucking thunder God.

      Thor turned towards Loki and grabbed him by the neck, swinging his hammer before flying off.

      Y/n's eyes widened in awe, standing to his feet. That was so damn awesome. He turned towards the two men, staring dumbly.

      "...Did you guys see that?"


3,291 words above

Fuck yeah I finished 🙏🙏 I usually suck at writing, but I hope this wasn't ass. Btw, read the A/N if you haven't. I also made Y/n androgynous so the face is pretty neutral for readers. This fic sadly isn't really for transmen specifically, but it still can be if you want it to. Anygay, stay fruity ^w^ <3

Posted 5/14/24